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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hi Horton


I'm so chuffed you sent me a note! My new mum tells me you've learnt to do amazing things for the "Blonde with the big hair" - she sounds a bit like my new mum! She's given me lots of cuddles and I have my own special place to sleep with Piggy - she even feeds me my own puppy food, but I think she should feed me a bit more!!! She tells me I will need to slow down but I'm just tooooo excited to do that! huh! What's a girl to do, I mean really! Fuffff!


I'm going to the Vet today (whatever that is!) for my injection (whatever THAT is!). And in the car too so I've been told .... :eek: I have a new collar and that darn thing makes me itch .... If only I could reach it I would chew it out, but I do my best at scratching! I have a new blue lead too, which is lovely with my beautiful black coat, and it has a special label on it so everyone knows that I'm a Guide Dog puppy in training and they will let me go places that most dogs don't get to go, like you do. So we must be very special, eh? My new mum tells me I am!


I'm a good sleeper, my new Dad gets up very early, fuffff I'm still half asleep when he makes me go outside to do a "busy", but then I get back to bed with Piggy and my new mum tells me I was so good today as I slept in till 8 o'clock, so as she's is not an early bird, she was very happy with that! :D


Max and Poppy are still getting used to my little ways, but I'm sure I'll have them trained smart quick! They've been very kind to me but just not used to having a small person around. They like it when I have some "me time" as my new mum calls it! The man who took me here is coming to visit me again next week, so I'm sure we will find out what's happening after that. It's all new and exciting Horty, can I call you that, it's such a nice name.


My new Mum says I'm smart and I try and listen to her - oh I think I've got that cute head to head movement we know how to do to get anything we want almost perfected by now. It's fun isn't it to do that, especially when we've been been naughty, cos then these humans just smile and give us a cuddle! Yer right - suckers!!!


Lots of puppy kisses

Aruba xxx


Oh And some for Big Blondie too! XxxxX


How cute is this! Love it! And, the picture is to die for adorable! Oh! My gosh, Poppy looks just like Brenda......Awwwwww! I think it's Poppy. I love them all.


Fairbourne, you're doing such a wonderful job and Aruba you're such a good girl; to sit and look at the camera so still. I'm so impressed!

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I love it when the dogs get on the computer and talk to each other! ;) :D


They're so smart aren't they? :) Isn't Aruba the cutest little thing you've ever seen. Black Lab pups remind me of little monkeys, they're absolutely edible!!!!!!

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I've tried to upload a photo of my DD's 23 week old Australian Shepherd. Hopefully it comes across. She has been learning how to walk on her leash, how to sit pretty, how to lay down on command, and how to "not be a spaz". She still thinks everyone is supposed to stop and visit with her and scratch her head, but that is what happens when one lives next to a college campus and walks past a sorority on the way to campus. She is making great progress! No accidents in the house for weeks! She also finally quit greeting me by trying to taste me. She never nipped, but wanted to lightly mouth everything. We figured that was just puppy.


DD is moving across town this coming week, and will be nearly 2 miles from campus, but plans to walk Xena to campus every morning, leave her in a crate at my place while at work/in class, then either walk home or get me to drive them at the end of the day. I'll be able to go home for lunch and take her out mid-way through the day, until she is ready to be in a more public setting. Our biggest concern is how hot the sidewalks will be when DD is ready to go home at the end of the day, hence the potential ride home from me. We figure a two mile walk should ensure a nap in the morning, though. :)


I love that they are working with her correctly, teaching her to be a good citizen!


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I've tried to upload a photo of my DD's 23 week old Australian Shepherd. Hopefully it comes across. She has been learning how to walk on her leash, how to sit pretty, how to lay down on command, and how to "not be a spaz". She still thinks everyone is supposed to stop and visit with her and scratch her head, but that is what happens when one lives next to a college campus and walks past a sorority on the way to campus. She is making great progress! No accidents in the house for weeks! She also finally quit greeting me by trying to taste me. She never nipped, but wanted to lightly mouth everything. We figured that was just puppy.


DD is moving across town this coming week, and will be nearly 2 miles from campus, but plans to walk Xena to campus every morning, leave her in a crate at my place while at work/in class, then either walk home or get me to drive them at the end of the day. I'll be able to go home for lunch and take her out mid-way through the day, until she is ready to be in a more public setting. Our biggest concern is how hot the sidewalks will be when DD is ready to go home at the end of the day, hence the potential ride home from me. We figure a two mile walk should ensure a nap in the morning, though. :)


I love that they are working with her correctly, teaching her to be a good citizen!


Barb, thanks for sharing the wonderful story and progress of Xena. It's so nice to hear when folks teach and treat their pets with such great respect.


Just remember......the key here is "shepherd"......Xena has it engrained in her DNA to "round everything and everybody up!" She's a herding dog and will want to practice some of her skills. I'd hide some toys or stuffies around the house, under furniture and in different rooms to challenge and satisfy her herding instincts. Nothing instinctually lazy about an Australian Shepherd.


Keep up the good work and let us know how Xena's doing.

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Hello to all! Loved the graduation photo and puppy photos! :)



As for the rabies titers, it is just a blood test, so all the vet does is draw blood from your dog (no different than they do at the annual exam for heartworm testing and CBC et al workup - the dogs are not bothered by it and it is not in any way "subjecting" your dog to "another test") and then ship it off to the university in KC that is approved to do the titer test. The only caveat is that it is not a cheap test, but I believe there is still a discount for IAADP members (as well as you get priority, so your test is done before others received at the same time instead of first come, first served).


You do not do another rabies vaccination after the rabies titer UNLESS the result came back as your dog not having the proper immunity (in which case, you'd be glad to know and re-vaccinate your dog, but I doubt this happens often at all). You do the titer no sooner than 30 days after the most recent vaccination, then the test results will take at least a couple weeks to arrive (first time I did it was during a busy season for them, so it took almost four weeks, but the second time it came quicker). The valid date is the day the blood was drawn, not the day you get the results, so if the country you are going to is one with a six-month wait before entry after the titer test, don't be worried about how long the results will take (unless you have reason to believe they might be bad). Some countries just need the titer test; some need the titer test plus a six-month wait (as does Hawaii); and at least one (Dominica) needs two titer tests (one done first off, then one done each time before the dog enters the country, so if you were to go on two cruises with Dominica as a port, you would need three titer tests total, but there is no waiting period at least!).



And "Rozas", haha, that sounds like a character from "Devious Maids"! :) When you go on that fourteen-dayer, you better post a photo of all the luggage you'll need between you and Horton!



My dog is doing pretty well right now, but her latest treatment almost two weeks ago made her sick. I'm not sure why it did this time when she never got sick from them (including the same drug) before! It was sad seeing her sick to her stomach for a few days, but I definitely would not change my mind on doing the chemo and do not regret it, as if I hadn't done it, she would have been long dead and buried by now. She has a great, happy life besides those few days. We all get sick at times, so a few sick days out of her whole life is peanuts. When we do go out, people cannot tell she is sick, even with the loss of a lot of her hair (though most areas of loss are not the first places people look, such as her belly and legs; her back is hard to tell there is any loss of hair, as the white areas lost first or are more tell-tale than the black areas).


Those who have known humans who have gone through chemo may know about the changes chemo can do to the person's hair, such as sometimes after chemo, their straight hair turns curly or their hair turns a different color. The oncologist told us that this may also happen to my dog, that her soft hair may turn wiry and that her colors may change from black and white to brown and a yellowish white. She will still be who she is, of course, but it would be so weird if she changes color, so I do hope it does not happen! (I also hope her hair stays soft, as I love petting her soft hair - it is so different than a dog with fur or wiry hair.)



Happy Memorial Day to everyone! (And I give all the dogs out there permission to be bad for a minute today and steal a hot dog for themselves, LOL!!!)

Edited by Quampapetet
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Hello Quam


I'm glad your girl is doing better, that would upset me too to see one of mine being sick, but as you say, you've still got her and that's what I would want to have too. They are with us for such a short time, we must cherish them while we have them.


Now, what did you say about hot dogs???? Well, not a hot dog but her new dad's "walking the big dogs" boots! Aruba loves stealing shoes - any old smelly ones will do and then goes and hides in Poppy's bed as if that will make it alright!!!


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Hello Quam


I'm glad your girl is doing better, that would upset me too to see one of mine being sick, but as you say, you've still got her and that's what I would want to have too. They are with us for such a short time, we must cherish them while we have them.


Now, what did you say about hot dogs???? Well, not a hot dog but her new dad's "walking the big dogs" boots! Aruba loves stealing shoes - any old smelly ones will do and then goes and hides in Poppy's bed as if that will make it alright!!!


Quam; I hope your dog continues to do well and, hopefully, her fur returns as it was.....but who cares, right! As long as she's okay, I'm sure you'll take her hairless.


Fairbourne; Oh! No! Aruba has Horton's habit! He loves shoes. You don't dare take your shoes off in his presence.....they'll be taken to his bed, where he collects them. He's such a character and it looks like Aruba is too! CCI said the best training for a "hoarder" is to not allow him to find them in the first place. :rolleyes:


I'm so glad you're sharing pictures of her. We all get to watch her progress too!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Thanks Rozas I knew you would have the right answer

Hi "Roz"


Another fly in the ointment. USDA says they won't endorse a Heath Certificate without a "Letter of Exception" from the Cayman Islands.


USDA wants the letter to come from the Caymans.


Cayman Islands ag dept said letter needs to come from Owner.


the letter is acknowledging that even though the Animal is not getting off the ship we are aware that in an emergency the animal will be deported back to the US at our expense.


Anyone else travel thru the Caymans and experience this?


I read a post a long time ago about the "Turks & Caicos" Requiring "the animal be in quarantine in its cabin for the duration of the port stay.


Any Ideas on how to convince the USDA to accept our letter?





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Hi "Roz"


Another fly in the ointment. USDA says they won't endorse a Heath Certificate without a "Letter of Exception" from the Cayman Islands.


USDA wants the letter to come from the Caymans.


Cayman Islands ag dept said letter needs to come from Owner.


the letter is acknowledging that even though the Animal is not getting off the ship we are aware that in an emergency the animal will be deported back to the US at our expense.


Anyone else travel thru the Caymans and experience this?


I read a post a long time ago about the "Turks & Caicos" Requiring "the animal be in quarantine in its cabin for the duration of the port stay.


Any Ideas on how to convince the USDA to accept our letter?





I believe Cindy had some sort of problem with Wex getting into one of these Islands......Cindy, how did you do it?


If it were me. I would ask my Vet to write a letter, [or, you write it and ask him/her to sign it] addressed to the cruise line and Immigration of the foreign countries you intend to visit; stating that your dog has the appropriate immunizations for travel in ALL foreign venues including but not limited to the Cayman Islands. That you have no intention, in case of an "emergency" or not, of being separated from your dog, ever! This includes any potential quarantine or threat of deportation. You have boarded the ship in a port of the United States of America and will abide by the laws of that country. When traveling into a foreign port that demands any further testing or immunizing of your Service Dog your intentions will be to stay onboard the vessel you came in on.


I am well aware of Titer testing and unnecessary immunizations and although one is just a simple "poke" the latter can be dangerous. I will NOT "poke" my dog if not necessary....I don't care how benign the testing is and my dog will NEVER BE SEPARATED FROM ME.......NEVER!!!!!!!


You know what.......does this island really deserve your money? Pick a more Service Dog friendly place to go to. Just a suggestion. After you've seen one of these islands, the rest all look alike. Pick one that will welcome you and make you feel good about spending your time and money with them!

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I'm going cruising.........Did you guys see my schedule?


I'm booked for September, 2014; April, 2015 and December 2015. And, here's the best news of all; Horton is going with me on all of them. Yes, they're a 7 day up the coast of California; a 10 day to the Mexican Riviera and then a 14 day to more of the Mexican Riviera and an overnight in Puerto Vallarta but honestly, each cruise is on a different ship; The Crown, Golden and Pacific Princess. Each cruise will feel exciting and new. Some of the ports I've been to, some I haven't. Some need a tender to get to, some do not.


My point; you don't have to cruise to ports that are demanding, threatening or unwelcoming when it comes to your dog. Show them the power with your dollars. Most of the ports are poverty stricken and need us more than we need them. If they're going to give you a hard time.......respond with your money.

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Roz, you know since my hubby does not fly, all of our cruises have been to Baja Mexico, and the Mexican Riviera. (Except the one to Hawaii and that was 14 days on a ship, no flying involved) I have lost count how many, but at least 14 cruises. Some were to places we had already been, some were on the same ships, but like you say, each and every cruise is different. The people are different. The crew are different. The cabin was different. The food was even different. We have gone with others, we have cruised alone. I would and will go again and again. We have taken some of the shorter cruises and never gotten off the ship. I am in all my glory having the ship to ourselves! :D

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Roz, you know since my hubby does not fly, all of our cruises have been to Baja Mexico, and the Mexican Riviera. (Except the one to Hawaii and that was 14 days on a ship, no flying involved) I have lost count how many, but at least 14 cruises. Some were to places we had already been, some were on the same ships, but like you say, each and every cruise is different. The people are different. The crew are different. The cabin was different. The food was even different. We have gone with others, we have cruised alone. I would and will go again and again. We have taken some of the shorter cruises and never gotten off the ship. I am in all my glory having the ship to ourselves! :D


There you go! My point exactly! I do know that not ALL ports in this world are "poverty stricken", I meant the ones in Mexico/Caribbean/South America and, of course, various other ports around the world. There are some ports in Hawaii/Tahiti/Europe/Canada/America, etc., etc. that I wouldn't mind getting lost in for a very long time.

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I believe Cindy had some sort of problem with Wex getting into one of these Islands......Cindy, how did you do it?


If it were me. I would ask my Vet to write a letter, [or, you write it and ask him/her to sign it] addressed to the cruise line and Immigration of the foreign countries you intend to visit; stating that your dog has the appropriate immunizations for travel in ALL foreign venues including but not limited to the Cayman Islands. That you have no intention, in case of an "emergency" or not, of being separated from your dog, ever! This includes any potential quarantine or threat of deportation. You have boarded the ship in a port of the United States of America and will abide by the laws of that country. When traveling into a foreign port that demands any further testing or immunizing of your Service Dog your intentions will be to stay onboard the vessel you came in on.


I am well aware of Titer testing and unnecessary immunizations and although one is just a simple "poke" the latter can be dangerous. I will NOT "poke" my dog if not necessary....I don't care how benign the testing is and my dog will NEVER BE SEPARATED FROM ME.......NEVER!!!!!!!


You know what.......does this island really deserve your money? Pick a more Service Dog friendly place to go to. Just a suggestion. After you've seen one of these islands, the rest all look alike. Pick one that will welcome you and make you feel good about spending your time and money with them!


LAdy you need to calm down. I get it. You love your dog but if you think that throwing your US passport and money around in front of a foreign immigration/customs official or inspection officer is going get you what you want you are sadly mistaken. When any cruise ship is docked at a foreign port, all passengers / crew are required to abide by the rules of that country. Foreign officials can and will board a cruise ship for a variety of reasons. Antagonizing them will only lead to grief for you and your dog. Best to ALWAYS cooperate instead of having an attitude.


I worked at a consular office at a US Embassy and it used to amaze me when a US citizen would have some sort of problem and their way to resolve it was usually "But I'm a US Citizen." HAHA.

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LAdy you need to calm down. I get it. You love your dog but if you think that throwing your US passport and money around in front of a foreign immigration/customs official or inspection officer is going get you what you want you are sadly mistaken. When any cruise ship is docked at a foreign port, all passengers / crew are required to abide by the rules of that country. Foreign officials can and will board a cruise ship for a variety of reasons. Antagonizing them will only lead to grief for you and your dog. Best to ALWAYS cooperate instead of having an attitude.


I worked at a consular office at a US Embassy and it used to amaze me when a US citizen would have some sort of problem and their way to resolve it was usually "But I'm a US Citizen." HAHA.


Whoa!!!! Wait just a minute. If you think by the farthest stretch of your imagination that I am rude/indifferent/antagonistic or otherwise unpleasant to any foreign body of any Government......YOU don't know me! I make a lot of noise on this forum because I've been pushed/prodded/refused service and otherwise treated like less than a citizen of any country [while in my country] with my Service Dog. I've been forced to dial 911 to simply get into a Souplantation Restaurant in the city I live in. I want to pass on my strength and courage to those who need a little "push", I do it with love and with great understanding of our issues.


Unless you've bared witness to how negatively someone can be treated, who walks or wheels with a Service Dog [and, is not blind], please don't pretend to know me.


If you've traveled with me and some on this forum have, you will know that I treat EVERYONE with equal respect and my demeanor and thoughtfulness around Immigration Officials is far superior to most. I know the power that they may wield with me and my dog at their [beck & call], I'm very careful and respectful at all times. I have a $50,000+, 4-legged, investment that I've been mandated to protect and by George I will protect him.


I do not and NEVER have thrown money at any official EVER and I do not intend to. I use my money in my purchasing power on and off the ship. I'm a very savvy traveler and have been around the world with my dog by my side. HAVE YOU [not meaning to be disrespectful, just asking]?


I don't need to use my US Citizenship as power anywhere, ever! I show my US Passport, my ADA and Federal Government license [if I need or are asked to] but my attitude is far superior than you might think and I usually don't have to say much....I just show my paperwork, with my HUGE smile and onward my dog and I go.


Do you have a Service Dog or are you one of my most favorite people, a PuppyRaiser?

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Also, "mrluckycharms".....You mention that "you get it.....I love my dog!" No, I don't think you do get it! I don't just love my dog......I NEED my dog, I RESPECT my dog......this is not a pet we're talking about, this is not an easy subject to deal with, it's hard to "calm down" when you depend on your dog and your both treated less than you deserve to be.


If you're not going to be part of the process of getting us more [or, at least equal] public rights than please, please don't be part of our problem!

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:eek::eek::eek:Yes that is a triple EEK! I had to adjust my eyes and go back and re-read what I thought I just read. If mrluckycharms would have indulged himself and read any of the thread prior to being the one that needs to calm down, he would know what type of person our very own Queen Roz or any of her Princess Pony Pants side kicks are! That's alls I'm gonna say bout that! :p

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:eek::eek::eek:Yes that is a triple EEK! I had to adjust my eyes and go back and re-read what I thought I just read. If mrluckycharms would have indulged himself and read any of the thread prior to being the one that needs to calm down, he would know what type of person our very own Queen Roz or any of her Princess Pony Pants side kicks are! That's alls I'm gonna say bout that! :p


Nancy, thank you! He had me going but not nearly as badly as the saleswoman in Penney's or the Manager in the Souplantation or the hostess in the Chinese Restaurant, all of whom refused me service and shot scorning looks at my beautiful Brenny. I stood tall [sometimes through tears] but I never gave up and I never will. It's getting better but I guess there will always be the folks who just want to come in for negative commentaries and then find their way out!


Thank goodness for all of you, who have supported and given me so much love and strength. Being able to come "home" to all of you makes my life so much more rich and full! Love you, little Sis!

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Lady.... all I am saying is that you state things as if they are fact. For example "having boarded a cruise ship in the US and you will abide by the laws of that country." You are giving out incorrect information that others on here may take as "gospel truth." Fact: Any cruise ship (and passengers) in any foreign port is required to abide by the laws of said country.


Some day your aggressive attitude will get you in trouble and you will be throwing a tantrum waving your vet papers etc at some foreign official who could care less. He will make your life miserable ....just because he can!

And the captain of the ship nor will not do anything to help you. They have 2000 other passengers and a schedule to keep. And speaking from experience, the US Embassy will not help you either contrary to popular and misinformed opinion. The US Embassy is there to make sure that cordial relations are maintained between the US and the foreign country.....NOT to help US citizens other than to reissue lost passports! And I speak from 5 years experience having worked overseas at a US Embassy. And when in a foreign country and you get in a jam dialing 911 will not help you.


Here is a little tidbit of information for you and others who get in a jam in a foreign country. If you do get in a jam with foreign police, immigration, customs, etc. the best course of action BEFORE any arrest is made and the US Embassy is contacted is to DELICATELY suggest a monetary gift to make said problem "go away" and apologize profusely for any misunderstanding. 9 times out of 10 your problem will disappear. Just the way it works in many places in the world especially third world countries. Good luck.....you will need it.

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Lady.... all I am saying is that you state things as if they are fact. For example "having boarded a cruise ship in the US and you will abide by the laws of that country." You are giving out incorrect information that others on here may take as "gospel truth." Fact: Any cruise ship (and passengers) in any foreign port is required to abide by the laws of said country.

Ok, since I am bored and have nothing else to do, to entertain myself, here it goes.


Some day your aggressive attitude (I believe you are the one with the aggressive attitude.will get you in trouble and you will be throwing a tantrum waving your vet papers etc at some foreign official who could care less. He will make your life miserable ....just because he can!

And the captain of the ship nor will not do anything to help you. They have 2000 other passengers and a schedule to keep. And speaking from experience, the US Embassy will not help you either contrary to popular and misinformed opinion. The US Embassy is there to make sure that cordial relations (how did you work there, then?) are maintained between the US and the foreign country.....NOT to help US citizens other than to reissue lost passports! And I speak from 5 years experience having worked overseas at a US Embassy. And when in a foreign country and you get in a jam dialing 911 will not help you.


Here is a little tidbit of information for you and others who get in a jam in a foreign country. If you do get in a jam with foreign police, immigration, customs, etc. the best course of action BEFORE any arrest is made and the US Embassy is contacted is to DELICATELY suggest a monetary gift ((you contradict yourself, here) to make said problem "go away" and apologize profusely for any misunderstanding. 9 times out of 10 your problem will disappear. Just the way it works in many places in the world especially third world countries. Good luck.....you will need it.

mrluckycharms, I think the whole flavor of your post are dictated by your first work, Lady, you could use WizardofRoz, since it is her screen name. We are a peace loving group and will get a good chuckle out of your responses. Have a great day.

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Hi Roz


Darling girl - if anyone addressed me in this tone I would just be ignoring them! It is so rude!


I read your post which this someone took objection to and quite honestly, what's all the fuss about. Must be a slow news day in someone's cloud cuckoo land. Nancypants has covered anything else I would say.


Maritime law is a minefield, what with ships registered in all sorts of places, usually to get around labour laws, and if course varies depending on territorial waters etc., but your point was not about this.


It was, as I read it, about choosing to not leave the ship with the dog in a foreign port where the animal was to be further examined or required additional inoculations. There should be absolutely no need in this situation for further tests or examination by the port authorities to stay on board. I'm sure Roz is more than happy to show anyone Hortons required health documents.


For someone to first suggest and I quote "throwing money around" to a foreign official "is going to get you what you want, then you are sadly mistaken" did make me laugh when only a short time later it was suggested by this same person to offer a monetary bribe! As a first resort!!! Crikey! :mad:


To suggest that anyone in a foreign country offers a monetary bribe to get oneself out of trouble, as the FIRST course of action, is absolutely disgraceful and a sure fire way of being locked up immediately in some countries!


Roz, don't you worry, there are stinkers everywhere and sadly it was pretty smelly around here yesterday!

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Missy Aruba - now called Rhubarb affectionately by her new dad - is growing so fast.


We had our first visit by our puppy walking supervisor today, and she's done really well. He showed me how to do a full body check and bless her little heart she did not object one iota when he showed me how to check her all,over, but of course, rolling over for a belly rub probably helped!


She's gotten an increase in her food allowance, and we are going to try 3 feeds from the weekend.


He said to put some of her kibble in water and then let it soak in and make a sort of paste and stuff a kong with that - out of her daily allowance of course! They are very strict with the dogs diets .... I could do with that sort of help myself! LOL!


She continues to be a delight and is growing so fast.


The best news is we are now "allowed" to go out in low risk areas for walks, so that's great news for me as she's itching for stuff to do and it's pretty low risk around here!


So forward it will be with her brand new lead and her shiny new Guide Dog medallion on her scratchy new collar! I'm excited to take her out to meet her public!!! :D


And here's another photo just for you Aunty Roz :D Red is my favourite colour, I love this warm snuggly fleeces throw! puppy kisses to you and Horton xxxx


And to Aunty Nancy xxxxx puppy kisses too! :D


One more thing, I seem to remember tomorrow is the day when Diana and Gibson will find out they've won that competition - note I did not say "if"! :D I'm sure Beckie will let us know.


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mrluckycharms, I think the whole flavor of your post are dictated by your first work, Lady, you could use WizardofRoz, since it is her screen name. We are a peace loving group and will get a good chuckle out of your responses. Have a great day.


Well Nancy as you can read from my earlier response I was typing as you posted yours - yep, I got a good laugh ...... Don't you just love it when people can't be positive and helpful?!? :rolleyes:

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