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CPT Trips

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Everything posted by CPT Trips

  1. @JIMESOPUS aha! Good tip to check rollcall during the cruise.
  2. A secret CC group? Like in the Di Vinci Code? How do I create on of those? Before Covid I organized several roll calls. The initial ones were smaller, but percentage wise, much better attended than the more recent ones. I attributed this to a last minute influx of Facebook only types. In one case the Facebook group administrator “invited” people to sign up with her and she then responded here that she and friends would attend. It was some ridiculous number and I told her “no” and to have people sign up individually here. Needless to say I got flamed in the Facebook group and she brought lots of freeloaders to the M&G.
  3. Or Miami . . . plus you won’t need your waders in PHL.
  4. Do the 9 day that includes an overnight in Charleston. 😎
  5. 😱 Uh oh. More black photos to come. 😎
  6. Maybe you had a blackout from the tipple under one of those gamps. 🙄😉
  7. Do they grow classical music?🤦🏻‍♂️😎
  8. NCL’s booking system was working around noon EDT. I was able to book a cruise out of Philly.
  9. That’s good to know. In October 2023 it wasn’t permitted. We were on a small group tour and upon clearing customs/immigration one of our group was asked whether he had any medications and one of the questions was whether he had any cold medication. His answer, “no” ended the conversation. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to check beforehand.
  10. And a short walk to the Vieux Harbor
  11. Doesn’t work for me. I can’t hear it without flashing to “Annie Hall.” “'La-dee-da' was fading out of use in the language until it staged something of a comeback following its use by the eponymous heroine of the 1977 film Annie Hall. Diane Keaton's character actually said 'La-dee-da, la-dee-da, la la'. This wasn't a reference to swanky or snobbish behavior - it was used as a meaningless phrase, spoken out of context when nervous, to emphasize Hall's ditzy personality.” https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/la-di-da.html
  12. I think you have that confused with the upcoming Tardis of the Seas.
  13. Sunday was a good sporting day for Spain, Wimbledon too.
  14. It’s not just Japan that prohibits pseudoephedrine. Double check me with the appropriate country’s official sites if traveling to Australia, NZ, or Egypt (this isn’t an all inclusive list). Perhaps take a spray (Afrin) instead - https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/09/why-are-ineffective-oral-decongestants-still-on-store-shelves/
  15. Just went today. If you haven’t gone yet, it’s well worth the trip and the price of admission. Quite a few pieces from private collections. It’s presented with an interesting perspective. Our only mistake was not bringing our earphones. There is also an interesting, I believe temporarily, installation of chairs. The grands really enjoyed that.
  16. @Canal archive Ironically your tale reminds me that on at least one occasion we were berthed outboard a Viking ship. Although our exit decks lined up, we were required to go up and over. Security reasons was offered as the explanation. I thought our captain was kind with that reason.
  17. Google is your friend in terms of seeing photos of the cities you visit as well as getting a sense of where the markets are in relation to docking locations.
  18. Certainly the timing suggested in the itinerary will not be exact. But one can get a sense of whether the ship will be cruising during or right after diner or if there will be a later departure. It’s one of those things where you can get “a ballpark” idea, but no guarantee.
  19. Have you considered a direct flight to Paris and then TGV to Lyon. I think there is a train station at CDG.
  20. It’s going to vary by cruise line and itinerary. If ports are close together you may stay late in port and you will have time after dinner. You may even find an itinerary that overnights in a port. Sunset comes early at this time of year, so you are likely to to see the markets lit up before you need to board.
  21. Black Magic, not Quidditch.
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