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Things others do on a cruise that make you wonder why.


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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3]Pamwinn...........................really that last post of yours........I am truly creeped out. When I first scanned it I thought "ha, she is talking about the robes, hope no one tells her about the bed spreads" OK, so I hadn't gotten that far yet.[/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3]I like the robes (and I don't think about who wore them b4) because when I have removed my rear end from the shower and want to step out into the room I don't have to struggle with trying to get a towel wrapped around a to large waist. After all, you never know who mwy be walking past your sliding glass door.[/size][/font]
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I eat so much more while on the cruise than at home that I have to both get on the treadmill and also never use the elevators in order to go home at approximately the same weight as when I boarded. Actually one of the things I love most about cruising is all of the extra time to work with when I'm trying to figure in that workout (before my nap!). And the size of the ship!! It forces you to always be walking and going up and down stairs - no way to be sedentary.

What I REALLY can't figure out is why people have to do that workout on the treadmill at a specific time (and get mad if their time isn't available). At home that might be the only way to fit it in, but on a cruise couldn't you shift it 30 minutes or an hour one way or another? It doesn't bother me too much...I just don't get it.

Oh, and about the robes... we love to wear them out on our (private) balcony after a day in the sun...ahh the wonderful sea air!
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[quote name='relevart'] "Are you really saying you would not go ashore to see the Pyramids or Luxor? This spring I was on a 30 day cruise with about half the days sea days. The excursion days were a bit intensive (ie:Viet Nam, Bombay etc) but I would not have missed them for the world.

As for getting on the ship early when you are in foreign ports there could be a problem like the Princess transfer from Bangkok to the ship.

There is no way I could have seen so much on my own land tour in 30 days and had 15 days at sea!

I too have no desire to swim in the pool and am happy sitting on my balcony [QUOTE]


Also, I pay a lot to have a cabin to myself. I make certain that I take full advantage of the room service breakfast on days I'm on an early tour, and a nap instead of bingo.

BINGO! Really don't get the attraction.

T shirts. I don't look good in expensive t shirts. I refuse to become a walking billboard for any company.

As for gifts. Books are my other addiction. I buy books for grandchildren, (really so that I get to read them). I love looking for children's lit in other countries. In Hawaii found THREE LITTLE HAWAIIAN PIGS AND THE MAGIC SHARK. In Australia found WOMBAT STEW.

Really don't understand why people pay for tours and then insist on talking very loudly to rest of their party while the guide is speaking.

Am very frustrated when in an exotic (to me e.g. St Petersburg) and some people's only question at every stop is "Can we shop now? When can we shop? Why can't we shop longer? This lunch was too long." or (in Dublin), "We were here a whole hour just to eat. We could have been shopping!" OK. THAT REALLY BUGS ME!

Am charmed by towel sculptures and origami gifts, and nightgown art. Brings a smile. Especially when I'd be resting every chance I got.

Scares me when passengers miss boat drill or talk during it. OK. Maybe they've been on 50 cruises, bit I haven't and their noise may cause me to miss something important, making me a liability in an emergency.

Am awed by the hospitality and memory and patience of the crew.
Feel guilty when they add in extras such as cultural program for which they rehearse after midnight.

Can't understand why all photos of me look like my mother!

Always have the tv tuned to bridge camera in my room. Enjoy the music and it makes up for not having a window.

Can't understand why comedians all tell same jokes about vacuum perils of toilet etc.

Am scared of being asked to perform during stage shows so I sit far back.

How do they dance on a rolling stage while I have to hold on to walls in hallway?

Love sunrise and sunsets viewed from deck.

Wish I could find the Southern Cross. Have to keep cruising until I can find it.
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[QUOTE=Kami's pal]

Can't understand why all photos of me look like my mother!

How do they dance on a rolling stage while I have to hold on to walls in hallway?

Wish I could find the Southern Cross. Have to keep cruising until I can find it.[/QUOTE]

are you a professional comedian???
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I admit to being one of those people who take an over-the-door organizer for the bathroom and a power strip. I think they are great! I also take a coffee pot because love my coffee! I just get a small coffee pot before boarding the ship and leave it in the room. I don't see why these things would make anyone wonder! Different strokes for different folks! :D

We sometimes spend much of our time on our balcony and have been known to order room service on formal night. We sometimes go to shows, sometimes don't, but have never had a bad time on a cruise.

Just get me on a ship and I am happy til we have to get off and head back to the airport!;)
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[QUOTE=Kami's pal]Am very frustrated when in an exotic (to me e.g. St Petersburg) and some people's only question at every stop is "Can we shop now? When can we shop? Why can't we shop longer? This lunch was too long." or (in Dublin), "We were here a whole hour just to eat. We could have been shopping!" OK. THAT REALLY BUGS ME![/QUOTE][COLOR=Red]Amen and amen again and thank you for saying it!!!! I was on a land trip to China earlier this year, and in the Forbidden City (!) members of our group were groaning loudly that they "had" to be there and were not shopping.[/COLOR][QUOTE=Kami's pal]Wish I could find the Southern Cross. Have to keep cruising until I can find it.[/QUOTE]
[COLOR=Red]Hoping (oh, so hoping!) to spot it on our upcoming cruise![/COLOR]
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[quote name='pamwinn']We always have the steward bring us a freshly laundered bed spread because I know they don't launder them between cruises and I know they have stuff on them. :eek:[/QUOTE]
Eeew.. I'm just going to go with the assumption that the towels and such are cleaned properly. Ignorance is bliss :)
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[quote name='elliair']I've often sat by the windows on the Lido deck and watched the kiddies in the pool. All the urine and bacteria that's floating around in that water, then the kiddies running and getting an ice cream or whatever and touching the food dispensers, etc. I really think this is where the sickness on cruise ships come from.[/QUOTE]
I actually doubt that kids are the reason noroviruses spread on ships - there are lots of adults who are worse! I've seen many fully grown adults not wash their hands after using the bathroom. Norovirus (as its name implies) is a virus that affects the GI tract, so bacteria in the pools and urine, I'm guessing, are probably unrelated - although I'm sure they can cause other nasty problems :eek:.
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I am one of those people who am ready to go home at the end of any vacation. Part of what makes me this way is DH's depression that sets in one the last day of any vacation. HE mopes and whines and compains about how he can't beleive it's over, why couldn't we stay for another week, yada yada yada. I am grateful for having the week as I know there are many who never have had the opportunity. It does not mean I am happy that it is over, it just means that I am moving on with life and counting down to the next vacation or event in my life ;)
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[quote name='Necrosis']Norovirus (as its name implies) is a virus that affects the GI tract, so bacteria in the pools and urine, I'm guessing, are probably unrelated - although I'm sure they can cause other nasty problems :eek:.[/QUOTE]
Urine itself is actually a sterile environment; no bacteria can live in it, and therefore cannot be spread by it.

Now, the [B]other stuff[/B] OTOH is a different story and certainly merits an EEK! :eek:
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[quote name='tom-n-jules']Urine itself is actually a sterile environment; no bacteria can live in it, and therefore cannot be spread by it.

Now, the [b]other stuff[/b] OTOH is a different story and certainly merits an EEK! :eek:[/QUOTE]
Yes I know, but I was actually trying to make the point that norovirus is a VIRUS (not bacteria), and from the GI tract (separate from the urogenital system). Therefore, as nasty and eek worthy those observations are, the connection to spreading norovirus is doubtful. Sorry for the confusion! :)
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Things that make me go hmmmmm.....

.......how anyone can enjoy a jacuzzi with a total stranger....even worse when its so crowded everyone has to stand crammed together (I actually saw this on the Royal in July unbelievable were any of them relaxing??)

.....how anyone can complain about having to tip the room steward after how much work they have done for you. DH and I were like....that 3.50 per day isn't even close to enough!

.........how anyone can enjoy laying out in the sun for hours sweating and begging cancer to take hold

......how anyone can enjoy being crushed together onto a bus tour and forced to do what someone else has planned for you with no say in the itinerary. Shudder.

.......how some people blatantly ignore the no shorts, no tennis shoes rule in the dining room. I even make my 4 year old change his shoes every night. Of course he spotted the others in tennis shoes and had to ask (VERY LOUDLY) Hey mom I thought you said no tennis shoes were allowed in the dining room. *evil laugh*

......and a nice one. It really amazed me how sweet and welcoming EVERYONE was to my 1 year old. People fall all over themselves to smile at little kids. I LOVE that!

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Kami'sPal, I loved your comment about looking like your Mom. (It's happening to me too!!) What I love most about a cruise is being on that ship in the middle of that BIG BLUE CARIBBEAN WATER. There is nothing to compare to that beauty. If I could get Lake Michigan to look like that, life would be grand.
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[quote name='star gazer']It makes me wonder why some people are concerned what other passengers do on a cruise. I'm there to enjoy the cruise and have a good time[/QUOTE]Because cruise ships are a wonderful place for people who love watching people, and all the quirks and oddities of human (mis)behaviour.
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How about the folks who WAY overdo the sunning first day out, and then are overheard in the hallway where they display all the photo's, complaining how red everybody looks in their pictures. This always cracks me up.
Then again, must the photographers always use a 12 gigawatt flash system ? Seems they would sell more photo's if they used filters to soften the lighting. Everybody winds up with that "deer in the headlights" look.
On formal nights when everyone is looking great, and the men are in suits and tuxes, it always seems to be 97 degrees in the atrium. The rest of the time its like a meat locker, its so cold.
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Great thread! My first cruise coming up, so can only comment on general "vacation" mystifiers for me.

In general I don't understand bad manners (and I don't mean my version of what is right or wrong, I mean people blatantly being rude and downright mean.) Just 'cause you're on vaca doesn't mean you can act however rude you want!

I don't get people who constantly check their email/cell phone/vm at work while on vacation. I certainly understand people whose jobs demand that, I'm not talking about them -- I mean the person who is basically still at work while on vacation, for seemingly no good reason -- you all know who I mean. DH and I have a rule that there is no work contact for us while on vaca, even though we both are fairly high up in our companies. *Almost* everything can wait one week or be decided on by someone else (who I empower to make such decisions before we leave.)

As for the treadmill, my opinion is that I worked my bum off to lose 45 pounds a year ago, and enjoy the quantity of food I can now eat with such activity. I have no desire to go up in size again, irregardless of how much I consume on vaca, and if that means I have to exercise while looking out on the beatiful sea while on a cruise, I am happy to do so. Now spending the entire day in the gym I definitely don't understand.

Looking forward to our upcoming cruise, and am sure I'll find lots that mystifies me. ;)
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[quote name='CRUISAYEAR']How about the folks who WAY overdo the sunning first day out, and then are overheard in the hallway where they display all the photo's, complaining how red everybody looks in their pictures. This always cracks me up.
Then again, must the photographers always use a 12 gigawatt flash system ? Seems they would sell more photo's if they used filters to soften the lighting. Everybody winds up with that "deer in the headlights" look.
On formal nights when everyone is looking great, and the men are in suits and tuxes, it always seems to be 97 degrees in the atrium. The rest of the time its like a meat locker, its so cold.[/QUOTE]
Oh there's another good one. Ladies... if you are wearing a strapless gown on formal night, why oh why would you lay out in the sun (to tan, but you know you're going to burn... right?) with the straps of your suit tied?? Some of the formal gown/swimsuit line clashes we have seen... whew!

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[quote name='TinaLee']Oh there's another good one. Ladies... if you are wearing a strapless gown on formal night, why oh why would you lay out in the sun (to tan, but you know you're going to burn... right?) with the straps of your suit tied?? Some of the formal gown/swimsuit line clashes we have seen... whew!

Actually I confess to being guilty of this one but not from laying out in the sun. We had a tour on formal night from inside a car (who would have thought I'd get that much sunburn from inside a car!) but I ended up with strange farmer's tan burn lines and only one formal dress choice. I was down in the salon to do what I could with powder but alas wasn't much help. LOL
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.... how some people complain that their staterooms are too small. If you don't bother looking up the size before you book, that's your own problem. If you want a bigger room book a bigger cabin. ;)

.... how rude some people can be to the staff. I have actually heard someone complain to their room steward that the water was too choppy - like it was his fault! :rolleyes:

.... how amazingly patient and courteous some cruisers can be! We met a wonderful couple on our last cruise. The man had his wallet stolen in St. Thomas (our last port) and all their credit cards were inside. They had no way to pay their ship board account since he had to cancel his cards. He explained the situation to the crew at the pursers desk. The cruise line agreed to make other arrangements for after the cruise so he could settle his account after his cards were straightened out. Despite this potentially vacation-ruining situation (imagine the stress of getting all your cards and ID reordered!), the husband asked for additional cash to be available so that he could still tip the waiters, room stewards, etc. An incredibly thoughtful gesture that makes me smile when I think of people complaining about the cost of everything. :)
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To ahracer, I would just like to say that you can't always judge people in
perfectly good health, just by the looks of them. My husband looks like the
picture of health and was just recently diagnosed with congestive heart failure, so he will no be taking the stairs on future cruises. Prior to this we always took the stairs, and hopefully he won't mind if I meet him at the elevator doors!;)

To cruzfiend: I vacationed near Lake Michigan 2 years ago and I thought the
lake looked a lot like the caribbean! I wish Lake Erie looked so good!

I, too am a germ-a-phobe, but I still like to use the robes, it is one less thing
to pack. I do carry packets of hand sanitizer everywhere!
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