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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Cari: How frustrating.......I don't have the address's or the cost, sorry.....call the post office or have your TA do it. They should have all the information you need.



Thank you to ALL of you for your good wishes.....Brenda passed her re-certification. Besides being the friendliest and most social dog on earth, she also has the most amazing work ethic.


It was so hot and humid down in Oceanside this past weekend.....it was almost unbearable (and, that's a beach community!) CCI had a very insightful workshops, and their air conditioning was working very well. I always learn so much when I go to these workshops.



There were lots of other dogs and, it was wonderful being at CCI and, in the company of such hero's!



Brenda's 9 years old and, to think that she'll be able to work for at least 3 more years is great news. After that and if she's in good health, she'll continue to work and we'll go back for another re-certification!!!!! These always make me nervous......She did great!!!!!



Now, I can focus on our cruise coming-up in September.



Sunshine: Have a super time on your cruise, in November.....that will be a well deserved break for you. Princess decorates their ships for the holidays.



I love the Sapphire. We'll be booking her for January or April. I'll use my FCC's, when we're onboard the Golden.



Instead of January you could join us in December.....hint hint.


Who suggested the tag silencer thing? I just got mine(pink to match my girly dog's pink collar) and it was like flipping a light switch. I'll let y'all know how it works tonight.


I've also started with the Benadry. She seems kind of spacy, but she slept all night which was a relief to me. I kept waiting for her nose in my face and her tags to jingle and a "please take me out to potty" look.

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Instead of January you could join us in December.....hint hint.


Who suggested the tag silencer thing? I just got mine(pink to match my girly dog's pink collar) and it was like flipping a light switch. I'll let y'all know how it works tonight.


I've also started with the Benadry. She seems kind of spacy, but she slept all night which was a relief to me. I kept waiting for her nose in my face and her tags to jingle and a "please take me out to potty" look.


I love the tag silencer. There was a man sitting next to us, in class, and every time his dog got up, she would shake and distract everybody with her license tags......I suggested the tag noise thing and showed him Brenny's. He was so glad because his dog shakes her body all the time......no ear problems.....just a body shaking kind of thing (Brenny hates the "stuff" off the floor to be on her fur, she's such a "girly-girl!" Got to shake the dust off!!!!) His dog was the same way.

I hope the Benadryl helps, it's made such a difference in Brenda's eye and ear problems.....Her eyes do tear more but they're not as red!!! The Doctor said the tears are very normal! :)

And, I'm afraid that December will be a bit too soon after our Alaska cruise.......waiting until after the first of the year, will give me more stored-up vacation time......

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I'm having flash backs to when we had our older daughter's tonsils and adenoids removed. She was such a loud breather and snorer, that after the removal she slept so quiet. I would go to her bed side just to watch her breathe. I keep looking for Sandy, no jinglejangle sound. I keep thinking she must be in the other room, and nope, she is right at my feet.:D

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I'm having flash backs to when we had our older daughter's tonsils and adenoids removed. She was such a loud breather and snorer, that after the removal she slept so quiet. I would go to her bed side just to watch her breathe. I keep looking for Sandy, no jinglejangle sound. I keep thinking she must be in the other room, and nope, she is right at my feet.:D


AWWWWWW! That is so sweet!

Next to the "Scooper Genie", I love the "Quiet Spot" tag silencer!!! ;)

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Thank you to ALL of you for your good wishes.....Brenda passed her re-certification. Besides being the friendliest and most social dog on earth, she also has the most amazing work ethic.


It was so hot and humid down in Oceanside this past weekend.....it was almost unbearable (and, that's a beach community!) CCI had a very insightful workshops, and their air conditioning was working very well. I always learn so much when I go to these workshops.



There were lots of other dogs and, it was wonderful being at CCI and, in the company of such hero's!



Brenda's 9 years old and, to think that she'll be able to work for at least 3 more years is great news. After that and if she's in good health, she'll continue to work and we'll go back for another re-certification!!!!! These always make me nervous......She did great!!!!!




Roz, We all knew you and Brenny would do great!


I think we need to see more doggy pics on here. I would love to see more pics of Brenny and everyone elses babies!!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEE




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Mornin' all:

So, I got the call! I am now employed again. Wheew. The great part is, I am working at the school closest to me. The other one is 20 miles away, all freeway driving, but still glad I won't have to commute. I will be an Instructional Aide/Behavior Coach. I will have to brush up on my behavior now! :eek:

I am just the opposite. I bought Jezzy a collar with a little bell on it. She also has her pink rhinestone bone on it. The collar is pink, of course. Anyway, that way I can tell where the little beast has gone. I'm not use to having to "look" for my dog. Reno was such a big boy, we didn't lose him very often!

This yucky but I know you guys will understand. We get these little, I mean little tiny lizards running around. One always ends up in the window of the computer room. Leann is just besides herself trying to get in behind the wooden blinds and usually pulling down the curtain trying to get them. Don't they have an underground communication system that tells each other, don't go in that house they have a lizard huntin' cat? If they are stuck on the curtain, claws holding on, I can take the curtain down and take it outside and shake em loss.

Everyone have a fantastic Tuesday!


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Tags were quiet but the itching and licking continue. I had my flashlight checking her out at 3am, looking for an elusive flea, something that might be causing the itching. My vet recomended even more benadry, so I am upping her to 75mg every 8 hours.

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Tags were quiet but the itching and licking continue. I had my flashlight checking her out at 3am, looking for an elusive flea, something that might be causing the itching. My vet recomended even more benadry, so I am upping her to 75mg every 8 hours.


75mg twice a day and salmon oil - if that doesn't help her delicate skin, than she's a "nervous scratcher" and, I recommend a CET Virbac Dental Chew to keep her mind off of the "itch" thing and, clean her teeth and gums all at the same time....Hey, pretty soon we'll be getting a second job just to pay for all of the above, all in an effort to keep our girls in prime health....:p

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Mornin' all:

Is it okay that I gave my computer screen a big ole smacker aroony pretending it really was Denver? What a handsome man and animated look on his face. I see Reno in every picture you post of him and thats a good thing for me.



Everyone have a great day.


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Hi everyone. Sorry I have been such a stranger, but we just got back from our 2 week vacation to the Maritimes and HAL cruise from Montreal to Boston.


In case you didn't see them on the main boards, here are the links to my FB pics from the trip. Hope you are all having a great summer!


Pre-Cruise: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=106138&id=648466808&l=c1967b3361


Maasdam - Montreal and Quebec: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=106143&id=648466808&l=0f960b5837


Maasdam - St. Lawrence and PEI: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=106154&id=648466808&l=f81cbed56c


Maasdam - Cape Breton: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=106209&id=648466808&l=75f979498e


Maasdam - Halifax: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=106211&id=648466808&l=9bbb21a125


Maasdam - Bar Harbor: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=106297&id=648466808&l=5adfb43a7b


Boston and Home: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=106380&id=648466808&l=ade7922cbd

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Peter: Thank you so much for sharing your fabulous photos with us....I enjoyed everyone of them.....What a beautiful family and especially "Werin", what a gorgeous girl!!!!!!!

She looks like she travels well!

How did you like the Maasdam? We were always treated very well while onboard a "Dam" Ship!!!!! However, we have not been on the Maasdam, yet!

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Cari, thanks for the pic. He is gorgeous! Love the bling as well.


Roz, We LOVE the Maasdam. It is so well maintained that it is hard to believe it is a 14 year old ship. We love the smaller size as well and running into everyone you meet at the beginning of the cruise all through the week. We were blessed with an upgrade this time and REALLY enjoyed the Neptune Lounge and Huge Verandah Suite.


We are also friends now with several of the officers, including the Captain and it was great seeing them again (we met them last year) -- we get quite the attention with Werin and Cameron in tow.


They set up the box on the balcony this time and it was FANTASTIC. I was like your DH and said, "Never on our own balcony", but I do have to say, having that spot right outside the door, instead of having to trek down to deck 5 to take her out was SUPERB!!!!!


The weather was great and we LOVE this ports.

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im glad you all liked the bling bling denver pic LOL it IS indeed his formal wear and I have several ties and bow ties . They do make white and black collars and he wears both . The company is called -(you can google ) Designer duds for dogs .

Peter what ship / cruise and itenerary did you take? Those pics were BEAUTIFUL as fas as i could tell ( im sight impared but use a zoom program to see them ) I WANT TO GO THERE NOW NOW NOW !!!! so if you could pass along the info that would be GREAT ! I have never done HAL but i hear it is tops ! I love princess though and allison muff in special needs is always so plesant to deal with !

Roz so glad u passed yayyyyyyy

cari and denver

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This was training camp week. To help out my trainer instead of taking one dog home for a long home visit I went up one day each week and took multiple dogs out on shorter outings. Good Thing: Puppies!! Bad Thing: Not much, lot's of baths, but I enjoy that. I did go home smelling a big of "eue de canine", but a shower took care of that. I had a 12 week old golden out, sooooo cute. Walking very well on leash and almost prancing with great eye contact. Of course treats and a super excited voice were good motivators. You can only imagine how many people at walmart ooohhed and ahhhed. We even walked around school supplies just for some children exposure. No potty accidents which I am very thankful for.

I ran into one of my old trainers(we rotate every three months) and asked how my friend the flat coat retriever was doing. I just love him. She was getting ready to work him, so I was going to tag along. He got so excited when he saw me(OK, I am sure it was his trainer, but let me have my dillusions) that he knocked over his entire bucket of water and was SOAKING. I offered to bathe him and you should have seen the trainers eyes. Really, you'll do that. Yep, I got to get my hands all over him, got lot's of kisses and snuggles and then played with him on the doggy playground. It was a bit of a cheat since you are supposed to only work with one trainer, but who cares. It was a win win for both of us. One dog will usually steal my heart, then when they graduate, another will. I don't know why. Anyway, made me happy.

Edited by sunshine426
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This was training camp week. To help out my trainer instead of taking one dog home for a long home visit I went up one day each week and took multiple dogs out on shorter outings. Good Thing: Puppies!! Bad Thing: Not much, lot's of baths, but I enjoy that. I did go home smelling a big of "eue de canine", but a shower took care of that. I had a 12 week old golden out, sooooo cute. Walking very well on leash and almost prancing with great eye contact. Of course treats and a super excited voice were good motivators. You can only imagine how many people at walmart ooohhed and ahhhed. We even walked around school supplies just for some children exposure. No potty accidents which I am very thankful for.


I ran into one of my old trainers(we rotate every three months) and asked how my friend the flat coat retriever was doing. I just love him. She was getting ready to work him, so I was going to tag along. He got so excited when he saw me(OK, I am sure it was his trainer, but let me have my dillusions) that he knocked over his entire bucket of water and was SOAKING. I offered to bathe him and you should have seen the trainers eyes. Really, you'll do that. Yep, I got to get my hands all over him, got lot's of kisses and snuggles and then played with him on the doggy playground. It was a bit of a cheat since you are supposed to only work with one trainer, but who cares. It was a win win for both of us. One dog will usually steal my heart, then when they graduate, another will. I don't know why. Anyway, made me happy.


And, YOU made ME happy!!!!! I can just visualize getting my hands all over that puppy.

When we were at CCI, this past weekend, we were warned not to go near the puppies......Yeah, right!!!!!! You should have seen how many potty breaks I took Miss Brenny to, so that I could peak around the corner and watch those little darlings; then, they'd spot me and get all excited, I'm sure they thought I was going to take them out or that I was walking their Mommy!!!!!! I tried to stay away.....really, I tried!!!!

They're so yummy!!!!!! Brenda gets such a gleam in her eyes when she sees them.

We saw a "Breeder" dog, who was proudly walked into a classroom.....she was wearing a vest that identified her as a "breeder" and she had lots of patches on her vest signifying her as the proud "Mommy" of 4 litters of future "Miracle Workers!" She was so happy to visit with all of our dogs.

Probably because she didn't have to do anything but be "oohed and awhed" over!!!!!

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im glad you all liked the bling bling denver pic LOL it IS indeed his formal wear and I have several ties and bow ties . They do make white and black collars and he wears both . The company is called -(you can google ) Designer duds for dogs .

Peter what ship / cruise and itenerary did you take? Those pics were BEAUTIFUL as fas as i could tell ( im sight impared but use a zoom program to see them ) I WANT TO GO THERE NOW NOW NOW !!!! so if you could pass along the info that would be GREAT ! I have never done HAL but i hear it is tops ! I love princess though and allison muff in special needs is always so plesant to deal with !

Roz so glad u passed yayyyyyyy

cari and denver


This is our second year on this cruise. The Maasdam with Holland America has several summer trips going from Boston to Montreal and back again. We love it!

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And, YOU made ME happy!!!!! I can just visualize getting my hands all over that puppy.


When we were at CCI, this past weekend, we were warned not to go near the puppies......Yeah, right!!!!!! You should have seen how many potty breaks I took Miss Brenny to, so that I could peak around the corner and watch those little darlings; then, they'd spot me and get all excited, I'm sure they thought I was going to take them out or that I was walking their Mommy!!!!!! I tried to stay away.....really, I tried!!!!


They're so yummy!!!!!! Brenda gets such a gleam in her eyes when she sees them.


We saw a "Breeder" dog, who was proudly walked into a classroom.....she was wearing a vest that identified her as a "breeder" and she had lots of patches on her vest signifying her as the proud "Mommy" of 4 litters of future "Miracle Workers!" She was so happy to visit with all of our dogs.


Probably because she didn't have to do anything but be "oohed and awhed" over!!!!!


One of my volunteer friends has a breeder dog. He is a handsome boy and has fathered and grandfathered some fabulous dogs. Whenever I have one of her dogs out(if I know) I'll send her a picture and let her know what they have done. She is "grammy" to a lot of doggies!.


Next week I am bringing home two pups for a week of intense puppy boot camp. I'll keep you posted. I am sure it will be a week of laughs, giggles, snuggles and lot's of poop clean up!!!

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Before I left I contacted the authorities for Grand Turk and for the Bahamas (Princess Cays). Grand Turk has the most stringent requirements. Based on my research I thought we would need to get him microchipped with an international microchip. When i looked at the conditions for importation however they say "permanently identified with a microchip transponder or tattoo". I am thinking his CCI ear tattoo which is on all his paperwork should suffice. What do some of you seasoned cruisers think about it? I may still get him microchipped with an avid microchip just for general safety reasons. They also require a heartworm test.


Who did you contact? I contacted the Turks & Caicos U.S. ppl and the lady said just a health certificate is needed. Of course, if what you said is needed it won't be an issue because all that info. is on the health certificate anyway.


Yes, do have your SD microchipped; it is for your own good and is cheap to do!


There has been some prior discussion about a spot on the Bahamas permit for the dog's microchip number. There is nothing on the form they sent me about a microchip number or any other identifying number? DisneyKidsDad I think it was you who said yours did not either? I do have an extra form that was sent to me about the dog being free of parasites, which I assume means a fecal exam will have to be done. Has anyone else done a fecal in addition to the titer test?


A fecal test is one of the requirements; please read the sheet that they sent you that lists the requirements (although apparently the see-the-Bahamas-vet-after-arrival requirement is waived for cruise ship passengers, according to what others here have stated - I've only gone to the Bahamas by air ... though the vet this last visit said most ppl don't even do the requirement).


By the way the quiet spot thing for the tags is great.


I have a different brand (a leather paw-shaped holder that snaps together) on my dog as well as the rubber pieces that wrap around the tags on other tags she wears (i.e. vacation address tags). Silence really is golden! (And there's a pun for you Golden Retriever owners, haha!)

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Those of you who are IAADP members can get salmon oil for free - it is called Welactin and is salmon oil plus a couple other good-for-the-dog ingredients that boost its effectiveness. It is from the same company Cosequin/Dasuquin are from (also free for IAADP members).

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