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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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1) Princess has asked for a DOCTORS letter! :eek:


I thought this was in violation of ADA and cruise ships did fall under ADA when departing US ports. Is this not accurate? I did get one but I HATE having to explain all my medical issues with some clerk and having my private information faxed all over.



Yes, that is a violation of the ADA. Did you try explaining that to them? Is Princess the cruiseline that doesn't have a Special Needs desk? If so, just keep going up the chain. Try having them do a three-way call to the ADA Hotline with you. If that doesn't work, contact the DOJ yourself, but do be aware that it is not a quick process, so may not help depending on how soon your cruise is.


I don't want to make a big deal out of it and am tempted to just send the letter and "make nice" but then it ticks me off and I think, maybe I should call DOJ. :mad:


How would you handle it?



Princess has no right to know your legally confidential medical information. Just like they have no right to know any non-disabled person's medical information. (The info. includes medical history, doctor info., etc.)



1. Are you disabled?

2. Is this your service dog?

3. What tasks has he been trained to do that mitigate your disability?


2) Princess wants a fax of her International Health Certificate now. But my understanding is Mexico needs them to be current within 7 days of the cruise.


How should I handle that?



Mexico's laws state the certificate should be within 72 hours before the start of travel. So, you will not have that certificate until within a few days of the cruise. Tell Princess that, as they may not be aware of Mexico's guidelines.



BTW, at first I was told I could not bring my service dog because there were already 25 dogs booked and they had a "capacity". But then several supervisors up the chain saw the notation in my booking months and months ago that I had a service dog. So then she asked to fax in all this documentation ASAP.


That is interesting. Unless it is for safety reasons, which they should explain to you, they cannot put a limit on the number of service dogs. It sounds like you are going on the same cruise as some type of service dog convention/seminar/get-together. Have you tried Googling for information on which group it is, using your ship name and date? How funny that you would happen to be on that ship of all ships and dates! :)


I have cruised before getting my SD. Last time we cruised I was partnered with her, but did not bring her. I was miserable the whole time. :(


I felt like my family was babysitting me and I had no independence.



I can understand that. I'm glad you are bringing her this time!


Forgive me for if I am repeating questions on the post. I did start at the beginning of the thread but only got to page 7 and figured I better skip to more recent information or experiences.


I love this thread and all the travel tips I have learned from you.



What, is this a long thread of many, many pages?!?! :p Yeah, I guess we have had quite the discussion here! Glad you have gotten some tips and all.


Have you travelled with your SD before?


Do keep us updated on what happens with Princess - and what you find out about the potential SD group onboard!

Thanks for any and all suggestions or help you can give me.

Also, are you sure they asked for the health certificate and not, say, the rabies certificate? That is something you can fax now (but should also bring a copy with you to the ship, as the ship doesn't always get the faxes/info. from shore).

You may want to tell them what IS allowed. They are allowed to ask three questions - you may want to fax them those questions with your answers to them. (They also may have a medical form for you to fill out and fax back.)

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Hey, I Googled and found out about what I assume is your cruise! There is a travel company that put together a Guide Dog cruise - Mexican Riviera, November 10-20, 2008, Star Princess. http://dimensionsintravel.ensembletravel.com/filemgmt_data/files/guide_dog_cruise_mexico_11_10_08.pdf



Also - wanted to add to my post above that perhaps Princess is asking for proof of your dog's vaccinations/titers, not the health certificate. Royal Caribbean asked me for such, so I faxed in my SD's rabies certificate and the results of her most recent titer test. They're going to have such info. when you get on the ship with the health certificate, so I figured it wasn't a big deal to fax them in (I keep copies of all our vet work, so already had the paperwork).

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Quam: thank you so much for your reply and reassurance. I think I was just totally overwhelmed (we are in the middle of selling our house, building another and moving out of my familiar community). :confused:

Once I read your post and calmed myself down, I wrote a letter and will fax it tomorrow to Princess with all the requirements except the International Health Certificate. This is how I addressed that issue:


"2) As you know, Mexico requires the International Health Certificate to be issues just days prior to the cruise, so I will not be able to fax it to you two full weeks prior to departure. I will, however, fax it to you as soon as we get it. We will also carry all Bailey's documentation on-board. In the meantime, attached is her vaccination records and recent veterinarian physical report clearing her to work. ";)


Thanks too, for posting the link to the TA that is hosting the guide dogs. I will contact them as well and let them know that I will also be bringing my SD, hopefully I can have off-leash time with the other dogs.

I can't tell you how helpful this thread has been. Looking forward to sharing experiences with other SD partners!

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Wow, yeah, you are definitely under stress!!! I hope all goes well for you! :)


Hopefully Princess will realize their mistakes in asking you for the things they asked for and respond appropriately.


That would be great if the guide dog group lets you spend some doggy playtime with their dogs! I hope you get a positive response from them.


Remember whenever you come across a guide dog team (both on your cruise and in daily life) to let them know that you have a service dog near their guide dog, just so they'll know and be able to keep their dog from distraction. The same goes for anybody with a pet - please let guide dog teams know you have a pet near them, as they very well may not be able to see that your dog is there.


Also remember, for the cruise, to have fun!!! :)

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Thanks for the reminder, sometimes we are so focused on our dog and their behavior, we forget the needs of other handlers :o

I have had the chance to go go back and read a few more pages of this thread, I love when people share tips and recommendations for toys or websites. Keep them coming!

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I could share a billion doggy Web sites with ya, LOL.


If you don't already know, there is a 20% discount for service dogs from PetFoodDirect.com. Contact them for the info. (I'm not going to post how to get it on a public forum, of course).


If your dog likes to chase or play fetch, a few pages ago or so I posted about a new toy that came out. It is called Ring Zinger. I forget the Web site, but you can find it via Google (or I think I posted it a few pages ago). It is a rubber ring that you throw via a device similar to those tennis ball throwers. The ring flies through the air a bit and then lands on the ground and rolls and hops for a long time. It is pretty neat!


For cute collars, a store I like is Muttropolis.com. That's where my girl's current collar - light pink with glittery purple butterflies - is from.


For car safety, the car harness we use is from Champion K-9, ChampK-9.com. It is an actual safety harness, not just a restraint that isn't made to protect a dog in a crash like most others on the market.


And, of course, PetEdge.com is a great place with good prices.

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Thanks again Quam, I just ordered the ring zinger. It looks like something she would really like.

I am aware of the SD discounts. Thanks.



Bailey is an aggressive chewer. One thing I got her that she loves and is so flexible is called the Chewber (google it).

We use it for a toy and a dish when traveling. :)


I will let you know how she likes the ring zinger, it should ship in 3-5 days.

So who is the next to sail on this thread?

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Thanks again Quam, I just ordered the ring zinger. It looks like something she would really like.

I am aware of the SD discounts. Thanks.



Bailey is an aggressive chewer. One thing I got her that she loves and is so flexible is called the Chewber (google it).

We use it for a toy and a dish when traveling. :)


I will let you know how she likes the ring zinger, it should ship in 3-5 days.

So who is the next to sail on this thread?



Hi it is good to see you on the board. I haven't written much lately but I do read every day. I see from your picture that Baily is a small SD He is so cute. What kind of dog is she. I have a 10 pound Japanese Chin. There is another lady here from Canada that has a very small poodle for a SD. Do you have problems with people not believing that he is a SD because he is small? I do ALL of the time. She is a medical response dog and they don't have to be big.


I just thought I'd say hello and welcom to our thread.


Here is a picture of Valentine and me in Grand Turk. She is in her travel bag because when I try to walk her everyone steps on her. She has already had 1 bad experience that way and 1 bad leg so I let her ride. She and I do fine as long as she reminds me that she needs to check me out . I tell her she is an alful pushy nurse. LOL



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Hi it is good to see you on the board. I haven't written much lately but I do read every day. I see from your picture that Baily is a small SD He is so cute. What kind of dog is she. I have a 10 pound Japanese Chin. There is another lady here from Canada that has a very small poodle for a SD. Do you have problems with people not believing that he is a SD because he is small? I do ALL of the time. She is a medical response dog and they don't have to be big.


I just thought I'd say hello and welcom to our thread.


Here is a picture of Valentine and me in Grand Turk. She is in her travel bag because when I try to walk her everyone steps on her. She has already had 1 bad experience that way and 1 bad leg so I let her ride. She and I do fine as long as she reminds me that she needs to check me out . I tell her she is an alful pushy nurse. LOL




Thanks for the welcome, Barbara. I am glad you told me she was in her travel bag and not big and blue, LOL.


Acutally Bailey is bigger now. In my avitar picture she was still in training and still growing. Bailey is a Whippet. She weighs 25 pounds and has the typical whippet body type so people always think she doesn't get enough to eat.


Bailey is an alert dog which a lot of people can understand; but she is also my mobility dog. Not in the most common, way with a harness, but she defines my path to protect my left to compensate for visual deficits. She is my second whippet service dog. The ironic thing is we raised guide dog puppies for years; I never thought I would benefit so much from a service animal (I had a brain injury).


People do comment about her breed and say things like "I thought all service dogs were sheppards, labs, goldens, etc. So, I do take that opportunity to explain the come in all shapes and sizes and are trained for individual tasks.


Maybe there is more problems with people trying to pass their pets off as SD because we are seeing the talents of so many different breeds and the public is just becoming aware. I don't know, but it sure does impact those of us with smaller dogs. :mad:


Are you planning an upcoming cruise or have you taken Valentine on one in the past?

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Thanks for the welcome, Barbara. I am glad you told me she was in her travel bag and not big and blue, LOL.


Acutally Bailey is bigger now. In my avitar picture she was still in training and still growing. Bailey is a Whippet. She weighs 25 pounds and has the typical whippet body type so people always think she doesn't get enough to eat.


Bailey is an alert dog which a lot of people can understand; but she is also my mobility dog. Not in the most common, way with a harness, but she defines my path to protect my left to compensate for visual deficits. She is my second whippet service dog. The ironic thing is we raised guide dog puppies for years; I never thought I would benefit so much from a service animal (I had a brain injury).


People do comment about her breed and say things like "I thought all service dogs were sheppards, labs, goldens, etc. So, I do take that opportunity to explain the come in all shapes and sizes and are trained for individual tasks.


Maybe there is more problems with people trying to pass their pets off as SD because we are seeing the talents of so many different breeds and the public is just becoming aware. I don't know, but it sure does impact those of us with smaller dogs. :mad:


Are you planning an upcoming cruise or have you taken Valentine on one in the past?


Andar, I think I know a whippet. They look a lot like a greyhound right? It is unbelivable just how special these dogs are and they give us love and lift our spirits no matter what. I don't know what I'd do without Valentine.

Valentine and I have been on 3 cruise lines and she has been on 6 cruises so far. We will be going on a T/A cruise with her in November. I havaen't been to Europe with her yet. I hope it doesn't prove to be too trying.


I think that the cruise you are going on with all of the other SDs is the one that John Heald was talking about. Since I have traveled with Valentine on Carnival several times he was asking for information on how the staff could help and anything special that I thought might help. You will have to let me know. I do hope that you enjoy your cruise.


Barbara and Valentine

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Bailey is an aggressive chewer. One thing I got her that she loves and is so flexible is called the Chewber (google it).

We use it for a toy and a dish when traveling. :)


That sounds interesting - I'll have to Google it! Not sure I have heard of that one before.


We use the Outward Hound plastic folding "disposable" dishes when travelling. (They're cheap in price enough so that disposing of them isn't a problem, but they are sturdy and last a long time, so I don't dispose of them.) I keep one in my SD's pack at all times, too, for in case she needs water when we've been out a very long time (which definitely isn't often - and I don't water her inside public places, of course).


I will let you know how she likes the ring zinger, it should ship in 3-5 days.


Do let us know! My girl is a poo-poo pants when it comes to playing with toys outside. :rolleyes: I tried again to play with her today - she was a bit more interested in it than before and actually started to chase it once, but still hasn't really begun playing with it. I hope the more I try, the more she starts playing. Hopefully!!! 'Cause I think it is a cool toy, hehe. Guess I should play with it with my cousins' children this summer - I bet they'd like to chase it, LOL!!!! :p

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So, I have another question for those of you that cruise with your SD.

Do you bring your own life jacket for your dog?

I understand they provide them but I can't see how they would be able to fit.


Yes, Barabara, a whippet is shaped like a greyhound but about half as tall. Bailey has a very deep chest but a skinny waist. She wears a medium jacket but then we do have to make adjustments for her longer back and skinny waist.


Should I bring a life jacket for her, or do you think the ship's will fit?

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I brought my dog's life jacket with us (I don't think Royal Caribbean has any dog life jackets, but I wouldn't want to use theirs, anyway). It is the Fido Float Coat that you can get from several catalogs, including KV Vet (I think), which has an IAADP discount if you're an IAADP member. It comes in yellow or orange and has a mesh bottom (belly area) and handle on top (coming from both sides, two nylon straps meeting together) and it has a float part that goes under the dog's cheekbones to help keep his head above water (something that's not on any other life jacket I've seen, but that I think would be important in a real emergency).


Remember not to let any life jacket (except inflatables) get squished (don't place any other objects on top of it) or it will loose buoyancy. So, take it on the plane, if you're going on a plane, as a carry-on and put it on the top of all other bags in the overhead compartment. (You might want to explain to the stewardess that you're going on a cruise/coming back from a cruise, just so she doesn't think you are so afraid the plane is going to crash, LOL!)


I do have photos from the muster drill that I took of my SD in her life vest, but I took them with the international cell phone that I borrowed from a family member and forgot to text or e-mail them to myself, so I have to do that still. They're pretty funny photos, though - a dog in a life vest and all! :)



BTW, when I was in high school, one of my friends had a Whippet pet. It was a beautiful dog!

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Okay, I am going to get my dog a lifejacket. Even if the ship has one, she will probably swim out of it. I like the idea of the jacket that helps keep the head up. Yes, I am also a memeber of IAADP.:)

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Okay, I checked and it IS at KV Vet Supply. It is called Fido Float Coat - here's the link: http://www.kvvet.com/KVVet/productr.asp?pf%5Fid=82529&gift=False&HSLB=False&mscssid=01FCB814FB1DD48E8A530878EC350555


It apparently only comes in orange now. At least your SD's jacket will match yours at the muster drill. I have the yellow version of the jacket, so my SD was in yellow while everybody else was in orange! (I got the jacket long before we knew we'd be going on a cruise. Actually, I thought we'd be going on the personal boat of family friends, but that never happened that year or the next, LOL. I thought the yellow would look better on my girl, so that's why I got it instead of the orange! Plus, my life jacket for kayaking is red, so the yellow goes better, although she's never been out kayaking 'cause I haven't done it in years partly due to the fact my kayak melted!)

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Andar: Welcome! I'm so glad to see so many of us venturing out on cruises.

Brenda will be on her 10th cruise to Hawaii, in November, onboard the Golden Princess.

I always fax the following to: Rosella-Princess Fleet Medical Dept. 661.753.1307

1. Fleet Medical Passenger traveling with Service Dog Form

2. Dept. of Food and Agricluture Form (this has all immunization records and Vets signature)

3. Vet current examination receipt.

4. Rabies Vaccination Certificate

5. City Dog License Form

6. Permit form from CCI (with Tattoo number and training org. phone/add. With ADA rules)

7. Copy of my passport

I have NEVER had these papers within any certain date of departure to the Mexian Riviera (and, she's been there 7 times! On many different lines.) The paperwork and immunizations were ALWAYS CURRENT! Leaving no room for questions. And the authorities NEVER stopped us from entering.

Brenda is also a very aggressive chewer.....we give her Virbac C.E.T Oral Hygiene Chews. They clean her teeth/gums and breath, while allowing her the opportunity to get her fill of chewing on something.

I buy them from EntirelyPets.com.....along with her ear swabs to keep her ears free from dirt and wax. You can't find the Virbac Chews in a pet store. They're only found at the Vets and not all Vets carry them. Besides, they're way too expensive anywhere but online!!!

Have a wonderful cruise and please tell us all about it.

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Brenda is also a very aggressive chewer.....we give her Virbac C.E.T Oral Hygiene Chews. They clean her teeth/gums and breath, while allowing her the opportunity to get her fill of chewing on something.


I buy them from EntirelyPets.com


That is so funny Barbara I have Bailey on the Virbac C.E.T. and I too get them from entirelyPets.com. :D Matter of fact, we just got a couple of packages last week.


You cruise a great deal, do you have anymore coming up?

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We are on the Golden Princess to Hawaii (two weeks), on November 12th. Then we do the Mexican Riviera, again, on April 18, 2009, on the Sapphire Princess.

I'll plan more in 2009, when we're onboard in November. I'd like to do more in Mexico and for longer than a week.

My DH thinks Princess food/shows/crew and staterooms are the best! I like HAL and Celebrity too! All of these lines have treated Brenda with the utmost respect!

Aren't the "chews" the best? Brenda loves, loves them. She'll do anything for one...She gets two a day; one in the am and one in the pm. They have really made a difference in her gums and teeth. The Vet is very impressed as to the condition of her teeth, for her age! And to not have bad breath, they're so worth it. I have everyone in my office, who has a pet, hooked on them!!!!!

I even pack them for our cruises. Although, she must have a tennis ball to chew on, when she's through and then a full bottle of water to wash it down....she has her ritual! It's not something I can give her on a long air flight or car ride. Unless I can give her the rest of her ritual to go with it!!!!!! So funny!

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We are on the Golden Princess to Hawaii (two weeks), on November 12th. !


Wow, we go out two days earlier out of San Francisco. We have often gone out of Long Bbeach or San Diego but when we get the opportunity to leave out of S.F., we take it. Instead of extra drive and motel time to get to the ship, we get extra days at sea. Love it.


The dogs rituals are really funny. Bailey will wait until I am brushing my teeth then try to come up behind me, without me seeing her, and hit me with her two front paw on the back of the knees. It is like a game of tag. Sometimes I hear her and turn around and say "gotcha" sometimes she wins and surprises me. When she wins she rans back to her bed and has this big smile on her face like , ha, ha, got YOU.


Then after I brush my teeth in the morning she gets hers brushed. At night she gets her dental chewy.


We love those routines.

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That is so funny Barbara I have Bailey on the Virbac C.E.T. and I too get them from entirelyPets.com. :D Matter of fact, we just got a couple of packages last week.


You cruise a great deal, do you have anymore coming up?



Andar, We do tend to go on a cruise once or twice a year. This year we have a transatlantic coming up on November 6 on the Freedom. From Rome to Ft Lauderdale Next year we have a med cruise the we are doing a btob cruise back to ft Lauderdale. 28 days and I NEED the rest. We have never taken Valentine to Europe but David has been getting needed info.


Roz, or anyone with info on taking your dog to Europe with you please let me know,




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Barbara: You are a real traveler with Valentine.....It's much easier for you guys with those "littler" furry workers. My Brenda is like taking an extra "full person" and room and accomodations must be accounted for!

I wouldn't trade the inconvenience for anything!

Andar: You and Bailey are a trip. Did we actually have lives before these amazing friends came into them?

Here is some information for traveling to Europe with your SD.

You'll need:

1. Microchip (Brenda has a tattoo, they accepted that)

2. Rabies Vaccination

3. Blood draw for testing at an approved Lab for rabies serology

4. EU Certificate issued by USDA Accredited VET and endorsed by USDA-APHIS (ask your Vet.)

5. Tick and Echinoccoccus tapeworm treatments done 24-48 hours prior to checking in and recorded on the EU Certificate.

If you have any further questions about Europe and your dog - the person to contact is:

Liz Shickle Verterinary Officer

Animal Health

Heathrow Border Inspection Post - Live Animal

P-+44 (0) 208 759 7002 F + 44 (0) 208 564 8939


You should have a much easier time than we did. Brenda's size was certainly a factor in getting her on and off the plane/boat/train/bus and going through security.:o I can't carry her through anything, can you carry yours through any of the inspections?

We will be going to London in January of 2009. As long as Brenda is willing and healthy I will let her experience everything she can. She's now 8 years old and should have retired 3 years ago, according to the standard retirement age of an SD with her responsibilities and her size.

She takes vitamins and Salmon Oil, every day. I look forward to at least 3 more years of assistance. Then, she'll retire, stay home with her "boyfriend", my DH and I'll apply to CCI for a successor dog! I want her to have a healthy and fun retirement!!!! :)

I've had her since was 2 years old (she stayed in the program an extra 10 months!) She became the dog who trains the dogs. She's an amazing leader!!!!

Then, we met and it was "true respect and love" at first sight.....they gave her up for me! We're a great team! ;)

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Roz' date=' or anyone with info on taking your dog to Europe with you please let me know,



Which countries? You can look up on each country's site sometimes, other times you have to check on a pet site, such as pettravel.com or other such sites, and then contact the country to make sure the regulations are correct/still correct/and there aren't any different regulations for service dogs. Your USDA-approved vet can also tell you the regulations, so give them a call.

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Hi - I just wanted to add a mention of a recent experience. I know very little about service dogs, just what I've learned from casual reading.


I was just at the Hearing Loss Association of America annual convention. It was held in Reno, at the Grand Sierra hotel - chosen in part due to them being a "dog-friendly" hotel. I saw at least eight hearing dogs and was surprised at the wide range of sizes/breeds. Some looked like what many people think of as traditional "seeing-eye dogs" - German Shepherds (I think). There were a couple of very small dogs, and one had to be a toy size of some terrier breed. (I'd think it would get tired quite easily from having to almost run to keep up).


Most of the people seemed to have a great relationship with their dog, except for one woman who seemed to be annoyed by her dog. It could have been just an unusual situation - I wouldn't judge from seeing them for less than an hour - but was yanking on her leash frequently.


The keynote speaker (and for a breakout session) was Ollie Cantos. Special Counsel for the Asst. Attorney General for Civil Rights. He seemed very serious and concerned about making the ADA work for those needing accomodation. He has been blind since birth, so knows the problems that people with disabilities face.

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Sundagger: Thank you for writing. Isn't it interesting how Service Dogs can come in so many different shapes and sizes!

CCI used to use Corgi's a lot because they fit into spaces so easily such as; airplanes (under the seat or on the lap); theatres, etc., etc.

However, not all men liked them because they wanted a more "manly" dog! I know of a gentleman who has a Corgi Hearing Dog and they are the most amazing team. I, personally love the Lab or the Lab/Retriever mix. CCI now uses the Lab and the mix in all their puppy programs.

Now, about the woman who was having "I'm the pack leader" problems......she was not having a very good day! Did you notice the vest the dog was wearing and who the training org. was?

I must say I've had occasions when Brenda and I are not "jelling!" That's the day (usually just moments, not a full day) that I put her in her crate or somewhere, away from me......I take a breather and then re-approach my dog skills and handling!

How your feeling and acting literally travels down the leash to the dog.....they know when you "off"! And, they will take advantage of it!

Dogs are always 2 years old (emotionally and mentally) and will always test yours and their limits.....sounds like this lady needed to re-adjust her calm, inner self!!!!

It's also wonderful to watch how easy it is to bring a mis-behaving dog into focus.....it just takes an assertive/fair leader to do it! :)

Do you have a Service Dog?

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Hi everyone,


I just found this site thanks to google. My friend and I have been looking at taking a cruise. I have genetic connective tissue disease as well as type 1 diabetes. I also have a wonderful SD (my second) that assists with balance and alerts to low glucose levels. I was thinking of leaving him at home, but after finding this site and thread I feel much better about bringing him. He is very well traveled both here in the states as well as parts of Canada, and we go to Disney World 2 or 3 times a year, so I feel confident about his ability to handle a cruise environment. But still have a few questions that I hope you all can help me with:


Do you think there is a best in term of cruise lines when it comes to SDs?


If your dog can not get off at the port can you leave him in the room crated with a do not disturb on the door? Not sure if I would feel comfortable doing this, but wondering.


It's almost the end of June and we are hoping to book a cruise for July, how much time do we need to prepare in terms of documents needed?


Potty-ing? My SD is VERY particular and has been known to hold it for 2 days because he didn't like the spot offered. He will go on a variety of surfaces such as grass, sand, gravel, but we have never attempted to use a box. Is this a big problem, or will they generally just figure it out?


My friend and I are mid-twenties, on a budget and will be booking on discounter website like expedia/cheaptickets. After we book it, do I just call the cruise line and inform them I'll have a service dog with me? (this is what I do when I book airfare on those types of sites)


Thank you Thank you! Hopefully we'll be cruising soon.


PS He is certified by an ADI org, Susquehanna Service Dogs (Highly recommend them btw)

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