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Sick to death off kid haters!!!


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Please excuse me while I vent... I am so sick of reading all these posts about how this child had a DVD (w/headphones) at the table, or that one touched something on the buffet, a baby that cried... I am sick of reviews that rate how much of a good time they had, based on how many children were or were not on a ship! What is wrong with these people? Have they never had children? Have they forgotten? Do children not have the right to behave like children? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! Babies cry. Six year olds have tantrums. They get hungry and sleepy and grumpy. We as parents have the responsibility to make sure that they are not to disruptive or ruin anyone elses fun, BUT some of these people will complain just for the simple fact that; they are children

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I'm there with you!! Take a gander at this one:




14 kids on that huge ship. Give me a break.


We're taking our DS with us on our cruise in 3 weeks and it never occured to us at one time that we would leave him home. It wasn't an option. We're a family and we take family vacations. I guess folks like this & EileenN must have had a pretty horrible childhood; never went anywhere with their parents and have resented it all of these years.


Don't let these jerks get your down. If I hear or see anyone making rude comments about my family or my son on our cruise, they'll have poppa bear to deal with!!




PS: What a beautiful family photo, too!!

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Sorry, but you are assuming there are only the two ends of the spectrum. Just because people don't want to vacation with children, doesn't mean they hate children.


You say that it is up to the parents to keep their children from ruining other people's vacations, but seem to think that a child putting their hands in food on the buffet is no big deal or that a child screaming it's head off and disturbing everyone should be chalked up to just the behavior of an infant. Well, that's fine, YOU decided to have children so YOU are the one that has to adjust your behavior. YOU decided to bring YOUR children on a cruise, so you need to get up and leave the room when your child is crying, not expect others to just put up with it because "babies cry". You need to be extra careful your kid doesn't put their hands in other people's food. When people without children (many by happy choice) see you making that effort it makes all the difference.


Unfortunately in today's world, parents don't seem to realize often enough that having children requires a change in YOUR lifestyle. You seem to think that everyone needs to accomodate you. Flying in a plane for three hours with your screaming baby is NOT your right, perhaps you could drive to see Aunt Tilly and then your child's behavior will only effect you, not everyone on the plane. You think it's cute when your three year old tries to serve herself at the buffet. We see your kid sticking their dirty hands in food we are going to eat and spreading disease.

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It's actually gotten better over the past year. When I first joined I used to read post after post telling parents to keep their kids at home. :eek: Now since I started jumping in on every thread that says that, everyone started backing off. ;)


When you see a post like that, just take a deep breath and realize that the person A)Probably doesn't have children B)Is so old that they can't remember what having children was like :p

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I laughed so hard at your response to her! THANK YOU! I have a 2 yr old and a 6 yr old that we will be sailing with on the Conquest next week. I also would never consider leaving them behind. I am one of 6 children and we went EVERYWHERE with my parents. My children are very well behaved but like I stated in my original post, they get tired,hungry,grumpy and they do have meltdowns...they are children. I don't know how I will react if I am faced with people like that...Hopefully I will think of your response and come up with some quick and witty sarcastic retort...maybe I should start practicing now... any suggestions?

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Sorry, but you are assuming there are only the two ends of the spectrum. Just because people don't want to vacation with children, doesn't mean they hate children.


You say that it is up to the parents to keep their children from ruining other people's vacations, but seem to think that a child putting their hands in food on the buffet is no big deal or that a child screaming it's head off and disturbing everyone should be chalked up to just the behavior of an infant. Well, that's fine, YOU decided to have children so YOU are the one that has to adjust your behavior. YOU decided to bring YOUR children on a cruise, so you need to get up and leave the room when your child is crying, not expect others to just put up with it because "babies cry". You need to be extra careful your kid doesn't put their hands in other people's food. When people without children (many by happy choice) see you making that effort it makes all the difference.


Unfortunately in today's world, parents don't seem to realize often enough that having children requires a change in YOUR lifestyle. You seem to think that everyone needs to accomodate you. Flying in a plane for three hours with your screaming baby is NOT your right, perhaps you could drive to see Aunt Tilly and then your child's behavior will only effect you, not everyone on the plane. You think it's cute when your three year old tries to serve herself at the buffet. We see your kid sticking their dirty hands in food we are going to eat and spreading disease.



I am so incredibly offended by your post and on so many levels, I don't even know where to begin... Happycamper? Help me out here

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The people on this board are not the true representation of people in general on cruise ships. It is the tone of this board that they don't want children on a cruise ship. But guess what, they better get used to it or take one of the cruises that caters to adults only. Families are cruising more and more every year. Thats why the majority of Carnival's renovations is going to children's waterplay areas and increasing the playroom size not the "adult areas". We have cruised with my DD 3 times already and she is not even 2 yet. Not once have we ever gotten a rude stare or comment on board and yes we had a DVD player in the dinning room :eek: .


Of course if she was being disruptive I would remove her. I would not let her touch the food. Thats common sense and I think the majority of parents here have it. Unfortunately, I think we get blamed for that 1-2% of parents who dont discipline their children and let them run wild on the ship.


I think the above poster said it best, these kid-haters usually have never had children or are too old to remember. Everyone is entitled to enjoy a cruise, including children. If people are bothered by them, take an adult only cruise or vacation elsewhere.



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I try and try to stay out of the posts that have the "leave your kids at home" theme, but sometimes I just can't. Sometimes the comments are just so stupid (like the one in this thread), that I can't help but respond. I have often typed "why don't you just shut-up", but then erased it and tried to be rational. Sometimes I feel like I should just stick with my first response!


Last time I checked, we ALL (young and old) live in the same world and breathe the same air. If someone doesn't want to encounter a child on vacation, then they should stay home. Because no matter how good of a parent you are, tantrums happen, bad behaviour happens, hands in the food happen. Shocking I know!:eek:


And yes, I had this same attitude even before I had kids. Now I am just even more understanding when I see poor parents who are trying their best with a kid that is having a meltdown. It doesn't upset me or my vacation...it just makes me want to go over and give the parent a big hug and say "keep trying...it will get better!":p


Some people just have to complain.

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I'm there with you!! Take a gander at this one:




14 kids on that huge ship. Give me a break.


We're taking our DS with us on our cruise in 3 weeks and it never occured to us at one time that we would leave him home. It wasn't an option. We're a family and we take family vacations. I guess folks like this & EileenN must have had a pretty horrible childhood; never went anywhere with their parents and have resented it all of these years.


Don't let these jerks get your down. If I hear or see anyone making rude comments about my family or my son on our cruise, they'll have poppa bear to deal with!!




PS: What a beautiful family photo, too!!


I read the post - what was rude about it? She stated that there were 14 children on board. On the previous, there were 800......


Why were you so rude to her? She thought it was sad for only 5 children to be in the pirates parade.....

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I have a six year old son who comes everywhere with us and has learned to be respectful and polite. However, he still is six and can be tired, grumpy, obstinate. I've seen adults on a cruise act worse (slobbering drunk and yelling). When we were on Brilliance to Panama our waiter was thrilled to see our son. They had just made the crossing from Europe and there were no children on board. He said that the crew is happy to see kids because so many of the crew have children that they don't get to see for months and that children brighten their day. Our headwaiter commented that he would rather have a table of children than some of the adults he has to deal with.


So, to these complainers, were you not once a child? Did your parents seclude you from society and not let you be around adults?


True, children should not be putting their germy hands in food - at that rate neither should adults. It's not just a kid thing.


I strongly suggest that next time these complainers cruise that they do not cruise on a ship that caters to families because those little rug rats will be inevitably there having fun

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I agree.


I think the parents who spend time on this board are the exception. We not only what our family and our children to have a good time, we are also mindful of those around us who don't have kids.


Would I allow my kid to touch the food in the buffet? NO! Would I allow my kid to run wild on the ship? NO! If he has a meltdown and throws a tantrum do I continue my meal as if nothing is happening? NO!


My parenting obligation continues while I'm on vacation.


When I tell you DW & I have spent hours and hours and hours of preparation for this trip that is not an exaggeration. We have made lists of items we're taking and things that we need. We've read every post on the "family board" and have taken many of your suggestions. It's the parents who have been there that are the real experts and we value your expertise.



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yikes is all I can say,okay I have 3 children and I have to tell you that there are some people who let there kids just run the parent for instence,I am at a store last week and this lady is shopping with her husband{I assume} and a 2 year old and about 4 year old and these kids are screaming there heads off as she is looking for clothes,and when I say screaming I mean wailing,the dad is on his cell phone following as she is screaming back at her kids to knock it off,now I know we have all done this and wished the parents would just leave!!!because personally if it were me clothes shopping or any shopping I would have just grabbed my kids up and left,I mean come on it took 5 minutes of this and the Dad finally took one kid with him and they were still screaming and shopping??why???now this is a reason to vent about kids but when you go on vacation if it is not a adult only you have to expect crying kids,tantrums and so on but bad behaving is different,when the child knows he or she is wrong,or even that out of control tantrum then the parent needs to step up and controll the child even if it means going back to the cabin or room untill it is under control because I know I would be humilated if it were my child.

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Sorry, but you are assuming there are only the two ends of the spectrum. Just because people don't want to vacation with children, doesn't mean they hate children.


You say that it is up to the parents to keep their children from ruining other people's vacations, but seem to think that a child putting their hands in food on the buffet is no big deal or that a child screaming it's head off and disturbing everyone should be chalked up to just the behavior of an infant. Well, that's fine, YOU decided to have children so YOU are the one that has to adjust your behavior. YOU decided to bring YOUR children on a cruise, so you need to get up and leave the room when your child is crying, not expect others to just put up with it because "babies cry". You need to be extra careful your kid doesn't put their hands in other people's food. When people without children (many by happy choice) see you making that effort it makes all the difference.


Unfortunately in today's world, parents don't seem to realize often enough that having children requires a change in YOUR lifestyle. You seem to think that everyone needs to accomodate you. Flying in a plane for three hours with your screaming baby is NOT your right, perhaps you could drive to see Aunt Tilly and then your child's behavior will only effect you, not everyone on the plane. You think it's cute when your three year old tries to serve herself at the buffet. We see your kid sticking their dirty hands in food we are going to eat and spreading disease.


As a parent of a 4 yr old, who tries to instill manners...its ridiculus trying to parent as your child is watching children stick their hands in the buffet (I also don't want my child to get your childs germs). Or run around the restaurant, or yell and scream during a meal.


I get the " mommy look what he's doing...why is he misbehaving?" All I say is "we don't do that because we have manners."


My child knows better (knew better at age 2) since we would always remove them from the restaurant, church etc. if they didn't act appropriately.


The kids will be kids thing is getting pretty old. I've found it's a license not to parent and be insensitive to other patrons both young and old.

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yikes is all I can say,okay I have 3 children and I have to tell you that there are some people who let there kids just run the parent for instence,I am at a store last week and this lady is shopping with her husband{I assume} and a 2 year old and about 4 year old and these kids are screaming there heads off as she is looking for clothes,and when I say screaming I mean wailing,the dad is on his cell phone following as she is screaming back at her kids to knock it off,now I know we have all done this and wished the parents would just leave!!!because personally if it were me clothes shopping or any shopping I would have just grabbed my kids up and left,I mean come on it took 5 minutes of this and the Dad finally took one kid with him and they were still screaming and shopping??why???now this is a reason to vent about kids but when you go on vacation if it is not a adult only you have to expect crying kids,tantrums and so on but bad behaving is different,when the child knows he or she is wrong,or even that out of control tantrum then the parent needs to step up and controll the child even if it means going back to the cabin or room untill it is under control because I know I would be humilated if it were my child.


Can you imaginine that family on a cruise ship? I somehow don't think they would be bringing the children to the cabin to calm down...just let them scream...

My child knows that I would leave the store immediately (i've done it once). That's all I had to do....just once...it worked. Took me a bit longer to get my shopping done. But that's part of being a parent.

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We're taking our DS with us on our cruise in 3 weeks and it never occured to us at one time that we would leave him home. It wasn't an option. We're a family and we take family vacations. I guess folks like this & EileenN must have had a pretty horrible childhood; never went anywhere with their parents and have resented it all of these years.


Don't let these jerks get your down. If I hear or see anyone making rude comments about my family or my son on our cruise, they'll have poppa bear to deal with!!

Poppa bear? If anyone says anything of that nature around my children they will have to deal with MOMMA BEAR!

We are on the same cruise with howdyall and we are taking our 5 children with us. We never once thought about going by ourselves. I have to say that I am really surprised to hear the complaints from so many adults about children. I never dreamed there would be so many when we booked this cruise almost a year ago.

Are we taking them all out of school for a week? YES (Why does this seem like such a big deal. They are in 2nd grade, Kindergarten and preschool! What the heck are they going to miss out on?)

Are we going to have them in the dining room with us? YES

Are we bringing a dvd player for the dining room? NO (My children are expected to behave a certain way when we go out to eat and most of the time they comply.)

Are we going to let the 2 year old in the pool with a swimmer? NO

Are any of my children going to have a meltdown? Well, considering they are 7, 5, 5, 5 and 2, I think that the odds are pretty good.

Will I remove them if we are in the theatre or the dining room if I can not get them to calm down? Of course I will.

Will any of my children put their hands in the food on the buffet? Honestly, I don't know. However, from past experiences with buffets if they put thier hands on something THEY HAVE TO TAKE IT!

When they did this, were they "sticking their dirty hands in food we are going to eat and spreading disease"? NO, My children are taken to the restroom as soon as we arrive in a restaurant so that they may wash their hands. In fact they use a papertowel to open the bathroom door because they have seen their fare share of adults who do not wash their hands.

I suppose it is easy for people to be so judgemental towards children. Just like mumeof3 said, there are some people that just can't handle their children. However, I think most of the people who take their family on a cruise know ahead of time how their children will probably behave.

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I think from re-reading that thread...

that you misunderstood EileenN (dont know her) OP post


as I think she meant that perhaps the crew was happy to have FAR less kids on board than the 800 from a prior sailing...


But thats just how I read it.

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Sorry, but you are assuming there are only the two ends of the spectrum. Just because people don't want to vacation with children, doesn't mean they hate children.


You say that it is up to the parents to keep their children from ruining other people's vacations, but seem to think that a child putting their hands in food on the buffet is no big deal or that a child screaming it's head off and disturbing everyone should be chalked up to just the behavior of an infant. Well, that's fine, YOU decided to have children so YOU are the one that has to adjust your behavior. YOU decided to bring YOUR children on a cruise, so you need to get up and leave the room when your child is crying, not expect others to just put up with it because "babies cry". You need to be extra careful your kid doesn't put their hands in other people's food. When people without children (many by happy choice) see you making that effort it makes all the difference.


Unfortunately in today's world, parents don't seem to realize often enough that having children requires a change in YOUR lifestyle. You seem to think that everyone needs to accomodate you. Flying in a plane for three hours with your screaming baby is NOT your right, perhaps you could drive to see Aunt Tilly and then your child's behavior will only effect you, not everyone on the plane. You think it's cute when your three year old tries to serve herself at the buffet. We see your kid sticking their dirty hands in food we are going to eat and spreading disease.


Why are people offended by this post?? I have 2 young children and I completely agree that it is my job to teach them good manners. Would you really want to eat from the buffet that you just saw some kid stick their hand in - Gross! And at home at a restaurant, wouldn't you get up from the table and go outside if your kid was crying and screaming - I sure would. No, my children are not perfect, they cry, have tantrums and get cranky just like the rest of them. But they are learning (or have learned) that it is not acceptable to have that behavior in public and if they do, they will be removed from the area, stearnly spoken to and their behavior will be corrected.


Now, on the other hand, if there are some people out there that really don't want to cruise w/young children, then it is their responsibility to find a ship or some other vacation place that does not accomodate young children. Just as we "choose" to bring our kids on vacation w/us, they can also "choose" to vacation elsewhere.

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There are rude people of all ages. The fact that there may be a child who acts badly, has less to do with the fact that he is a child and more to do with who he IS.


In the grocery store, some people hear a child whining and decry all children as whiners. However when some boor was talking about her night out (hoiw she drank too much, got sick, went home with someone, etc) on her cell phone at high volume while walking up and down the aisle - no one claims all adults act poorly.


When in the buffet line, if a child is having a problem serving himself - there are those who consider it a pox upon all children. When a self-absorbed idiot is spending so much time talking to his companion that he hasn't realized that the line in front of her has moved on, no one claims all adults act that way. When an adult pax spends 45 seconds trying to decide which piece of chicken to select (or whatever) we think of that adult as a dolt - not all adults.


When a teen misbehaves and thinks it great fun to hit all of the elevator buttons before ditching - ALL teens are painted by the same brush and the incident is posted as teens should be banned! When some imbicile decides to "hold" the elevator for her husband who "just went back to the cabin for our camera" while the rest of us wait, are all adults "bad"?


Idiots come in all ages, all shapes, all colors, all textures, all sizes!

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Why are people offended by this post?? I have 2 young children and I completely agree that it is my job to teach them good manners. Would you really want to eat from the buffet that you just saw some kid stick their hand in - Gross! And at home at a restaurant, wouldn't you get up from the table and go outside if your kid was crying and screaming - I sure would. No, my children are not perfect, they cry, have tantrums and get cranky just like the rest of them. But they are learning (or have learned) that it is not acceptable to have that behavior in public and if they do, they will be removed from the area, stearnly spoken to and their behavior will be corrected.


Now, on the other hand, if there are some people out there that really don't want to cruise w/young children, then it is their responsibility to find a ship or some other vacation place that does not accomodate young children. Just as we "choose" to bring our kids on vacation w/us, they can also "choose" to vacation elsewhere.


I have two small children - 3.5 and 20 months and I agree with the main points he made actually.


The sharp shift in tone in the last paragraph is what got me... along with the "spreading disease" comment. I feel for anyone who thinks that the food on the buffet is untouched by hands - child or otherwise.

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Why are people offended by this post?? I have 2 young children and I completely agree that it is my job to teach them good manners. Would you really want to eat from the buffet that you just saw some kid stick their hand in - Gross! And at home at a restaurant, wouldn't you get up from the table and go outside if your kid was crying and screaming - I sure would. No, my children are not perfect, they cry, have tantrums and get cranky just like the rest of them. But they are learning (or have learned) that it is not acceptable to have that behavior in public and if they do, they will be removed from the area, stearnly spoken to and their behavior will be corrected.


Now, on the other hand, if there are some people out there that really don't want to cruise w/young children, then it is their responsibility to find a ship or some other vacation place that does not accomodate young children. Just as we "choose" to bring our kids on vacation w/us, they can also "choose" to vacation elsewhere.


I agreed with the post too. I wasn't offended. (Maybe I've just developed thicker skin after being here at CC for a long time...lol)


I do everything that poster said. My kids are removed from the dining room if they misbehave. I would freak out if they touched the buffet with their own hands (they know better).


So I'm not offended...I can handle it. ;) :D

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that has been left. out.......in the olden days.....parents often had the same idea as to what manners, respect, do not yell etc. meant and time was spent teaching children literally how to behave in public. In the old days, little ones got tried and cranky as it is normal. How far back were those old days,...... not sure but they seem to be slipping further and further back.


Now it seems in many cases, too often in fact, it is a free for all, anything goes and the parents are well too far behind (physically and lack of understanding about behaviour and how others accept or do not accept it) to look after their children. In fact it appears some feel since it takes a village to raise a child then let the other passengers look after the sweet screaming racing around little ones. No thanks. I raised mine, they knew how to behave and they are teaching my grandhcildren. Screaming racing around free for alls are not allowed. Manners are in.


We likely have good parents posting here but seriously there are fewer and fewer caring parents who consider other people rather than the "me" factor..grant you once they got together the "me" may have become "us".....but it never extents to "them" ........meaning everyone else.


No thank you. I am still not going to pay $3500 to go on a cruise and babysit "yours". That is your job, Mom and Dad...every Mom and Dad to look after their children.


The phrase "do not like kids" really has nothing to do with irriating and bad behaviour on the children's part and that of their parents.


I really feel sorry for the staff.

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I agreed with the post too. I wasn't offended. (Maybe I've just developed thicker skin after being here at CC for a long time...lol)


I do everything that poster said. My kids are removed from the dining room if they misbehave. I would freak out if they touched the buffet with their own hands (they know better).


So I'm not offended...I can handle it. ;) :D


Maybe I should clear up the reason I was offended. I felt like it was a personal attack when he kept making references to "When YOUR child" does this, and "YOU think it is adorable when...".

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