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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Cari: No body and I mean NO BODY beats Morey to being a MOODY/GROUCH!!!!! He doesn't do the screaming fit and pouty lip/dirty look thing, he just plain "shuts down!"

We've been married a very long time and I know this devil.....wouldn't trade him for anyone, however, when he gets in a "low/down/life sucks/" mode.....I just keep on moving - give him his space and allow him his feelings.

That said, I may want to try cruising with just Brenny and me, for once. If I don't like it.....we can always include "Mr. Moody" on the next one.......Actually, I don't think we'd be able to get out of the house once he found out we're cruising......he really likes it [once we've located our cabin; all the bags are put away and the clothes are hung-up], he then collapes on the bed for a nap.......While Brenny and I go exploring. We then meet-up for lunch.

I'm so glad your getting your guy to cruise, again! We'll be in Seattle on September 4th to go cruising on September 5th. If you want to meet-up we'd love it.

The Virbac chews have some beefhide for flavoring only [otherwise the dogs would never find them interesting], poultry digest, dextrose, vegetable protein, dried yeast, aspergillus niger and dried whey protein. They literally dissolve in the dogs intestine.......they reduce plaque and calculus.

Cari, Denver is so beautiful, whatever you're doing, you certainly know what's best!

And, please anyone doing Disney cruises in the near future - please come back and let us know how they set-up your potty box and, if there's any issues with it!!!!!

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For the past year I have been working seriously on weight loss and increasing my activity. Which is why I was so excited about the triathalon. Anyway, I found if I am getting stressed or bored I like to bake, but I would taste the batter, lick the bowl..... So, I started baking doggy treats. Not tempted to lick the bowl, they actually smell good baking and of course my canine friends all love them. I tweaked the recipie until I felt like it was as whole wheat healthy as I can make it. Only trouble is I don't put any preservatives in them so I freeze them after baking and take out abt a week's worth at a time. My daughter's chihauauau loves them. He spins in circles for "grammy treats".


Of course one of the trainers at Canine Assistants really likes them, but if I send them up, I'll get an email making sure everything is OK at my house!! I baked a ton after my daughter's car accident.


I am out of them now, which goes to show that everything is going well at the house. Guess I will need to bake some even without the need for stress relief:D.

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sunshine- If you can I would love a copy of the recipe you use.... I also make frosty paws for Denver . I get plain yogurt and add a bananna and frozen blueberrys i blend it all up in the blender ( oh i add 1/2 cup peanut butter too ) and put it in the small disposable tupperwares ( they are like 1 cup size maybe even 1/2 cup ) and freeze them DENVER LOVES EM and believe me for a dog who has a sensitive stomach like Den .... they work well . He dosent get sick at all i think it is all the probiotics in the yogurt !


Roz living with a grouch isnt all that bad after all when they are in a non grouch mood life is GRAND isnt it ???? I dbout we will get to seattle that soon but if we do i will ring you up babe! We should each go on a cruise together but alone you know no DGs LOL if we did a shortie out of LA it might be fun just to try going solo.... we could get a joining cabin and Denver and Brenda could have some um lover time LOL


have a good one everyone

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When I get home I'll send you the recipe. It originally called for margerine, but I substitued olive oil and I think that is one of the things that makes it yummy for the dogs.

I love your frosty paws idea. I'll have to give it a try. I stuff kongs with canned dog food and freeze them. I used to call it her puppy popsicle. It would buy us abt 30 minutes of peace and quiet. Now I call it her "Kong-tini". For my SD's in training I bring home, I'' put peanut butter in a kong and freeze. I give that to them when I crate them to make crating a positive expereince.

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That's great Sunshine. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. I will have to run over and check prices. I got an email from Holland America with some great prices and 3/4 th passengers sail free! I think it was the 12/5 sailing. Still have to convince hubby.........


Everyone have a great day.



SS Cruisers, it's their 12/12 sailing that has the 3/4 th passengers free. I tried to get 2 girlfriends to go on that cruise, but it didn't work out. So I'm going with a different GF on 11/28.


We booked another cruise!!!!! Mexican Riveria on Nov 28. We will be on the Sapphire Princess. Any of you west coasters want to jump on board. The price was super. I am sure we will make up for it in other ways. :)

I've met Brenda (and Roz & Morey) on a couple cruises so I've taken up lurking, hoping I'll find a service dog on one of my cruises since I miss my furbaby. Sunshine, you're going the same date (my heart just skipped a beat!) but a different ship. :( I'll be on the Oosterdam leaving out of San Diego. Maybe I'll see you in Cabo!

Edited by dobiemom
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Mornin' all:

.... we could get a joining cabin and Denver and Brenda could have some um lover time LOL


Don't just lurk, jump on in!

Hey Roz and Cari and anyone else. DH sometimes DG but not when cruising is involved. He saw some of the cheap prices for the 4 day cruises and said he would even consider an inside room since the rate was $169 ? I think pp. But I think that one was 9/20. Anyways, maybe we could put something together. I would just die to met Brenny and Denver (and of course Roz and Cari) I'm not just using you guys for your beautiful furbabies!, I'm not, I'm not. And DH and Travis would be in hog heaven.

My sister has to frequently stopped at a certain store on the way home from work to get her furbaby (chocolate lab) his Frosty Paws. I'm sure she hasn't thought about making them herself. I will have to mention it. We do freeze water in the small cottage cheese or sour cream container and put that in their water dishes.


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Oh, all the talk of cuising is making me really restless.

We leave Sept 1 for Alaska.

I am still in need of scooter tips with a SD.

I have ordered my scooter a three wheel that breaks down to 3 or 4 pieces and fits in the trunk.

But I have never had to use a scooter before on a cruise.


I did rent one in Las Vegas and Bailey did great with it, but I know there will be some challenges with me!


Help! can I drive it up the ramps for boarding? Will it fit in through the cabin door? it is 22" wide.


I didn't reserve a HC room because when we booked I was still able to walk around okay.


I guess I should call my TA and let her know as they provide the bus to the terminal. (thinking out loud - going to do that now).


If Alaska wasn't so close, I would be really tempted at Mexico. Maybe in the spring.

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OMG.....All the great ideas.....Brenda will love them all! I'm always trying to be creative about what to put into her kong....cut-up carrots/peanut butter/mashed-up kibble/pumpkin filling....I never thought about freezing it. And "Frosty Paws", how cool is that! :p

Sunshine and Nancy: Thank you for the great ideas.

dobiemom: How nice to hear from you. I do remember our cruises and, I still have the frame that you bought "Brenda", it's up on my file cabinet, with a picture of Miss "B"! How's the map you bought in the auction?

November 28th, onboard the Oosterdam????? How much fun would that be!!!!!

I have been contemplating cruising as a "solo" - I just don't think I could get away from work so soon, no matter what ship I took. :(

We're taking two weeks for the Alaska cruise, in September and, as it is, my boss is feeling "anxious" about my being available to him.....I have two husbands, I swear!!!!!!!! Because I work a full-time job, I have to consider available dates that work around all our events. I have to be very creative.

Cari: Let's have this conversation again, about being neighbors on a cruise, next year. :) You know, I'd love that! And, the yogurt idea is such a good one!!!!!

I'm definitely looking at cruising in January or April of next year, to the Mexican Riviera, aboard the Sapphire. If I did any cruise out of San Diego, it would have to be without Morey. He doesn't like embarkation there.

Such things to think about!!!!

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Oh, all the talk of cuising is making me really restless.

We leave Sept 1 for Alaska.

I am still in need of scooter tips with a SD.

I have ordered my scooter a three wheel that breaks down to 3 or 4 pieces and fits in the trunk.

But I have never had to use a scooter before on a cruise.


I did rent one in Las Vegas and Bailey did great with it, but I know there will be some challenges with me!


Help! can I drive it up the ramps for boarding? Will it fit in through the cabin door? it is 22" wide.


I didn't reserve a HC room because when we booked I was still able to walk around okay.


I guess I should call my TA and let her know as they provide the bus to the terminal. (thinking out loud - going to do that now).


If Alaska wasn't so close, I would be really tempted at Mexico. Maybe in the spring.


Darcie: Call the "Special Needs" or "Access" department of the cruiseline you're taking and ask all your good questions. They will let you know about access through the cabin door and whether or not you can go up the ramp or not.

What line are you on? I may have the number you need.

And, Darcie, don't stress about any of this....the cruiseline is there to assist you in any need you may have. They will provide someone to help you up and down the ramp and they will assist in getting your "chair" disassembled if it does not fit through the door.

You just have to pre-plan a lot of it! If they are forewarned about your needs it's better for all of you.

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Hi, I am going on my first ever cruise. It is a 10 night Alaskan round trip from San Francisco on the Sea Princess on 8/22/09. I have a service dog named Sunny. I have a few questions.


I have contacted Princess about bringing Sunny. They replied that I should send them paperwork including his International Health Cert at least a week in advance. The cert is only good for 10 days for entering the US and Canada. Is this 10 days from departure?


I am nervous about waiting till last minute to give them my documents. Can I send the other documents now with a note saying the cert will come later?


Sunny will not potty indoors. Alaskan weather can be extreme in any season. Has anyone been on ship where they have closed the decks? Where do dogs potty if this happens?


Our last port before returning is Victoria, BC. Is it worth getting off the ship and going through customs? What can I do there since I will not have access rights?


How is the loose dog situation in Alaska?


MJ and Sunny

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Hi, I am going on my first ever cruise. It is a 10 night Alaskan round trip from San Francisco on the Sea Princess on 8/22/09. I have a service dog named Sunny. I have a few questions.


I have contacted Princess about bringing Sunny. They replied that I should send them paperwork including his International Health Cert at least a week in advance. The cert is only good for 10 days for entering the US and Canada. Is this 10 days from departure?


I am nervous about waiting till last minute to give them my documents. Can I send the other documents now with a note saying the cert will come later?


Sunny will not potty indoors. Alaskan weather can be extreme in any season. Has anyone been on ship where they have closed the decks? Where do dogs potty if this happens?


Our last port before returning is Victoria, BC. Is it worth getting off the ship and going through customs? What can I do there since I will not have access rights?


How is the loose dog situation in Alaska?


MJ and Sunny


MJ: Welcome. First, let me tell you that the form we are using the: Department of Food and Agriculture-Certificate For Interstate or International Movement of Small Animals- Signed by my Vet, was done in April for our cruise to the Mexican Riviera (Brenda was given all her necessay immunizations prior to this cruise) and, is not due for anything until March, 2010 - So, we are using the exact same form (it has been fax'd to Allison Muff, at Princess Access & Compliance) for our Cruise on September 5th to Alaska, onboard the Golden.

We have our Boarding Passes and I've spoken to Allison about the Potty Box set-up, we're good to go. I'll call her one week prior to cruising to make sure that the potty box is set-up in the stair-well, near our cabin, as it always is. I like this set-up and, we use the same cabin on our trips on the Diamon/Sapphire and Golden.

All of this was done months ago......not 10 days before [although, if they ask for it again, 10 days before our cruise, they will get exactly the same certificate.] Canada is the only non-USA Border you will be crossing and they do not require a blood titer test.

You will not need to separate your documents. If you have the International Certificate [signed by your Vet], City License, Certificate or License from the Organization of training [if you have one], this is all you need. I also include a copy of some identification that has mine or Brenda's picture on it. I copy all of it and I fax it to Allison. As I said, I'm using the same one I used in April. Call Allison Muff at Princess - 661.284.4521. (Make extra copies of Sunny's paperwork to give to the people at the dock registration and the Purser's Desk, onboard the ship), I promise it will go much smoother, if you just give them a copy, rather than waiting for them to make a copy!

I have heard that because Alaska uses dogs for not only their work, but for tours. They are very careful about strays. I, personally, will not be taking Brenda to any venue where there will be shows or tours with dogs.

Depending on your cabin, they will place the potty-box on your veranda (my DH doesn't like this set-up), in a crew closet (down the hall from your cabin) or, in a stairwell. On the Diamond, they placed it on Deck 7, outside-I was unhappy with this and had them move it to a stairwell. If you have a problem with opening a heavy door and stepping over a 6 inch step, the stairwell placement will not work for you.

I trained Brenda to use a 4x4 box, filled with mulch, before our first cruise with her (11 cruises ago.) It was easy and she got used to it very easily.

Princess uses a mulch for the filler (they tried practically everything, the mulch worked best.) Poor Brenny, she was like a Guenea Pig. :o

I have not been on the Sea Princess but the contact people are the same for setting up the potty box, from their offices to the different ships. Allison is wonderful to work with. Mention my name. Roz Silberschein and Brenda.

Be strong and assertive, it goes a long way. The crew will love you both.

Have a wonderful cruise. :)

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My Roxie (avatar) has been scratching for over 2 months. I've had her into the vet's office a few times. They say it's allergies and not fleas (but once it was an ear infection :eek:). She's on some vitamins and antihistamine (and I still put on the Frontline just in case) but still scratches. No hot spots. So I'll take her again on Saturday and ask about the salmon oil. Thanks!


Roz: Unfortunately the map is still in the tube. I'm afraid to see how much it would cost to have it framed!


I'll be on the Carnival Spirit (with a large family group) 6/1/2010, in my first suite, and it's the aft wrap! I can't wait! Maybe there will be some furbabies on this cruise (hint hint)? ;)

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My Roxie (avatar) has been scratching for over 2 months. I've had her into the vet's office a few times. They say it's allergies and not fleas (but once it was an ear infection :eek:). She's on some vitamins and antihistamine (and I still put on the Frontline just in case) but still scratches. No hot spots. So I'll take her again on Saturday and ask about the salmon oil. Thanks!


Roz: Unfortunately the map is still in the tube. I'm afraid to see how much it would cost to have it framed!


I'll be on the Carnival Spirit (with a large family group) 6/1/2010, in my first suite, and it's the aft wrap! I can't wait! Maybe there will be some furbabies on this cruise (hint hint)? ;)


Since I put Brenda on Salmon Oil (liquid -7 squirts in the am) and 50mg of Benadryl with breakfast and 50mg with dinner (capsules); her fur and skin are amazingly shiny and healthy and she no longer is getting the deadly fungus infections in her ears.

Thank you Cruise Critic and Golden Shears; you all helped me pull Brenda through what I thought was going to be the death of her!!!!! The Prednisone reaction almost took her life.

Remember: The Vet recommended no more than 150mg of Benadryl a day.

The suite sounds so sweet! :) Where are you going?

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seven squirts of the oil. I have been giving Sandy only 2 squirts in the morning and one in the evening. Since it is not upsetting her digestive system, I think I will add some more. She is still itchy but it has only been a week on the salmon oil.

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seven squirts of the oil. I have been giving Sandy only 2 squirts in the morning and one in the evening. Since it is not upsetting her digestive system, I think I will add some more. She is still itchy but it has only been a week on the salmon oil.


"UP" your squirts and give it a few weeks. I should use a disclaimer; you should ask your Vet if this is okay......I'm not a Vet but, I just picked up Brenda, from the groomers and, they're raving about her coat and skin.

The groomer said he's seeing a lot of dry skin and hot spots........I told him that I was following their advice and using the oil religiously.......he said a lot of folks don't because it can be costly.....honestly, I'd get a second job if it meant that Brenda wouldn't suffer from the problems she used to have!!!!!!


I'm knocking on wood as I write this........you know how that "Murphy's Law" thing goes! :o


Well, we're off to Oceanside tomorrow for Brenny's recertification....I'm a bit nervous but I love going to CCI and seeing all the "Miracle Worker's."


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!!!

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The suite sounds so sweet! :) Where are you going?

Alaska, round trip Seattle. Want to join us? ;)


Well, we're off to Oceanside tomorrow for Brenny's recertification....I'm a bit nervous but I love going to CCI and seeing all the "Miracle Worker's."

I'm sure Brenda the Wonder Dog (and you!) will do just fine!

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Haven't been on for a while due to being gone for a couple of weeks.


Roz and Brenda good luck. I am sure you will be great. You two have been together doing this for so long you could get your recert in your sleep! Let us know how it goes.


Cruise plans on hold for right now. Had to buy a new a/c unit. :( Not nearly as fun as buying a cruise...although we are nice and cool!


100 plus days in Sacramento right now. I think I need to buy Keldon a little pool!


Kim and Keldon

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The cruise to Mexico we just booked was sooooooo marked down we couldn't pass it up. Princess has inside cabins for $349 for a 7 day cruise. We booked with an online travel agent and got a slightly better rate than that. We usually book a balcony, but are going for an obstructed oceon view this trip. Right behind a life boat. We are going on November 28 so will celebrate MrSunshine's birthday on the ship. Have told the family someone else needs to host Thanksgiving this year as we are traveling the next day. I'll probably scale back on Holiday decorations and have let Mr Sunshine off from hanging the outdoor lights. I imagine we will host Christmas dinner, but I'll have plenty of time after I come back nice and relaxed after spending the first week of December on a CRUISE!! :D

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sunshine- If you can I would love a copy of the recipe you use.... I also make frosty paws for Denver . I get plain yogurt and add a bananna and frozen blueberrys i blend it all up in the blender ( oh i add 1/2 cup peanut butter too ) and put it in the small disposable tupperwares ( they are like 1 cup size maybe even 1/2 cup ) and freeze them DENVER LOVES EM and believe me for a dog who has a sensitive stomach like Den .... they work well . He dosent get sick at all i think it is all the probiotics in the yogurt !


Roz living with a grouch isnt all that bad after all when they are in a non grouch mood life is GRAND isnt it ???? I dbout we will get to seattle that soon but if we do i will ring you up babe! We should each go on a cruise together but alone you know no DGs LOL if we did a shortie out of LA it might be fun just to try going solo.... we could get a joining cabin and Denver and Brenda could have some um lover time LOL


have a good one everyone


Canine Cookies

1 cup rolled oats(like Quaker)

1/3 cup olive oil

1 cup hot water

3/4 cup corn meal

2 tsp chicken flavored instant bouillon flakes

1/2 cup milk

1 cup shredded chedder cheese

1 egg beaten

3-4 cups whole wheat flour


Preheat oven to 325

combine oats,oliveoil and water and allow to stand abt 10 minutes(or longer). Stir in all the rest of the ingredients except the flour.

Add flour abt 1 cup at a time until the dough is stiff.


Turn out onto a floured surface and knead in more flour until the dough is no longer sticky and you can roll it out or pat it out.


I roll it out to abt 1/2 inch thickness and then use fun small cookie cutters, but I have just rolled small amts of dough into a marble size ball and then flatten it with my thumb. Works just as well, is less trouble and the dogs probably don't care if they have a heart shaped treat or a uneven circle. Place on cookie sheet(lined with parchment paper of sprayed with some Pam) abt 1 inch apart and bake around 30 minutes. They don't really brown up since the dough is brown from the whole wheat flour. I like them kind of soft so I can break it up into even smaller pieces if I am doing some training.


I keep abt a week worths out on my counter and freeze the rest. Since there are no preservatives in these they will get moldy if left out in a warm place. (like forgotten in my car:eek:)


Hope you enjoy them, my dogs dance for cookies.

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woo hoo Denver will be in HEAVEN with that cookie recipe THANK YOU !!!!


Does anyone know what postage is to Nassau from California? I sent for my import permit and it came back as return to sender GGGRRRrrrrrrr I put a regular stamp on it thinking thats what i did last time but now im not so sure?????? Anyways if anyone has the address of where to send the ppwk to so i can double check mine and also the cost of sending from Ca I would be so grateful !!!!

Thanks all

Cari and Denver

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woo hoo Denver will be in HEAVEN with that cookie recipe THANK YOU !!!!


Does anyone know what postage is to Nassau from California? I sent for my import permit and it came back as return to sender GGGRRRrrrrrrr I put a regular stamp on it thinking thats what i did last time but now im not so sure?????? Anyways if anyone has the address of where to send the ppwk to so i can double check mine and also the cost of sending from Ca I would be so grateful !!!!

Thanks all

Cari and Denver


I think I am going to bake a batch today. It's training camp week and I think the trainers could use a little "TLC" when the week is over. One of the trainers calls them "canine crack" as her dog goes crazy for them. Another likes it best when I use my tiny gingerbread man shape for them. She says it is easier to break off the arms and legs to make them super small. I think the olive oil must smell good to them as they are all used to cheese.


I have a peanut butter recipie as well, but it is messier and my dog likes the chz better.

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Cari: How frustrating.......I don't have the address's or the cost, sorry.....call the post office or have your TA do it. They should have all the information you need.


Thank you to ALL of you for your good wishes.....Brenda passed her re-certification. Besides being the friendliest and most social dog on earth, she also has the most amazing work ethic.


It was so hot and humid down in Oceanside this past weekend.....it was almost unbearable (and, that's a beach community!) CCI had a very insightful workshops, and their air conditioning was working very well. I always learn so much when I go to these workshops.


There were lots of other dogs and, it was wonderful being at CCI and, in the company of such hero's!


Brenda's 9 years old and, to think that she'll be able to work for at least 3 more years is great news. After that and if she's in good health, she'll continue to work and we'll go back for another re-certification!!!!! These always make me nervous......She did great!!!!!


Now, I can focus on our cruise coming-up in September.


Sunshine: Have a super time on your cruise, in November.....that will be a well deserved break for you. Princess decorates their ships for the holidays.


I love the Sapphire. We'll be booking her for January or April. I'll use my FCC's, when we're onboard the Golden.

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