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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hi Beckie, My Jezzy Lou went through the throw-up, then be fine for a couple weeks, then throw up again. Went to the vet twice. He wasn't very nice to me. He asked me what I was feeding her and as I was telling him, he yelled at me, "That isn't telling me anything." I was so frazzelled I didn't know what to say. But he did say it may be her food. I have had to feed her rice since she was a pup. Every time I quit giving her rice with her meal she gets the runs. Then I learned that there is arcenic in rice! :eek: so I have cut back on the rice and changed her food and like Gibson, so far so good. Some days, she just doesn't eat a meal. Very strange. I hope Gibson gets all better, along with your daughter. Just what every mom needs, sick kids and sick furkids!

Ms. Roz, sis Cindy is right, we will never behave and we wouldn't have it any other way! I believe DKD was in the hot seat, recently too! I am sure glad we didn't get put in CC jail for our colorful language, although I was just quoting others! :p

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Oh Lawdy Bee, I forgot the continueing health insurance saga. So, even though the dumb biddy (trying to clean up my language) at the doctors office assured me that they were authorized for the treatment we have been told that our insurance does not authorize out of network providers. So we now have a nice $2500 dollar bill that they think we owe. We shall see who has the last word on this one, since I have the notes from her and what she told me. I should have known when we got a bill from an insurance company that was not ours and they stated that we weren't members that I realized she had billed the wrong insurance company. Regardless the correct insurance company still says they don't authorize out of network. So a lot more foot work on my part. Then an appeal to our insurance company explaining what the dumb biddy told me Hopefully it will go in our favor. I feel a long ride coming on. Not sure I am in the mood for it, but I will not just let this go and pay them! That thar is fighting words and would pay for a nice cruise! :eek:

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Thank you Nancy, Cindy & Roz for all your encouraging words! Gibson is definitely feeling better each day since the food change, and the drop down in the Prednisone dosage. Will be glad when he is done with it completely. Diana has mitochondrial disease, so she has some fairly long stretches of feeling really bad. Then she will have a period where she can do more activities. We just take each day as it comes and enjoy fully the good days. This forum really boosts our spirits, so ya'll hang in there and keep on keepin' on! Beckie

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Thank you Nancy, Cindy & Roz for all your encouraging words! Gibson is definitely feeling better each day since the food change, and the drop down in the Prednisone dosage. Will be glad when he is done with it completely. Diana has mitochondrial disease, so she has some fairly long stretches of feeling really bad. Then she will have a period where she can do more activities. We just take each day as it comes and enjoy fully the good days. This forum really boosts our spirits, so ya'll hang in there and keep on keepin' on! Beckie


I'm just catching up with your news, and I'm glad to hear that Gibson is feeling better. I remember watching Diana's video of her presentation and I'm sorry she's not feeling great right now. We have a tradition on here of sending cyber "hugs" to anyone not feeling well or maybe just cos they might need one!


So I'm sending you, Diana and Gibson a huge cyber "hug" each! :D


Just wondering if any of your dogs eat grass? Our dogs will occasionally have a nibble or two, but only the long grass. Our cats will eat some grass and then sick it up, which makes me believe they eat it if they have a sore tummy.


I do prefer it though, if they eat it and throw up while they are still outside and not on my cream bedroom carpet - why do they always choose the cream carpet and not the hard floor in the kitchen??? :eek:

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Oh Lawdy Bee, I forgot the continueing health insurance saga. So, even though the dumb biddy (trying to clean up my language) at the doctors office assured me that they were authorized for the treatment we have been told that our insurance does not authorize out of network providers. So we now have a nice $2500 dollar bill that they think we owe. We shall see who has the last word on this one, since I have the notes from her and what she told me. I should have known when we got a bill from an insurance company that was not ours and they stated that we weren't members that I realized she had billed the wrong insurance company. Regardless the correct insurance company still says they don't authorize out of network. So a lot more foot work on my part. Then an appeal to our insurance company explaining what the dumb biddy told me Hopefully it will go in our favor. I feel a long ride coming on. Not sure I am in the mood for it, but I will not just let this go and pay them! That thar is fighting words and would pay for a nice cruise! :eek:


Honest to goodness, I do wonder how some of these people get their jobs! And stay in them! Nothing is simple, is it, especially when you need the help without all the blooming hassle!

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[quote name='trudle']Hello to all of you------I have been lurking. Hope that all of you are doing well and have had a good summer. I have been having some problems since Sept. but still have been able to get away for my short get away's and our cruise. But still I have some issues. Hopefully all will be ok shortly.

Best Wishes Ocho----I can't even think how hard it would be ,for me, to turn over Ocho to CCI. Bless you DKD and family for helping to train a service dog. I am sure who ever gets him will be so blessed.

S.S. Cruisers----hope your CT scan comes out OK. I had one at the beginning of the week to see if anything was going on, beside, my diverticulosis. It turned out that is the problem but this is going on since Sept and still has not cleared up-----so I am still on meds. Doing the CT scan they found a spot on my kidney that has gotten bigger, so I am getting another Ct scan on Monday. Hopefully it is nothing. Enough about me.

I haven't read all the threads so I hope all of you are doing good, have had great cruises, and those that were sick, are getting better.

Time to take some of my meds, that make me really tired, so I will say so long for now. Sending hugs to those that need them. Talk to you soon.


Hi Trudy, sorry you're not feeling too great. Hope all goes well with your scan on Monday.

Sending you hugs and rest up and get well soon! :):)
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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Fairbourne, exactly on both counts. We do not have any grass for Jezzy Lou to eat, but I have heard it is a natural instinct for them to eat it when their tummies aren't quite right. As for the throwing up on the carpet, well I can attest that Jezzy aims for the carpet! We only have it in two rooms and then a area rug in the living room covering wood flooring. When I hear her heaving I run and move her to the hardwood floors, but no, she insist on getting back on the carpet just as Vesuvious erupts! Leann Emily (kitty) has been so good without ralphing up her cookies that I need to knock on my wooden head! :p

With the insurance, right, I am not in the insurance business. That is why we have insurance and brokers and worker bees. I am inflamed but trying to keep calm so that I can nicely tell them to shove their bill where the sun doesn't shine!

Everyone have a great 3 day weekend. Those of us that have Veterans day off, anyway. A huge thank you to all our wonderful men, women and k-9's that have kept us safe and will keep us safe now and in the future.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Hi Friends:

[B]It"s a girl!!![/B] Her name is Misty, she is 1.75 years old. She is a light milk chocolate colour and a miniature poodle.

I met her yesterday for 10 minutes and as of this morning she will be with me 24/7 here at the training center.

I haven't seen her tail wag yet...........Oz's tail is always spinning. He is such a happy boy.

I am sorry, but I can't get a picture of Misty to you until I get home. Can't get my laptop to work on the training center's system. I am using the center's computer for emails and it won't store pictures. I return home on 24 November.

Take care and I thank you so much for all your kind words at the start of Oz's retirement. I needed them.

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[quote name='MCDW']Hi Friends:

[B]It"s a girl!!![/B] Her name is Misty, she is 1.75 years old. She is a light milk chocolate colour and a miniature poodle.

I met her yesterday for 10 minutes and as of this morning she will be with me 24/7 here at the training center.

I haven't seen her tail wag yet...........Oz's tail is always spinning. He is such a happy boy.

I am sorry, but I can't get a picture of Misty to you until I get home. Can't get my laptop to work on the training center's system. I am using the center's computer for emails and it won't store pictures. I return home on 24 November.

Take care and I thank you so much for all your kind words at the start of Oz's retirement. I needed them.


Hello Colleen - well that's lovely, welcome to Misty! :D It sounds to me like you've maybe fallen a little bit in love with her already? :D

I can't wait to see a photo of her, so that's to look forward to. Good luck with all the training, not that you'll need it of course! :)
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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Trudy, hope all is well and you get some results that can get taken care of.

Colleen: I am very excited to meet Misty! Can't wait for pictures. It does sound like you are a little smitten with her. Her tail will wag, Mom, she just needs some time to adjust. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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I was just preparing supper and I suddenly thought, we had two sides of the coin yesterday. Colleen and Misty were brought together and Misty will be adjusting to her new life with her new Mum, having been brought up by some wonderful puppy raising folk.

And then we had our DKD and his family, our very own wonderful puppy raising folk, putting their Ocho into his final training for a new life with his new Mum or Dad.

It won't have been easy for the puppy raisers to hand these toots over, but what joy they will bring in their new lives. :)
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[COLOR=indigo][B]People, we're so busy......I don't know if I can cope with all the news.[/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Nancy, hang in there with the Insurance company and don't let any of it stress you out. DH needs you more than they do![/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Beckie, I'm so glad that Gibson is feeling better. The power of prayer....I'm telling you guys, we are a powerful force on this forum. [/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo][B]I know how good it makes me feel to know that you are all there with your amazing support.[/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Colleen, I have tears in my eyes for you. Tell Misty [what a cute name] all about Oz. I hope that the bond between you and her is as strong as it was with him. There's room in our hearts and souls for more than one.....I'm a witness to that. Enjoy her and know that I send my love to you both. And, thanks for letting us all know how you're doing. I think about you often.[/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Fairbourne, it sounds so darn cold in Scotland. We're at about 80 degrees with an even bigger heat wave coming on Wednesday. I'm ready for some winter weather, although yours is a little more extreme than this L.A. girl can handle.[/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo][B]DKD, how're you doing? Don't forget to keep us all in the loop.[/B][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=#4b0082]I'm making plans for my trip to Oregon to be with my children for Thanksgiving. It will be a very different holiday without my Morey, as will all those that follow. I'm experiencing so many "firsts" in my life now. I'm thankful every day for my two wonderful CCI dogs to keep me busy and filled with love and life.[/COLOR][/B]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Have a good rest of the weekend everyone![/B][/COLOR]
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Gibson has been waking me up around 3:30 on the mornings his mommy is not able to respond to him. Switching back to standard time hasn't got to his internal clock yet. (Mind you I set my alarm to wake up at 4:30 so I can listen to 30 minutes of BBC news on NPR before I get up. So I am an early bird normally.) He is really feeling better to the point that he comes right to our bedroom door and gives us a woof! that means wake up Grammie and Grandpa! If we don't respond in a minute or two then we hear a WOOF! Didn't you hear me the first time? Just wish the whole back and forth time switches would stay one direction.

Fairborne, When he starts getting nauseous then he wants to go outside and eat as much grass as he can scoop in. Of course he wants to come back in and pitch it all over the carpet, not the foyer where there is tile or the kitchen where there is 20 year old linoleum. If we don't let him out then he runs around the carpet licking and trying to pick up anything that might be there. So glad we have got a reprieve on all this for now. Diana does not have the energy to be up with him all night for these episodes.

Roz, will you be able to take both Brenda and Horton with you for the holidays? Do you drive there so you can load both furry kids and "head out on the highway lookin' for adventure"?

Colleen, I hope you can enjoy your training classes with Misty. She has very large paws to fill, but I know you and she will make a great team.

Cindy, It is a comfort to hear that other dogs have made it through the stomach issues by changing their food. I have begun to wonder if the dog food manufacturers change some tiny ingredient that would not really show up on an ingredients list but our dogs are allergic to. What explains that they all of a sudden develop an allergy to food they have been eating for a year? Such a puzzlement to me. But since it seems to be "normal" for dogs to get these food intolerances who am I to question the vets?

Thank you everybody for all the cyber hugs! They are very much appreciated. Cyber hugs back to all of you! Beckie
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[quote name='fairbourne']I'm just catching up with your news, and I'm glad to hear that Gibson is feeling better. I remember watching Diana's video of her presentation and I'm sorry she's not feeling great right now. We have a tradition on here of sending cyber "hugs" to anyone not feeling well or maybe just cos they might need one!

So I'm sending you, Diana and Gibson a huge cyber "hug" each! :D

Just wondering if any of your dogs eat grass? Our dogs will occasionally have a nibble or two, but only the long grass. Our cats will eat some grass and then sick it up, which makes me believe they eat it if they have a sore tummy.

I do prefer it though, if they eat it and throw up while they are still outside and not on my cream bedroom carpet - why do they always choose the cream carpet and not the hard floor in the kitchen??? :eek:[/quote]

The 2 dogs we had before Wexler used to eat grass all the time. It was the long grass as you said. We always went to this lake nearby and they would graze on it like cows!! They never threw it up. Cats never throw up on the floor and it's always at night when you are sleeping!!! :eek:
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[quote name='MCDW']Hi Friends:

[B]It"s a girl!!![/B] Her name is Misty, she is 1.75 years old. She is a light milk chocolate colour and a miniature poodle.

I met her yesterday for 10 minutes and as of this morning she will be with me 24/7 here at the training center.

I haven't seen her tail wag yet...........Oz's tail is always spinning. He is such a happy boy.

I am sorry, but I can't get a picture of Misty to you until I get home. Can't get my laptop to work on the training center's system. I am using the center's computer for emails and it won't store pictures. I return home on 24 November.

Take care and I thank you so much for all your kind words at the start of Oz's retirement. I needed them.


Awesome Colleen!!!! I'm sure you two will be buds very soon. Can't wait to hear all about it and see some pics!! :D
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Nancy, Insurance companies suck. Can I say that on here? John had 2 TIA's (some sort of mini strokes) last year and they admitted him for both of them. I guess when he had the second one, the insurance company decided that he did not need to be admitted and refused to pay the hospital. The doctor appealed and still didn't win. They said the hospital not the patient is responsible for the bill not John. Now here's a man, quadriplegic, and they didn't think he needed to be admitted for some kind of stroke? I can't figure that out!

Roz, You will have a great Holiday with your family. I know it will be hard without Morey but you will be fine. Love ya girl!

Beckie, So glad Gibson is doing better. The food thing is just wierd. The vet told us it was probably one of the fillers in the food that made Wex sick. Like you said maybe they decide to change things in their food once in a while.

We will be going to Johns sisters for the Holiday. Lee is not getting along with his father so he might be coming with us. Hopefully they will resolve things but you never know.

Next week my cousins from various states will be coming down to have lunch with my mom and aunt. They try to do this every year. There was 6 brothers and sisters and my mom and aunt are the only two left. It's nice to see them all for a few hours.
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[quote name='rangeley']The 2 dogs we had before Wexler used to eat grass all the time. It was the long grass as you said. We always went to this lake nearby and they would graze on it like cows!! They never threw it up. Cats never throw up on the floor and it's always at night when you are sleeping!!! :eek:[/QUOTE]

Oh yes, we've had our share of duvet cat puke as well! :eek: Edited by fairbourne
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....[quote name='Rolls Royce Lover']

[COLOR=indigo][B]Fairbourne, it sounds so darn cold in Scotland. We're at about 80 degrees with an even bigger heat wave coming on Wednesday. I'm ready for some winter weather, although yours is a little more extreme than this L.A. girl can handle.[/B][/COLOR]

It's cold again today, but thank goodness we don't have the severe weather they've got in the Philippines right now. Watching the news, we were just wondering about all the ships crew, as many of them come from there. They must be worried sick about their families if they're in the areas affected.

[COLOR=indigo][B]Have a good rest of the weekend everyone![/B][/COLOR]. And you L.A. girl! :D[/QUOTE]
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[quote name='wizard-of-roz'][COLOR=indigo][B]Laugh all you want......LAYW!!!! The lesson I really learned out of my mis-adventure with my hairy buddies.......Is, when I get really angry with them, they do pay attention and I think they both know when I'm "DONE"......They need to retreat![/B][/COLOR]

[B][COLOR=#4b0082]I was ready to ship those puppies back to CCI [actually, I was going to leave them in a basket on their doorstep!] :eek: Kidding!!!!![/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR=#4b0082][I][U]Opinions please[/U]: How many of you would rather eat in the buffet than go to the dining room for dinner and why?[/I][/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR=#4b0082][U]DKD[/U]: How's your pup doing? Is he going to advanced training? Or, is he already there waiting for a match?[/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR=#4b0082][U]Marcia:[/U] Is your furlough over.....now that our Gov. is not closing down is that good news for you?[/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR=#4b0082][U]Fairbourne, Nancy and Cindy[/U]: You can stop laughing now! Auntie Roz is right on track! And, I've changed my "do!" [/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR=#4b0082][U]Sunshine:[/U] When's your cruise?[/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR=#4b0082][U]Colleen:[/U] How are you doing?[/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR=#4b0082][U]Chandler[/U]: Are your feet back on the ground?[/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR=#4b0082][U]Trudy[/U]: I think you're cruising now.....let us know how it went.[/COLOR][/B][/quote]

howdy all!

i/we've been away for a few weeks--busy, etc. now catching up on 'stuff' in small chunks. lol seems like there's not enough time for everything, so i've gotta 'make' time for some of the less pressing (but no less worthy) matters, like this 'traveling with a s/d forum'.

thanks [roz] for inquiring after my & rex's well-being. yup, all six feet/paws are squarely back on the ground--and going along to get along, doin' the best i/we can--like most all of us do.

hey, while i was away, i thought of something: this forum is great, but it's evolved beyond just "cruising with a service dog" ... it's like a small town, and the honorable 'roz' in the mayor! although there is a ton of good knowledge embedded in the years of conversation--finding the info is kinda like lookin for a needle in a haystack--or maybe 'a diamond in the rough is better descriptor.

is there or has there been discussion about having a central repository for information on cruising with service dogs? like a spreadsheet with good information, faq's, tips/tricks, basic s/d etiquette/common sense (which my folks always said "is not as 'common' as the words [I]'common sense' [/I]imply"), etc?

information like: a couple months ago, when roz was faced with the 'challenge' of an awkward 'box placement' on star princess. she overcame the challenge, but how? what were effective ways of addressing it, and what ways [if any] were ineffective? my recollection is that roz had a lot of frustration over that whole deal, and probably learned some lessons (maybe only specific to star princess--but valuable lessons nonetheless).

i'm big on finding the silver lining in situations--but sometimes the best i can 'find' if/when/after i go through something bad--is the lesson. and i hope someone else can avoid what ever unpleasantness i went through to "learn the lesson", as a result of my having to learn it--make sense?

either way, it would be good to have a central repository for that kind of [lessons learned] information. we, if we wanted to, could all contribute to the 'lessons/information' and we could all benefit from it. i also know for a fact, there are "lurkers" out there ('cuz i was one of them), so maybe they could contribute and/or get helpful information too. it's an idea--maybe something to think about.

anyhow, y'all know what they say about 'military intelligence', it's an oxymoron. haha nonetheless, i'm an idea/planning/refining guy ... not an execution guy, i.e., i don't have the skill-set to operationalize a resource (online spreadsheet, etc) like i'm suggesting--but if someone here does, i'd be willing to work with them on it. i guess someone, or a small group, could be the 'point-people' to accept (clean-up if necessary) and post information. so there'd be continuity with how information was posted in the right place, cross-referncing/using a standard taxonomy, metadata, etc. anyhow ... like i said: it's an idea.

as an aside: for months/years i've been reading how rccl 'members' get 'quarterly?' savings certificates--just for being at a certain [relatively low] level. well, i got my first two 'savings certificates' as an azamara/rccl/celebrity "member", at the very lowest/entry level for the rewards program. $50, two of them (only for use on two separate cruises)! LOL i'm laughing, because my recollection is that the 'more senior' members, get more substantial 'savings certificates'. but hey ... fifty bucks is fifty bucks, right!

anyhow--seems like princess has the best 'loyalty' program, far as i can see. i know this may not be the right 'place' for a question about loyalty programs, but there is a lot of knowledge about cruising on this forum, so i may as well ask:

there are two main companies: carnival = princess, hal, carnival, cunard (+some others too rich for my blood); and, rccl = royal caribbean, azamara and celebrity, right? on rccl, if a passenger/member is a certain level (say 'gold' as an example) on royal caribbean, the same passenger gets equivalent [gold] benefits on celebrity and azamara too. does carnival (princess, hall, et al) have any sort of 'equivalence' like rccl does?

also, when i 'sailed' solo and pay double for the 'honor' ... i got two points for the loyalty program. but, the two times i sailed on celebrity (and paid double) i only got one point for each cruise. maybe my perception is slanted to my favor, but: pay for two people = get two points--makes sense, right? so i'm kinda wondering what's up with that? kind of along the same line: if i'm sailing 'solo' and pay double--can i use a 'savings certificate' for each paid fare? hmmm... i wonder. anyone know?
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Misty and I have been together a little over 24 hours. She is very obedient, walks on my left side.............even when I forget and put her on my right side, she scoots behind me and comes up on my left side. The trainers worked with her on the left side.

I was told to leave her in her crate for 30 minutes and she was fine. She entertained herself with her bone.

A habit she has is licking my face....I am trying to break her of the habit, by putting two fingers across my mouth and saying No. She appeared to be catching on early this evening. I will keep working on it with her favourite reward for not licking.

She is on Pro-Plan.......you know, the one with dried beef and some type of kibble....funny, she eats the dried beef and walks away from the other stuff.

I took her into the long hallway to do obedience work and when we were finished I threw a ball.......she can play ball. She ran and got it and brought it back 4 times. But, then I got Busted. Apparently, we are not suppose to be playing with our dogs yet. Hey, I am deaf and must have missed that part of the lesson..........that's my story and I am sticking to it.:p

My good friend emails me every day with darling Oz updates. He is doing fine she says. Apparently, he puts himself to be at 10pm. It's so odd, because he never went to bed until I did. I can hardly wait to see him, I miss him so much. Oz is a cuddler, Misty not so much........but maybe that will come along.

I forgot how tiring training is, so will end this now and hit the hay....Colleen
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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Colleen: Triple smiles. :D One for you, :D One for Sweet Little Oz, and :D one for Sweet Little Misty. It sounds like she is already coming around. I bet before you leave training she will be cuddled up with her new Mama. I also bet Oz can't wait to see you, too! Thanks for the pupdate.

Chandler: Although each time a question is asked about paperwork, potty boxes, etc. I read them thoroughly, not having a service dog, I guess a lot of it doesn't stick. With that being said, I can see your point to finding the information that you are looking for, easily. I think we all know how or how not the search feature works on CC. Heaven forbid you ask a question that has been asked before (Not on this thread, though, they are all so helpful to just answer the question) on the other forums and you get your throat enlarged by a giant foot down it! There must be a way that the information can be readily retrievable. I am just not the non-techie person to ask! BAHAAHAHA. I am sure someone may have a suggestion or solution. Or just give you some crap to chew on! That is one of the things we do best. (Give each other crap! ):)
I guess I am full of it tonight. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[quote name='MCDW']Misty and I have been together a little over 24 hours. She is very obedient, walks on my left side.............even when I forget and put her on my right side, she scoots behind me and comes up on my left side. The trainers worked with her on the left side.

I was told to leave her in her crate for 30 minutes and she was fine. She entertained herself with her bone.

A habit she has is licking my face....I am trying to break her of the habit, by putting two fingers across my mouth and saying No. She appeared to be catching on early this evening. I will keep working on it with her favourite reward for not licking.

She is on Pro-Plan.......you know, the one with dried beef and some type of kibble....funny, she eats the dried beef and walks away from the other stuff.

I took her into the long hallway to do obedience work and when we were finished I threw a ball.......she can play ball. She ran and got it and brought it back 4 times. But, then I got Busted. Apparently, we are not suppose to be playing with our dogs yet. Hey, I am deaf and must have missed that part of the lesson..........that's my story and I am sticking to it.:p

My good friend emails me every day with darling Oz updates. He is doing fine she says. Apparently, he puts himself to be at 10pm. It's so odd, because he never went to bed until I did. I can hardly wait to see him, I miss him so much. Oz is a cuddler, Misty not so much........but maybe that will come along.

I forgot how tiring training is, so will end this now and hit the hay....Colleen[/quote]

hey colleen,

i'm real sorry you and your little oz dude are gonna be separated. hearing stuff like that yanks at my heart. i kinda don't 'get' why they don't want a former and a current service dog in the same space. seems like the more senior dog could teach stuff to the younger one--in ways people can't. can oz and misty 'meet' ... and if so, after how long?

anyhow, i know/guess there must be a logical reason for the "rule", but i would sure wanna know what the rationale is--before i complied. mostly because, every situation is different and mandatory separation seems like a harsh thing to impose, especially on a person with special needs (depending on what the needs are). applying a one-size-fits-all protocol, as the 'default ruling', seems like it should be thought-out more carefully. anyhow--that's my two cents.

i bet misty warms up to be cuddler like oz is--y'all are still getting to know each other. rex was a little stand-offish at first too--now he's a bigole [71 lb] lap-dog. misty will warm up too. confidence is high!

funny huh? it's easy to forget how intense/time-consuming the initial training can be. but it totally pays off in the end. keep up the good work! seems like you and misty are off to a great start!
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Just checking in! So mad to hear that one of our members has to retire their dog in another home! I could never do that, it would hurt too much! :(

I'm glad so many of you are cruising (just had one or are planning one)! And that Roz did hers! I don't have any cruises planned, just land/air trips. I did a quick NYC business trip last month for a conference and my service dog and I enjoyed it. She especially loved all the people-watching the city allows for, as she loves doing that. :)

We've downsized for now into an apartment that allows pets, so I bought a Porch Potty for our patio deck for her to potty on not only due to the idiot lady who lets her dog off-leash in the parking lot/front of building/sidewalk (and no apology when her dog came right up to mine and bothered her) but due to my disabilities. It is very small for my dog at 2' x 4', but it works. I bought a better brand of faux grass for it for better drainage, though. Thankfully, since she was used to her faux grass potty I use on cruises, I didn't need to train her for this potty.

I am doing okay health-wise, better than where I was a year ago, but am getting a new doc soon because my other one wasn't great.

I cannot believe it is almost Thanksgiving already!! Happy holidays to everyone! :)
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