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Carnival Sensation: Review of a first cruise


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I did wake up around 6 am because of the ship switching from backward to forward while leaving the port in Nassau. It was nice to wake up and see the "land" disappear!

We didn't get up too late, went to breakfast, followed by Matt's speech about how to get off the ship the day after.

He told the internationals they had a very early appointment with immigration, he told everyone about the liquor fairy, what to do with our suitcases, how the group thing worked etc etc etc.

At some point during the morning, we also went to a seminar about how to make towel animals. People are so easily entertained... give them two towels and they are busy for an hour!!! :D We made a puppy, an elephant, a swan, ... The stewards who showed us how to do it were so funny! We had a good time, and I actually bought the towel animal book. As a side business to my regular job,I embroider towels with whatever people want, as long as I have the design on one of the many CDs with designs I have. If they still want something else (some people can't find what they want amongst more than a million designs, argh!), I digitize it myself. Now, I'll be able to fold those towels into an animal, and make their presents look even better!


After the seminar and the speech, we went to look for a stretcher somwhere where it wasn't too hot, where there was a little bit of shade and not on the aft deck. It smells like garlic there. I think it are the kitchen smells or so, nothing wrong with it, but it makes me hungry, and I was afrais my hair would smell like garlic for the rest of the vacation!

We found two chairs with view of the pool/ stage on the deck above the Lido deck, and we had some shade from the chairs that were behind us.

We watched the hairy chest contest (very funny!! and you don't even need a hairy chest), had some bites for lunch (both had a hamburger, a very good one, and ice cream/ cake in the afternoon) and for the rest we slept/ snoozed/ slept/ snoozed. I was so lazy, unbelievable! I didn't read one single page in my book. I didn't solve one single sudoku. I was too lazy to turn around on the chair (with a sunburned back as result) (btw, turning around was complicated, since I couldn't put too much weight on the foot, and it included each time putting the ligacast on and taking it off again, pfff), ...

We wanted to have lunch one day at the dining room - didn't happen. We wanted to go to the afternoon tea - that didn't happen either. It involved getting up, going to the room, putting clothes on, ... It involved way too much effort. And it was way too hot to drink tea anyway. Frozen strawberry daiguiris... now that was the drink to have! And Diet Coke for my mom, she doesn't drink alcohol.

Something that I kind of missed on the ship, was a "menu" with all the drinks on. I have no idea how American cocktails are called, and if they say me it's a yellow whatever, I have no idea what is in it. I can't drink anything that has banana liquor/ juice in it, and I don't like anything coconutty or with Baileys or so. I just sticked with the strawberry daiquiris and margherita's, but next time I'll do more research up front, so that I can have more variety in my drinks!


At some point during the afternoon, I think around 5, I felt like a roasted chicken that had been roasted for too long, and we both had had enough from laying in the sun. So we got dressed (as in: put something over our bikini/ bathing suit) and did some shopping on board. I looked at some jewelry but didn't buy anything. Basically because I only wear "real" (real 18k gold, real diamonds, ...) and the real stuff was too expensive (+ I enherited the week before quite some beautiful jewelry from my grandmother). The fake stuff... had too many fake diamonds, which makes it rather difficult to wear it. Yes, I did think about buying a fake necklace/ earring set. But people would never believe I own a necklace with 20+ big diamonds, and it's not something I can wear each day to go to work, so I didn't get it. Oh well... Maybe next time... or not. Or wait! That money I saved because I didn't buy it pays for my next cruise! Which will be in April/ May 2008 when I will re-do this vacation with my mom and brother. Because I couldn't really enjoy the whole vacation because of the foot (and all the pain it involved), we are doing this same vacation again, just another cruise destination, my brother wants to go to the Cayman Islands. Whatever! As long as the weather is nice, I am happy!


Where was I? Oh, the shopping! I bought one of those bathing suit cover up thingies, it's white and has little straps and lots of embroidered flowers and some sparkle in the front. I should have gotten it on the first day instead of the last, so that I could have already worn it, but oh well... It is elastic-y, so it should still fit on the next cruise.


After shopping, we got really dressed in nice clothes, made our suitcases and put those outside the room while keeping handluggage and clothes for the next day/ toiletries we would still need in the room, and went to dinner. And I really pigged out. I ate two appetizers, two entrees and two desserts. I first had smoked salmon and the fried cheese. Then salmon and the chateubriand. And then the warm chocolate cake and the fruit plate. Hey! Fruit is healthy! :D

After that, I felt sick, but it was all sooooo gooooood! Since this was also the last dinner, I finshed my bottle of wine. And since this was the night the "Curves" show was on, we hurried up to find us a seat in the Fantasia Lounge.

I really loved this show. As Matt said, there is nothing to see that you can't see on the Lido deck during the day. Yes, the girls do wear G-strings at some points, but it doesn't show anything that shouldn't be shown. And during the referral to the Crazy Horse show, they actually wear skin-coloured body suits (as opposed to the Crazy Horse where they are really naked, and dressed by the light, less than two months and the show is on tv again on New Year's Eve, woohoo!)

Some costumes, especially those from the singers, could be updated a little bit and be a little less eighties/ nineties, but it fits the decoration of the ship, so...

Imo, the show ended way too soon, but alas, nothing to do about it :( After the show, we walked around a little more, went looking once more to the pictures, and then went to our room and to bed. We were looking into a busy day the next day and we were tired from doing nothing.


About the pictures: We bought quite some pictures during this vacation, something we rarely do otherwise. We bought many from formal night (so expensive, argh!) and some others. Too bad we couldn't find all of them :( If there are pictures you really really want, take them yourself too, because you can't always count on them being there in the picture gallery. Apparantly, sometimes there are troubles with the camera, and your picture doesn't come out.

Now, the only rude employees we encountered were those involved with pictures. Whether they took the pictures or sold them, most of them were so rude! I don't know what is different about them that they act so different, but anyway...


Other things we did that last day/ evening is handing out extra tips, filling in the comment cards (didn't win the free cruise though), seeing so many things we didn't do (like playng on the slot machines), ...

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Way too early our alarm clock wakes us up. Ouch, it hurts! It should be illegal to have to get up this early while on vacation! But nothing to do about, we have an early meeting with immigration. As so many other people, because there is quite a line. And although I said to the Canadian ladies we had met that I would go in my night gown/ bathrobe, my mom had forced me to get dressed. Did I already say I loved those bathrobes? Next time, I'm going to buy one! But no pre-order them through the BOn Voyage thing, because you ca't be sure they send what you order. The towels weren't the same ones as on the picture on the website :(


Anyway, after getting through immigration, which went very easily, and after all the other internationals get through immigration (they have to page one couple more than once!) the whole ship is cleared, and they can start throwing people off! Since we are in a group like 12 or 13 or so, we have some time, and so we have breakfast with a view... on Mickey that is! While eating just some toast (still sick from eating too much the day before) I dream about a cruise on that ship... One can dream...

We also look at the logistics involved with cruises. Basically, in those couple of hours that the ship is at the port, it ha sto be made ready for the next cruise. Many many many trucks are lined up to deliver their goods. Too bad not all of them have the brand names on the side, like the Cocal Cola one, and the dairy one!

We also noticed that before the goods are put on board, a drugs dog sniffles at about every box. Interesting... I wish they had "backstage tours" about all the logistics involved, just like the one we did at Disney a week later. Logistics in port as well as on the ship itself. It just interests me, what can I say!


And then it's our group that is called, we go downstairs, off the ship :( into the terminal, they show us the elevator, we come down, find our suitcases very easily, call for a porter who "linecuts" and just minutes later we are outside, waiting for the rental car shuttle. Woow! It's not only Disney who has its logistics to a point, Carnival knows how to handle this efficiently too! I am surprised how well it works to get off and get luggage.

Just compare: you get off an airplane. Where there are +/- 200 passengers. It involves pushing most of the times. It involves waiting for luggage + a struggle to get that suitcase of the belt because the handle is in such a position you can't reach it. Here you have to get +/- 2000 passengers off. There was no pushing. There was no waiting for luggage. And there was no struggle for that handle. We were really amazed.


The rental car shuttle arrived quickly, the car wasalready waiting for us, and after a small struggle to get everything in the car, we were waiving good bye to Cape Canaveral. Well, more or less... we drove to the Lone Fish Hole (or something like it), to get on the Twister airboat rides. It was nice, but it was just that: an airboat ride. Not too many alligators involved...



Did we enjoy the cruise? Yes! We didn't get seasick, we didn't feel claustrophobic, ... so we will do it again. April/ May 2008, with three this time. Well, it's always possible I end up there earlier, if I have to be in the neighbourhood for work (in the neighbourhood means anywhere in the USA or Canada... Or Mexico, or any other place that is on that side of the ocean).


The employees were all very nice, ship was clean enough for us (we didn't notice anything we thought was not clean), the food was very good (we didn't understand why our table partners were always complaining that it was too dry, not dry enough, too cold, too hot, too strong, too weak, too salty, not salty enough, ...) Maybe we are just easy to please, but I enjoyed everything. Of course, there are always things you like more than others, like there is no way I can eat anything that has been around bananas or don't like red cabbage or applesauce, but nothing deserved the tag "bad". I didn't like the mango mousse I ate at some point, but can't call it bad, it's just not somethin I liked.

I think they had very good hamburgers.

I liked the cake research I did, and I enjoyed to study those decorated cakes that are used as center pieces for the dessert-section of the buffet. It may have seemed weird that I was looking at those flowers, but I am learning to be a patisserie chef, so at some point I will have to be able to do that myself, and it's nice to have examples.


I can't comment too much on the entertainment that went on at night, because we were usually too tired to enjoy it.

I really liked the classical music that was played in the atrium, and I loved the two shows I saw in the Fantasia Lounge. CD Matt was funny, for as far as we went to his "things" (the welcome and farewell speech, lol).


We were disappointed by that Captain's party. According to the Canadian ladies we were treated bad because it's "just" women, and not a family. They were in the same situation as we were. They might be right, because they sometimes walked by with trays going to a family that was two tables further while ignoring us. Oh well... some assertiveness from my side made that we had two drinks, and some meat balls (meat balls??? as little bite at a "formal party"??? We thought it was strange, as did those Canadians think it was strange... Meat balls?????) (they were not too bad though)

I am glad we switched tables/ dining rooms after that first night. We were way too uncomfortable that first night. Carnival didn't make any problem out of it, but I wouldn't have known it was possible if I hadn't known it from this board.

Getting on and of the ship is easy, as well in the beginning/ at the end of the trip as in ports of call.


Will we cruise again? YES!

Will we cruise Carnival again? yes, although we'll not limit ourself to it. The big dream of course is to go with Disney cruise lines, something we'll do if the rest of our vacation is not Walt Disney World (there is something as too much Mouse), but also itinerary and price will be part of the choice.

The day we arrived back home, November 3, 6 am in the morning, about the first thing I did was take our Carnival catalogue and see what other short cruises they have. I saw two that could be a possibility, so it's possible we'll cruise Carnival again in Spring.

Another cruise-dream is Alaska, but that involves saving money first (the money that came from my grandmother is for an appartment/ house, not for vacation. I really intend to not use it for vacation... I really... oh, what the heck, one vacation won't hurt! ;) )

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I put on a minimum of make up, my mom didn't want too. Too bad, because... well... it made all the formal pictures not look too well. Oh well... Next time I'll have pictures taken of just me, without her.

I love reviews, I love diverse opinions. I don't really how much people have on their plates and I don't people watch to point fingers or make fun. I love to people watch because I enjoy people and I love to see my fellow travelers having a good time. Its still amazing to me that here I am from Philadelphia on the same cruise as someone from CA, from Beligum, England, Japan etc.


I do draw conclusions about the people writing the reviews. I maybe way off base but in order to decide how credence to put into the review I try to make some informed decisions. For this reviewer my perception (my perception is my reality) "okay she is going to be critical of Americans." Again, that was my perception. Second when I got to the quoted section I thought the poster is definitely very immature. I don't care how well I looked every picture taken with my mother is going to be better than one taken without her. I wouldn't even care if she had combed her hair. So for me... and again just my conclusions was that the OP is a bit selfish.


Did the OP ever think someone watching her order two desserts and extra entrees might make snap judgements about all Europeans?


But I really enjoyed the review and I appreciate the time the OP took to share her experience with us.

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I do draw conclusions about the people writing the reviews. I maybe way off base but in order to decide how credence to put into the review I try to make some informed decisions. For this reviewer my perception (my perception is my reality) "okay she is going to be critical of Americans." Again, that was my perception. Second when I got to the quoted section I thought the poster is definitely very immature. I don't care how well I looked every picture taken with my mother is going to be better than one taken without her. I wouldn't even care if she had combed her hair. So for me... and again just my conclusions was that the OP is a bit selfish.




I took her post about her mom as tongue in cheek. It actually made me laugh. The problem with these boards is you can not see the expression behind the post..



Op thanks for coming back and finishing your review! Sounds like you and your mom had a great time! I agree with you about Freeport. Actually the beach we visited had this sugary soft white sand. Never on any of the islands did we see this. And we have been to quite a few. Like you said you need to go farther then the port and you will be amazed of the beauty of the island;) I too think the Disney ships are the prettiest (from the outside lol) I just can't see spending that much money to cruise them.

On another note here my biggest pet peeve of America is if you are not politically correct here.....you are bound to hurt someones feelings:rolleyes:

Thanks again!

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I took her post about her mom as tongue in cheek. It actually made me laugh. The problem with these boards is you can not see the expression behind the post..


I agree with not being able to see the expression. Again, it was the overall tone of the post that made me think the poster truly was disappointed in the pictures because her mom did not look good enough. Again my perception and I know my perceptions may not be right.


Since I communicate frequently with my employees through email I know you have to try not to read things into the "non-verbal" message. It is harder to do here since you don't have any knowledge of the poster's personality. Which is why I love the ;-)

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Thank you for taking time and caring enough to let us know about your trip. I loved your review and felt like I was on the cruise with you.

Hope your ankle is feeling better. Sounds like you are already planning another fun vacation. We are planning another Carnival cruise in June, this time a 7 day one.

Take care,


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I took her post about her mom as tongue in cheek. It actually made me laugh. The problem with these boards is you can not see the expression behind the post..



Op thanks for coming back and finishing your review! Sounds like you and your mom had a great time! I agree with you about Freeport. Actually the beach we visited had this sugary soft white sand. Never on any of the islands did we see this. And we have been to quite a few. Like you said you need to go farther then the port and you will be amazed of the beauty of the island;) I too think the Disney ships are the prettiest (from the outside lol) I just can't see spending that much money to cruise them.

On another note here my biggest pet peeve of America is if you are not politically correct here.....you are bound to hurt someones feelings:rolleyes:

Thanks again!



Yes but in the same regard some on here go out of the way to make sure and not say anything negative towards the OP and defend anything she said. So as not to be offensive to her, 'cause lets see she still goes outta of her way to trash americans as fatter than Europeans (Did you happen to read the stats I posted?) by saying ever so graciously that she vactions in America, because she can easily fit into an "American medium", where as in Belgium she is forced to wear a what was it like XXXL, please just looking at the pics as a GUY I can tell you she isn't no "American medium." So by defending everything OP says to me comes accross as trying to be pretty PC and happens to be my biggest pet peeve. I personally like to read these boards for reviews of the sensation to see what the ship holds in store, not peoples opinions of other cultures, be it slobby fat outta shape Americans or Rude men from India (after reading the review, makes me wonder were they just being rude back and not because they were women?) Anyway thats my review of this review, Thanks for reading.

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Something that I kind of missed on the ship, was a "menu" with all the drinks on.
They are usually available at most of the bars, and at some of the tables on the promenade deck.


Well, more or less... we drove to the Lone Fish Hole (or something like it), to get on the Twister airboat rides.
I think you are referring to the Lone Cabbage Fish Camp.


Thanks for coming back and finishing your review -- we're looking forward to our return visit on Sensation next month.

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Yes but in the same regard some on here go out of the way to make sure and not say anything negative towards the OP and defend anything she said. So as not to be offensive to her, 'cause lets see she still goes outta of her way to trash americans as fatter than Europeans (Did you happen to read the stats I posted?) by saying ever so graciously that she vactions in America, because she can easily fit into an "American medium", where as in Belgium she is forced to wear a what was it like XXXL, please just looking at the pics as a GUY I can tell you she isn't no "American medium." So by defending everything OP says to me comes accross as trying to be pretty PC and happens to be my biggest pet peeve. I personally like to read these boards for reviews of the sensation to see what the ship holds in store, not peoples opinions of other cultures, be it slobby fat outta shape Americans or Rude men from India (after reading the review, makes me wonder were they just being rude back and not because they were women?) Anyway thats my review of this review, Thanks for reading.


You and I see things differently:) And I was not really defending the op I was actually agreeing with her;)

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You and I see things differently:) And I was not really defending the op I was actually agreeing with her;)



If I came across as very short (which i'm sure I did) I appologize I'm working long hours and really needed my vacation to get here (IT IS THANK YOU GOD!) Plus I really dislike anyone who views thier culture as superior to others. She just came across to me as writting her whole review as a way to bag on other cultures. Yet then she wants to whine that two guys from India and the staff at the Captain's dinner were so very rude to her. I've only known one guy from India, he was a Doc at a local hospital and he was one of the nicest guys you'd ever meet. I've also only been on two cruises, but have found the cruise staff to be some of the best around. :D I won't however back off this fact, I've seen and dated "American mediums" and that wasn't even close to being one.:D

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I don't get this whole thing?

But then again, I forgot it's only OK to post comments about other passengers if you're on a cruise leaving from San Juan, and the other passengers are Spanish-speaking :)


For the record: nowhere did I say that all the Indian men are rude. The company I work at has over 16000 Indian employees, and all the ones I know are nice.



So, here it goes, I think this is the review people on this board are looking for:


We boarded the ship. Omg, was that shower small. And the room smelled! The food at the buffet wasn't any better than the one you get at a Golden Corral. At dinner, employees weren't nice enough because they didn't call us by our first name.

Freeport was a dump, no use in getting off the ship. When you are at Nassau, hurry up to go to Atlantis, it has a very nice aquarium and lots of slides.

Curves is nice but risque.

Disembarkation was chaos.


Is that what you all want to read? I guess not, because this is not what happened and not what we lived on that cruise. Yet, this is what I read all the time in the reviews.

I gave my review of the trip. From my point of view, because basically, in my head, I can't know what the point of view of someone else is.

If you don't like it, just stop reading, there is more than enough to read on here, I don't force you to read about my experiences on this cruise.

If you hate me because of this, you might want to not come on a cruise leaving from Tampa on May 5 for Cozumel and Cayman, because chances are high I'll be on that cruise. And you know, I "hate" Americans (right...) :)


And for the record, I do fit in a medium at Tommy Hilfiger.


Btw, what will people think if I order two desserts? Well, they'll probably think that Belgians like to eat. Which is exactly how our culture is: we like to eat. What you think about the rest of the Europeans because of me eating two desserts: what do I care?

I am not "bitten in the butt" (literal translation from a Ducth expression) because someone would tell me that I eat a lot.

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sandravb79 - I don't think anyone HATES you because of your review. Most everyone appreciates the time you took to share your review.


I think there is a difference between a cruise director talking about people running to the buffet or a comedian making jokes about the line to the dining room. It is part of a routine. It is meant to be funny and an exaggeration.


Unfortunately, your review came across as "Americans" piling plates up.

"Americans" trashing ports. I personally get off at every port. I may never have an opportunity to visit this place again. Your opinion was that you liked Freeport. I guess I think you could have told us that without dishing a whole country. We know that there are plenty of dumps in the USA but what you consider a dump might be somewhere I hold near and dear.


As for piling up plates.. as someone said did you check the passports of all the people with food piled high. Did you look at the type of food that was piled high? Since I am sure you were not the only non-American couldn't you just have said "some passengers".


The same with small showers. I've sailed on RCI and will say they are small showers. I would never complain about Carnival's showers. I think they are fine and I am definitely an overweight American. I have read complaints from non-Americans about shower size so they must be expecting some different. Again, to get your point across that you were surprised that anyone could complain about the showers it was not necessary to bring in any country.


Except when you were using that broad brush I enjoyed your reviews. You looked lovely in your formal dress and boy is your mom young looking.

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I think there is a difference between a cruise director talking about people running to the buffet or a comedian making jokes about the line to the dining room. It is part of a routine. It is meant to be funny and an exaggeration.


For the record I am American and I have experienced the same as the op. Infact we always joke about how the people pile the food on their plate like no tomorrow. Now while I don't say the word American if I were to experience this from a cruise port in Europe where the majority of cruisers were European. I would say the European people. It is just natural. I really don't think you have to look at someones passport to figure out that they are American lol!


Unfortunately, your review came across as "Americans" piling plates up.

"Americans" trashing ports. I personally get off at every port. I may never have an opportunity to visit this place again. Your opinion was that you liked Freeport. I guess I think you could have told us that without dishing a whole country. We know that there are plenty of dumps in the USA but what you consider a dump might be somewhere I hold near and dear.

I believe that is exactly what she was trying to point out. By giving examples (not dishing)




As for piling up plates.. as someone said did you check the passports of all the people with food piled high. Did you look at the type of food that was piled high? Since I am sure you were not the only non-American couldn't you just have said "some passengers".


The same with small showers. I've sailed on RCI and will say they are small showers. I would never complain about Carnival's showers. I think they are fine and I am definitely an overweight American. I have read complaints from non-Americans about shower size so they must be expecting some different. Again, to get your point across that you were surprised that anyone could complain about the showers it was not necessary to bring in any country.


You have never complained about the showers but I have read on here many many times how people complain about how small they are. How the curtain sticks to their body....the op must be reading the same posts as me.

To hear that european showers are smaller was something I learned. Since I have never been to Europe this is good info for when we do go there.


Except when you were using that broad brush I enjoyed your reviews. You looked lovely in your formal dress and boy is your mom young looking.


I think some are just taking things a little too personal.;)

Do you notice you keep saying "I". I don't believe the op's review was directed at you personally.

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I don't get this whole thing?

But then again, I forgot it's only OK to post comments about other passengers if you're on a cruise leaving from San Juan, and the other passengers are Spanish-speaking :)


For the record: nowhere did I say that all the Indian men are rude. The company I work at has over 16000 Indian employees, and all the ones I know are nice.



So, here it goes, I think this is the review people on this board are looking for:


We boarded the ship. Omg, was that shower small. And the room smelled! The food at the buffet wasn't any better than the one you get at a Golden Corral. At dinner, employees weren't nice enough because they didn't call us by our first name.

Freeport was a dump, no use in getting off the ship. When you are at Nassau, hurry up to go to Atlantis, it has a very nice aquarium and lots of slides.

Curves is nice but risque.

Disembarkation was chaos.


Is that what you all want to read? I guess not, because this is not what happened and not what we lived on that cruise. Yet, this is what I read all the time in the reviews.

I gave my review of the trip. From my point of view, because basically, in my head, I can't know what the point of view of someone else is.

If you don't like it, just stop reading, there is more than enough to read on here, I don't force you to read about my experiences on this cruise.

If you hate me because of this, you might want to not come on a cruise leaving from Tampa on May 5 for Cozumel and Cayman, because chances are high I'll be on that cruise. And you know, I "hate" Americans (right...) :)


And for the record, I do fit in a medium at Tommy Hilfiger.


Btw, what will people think if I order two desserts? Well, they'll probably think that Belgians like to eat. Which is exactly how our culture is: we like to eat. What you think about the rest of the Europeans because of me eating two desserts: what do I care?

I am not "bitten in the butt" (literal translation from a Ducth expression) because someone would tell me that I eat a lot.


Ok, you caught me on a bad day. I was probably a little harsh (Ok probably alot harsh) and being that my wife is a social worker when she reads my post she will take care of me for ya, trust me on that one. So after carefully studying the pics again I am willing to conceed that you are indeed an "American medium". After all I'm 1/2 Dutch so anyone who uses dutch expressions can't be all bad. Plus get this my wife and I are looking at the 5 day out of Tampa May 5. Go figure, so hey if we are both on board don't slap me too hard:eek: , it was the 1/4 irish and 1/4 italian that made me write the mean spirited reply.;) Thanks for the Review

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Ok, you caught me on a bad day. I was probably a little harsh (Ok probably alot harsh) and being that my wife is a social worker when she reads my post she will take care of me for ya, trust me on that one. So after carefully studying the pics again I am willing to conceed that you are indeed an "American medium". After all I'm 1/2 Dutch so anyone who uses dutch expressions can't be all bad. Plus get this my wife and I are looking at the 5 day out of Tampa May 5. Go figure, so hey if we are both on board don't slap me too hard:eek: , it was the 1/4 irish and 1/4 italian that made me write the mean spirited reply.;) Thanks for the Review


Well, if we will be on the same cruise, we'll have to buy each other a drink!

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Holy Moley!!..i Tell You What..i Normally Post On The Rci Boards And Just Popped Over To Read A Review....and Gosh...this Poor Girl!! I Thought It Was Well Written, An A Review Is Just That...what She Thought, And Unless You Are A Fat Slum Livin' American I Cant See How You Would Take Offense....jeez People...loosen Up!

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Holy Moley!!..i Tell You What..i Normally Post On The Rci Boards And Just Popped Over To Read A Review....and Gosh...this Poor Girl!! I Thought It Was Well Written, An A Review Is Just That...what She Thought, And Unless You Are A Fat Slum Livin' American I Cant See How You Would Take Offense....jeez People...loosen Up!


LOL! I agree.

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Ok I just read all the posts and I think some of you people are waaay overly sensitive. What the op posted regarding Americans I think she was pretty much right on. I have witnessed the same thing at the buffet on all my cruises. The average American is overweight and possibly that could be the reason some complain about the showers. And we loved Freeport. Just happens it was one of the best beaches we ever visited. But then again it gets the worse rap on here.

She did not call Americans fat or stupid:rolleyes: She is posting her experience as she saw it.

And yes I am American;)



Right on, I coudn't have said it better myself. You over eating Americans need to get a grip. LOL

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Right on, I coudn't have said it better myself. You over eating Americans need to get a grip. LOL


I know you didn't "attack" me on the over-eating American thing :) , but here it goes anyway:

I never said anywhere that it were just the Americans who were running for the buffet as if their life depended on it. I have said that many Americans are twice as large as Europeans, and I know that was too harsh, because it isn't that bad. But when I was talking about the buffet-stampede, I mentioned "other passengers", and yes, that does include that German family too, for example.


That some people are bitten in the butt by my review, probably because they recognize themselves in it, and then project the whole thing on themselves and their nationality, I can't help that.


OK, now I need my morning-coffee. :)

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