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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hi Roz,

You will be getting acquainted with your "Successor" while I'm in hospital, having a revision knee replacement (the old knee replacement, done in 2000, has failed). One of the things that is going to encourage me to do all my exercises, so that I get home as quickly as possible, is looking forward to hearing about Successor, how you adapt to him/her, and how Brenda gets on with another dog in the house.


You may remember that I said I was my DH's hearing assist dog - he is almost totally deaf in one ear and has significant loss of hearing in the other ear. Initially, he was completely against the thought of having a dog to help him.


Since we learned that I would need surgery, DH has acknowledged that he would now consider a dog to assist him, should anything happen to me. I consider that to be progress! A dog to replace me! :D (For what it's worth, I once stated to DH that, if anything ever happened to him, I would not bother looking for another man, but would "just get a dog.")


My very best wishes to you and your new dog, and to Brenda and Morey, who will enjoy companionship together.




Celle, thank you so much for your good wishes.

I want to wish you much success in your knee surgery and recovery. You'll do very well because you have such a great attitude and spirit. I promise to keep everyone updated when I return home with "Successor!" I'll even try to send some pictures.

That is very funny about replacing your hubby with a dog [funny but true!!!] I'm so glad that he's opening-up more about getting a Hearing Dog. Please suggest that he go to Canine Companions for Independence website and just look at some of the videos of what a difference a dog can make in his life. Please give him my best regards.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Roz, I can't even begin to understand your excitement. I know your retiring Brenny, so does that me no more leaving the house and the new pup gets to leave all the time. I wonder how Brenny is going to react? What about you; since you two have been a team for a very long time. Or can you bring both the same time?


Here's the deal.....I've been weaning Brenny slowly away from coming to work with me every day. She's loving staying home with hubby. He spends a lot of his day just catering to her with belly rubs and long walks to sniff-out the neighbors lawns [all of this without any expectation from her or any corrections!] She loves it!

When "Successor" and I go off to work [in the beginning] Morey and Brenny will walk with us and I will get in the car as Brenny and he go off to walk......we'll slowly stop doing that and Brenny will slowly get used to me and "S" leaving them behind. I'm expecting her to maybe feel some "twangs" of jealousy but, hopefully, not much.

Brenda's pretty tired. She's almost 12 years old and, although she's healthy, she does sleep longer and harder than ever before. I have a feeling she'd be very happy if I'd just leave her alone to sleep on her couch.

She may become more motivated when she see's the new dog but I don't think it will last too long.

And, believe it or not.......there is no law that states that you can not have two Service Dogs working for you. One may work for you as a Hearing Dog and the other may do Service work such as [tugging your wheel chair, opening doors, etc., etc. I will only use the services of one dog.

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OK question for the experts here, I had another thing happen to me in my travles and basically I called it BS. While I didn't tell the woman myself I felt she was not only full of it.


Basically this woman had three small dogs oone was a Yorkie, and the other two were around that size and all three sported new "Servicedog" vests. I found it just not of the normal situation. I started a conversation with her and she was immediately defensive about her dogs. My comment was "Wow three service dogs", and she replied "The ADA says you can have servicedogs if your handicap". I agreed and while I was standing there one of the dogs started growling at Blitz, which would be understandable if these were normal dogs. Service animals are supposed to have much more training especially when it comes to socialization. I just out of habit mentioned its OK Blitz has had allot of training and jokingly told her the Yorkie could beat Blitz's butt. So I mentioned to her it it was very unusual to have three dogs with only one master; what is the reason. Then she said you can't ask me what my disability is. I said OK I'm not trying to be rude just wanted to know the reason. So then I did ask her "What exactly does these dogs do for you" she again said I can't ask that question. I pointed to Blitz and he has a ID which is like any ID that can be purchased on line (I also carry my perscription with me just in case I need it) and on the back of his ID card is a brief of the ADA and showed her that two questions can be asked and one of those is "What service does the service animal do for you". Her reply could have been a situation like knocking me over with a feather. According to her all three dogs were "Hearing dogs". I jokingly said "Really 3, what does one hear and tell the other and tell the other and the Yorkie tell you"? Buy then she as very nervous and also jittery and her voice was starting to have a edge on it as if I was annoying her. I told her thank you and good luck.


So I personally think she was full of 100% Grade A BS; although I am not a expert in this field and this is why I am asking you the experts. Can any one think of a valid reason to have 3 hearing dogs; all were a few years old and none appeared to have too much training. I know those dogs are trained to assist a individual who is hard of hearing although I did not see any hearing aids and she heard everything I said. Since our conversation was personal my tone and volume was lower than if it was just a casual conversation.


Any ideas? Could I be wrong?


She's not using these dogs as Hearing Dogs.....you know it and most importantly, she knows it. Gawd, I'm so sick of people like her who think they're getting away with something. I appreciate that she won't leave her pets at home or in the car but don't pass them off as highly trained and skilled Service Dogs.......PLEASE!!!!!

And, Guitarist, not all hearing impaired folks wear hearing aids, some can even carry on a normal conversation without hand signals and some can read your lips [up close and very far away!]

Again, I would have confronted her, telling her that she was WRONG and that she was ruining it for folks who legitimately use these wonderfully skilled dogs in the appropriate manner. I would also tell her that a qualified Hearing Dog would NEVER growl or bark at anyone or anything and that doing so would get them banished from any public venue!!!!!! I would then approach management and have her and her brood promptly removed!!!!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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I think she is full of Crapola!! But let's think about 3 hearing dogs.

Left ear, right ear, stereo? Treble, bass and mid-range? Telephone, door bell and voice?

Come on Roz...help me out here!!


You are forgetting the amazing "Brain Dog", the one who works for the ever so troublesome brain dead folks. ;):D

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OK question for the experts here, I had another thing happen to me in my travles and basically I called it BS. While I didn't tell the woman myself I felt she was not only full of it.


Basically this woman had three small dogs oone was a Yorkie, and the other two were around that size and all three sported new "Servicedog" vests. I found it just not of the normal situation. I started a conversation with her and she was immediately defensive about her dogs. My comment was "Wow three service dogs", and she replied "The ADA says you can have servicedogs if your handicap". I agreed and while I was standing there one of the dogs started growling at Blitz, which would be understandable if these were normal dogs. Service animals are supposed to have much more training especially when it comes to socialization. I just out of habit mentioned its OK Blitz has had allot of training and jokingly told her the Yorkie could beat Blitz's butt. So I mentioned to her it it was very unusual to have three dogs with only one master; what is the reason. Then she said you can't ask me what my disability is. I said OK I'm not trying to be rude just wanted to know the reason. So then I did ask her "What exactly does these dogs do for you" she again said I can't ask that question. I pointed to Blitz and he has a ID which is like any ID that can be purchased on line (I also carry my perscription with me just in case I need it) and on the back of his ID card is a brief of the ADA and showed her that two questions can be asked and one of those is "What service does the service animal do for you". Her reply could have been a situation like knocking me over with a feather. According to her all three dogs were "Hearing dogs". I jokingly said "Really 3, what does one hear and tell the other and tell the other and the Yorkie tell you"? Buy then she as very nervous and also jittery and her voice was starting to have a edge on it as if I was annoying her. I told her thank you and good luck.


So I personally think she was full of 100% Grade A BS; although I am not a expert in this field and this is why I am asking you the experts. Can any one think of a valid reason to have 3 hearing dogs; all were a few years old and none appeared to have too much training. I know those dogs are trained to assist a individual who is hard of hearing although I did not see any hearing aids and she heard everything I said. Since our conversation was personal my tone and volume was lower than if it was just a casual conversation.


Any ideas? Could I be wrong?


Hey shift in gears; are all the members who live in the CT area have power now? It looks like those in Ok will be having another rough day with rain finally. That storm front goes up to the U.P of Michigan and will turn to snow.


OK I'm finished heading out to vote this morning. Not really too concerned about the offices open heading out to Vote against 26. Way too many rights being taken away from women including most forms of birth control.


C Yall Ltr....


This is a very pretty photo of Blitz's sister


turn...... lol



One word for that lady CRAP!!!! I do not believe for a minute that she had 3 service dogs. And we have found that legit people with legit service dogs have no problem talking about them, actually they love to brag about them. I'm not surprised at anything anymore, ever since our own brother in law got a service dog ID for his rat dog. The ADA needs to wake up and have some kind of LEGAL certification for these animals. I don't know if any of you saw the thread about the people who took their "service dog" on a cruise ship and let it eat off the table and swim in the pool!! :eek:


As for the power in CT, I think by midnight tomorrow everyone should be on. The governor is not happy with the power company right now. The you know what is going to hit the fan.

Edited by rangeley
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Don't ya just love it when Roz gets ticked off? :D


Hey! We don't make fun of Brenny's Mommy!

My office is planning a "Retirement Party" for Brenda Elizabeth on Monday......You're all invited. :)

To really get how funny this is.....we've had folks who retire who nothing was said and nothing was done! How funny is that? Oh wait! Not for them!

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Hey! We don't make fun of Brenny's Mommy!


My office is planning a "Retirement Party" for Brenda Elizabeth on Monday......You're all invited. :)


To really get how funny this is.....we've had folks who retire who nothing was said and nothing was done! How funny is that? Oh wait! Not for them!


Orson said he would love to come but it's a school day. :(

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I figured she was full of crapola also but wanted to get feedback from here since I do not know it all. Now the Ex is fully convinced I do know it all yet I would never admit to her that I don't.


Yall did touch on something about bragging about your SD's; I am all about bragging about Blitz. If you go to my facebook page I have more pics of Blitz than my own children... lol OBTW my facebook s



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Hey! We don't make fun of Brenny's Mommy!


My office is planning a "Retirement Party" for Brenda Elizabeth on Monday......You're all invited. :)


To really get how funny this is.....we've had folks who retire who nothing was said and nothing was done! How funny is that? Oh wait! Not for them!



A party for Brenny? That's great! Having a service dog is something special. I think people who have one are different. My mother in law and sis in law are always making negative comments about the way we are with Wex. They just don't understand. They are always saying "he's just a dog" and we should leave him home. Drives me nuts!

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A party for Brenny? That's great! Having a service dog is something special. I think people who have one are different. My mother in law and sis in law are always making negative comments about the way we are with Wex. They just don't understand. They are always saying "he's just a dog" and we should leave him home. Drives me nuts!


Give me their names and numbers.....I'll teach em what the meaning of that phrase "he's just a dog" really stands for!!!!!!

Anyone, and that includes close family members, who don't accept my Brenny into their homes, parties, etc., etc. will get the "Wrath of Roz" thrown at them. I've turned down many a family and friend function of those who don't accept Brenda because "she's just a dog"!

Honestly, at times I prefer the company of Brenda to that of some humans!!!!!! Or, didn't I even have to say that?

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Every time Orson's puppy raisers are turning in a dog, they have a "bone-voyage" block party for him/her.


As it should be!!!!! Why would folks raise a dog for over a year, do all that work, put so much love, attention, time and training into a dog and then simply walk away? Very curious!!!!

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Orson said he would love to come but it's a school day. :(


Brenda will miss not sharing her goodbye party with her "cyber-buddies" but she totally understands that flying-in for the party and then rushing back through the airport can be too much for most! ;):rolleyes:

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My "countdown clock" actually says 3 weeks and 6 days.......That is so cool!!!!!!

I don't know how I'm going to drive to CCI.....I'm so excited now, can you imagine me in 3 weeks? I had no idea what to expect when I drove up 9 years ago to attend Team Training. Now I know what it's all about and receiving a new partner in the end is just so overwhelmingly fantastic!

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My office is planning a "Retirement Party" for Brenda Elizabeth on Monday......You're all invited. :)

How sweet! I would love to come but my sis just told me yesterday that she can't take Mom to the doctor so I need to do this. Give Brenda a kiss for me! :)


Honestly, at times I prefer the company of Brenda to that of some humans!!!!!! Or, didn't I even have to say that?

I know EXACTLY what you mean! ;)

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My "countdown clock" actually says 3 weeks and 6 days.......That is so cool!!!!!!


I don't know how I'm going to drive to CCI.....I'm so excited now, can you imagine me in 3 weeks? I had no idea what to expect when I drove up 9 years ago to attend Team Training. Now I know what it's all about and receiving a new partner in the end is just so overwhelmingly fantastic!


I hear that song playing in my head, remember it was a pretty decent hit in the 70's (for those of us who remember). I think it was called Anticipation



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Give me their names and numbers.....I'll teach em what the meaning of that phrase "he's just a dog" really stands for!!!!!!


Anyone, and that includes close family members, who don't accept my Brenny into their homes, parties, etc., etc. will get the "Wrath of Roz" thrown at them. I've turned down many a family and friend function of those who don't accept Brenda because "she's just a dog"!


Honestly, at times I prefer the company of Brenda to that of some humans!!!!!! Or, didn't I even have to say that?


Can I just say NO Brenny just to see the Wrath of Roz....... lol

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