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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I gave John a list of 3 things to do. And he called me last night and said "Maybe we can work on these things this week" WE??? 3 things he has to do for this whole trip and he needs help!!! :confused: I just might have to kill him! :eek: This is why I get stressed out...MEN!!! Of course my son, 26yrs old is the same way. Who will bring me his clothes last minute and tell me they need to be washed. :eek: Maybe I'll kill them both and take you lovely ladies with me instead. ;)


Sounds like you need some good ol' fashioned CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!! :D


Remember, "desserts" is "stressed" reversed! :D

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I will be cruising with my daughter and her service dog the beginning of February. I am desperately in need of some help. Our ports are (in order) Labadee, Haiti; Samana, Dominican Republic; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas; Philipsburg, St. Maarten; Tortola, B.V.I.; then back to U.S. Labadee, Haiti is a Royal Caribbean private island stop.


I have been reading and researching and getting more confused by the minute. Can anyone help me with what I need for these ports?

For Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, and St. Maarten you just need the health certificate and rabies certificate, so you should be able to get off at those ports (assuming the rabies vaccine is not older than a year for St. Maarten). The British Virgin Islands require a rabies titer and quarantine according to what I found quickly: http://www.pettravel.com/immigration/BritishVirginIslands.cfm. It doesn't say if there is a required six-month wait after the rabies titer blood is drawn or not like is usual for British countries. This is what I found for Dominican Republic (you will want to do a Google search for info., as well): http://www.pettravel.com/immigration/DominicanRepublic.cfm . The site doesn't list Haiti and, since it is a private area you're going to, you should ask Royal Caribbean if they know what you'll need.


I know I will need an international health certificate, a current rabies certificate, her graduation certificate along with her photo ID and license, but what else? Is there any special permits I will be needing for any of these ports? Any special tests/labs done? Help!


I am just at such a loss, any and all help is much appreciated. :confused:


You don't have to have certification/graduation certificate or a photo ID or a license to get into any of these countries. You can bring them, if you want, but they aren't needed. What they need is the veterinary/health info./proof/certificates.


You don't have time to do required tests; sometimes international travel with a dog (service or pet) takes seven or more months planning. But, you will be able to get off at some of the ports, so that's a good thing!

Edited by Quampapetet
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Mornin' all:

Quam: Have an excellent Christmas.


I guess like Cindy, I should wish the rest of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, now too, never know what might come up!


Roz: You guys keep me grounded. I get whiney and then I step back and see how good I really have it. Then I shake my head and clear the cobwebs and move along!


Cindy: Men are just men! I want to know why they can lay trash on the counter, RIGHT ABOVE the trash can? Even the 7 year old has started. He told me he wants to marry me and then we are going to get 5 butlers! I am all for the butlers, not so much on getting married again! Gotta love em. Kinda glad our furbabies are girls, but I am rethinking that one on Jezzy Lou, she is a little too high maintenance for me. Especially at 4:30 am this morning and needing to go out. It was freezing out there. Of course she does get her business done and back, quickly!


Everyone have a nice Christmas Eve. Stay warm, and enjoy.

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I'm taking 20 minutes of "kitchen time" to write. Quam, it sounds like you're feeling better, I'm glad. Have a wonderful holiday.


While cruising with your Service Dog, remember that staying onboard the ship with your dog, while docked at various ports, can be a lot of fun for both of you. You'll find lots of places to exercise your dog because the ship will be virtually empty. You can walk the Promenade in ease, with no one to stop you to ask many, many questions and pleading to "pat" your dog. It's great private time in the pools, theatre's, buffet, elevators and a myriad of other places on the ship. I love this time.


I want to share a story about a gal in my office who has a 19 year old, minature poodle. The dog is now blind [that just happened this year] and showing some signs of demensia [she stands in the corner of a room and whines because she's confused]. This little dog still eats like a horse but has to wear a diaper because she's incontinent. She loves to lay on my friends lap to be stroked and loved. The Vet said that this little being has the heart of a 5 year old and she's in no pain but he said that she's really not living any sort of quality life. My friend has made the decision to let her "go" this weekend. A truly tough decision, to be sure! Amazingly long life.

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Mornin' all:

Hope everyone had a nice day yesterday.


Roz: Thoughts and prayers to your friend. She knows what is right for the little one. And remember, no more pain, only good days with lots of sunshine.


She let her go on Friday. She's still very sad today. This little dog was raised with her daughter and her daughter is now married with a baby. She didn't tell her she was doing it and her daughter is very upset that she wasn't there. Something she's sorry about today. But, it would have meant that her daughter would have to drive up from San Diego and with the holiday traffic and all, I think she made the right decision. Her daughter never will.

She took the dogs favorite treats with her in the car and while waiting in the waiting room for the Vet Tech she allowed her little friend to eat as much as she wanted. And, amazingly enough, this little dog ate like a horse.

She said it went very quickly and easily [if it's ever easy.] She just wanted to talk about her to all of us this morning and, we all listened.

I am definitely patting my girl a lot more today.

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Your post takes me back to the decision we made for our beloved Tigger. We too listened to our hearts and made the decision to let her go with grace. She had begun falling, sometimes her legs would just slide out from under her (especially after the kitchen floor was waxed). Our fear was that she would fall and break sometihing while we were at work. Hated to think of her suffering for hours. The occasional potty accidents on the house were no problems for us, the moments when she would be sitting staring at the wall not realizing she wasn't facing forward caused some laughter and always extra hugs and kisses for her. Her last morning was filled with hugs from the children and kisses from all. After her final visit to see "Dr Andy" we brought here home and buried her in the back yard. For several weeks, neighborhood children would come lay weeds and dandelions and notes on her grave...We were charmed and saddened and then moved on.

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Your post takes me back to the decision we made for our beloved Tigger. We too listened to our hearts and made the decision to let her go with grace. She had begun falling, sometimes her legs would just slide out from under her (especially after the kitchen floor was waxed). Our fear was that she would fall and break sometihing while we were at work. Hated to think of her suffering for hours. The occasional potty accidents on the house were no problems for us, the moments when she would be sitting staring at the wall not realizing she wasn't facing forward caused some laughter and always extra hugs and kisses for her. Her last morning was filled with hugs from the children and kisses from all. After her final visit to see "Dr Andy" we brought here home and buried her in the back yard. For several weeks, neighborhood children would come lay weeds and dandelions and notes on her grave...We were charmed and saddened and then moved on.



I know we must!


I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.....getting back to work can be such a drag.

We are in the midst of selling our building to a Private High School. It's very involved and will take a while before it happens but it's pretty scary to think that I won't be able to exercise my Service Dog in the back, fenced yard. This center has been wonderful to bring a Service Dog to. I'll actually have to put a collar and leash on her and walk her in a business district......hunting and pecking for "something" to potty on. Boy have we been spoiled.

We'll be purchasing a large, high-rise type building.....you know "the glass ceiling" kind of building. The kind where you can't get to your office unless you take an elevator......"yuck!" Brenda and I have loved being in the center with all the amenities it had to offer [for her!]

Sunshine: I hope your rollicking pup hasn't knocked all your decorations down.

Cindy: I know you're counting down the days for your cruise. Yippeeeee!!! Make sure Wexy has his formal wear!!!!

Nancy: Stay warm.

To ALL of you - Happy, Healthy and Pawlight New Near!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Cooler had a great Christmas Experience at the house. Got to see what it is like when distraction is around, lot's of people, smells, food on the counter (someone managed to take out a plate of rum cake...) and a Christmas Tree. After a few "leave-it's" with the tree ornaments, she really didn't try to undecorate it. She was very good and really managed well. She had more day time crate time then usual, but that is also a very good thing for these dogs to understand. A few woofs and she settled down in the crate until I had settled down and could watch her. Thank goodness this dog sleeps well in the crate at night. I took her back yesterday, but we are thinking of getting her again for New Years...

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Cooler had a great Christmas Experience at the house. Got to see what it is like when distraction is around, lot's of people, smells, food on the counter (someone managed to take out a plate of rum cake...) and a Christmas Tree. After a few "leave-it's" with the tree ornaments, she really didn't try to undecorate it. She was very good and really managed well. She had more day time crate time then usual, but that is also a very good thing for these dogs to understand. A few woofs and she settled down in the crate until I had settled down and could watch her. Thank goodness this dog sleeps well in the crate at night. I took her back yesterday, but we are thinking of getting her again for New Years...


Nothing like "MaMa Sunshine's" house for the holiday's!!!!!:p

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I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I hurried back from Ct to beat the blizzard. I knew John would not be able to go outside at all. And as you've all heard, we are buried! Yesterday was so cold and windy, I couldn't even go out and clean off our cars. Just taking Wex out was horrible. I'm glad we got this storm out of the way, cuz there will NOT be one next week! Wex has his vet tomorrow for the health cert. I am already stressed out, but that is normal. I will not relax til we are on the ship. I don't worry about packing cuz I have a master list which makes it a breeze. But I do have to pack this weekend cuz I have to go back to CT next week to get my son and try to make sure he has everything he needs. Even though he is 26, he's still young and a man so that makes him helpless. :eek: I will be spending the day trying to get our cars out of the snow and I don't know how much my bad back will take. I don't need my car til next tuesday so maybe I will just do the van today.


Roz, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friends dog. My prayers are with her. I know how horrible it is.

Edited by rangeley
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Roz, I almost forgot to mention last night Wex was sniffing his tux (I think he can smell his puppy raisers on it since she made it) I took it out and he wanted to try it on. Then he sits in front of me and the end of his tail wags. He just loves to get dressed up in anything. Here's a pic I'm sure I posted before but it's just to cute!!


Edited by rangeley
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Mornin' all:

Roz: We haven't been that bad. I have been going out with a thermal shirt under a t-shirt over it and have been fine. That's during the day, of course. This morning the computer said 17F on one site and 29F on another? :confused: So I guess we should average that out!


Cindy: That's our handsome man! He is just too cute. I have a girl friend that has two wiener dogs. (Couldn't spell the other!) Anyway, one loves to get her sweater or coat on, she will run to the bin and get out the one she wants and bring it to her to put on. The other one is just not too fond of having to get dressed, at all, I guess she likes being nekkid!


I am so glad we don't have to be digging any vehicles out of snow. That is not why we moved here! :o


Roz: You know, I don't like change, but try and be positive about it. I know what you mean about being spoiled and then boom, it changes. I hope you and Ms. Brenny end up with some nice outdoor space. Her would love that, you too!


Hope everyone has a nice week.


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I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I hurried back from Ct to beat the blizzard. I knew John would not be able to go outside at all. And as you've all heard, we are buried! Yesterday was so cold and windy, I couldn't even go out and clean off our cars. Just taking Wex out was horrible. I'm glad we got this storm out of the way, cuz there will NOT be one next week! Wex has his vet tomorrow for the health cert. I am already stressed out, but that is normal. I will not relax til we are on the ship. I don't worry about packing cuz I have a master list which makes it a breeze. But I do have to pack this weekend cuz I have to go back to CT next week to get my son and try to make sure he has everything he needs. Even though he is 26, he's still young and a man so that makes him helpless. :eek: I will be spending the day trying to get our cars out of the snow and I don't know how much my bad back will take. I don't need my car til next tuesday so maybe I will just do the van today.


Roz, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friends dog. My prayers are with her. I know how horrible it is.


Yikes! The news is unbelieveable about your snow and the blizzards and the roads and on and on! I bet you can't wait to be onboard that ship and in some balmy weather.

I know how stressful the week before can be but add to it the conditions that you guys are experiencing in terms of weather and "forget-about-it"! It sure doesn't help! Knowing you, you'll get through it no matter what! I hope your back hangs-tough.......be careful, it won't be fun to be suffering while you're trying to relax!

Once you've got your "men" in a row.......you'll feel better about the journey. And, of course the weather will help too!

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Roz, I almost forgot to mention last night Wex was sniffing his tux (I think he can smell his puppy raisers on it since she made it) I took it out and he wanted to try it on. Then he sits in front of me and the end of his tail wags. He just loves to get dressed up in anything. Here's a pic I'm sure I posted before but it's just to cute!!


That picture of him in his tux just cracks me up! He's such a "pretty boy!" And, he knows it!!!!!!

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Cooler had a great Christmas Experience at the house. Got to see what it is like when distraction is around, lot's of people, smells, food on the counter (someone managed to take out a plate of rum cake...) and a Christmas Tree. After a few "leave-it's" with the tree ornaments, she really didn't try to undecorate it. She was very good and really managed well. She had more day time crate time then usual, but that is also a very good thing for these dogs to understand. A few woofs and she settled down in the crate until I had settled down and could watch her. Thank goodness this dog sleeps well in the crate at night. I took her back yesterday, but we are thinking of getting her again for New Years...


Lucky girl! You're so lucky she loves the crate at night. We could not get Brenny to sleep in her crate at night. I think she had had enough "crate time" at CCI, during training. And, once she had settled in her "forever" home she adopted the couch [with my blessing!]

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Mornin' all:

Roz: We haven't been that bad. I have been going out with a thermal shirt under a t-shirt over it and have been fine. That's during the day, of course. This morning the computer said 17F on one site and 29F on another? :confused: So I guess we should average that out!


Cindy: That's our handsome man! He is just too cute. I have a girl friend that has two wiener dogs. (Couldn't spell the other!) Anyway, one loves to get her sweater or coat on, she will run to the bin and get out the one she wants and bring it to her to put on. The other one is just not too fond of having to get dressed, at all, I guess she likes being nekkid!


I am so glad we don't have to be digging any vehicles out of snow. That is not why we moved here! :o


Roz: You know, I don't like change, but try and be positive about it. I know what you mean about being spoiled and then boom, it changes. I hope you and Ms. Brenny end up with some nice outdoor space. Her would love that, you too!


Hope everyone has a nice week.



Thanks, Nancy. I will be positive and as long as Brenny is by my side we'll be just fine.

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Lucky girl! You're so lucky she loves the crate at night. We could not get Brenny to sleep in her crate at night. I think she had had enough "crate time" at CCI, during training. And, once she had settled in her "forever" home she adopted the couch [with my blessing!]



You all know how much I loved my Crackers, but that boy really never took to his crate, and nights were never restful when I had him. Cooler, I have worked on diligently from 10 weeks making the crate a safe place. I tried all my tricks with Crackers, and not much worked. Funny, he tolerated the crate just fine at Canine Assistants, but never well with me. Cooler hates Crate time at CA. She barks and woofs and barks. Eventually she settles down, but not easily. And yet at this house, she is quiets down very quickly. Hmmmmmm I don't know what to make of it.

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I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I hurried back from Ct to beat the blizzard. I knew John would not be able to go outside at all. And as you've all heard, we are buried! Yesterday was so cold and windy, I couldn't even go out and clean off our cars. Just taking Wex out was horrible. I'm glad we got this storm out of the way, cuz there will NOT be one next week! Wex has his vet tomorrow for the health cert. I am already stressed out, but that is normal. I will not relax til we are on the ship. I don't worry about packing cuz I have a master list which makes it a breeze. But I do have to pack this weekend cuz I have to go back to CT next week to get my son and try to make sure he has everything he needs. Even though he is 26, he's still young and a man so that makes him helpless. :eek: I will be spending the day trying to get our cars out of the snow and I don't know how much my bad back will take. I don't need my car til next tuesday so maybe I will just do the van today.


Roz, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friends dog. My prayers are with her. I know how horrible it is.



Cindy, Wow, I am so sorry, all this aggravation right before a trip. Yikes. I'd like to say just give your son a list and tell him to do it himself, but Mr Sunshine also needs a fair bit of assistance packing himself for the cruise, and I can never understand it. Now, my girls, can pack all their stuff and enough shoes for the entire crew in one suitcase each and be ready in 3o minutes of less........

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