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The trip from Houston to Rome was OK. I had some glitches in Gatwick. One bag does not mean a bag and a purse. I ended up schlepping my 17 inch laptop across the entired airport and checking my other bag. I was relieved when I saw the bag in Rome.

The Hassler's driver was there to greet me. He chatted to his friends the entire ride in Italian and ignored me, but we did get there fine.

Check-in was a breeze. They knew who I was when I walked in the door. I had been told on the phone that no single rooms had city view, but from my sleeping area, I had half a view, and from the bathroom, I had the other. I had sweeping shutter type windows that I left open almost all the time. I was behind the church bells. My room was just around the corner from the terrace, so I went over there a number of times.

I walked for hours and saw many things. I don't know what most were, but I have a lot of pictures. I saw churches, fountains, etc. I enjoyed seeing all the cafes and gelati places. I had a late lunch at a little pizza house. They weighed my marghareta pizza by the kg and gave me white wine. All told, cost was 5.8 Euros for 2 slices and the wine.

Later, I had dinner at the Hassler rooftop. They give the romatic tables to couples. There was everything from casual slacks to mink coat and dress on ladies. Men were in jackets with ties. I had fois gras terrine and sea bass. The fish was incredible. The did not tell that the water was 9 Euros. Everywhere, water is more expensive than wine. Even still water. The petit fours were to die for. I had the best ricotta I have ever had, also, and the chef brought out some sort of pumpkin appetizer with different colors and tastes in the same bowl. Two courses cost 101 Euros for one person.

After that, I had a nice steam at the gym and then went out to see the steps at night and walk the town at night a bit. Bought some wine and strawberries for my room. Again quite cheap. Had the strawberries for breakfast.

Went to scheduled steam bath. Gym and spa are a first rate operation at Hassler. Had a bubble bath in room and felt I was ready for another long walk. Could not endure the steps, so I walked to a park and some more churches. The art at the top of the steps is amazing. For 50 Euros you could buy amazing things. I did not do that. I bought a few cheap souveniers.

I had lunch at the top of the steps at Hassler's spaghetti place. Anything Hassler was pricy. They streets are interesting and cheap. Anyway, I had wonderful spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and basil and a lovely green salad. I was seated near a water wall and had a lovely view.

It is amazing to watch the crowd on the steps grow with the time of day, and people in Rome just walk, and most are not going anywhere in particular. I loved that.

I saw the coloseum but only from the car. I was on top of it pretty much.

The train station for Spagna is right there at the hotel, so you could figure this out if you were so inclined.

At 1:30, my ride came for the ship. This was another Mercedes, and this driver was pleasant and giving a tour. We arrived in one hour One . It took longer to get out of Rome than to go down the highway.

A young Italian said to leave my large bag. I schlepped my own carryon that was quite heavy up the gangplank. At no time was I offered assistance. At the top, I was not shown where to check in, only told where it was. I went there. Was not offered champagne, had to ask. They don't have the nice smoked salmon and things like SS. Also, I had to ask how to get to elevators, and I got lost and staff just laughed. I mad

e my way up to my deck, and a nice Filipino giggled and took me to my cabin. Again, no assistance or anything, and she just left.

Minutes later, another girl came and said she was my stewardess and showed me the room. I asked for chardonnay for the fridge. She seemed perplexed, but before bedtime she brought it. They do not have juice in the fridge like SS.

Closet smaller than SS but lots of hangers and very workable and nice setup. Bathroom is marble. No choice of amenities like SS, but the Avedo ones provided are quite nice. The couch is bigger than SS, and the whole living room is larger since the closet is smaller. This works nicely. Bedding is not as nice as SS, and I need to get some firm pillows today. TV is in a better place than on either SS sized ship. No binoculars like SS. Next time I need to remember to bring my travel ones.

Turndown was nothing special, though they left the Regent pin and a chocolate. The Passages don't give the next day's menu like SS. They do have movies going, but they end at midnight or earlier, which was when I was ready to watch.

The white orchids in the abin and around the ship are very nice.

I was told lunch was on deck 11. I found that and went up and had lunch with a nice lady and her mother. I had salad with baby shrimp and some fruit (yes my 2nd lunch). We had delightful conversation. This was when I was going to use the hot tub, but I will get to do that a lot.Some were sunbathing, and it was warm enough and lovely enough.

Service took a while there, but once they figure out you are there, they wait on you.

I gave myself a self tour of most of the public areas. I came back to my cabin and saw my large suitcase outside the door. Key did not work, so I had to get it redone, then schlepped my own bag, unlike SS where they are waiting for you and you don't touch it ever. Unpacked large bag, but before I got the small one unpacked, it was time for the lifeboat drill. This was very painless. After that, they have a block party vs. a sailing party. I met everyone on this hall. Quite a few Texans but none from my neck of the woods.

The demo on this ship is like SS, all ages, but as stated many places, it trends younger than SS.

I finished unpacking and went to the solo traveler reception and dinner. Most were 55 and up, and I was the only one in my 40s. There were enough of us for two tables, and we had a lovely time at dinner. One gentleman at my table has over 200 nights with Regent and over 100 on Voyager, and he said my experience in checkin was worth telling the hhotel director about so they will know. It was a mediocre (3 out of 10) half hour that left a bad first impression. It has all been nice since. Service is far less personal than SS. This is understandable to some degree since there are up to 700 passengers. One lady on my hall at the block party was rather nosey and snotty about single passengers being discouraged and whatall. Many of the solo travelers are married or widowed and here because spouse couldn't come and they are like me just here to take it in as it comes. We paid plenty, so I hope that will not be the typical attitude. I doubt it, and I imagine she did not mean it like she sounded.

Anyway, some people were dressed up more than others. It was country club casual. The men at our table had jackets, but 2 of the 3 were hosts, and the other was being a self host.

We had an exceptional dinner and a delightful time. I was able to get delightful choices. The lady next to me had the digestation menu. She was very happy with it. I had mussels, shrimp and king crab (two appetizers), spinach salad with egg and bacon and some wonderful balsamic. I had a yellow squash soup that was out of this world. I had the sea bream, and it was delightful. Most of us did not like the daily pour for white, a savignon, but they filled the whole glass, then we all got whatever other choices we could get. Those with the red liked it. They did not offer to switch to red, and the service was rather casual but efficient enough. The petite fours were brought out along with the dessert menu. I had a nutty one and did not order dessert.

We finished dining at 9:35. I went straight up to the show. She sang Gerschwin and Cole Porter. Then I went to Voyager Lounge and they sang a wide variety of tunes. I left when they quit. I didn't know the disco was starting.

I came to my room and perused the in-room movies. All were about half over. I read the next day's passages. They do not give the next day's lunch and dinner menus like Silversea. Is there a way to get these? I like to post them and save for a souvenier.

They have daily quizes, sudokus and crosswords like SS, and they have team trivia during tea at 4:15. Cabins have DVD players, and you can get two DVDs a day. I imagine if you have teens and turn them in, you can trade for two more.

The time changed this morning, like the old US schedule. It doesn't change in the US until next week. The clock changed automatically on the TV, a nice touch. Well, since this got deleted and I had to start over, we arrived in Livorno and I missed my stretch class. Now I may go sit in the hot tub. I think I will mosey to breakfast first once I figure out where it is.


My tour today is at 2:15 to Lucca to Maionchi Vineyard. I am looking forward to that. I may not leave the ship before that.

The weather is incredible.

I will try to get some pics up at some point.

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Debbie, I am enjoying your seamail immensely. Was on SS Cloud for 3 weeks last year and will be shortly sailing on the Mariner for a similar time. We are looking forward to our new adventure very much.

We loved Silver Seas and thought the service was fantastic. I am expecting similar on the Mariner although it must get a little less personal with double the passenger count.

What a shame your first hour was such a disappointment. That initial introduction to a ship (as also in a top hotel) can leave a lasting impression. I will never forget our arrival on the Cloud and the welcome we received and it was our first cruise ,so we were unknown.

If one has sailed on a line before and knows various staff then they are of course going to feel at home immediately. It is the way new passengers are made to feel that will guarentee repeat business and from this forum they must get it right as most members are loyal fans.

Keep the mail coming and hope all goes well and that you have a wonderful cruise.

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You can get the menus delivered to your cabin the day before. You may need to ask more than one person, more than one time, I know we did but we did have menus delivered the night before. Note, that the menus were subject to changes but they were pretty close to what was actually offered the next day. Start by asking anyone in the restaurant and we finally got it settled by speaking to Patrick, the Compass Rose dining room manager on Voyager for our experience. Good luck.

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Thank you for your views regarding the ship as a first time cruiser. I'm going to reply individually to some of your comments.


They don't have the nice smoked salmon and things like SS.
Nope they don't but they certainly should have had the champagne waiting for you as you boarded.
Also, I had to ask how to get to elevators, and I got lost and staff just laughed. I mad

e my way up to my deck, and a nice Filipino giggled and took me to my cabin. Again, no assistance or anything, and she just left.

Minutes later, another girl came and said she was my stewardess and showed me the room.

For this, I'd go to the hotel director and nicely tell him your impressions as a first time cruiser on Regent. They do not want anyone onboard unhappy and certainly would want to know so they can improve it for next time.
They do not have juice in the fridge like SS.

All you need to do is ask your stewardess. They give a general selection but if you ask, they'll provide it. :)
Bedding is not as nice as SS, and I need to get some firm pillows today. TV is in a better place than on either SS sized ship.
This is something I've written on my card also. I would love to have the choice of pillows as I normally sleep at home with a therapudic pillow.
No binoculars like SS.
I believe if you ask for them, they have them, but don't quote me on that. As stated, the menu is always on the tv on one of the channels.
They do have movies going, but they end at midnight or earlier, which was when I was ready to watch.

That's a change from when I was on in January.
then schlepped my own bag, unlike SS where they are waiting for you and you don't touch it ever.
This is also something you need to talk to the hotel director about. As I recall on my 2 Regent cruises, the bags weren't only waiting for us in the room, they were on top of the bed waiting to be unpacked.
he said my experience in checkin was worth telling the hhotel director about so they will know. It was a mediocre (3 out of 10) half hour that left a bad first impression.
The gentleman is correct.
We paid plenty, so I hope that will not be the typical attitude. I doubt it, and I imagine she did not mean it like she sounded.

Sounds like she had other issues.
They do not give the next day's lunch and dinner menus like Silversea.
As stated, the menu is always on the tv on one of the channels.
Is there a way to get these? I like to post them and save for a souvenier.

Ask and you will receive. :)


Thank you for a wonderful report.

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Thank you so much for all the detail in your post! I thoroughly enjoyed hearing about your experience while in Rome. A beautiful city to be sure.


As we are boarding Voyager in just 6 short weeks, we are eager to hear about the comparisons to SS and appreciate your detail in doing so :). Loved SS and have wondered about the differences that might exist in service with close to double the pax onboard. We are opting for a butler suite and do not relish the prospect of schlepping ANY luggage. Everything on SS was handled with such efficiency and gracious assistance that I have come to expect that level of service on every luxury line.


Keep the posts coming!

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I don't want to offend the Regent lovers, and I am having a wonderful time that will give memories of a lifetime, but I do know many like the SS comparisons. Forgive me if I offend anyone.


Today, I went to breakfast at The Verandah. I had berries and scrambled eggs and tea.


Next I went on deck and spent time between grazing in the sun, soaking in the hot tub and chatting. I skipped lunch.


Then I went to the steam room and sauna.


Next I got ready for my tour.


I enjoyed it. It was an hour each way. We saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa from the distance each way.


It is almost dinner time.


Today's differences with SS: they don't direct you to a table, don't tell you what you can order from a waiter, don't take your plate, etc. Selection more limited but great quality. SS serves you. Regent you serve yourself. Regent, things are there but you go get them. SS, they are brought to you and presented to you.


SS all tours are escorted, while Regent is not escorted.


Pool deck - drinks yes, no mist, no fruit or ice cream circulating. You can go get it yourself. Food, go get it yourself, SS you are not allowed to do your own order. They take it and serve it.


I went on the Lucca wine tour this afternoon. It was lovely scenery. Some people were bored. I don't see how. It was so beautiful and pleasant. When we came back, we were serenaded?? with When the Saints Go Marching In and given cold towels and champagne. I was moved to tears.


This was a glorious day. I don't get to see hillsides and fall colors at home.


Any questions let me know. Also you can email me at DebbieH103@aol.com. I have the blackberry with me all the time. That is faster.


Tomorrow I am going on the Overland Ajaccio tour.


Tonight is the man of 1000 voices show. I hope I can stay perky for that.

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I love to be served - while on the Mariner and Voyager - I had breakfast (mostly in my room) and lunch at Compass Rose - the Main Dining Room. I belive Compass Rose is open for Breakfast. Why not try Compass Rose for Breakfast or Lunch tomorrow? I believe it compares nicely to Silversea.

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I, too, enjoyed your seamail. It is interesting how difficult it is to compare cruiselines when you are very happy with one brand. We are "trying" to like Silversea. However, when I go on the SS boards, I find so many negative comments on the food quality, excessive amount of smoking, etc. Regent does not have the right itinerary for a cruise in February, 2009 -- I think Silversea will have it. This is one of the first pro-Silversea posts I have seen (even though it's on a Regent board).


Hope you'll update us as your cruise continues.

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Debbie, I too am enjoying your reports. Thank you for your info on the entertainment and also the food. One specific question if you don't mind. My husband drinks vodka mixed with pink grapefruit juice. Have you noticed if the bars have pink grapefruit juice? If they don't, he will have to bring his own on board and that will be kind of a bother. I'm sure you don't want to play detective on your vacation - but if you should happen to think of it, I would appreciate knowing.:) Thanks! Have a great time!

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If you like to be waited on for all meals, take them in Compass Rose. Ask to be seated in Abraham's area (breakfast & lunch - starboard side aft and dinner - port side aft). He waited on us last year and most recently in October this year, Athens to Venice. Treat him nice and he will do anything for you. If you don't see something - ask. He substituted many times for us. Just one example - the Steak Diane came with sirloin steak. We asked to substitute the sirloin with a filet mignon tenderloin. No problem. The first night we didn't like the white wine selection so we asked for a Chateau St. Michelle Riesling and got it. Every night thereafter, the Riesling was waiting for us.



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Debbie, I too am enjoying your reports. Thank you for your info on the entertainment and also the food. One specific question if you don't mind. My husband drinks vodka mixed with pink grapefruit juice. Have you noticed if the bars have pink grapefruit juice? If they don't, he will have to bring his own on board and that will be kind of a bother. I'm sure you don't want to play detective on your vacation - but if you should happen to think of it, I would appreciate knowing.:) Thanks! Have a great time!
Have your TA put the request in. They do try and accomodate requests that are easy to do, and my guess is this one isn't too difficult.
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What I think is very interesting is the highlight of what "seamless" service is versus (a) you have to know that the service is available and/or (b) you have to ask for it. It does affect the quality of one's cruise if you have to first find out it is available and then ask for it as opposed to it just happening. (Obviously for others, it is no big deal.)


Yes, there are consistent complaints about SS. The reason is that SS has created (from past performance) a certain level of service and food quality and the reports are consistently that it is just not reaching those high levels. It is still a luxury product, and well worth considering if you like its style, but not what it used to be with die hard loyal past guests.

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My SS reports are both at least 14 pages and are on CC. Very positive. Both trips were in the last 18 months. No comparision with Regent and SS, and tons of people I have met have said so except those that want left alone. Lots of it likely has to do with the ship size, but people are telling me Crystal does it.


Also, the halls smell a lot of smoke, and I see much more smoking than on SS. Obviously, that will change soon.


I am very much enjoying my trip, but if you like these cruises I surely would not hesitate to take SS!!!!


On the SS board, most that are negative are not board regulars, and those that post in detail as I do are almost negative.


I have been keeping myself busy, so I haven't had time to sit at Compass Rose for breakfast or lunch, but I should be able to do that tomorrow. I am not a buffet person at all, but the service was nice today at the pool bbq and more what I am used to and was expecting. Conversely, we had awful service at the SS pool bbq. I think some of it is that the different lines may concentrate on certain specific events and then others may not be as important to them.


So, on to today's report...


Last night, I joined the social hostess, Terry and one of the Distinguished Gentlement and the later from Britain I met the night before (Glenda), along with another guest, Bob. Glenda is 75, and Bob is 84. We had dinner at Compass Rose. I had tomato soup with fresh basil (not bisque), a small portion of linquini with clams, greens with walnut vinaigrette and osso bucco. Again, I ordered no dessert. Unless you order the fish, the mean portions are ENORMOUS.

After dinner, Glenda and I tried the Bryan G show. It was not our cup of tea. He was doing Bevis and Butthead impressions and other things.

I found Bob sitting at Voyager Lounge, and we watched the karoake. Some were excellent. Some were just having fun. The social hostesses stod where they blocked the screen so many of us could not see the words, but some of us knew a lot of them.

After that, We stayed for the dance party. Bob left at close to midnight. I left at 12:30. I got to bed at 1 a.m.

My tour started at 7:30. I tried breakfast in the room, but evidentally, I am mistaken about boiled eggs, as I found out a 4 min egg is not a fully cooked one like I amused to. Oh, well, I had the cantaloupe and got ready. I was SO tired, and I'd had an odd dream about my mom and I getting bitten by a vampire! Too many caves yesterday!

I met Jan and Fred on the tour today. We did the Overland Ajaccio tour in Corsica. This went from 7:30 to 1. We had the most spectacular views. We saw some churches and things. We stopped halfway for some refreshments. They offered many coffee type things, sodas, and juices.

We headed on and eventually ended up at a spectacular spot where they had cured meats, cheese, and local award winning wine all laid out for us. There was nice bread and pickles, also. It was spectacular to sit out there. We joined the ship at 1 pm.

Some walked into town, but we had a little mini tour. I went up to join the grilled fish bbq on the pool deck. I had sea bass, grilled zucchini, some salads, and some cherry ice cream, along with ice tea. They had a great display and presentation, and I think earlier, they had live music.

Now I am watching Georgia Rule in my cabin.

Today's tour was given by a local guide (as was yesterday's). We did have a Regent person today.

I may join team trivia today.

The captain's welcome is today. I am supposed to meet Glenda there. She went on whatever tour was leaving when ours arrived. We are supposed to go to La Verandah tonight, but it is lobster in the Compass Rose, so I hope she will change. Tonight, it is informal.

I could easily fall asleep.

By the way, my 6:30 wakeup call came on the minute, and my 6:30 room service came at 6:33.

To answer the question that ChatKat and I were debating about what time you leave the ship in Nice if it overnights there...you get your choice of departing between 8:15 and 9:45. There are 4 times. My ride is coming at 9:45, so I think I will pick 9:15. I have to decide by 6:30 tonight.

Tonight's performer is a comedian.

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I, too, enjoyed your seamail. It is interesting how difficult it is to compare cruiselines when you are very happy with one brand. We are "trying" to like Silversea. However, when I go on the SS boards, I find so many negative comments on the food quality, excessive amount of smoking, etc. Regent does not have the right itinerary for a cruise in February, 2009 -- I think Silversea will have it. This is one of the first pro-Silversea posts I have seen (even though it's on a Regent board).


Hope you'll update us as your cruise continues.


I have posted on the SS board on October 15th... an answer to the question If not Silversea..who??

IT is straightforward...and honest.....and I believe it should be helpful in making a choice between SS & Regent....

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I have posted on the SS board on October 15th... an answer to the question If not Silversea..who??

IT is straightforward...and honest.....and I believe it should be helpful in making a choice between SS & Regent....


That is a very interesting thread. I think there were many valid comments and, of course, you can read the thread as positively or negatively as you wish. I think, however, that the big issues running through the thread are those of "consistency in level and quality of service" and "style".

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I have posted on the SS board on October 15th... an answer to the question If not Silversea..who??

IT is straightforward...and honest.....and I believe it should be helpful in making a choice between SS & Regent....


It took a few minutes to find your post -- it was worth looking for. Also read the three pages preceding your post (SS people are as opinionated as Regent;) )


We are definitely considering SS -- just waiting to see their February 2009 calendar (due out in December from what I've heard). Until I can see the itinerares, I keep watching the boards -- particularly at the smoking. As long as we can dine without smokers next to us or smell smoke in our suite, it should be fine. We are not looking for perfection -- whether on a luxury cruiseship, hotel or plane. . . the reviews I have done on the Regent Voyager and Navigator stress the good but also point out weak spots. We travel for the experience -- not to be "critics". . .

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What I found out about Bryan G is that he has never performed on here before. We were supposed to have a production show that night, but there is something wrong with the sound system, so we may not get any. They are going to try to give us the Broadway show before we get off if they get it fixed. Because of this, they are scrounging for entertainment. This guy was on Navigator, and when the ships were side by side, he came over.


Last night we had another fill-in. He did British comedy and magic. Glenda laughed and snorted so much and then she went up to his Liar's Club game, but I konked out. He is Mark Wahrgun or something. He was pretty good, big improvement. Some that work for the production company also thought Bryan G was inappropriate, at least his material. He will be in a variety show tonight, and I suspect (hope) that he has been slightly adapted.


The captain's party was after the repeat guest party, and it was just an intro of officers. I met Glenda and Jeannie there. We discussed the difference in tours. All of us agreed about how good the tours have been.


We went to dinner and all had the lobster. Glenda and I had the essence of pheasant soup. I had a salad. Jeannie and I had creme brulee (not on the menu), and Glenda had a passion fruit frozen thing that she repeatedly said was delightful. I asked for a Bourdeaux and got Phully Fuse. They were a bit stingy with it but did repour.


We are in Marseilles now. I am going to take the shuttle later when I figure out what is what.


I am uploading pics to an AOL folder, and I will post that link at some point when I get uploaded the ones so far. I took many more, but this is a sampling. I left a ton in of Corsica since I figure less people have seen it.


I have had wonderful consistency on Silversea. I have had it on here, too. Consistently nice, lovely but impersonal and reactionary. I intend to put a lot of comments in the sheet today.


I think Regent repeat guest rewards kick in earlier than Silversea ones, and that is a good reason why a lot are loyal.

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