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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Its not Nancy that has the avatar of Brenny it is mrluckycharms. And yes, why does he have it.


Hope all is well with everyone and their furry girls and boys.


I wrote a long note the other day and just about when I finished the electric went out===for just a second=====and of course, when the lights came on, the note was gone and I didn't feel like writing this long note again.


Nancy, you are so funny. I love reading your notes. Wish I were clever with words. :rolleyes:


fairbourne, So sorry to hear about your kitty, hope she is doing better. Prayers going your way. so happy to hear that Aruba is doing good.


Rose====we had to bring her back to where she was living. She was just so unhappy here, no matter what we did for her. She was so happy to get back to where she lived, she needed the company of the other dogs that they had.

She stayed there for another couple of weeks and now she has a new home that has another dog to keep her company, so I hope she stays happy. We felt so bad to bring her back but I think we did the right thing, for her. She seems to be happy now. So I am happy for her. Soon we will look for another dog. CCI had a couple of release dogs but they were, in ways, like Rose, so we didn't look into them.


Well I have to run. take care everyone. And have a great week.


Trudy - thanks for your wishes and I'm so sorry to hear Rose didn't settle with you but hopefully she will be happy in her new home. You did the best thing for her:).

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Its not Nancy that has the avatar of Brenny it is mrluckycharms. And yes, why does he have it.


Hope all is well with everyone and their furry girls and boys.


I wrote a long note the other day and just about when I finished the electric went out===for just a second=====and of course, when the lights came on, the note was gone and I didn't feel like writing this long note again.


Nancy, you are so funny. I love reading your notes. Wish I were clever with words. :rolleyes:


fairbourne, So sorry to hear about your kitty, hope she is doing better. Prayers going your way. so happy to hear that Aruba is doing good.


Rose====we had to bring her back to where she was living. She was just so unhappy here, no matter what we did for her. She was so happy to get back to where she lived, she needed the company of the other dogs that they had.

She stayed there for another couple of weeks and now she has a new home that has another dog to keep her company, so I hope she stays happy. We felt so bad to bring her back but I think we did the right thing, for her. She seems to be happy now. So I am happy for her. Soon we will look for another dog. CCI had a couple of release dogs but they were, in ways, like Rose, so we didn't look into them.


Well I have to run. take care everyone. And have a great week.


Trudy, I knew it wasn't Nancy and she knew I knew!!!!! I was just lamenting to her! She knows how much I love her, we would NEVER hurt each other!


I'm so so sorry to hear about Rose. I hope that her life is easier for her. I know that decision was a difficult one for you.


Take care dear heart and know that I wish you the very best in finding a dog partner.

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Thank you for your good wishes and your prayers are appreciated :) We were at the vets today and her bloods are mainly normal, and her jaundice is down from 80 to 70 (whatever that means but I know it's going in the right direction!).


She hadn't put on any weight, but she hasn't lost any either, so I'm now increasing her daily allowance of the a/d food and hoping this will put some weight on. We are not out of the woods by a long shot but I'm quietly confident.


Roz, ignore the poster -- he should be banned and he has no business with having your Brenny as his avatar! :mad:


I hope that all goes in the right direction for your baby.


Thank you! I am considering the source and realize that there is a world full of very sad and needy folks!


Please know that I'm sending my very best wishes to kitty!

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Hello everyone. Hope everyone is well including all our four legged pals. Trudy how is Rose settling in? I've been thinking about you all but haven't had much time to post as I will explain.


Aruba is doing grand ... Growing an inch a night It seems and those long legs, just call me Betty Grable! She is now 20 weeks old and a guesstimate 15 kilos! She thankfully jumps out of the car now, and helps me get her in by putting her front paws up on the back bumper of my car.


I've not been in touch as we have a very poorly pussy cat who suddenly developed hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver). Thankfully tests have shown there is no pancreatitis, no tumour, blood clotting is normal (this would show lack of vitamin K) - she just would not eat, hence the rapid weight loss and jaundice.


So for the last week, I have been "force feeding" her. I hate that word "force", so I am calling it "comfort feeding"! From 6am till bedtime around 10pm, I am feeding her with special a/d food with a syringe roughly every two hours. She has not complained at all and could I'm sure scratch and protest, but between us we've now got the feeding sessions down to a fine art and she's put on a little bit of weight - which is great! Hopefully she will start to eat on her own soon. I'm tempting her with all sorts as you can imagine, but nothing gets touched. But I'm staying positive.


I'm still getting out with Aruba, doing her command training, but have to get my timings to work it all in between feeds. Aruba is so good now with her basic commands, but the ones she responds to best of all are "Breakfast?" "Lunch?" And "Tea"!!! LOL!!! Funny that, eh!


We took her to a large Marks and Spencer store and she was so good, ignoring the food and standing well when I stopped to look at things. Took us ages as everyone wanted to say "hello" and we had a queue at one point waiting to "speak" to her! It's so funny, I just love it and people are so nice - it makes my day to hear them praise her and I hope it makes those people's day when she gives them one of those lovely doggy looks that make people smile! :D. She's my little star, my Aruba (oh my I'm getting too attached to this puppy!)


Take care all of you.


Puppy kisses from Aruba xxx


Edited to add: loved catching up with all your news, welcome to our new people. Roz - egg is a boogar to get off of anything!!! LOL!!! Nancyfancypaws, Mr Horton could be the tea boy with his tea trolley! Mind you he would probably eat all their biscuits! haha!



So sorry to hear about your cat Fairbourne. I had a cat with the same thing that came out of nowhere. He was fine and then all of the sudden very ill. I am always concerned now when my cats are eating less. Wishing your kitty good luck.



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So sorry to hear about your cat Fairbourne. I had a cat with the same thing that came out of nowhere. He was fine and then all of the sudden very ill. I am always concerned now when my cats are eating less. Wishing your kitty good luck.




Thank you Dianne - yes this horrible fatty liver does come out of nowhere and the vets don't really even know what causes it.

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Waiting patiently for Mum to come to go for a walk. :)


Sorry it's not very clear taken through a window and I just knew if I opened the window they would move! :rolleyes:


She's growing so fast!


Her journey is so much fun to watch. Thank you for taking all of us along with you!


I can't wait until she graduates, we'll all be with you, holding each other's hands!!!!!

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Mornin all: Now that we can carry on.... Fairbourne: So sorry for kitty. Hope he is comfortable with mom. As for Ms. Aruba! She is, growing so fast. What a beauty she is. Come on Mum, want to get going on that walkie now that I can behave myself, better! Tap, tap, tap.


Roz: Your virtual pup is cute. How about Moddie for our wonderful Mods on these boards? Or Cruise Hound? Mr. Smarty Pants?


Everyone have a wonderful day.

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Mornin all: Now that we can carry on.... Fairbourne: So sorry for kitty. Hope he is comfortable with mom. As for Ms. Aruba! She is, growing so fast. What a beauty she is. Come on Mum, want to get going on that walkie now that I can behave myself, better! Tap, tap, tap.


Roz: Your virtual pup is cute. How about Moddie for our wonderful Mods on these boards? Or Cruise Hound? Mr. Smarty Pants?


Everyone have a wonderful day.


"Tommy Cruise"

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Ok, then, Tommy Cruise it is. I played with him a little. Very cute. How do they do that! I can't even get my pictures from my phone to the computer! Talk about technically challenged, that would be me! :D


I know, it's so weird and fun to play with him. Strange how he comes to life!!!!


Sometimes I'm very technically challenged and other times I surprise myself!

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Horton is such a character! Can you see the leash in his mouth as he's begging me to take him for a walk? I told him, "it's really hot outside, you're going to hate it!" I took him and he wanted back in so fast!!!!!! It's tough to have all that fur and be black too!!!!


It looks like were in for a heat wave......I hope we don't get bad fires too!!!! I'm lucky that we live in the city but we are surrounded by lots of mountains and valleys.


Everyone stay cool and hydrated!!!!!

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It's been about a month since I've been on this site. We had a fantastic "land locked" vacation to Colorado, Wyoming, and South Dakota. I highly recommend the trip!


While we were eating dinner in Sturgis, Ollie was laying on the floor near the table. We had a lady come up to us as she was leaving. She said she was from California and it was nice to see a legit service dog working because she sees so many with the fake vests. It's nice to get a compliment.


Today also marks 7 years that Ollie was matched with my husband at the Seeing Eye.

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It's been about a month since I've been on this site. We had a fantastic "land locked" vacation to Colorado, Wyoming, and South Dakota. I highly recommend the trip!


While we were eating dinner in Sturgis, Ollie was laying on the floor near the table. We had a lady come up to us as she was leaving. She said she was from California and it was nice to see a legit service dog working because she sees so many with the fake vests. It's nice to get a compliment.


Today also marks 7 years that Ollie was matched with my husband at the Seeing Eye.


Of all the U.S. traveling that Morey and I had done, we never made it to Wyoming or South Dakota, we did see Colorado and camped along the river. I'd love to take your "land locked" trip, it sounds wonderful. It's supposed to be beautiful country.


It's such a problem with the "frauds" out there who are bringing their "pets" everywhere with them. I'm going to "call them out" when I suspect that their pet is not a legit. Service Dog! I think we all should. Maybe it will make a difference if we let them know that we're not going to stand for it!!!!


Congratulations on the 7 years with Ollie. I know he's made a difference in your husband's life.


Fairbourne is PuppyRaising "Aruba" in hopes that she will be eyes for someone else. You have to read back on some of her entries about how Aruba's doing. We're all so proud!

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Fairbourne is PuppyRaising "Aruba" in hopes that she will be eyes for someone else. You have to read back on some of her entries about how Aruba's doing. We're all so proud!


Ah Roz, now I'm crying.... Not sad tears, proud tears - thank you all:)


Puppy workshop tomorrow - how the last Friday in the month comes around SO fast!



So good news today on pussycat - she's put on some weight and this morning she ate some kibble all by herself ... That's a huge improvement and a huge step in beating this illness. Her jaundice is down too. :)


Did you watch the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth games in Glasgow last night? All eyes on Scotland - I am not a sporty fan at all, but was quite happy watching Rod Stewart strutting his stuff singing! We are having a heat wave at the moment and today here is 25C - ok Roz don't laugh, this is sweltering for us and poor black girls and brown boy are hot hot hot!

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Ah Roz, now I'm crying.... Not sad tears, proud tears - thank you all:)


Puppy workshop tomorrow - how the last Friday in the month comes around SO fast!



So good news today on pussycat - she's put on some weight and this morning she ate some kibble all by herself ... That's a huge improvement and a huge step in beating this illness. Her jaundice is down too. :)


Did you watch the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth games in Glasgow last night? All eyes on Scotland - I am not a sporty fan at all, but was quite happy watching Rod Stewart strutting his stuff singing! We are having a heat wave at the moment and today here is 25C - ok Roz don't laugh, this is sweltering for us and poor black girls and brown boy are hot hot hot!


God bless that Kitty! :) I love how dogs and cats can rally after health issues. I'm so glad to hear this. I hope that she has many more healthy days!


I adore Rod Stewart and I'm sad that I missed him doing anything. That amazingly sultry voice! ;)


Stay cool......we're also having a huge heat wave......over 100 degrees and humid! A bit like Hawaii without all the beauty!


Good luck Aruba in puppy workshop, take good care of Mum!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Hi everyone, Aruba here! ;):D


Mum took me to puppy class this morning, and boy was it hot! She says we are having this heatwave but I do love lying in the sun. Mum says I'm daft, and to get in the shade! Apparently it was 42C on her garden thermometer yesterday at lunchtime but it's really high 20's. She's got the wind machine on in the living room and has her feet up as she's complaining they are too hot!


Anyway back to the puppy class. I did very well today! :D:D:D:D


Seems some of my puppy chums are on holiday - that's a vacation to you Horton - so there were only 5 of us pups and I was the smallest. I had a good carry on and canoodle with Kaiser, who is almost ready to leave his dad and go to his next step in training. I heard him tell my Mum that they were really going to miss him - he is a very big, very strong, Golden retriever and I had his blond hairs all over my tummy from rolling around on the floor with him while the humans were having their cup of tea and their "fine piece" after our hard training work!


I had to work with Kaiser's dad and mum had Kaiser - I think she appreciates me more now as he really is a big strong dog to hold! But he is soooo gentle and I secretly gave him lots of kisses (so did Mum, I saw her!) and wished him well for going to the training school. Everyone knows Kaiser in our nearest town and his dad says it will take them nearly a whole morning to go around to all the shopkeepers and businesses for them all to say goodbye when it's his time to go. They are so good around here with allowing us in to learn. I expect that will be sad for his Dad.


So today I learnt to walk past another dog and ignore it, and then we had to stand in a circle, lie down and Mum dropped my lead and walked away from me, asking me to stay. I wasn't too sure at first, so I had a quick chew of my lead, for comfort you understand, but when Mum gave me one of her "NO Aruba" looks I sort of spat the lead out .....and waited to see what I had to do next, but I was keeping an eye on my Mum in case she went any further away from me! But she only stepped away a few more paces, telling me to stay .... then she called me to her ..... Phew that was a relief. I was so excited I'm afraid I had a little excited pee on the floor .... But a very nice man got a mop and all was well.


So this afternoon I'm having lazy time with my pal Max and piggy! Think it's time to have a quick nap before Mum gets my tea ready .... I love my food, but I never get any of those fine pieces!!!


Have a lovely weekend everyone and lots of puppy kisses to you all.


Love Aruba XXX



* a fine piece is a Scottish term for a tasty home bake! like shortbread! or a piece of home made cake! Or sometimes people refer to their sandwich as a "piece".


Me and my big sis Poppy who refused to turn to have her photo taken!


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Hi everyone, Aruba here!


Mum took me to puppy class this morning, and boy was it hot! She says we are having this heatwave but I do love lying in the sun. Mum says I'm daft, and to get in the shade! Apparently it was 42C on her garden thermometer yesterday at lunchtime but it's really high 20's. She's got the wind machine on in the living room and has her feet up as she's complaining they are too hot!


Anyway back to the puppy class. I did very well today! :D:D:D:D


Seems some of my puppy chums are on holiday - that's a vacation to you Horton - so there were only 5 of us pups and I was the smallest. I had a good carry on and canoodle with Kaiser, who is almost ready to leave his dad and go to his next step in training. I heard him tell my Mum that they were really going to miss him - he is a very big, very strong, Golden retriever and I had his blond hairs all over my tummy from rolling around on the floor with him while the humans were having their cup of tea and their "fine piece" after our hard training work!


I had to work with Kaiser's dad and mum had Kaiser - I think she appreciates me more now as he really is a big strong dog to hold! But he is soooo gentle and I secretly gave him lots of kisses (so did Mum, I saw her!) and wished him well for going to the training school. Everyone knows Kaiser in our nearest town and his dad says it will take them nearly a whole morning to go around to all the shopkeepers and businesses for them all to say goodbye when it's his time to go. They are so good around here with allowing us in to learn. I expect that will be sad for his Dad.


So today I learnt to walk past another dog and ignore it, and then we had to stand in a circle, lie down and Mum dropped my lead and walked away from me, asking me to stay. I wasn't too sure at first, so I had a quick chew of my lead, for comfort you understand, but when Mum gave me one of her "NO Aruba" looks I sort of spat the lead out .....and waited to see what I had to do next, but I was keeping an eye on my Mum in case she went any further away from me! But she only stepped away a few more paces, telling me to stay .... then she called me to her ..... Phew that was a relief. I was so excited I'm afraid I had a little excited pee on the floor .... But a very nice man got a mop and all was well.


So this afternoon I'm having lazy time with my pal Max and piggy! Think it's time to have a quick nap before Mum gets my tea ready .... I love my food, but I never get any of those fine pieces!!!


Have a lovely weekend everyone and lots of puppy kisses to you all.


Love Aruba XXX



* a fine piece is a Scottish term for a tasty home bake! like shortbread! or a piece of home made cake! Or sometimes people refer to their sandwich as a "piece".


Me and my big sis Poppy who refused to turn to have her photo taken!


Awww! Aruba, if you would see Auntie Roz's face...I'm glowing, with such a big smile.....All because of YOU! You are bringing such joy to me. Your stories of training, and being with Mum and your friends and brother & sister are so much fun to read.


I love hearing about the good things that you're doing. To sit and wait for Mum to call you [even if you leak a bit] is amazing! You're just a young boy and you're doing so well! I'm so proud of you and Mum!


Your pictures are so much fun to watch as you change in every one of them. You're really getting quite handsome, I must say! ;)


Sorry that Mum isn't sharing a fine piece with you but your tummy will be so much happier if you stick to your own food, I promise!


Keep up the good work and know that one day you'll be someone's hero, I just know it!


Fairbourne, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful journey with all of us. I'm loving every moment. I'm sorry it's so hot but we're sweltering here too! Horty just collapses like a big lump at the end of the day! I'm lucky that I have great central air conditioning at work and at home and it's going 24/7 these days!!!! :(


Have a wonderful weekend with your beautiful fur family, and hubby too!

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Have a good weekend everyone! Stay cool!


I want to reach out to Sunshine and wish her and her DH a hearty congratulations on 2 years with Rich's lung transplant......it's truly a miracle! I remember when we cruised together 2 years ago and you were so worried about him.


Congratulations to Cari [Denver Sees 4 Me] on your new Seeing Eye Dog, "Dodger." Horton and I want to wish you many, many healthy and happy years together! I know you've been facing some wildfires where you live. I hope that you're all safe and sound!

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Hi Aunty Roz :)


I'm a girl, I'm a girl ..... ;):D


Mum says this is all she could find and it is a bit grainy, but you can tap your feet along for a couple of minutes! :D.



Love Aruba, your puppy girl




PS Mum left me at home this morning, I'd just had my breakfast and she didn't want me to be sick in the car, so she rushed into town to get a few things before it got too hot. Well would you believe she met Kaiser and his Dad, so she was able to give him (Kaiser that is!) another cuddle and kiss in case she doesn't she him again. Wish I'd been there ( and Mum was disappointed I wasn't).

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Hi Aunty Roz :)


I'm a girl, I'm a girl ..... ;):D


Mum says this is all she could find and it is a bit grainy, but you can tap your feet along for a couple of minutes! :D.



Love Aruba, your puppy girl




PS Mum left me at home this morning, I'd just had my breakfast and she didn't want me to be sick in the car, so she rushed into town to get a few things before it got too hot. Well would you believe she met Kaiser and his Dad, so she was able to give him (Kaiser that is!) another cuddle and kiss in case she doesn't she him again. Wish I'd been there ( and Mum was disappointed I wasn't).


Oh! My! I just spent my Saturday in Scotland, watching the Opening of the Commonwealth Games and Rod Stewart......That was so much fun....Thank you Fairbourne. It sure enticed me to want to travel to Scotland. Magnificent, that's what Scotland looks like, magnificent! And, Rod Stewart, he's one of my most favorite singers.


Thank you, Fairbourne, for sharing the site with all of us.....it made my Saturday afternoon!


Aruba, I hope that you and Kaiser get to romp and play together one day, you two will be great friends.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Hi everyone.


I forgot the doggies at the Commonwealth Opening Ceremony - here's a link.




They were fabulous!


Enjoy, all you doggy lovers :D


Glad you enjoyed the sexy one Roz! He's a bit skinny for my taste but if you shut your eyes when he sings ...... LOL!!! :p

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Hi everyone.


I forgot the doggies at the Commonwealth Opening Ceremony - here's a link.




They were fabulous!


Enjoy, all you doggy lovers :D


Glad you enjoyed the sexy one Roz! He's a bit skinny for my taste but if you shut your eyes when he sings ...... LOL!!! :p


Archie, you are quite a charmer! Couldn't sleep and played Rod again and watched Archie. Thanks Fairbourne.....Rod's voice makes me smile!!!!!!

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Hi Roz


I couldn't sleep last night either - too blooming hot even with the fan going! No AC here, we are not used to this heat! :rolleyes: bit cooler today! Thank goodness!


Isn't Archie a hoot, when we were watching the ceremony, I suddenly spotted the dogs, what great idea, but it was funny to see the odd one being carried after refusing point blank to walk - "thrawn" is what we call that - it's a lovely word and one I would use often to describe Miss Poppy!


Aruba has just learnt to do a "high 5", took about a week but she's seen the big dogs do it and it was just a little lift of her paw to start with, but now she recognises the words and her paw gets slapped on my leg! LOL! she's a hoot!


Pussy cat is doing well - a colleague of my DH's gave him some cat food which is basically pure chicken with brown rice, and my goodness she loves it and eats it on her own, which is really good news. (So do the two boy cat gannets so I have to lock her in a room so she gets her fair share!) Weigh in tomorrow at the vet, so I'm hopeful she will have put on a little bit. Every ounce counts at the moment.


Lazy Sunday here - Roz, hope you can get some sleep and wake up refreshed. Expect Horton's snoring if he's anything like our three!!! LOL!!!


Hugs xx

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