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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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BTW, everyone, IAADP (International Association of Assistance Dog Partners) is asking for votes in the Pepsi contest for grants. If IAADP wins, the money will be put towards a few things including the veterinary emergency relief fund they have for members' service dogs who need costly medical treatment/surgery that will put the dog back to working status yet the partner can't afford it. (Sadly, two giant sponsors of the fund backed out this year!)


Go to http://www.iaadp.org for more info. and the link on how to vote - you can vote once per organization daily out of the ten votes you get daily.

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We have never been asked to put our service dog through the metal detector. They always just pull the dog and John aside. This was the case even with our last service dog.


The IAADP thing is so screwed up! John has been trying to vote for a few weeks and finally they sent an email telling us it was screwed up and they were going to try something different, but that doesn't work either. He was trying the new thing the other day and couldn't get that to work either. Then he got an email from CCI so he went in through there, and guess what...it didn't work either!!:eek:

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We have never been asked to put our service dog through the metal detector. They always just pull the dog and John aside. This was the case even with our last service dog.


That's because your hubby is in a wheelchair, so he doesn't go through the metal detector himself. If he wasn't in a wheelchair, he would have to go through the metal detector and so would the dog.


The IAADP thing is so screwed up! John has been trying to vote for a few weeks and finally they sent an email telling us it was screwed up and they were going to try something different, but that doesn't work either. He was trying the new thing the other day and couldn't get that to work either. Then he got an email from CCI so he went in through there, and guess what...it didn't work either!!:eek:


Strange, as I've voted in the thing a couple of times just fine. Let me see if I can find the link for you - or you can go on the Pepsi site and search for it, I think.


Here: http://www.refresheverything.com/helpthedisabledandtheirdogs Click "Vote for this idea" to vote - you have to be logged into the site to do this (you have to sign up if you haven't already).

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This is a link to the video Nancy was talking about...Hope it works.


Sorry, it links you to msnbc and then you still have to hunt for the specefic link. I'll try again later.http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.msnbc.msn.com%2Fid%2F21134540%2Fvp%2F40263323%2340263323&h=991e3

Edited by sunshine426
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That's because your hubby is in a wheelchair, so he doesn't go through the metal detector himself. If he wasn't in a wheelchair, he would have to go through the metal detector and so would the dog.


This is not always true......It's a "hit" or a "miss" depending on the agent. Sometimes they ask me to send Brenda through the detector, sometimes they don't.

Doesn't matter to me as long as she's in my ear-shot to hear my commands and, I ALWAYS INSIST that one of the TSA Agents grab her leash [if I'm alone]. Brenda is a dog...and, can be distracted if I'm not with her [holding her lead]. I don't want to take the risk of her being called away by anybody or having another Service Dog or anything elses distract her away from me!!!!!! It's a risk I won't take!!!

Always, keep your SD safe.....it's YOUR job, they depend on YOU to protect them. Remember, a dog's brain NEVER develops more than the equal of a 2 year old child.

Would you let a 2 year old stand alone with a STRANGER? [Of course, for those of us who have raised two year olds, I doubt we'd ever allow ANYONE to try and separate us, for some of us, it would take an act of God!] With our 2 year old "hero's", we have to allow that "separation" thing and, then remember they're dogs. And, some people have an innate fear of them.

If you think of your dog in terms of a 2 year old child it may be easier to understand their behavior/responses and emotions.

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This is a link to the video Nancy was talking about...Hope it works.


Sorry, it links you to msnbc and then you still have to hunt for the specefic link. I'll try again later.http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.msnbc.msn.com%2Fid%2F21134540%2Fvp%2F40263323%2340263323&h=991e3


Okay, I've had my good cry for the day. I love watching the training and the "matching" of these wonderful dogs.


She has a fabulous organization and she's truly an amazing woman. Her father would be very proud of what she's done and is doing.


If I wasn't so connected to CCI she would be my choice.


I love Arnold's philosphy, her training methods and the wonderful folks who work with her [sunshine].

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Okay, I've had my good cry for the day. I love watching the training and the "matching" of these wonderful dogs.


She has a fabulous organization and she's truly an amazing woman. Her father would be very proud of what she's done and is doing.


If I wasn't so connected to CCI she would be my choice.


I love Arnold's philosphy, her training methods and the wonderful folks who work with her [sunshine].



Roz, you make my day. This is why I do what I do...Jennifer decided what she wanted to do as a very young woman and managed to do it. These dogs are ambassadors of good will and companions of a life time. While Jennifer stands in "awe" of dogs, I stand in "awe' of her and her vision. She manages to make recepients, dogs, volunteers, and staff stay loyal to the mission: recepients who need and value these wonderful dogs.

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Roz, you make my day. This is why I do what I do...Jennifer decided what she wanted to do as a very young woman and managed to do it. These dogs are ambassadors of good will and companions of a life time. While Jennifer stands in "awe" of dogs, I stand in "awe' of her and her vision. She manages to make recepients, dogs, volunteers, and staff stay loyal to the mission: recepients who need and value these wonderful dogs.



Where are her locations? I love hearing about the loyalty that you all feel for Jennifer, the program and most especially those wonderful dogs.


Every day that I get to spend with Miss Brenny is another day filled with joy, laughter, companionship, friendship and most importantly, the ability to live my life to its very fullest! She truly completes me!!!!!


People like you and Jennifer Arnold have made the lives of people like me more safe, more liveable and filled with the undying devotion of our furpartners!!!!!



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Ok I think Sunshine tries to make us cry. What a wonderful report on CA. John and I were both in tears. Just to see the faces when they get their dog, it's priceless. I'm sure we looked like that when we got Wex. And those puppies!!! I just wanna lay on the ground and let'em attack me!! Like Roz said None of this can happen without all of wonderful people that devote their time to these dogs. We love all of you!



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Canine Assistants is located in Milton Georgia which is just north of Atlanta. No other campus locations. It is really a family affair with Jennifer's husband is the Vet for the program and provides aftercare to locally placed dogs as well as care for all the dogs in training. He also runs the breeding program. Her brother and nephew are involved in the front office stuff. Fund raising, publicity...And her 8 year old son is about as charming as his mom.

Cooler and Cracker were once those tiny puppies...That was the river group you saw on agility.

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On to cruising...I want to sooooooo bad. Spotted a 7 day western carribean sailing 11/27 for $299 pp. I pushed the numbers around, scrambled to see if we could manage to get the time off last minute, and then came back to reality. Just can't do it this year. Mr Sunshine promises me that next year we should be back in a better financial place(especially if I start working more hours instead of volunteering with the dos)and can probably start planning. So, I am off to start looking, maybe spring or early summer. I can work more, but am not giving up my dog time!!!!!!

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Only 6 days Roz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I know, my house is starting to look like "somethings up"....and, I'm sure Brenda is wondering what is happening to all her floor space. I start bringing down all the travel bags and slowly putting the stuff I just can't forget into them!!!!


I promise myself to lighten my load every time we go away but slowly, ever so slowly the stuff creeps-up on me!!!!!!


I just keep thinking about the folks who are on the cruise right now.....the weather here in Calif. is so cold and wintry and, I keep watching the weather reports for next week.....it's going to be more sunny and, that's a good thing!!!!! :) I'm getting very excited!!!!!!

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Ok I think Sunshine tries to make us cry. What a wonderful report on CA. John and I were both in tears. Just to see the faces when they get their dog, it's priceless. I'm sure we looked like that when we got Wex. And those puppies!!! I just wanna lay on the ground and let'em attack me!! Like Roz said None of this can happen without all of wonderful people that devote their time to these dogs. We love all of you!




Yes, we do!!!!

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Canine Assistants is located in Milton Georgia which is just north of Atlanta. No other campus locations. It is really a family affair with Jennifer's husband is the Vet for the program and provides aftercare to locally placed dogs as well as care for all the dogs in training. He also runs the breeding program. Her brother and nephew are involved in the front office stuff. Fund raising, publicity...And her 8 year old son is about as charming as his mom.


Cooler and Cracker were once those tiny puppies...That was the river group you saw on agility.


Wow! Talk about a family affair. She's done a great job on getting the "word" out. I wish her and her family great success in all that they do!

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On to cruising...I want to sooooooo bad. Spotted a 7 day western carribean sailing 11/27 for $299 pp. I pushed the numbers around, scrambled to see if we could manage to get the time off last minute, and then came back to reality. Just can't do it this year. Mr Sunshine promises me that next year we should be back in a better financial place(especially if I start working more hours instead of volunteering with the dos)and can probably start planning. So, I am off to start looking, maybe spring or early summer. I can work more, but am not giving up my dog time!!!!!!


It will happen. And, I hope it's not too long for you!


Please, please don't give-up your "dog time", people like me need you desperately!

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Whew! I'm at work and, getting ready for the holiday, the cruise and finishing all the important stuff before Brenny goes to the groomer on Wednesday. I still have shopping to do for Turkey Day and then I have Friday to get ready for our cruise on Saturday.

For those of you who are probably very confused over the different "Avatars" and my threads......on the weekends I use PaPa's Avatar and write to you from there. I much prefer my own [but, that's when I'm at work] and, thank goodness I'm not here on the weekends. I feel like I practically live at work, as it is.

Brenda loves it at work......she has much more to do and lots of attention and different visitors - all day long.

If I don't get to talk to you before Thursday - Have a wonderful, love-filled Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for ALL OF YOU to talk to and to turn to when I need help and advice on Cruising With a Service Dog!

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Have a great cruise Roz. Friday we start our weekends of CCI fundraising with our puppy raiser friends. They have a Borders Books up by them that allows non profit organizations to come in and do free gift wrapping for donations. So we start on Friday and do every Saturday till Christmas, including Christmas Eve morning. Other puppy raisers and graduates stop by and we educate alot of people. We did it last year and the donations were pretty good.

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Have a great cruise Roz. Friday we start our weekends of CCI fundraising with our puppy raiser friends. They have a Borders Books up by them that allows non profit organizations to come in and do free gift wrapping for donations. So we start on Friday and do every Saturday till Christmas, including Christmas Eve morning. Other puppy raisers and graduates stop by and we educate alot of people. We did it last year and the donations were pretty good.



Thank you!

What you do for CCI and the folks who get the giftwrapping is a wonderful idea. Everybody gets something out of it. It's a win-win.

Give "Orson" a big kiss and lick from me and Brenda.

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This is not always true......It's a "hit" or a "miss" depending on the agent. Sometimes they ask me to send Brenda through the detector, sometimes they don't.

Did you go through the detector when she didn't? I've never seen or heard of such a thing before, as it is required for the dogs to be screened. As somebody who flies domestically and internationally more than you do, I have never experienced somebody saying the dog didn't need to go through the metal detector. Sounds like you came across somebody who was incompetent in their job, as even the TSA rules for screening service dogs (posted on the Web site) talk about going through the metal detector, with nothing saying it is optional for those going through the detectors.

Even pet dogs (who don't generally wear anything but a collar and leash) have to go through the metal detectors (held by their person).

If you're talking about going through cruise ship security, that's not TSA and they can make up whatever rules they want to.


Doesn't matter to me as long as she's in my ear-shot to hear my commands and, I ALWAYS INSIST that one of the TSA Agents grab her leash [if I'm alone]. Brenda is a dog...and, can be distracted if I'm not with her [holding her lead]. I don't want to take the risk of her being called away by anybody or having another Service Dog or anything elses distract her away from me!!!!!! It's a risk I won't take!!!

Your dog will never be separated from you (TSA rule), so, yes, she will always be within earshot. TSA agents are not allowed to take the leash, nor should they. If your dog cannot behave off-lead, get your CCI ppl to come give her a refresher lesson, as that is a very important thing for service dogs to know. My dog had to pass an off-leash obedience test far before her service dog certification (and, of course, did an on-leash obedience test before the off-leash one).

There's no chance of somebody calling her away from you or of somebody distracting your dog once she is on the other side of the metal detector (assuming she is going through first - this is why it would be stupid to send the dog after you, since there's the possibility of an idiot stranger being behind you in line), as there is no room for anybody to be there and ppl wouldn't be allowed to stand there anyway. If your dog doesn't know the "stop" command, you can use "stand" or "sit" to get her to stop and wait for you to come through the metal detector. There isn't a risk in letting your dog be obedient, but there could be a risk in a TSA agent who might not know squat about dogs (especially service dogs), might be afraid of dogs, etc. and who isn't allowed to take control of your dog taking the leash. I'd be darn-tootin' mad if a TSA agent tried to take my dog's leash!


Always, keep your SD safe.....it's YOUR job, they depend on YOU to protect them. Remember, a dog's brain NEVER develops more than the equal of a 2 year old child.


Would you let a 2 year old stand alone with a STRANGER? [Of course, for those of us who have raised two year olds, I doubt we'd ever allow ANYONE to try and separate us, for some of us, it would take an act of God!] With our 2 year old "hero's", we have to allow that "separation" thing and, then remember they're dogs. And, some people have an innate fear of them.


If you think of your dog in terms of a 2 year old child it may be easier to understand their behavior/responses and emotions.


Some ppl don't have a choice in letting their kids "stand" with a stranger with these new TSA procedures! :eek: :mad:


Yes, I know about dog behavior, although it isn't quite like the "two-year-old" thing.


Going through security your dog isn't more than a few feet in front of you, so your dog isn't alone at all. The dog has nowhere to go and nobody to distract it. If your dog's off-leash training has gotten dull, get a trainer from your program to come out to give the both of you a refresher course.

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I can't wait to call CCI and tell them to send a "trainer" over immediately because the Service Dog who will be on her 14th cruise on Saturday and has been all over the world by every means of transportation available to man - NEEDS MORE TRAINING! That'll go over big!!!!!!

I think I'm good. Thanks and have a great Thanksgiving! Remember, we roast the "bird" not each other!!!!!!

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Ok, Roz's comment reminded me of a Thanksgiving email greeting I got. It has absolutely nothing to do with any of us, just gave me a great laugh this morning and I want to share it.

"Just think, if the Indians had offered the pilgrims donkey at the feast we would all be having azz for Thanksgiving!" Happy Thanksgiving. :D


Roz: Hopefully I will be on here before you go, but if not have a fantabulous cruise with Mr. Roz, Ms. Brenny and yourself. Let the ocean air fly thru your hair! Was that a rhyme?

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Ok, Roz's comment reminded me of a Thanksgiving email greeting I got. It has absolutely nothing to do with any of us, just gave me a great laugh this morning and I want to share it.

"Just think, if the Indians had offered the pilgrims donkey at the feast we would all be having azz for Thanksgiving!" Happy Thanksgiving. :D


Roz: Hopefully I will be on here before you go, but if not have a fantabulous cruise with Mr. Roz, Ms. Brenny and yourself. Let the ocean air fly thru your hair! Was that a rhyme?


Thank you, my dear.....and, you and yours have a blissful Thanksgiving. I will have a "air-flowing through my hair" experience!

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