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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Please excuse any typos, our computer has wiped out all our info and we cant use it right now so im on my phone. :mad:


Anyway am i the only nail clipper here? I have done them faithfully since we got him. They really pushed me into learning it. Ive gotten pretty good over the years. If you just clip a tiny sliver each week, it keeps them pretty short.



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I'm cracking up at Chunky Monkey! Cindy, I'm very impressed that you do the trims. I'm still too chicken.


Roz, Raylene also gets a cup of food at each meal (twice a day) by decree of She Who Must Be Obeyed (just kidding, we love her Dogs for the Deaf trainer, Carrie.) So far, she's keeping around 60 svelte lbs. Also a leggy girl. Would love to see her, Horton, Wexler (and other cruise critic black labs lurking out there) playing together!



Edited by Caribbean Chris
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Mornin' all:

Speaking of nail trimming! NO, I do not do nails. When we went out of town we boarded Jezzy Lou at the Vet's. I had them trim her nails before she came home. Well, it was right before she came home (While I was waiting to pick her up). We get in the car and I see a few small blood spots. Ok, no problem. Drove off down the street, kept checking her and pulled over. Blood, seemed like a lot, (Hey, I'm a mom), so back to the vet we go. The girl looks and says "Oh, that is a lot of blood." :eek: Takes Jezzy in the back an I can hear her screaming (Jezzy, not the tech). (She is a screamer anyway, Jezzy, not the tech) They put that magic whatever on her and it was fine. Poor baby girl. :(

Edited by S.S. Cruisers
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I loved reading this thread! I have a golden retriever who comes from a line of service/therapy dogs. His relatives have been donated for years for therapy and service work. I got him for therapy work in my field, but now that he is trained with that we've also been doing nose work, which he loves. I've often considered training him as a diabetic alert dog, we have a local trainer who does this with German Shepherds. While I do not need him personally (I do suffer from Hypoglycemia which is controlled by diet but I am not diabetic and definitely not insulin dependent or dosabled) I think it is something he would enjoy learning and there are many individuals in my family who are diabetic.


Seeing as I do not have a disability that impairs my daily life, I'd never have a need to take him on a cruise, but I do enjoy him being all that he can be and love seeing him learn new things. It is neat reading everyone's stories and seeing how service dogs really change lives! It makes me look at my boy with new eyes because I really feel he could have easily been a name dropped in this thread, by someone's side who needed him. But he does change lives in his own way every day that he meets those with mental health disorders and disabilities through my work (:


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Please excuse any typos, our computer has wiped out all our info and we cant use it right now so im on my phone. :mad:


Anyway am i the only nail clipper here? I have done them faithfully since we got him. They really pushed me into learning it. Ive gotten pretty good over the years. If you just clip a tiny sliver each week, it keeps them pretty short.






Cindy, we've had this discussion before.......I sure do wish we lived closer and you could sit me down, with my big boy and teach me! Not that that would convince me to do it! :rolleyes:


I'm scared to death to hurt him! I'll pay anyone else to do it. You could make a fortune off of me!!!!! :o

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I'm cracking up at Chunky Monkey! Cindy, I'm very impressed that you do the trims. I'm still too chicken.


Roz, Raylene also gets a cup of food at each meal (twice a day) by decree of She Who Must Be Obeyed (just kidding, we love her Dogs for the Deaf trainer, Carrie.) So far, she's keeping around 60 svelte lbs. Also a leggy girl. Would love to see her, Horton, Wexler (and other cruise critic black labs lurking out there) playing together!




Raylene, you beautiful girl you! She is gorgeous!


I'd love to get together with all of you. I never thought twice about Black Lab's before 2002.......and then there was Brenda!!!! ♥


Your trainer sounds like the trainers at CCI. Watch their weight.....is drummed into our heads!!! ;)

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Mornin' all:

Speaking of nail trimming! NO, I do not do nails. When we went out of town we boarded Jezzy Lou at the Vet's. I had them trim her nails before she came home. Well, it was right before she came home (While I was waiting to pick her up). We get in the car and I see a few small blood spots. Ok, no problem. Drove off down the street, kept checking her and pulled over. Blood, seemed like a lot, (Hey, I'm a mom), so back to the vet we go. The girl looks and says "Oh, that is a lot of blood." :eek: Takes Jezzy in the back an I can hear her screaming (Jezzy, not the tech). (She is a screamer anyway, Jezzy, not the tech) They put that magic whatever on her and it was fine. Poor baby girl. :(


Oh! No! My fear exactly. :eek:


My girlfriend dropped her dog off at the groomers and they nicked the pad of her dogs paw, so badly she had to spend a night in the vet hospital. I know some dogs can wiggle and squirm and accidents do happen. Although, I've seen Horton pull his paw back very quickly, while being trimmed. The tech. has to be sharp and pay attention to what she/he and the dog are doing!


Poor little Jezzy, I hope she's okay! :o

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I loved reading this thread! I have a golden retriever who comes from a line of service/therapy dogs. His relatives have been donated for years for therapy and service work. I got him for therapy work in my field, but now that he is trained with that we've also been doing nose work, which he loves. I've often considered training him as a diabetic alert dog, we have a local trainer who does this with German Shepherds. While I do not need him personally (I do suffer from Hypoglycemia which is controlled by diet but I am not diabetic and definitely not insulin dependent or dosabled) I think it is something he would enjoy learning and there are many individuals in my family who are diabetic.


Seeing as I do not have a disability that impairs my daily life, I'd never have a need to take him on a cruise, but I do enjoy him being all that he can be and love seeing him learn new things. It is neat reading everyone's stories and seeing how service dogs really change lives! It makes me look at my boy with new eyes because I really feel he could have easily been a name dropped in this thread, by someone's side who needed him. But he does change lives in his own way every day that he meets those with mental health disorders and disabilities through my work (:


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What a wonderful story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.


I never thought much about Golden Retrievers before I met Horton Jeffrey. Now, I'm madly in love with both breeds; Labs and Goldens.


It's truly amazing what we can teach our dogs and what they're capable of doing. Through all of Horton's "bad boy drama", he does his job so well. He is my hero and makes my life so much better. I'm so grateful that he's with me!


Your dog sounds like he is serving a purpose and making a difference in other's lives. It's so neat to watch, isn't it? ♥

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It's truly amazing what we can teach our dogs and what they're capable of doing. Through all of Horton's "bad boy drama", he does his job so well. He is my hero and makes my life so much better. I'm so grateful that he's with me!


Your dog sounds like he is serving a purpose and making a difference in other's lives. It's so neat to watch, isn't it? ♥


Rem is a bad boy sometimes (at home)! Trust me... But you put his lead on and walk him into a public place or social setting and he is a completely different dog. Every command is on point, manners are impeccable. He sits for anyone and is calm no matter what a going on, just an angel. It's like he knows when it's time to be a puppy (he's still got a lot of pup in him) VS when it's time to go to work.


I miss him when I am gone and he's the reason I don't think I could ever cruise over 7 nights, if I can make it that long. He really is more than a pet to me, he's my business partner. He touches people when my methods aren't working. He is pretty amazing!



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Rem is a bad boy sometimes (at home)! Trust me... But you put his lead on and walk him into a public place or social setting and he is a completely different dog. Every command is on point, manners are impeccable. He sits for anyone and is calm no matter what a going on, just an angel. It's like he knows when it's time to be a puppy (he's still got a lot of pup in him) VS when it's time to go to work.


I miss him when I am gone and he's the reason I don't think I could ever cruise over 7 nights, if I can make it that long. He really is more than a pet to me, he's my business partner. He touches people when my methods aren't working. He is pretty amazing!



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Awwww! Thanks Rem for being such a great partner.


I totally get it! Horton is like that hyper-active kid at home but when we're out in public he's "spot-on", I hate to say this but his behavior is even better than Miss Brenny's.


Brenda loved to lunge at other dogs and even people. Not an aggressive lunge, just a friendly, "who are you, do I know you?" kind of lunge. No matter how much the trainers tried and how old she got, she did this bad habit and it forever was an embarrassment to me. But, she was "over-the-top" brilliant in every other way, and had a fabulous work ethic. So, CCI kept her in the program. I'm very glad they did, just for me!


Horton's only bad habit is sniffing the heck out of everything but it's so easy to correct. He's extremely responsive to me. However, he will eat any shoe that is left on the floor. All guests MUST make sure not to take off their shoes!!!!! I do warn them!!!! :eek: Some folks get a kick out of watching him perform!

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Hi everyone!


Phew what a busy week I've had, so just catching up with all the news on here.


Cindy, about time you showed up Mrs! LOL!


DKD, Davis is so handsome and what a serious face he has - I just love his elegant feet! I've saved a screen shot of him as a pup and I love seeing him now all grown up - well almost! I think I would like a yellow person next - help what am I saying .... This puppy walking could be addictive!!! LOL!


Raylene, I too think you are a beautiful girl - love the photo CChris! :-)


Where do I start? Aruba had her sleepover at Aunty Cuddles - we've decided that's the purrfect name for this lovely lady who boards our pups when we need a few days for whatever reason as they get lots of cuddles from her when they are at her house!


I took her over with all her stuff - what a list! And we decided that Aruba would be given her lunch while I sneaked out. Boy did I get such a look when I went to pick her up! It was quite strange - I expected her to launch herself into my arms (!), but she just gave me a look and it was almost like "oh you're back then!" (Our trip to the theatre was brilliant - it was a charity concert for The Lord Provost's charitable trust and they raised £25,000 for a homeless charity from the evening. The star performer was Russell Watson and he was simply brilliant. My late mum loved him and we chose one of his songs to play at her funeral service, I have to say I was hoping that he would not sing it that night, and he didn't! I may well have blubbed if he had!)


It really wasn't until we got home that I think Aruba realised she was coming "home". But as soon as she saw Max and Poppy, it was doggy hugs all round, doggy licks, doggy sniffs - you get the picture! They were all three of them so excited and eventually once all that carry on stopped, I got a waggy tail cuddle!


Then the DH announced a few days away business trip, so I've been really busy with the three dogs and cats (still feeding one but she is doing really well, thank goodness). He's back now!


The Guide Dogs for the Blind, local branch, have an annual ball tomorrow and we weren't going as today we should have been winging our way to Hong Kong, but of course we cancelled due to the cat being so ill. However, we are now going to the ball! Well sort of - We, that's me and the DH and Miss Aruba will be there to meet and greet the guests as they arrive at the venue, along with a few other pups! A bit of emotive welcoming to ensure they dig deep in their well lined pockets! So it will be brushed and groomed tomorrow with her badge gleaming and off we will go! I will just have to make sure she doesn't jump up on anyone with all their finery on!


We had puppy workshop today, and met two new pups - a lovely 12 week old yellow girl lab called Nula, who was very well behaved but had a little pee as they do! and a very, very naughty black girl lab called Lauren who at 8 months old was such a puller on her lead! She just would not listen to her puppy walker and guess who got her when we swapped pups! I still have the red marks on my hands! It made me realise how good Aruba is! I do think it is hard for the pups as we are working in a church hall, there is nothing to cushion the sounds and everyone is talking commands to their dog, at the same time, so it must be quite confusing for the pups and I think it's loud, so goodness knows what their hearing is picking up!


There's been a bit more positive news on Tess, the missing guide dog. There have been several sightings of a dog in the same area, so they are hopeful it might be her and have got dog experts now in searching for her. I do hope they find her, but I'm not sure if she would be able to work again after this trauma, but at least she would be safe again, and that would be the very best outcome, for her to be safe.


Anyway, that's enough of my ramblings!


Hope you're all well and have a great weekend everyone! :-)

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Hi everyone!


Phew what a busy week I've had, so just catching up with all the news on here.


Cindy, about time you showed up Mrs! LOL!


DKD, Davis is so handsome and what a serious face he has - I just love his elegant feet! I've saved a screen shot of him as a pup and I love seeing him now all grown up - well almost! I think I would like a yellow person next - help what am I saying .... This puppy walking could be addictive!!! LOL!


Raylene, I too think you are a beautiful girl - love the photo CChris! :-)


Where do I start? Aruba had her sleepover at Aunty Cuddles - we've decided that's the purrfect name for this lovely lady who boards our pups when we need a few days for whatever reason as they get lots of cuddles from her when they are at her house!


I took her over with all her stuff - what a list! And we decided that Aruba would be given her lunch while I sneaked out. Boy did I get such a look when I went to pick her up! It was quite strange - I expected her to launch herself into my arms (!), but she just gave me a look and it was almost like "oh you're back then!" (Our trip to the theatre was brilliant - it was a charity concert for The Lord Provost's charitable trust and they raised £25,000 for a homeless charity from the evening. The star performer was Russell Watson and he was simply brilliant. My late mum loved him and we chose one of his songs to play at her funeral service, I have to say I was hoping that he would not sing it that night, and he didn't! I may well have blubbed if he had!)


It really wasn't until we got home that I think Aruba realised she was coming "home". But as soon as she saw Max and Poppy, it was doggy hugs all round, doggy licks, doggy sniffs - you get the picture! They were all three of them so excited and eventually once all that carry on stopped, I got a waggy tail cuddle!


Then the DH announced a few days away business trip, so I've been really busy with the three dogs and cats (still feeding one but she is doing really well, thank goodness). He's back now!


The Guide Dogs for the Blind, local branch, have an annual ball tomorrow and we weren't going as today we should have been winging our way to Hong Kong, but of course we cancelled due to the cat being so ill. However, we are now going to the ball! Well sort of - We, that's me and the DH and Miss Aruba will be there to meet and greet the guests as they arrive at the venue, along with a few other pups! A bit of emotive welcoming to ensure they dig deep in their well lined pockets! So it will be brushed and groomed tomorrow with her badge gleaming and off we will go! I will just have to make sure she doesn't jump up on anyone with all their finery on!


We had puppy workshop today, and met two new pups - a lovely 12 week old yellow girl lab called Nula, who was very well behaved but had a little pee as they do! and a very, very naughty black girl lab called Lauren who at 8 months old was such a puller on her lead! She just would not listen to her puppy walker and guess who got her when we swapped pups! I still have the red marks on my hands! It made me realise how good Aruba is! I do think it is hard for the pups as we are working in a church hall, there is nothing to cushion the sounds and everyone is talking commands to their dog, at the same time, so it must be quite confusing for the pups and I think it's loud, so goodness knows what their hearing is picking up!


There's been a bit more positive news on Tess, the missing guide dog. There have been several sightings of a dog in the same area, so they are hopeful it might be her and have got dog experts now in searching for her. I do hope they find her, but I'm not sure if she would be able to work again after this trauma, but at least she would be safe again, and that would be the very best outcome, for her to be safe.


Anyway, that's enough of my ramblings!


Hope you're all well and have a great weekend everyone! :-)


My, My, My! You have been the busiest of bees!!! :p


I'm so glad to hear from you and have an update of our amazing girl, Aruba. Aren't you proud of the work you've done with her. She's really a shining star. Lauren sure proved that Aruba is really doing well and that the work that you're doing with her is really paying off!


I'm glad you had such a wonderful theatre date and that you've found someone extraordinary to take care of Aruba.


Puppy workshop keeps you on your toes but I know that you like it. Soon, too soon, Aruba will be out of your life and you'll be looking back on these days as truly special. ♥


I wish we could hear better news about Tess. Poor thing! It's a real heart breaker! I just want her to be safe and sound!


Keep us up on all the happenings.......you busy thing you! :)


Have a wonderful weekend!

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Hello and hope all is well with all of you and your fur babies. Loved the pictures. I have been lurking but seem to have no time to sit and chat. One day I sat and had a long note but just before I could send it the electric went out and the note went, who knows where.

We have been busy here visiting new doctors___we will eventually be moving to Homosassa, so those things need to be done. Then I had some eye problems that are fixed now. So every day we were running somewhere.

NOW for some good news we have adopted another dog.I tried to post a picture but couldn't do it. Sorry to say,we couldn't wait for CCI . we adopted a Catahulla. Not sure what her age is but we think under a year old. She has so much energy, I was pooped for the first few days. She is almost house broken____eekkkkkkkkk_______I didn't plan to have such a young dog but I loved her from the first time I saw her. We named her Pepper because she has so much black on her Brindle body. When in can figure out how to post a picture fROM this Nexis 7,I will.

Take care everyone.

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Omg fairbourne im exhausted just reading your post!!



We have this old guy that lives in our building (our place is elderly and handicapped). He is a con man and a smoozer. He has a "service bird" parrot. Its supposed to be in a cage when he takes it out but on the weekends he doesnt obey the rules when management isnt here. Past couple weekends hes been leaving early in morning and of course not caged. The bird has woken us up both times cuz its loud as can be . John wanted to sleep today but nooooooo the dam thing is out there yapping away. You cant believe how loud it is. Needless to say, john is up and not happy. He tries to bring the bird everywhere but gets kicked out. Ughhhhhh

Edited by rangeley
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Hello and hope all is well with all of you and your fur babies. Loved the pictures. I have been lurking but seem to have no time to sit and chat. One day I sat and had a long note but just before I could send it the electric went out and the note went, who knows where.

We have been busy here visiting new doctors___we will eventually be moving to Homosassa, so those things need to be done. Then I had some eye problems that are fixed now. So every day we were running somewhere.

NOW for some good news we have adopted another dog.I tried to post a picture but couldn't do it. Sorry to say,we couldn't wait for CCI . we adopted a Catahulla. Not sure what her age is but we think under a year old. She has so much energy, I was pooped for the first few days. She is almost house broken____eekkkkkkkkk_______I didn't plan to have such a young dog but I loved her from the first time I saw her. We named her Pepper because she has so much black on her Brindle body. When in can figure out how to post a picture fROM this Nexis 7,I will.

Take care everyone.


Trudy, it's so good to hear from you. It sounds like you've had some health issues, I hope they're over.


Trudy, congratulations on getting Pepper. Isn't it wonderful and tiring [all at the same time] to have a new life in your life? I hope you get much joy from her and that she keeps you smiling! ;)


She looks like she's going to be a big girl! Have fun and enjoy her! :)

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Omg fairbourne im exhausted just reading your post!!



We have this old guy that lives in our building (our place is elderly and handicapped). He is a con man and a smoozer. He has a "service bird" parrot. Its supposed to be in a cage when he takes it out but on the weekends he doesnt obey the rules when management isnt here. Past couple weekends hes been leaving early in morning and of course not caged. The bird has woken us up both times cuz its loud as can be . John wanted to sleep today but nooooooo the dam thing is out there yapping away. You cant believe how loud it is. Needless to say, john is up and not happy. He tries to bring the bird everywhere but gets kicked out. Ughhhhhh


I would be so angry if someone had a large bird that made so much noise it kept me up!!!!! How annoying is that!!!!!:mad: Doesn't Wexy want to play with the birdy, birdy, birdy!!!! :p

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Just so you know, if you grind the nails, there's little danger of hitting the quick, but if you do, not only will it not be bad (since it won't be a big clip like slipping can be), but the grinder action does a good cauterizing job. You can always keep a jar of styptic powder on hand, too, of course. "In the Company of Dogs" sells a quiet-motor nail grinder for dogs.

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Just so you know, if you grind the nails, there's little danger of hitting the quick, but if you do, not only will it not be bad (since it won't be a big clip like slipping can be), but the grinder action does a good cauterizing job. You can always keep a jar of styptic powder on hand, too, of course. "In the Company of Dogs" sells a quiet-motor nail grinder for dogs.


Quam, do you do your dog's nails? I can't do it. When I've gone to CCI for Re-Certification the first thing the trainer does is take Horton into the grooming room, she sits on the floor and grabs a grinder. Without hesitation she starts trimming his nails, as he lays on the floor. I know she's had tons of practice but she makes it look so easy!


Also, some of the folks on the board who are calling Horton a pet are so annoying. Thank you for speaking-up for me and Horty.:):)

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I have to fill you in. My son met a girl!!!! They met on a facebook fishing site a few months ago. I think this might be the one. They are crazy about eachother and have so much in common. Oh course they are both on fb and ive been going on johns so i can see whats going on in my sons life. As some of you know, i have always been anti fb and refused to join. Unfortunately ive been forced to join and make a page :mad: I'm not happy about it at all. :mad:

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I have to fill you in. My son met a girl!!!! They met on a facebook fishing site a few months ago. I think this might be the one. They are crazy about eachother and have so much in common. Oh course they are both on fb and ive been going on johns so i can see whats going on in my sons life. As some of you know, i have always been anti fb and refused to join. Unfortunately ive been forced to join and make a page :mad: I'm not happy about it at all. :mad:


Oh my, will you be buying a hat soon??? :D


I'm with you, I don't have a FB page, only occasionally look at fb if I absolutely have to! Such as news on Tess.

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Off we went to the Guide Dogs for the Blind annual summer ball on Saturday evening - not that there's much summer left here, it was pouring rain but thankfully let up for an hour or two, so we managed to get into the hotel dry - the last thing we needed was smelly soggy doggies!


I decided against any froo froo for Aruba, as it's a serious message we needed to get across and I was worried that would distract. Anyway, as the DH says she's gorgeous enough without any froo froo! If only he would say that about me!! LOL!!


All the guests were so happy and excited to meet the pups - we had Lottie, a 9 month old black pure Labrador; Gail, a 7 month old cross German shepherd/retriever, black with beautiful ginger brindle markings and Aruba who is now 6 months old and a black Labrador/golden retriever cross. So a great selection. They were all walked before and did what they needed to (!), and they had a great welcome from the staff at the hotel, so that was good practice before the guests arrived.


There were lots of oohs and aaahs and you could tell the folk who had dogs as they rushed over to say hello, long frocks were hitched up to bend down to cuddle the pups, and I just prayed nothing got ripped in the process! Ha ha! Aruba did her party trick of "high 5's" and this went down so well. I was very proud of her and the other two for being so patient really and happy to see everyone. I don't know yet how much money they raised but last year I think it was over £40,000. I did feel a bit like Cinderella when we left, and the guests were making their way to their dinner tables, but we had a great time and picked up a lovely Chinese takeaway on the way home!


There were a couple of guide dog owners with their working dogs and a couple of assistance dogs - a yellow lab and a small lahso aphso (I think) - I didn't get a chance to find out anymore about them. Not a cheep from any of them of course.


We also met a lovely lady who has a guide dog but left him at home for the evening (giving him the night off with Grannie) and was with her friend who guided her, and her dog is due to retire maybe next year. It all depends, sometimes they retire as young as 7, but can work until they are 10. When she met Aruba, she just fell in love with her, and she is now wondering if she can maybe make a special request to have Aruba when her current dog retires! If the timings work out and Aruba works out of course - now for me that would be great as I would know Aruba would be close by! We will see what transpires. You just never know. I told her I was making up a scrap book for Aruba's person and she said that was fantastic as she has lots of photos of her dog Kara when she was going through her puppy walking. She also keeps in touch with her puppy walkers.



Photo - Gail, Lottie (smiling) and Aruba. They're a bit difficult to see as it was quite dark.


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I have to fill you in. My son met a girl!!!! They met on a facebook fishing site a few months ago. I think this might be the one. They are crazy about eachother and have so much in common. Oh course they are both on fb and ive been going on johns so i can see whats going on in my sons life. As some of you know, i have always been anti fb and refused to join. Unfortunately ive been forced to join and make a page :mad: I'm not happy about it at all. :mad:


First, I'm so happy for your son. I hope this becomes a significant relationship for him. It always feels so good when our children find a significant other.


Second, I used to go on FB all the time until it felt so intrusive. Since Morey passed I don't do it anymore. I still watch my CCI group and add to the conversation with them but that's it.

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Off we went to the Guide Dogs for the Blind annual summer ball on Saturday evening - not that there's much summer left here, it was pouring rain but thankfully let up for an hour or two, so we managed to get into the hotel dry - the last thing we needed was smelly soggy doggies!


I decided against any froo froo for Aruba, as it's a serious message we needed to get across and I was worried that would distract. Anyway, as the DH says she's gorgeous enough without any froo froo! If only he would say that about me!! LOL!!


All the guests were so happy and excited to meet the pups - we had Lottie, a 9 month old black pure Labrador; Gail, a 7 month old cross German shepherd/retriever, black with beautiful ginger brindle markings and Aruba who is now 6 months old and a black Labrador/golden retriever cross. So a great selection. They were all walked before and did what they needed to (!), and they had a great welcome from the staff at the hotel, so that was good practice before the guests arrived.


There were lots of oohs and aaahs and you could tell the folk who had dogs as they rushed over to say hello, long frocks were hitched up to bend down to cuddle the pups, and I just prayed nothing got ripped in the process! Ha ha! Aruba did her party trick of "high 5's" and this went down so well. I was very proud of her and the other two for being so patient really and happy to see everyone. I don't know yet how much money they raised but last year I think it was over £40,000. I did feel a bit like Cinderella when we left, and the guests were making their way to their dinner tables, but we had a great time and picked up a lovely Chinese takeaway on the way home!


There were a couple of guide dog owners with their working dogs and a couple of assistance dogs - a yellow lab and a small lahso aphso (I think) - I didn't get a chance to find out anymore about them. Not a cheep from any of them of course.


We also met a lovely lady who has a guide dog but left him at home for the evening (giving him the night off with Grannie) and was with her friend who guided her, and her dog is due to retire maybe next year. It all depends, sometimes they retire as young as 7, but can work until they are 10. When she met Aruba, she just fell in love with her, and she is now wondering if she can maybe make a special request to have Aruba when her current dog retires! If the timings work out and Aruba works out of course - now for me that would be great as I would know Aruba would be close by! We will see what transpires. You just never know. I told her I was making up a scrap book for Aruba's person and she said that was fantastic as she has lots of photos of her dog Kara when she was going through her puppy walking. She also keeps in touch with her puppy walkers.



Photo - Gail, Lottie (smiling) and Aruba. They're a bit difficult to see as it was quite dark.


It's so hard to see the black dogs.


Wouldn't that be amazing if this woman could actually be Aruba's forever partner!


Brenda worked until she was 10. CCI used to ask us to prepare for our dogs to retire by the time they're between 7 and 10. Then they realized that some dogs are still healthy and doing well enough to continue to work and they left it up to the handler and the trainer to make the decision.


Also, isn't it amazing how the moderators are controlling the thread so well!!!! ;)

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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