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Worst Table Mates

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I love reading about the worst table mates people have ever had. Most tablemates are very nice, but tell me about your worst ones, please!


I agree most are very nice....

One time on the voyager we had a table for 6 my wife and i showed up the first day and it was just us...day 2 honeymooners showed up and said "we wont be back we dont dress up'...fair enough and we even saw them and had a drink with them later....but the third couple that showed up didnt speak hardy at all except to tell us that they were one of the waethiest family's in there country (argentina I think) and that they were trying to get away from all there nannies and servats for the week and they dont understand how people coukd raise children without nannies...thank god the switched ther table to sit with freinds by the 4th night because the conversation non existent and when it did appen it was how good they were and how bad the rest of the world was

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The worst tablemates I've ever had were definitely ones who liked to constantly talk about how great they were, etc, in between complaining about how people were dressed around the room and how Celebrity was really the better of the two lines. UGH.

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We never really had bad tablemates but on the first night of our first ever cruise we had a couple who only talked to each other in french a language that I can understand a little bit. We just thought that was extremely rude. If we wanted to just talk to each other we would have gotten a table to ourselves. If people don't speak your language you can usually have fun trying to get them to understand you. And you might even teach each other a few words by the end of the cruise.

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We had a couple one time that told us her dad had invented Dr. Pepper (yes, the soda). They spent so much time bragging about the money they had and the money they spent! Even told us they had talked to the captain about how the stabilizers on the ship didn't seem to be working correctly. Good thing they were on that cruise! The captain might never have known something was wrong! We didn't let it spoil our fun and my Dh and I started making bets (privately) about what the next night's dinner story would be- just to see if we could outdo each other or them. Darn it, we never could make up a better story than they did.

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Generally speaking we have always had wonderful tablemates. Some were more fun than others of course but the worst was a obviously wealthy couple (they told us so) who spent every evening at dinner telling us how they would solve the world's problems. From the Middle East, to Katrina, taxes, education, etc. and they had the most arrogant answers for everything. Halfway through the cruise I had to bite my tongue not to say...'with all these cures for everything how could you take time out for a cruise, you should be back on shore putting your ideas into action!!" We didn't let it ruin our dinner but we were always the first to leave the table after dessert!



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We never had any truly awful dining mates.


The worst experience was when we were booked at a table for 6. We didn't meet the one couple till night 3 because they strictly followed the dress code and didn't dine in the dining room on formal nights and also missed the first night. They were the nicest couple and we wished they came to the table every night.


The other "couple" was a recently divorced woman who was celebrating her divorce on the cruise. She had paid for her girlfriend to accompany her. The divorcee was on the prowl for a new man and every time a male walked by without a women next to him, she would jump up and yell "Caliente" and chase after him. The girlfriend who was treated to the cruise apparently didn't bring ANY expense money with her and when the divorcee wasn't chasing men around the dining room, she was complaining about how much her girlfriend was spending and she had no idea how either one of them was going to pay for it!


We made the best of the limited conversation and were soo happy when the married couple dined with us so we had something else to talk about.

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We've had great luck with table mates, especially when we cruise with family and friends :)


Our one and only Carnival cruise, they had long, rectangular tables, kind of "barracks" style seating. We were a party of 4, our 2 kids were with us. They seated us with another family- mom, dad +3 kids. That family seated themselves in a row across from us every night (we could never make ith there first :rolleyes: ), but would not utter a word except yes/no to a question we would ask, trying to strike up a conversation. We suggested they take the seats next to the window, it was dark and you could not see out of them anyway. But no, every night...no conversation from them...but they sure did follow ours! Then, they would whisper in each others ears, so very rude of them.


The first 2 nights were very uncomfortable for us, the rest of the week, I just started to ingnore them. The cruise was full to them brim, we couldn't change, I don't care for the buffet, so that was out of the question.


The worst part of it all was, their cabin was right next to ours, so we saw them all the time. The husband chain smoked all the time, I swear he never left his cabin, the smoke smell came right through the wall. I've never spent so much time out of a cabin before!


The cabin was icky, I don't know who decorates for Carnival but I think they got their education from fast food restaurant decorating school. The rest of the ship was ugly, ugly, ugly. Plastic and neon, for as far as the eye can see, the same "art" on every stairway landing, have they no imagination?


The good part? (there is always a good part, even on an icky cruise) The food wasn't bad and the photographers were great.

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We have had the luck of the draw for our last three cruises.


Cruise #1 had the poor woman who was going through chemotherapy for some sort of advanced cancer, she hacked and coughed and spit into a cup for the entire dinner. After three nights, she didn't come back to the dining room.


Cruise #2 We had a poor woman who was handicapped and walked with a walker. When our poor assistant waitress attempted to assist in seating her, somehow she was pushed into the table edge and then proceeded to berate the assistant waitress and curse her out for injuring her. The woman then began crying and told her husband they were leaving the dining room. The poor assistant waitress was in tears and trembling for fear of losing her job. (I spoke with the Maitre'd and told him what had transpired, that the assistant waitress did absolutely nothing wrong) Thankfully that couple did not return to dinner in the dining room for the rest of the cruise.


Cruise #3, We had two brothers, one of which was severely handicapped with cerebral palsy. They were actually a couple of fun guys, and they were often seen around the ship having a great time. The problem that we incurred during dinner, was that our table was immediately below the musician stand where the Rosario strings duet was playing. They were so loud, that you could not talk to the person seated next to you. Most of our meals were spent in silence, as conversation was impossible. We, and the two brothers, asked to be moved to a different table in a quieter area (even asked to be moved to the reserve/overflow dining rooms, but they never moved us)



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To be honest I alway wonder what will appear (or be waiting) when dining. On the vast majority of cruises it has turned out plesant. There was this one time...a year ago...on the Mariner. We were a party of 5. It was a cruise for my son's graduation with some of his friends who also graduated from high school. We were seated at a table for about 10 or 12. When the other family arrived (late) they had the personalities of a piece of wood. Add to that it was very clear that a couple of the family members did not what to be there. No conversation (except for one) and no attempt to interact. Don't get me wrong that is not a requirement, but there was this "vibe" that permiated the table, so...


I asked for another table and it was granted. This was the only time I have done so and we were assigned a new table right next to the captain's and we had a BLAST!

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Hi - We were seated with this awful man once. Every night, when the waiter was taking dessert orders, he say, "I want an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie". This was not on the menu, of course. When the waiter would tell him they didn't have any, he would refuse any dessert at all.


On the last night of the cruise, the chef made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies especially for him and the guy refused to eat them because it took so long to make them.


The whole table wanted to kill him.

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We, too, have always had good table mates. On our honeymoon, though, we were at a table of eight- all couples. There was a woman who constantly reminded everyone that all she did was spend her husband's money. She said that at least once a day. She also told us how Pablo Picasso and Jackson Pollock are way over-rated and she can't believe people spend money on that kind of art. This was also in the same breath that she stated that mullets are "cute" and she didn't know why people make fun of them.


My husband and I still laugh about that lady on occassion.

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We had a couple one time that told us her dad had invented Dr. Pepper (yes, the soda). They spent so much time bragging about the money they had and the money they spent! Even told us they had talked to the captain about how the stabilizers on the ship didn't seem to be working correctly. Good thing they were on that cruise! The captain might never have known something was wrong! We didn't let it spoil our fun and my Dh and I started making bets (privately) about what the next night's dinner story would be- just to see if we could outdo each other or them. Darn it, we never could make up a better story than they did.


Thats funny I ve me people like that

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We had a man at out table who TRIED to flip silverware into the glasses. He would do this over and over and over ,missing, all the while he would not let the waiter go do his job and we had to watch over and over. It got so embarasssing on nights we about went out of our mind.:eek:

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On one cruise, we were seated with 2 other couples (who didn't know each other either). Every night, all they talked about was how much money they had, and how big their houses were, and what type of art they liked to collect. It was so boring!!! We would just nod and smile because we really didn't have anything to add to the conversation (on a budget, small house, no art, LOL) After the 3rd night, we went to WJ for the rest of the cruise. Much more pleasant! :D

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Most tablemates have been great. We did have one that showed up late for dinner, so drunk that they could not talk without slurring words. The guy even commented on how nice one of the other tablemate's hooters were. Well, he did not show up for dinner the rest of the week, but his wife did, all she could do was apologize for his behavior and make excuses as to why he did not come to dinner the rest of the week.

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Most tablemates have been great. We did have one that showed up late for dinner, so drunk that they could not talk without slurring words. The guy even commented on how nice one of the other tablemate's hooters were. Well, he did not show up for dinner the rest of the week, but his wife did, all she could do was apologize for his behavior and make excuses as to why he did not come to dinner the rest of the week.

She may have done away with him. :eek: :cool:

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DH and I sat at a table for six with two other couples we didn't know... at first we thought it would be an interesting match... First couple in their mid-40s, engaged, pleasant people... The lady won the bingo jackpot and bought a bottle of wine for the table on the last night... they were nice and occassionally we would share a drink with them after dinner in one of the lounges.


But the other couple... I think they were stalking us... They were in their late 20's (we're in our mid-30s), dating... the woman had won the cruise through her job... The guy spent a lot of time talking about what he owned, how successful his business was... The first night was very pleasant conversation for all involved... We noticed the guy bragging a bit but we figured, well, it's just dinner, it's the first night, maybe after we've had a port day the conversation will focus on the days activities instead (it always got back around to him bragging)...


Well, after the first night's dinner, they kept showing up wherever we were... they would just happen to be in the Viking Crown lounge or sitting a row behind us at a show...


We had met another couple while on Coco Cay and we really hit it off, so we planned to meet up for other things throughout the cruise... but the dinner couple kept showing up too and the two couples immediately started off on the wrong foot when the guy found out that the couple were both in the salon business... he literally, turned his back to them and started trying to chat me up...


For Day at Sea we had all decided to sit together near the pool... we got down to the pool a bit early and while the Good Couple were in the hot tub, the Bad Couple came over, plopped down in the Good Couple's chairs and started moving their stuff out of the way...


DH turned to the Bad Couple and said, "Yeah, buddy, this is where we part ways... you're obnoxious and we really don't want you around. Those chairs are for our friends in the hot tub over there... See ya' " and went back to his book... The guy called him a a**hole and they got up and left... They didn't come to dinner that night and since it was the last night of the cruise, we never saw them again...

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We had a couple one time that told us her dad had invented Dr. Pepper (yes, the soda). They spent so much time bragging about the money they had and the money they spent! Even told us they had talked to the captain about how the stabilizers on the ship didn't seem to be working correctly. Good thing they were on that cruise! The captain might never have known something was wrong! We didn't let it spoil our fun and my Dh and I started making bets (privately) about what the next night's dinner story would be- just to see if we could outdo each other or them. Darn it, we never could make up a better story than they did.


Since Dr Pepper was invented in the 1800's that broad must have been 120

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There are two different versions of the invention of Dr pepper, but both conclude it was invented in the latter part of the 19th century..so that guy was really pulling someone's leg. It is also a publicly owned company. I guess he could have been descended from the inventor..but I doubt it.


I have always enjoyed my tablemates very much...only on one cruise we only and one other couple at a table for 8...and they were elderly but charming. I have only had one bad experience and it was from a bunch of drunks at a neighboring table. Luckily they did not come back. I have kept in touch with some of my tablemates and hope to travel again with them someday.

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We sat with a family from California once who were a bit eccentric. It was the parents and their two teenagers. We heard throughout the cruise how well off they were and all the things they spend money on. It was terribly boring to hear and incredibly annoying. I think he told us every night who he was defending in court, but for the life of me I can't remember who it was now, but it was someone relatively famous. I guess he thought it made him a better person defending a "celebrity".


This past cruise was the best table company we've had and I would gladly share a table with all of them again!

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On Carnival's Elation, we had a really good group of 8 at our table: my partner and I, a nice couple celebrating their 55th, a newlywed couple, and 2 very Christian, very drunk ladies. One of the 2 ladies would go on and on about God and her grandkids. The last night was my partner's birthday, so these two ladies bought him a birthday cake. Very nice of them to do so. One of the Holy drunk ladies asked him what he would like to accomplish in life. He said a few things and that he would like to retire by the time he was 60. She stood up, slammed the table and said "Well, f&&& you!" and walked away. You could have heard a pin drop, her drunk friend just stayed there and smiled like nothing was ever said. The rest of us just looked at each other in disbelief. We still laugh at it when thinking about it. We have no idea what would provoke such an outburst.

On our last cruise, on of our group of 8 was the worst table mate. She is the girlfriend of my best friend. She would order 2 of each course and barely eat anything, she would get up every night to go to the restroom two times during dinner. One night, she asked our waitress for a grilled chicken breast and yogurt. It was explained they could do the chicken breast, but the kitchen did not have yogurt, she would have to go to the buffet to get that. She stormed out and complained to the maitre'd that the waitress wasn't any good. We told the maitre'd otherwise. Needless to say, she complained about everything on that cruise and will not be on any more with us.

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Hi - We were seated with this awful man once. Every night, when the waiter was taking dessert orders, he say, "I want an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie". This was not on the menu, of course. When the waiter would tell him they didn't have any, he would refuse any dessert at all.


On the last night of the cruise, the chef made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies especially for him and the guy refused to eat them because it took so long to make them.


The whole table wanted to kill him.


lol, I had to read your past cruises in your sig to make sure you weren't talking about me! ;) I frequently request cookies (I'm a bit of a cookie monster), but at least I'm nice about it, and I *never* refuse to eat one (what a waste of a good cookie!) :)

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All of our tablemates have been wonderful except for a couple that thought the sun rose and sat on Holland America. That is all we heard every night, how wonderful HAL was and RCI was not up to par...They also complained about the wait staff forgetting to bring an extra entree for them to share. I said, did you remind the waiter and they said no! Well if you don't ask you don't get!!!

From that time on we have made up our dining table with the folks we meet on these boards and have never been disappointed yet! Later, Jill:cool:

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We sat at a table for four where the other couple tried to impress us with how "superior" they were, but I think they were annoyed because we'd beat them to the table and grab the two "better" view seats every night. We could've switched but were afraid they'd stick us at the table for eight next to us which should have been named the revolving door. One woman diner was so nasty and loud that every single night she had a new set of tablemates, and if I remember correctly, by the last night she was down to her companions. I'm surprised they stuck around. Maybe she paid them!

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