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RB's Daily WW Chat

RB Bonzo

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Moe, welcome! You can do it!! If you have any questions about ww, or what the points are for something, just ask. If you haven't checked out the online program, you might want to. It figures the points for you, and it also has a recipe feature that I love. You put in your recipes, and it figures the points for you.


Colleen, I am so jealous, you are leaving so soon!! I gain easily too, but I think I am going to just aim for moderation on my cruise. I don't want to feel deprived, so I'll try whatever I want, but I also don't want to feel stuffed the whole time either. Portion control has always been an issue for me, and then I make myself sick by eating way too much. You'd think I'd learn. I have noticed that my stomach has gotten smaller, and I can't eat as much as I used to though. I don't drink alcohol so that won't be a problem, and I only drink diet soda and water. Our shore days will be pretty active I think, and on sea days I think I will try to exercise at least some. I'm sure I will gain while I'm gone, but hopefully most of it will be water and it will come off easily when I get back.

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Hi I just found this thread and it is fantastic!


I am in my 2nd week of Weight Watchers after a 6 year hiatus! I am trying to lose 35 lbs. I rejoined when I got back from my Alaskan cruise and realized I gained 8 lbs in a week! :eek:


Anyway, I am planning to cruise in January on the Grand Princess to Western Carribean and we are also booked to go on Celebrity Xpedition in Dec 2008 to the Galapagos! I definately want to be at my goal weight by then.


I'm just worried about the January cruise...do you guys go completely off program or do you try to keep at it? Carbs are my downfall and I seem to remember that Princess doesn't carry whole wheat breads?



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Welcome Moe & Minty, This is a great thread for inspiration (when its needed), support, information and recipes (lately!!). If you come across something good please post it for all to enjoy. I am really enjoying trying these new recipes with spices I have never used (curry, cumin - yummy). I have one from another board I am trying tonight if it is good I will post it tomorrow. Do yourselves a favor and try the curry, black bean soup recipe that RB posted - its amazing and only 1 point a cup!


This morning I hit my lowest in 9 years (6 more and I will be back at lifetime) and I weigh in Friday morning - leave for my cruise Saturday morning. I am somewhat worried about the week ahead but I have a plan in place and I feel like I have more control over my life then I have in years. Its only 7 days so that shouldn't be to bad.


RB - I hope you are doing ok. You have been such an inspiration - let us know how WE can help YOU.


Cinna - how are you liking core? I did like it when I switched - something different to mix things up a bit. There are some good core recipes out there - if I come across one thats good I will post it for you. Good luck - what day do you weigh in?

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Welcome Moe and Minty. I love this board, WW with cruise addictions.


Minty, I would love to try the Expedition cruise to the Galapagos. Unfortunately the cost from this side of the pond is horrendous.


Colleen, congratulations on your loss. It must be fantastic to be so close to goal. When you put 'lifetime' does that mean Life Member? Over here it is referred to as Gold Member. Remind me of where your cruise is going please and on what ship. I like to live vicariously others' cruises. :)


My WI day is Thursday evening before I go to play rehearsal. Doing the 2 things on the same night prevents me from that post WI treat binge! I like Core, tried it last year, but I do miss fresh bread. I know that I could use some of my 21 points but I am trying to use those for cooking things and my nightly chocolate fix. At least I am not snacking so much.



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Minty, welcome!


Colleen, YEAH!!


Cinna, keep up the good work!


I tried the new Progresso 0 point soup today. I tried the Southwest Vegetable, and it was good! I had the whole can for 2 points, and some Light Tortilla Chips for another 2. Pretty good lunch. I don't usually like vegetable soups, but the spices were good. Lots of celery and tomatoes though. Not sure about dinner tonight, still pondering what I can do quickly after a football game.

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Moe & Minty - welcome to the WW Chat Thread! This is a great group, and we're happy you jumped in!


Colleen - I'm doing pretty well; been exercising regularly and even started JOURNALING again today. Doing ok on points. Have my regular meeting tomorrow and am expecting a loss. Thanks for the concern!


Oh, on "on board" tips, one that I've seen others write about is to weigh yourself daily. Sure, your weight fluctuates, but I think that a daily weigh-in is a good way to remind yourself to not let things get too out of control!


Last night I went just a little off program - went to see Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band kick of the latest tour at the Hartford Civic Center. Great show! Had a beer during the show and went out to a Mexican restaurant beforehand. Went a little overboard there, but I had been very low on points up to that time, and I didn't go over by much.

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Morning All,


I am up a little early today - couldn't sleep thinking of the last minute things I have left to do today and tomorrow. The cruise I am going on leaves out of CA and is a Mexican Riviera cruise on Carnivals Pride. We have coast to coast flights on Sat and it leaves on Sunday for a week. DH & I love the rooms on the back of the ship with the wrap around balconies (there are only 10 on the ship) so we book way in advance to get one of those when we cruise.


Cinn - "Lifetime" here means that you get to goal weight and maintain it for 6 weeks. Once you are lifetime you have to weigh in once a month and be no more than two pounds above your goal weight and you don't pay the weekly fee anymore. If you are over goal weight you pay the weekly fee but never pay any sign up fees. I reached lifetime in 1989. Not sure if I have weighed in at goal since (I was actually about 25 under goal when I got divorced in 1995 but I didn't go to WW then - gotta love a stress weight loss - LOL). For us here we get 35 points extra as our optional points when on core or flex. Its strange how the point system is so different between countries I would think it would just be the same everywhere. How many calories is a point usually equal to for you? I know it differs but I always think that here its about 50. Oh - when I weigh in I next I am going to loose two points a day because my weight will be in a new category - should this make me happy?? Not quite sure.


Beth - I hear you on the portion control thing. I have such a hard time with buffets - always have. The old me felt like I had to get my money's worth. I hope the old me doesn't resurface on this cruise! I will unfortunately spend many points on beers in the sun - whats a girl to do?? LOL - it is vacation after all!


RB - The Boss - how cool! I bet that was a great show. I am glad you are doing ok - I read that story and it was a good one but where were the pictures?? I am a very visual person so I just love the before and afters. Speaking of which I think we should post some of our befores and durings. I love the WW expression of "Be an After - STAY an After". That is my goal!!


Weighing myself on a cruise is not something I have done in the past but I do plan on doing it on this trip. That is also part of my plan. Knowledge is power and if I see myself go up 5 lbs I will be a lot less apt to say what the heck I'll have dessert! On prior cruises I have ordered double entree's practically every night in the dining room. That will be a hard habit to break. Whenever I couldn't decide what I wanted I would order both - UGHHH. What was I thinking? On lobster night on one cruise I had 3 lobster dinners and a Filet Mignon dinner - so you see I had this "get my money's worth out of the cruise" mentality. I had to go back and change that sentence to make it past tense - I have no plans of being that person! Wish me luck people - this will be the biggest challenge to date for me!

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Good morning to all and thank you so much for the 'welcome'! Its nice to have a support group to turn to, because losing weight is no easy task!


Today marks the end of my first week on Weight Watchers and I'm excited to be down 4.2 lbs. I've never lost that much in one week, so I am happy with that. I'm also working out using The Firm workouts, which I absolute love! I'm working out at least 5-6 times a week. Actually, The Firm is the reason I started on the WW program. I've been using The Firm since August, and hadn't lost ANY weight on the plan. I was losing inches, but not any difference in my weight on the scale. So the people on The Firm message boards suggested I give WW a try, in conjuction with The Firm workouts. So here I am!


I really like the WW program, as it allows me to still eat the foods I love, but in moderation. So I never feel deprived or feel like I'm on a 'diet'. The portion control was hard my first few days, and sometimes still is a challenge, but I'm working through it. So enough about me! LOL


I'm off to get my day started. Enjoy yours!



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I had my Weight Watchers meeting today and weigh in...down 2.8 lbs in week 2! Hooray! My goal is to lose my 10% by my next cruise (Jan 19 - Grand Princess). I have 11.4 lbs to go until I hit my 10%...and then about another 20 to go after that.


I love the plan so far. I still eat all the foods I love, I just make smarter choices every time I put something in my mouth. So glad I can still eat my dark chocolate square after dinner.


I work out 3 x a week at the gym and the weight hasn't moved, until I joined.


I'm hoping my eating habits will be more fine tuned in time for the cruise. On my cruise in August, I literally ate until I felt sick. My husband and I had chocolate fondue at the on deck bbq and fell into sugar comas...we had to lie down as we were close to passing out! a sure sign of a problem.


It's great to have these boards here...thanks everyone for your support!

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Minty and Moe, you are both off to a great start! Good Job!:D


Colleen, we are doing the Mexican Riviera on RCCL in December for our very 1st cruise. You'll have to share with me when you get back.


RB, I'm glad you're feeling ok. We all have our ups and downs, and you'll get through this. Hang in there!


Cinna, I finally tried the banana bars, I love them! I'm pretty tempted to just keep eating them all.:rolleyes:


I'm trying a couple of new things for dinner tonight, they look pretty good.


Chicken Chili Verde

1 whole chicken, cooked and shredded

1-15 oz can white beans

1-7 oz can diced green chiles

6 tomatillos, chopped

1/2 cup green onions, sliced

1/2 t cayenne -- more or less to desired heat

1/4 c equal

1/2 c cilantro

2 c. chicken broth -- I just used what was left from cooking the chicken

salt to taste


After cooking the meat, add all the rest and simmer 10 min.


Makes 6 cups, and I figured 4 pts. per 1 cup serving.


I'm also making some ff corn muffins from a mix, and adding creamed corn, green onions, and 1/2 c. 2% shredded sharp cheddar cheese. Makes 12 muffins, 3 pts. each.


I think it'll be good, but I'll have to let you know what the family thinks. Well, now I'm off to another football game, at least it's not in the snow like Saturday was!:eek:


Make it a great day!

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Sorry, no time to read the posts as it is bedtime here. Just wanted to say that after switching to Core this week my loss is 2 lbs. Am pretty happy with that. Bit busy at present, will catch up on Saturday afternoon.



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Moe, Minty & Cinn - Nice losses! Seems like a good week all around.


Beth - the recipe looks good - and spicy! Did you like it? So your cruise is going to be your first in December?? YOU are in for a treat!! RCCL is a great line (I've only been on Carnival and RCCL) - they're probably ALL great! LOL. I will fill you in on what we did in the ports and any pointers I can think of when we return.


Well guys this will most likely be my last post until I return (unless I really need inspiration while onboard and pay to use the computers!). Try not to miss me to much!! DH is putting some sealant on the stairs this afternoon so they will have a week to cure and I won't have access to my computer! Have a good week and I will catch up with you all when I get back.



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Moe, Minty & Cinn - Nice losses! Seems like a good week all around.


Beth - the recipe looks good - and spicy! Did you like it? So your cruise is going to be your first in December?? YOU are in for a treat!! RCCL is a great line (I've only been on Carnival and RCCL) - they're probably ALL great! LOL. I will fill you in on what we did in the ports and any pointers I can think of when we return.


Well guys this will most likely be my last post until I return (unless I really need inspiration while onboard and pay to use the computers!). Try not to miss me to much!! DH is putting some sealant on the stairs this afternoon so they will have a week to cure and I won't have access to my computer! Have a good week and I will catch up with you all when I get back.



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Cinnamon, good loss! Sounds like you are keeping pretty busy, hope your show is going well.


The chili was a little too hot for my family. I don't think I'd put the cayenne in next time, but I liked the flavor.


Does anyone know what your water percentage should be? I'm up a little this week, but according to my scale, my body fat % is down and my water % is up. Just wondering if anyone knows what they "should" be. Either I'm retaining water, or I was dehydrated before, but I do drink all my water every day so I don't know...


Thanks for all your help, make it a great day!!

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Colleen - sorry I didn't get to wish you bon voyage before you left. In case you do check in, have a great time!


Beth - a little sour cream can cut the heat on chili; if you have leftovers, you might try adding some of that (low fat will work just fine)


Here's a table that will give you body fat %'s - varies by gender and age. http://new-fitness.com/body_fat_measuring.html


I think that water percentage should be over 50%; I read somewhere that 60% is ideal. I'm really not sure about that, though.

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Here's a table that will give you body fat %'s - varies by gender and age. http://new-fitness.com/body_fat_measuring.html


I think that water percentage should be over 50%; I read somewhere that 60% is ideal. I'm really not sure about that, though.


one more thought - I have one of those home scales that measures this, too. I do not think it is very accurate. As an obsessive-compulsive weigher, I notice that I get wildly different percentages in relatively short periods of time.

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Oh dear I am off the scale! At Curves they measure your body fat with a machine that is hand held. They put in age, height, weight etc and you hold the metal bits for half a minute or so. Mine has been done 3 times now, each before exercising at similar times of the morning. On joining I was 42% fat, one month later 41.6% fat and now,after 2 months, 41% fat. On the scale above, 27% was poor!!!! However, it is going down. In those 2 months I lost 10lbs in weight which the machine said was 6.17 lbs of fat, so presumably the rest was water.


We were away for a night with Relatives who do eat healthily but it wasn't quite Core. Hope it doesn't affect me too much. I have tried to estimate the number of extra points to take out of my weekly allowance. Going to have a cooking session this pm. I will post a recipe it anything turns out good enough.


Beth, thanks for the good wishes. We have Technical rehearsal early on Sunday evening, night off Monday, first Dress Rehearsal Tuesday, Final Dress Wednesday and opening on Thursday for 3 nights. I work part-time only but it still means being very organised in order to avoid just grabbing junk food on the run. Hence a cooking session today. In my yo-yoing past I have often lost weight in the run-up to a play to be able to fit in costumes and look better on stage and then reverted to type and started eating too much again. NOT THIS TIME.



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This seems like a really great group, mind if I join in? I really need some support as I have gained a ton in the past year(s), and now I find myself back at my highest. I had lost over 60 pounds 5 years ago, but, even though I vowed I wouldn't let it happen, I have re-gained it all. :(


Anyway I re-started Core yesterday. I have had success with it in the past, and once I get past the sugar withdrawal and get back in the groove, I feel great on it.


I think I will probably go back to meetings next week. I don't love our leader, but the accountability of the scale helps.


We are taking our first cruise in December, right before Christmas, on the Carnival Liberty to the Western Caribbean. It is something we have always wanted to do. Our two sons (20 & 22) will be coming with us.


I wanted to get family pictures taken, and now I am a bit depressed that I will appear in them at my highest weight. I am on a mission to lose 20 pounds by then. It is 10 weeks away, so it is definitely doable. I will still be fat, but at least I will feel a bit better.

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I love having a square or two of dark chocolate at night; can easily be worked into the program.


Welcome to the chat, Prarie Gal!


Here is my big news:


Yesterday marked my 6 month anniversary of starting WW. I've lost 40 lbs in that time. As you know, things were a little slow the past month or so - although I'm at my low since starting program. So . . . . today I switched to Core.


So far, so good. I'll let you know how it goes. I plan to give this at least a month.

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Welcome to the 'other side' RB. Congrats on losing 40lbs.


Welcome to our chat Prairie Gal. I know what it is like putting it back. I am really determined this time not to let it happen again. I have just got back to where I was this time last year. Somehow, chatting here helps the motivation a lot.



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Hi again everyone! Thank you so much for my congrats on the 4 lbs. Still working the WW program and doing my workouts. I used up about 7 of my 35 'allowable' points for the week. Went camping with my son and it was very difficult to stay within my daily points with what they served to eat there. But I did the best I could! However, went right back to plan today and staying within my points for today. So I don't feel too bad. I haven't dipped into the extra 35 points yet, so I guess its ok for that one day?!


I went grocery shopping today and it took me twice as long to get through the grocery store, because I had to stop and pull out my little points slider to calculate the food before I bought it! My kids were getting very impatient with me! LOL Oh well. I, at least, felt good that I was being conscience of what I bought to eat.


Everyone enjoy the rest of your day!



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Hi! Newbie to this board...old veteran to cruising!


I have a CORE question I'm hoping someone with experience can answer, please.


I've used the points system with some success, but am thinking about switching to CORE for awhile to get ready for a January cruise. I need to lose about 50 lbs (not expecting to lose all of those before the cruise, though!).


I've enjoyed the points system because it enabled me to enjoy my tea with sugar...a Southern addiction. I can't use the artificial sweeteners because of IBS and gastro problems.


Here's the CORE question:


Could I use the 35 weekly points for sugar in my tea, or will that completely negate the CORE system?


Thanks for your help! This seems to be a compassionate and caring and supportive thread!



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Here's a fun game - -


go to Google.com and type in: weighs xx lbs


xx equals your weight loss to date. Do the search, and peruse the listing to see various objects that weigh what you have lost.


I've lost the world's fattest cat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li8On8B1z3U


What did you lose?


Onward and downward!

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I've lost a lightweight wheelchair. What a fun thing. Thanks RB.


Welcome Stir. I am afraid that I can't definitively answer your question about sugar. In theory it shouldn't matter what you use your points on if you stick to Core the rest of the time. It would restrict you to not being able to use the odd thing in recipes, like a tblsp of flour or a little mayo. Over here we are only allowed 21 points in addtion to our Core list, but the rules are always slightly different here.



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