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WHY are cruise ships still in the dark ages about smoking?


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you are absolutely correct if you dont like it stay off the ship or go on a non smoking boat. if u dont like the smoke in the casino then just stay out...why is it so complicated for you...if i go into a bar that doesnt allow smoking i dont go in there and start bit****g, i sit there and have a few drinks and then go outside for a smoke. is this inconvenient for me , absolutely!!!! but i accept the fact that i have entered into a non smoking facility....so lets all just deal with it because things are the way they are for now, but just like i said previously when i do quit smoking , again, i am not gonna get pissed at the smokers because i believe they have as much right as i do.............


I'm inclined to fight for what's right (correct, safe, smart, fair). I'm not going to roll over and play dead when I think law, rules, standards, guidelines need improvement. That's why we have comment cards, guest relations' addresses, referendums and elections.


Smokers do have as the same rights (legal entitlements) as non-smokers. And they certainly should expect to be treated respectfully. There are places where smoking is not prohibited (yet), BUT I am not aware of any legal "right to smoke".

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Oh my... this thread has gotten rather long and contentious. :o Sorry to start such a fire and walk away this weekend. vjm we are going to have to agree to disagree on this matter. Nice use of the word 'ubiquitous' though! I am an English teacher and appreciate people with strong vocabularies who are not afraid to sound erudite ;)

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I didn't read every post here so I don't know if this was mentioned. We were on Carnival's Paradise three times when it was a smoke-free ship. It was very nice to have the option to select a ship that was totally smoke-free. Every time we went the ship was full and we were told we should put on the comment card that Carnival should add another smoke-free ship. Unfortunately, instead of adding a second ship, they dropped this one as a smoke-free vessel. I understand that, although they could fill the ship with passengers, they weren't booking enough groups on this ship. It was very sad because it gave us an option that we no longer have.
you are only partially right, toward the end (about the last year) it wasn't sold out with or without groups. Yes, groups played a part because for ships to sell out there has to be groups booked. It will be awhile before any line adds a totally smoke free ship. Even Oceania isn't totally smoke free. Smoke free ships are not quite the same as smoke free bars or restaurants. You can always step outside in a restaurant, but a smoke free ship requires stepping into the ocean to light up.



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you are only partially right, toward the end (about the last year) it wasn't sold out with or without groups. Yes, groups played a part because for ships to sell out there has to be groups booked. It will be awhile before any line adds a totally smoke free ship. Even Oceania isn't totally smoke free. Smoke free ships are not quite the same as smoke free bars or restaurants. You can always step outside in a restaurant, but a smoke free ship requires stepping into the ocean to light up.




... and enough people are going overboard;)

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:confused: I don't understand the difference... a full ship is a full ship, what difference does it make if they were in groups? Granted I have not done a group cruise before, but why does it matter?


Any cruise line can fill the ship. What ultimately matters is how much they have to cut fares in the final weeks to do so.

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you are only partially right, toward the end (about the last year) it wasn't sold out with or without groups. Yes, groups played a part because for ships to sell out there has to be groups booked. It will be awhile before any line adds a totally smoke free ship. Even Oceania isn't totally smoke free. Smoke free ships are not quite the same as smoke free bars or restaurants. You can always step outside in a restaurant, but a smoke free ship requires stepping into the ocean to light up.




And this is precisely why there is a huge difference between a 4 hour smoke free flight and a 7 day smoke free cruise. Smokers will do one, but not the other.

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Oh my... this thread has gotten rather long and contentious. :o Sorry to start such a fire and walk away this weekend. vjm we are going to have to agree to disagree on this matter. Nice use of the word 'ubiquitous' though! I am an English teacher and appreciate people with strong vocabularies who are not afraid to sound erudite ;)


I can handle agreeing to disagree. :) And thanks for the compliment. ;)

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You must be joking - there are plenty of restrictions! Can't smoke in most public areas (hallways and most bars included), can't smoke in or near the restaurants, at/in most attractions, etc.


Just because NYC has decided to outlaw it does not mean a cruise ship serving persons from around the world has to follow along. I think it is unreasonable to expect everyone from everywhere to give up what is probably a long-term habit/addiction for a week. That would be a ship of very feisty people.


Why not just avoid the smoking areas, since there really are so few? Or, opt for a non-smoking cruise. You knew the rules when you booked. So did the smokers.

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First of all, welcome to Cruise Critic :)


You are probably unaware of the controversy this thread may start... both sides of the smoking issue can get very hot under the collar and threads can go on for multiple pages. I was actually called cruel and stupid for smoking two cigarettes per week :rolleyes:


As far as answering your question, I think that if you stay out of the smoking areas you should be fine. I imagine you don't bring your kids into bars and casinos, so they should be exposed even less.


There are ships with more rules against smoking.. Oceana, Azmara to name a few, and RCCL has changed their policy starting next year. There was a thread on their new smoking policy but it was pulled. :(


I noticed that a certain charter is not using them next year (2008), I wonder if there "new" smoking policy has anything or alot to do with it. This charter has been very faithful to RCCI. Interesting . . .

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The Smoking Ban (which initially started as a concern for people's health) has morphed into a war waged against smokers by self-righteous, non-smoking people, who just can't stand to have their lives inconvenienced in any way. ESPECIALLY by low-life addicts, such as smokers.


On the cruise ships, there are designated areas for people to smoke. I can't speak to the casino environment, but, on deck (usually around the pool area), smoking is permitted on the right side of the ship. I'm sure most non-smoker's would love for smokers to be pushed into the back alleys of any given city along with the rest of the Dregs of society. I digress...........


On deck, there is PLENTY of fresh air around, so, you don't have to worry about dying from second-hand smoke. If it's the smell of smoke that offends you......tough S**T. Walk the other way. No one wants to look at your ridiculous, disapproving face anyway. There are many offensive odors and many offensive situations in this world (i.e. body odor, bus fumes, gaseous people, overly-perfumed grandmas, screaming/obnoxious children, etc.) but the bottom line is, if it won't kill you.......then you'll just have to deal with it.


Under the circumstances, I believe that smoker's have been extremely accomodating and respectful of the restrictions put on them by our liberal society. No one wants to make others ill by their actions. The bans that are in place more than suffice in keeping others health safe. But, NO....that's not good enough.....now they want smoking bans in parks, open-air places, one's personal vehicle, one's personal residence, blah, blah, blah..........Not to mention the latest!!!!.......have smokers pay for the health care of others. My suggestion is.........DON'T PUSH YOUR LUCK. You can't strip too many rights from people before it backfires.


Keep in mind all the lovely taxes that are collected from smokers that are supposedly used for all the lovely programs sponsored by liberals. Don't bite the hand that feeds, oops...I mean the hand that holds cigarettes. :D


OK, I'm off my soap box now..........I can't WAIT to see what this sparks!!!!:eek:

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non-smoking people, who just can't stand to have their lives inconvenienced in any way. ESPECIALLY by low-life addicts, such as smokers.



Inconvenienced??? Second hand smoke causes death and disease to innocent victims. That is light years beyond a mere "inconvenience".


As long as the spewed exhaust and burning sidestream smoke emitted by smokers causes death and disease to non-smokers, you may as well get used to the fact that other people are going to object to it.


I will be "pushing my luck" with as much might as I can muster to curtail the negative health effects on other people caused by smokers.

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I don't know this to be statistically true but I would bet that 90-95% of cruisers drink alcohol and many, many people smoke when they drink, but don't smoke when they're not drinking. This makes me think that the percentage of "smokers" on a cruise would be far higher than 20%.


Just my thoughts....


Happy Sailing!!



VERY GOOD POINT.............I can't tell you how many "non-smokers" wipe me out of cigarettes when in a social setting. However, if they were asked if they were a smoker, they'd say "NO!".

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VERY GOOD POINT.............I can't tell you how many "non-smokers" wipe me out of cigarettes when in a social setting. However, if they were asked if they were a smoker, they'd say "NO!".


Hey 'dood, how ya been? It's been almost 3 months since we were on Explorer, my how time flies.:) We have finally figured out the hurdles of digital photography and how to get photos into some kind of organized chaos in the computer. My point is we have some great shots of you (probably) and the other bikers on the cruise. This is according to my better half as she is the one who has figured this mess out. If you want us to send them to you post your E-mail address on this thread (I apologise in advance to the OP). Just leave gaps with * in them so it can't be lifted electronically.


P.S. The fanatical anti smoking crowd won't be appeased until smoking (and smokers :)) are stamped out of existence. I thought Explorer was more smoker friendly than Radiance in 2006. I kind of enjoyed the options available for me to have a cigarette. I thought it was well balanced.

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NOTmyrealname............the "inconvenience" I was referring to is the option of the non-smoker to simply walk the other way if they don't like the smell of smoke. But they'd rather complain because it would be "inconvenient" for them to take another path. Death and illness is not the inconvenience to which I speak.

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Death and illness is not the inconvenience to which I speak.


OK, sounds like we both agree the spewed exhaust and sidestream smoke from smokers causes death and disease to others. Then you surely understand the push to curtail smoking anywhere that the negative health effects of second hand smoke will be inflicted on people other than the smoker.

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Death and disease are out there, build yourself a bubble or wear a gas mask. You aren't going to avoid getting sick, or dying by your ridiculous

attitude. Do you only eat foods that are good for, I doubt it, nothing sold in the stores or restaurants is good for you. It is all full of poison and toxins. Are you going to stop eating? I doubt it.


Don't breathe the air as it is full of pollutants and noxious fumes. Where's that gas mask???


Smokers have been around for what??? 200+++ years. Why the sudden interest???? Because you are too worried about yourself? You don't give da#% about anyone else.


If everyone quits smoking, who is going to make up that tax revenue? I think we are paying over a dollar in taxes, per pack. Ar you non-smokers willing to fork over that kind of tax money????


It's just too bad we don't live in a perfect world where everyone is healthy and no death or disease exist and people actually live forever. GROW UP

that ain't the real world.

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Driver's pay auto insurance to pay for death and injury to others. That's for an individual policy. What people are seeking to do is single out smokers, have them either obtain personal liability insurance or pay into some sort of insurance fund.......then when someone dies of second-hand smoke somewhere, they can go after the smokers for the dead person's medical costs. If that doesn't work, I assume they'll just create a fund for people to draw from by raising cigarette taxes, yet again!!


Do smokers have to pay insurance for the illness they cause? Not yet, but, it's been proposed!!! I can't see how it's feasible. In order to collect from a smoker's insurance policy, wouldn't you then have to PROVE that a particular smoker was solely responsible for said second-hand smoke related illness? I'm curious to see how that would work.


Best of all, I LOVE to see people smoking & talking on their cell phone while driving. Cigarette in one hand, cell in the other, driving with their knees. How do you know they're driving with their knees? You can see that?......You really should pay more attention to the road. ;)

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BOBBEASEA.........Hey! That sure was a great cruise, wasn't it?? Funny running into you here! Just putting my .02 in, as usual.;)


We'll be back on the Explorer in December and can't wait! The Motorcycle Cruise was amazing and I'm glad you got some enjoyment from seeing all of us!


Thanks for your offer, but, truly..........I have more pictures of that cruise than I know what to do with.


Good to "see" you again..........have a great day!!!

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Then you surely understand the push to curtail smoking anywhere that the negative health effects of second hand smoke will be inflicted on people other than the smoker.


I do understand it, and it's already been done. YOU'VE GOT YOURSELF A SMOKING BAN!!!! The problem is, non-smokers are not happy with the restrictions they originally requested in the places deemed necessary (smoker's were too compliant and understanding, perhaps??....not enough of a fight put up?) and are now taking the ball and running with it by expanding on their requests to further incovenience smokers.


We're out of the restaurants, we're out of the bars, we're out of the clubs.......Where we are now is OUTSIDE where the oxygen displaces the second-hand smoke and you are in no danger of dying by simply walking past us to get into the restaurant, bar, club, etc.


Smokers have complied.......what's the problem???

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Inconvenienced??? Second hand smoke causes death and disease to innocent victims. That is light years beyond a mere "inconvenience".


As long as the spewed exhaust and burning sidestream smoke emitted by smokers causes death and disease to non-smokers, you may as well get used to the fact that other people are going to object to it.


I will be "pushing my luck" with as much might as I can muster to curtail the negative health effects on other people caused by smokers.


So you live in a city with no manufacturing or other air pollutants? There is nothing/no one putting carbon monoxide into the air? No one drives a gasoline or diesel vehicle? There are no pesticides used by farms or residences?


Show me the proof that ONLY CIGARETTES cause illness and disease and I'll come over to your side.

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