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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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As some of you may remember I had an incident with Disney Cruise Line in Oct of last year with the litter box area being LOCKED from 7 PM to 7 AM ... When I ask them to move the box THEY WOULD NOT .... They did not want to accomidate me in any way and told me I was lucky enough just to have my Guide Dog on the cruise LOL .... anyways I finally got a room with a verandah 1 1/2 days into our cruise and it was great , but it never solved the ISSUE which was them not accomidatin someone with the box . They wont move it inside in a un used hallway like Princess does ( Thanks Princess we will be sailing our next Alaska with you ) and I just think it is wrong not to mention the forst night Denver and I waited 1 HOUR before someone came to un lock that stupid door ,.,,, NOT compliant under title 3 of the ADA a locked door is NOT a resonable accomidation and having to BEG them to move it and throw a FIT to get them to move me to an area where it could be used all the time without assistance I think is just wrong too


Oh my gosh!!! That is TERRIBLE!!!!!!! :mad: What did they expect, for your dog to be toilet trained?!


Here is where everyone comes into play

I know Princess has special services and uses Allison Muff but I dont know the other lines and who they use as I have only ever sailed princess and DCL SSSSOooooooooo If any of you know who I would contact in a special services dept at RCCL Carnival Norwegian and HAL I would soooooo appreciate those contacts.... My lawyer needs info on what accomidations other lines are providing to Service dog travelers and if the box is accessable 24/7 and if the box could be moved in the event that I was not able to navigate my way there ( as I had trouble with on DCL because Im VERY low vision /Blind ) .


I didn't contact a specific person for RCCL, just their Special Needs Desk. You can find the number for it on these boards somewhere, just do a search.


RCCL said they would give a 4' x 4' box of Cypress mulch, but their box was a whole lot smaller than that - maybe about 2' x 2'. It had a thin layer of mulch in it, which was replenished halfway through the cruise. It was put on a public deck outside, on the hallway to the helipad. It took me a long time to find it (of going back and forth to the customer service desk, phone, and finally talking to two lower-level employees) because they didn't have it set up at first. At first they told me it was on the helipad, which wouldn't have been accessible to ppl in wheelchairs, with walkers, or who otherwise couldn't do stairs (stairs are the only way to get to the helipad). The place where it was was accessible and the gate that led to it was never locked (the time or two that I found it closed I just pushed it open so we could get to the box, then I closed it after me). The box really needed to be closer to my cabin, though, since my cabin was almost all the way aft and this box was almost all the way forward (and down five floors).

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On a seperate post LOL does anyone know what I need to sail to Baja Mexico my itenerary will be San Diego Catalina Ensanada Mexico and San Diego also looking into Cabo San Lucas so PLEASE if anyone knows if i need import permits etc . I would love that info too !!!

Cari and Denver


Mexico just requires a health certificate from within 48 hours of the start of your trip.

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Oops...I almost forgot. I finally got around to putting together some pictures of Orson's first cruise. He liked the Eastern Caribbean but said

he wants to go somewhere cooler next time. So we are thinking about Alaska in 2011. I'll start asking the experts here about that soon.



Edited by DisneyKidsDad
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Great pics Cindy. Brings back alot of memories. But in the group photo, I only see three trainers. LA, Lisa & Flora. Who were the other trainers that worked with you?


DKD, Lauren is in the middle with the white shirt and I see Stacy is missing. Here's a pic of all of them.




Great pics DKD!!!


Edited by rangeley
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I loved the cruise with Orson and thanks Cindi for sharing training camp memories. There was one picture in their that touched me. John has on a red shirt and Wexler is just looking at him like they are having a one on one conversation. I followed the shutterfly link and am attempting to set up my own acct so I can post pictures. I just need to be careful not to put the dogs names on them for confidentiality reasons.


Puppies were super sweet yesterday, going up again today, and then I might need a small break.

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Mexico just requires a health certificate from within 48 hours of the start of your trip.


I have NEVER had the International Health Certificate withing 48 hours of cruising. It's been within the year of travel; sometimes within 3 months; sometimes within 6 months.

I also have NEVER been denied access to the cruise by the TSA/Immigration or Princess Cruiselines officials.

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Oops...I almost forgot. I finally got around to putting together some pictures of Orson's first cruise. He liked the Eastern Caribbean but said

he wants to go somewhere cooler next time. So we are thinking about Alaska in 2011. I'll start asking the experts here about that soon.




I loved your pictures, too! Orson is so handsome! (CCI sure comes up with some interesting names for their dogs!) ;)

Brenda hates, hates, hates the heat. We will no longer be cruising in the middle of summer or to Mexico before November [which can be hot, too] or after April.

I can't wait to see how she likes Alaska.

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I have NEVER had the International Health Certificate withing 48 hours of cruising. It's been within the year of travel; sometimes within 3 months; sometimes within 6 months.


I also have NEVER been denied access to the cruise by the TSA/Immigration or Princess Cruiselines officials.


We had to have the international health cert. within 10 days of our cruise.

Our Vet told us that and it was confirmed when we went to get it signed and sealed by the USDA Vet.

Edited by DisneyKidsDad
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Quam - Thanks for the info

Denver is toilet trained just not TOILET trained LOL LOL LOL could you imagine our dogs sitting on the toilet I would laugh so hard i would pee my pants if i saw Denver sitting there


I wish cruise lines knew WHERE they placed the boxes and just told us ahead of time . If it was fwd and you were aft why didnt u ask them to move it ? I know almost all lines will ( except disney ) i would have never found it becaujse i have vision loss . I got all of the info i needed on the policys of each ship ( thanks Rozzy baby ) and I am sending it to the attorney in florida who is presenting my case to DCL . I know this coming DCL cruise is going to be the same locked door story but at least i know now they place it on 7 aft and no where else no matter what so i have a room on 7 aft VERY close so they can just knock on my door when they are there and not me sitting on the floor of the hall with a crying pacing dog who has to poop and pee ....

hope everyone is having a good week it is HOT out here

8 weeks till my disney cruise and I am soooooooo excited !

Cari and Denver

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Quam - Thanks for the info

Denver is toilet trained just not TOILET trained LOL LOL LOL could you imagine our dogs sitting on the toilet I would laugh so hard i would pee my pants if i saw Denver sitting there


I wish cruise lines knew WHERE they placed the boxes and just told us ahead of time . If it was fwd and you were aft why didnt u ask them to move it ? I know almost all lines will ( except disney ) i would have never found it becaujse i have vision loss . I got all of the info i needed on the policys of each ship ( thanks Rozzy baby ) and I am sending it to the attorney in florida who is presenting my case to DCL . I know this coming DCL cruise is going to be the same locked door story but at least i know now they place it on 7 aft and no where else no matter what so i have a room on 7 aft VERY close so they can just knock on my door when they are there and not me sitting on the floor of the hall with a crying pacing dog who has to poop and pee ....

hope everyone is having a good week it is HOT out here

8 weeks till my disney cruise and I am soooooooo excited !

Cari and Denver


Cari: I know you've heard my Carnival story about where they placed the box on our Elation trip to Mexico and what they used for a filler........Here's the story for those who haven't heard it.

Carnival Elation cruise: Potty box was placed near the golf simulator on a deck where we had to climb a flight of stairs to get to it. And, the filler was those _ _ _ _ paper pellets.

1. What if I was in a wheelchair?

2. The paper pellets kill the paws of a Labrador Retriever because their paws are webbed and if there aren't enough of the pellets in the box, it's like stepping on marbles!!!!!!

I went directly to the hotel manager and complained [it was about 2 hours before the ship was to leave for Mexico.]

I was told the hotel manager was not available....I said, "I will NOT leave this desk and, if necessary my Service Dog will poop right in front of it, if you do not get me the hotel manager NOW!!!!!!!!"

Well, needless to say, he managed to show-up within 5 minutes and I took him on a tour of the potty box.

He was so understanding and immediately called for his assistant [on his walkie-talkie.] The assistant and another crew member showed-up and carried the box down to an outside deck. I told them to change the pellets, as well.

The hotel manager asked what would be best I told him "mulch" would be better......the following is not an exaggeration it's the truth.......he sent the assistant off the ship with a bucket and a shovel to get some dirt from under a tree, across the street from the dock, in San Diego. NO LIE!!!! I watched the whole thing from the outside deck.

After the dirt was filled into the box everything was good for Brenda.

The manager took us into his office and apologized by offering us a "huge" percentage off of our next Carnival cruise.......We took the Pride out of Long Beach about 5 months later.

The potty box was placed on our veranda!!!!!

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Just got home from Kali's (our service dog) first cruise.

We sailed on the Carnival Holiday August 20-24 2009.

When we first got to the ship, we where treated with very quick, friendlieness first name service. (due to having the only dog on the ship I guess we kind of stuck out like a sore thumb!!)

Once we where signed in, we where escorted to our room then guest service for all of Kali's fermality.

We where shown were the relief area was. First we had to get onto the elevators that where being used to luggage portage. (that seemed to be very stressful in itself). The porters wanted to get there job done, and these elevators where the ONLY ones that went to the dinning room.

Once we got to the dinning room. We had to go all the way to the back (imagine a full dinning room lots of waiters running around and trying to get a dog and a wheel chair out and about. -- Dinner goes from about 6-10 and Kali is use to going right before we eat dinner. ahhhh...)

Well when we arrived at the back of the dinning room we we interdused to a step 8 inches high. Surprise!!! Jimmie (my husband) is in a power chair ,(which they know due to needing measurements for the wheelchair room!!) How are you to get a wheelchair over that I do not know, what where they thinking? With Kali needing to use to washroom, I thought I would try to take her out.

We where then told this is a staff only area so we are not to hang out here, just let Kali do her stuff then leave. Well the litter box was also right beside 3 VERY large loud fans.

I then tryed to explain that this area was not suitable at all. They tryed to tell us that this is the area the last service dog used so we would have to make it work due to no where else being availabe. I'm sorry but Kali is my husbands dog, not mine and it is his responsability for dog business so he must be able to get to relief area, and Kali can not go to the washroom beside very large load fans blowing on her and the litter.

I was told this was the only area available so it would have to work. The past guest made it work and we would to. At this point I was getting VERY VERY upset. I do not care about the past guest. We are not them and our needs are different and we will be respected.

I then spoke with the manager. She said the only other option was going to be in the kid area beside the pool, and we would have to call the guest services desk everytime Kali needed the box so they could bring it out for us. She is a service dog, and she should be on a schedule. Yes she is a very routine dog, but wait a minute. We are on vacation our routine is not at all close to daily schedule so how can hers?? And number two she is so stressed how do we know ahead of time when we needed to take her, it goes on when we feel she might need to try again. Number three -- a kids area?? What are they thinking? Do they not know how kids react around a dog?? They want to play together. How can a dog consintrait on the washroom (that they hate to begin with) when kids want to play with them. Number four -- beside a pool. What is better kids to play with? or a pool to play in??? Again another arguement on my hands.

Sorry option one and two are NOT acceptable, and I will get something that works. Finolly they came up with option three. They where able to put the box in the port side embarkation door. This option worked out very well. She had a quite area away from traffic, and it even was on the same floor as our room (that was just a coincidence). Finolly when she got use to using the litter box (and not able to hold on any longer!!) She used the box for pee, but would do her other business in the box. Just beside. (well at least we could clean that one up and put it in the box!!). We asked where we are to put the garbage, I was told to leave it there. (I had baged it for them at least) The litter area only got cleaned one time when we where on the boat for 4 day cruise. The smell was strong but, at least she had somewhere to finolly go that worked out well.

The rest of the trip went as well as we could make it. She was very popular with all fellow passengers, and most people greated her by name by lunch day two!!

We are looking forward to our next cruise in February with her. We now know what works and what does not for her. She will travel far in this life of hers.

Just always remember that you might have to fight but get what you need for your best friend. You will not be able to enjoy your vacation if your dog is not enjoying theres!!!

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giggleykim- how sad but at least they did finally get it right .... i did not know how spoiled i was on princess until i sailed disney last year. the LOCK the area for relief from 7 pm to 7 am and you have to call a person from the BRIDGE not a crew member but the bridge to unlock the door .... i am in the middle of drawing up complaints with my attorney about it not being a resonable accomidation but MMMAAAANNNNN what do we have to do .... if princess can do it and i hear HAL is really good to WHY cant other lines just do what we ask? how hard is it we know our dogs and what works just set up a box close to our room away from the public and call it good !!! It is 7 days sometimes less ... does it really make THAT big of a difference? dont tell me it is a health issue either because princess can do it

GRRRrrrrr so frustrating huh ? it can ruin a trip ! did mine last year ....

good to hear the poisitive though ... i was thinking of booking them now im wondering LOL

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Kim: It sounds like you got through the nightmare and managed to have a good time. I'm glad.

For everyone reading this who are still reluctant to cruise with their Service Dog.....Here are a few hints for you:

1. ALWAYS talk to the "Access/Care" Department of the cruise line before you cruise. Let them know about your special needs; potty box/filler/placement/no locked doors, etc. (I know that sometimes there's a huge gap between the cummunication and the ship) but, you may get someone who has great enthusiasm and will address your issues.

2. ALWAYS potty your dog before you get on the ship. This will give you hours to investigate and get the box right before your dog hits that "uncomfortable zone!"

3. The second you get on the ship and you swipe your Sail & Sign Card, ask to speak with the Hotel Manager or the Cruise Director. Have them meet you in your cabin or go to the information desk.

4. You want to know the placement of the box/litter [make sure they've placed enough litter in the box for your dog's comfort] and a guarantee that the door to the box will be OPEN 24/7 for your dog to use.

5. We are continuing to use Princess because they are so responsive to our needs. (NCL was also very good, we just didn't like the cruiseline.) The Hotel Manager meets me in my cabin before we cruise to make sure I'm happy with the box. He actually walks with me to the box and asks if it's okay!

On Princess they placed the box in a stairwell, near our cabin [not good for someone in a wheel chair. There's a "lip" that you have to step over to enter the area and the door is quite heavy.] Or, they place the box down the hall in a storage closet. If you have a veranda ask them to put the box on it. My DH doesn't like this but it works great! And, they may balk at this but there's no reason they can't do it, insist!!!!!

We have ALWAYS been good steward's of the box. I pick up the waste in a plastic bag and tie it closed, and either leave it inside the recepticle they provide or I leave it by the outside of the box.

I know it all seems like so much work but once it's been done, you have the whole rest of your cruise to enjoy and not worry about anything!!!!!

Brenda is so used to the routine of cruising [our next on September 5th will be her 12th cruise] that she literally walks to the stairwell the moment we get off the elevator and start walking towards our cabin. It's very funny, she thinks it's her own personal yacht!!!!!

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Sorry you have had such a struggle the first cruise out GiggleKim! That sounds pretty bad. We have only been on Holland America and have never had a problem in four times with Werin now. I do go over our specific needs with the Access Department ahead of time and the Guest Relations manager sits down with us once we get on board to go over everything. We then have no less than 3-4 people ask us if everything is to our satisfaction.


We've had several times were Werin was the only service dog and also several where there were multiples.

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I have NEVER had the International Health Certificate withing 48 hours of cruising. It's been within the year of travel; sometimes within 3 months; sometimes within 6 months.


I also have NEVER been denied access to the cruise by the TSA/Immigration or Princess Cruiselines officials.


The rules Mexico has set up require it to be within 48 hours. You're lucky you haven't gotten caught or they haven't cared (or known their own rules) if they did look at the date, but the rules are 48 hours and I am not going to defy the rules or post anything contrary to them, especially if it would possibly make somebody not able to get off at a ship port or airport.


Sure, not everybody follows the rules - the vet in the Bahamas told me this earlier this year, that not everybody brings their dog to the vet within 48 hours of arrival like the requirements state (for a land vacation) - but that doesn't make it okay and someday they may crack down on offenders, which might put somebody who read info. on here in a tricky or sad situation.


And, yes, when I'm in the Bahamas for more than ten days, I get another health certificate that is within ten days of my return to the U.S., since the U.S. regulations are within ten days. (This also supports the humane society there and is half as cheap as one in the U.S., so I don't mind doing it even if the U.S. folks never look at it.)


I recommend for people to follow the laws, rules, and regulations, especially when in a foreign country. Everybody can choose their own path.

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Quam - Thanks for the info

Denver is toilet trained just not TOILET trained LOL LOL LOL could you imagine our dogs sitting on the toilet I would laugh so hard i would pee my pants if i saw Denver sitting there


Yeah, it would be quite the sight!!!!! :D I wonder if he would ask for a newspaper?! :p


I wish cruise lines knew WHERE they placed the boxes and just told us ahead of time .


Yeah, or at least placed them there before we got on the ship and had to wander around it asking different ppl where it was only to find it didn't yet exist! :rolleyes:


If it was fwd and you were aft why didnt u ask them to move it ? I know almost all lines will ( except disney )


'Cause there wasn't anywhere aft to put it. That level only had decks on the forward half of the ship. The other outdoor area decks were where the pools and stuff were (I assume, since I never went to them). I wished they'd put it on the balcony of my cabin, but they state health regulations which I doubt exist since several other lines put the boxes on balconies! This time I'm going on Carnival and I believe they won't have an issue with a balcony box.


(BTW, it is official - I'm going for sure!!!)


i would have never found it becaujse i have vision loss .


I have read of one (at least) line putting wind chimes at the box's location for visually impaired ppl to find it easily. I think that was for a group service dog cruise, though, so I'm not sure if they do that normally (or if it was the group that did or requested that).


I got all of the info i needed on the policys of each ship ( thanks Rozzy baby ) and I am sending it to the attorney in florida who is presenting my case to DCL . I know this coming DCL cruise is going to be the same locked door story but at least i know now they place it on 7 aft and no where else no matter what so i have a room on 7 aft VERY close so they can just knock on my door when they are there and not me sitting on the floor of the hall with a crying pacing dog who has to poop and pee ....


What a sad image of your pooch! :mad: Terrible they did that to him. That's great that you were able to get a room near the box, though! I hope it works out better for you this time!!!

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