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RB's Daily WW Chat

RB Bonzo

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RB that is really good to think about. I have to agree 100% with that. This past week I changed from eating like that to core and I must say I have felt deprived. I like being able to eat anything and either make modifications to it (lo-fat, sugar-free) or eat the real deal but in moderation. I weigh in this morning and do not know what I have lost making this change. I do know that I do not feel satisfied on this plan and if this were the only plan I would not be where I am today in my weight loss. Your note comes at a time where I am trying to decide if this deprivation that I feel is worth it to get over the plateau that I have been on. Thanks for the thought provoking post.

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RB that is really good to think about. I have to agree 100% with that. This past week I changed from eating like that to core and I must say I have felt deprived. I like being able to eat anything and either make modifications to it (lo-fat, sugar-free) or eat the real deal but in moderation. I weigh in this morning and do not know what I have lost making this change. I do know that I do not feel satisfied on this plan and if this were the only plan I would not be where I am today in my weight loss. Your note comes at a time where I am trying to decide if this deprivation that I feel is worth it to get over the plateau that I have been on. Thanks for the thought provoking post.


I agree, everyone raves about core but I'm not sure if it will fit my life, I love to snack on some unhealthy things and would feel deprived knowing I cannot have them. I tend to have low fat versions now but always save points for them.

My latest find is snackaways cream filled choc cupcake with 9g fiber:D

I make a low point choc fudge for my choc cravings that I found on DWLZ and it is yummy when frozen and takes long to enjoy.

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AR2G & Julia -


That is exactly why I am not doing core - I don't think that I could be content w/ the amount of bread-stuffs and other non-core foods I would be permitted to have. The same reason why the low-carb approach never worked for me - I could only stick w/ it for a few months. Oh, I'd lose LOTS of weight during those 2 months, but it was temporary, because I couldn't stick with it.


good luck w/ the weigh-in , AR2G. had mine today. Down 2 lbs!!

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I agree. We keep talking about "lifestyle" changes, that means doing this forever. I'm not willing to give up pizza or a good hamburger, or chocolate forever. I was in the store with my dd yesterday, and we were talking about how much pickier we are with food now. I don't want to "waste" points on things that aren't excellent. If I'm going to use a lot of points on something, it better be good! It's so dissappointing to splurge a little and then think it wasn't worth it. It's all about making wise choices. One of my favorite treats is one square of Dove dark chocolate. I just let it melt in my mouth and totally savor it, that one little piece satisfies my cravings, but before I would have eaten 10 pieces!

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Hey guys - I've debated long and hard today over what to do with this upcoming week and I think I am going to stay on core for another week and see how it goes. Def. don't see it being a plan I will use for to long. I did have a nice loss of 4.6 which helped with my decision making. I did eat out twice this week and was able to stay on core. I also have a BBQ this weekend and it seems like its easier to eat at BBQ's while on core. I tried it last summer and stayed on for about 4 weeks before I changed. When I switched over to points I did not gain any weight back. I chose core for right now because I am training for a half marathon and I wanted to be able to eat more protein or whatever and not feel guilty - oh yeah, and the fact that I am leaving on my cruise in about a month and really wanted to get off of my plateau. Any recipe links always welcomed!! Thanks guys!

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Hey guys - I've debated long and hard today over what to do with this upcoming week and I think I am going to stay on core for another week and see how it goes. Def. don't see it being a plan I will use for to long. I did have a nice loss of 4.6 which helped with my decision making. I did eat out twice this week and was able to stay on core. I also have a BBQ this weekend and it seems like its easier to eat at BBQ's while on core. I tried it last summer and stayed on for about 4 weeks before I changed. When I switched over to points I did not gain any weight back. I chose core for right now because I am training for a half marathon and I wanted to be able to eat more protein or whatever and not feel guilty - oh yeah, and the fact that I am leaving on my cruise in about a month and really wanted to get off of my plateau. Any recipe links always welcomed!! Thanks guys!


that makes sense. I would stick w/ it, too, if I had that kind of week. And, there are times that it is easier to follow. Just watch your portions!!

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Hey guys - I've debated long and hard today over what to do with this upcoming week and I think I am going to stay on core for another week and see how it goes. Def. don't see it being a plan I will use for to long. I did have a nice loss of 4.6 which helped with my decision making. I did eat out twice this week and was able to stay on core. I also have a BBQ this weekend and it seems like its easier to eat at BBQ's while on core. I tried it last summer and stayed on for about 4 weeks before I changed. When I switched over to points I did not gain any weight back. I chose core for right now because I am training for a half marathon and I wanted to be able to eat more protein or whatever and not feel guilty - oh yeah, and the fact that I am leaving on my cruise in about a month and really wanted to get off of my plateau. Any recipe links always welcomed!! Thanks guys!


Wow that is a great loss for one week:D

Let us know how it goes

3 weeks till my cruise, what are you planning to do for yours - stay on plan or just enjoy??

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Julia I am planning on enjoying my trip but within moderation. I won't be following core but will not be forgetting all that I have learned! I need to run about 20 miles during that week on the treadmill for my upcoming half marathon on 11/3. I am hoping that will help BIG TIME! Tonight I took out my wedding dress. We are planning on renewing our vows (10th anniversary) on Thursday during the cruise and I was hoping to wear my gown. I am within a handfull of pounds and I CAN zip it but its not wearable. I am pretty disapointed. I have another month to make it "comfortable" and I am really hoping I can do that. Today was an inspiring day -4.6 lbs from last week but this kinda deflates my sails. I think its a good litmus test though (if that what its called) every 10 years pull it out and if it fits you've done VERY well in 10 years!! Just so you know though when I wore it I was 32 and not 19 or so - LOL.

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Julia I am planning on enjoying my trip but within moderation. I won't be following core but will not be forgetting all that I have learned! I need to run about 20 miles during that week on the treadmill for my upcoming half marathon on 11/3. I am hoping that will help BIG TIME! Tonight I took out my wedding dress. We are planning on renewing our vows (10th anniversary) on Thursday during the cruise and I was hoping to wear my gown. I am within a handfull of pounds and I CAN zip it but its not wearable. I am pretty disapointed. I have another month to make it "comfortable" and I am really hoping I can do that. Today was an inspiring day -4.6 lbs from last week but this kinda deflates my sails. I think its a good litmus test though (if that what its called) every 10 years pull it out and if it fits you've done VERY well in 10 years!! Just so you know though when I wore it I was 32 and not 19 or so - LOL.


My wedding dress is long gone, mom got rid of it after we moved to the US but I would have a long way to go before I could fit into it - probably at least another 20-30lbs:rolleyes: It will be our 15th anniversary in Feb and I was 27 when I got married, my plan was to go back to Tenerife where we went on HM every 10 years not fit into my dress (we believe it is unlucky to wear it again) but we never got there between all our other trips:D

I am planning on making healthier choices but going to enjoy my trip just hope I don't put on a lb a day cause I will be back where I started:eek: :eek:


Sounds like you are doing great and will fit into it by then - let us know how this week on Core goes.

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At my meeting today, we talked about the importance of Persistence in weight loss. I copied the following from the ML's flip-chart:


Patience is key


Realistic expectations

Set small goals

Inspiration from others

Satisfaction in meals and snacks

Tools for living

Examine your nutritional choices

Nix the negative thinking

Celebrating small steps

Enjoy the journey


There's a lot of really good material there, so I thought that rather than racking my brain to come up w/ a new topic every day, we can work our way through these, one at a time.


Today's Topic: Tools for Living


For the non-WW lurkers reading this, today's topic may not make much sense. The Tools for Living are a serious of psychological strategies that WW provides to its members to assist them in staying on program, dealing with challenges, and setting and accomplishing goals.


I will confess that I've always thought that this part of the plan was pretty useless, and I sort of chuckled when I looked at that part of my written WW materials. I used to think, "Maybe that is helpful for some people, but not for me. I don't need to play those silly mind games, because I can control myself." I thought that some of the tools were obvious and self-evident, others were silly, and that spending any time thinking about them was probably wasted time.


This time around, having failed repeatedly in my numerous, prior weight loss efforts, I decided to take them more seriously. I am not going to claim that the "Tools" are the secret to success, but I am coming around to believing that they deserve much more serious consideration than I used to give them.


There is a LOT of material in the Tools for Living, and I'm not going to try to cover it all in a single day. I'll come back to them over time, and we'll cover them one by one. If there's anything of real value in them, we'll figure it out together.


For TODAY, the topic is: Have you read the Tools for Living materials? Do you actively use any of them? Have you found them helpful?


Onward & Downward!



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OK, I confess, I think they're silly too. That's one of the reasons I don't go to meetings. :o They seem kind of Polly-Anna-ish to me. I think there are some good things, some things that we kind of do automatically, but for the most part, I never think about them. Maybe I need to change my thinking about them.:rolleyes:

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Like most of WW, Tools for Living are common sense. However, there is a difference between intellectually knowing something and actually practicing it. Whenever we have a meeting on a specific tool, I start more actively thinking about and doing it. As an example, "Winning Outcomes" is the same standard goal setting technique that I had to follow for years in corporate life (specific, measurable, attainable, etc.). However, by applying it to weight loss, it helps me be more realistic. One of the things I've discovered is that weight loss in and of itself can't be on a time table. I can set goals to stick with the program until I lose a certain amount, but I can't say my goal is to lose x pounds by a certain date. Even if I closely follow program, earn my AP, drink my water, etc., some weeks the scale is more rewarding than others. If I get too caught up in feeling like I've failed if I don't make a certain date, I'm creating a self-defeating scenario.


I'm ounces away from goal and my biggest struggle now is not throwing in the towel and saying "good enough is good enough". I'm using the Anchoring tool to remind myself that my goal for this year was to make life membership. To quit this close to it is stupid, but as the last pounds have been coming off in ounces instead of pounds, it's hard to stay motivated.

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Like most of WW, Tools for Living are common sense. However, there is a difference between intellectually knowing something and actually practicing it. Whenever we have a meeting on a specific tool, I start more actively thinking about and doing it. As an example, "Winning Outcomes" is the same standard goal setting technique that I had to follow for years in corporate life (specific, measurable, attainable, etc.). However, by applying it to weight loss, it helps me be more realistic.


I think that is very insightful. Sometimes common sense is not all that common, and frequently, emotional behavior overtakes rationality. I also like the analogy between weight loss goals and strategy to your professional setting.


I have found that, in the last 5 months, I have utilized several of the tools with great success, although I wasn't thinking that I was utilizing the tools when I was doing it. Perhaps, if I spent more time re-reading them and thinking about them, I'd use these techniques more often.

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One of my favorite treats is one square of Dove dark chocolate. I just let it melt in my mouth and totally savor it, that one little piece satisfies my cravings, but before I would have eaten 10 pieces!


That sounds lovely, but you can't buy just one square and the rest of the packet would be calling me. I know that I just cannot have chocolate in the house if I am to avoid bingeing.

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Tonight I took out my wedding dress. We are planning on renewing our vows (10th anniversary) on Thursday during the cruise and I was hoping to wear my gown. I am within a handfull of pounds and I CAN zip it but its not wearable. I am pretty disapointed. I have another month to make it "comfortable" and I am really hoping I can do that. Today was an inspiring day -4.6 lbs from last week but this kinda deflates my sails.


WOW, great loss. I celebrated my 30th wedding anniversary in April and am 55 now. I would have to lose about 55 lbs to fit into it again!!!!


I was a STS at WI this week. I am a bit disappointed, as even half a pound would have meant I have now lost a Stone (14lbs) in our system. I didn't stay for the meeting as I normally do, as I couldn't bear to hear of others getting awards when I was so close to mine. However, I have not let it get me down, am sticking to my points and planning a cooking session this afternoon to make some Zero point soup, vegetable curry and a Spanish omelette to have cold for a picnic at cricket tomorrow.

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Taking a break from the PERSISTENCE sequence, and from everything else, I'm going to turn the topic setting over to you guys this weekend. What's on your mind? Anything goes! :D


RB, we had our late August Bank Holiday last weekend here in the UK but most years it coincides with Labour Day. It seems to signify the end of summer. I find that when the weather turns chilly, I wear darker clothes that cover up more. This hides a multitude of sins and is when I have often given up in the past on my weight loss campaign. I might manage to lose 15-20 lbs during the spring/summer and then put it all back on again during the winter.


We are cruising as usual this year in November and will need the summer clothes then, but what is the way to keep motivation when the winter clothes go back on?


What are your tips for the cooler weather?

The evenings get darker and your body seems to crave comforting foods.

How do you all cope with the changing seasons in your weight loss journey?



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That sounds lovely, but you can't buy just one square and the rest of the packet would be calling me. I know that I just cannot have chocolate in the house if I am to avoid bingeing.


Have you tried freezing them, they would take longer to suck which could help in avoiding a binge. I bought 2 small bags of individual chocs that were 1 point each and put them in the cupboard for when I feel like a piece - the kids ate one bag and then I told them they were for me cause they are one point and they can eat from a slab so the other bag has been lying there, mentally I know they are there but haven't felt like them - guess I should let the kids eat them as choc is not my weekness.:D

I am hoping this motivation is around when I get back from my cruise:D :rolleyes:

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RB, we had our late August Bank Holiday last weekend here in the UK but most years it coincides with Labour Day. It seems to signify the end of summer. I find that when the weather turns chilly, I wear darker clothes that cover up more. This hides a multitude of sins and is when I have often given up in the past on my weight loss campaign. I might manage to lose 15-20 lbs during the spring/summer and then put it all back on again during the winter.


We are cruising as usual this year in November and will need the summer clothes then, but what is the way to keep motivation when the winter clothes go back on?


What are your tips for the cooler weather?

The evenings get darker and your body seems to crave comforting foods.

How do you all cope with the changing seasons in your weight loss journey?




My suggestion would be to make some lighter (lower point) versions of the comfort foods you like, pack them into serving size containers and keep them handy in the freezer or fridge so you don't resort to eating other unhealthy comfort foods.

Keep low point veggie soups in the fridge too to have before dinner or snack on, keep things like oatmeal on hand to make as a snack that is warm filling healthy quick to make and low points.

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A start of a new month so I have put my pedometer back on and going to see if I can do 300000 steps this month, I tried it last month but after 4 or so days my pedometer went haywire:rolleyes:


I walked around Home depot this morning with DS and then Costco and then the grocery store :)

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Regarding tips for staying OP in the cooler weather -


Autumn is my favorite time to walk. I love to go hiking in the woods as the leaves are starting to change. It is more comfortable with the cooler weather, too!


Also, it is harvest time, and lots of great fruits and vegetables. I think the idea of making large batches of lower point comfort foods was a good one.


As far as keeping motivated while wearing clothing that better hides the excess pounds, you might try something I just did. On my last cruise, there was a photo taken of me - I was having a terrific time, but it was at my highest weight, and I look just simply awful. Last night, I posted that photo on my refrigerator. I'm not going back to that!!

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For me the changing of the seasons is an opportunity to make a new start. The kids go back to school and I see this as my "new year". I am not a January 1st dieter - never have been - for me it is the start of a new school year that triggers me to get motivated (if I have not been). It is difficult to not want to cook all that warm Fall comfort food (pies and such) but there are other great options as well. A roasted chicken and vegetables - warms the house - and can keep you on track. Baked apples, a little brown sugar splenda and cinamon - yum. Cool mornings make for wonderful walks and runs.


Try to picture yourself as you emerge in the Spring from your winter cocoon and peel off all those sweatshirts and layers picture yourself as you blossom into the beautiful butterfly you know deep in your heart that you can be!! Sappy - yes. What can I say??


I also have a picture (taken on Thanskgiving day last year) that I have kept very close to me. I want to make sure that I never see that person again. I am thinking of having a shirt made with that photo on it and wearing it on Thanksgiving - LOL - wouldn't that motivate just about everyone there including myself!!

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