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Something a little different:)

Lynne Myrna

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That was once the case, but not now.

In January, 2 days before my flight to New York for the Noordam cruise, I was on the interstate about 10 car lengths behind a truck that dumped a box load of nails onto the street. I couldn't swerve due to traffic on either side. I blew all four tires. So did most of those around me. It was a horrible and it was truly a miracle that I didn't flip with the blow outs (I was going at least 60 mph at the time) or that someone else didn't hit me.


Just before the Voyage of the Spammed, last October, someone shoved a knife into the tire of my new Monte Carlo while it was parked outside the church offices.


The Sunday before the Noordam Inaugural I came out to get in my car to drive to church and noticed that I had a flat tire.


About a week before my January 06 cruise on the Oosterdam I had a blow out of one tire due to (yes, again) debris on the highway.


In short, it's a never ending saga. Makes me wonder what's about to happen next month, as we approach our cruise on the Volendam. Frankly, I'm looking for wood to knock on. :D


Maybe it's time to trade it in for a bike, RevNeal! Oh...wait...those have tires, too! :rolleyes: ;) :rolleyes:

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My car had been hit two times in a row going to the airport, both times sitting at the same light. So I fooled "it" the last time, and took a cab AND an alternate route!

But there isn't a whole lot worse than sitting there swapping insurance info when you have 2 hours before the flight leaves!:eek:

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My car had been hit two times in a row going to the airport, both times sitting at the same light. So I fooled "it" the last time, and took a cab AND an alternate route!

But there isn't a whole lot worse than sitting there swapping insurance info when you have 2 hours before the flight leaves!:eek:


Oh My Gosh!


Did you get hit on two separate trips or sitting at the same light on the same trip?


I have this visual of you getting hit and then another car comes up and hits you at the same time!


I guess I've seen too many movies!:D

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Oh My Gosh!


Did you get hit on two separate trips or sitting at the same light on the same trip?


I have this visual of you getting hit and then another car comes up and hits you at the same time!


I guess I've seen too many movies!:D


Yes, it was on two separate trips, by two separate cars. We live South of Broad and there is one particularly tricky intersection that has a terrible blind spot coming from the North, and the same spot on the car was hit both times, albeit by different drivers!

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Brian is not only a great story teller...he's the king of one liners! ;)


Awww - Thanks Sheila & WM--


I actually did do some writing which through connections and happenstance enabled me to take a couple of "free" cruises.



WM -

Scotty is a good pal from Seattle whom I met aboard my first cruise. We've stayed in touch and have become "cruise buddies" since - then a couple years ago I introduced him to my CC.com friends and now he sees my friends more than I do!


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Great story Brian.....at least you had a happy ending.....


Winemistress.....they are still going strong on your decorating thread.....there not giving up on it....LOL:) & you're not answering them!!!!!


Hi Lynne Myrna --- I can see its still going (and I'm not surprised), but I stopped reading long ago --- there is no new information there -- but I got an email from someone telling me about it yesterday -- I have zero interest.


Remember that "feeding thing" I mentioned? Just not going there.


I try to surround myself with love and light -- and all things positive.:D

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Terribly sorry for your losses. I do love your attitude though, and as hard as it will seem sometimes , you certainly will endure and yes, thrive.


We've had a few appliance and automobile breakdowns before a vacation. but nothing major , just annoying having to have to shell out some big money less than a week before a vacation.


Worst thing was the night before our last cruise. We are scheduled to leave the house at 4am to pick up friends , drive to the airport, and make a very early flight. About 10 pm we go to bed to try and get a little rest (we usually don't sleep , when we have to be up that early, but we were trying :))


11:30pm My DWs brother calls, yet again he has managed to get his dumb butt in trouble and needs to be bailed out. He is at the police station in lock up and needs $300 to get out. He has no one else to call. all his "friends" are bigger losers than him, He doesn't speak to his ex wife (smart girl) or his kids (smart kids) and the other sister has nothing to do with him (smart sister).


So it falls on me and DW (stupid sister) :)

They are twins and they have this bond. She would love to break his neck over some of teh things he does, but she will rescue him everytime, and though she will curse him up and down, no one else can.


12:30am ....after DW and I have a battle royal over this latest development. We hit the ATM , and then head over to lockup. What a sea of humanity that is on a Friday night *LOL*


2am ..after waiting and finally dealing with THE MOST INEPT BOOKING OFFICER SINCE BARNEY FIFE ..no offense Copper10-8 :) We finally have him sprung :). After a big weepie dialouge between brother and sister over the events that led up to all this over coffee at a diner. we finally drive him back to his car, get home and have just enough time to shower, do a little last minute making sure everything is just so. load up the car. and head out the door as scheduled.

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Terribly sorry for your losses. I do love your attitude though, and as hard as it will seem sometimes , you certainly will endure and yes, thrive.


We've had a few appliance and automobile breakdowns before a vacation. but nothing major , just annoying having to have to shell out some big money less than a week before a vacation.


Worst thing was the night before our last cruise. We are scheduled to leave the house at 4am to pick up friends , drive to the airport, and make a very early flight. About 10 pm we go to bed to try and get a little rest (we usually don't sleep , when we have to be up that early, but we were trying :))


11:30pm My DWs brother calls, yet again he has managed to get his dumb butt in trouble and needs to be bailed out. He is at the police station in lock up and needs $300 to get out. He has no one else to call. all his "friends" are bigger losers than him, He doesn't speak to his ex wife (smart girl) or his kids (smart kids) and the other sister has nothing to do with him (smart sister).


So it falls on me and DW (stupid sister) :)

They are twins and they have this bond. She would love to break his neck over some of teh things he does, but she will rescue him everytime, and though she will curse him up and down, no one else can.


12:30am ....after DW and I have a battle royal over this latest development. We hit the ATM , and then head over to lockup. What a sea of humanity that is on a Friday night *LOL*


2am ..after waiting and finally dealing with THE MOST INEPT BOOKING OFFICER SINCE BARNEY FIFE ..no offense Copper10-8 :) We finally have him sprung :). After a big weepie dialouge between brother and sister over the events that led up to all this over coffee at a diner. we finally drive him back to his car, get home and have just enough time to shower, do a little last minute making sure everything is just so. load up the car. and head out the door as scheduled.


Oh Lordy -- the DRAMA!!!!


How exhausting for you guys --- you must have been emotionally and physically wiped out by the time you got on the ship!


Gotta love Family! :rolleyes:

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Oh Lordy -- the DRAMA!!!!


How exhausting for you guys --- you must have been emotionally and physically wiped out by the time you got on the ship!


Gotta love Family! :rolleyes:


Definately a night to remember :)


There is an actual happy ending to all this , in the 3 years since this all happened , he has gotten his act together and is actually doing very well for himself . Job wise , lifewise , has met a wonderful girl who has really helped turn him around.



But for a while there he was one large thorn in my butt :(

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What is this "Voyage of the Spammed" I keep hearing about?[/quote


I believe it was a c/c group who had cruised together before...they had gone to Hawaii on the Zandam...& they called it "Voyage of the Spammed" Someone correct me if i'm wrong:)


Babyher.....that was an experience you'll never forget!!!!!

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What is this "Voyage of the Spammed" I keep hearing about?[/quote


I believe it was a c/c group who had cruised together before...they had gone to Hawaii on the Zandam...& they called it "Voyage of the Spammed" Someone correct me if i'm wrong:)


Babyher.....that was an experience you'll never forget!!!!!



Oh trust me it was not the first time I have had to bail him out, take him to and/or pick him up from emergency rooms, or pick him up from the less savory sides of town. This was just the first time it happened only hours away from having to leave on vacation.


As I said though , Thank God things have gotten remarkably better since then.

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We moved on oct. 31, 2006 and left for australia nov. 4. While nothing major happened besides a huge argument, packing and not enough sleep and work.

Nothing happened before Hawaii either.

However when we returned I developed a mysterious rash. shingles was ruled out, Noah didn't know what it was...I was seen by a dermatologist who didn't know what it was. It came and went for the next 2 months. And it was really itchy...but fortunately is gone (for good I hope).


When we returned from the Spirit in July, it was Noah's bday, he didn't even get off the ship before hearing his parents were having personal issues and that his great uncle passed away. My parents picked us up at the pier, where I found out they attended a funeral for a close friend, who died rather unexpectedly.


In Sept. when we returned from Bermuda, we discovered Noah's niece, who was about a month old was in the hospital with a fever, diagnosis virus, many tests run though. And my parents also attended another funeral.


Also we had a pipe freeze and burst while in Quebec in Jan. The water co. was supposed to come and turn off the water from the main line. They didn't. We don't know why they didn't. But it required additional phone calls to the water co. when we returned 2 days later. It was great fun ice skating throughout the house... kitchen, bathroom, basement.. it took weeks to defrost, as the house is under renovation, and we have removed the heating system.


We also had an issue with a tree being cut down and the power co. We weren't away, but we weren't at the house either....The tree came down on top of wires that were lowered. We needed the wires reattached to the house. The power co. cut the wire instead and never turned off the power. Another fun set of phone calls...also they broke an antique light fixture because the person was too lazy to walk down 4 steps with a ladder and then climb up the ladder to work on the wire. He decided it was easier to use the bucket truck.. in our driveway :confused:.




Soooo Noah's sister kindly asked that we not go away in Jan. lol




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I love the pay it forward stories! Thanks so much to everyone for sharing.


Wine Mistress, I think you and your girls are going to have a lovely time. :) We love cruising with our kids. They have been some of the best cruises (and family memories) ever.


I work downtown and park in a large parking garage several blocks away. One day I happened upon a family of birds who made their home in the garage rafters - I realized how many birds took refuge in the structure, especially in inclimate weather; so I started bringing some bird seed and putting it out for them. Now I've noticed several other parkers doing the same - and we have a nice happy bird sanctuary! My DH thinks I'm crazy, but I can't help it. :) I keep several bags of seed (waste free is best, lol) in my car all the time.

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Now I've noticed several other parkers doing the same - and we have a nice happy bird sanctuary! My DH thinks I'm crazy, but I can't help it. :) I keep several bags of seed (waste free is best, lol) in my car all the time.


Laura - My manager & I feed the birds & ducks at work too. And those full bags of seed will act as weight in the winter when you need the help for traction!


Things don't necessarily happen TO us, but AROUND us. Oh, let's see.......


In 1997, on our very 1st (old) Noordam cruise, which was given to John as an award from work, Paul, the man who owned the company John works for, died the day we left. Paul was only 55 & died of a massive heart attack. He managed to get his truck over to the shoulder of the highway. No one contacted us, but what good would it have done? There were several hundred heating & A/C contractors onboard that week, several of whom knew Paul. We're convinced that a few called home when we got to Cozumel & found out, but were given strict instructions not to tell us - just looking back at how their behavior towards us changed. :o


A couple of weeks before our 1st Veendam cruise in 1998, our minivan was stolen, from right in front of the townhouse! Simply amazing. Turned out that 7 or 8 of them were taken the same night from the town we lived in. We got lucky in that ours was 1 of 2 actually recovered, with relatively minor damage.


And then during that cruise, everyone onboard was kind of glued to the TV because of the Heaven's Gate cult. They are the ones who committed mass suicide because they thought a comet was coming to take them to space. Linda McCartney died the same week under suspicious circumstances - I think location of death was an issue.


In 2001, also aboard Veendam, just after we boarded, we learned that a plane taking off from JFK (I think) crashed into Jamaica, Queens. I don't think there were any survivors, plus there were people on the ground who died. This was SO close after Sept 11 that of course everyone thought of terrorism first.


So, with the new Noordam we thought perhaps we could break our curse. It seems to be working. We cruised her inaugural without incident, as well as a second cruise a year later. We're also booked on E-dam's inaugural next summer. Here's hoping. :)

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I love the pay it forward stories! Thanks so much to everyone for sharing.


Wine Mistress, I think you and your girls are going to have a lovely time. :) We love cruising with our kids. They have been some of the best cruises (and family memories) ever.


I work downtown and park in a large parking garage several blocks away. One day I happened upon a family of birds who made their home in the garage rafters - I realized how many birds took refuge in the structure, especially in inclimate weather; so I started bringing some bird seed and putting it out for them. Now I've noticed several other parkers doing the same - and we have a nice happy bird sanctuary! My DH thinks I'm crazy, but I can't help it. :) I keep several bags of seed (waste free is best, lol) in my car all the time.


Awww, this is lovely --

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