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Comparing RCI to X - LIVE from the Decks of the Grandeur! 11/25 to 12/8/07


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Comparing RCI to X – LIVE From the Decks of the Grandeur

Repo - November 25 to December 8, 2007

Here we go again with one of my ‘Live From’ reports. Not a lot of stops with good internet cafes and we all know what it’s like on the ship so will try to post every other day. As usual for me, this will be an account of how my friends and I spend our days onboard, the things offered, the things we did, menus, food critiques, etc. If such mundane fare is not your cup of tea, stop now! This is what it will be.

Will be glad to answer any specific questions you may have.

And so we begin.

Day 1 - November 25, 2007

WE ARE ONBOARD! First ones on at a little after noon! Easy, easy embarkation.

On this trip I am traveling with my Baltimore friends, Earl, Earl’s mother Sally, Earl’s son Ryan plus Roger and Cil, our mutual friends from Rhode Island. Such a great group that I know this trip is going to be a BLAST!

Drove up to the port in Excursion Limo which managed (with good packing by driver Edward) to accommodate 6 adults and mucho luggage. Waited for inspection of car by dogs, then on to the luggage drop-off where ‘The Grandeur Six’ (as we will call ourselves) also were dropped off. Very short walk to building entrance, another short walk to security where we passed through without a line (not even a beep from my bionic joints or TENS machine) and I walked right up to the ‘Suites, Diamond Members’ check-in window. We were through this entire process, including pictures by 10:50. There were maybe a hundred people there, sitting and waiting on embarkation. We did beat the buses that started to arrive about 11:30.

I’m going to digress just a little and tell you that I had an uneventful trip driving to Tampa on my way to Baltimore. Made a detour through The Villages for a specialty store to order some Christmas presents. I have long contended that The Villages was a cult because, having met many people who live there, when asked about the area, they all get the same glazed look in their eyes and start muttering words like ‘paradise’ and ‘utopia’. Now, having actually driven into the Town Square area, I have to say ‘WOW’! It is indeed a little like Disneyland for the over 55 set. Absolutely beautiful! To The Villages residents: I now understand!

Arrived in Tampa about 6 PM (this was on Monday) and decided to have dinner before checking into Doubletree Westshore. I like this hotel and usually stay there pre-Tampa anything. This trip the room was $89 including free parking, shuttle to airport and shuttle pick-up at port on return. Stopped at a favorite restaurant of mine (and of joramrose), Sweet Tomatoes. Ate WAY too much Caesar Salad, Lentil Soup, Chili, Blueberry Muffins and Corn Bread. Almost glad there is not one closer to me. It all sounds so healthy (soup and salads), but when I’m serving myself it can get way out of control!

Too full to eat anything else, I did find room for the warm chocolate chip cookie I received when I checked into the hotel! Bed, as always, was fantastic. Slept like a log.

Took the 9 AM shuttle to the airport (which was mobbed, even on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving!) but made good time through SW check-in and security. My flight was 11:10 and we left right on time, arriving into BWI about 10 minutes early. As usual for a holiday, the SW crew was in rare form, decorating the plane and telling jokes. Sure makes the flight go faster.

I had my luggage in about ten minutes and was outside waiting on my friend to pick me up with only one slight mishap where my luggage fell off the cart (I’m not real good at stacking those things) in the middle of the commercial vehicle pick-up lane. You can imagine that caused quite a bit of horn honking and hand gestures! Like that’s going to help me pick it up faster!!!!

Finally made it to the regular pick-up lanes where my friends found me and within minutes we were on our way to my favorite place for Crab Cakes! Wonderful lunch!

We also had a great Thanksgiving meaning we all ate too much. But it was so good we redid the whole thing the next night with leftovers! Of course we had to make a foray out on the day after Thanksgiving for a little shopping. We said we weren’t going to but there we were, 5:30 AM joining in the ‘fun’!

On Saturday we were back to BWI to pick up our friends from Rhode Island. We drove them on a tour of Annapolis and went back to the same restaurant for Crab Cakes, conversation, a little wine and lots of catching up. We did some discussing of the cruise as they have never been on RCI. But mostly we stuffed ourselves with Crab Cakes!

That didn’t take too long, did it? We are now back to Sunday and the pick-up at 10 AM

by our car service.

Once onboard, we headed for the Library to wait for the normal 1 PM opening of the fire doors to access our rooms. The Library has, at this time, a very small, very poor selection of books, but very comfortable chairs for waiting. I assume the book situation is a product of the write it down your self check out system. I would imagine a lot more unfinished books go home in luggage than when they actually had librarians. I would bring most of your reading material with you. As it turned out, the rooms were not available until 2 and everything was running a little late, eventually including our departure. We were assured the late departure (about 5) should not affect our 10AM arrival into Bermuda on Tuesday.

Once we could get into our cabins and drop off luggage we went up to the buffet for lunch. It’s an attractive room with various stations to keep bottlenecks to a minimum.

I tried the Caesar Salad with Lo-Cal Caesar Dressing. It had all the fixings, including anchovies and was very good. The piece of Honey Stir-Fried Chicken I got tasted good but the chicken was nowhere near done. The beef they were slicing was, even rare, rather dry and almost mealy. I did like the Wahoo with Teriyaki Sauce and the green beans. The food was not very hot but this can be a problem with any buffet.

I went back and got some cottage cheese with shredded cheddar and found some pineapple on the dessert bar. Did take one bite of some truly decadent chocolate things that were a cross between pudding and fudge. I’d rate it about the same buffet as X but without the made to order Pasta Bar. There was pasta, but just set out with sauces to serve yourself. A sandwich bar was in evidence but again, they seemed to be pre-made and not made to order. This was only the first day so will reserve judgment.

Went to the show at 7:30 (which was packed) got seats in the very back row. We won’t do that again as it was used as an aisle way and people were constantly walking in front of us. We’ll find better seats for the next show!

The CD, Simeon Baker was fun, proving that, as he said ‘white guys can dance!’ The Grandeur of the Seas Musicians may sound okay, but they are always a disappointment to me because they look so sloppy up there in polo shirts! I guess I’m just too used to X’s orchestras who, even on casual nights, take the stage in jackets. We never saw the Royal Caribbean Singers and Dancers that were listed in the daily but Phil Tag did a full show and is a good comedian. It was the only show he will do for us and was very good even if he did stop in the middle to hawk his CD (sold in the lobby after the show and the gift shop)! I very much enjoyed his humor.

Dinner was casual. The RCI dress code in the daily for casual does not preclude jeans and there were many worn that night. We have late seating at table 58 which was set for 8. We were joined by a lovely couple from Virginia but the other two seats remained empty. Maybe we will have them join us Monday night.

Following the advice gleaned from this board I ordered the Vidalia Onion Tart (very good) and the Roasted Tomato Soup (also very good). I went out on my own and picked the Prime Rib, rare for my entrée. It was good, nothing special and not very rare, but fine. The others at the table had a Cod stuffed with Red Skinned Mashed Potatoes and the Seafood Ravioli. Everyone pronounced their food good or very good. Desserts at our table were Lemon Sherbet (not really sherbet, but good), Butter Almond Ice Cream and Apple Pie w/Vanilla Ice Cream. They were all winners.

Things I like, have thought strange, did not like or think X does better (so far):

Embarkation. Absolutely flawless.

Glass elevators in center atrium area – lovely.

Buffet set up much better than X. Bottlenecks are kept to a minimum even when serving large numbers of people as on embarkation day. They do however use those LARGE platters in place of trays. I don’t think they are better or worse than the trays, I’m just not used to them.

No little folder with ship map, instead they have changed to a full sized sheet of paper, hard to read for me, with only major things outlined and cabins not shown. Hope X doesn’t, or hasn’t, gone to this.

Casino – lots of good machines in every denomination from 2 cents to $25. And tables, of course.

Coming around during dinner trying to sell ‘roses for your lady’. Tacky.

Announcement during dinner hawking Wine Tasting, Charge applies (except for Diamond and Suites). Would rather have it done the way X does it, table by table, a little more subtle.

No Wine Stewards. Wine service handled by waiter and asst waiter who have no wine knowledge. On this first night, service of wine was slow causing people to look for the ice bucket and pour for themselves. On the other hand, they do have a wine package which can save you some bucks. Sort of a trade off, I guess. Since I usually know what wine I want, the package works for me but I still miss the wine steward who really knows the wines and proper service.

That’s it for Day 1. Because I promised a comparison I will be listing things I like and dislike as we go along. This in no way means I am not enjoying my cruise or having a good time. It’s just my personal opinions of things I like, maybe don’t understand what the heck they were thinking or don’t like so much!

Bye For Now!

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Day 2 November 26, 2007

Made the decision to veg a little today. Woke up about 8 but ordered coffee and stayed in the cabin until after 10. Room service coffee only took about 20 minutes and was actually better than dining room coffee. Finally went up to the buffet for a little fruit and oatmeal. From the looks of the rest of the buffet you would not go hungry. Eggs, bacon, sausage, home fires, French toast, pancakes, waffles, omelet’s, etc. All looked very good: fresh, hot and appealing. Even though I arrived 20 minutes before they closed for breakfast, pans were still full and selection was good.

Sat there for a while and read then went back to the cabin to get ready for the Meet and Mingle at 1:30.

About the cabin. I have a Jr Suite aft on deck 7. The cabin itself is only a little bigger than the Concierge cabin I had on Constellation. Balcony is a little bigger, goes out about 10 feet from the sliding door. On the Connie I had a balcony where the ship juts out so it was a triangle shape and big enough for two chairs, table and one lounge chair. This one has the above but with two loungers and a little more walking around room. However, the deck is in terrible shape and desperately needs re-finishing. I did look in the Jr Suite next door as we were allowed into our cabins and its balcony is in worse shape than mine, All that should be taken care of in a refurb which I assume will be coming soon. Other than that, the cabin is fine. Shows a little wear but still acceptable. Plenty of storage space, drawers both in closet and in wall unit near desk. Bath has tub with shower. The mirror in the bathroom is losing its silvering in some places. Otherwise, it’s fine.

Was talking to dinner tablemates about one weird thing. They have the same type cabin and their one phone, like mine, is on the desk. Away from the bed. Very inconvenient and not real logical. Then talked to other friends who have an OV. Their phone is also on desk away from bed. This is very annoying when you are sleeping or resting and someone calls. Very poor design.

Meet and Mingle was well attended. Our RCI rep who handled the party had somewhat of an attitude. I think her name was Natalie. Not very personable and gracious was not in her job description. She actually scolded some of us for not bringing our invitations. However, once the CD came and she got up and did her little intro she seemed a lot nicer. Maybe we just hit her on a bad day. Or she wanted to make a good impression on the CD. Simeon had a short welcome speech and then he and the Activities Manager, Anna Banana, drew raffle numbers and gave away some RCI trinkets. Afterwards we did our own gift exchange which had a $10 limit and was to be something from your home area. I scored Kansas City barbeque sauces and rib rubs. Will come in handy with cookouts and certainly brighten winter menus! YUMMY!

Lunch was late due to the M & M. Buffet was only choice at 2:30. Pretty good although the selection was somewhat limited. Finally decided on fried fish but had to wait for tarter sauce. Roast Pork was much better than the roast beef yesterday. Soups were thin but I was told they were tasty. The dessert bar was too good, unfortunately. There was a luscious pound cake that Earl talked me into and vanilla and butter almond ice cream served in the rounds like at Baskin Robins. And it was self-serve. Not good for me because ice cream is truly my down fall. Given only one food to take to a desert island, I would choose ice cream. If you must know, I had seconds! On the ice cream.

The weather today was cool, very windy and almost rocky. Captain Rob assured us that tomorrow will be better, warmer and less windy. So no pool for me today, but I’m hopeful for Tuesday. We arrive in Bermuda at 10 AM but not sure I’ll be doing much. Beaches will be too cool plus I was just there a few months ago. May even stay onboard.

Decided to read on the balcony and then take a nap. Need to rest up for formal night.

The Captain’s Welcome Reception was held in the South Pacific Lounge. Live music, (pseudo) champagne was plentiful but the canapés stayed far away from us. I never understand why the servers aren’t required to work sections and cover the whole room. Tonight they seemed intent on working the area of the room off the dance floor, going to the same area again and again while totally ignoring the back and sides of the room. Not that I think I missed anything. It would just be nice to get a look at the tray! LOL! Anyway, it was a pleasant hour before we went in to dinner. I did hear that they were not serving soft drinks to non-alcohol drinkers as they have done before. The only selection without alcohol was loaded with sugar. The famous Fruit Punch. So anyone not wanting alcohol or sugar was given water. After a wait.

The dinner menu was very nice. We are still at a table for eight with only six but that makes it nice and roomy. Don’t know if the other two will show up. If not, we are okay the way it is. Company and conversation has been most pleasant. Menu included Shrimp Cocktail, Escargot, Lobster Bisque, Caesar Salad, Roast Duck and Fillet of Beef. Grand Man____(help me here folks, it’s the liquer I can’t spell!) Soufflé was the featured dessert. The Souffle was great, light and airy but the sauce was served cold which I thought was strange. Everything else was served hot, well seasoned and tasty. A very good meal.

Our table had some special requests from our Head Waiter, PT. One wanted cheese plates for the table before dinner, another wanted Escargot every night and I wanted a

plate of spinach sautéed with olive oil and garlic nightly. The others got their requests but my spinach was among the missing. PT apologized and brought me some even though we had finished our entrees. I’m sure tomorrow it will be served as promised.

The show was after dinner at 10:45 and featured Horizon, a MoTown and 50’s rock tribute type band. We had met them while getting onboard and I had said I would be going. Otherwise I probably would have skipped it. I was full as a tick and could have used a rest. I did go and boy, am I glad I did! Such a great show! Very, very high energy. Vocals were great, dancing was great, the guys have a sense or humor, don’t take themselves too seriously and it comes through in their show. They play mostly HAL, Princess and RCI however they are working on some dates with X. If you see they are on your ship, GO! They are truly GREAT! I bought the CD and I don’t do that often! They will have you on your feet and moving to their music!

Things I like, thought strange, did not like or think X does better:

So far, the comedian and this group have impressed me. I am giving RCI the edge in entertainment. Granted, I’ve only seen two shows but they were both very good.

That telephone across the room from the bed thing is not my favorite. It’s one of those ‘what the heck were they thinking’ things.

I like that X has flavored creams in the buffets but RCI has better coffee.

Lipton tea. I prefer the Bigelow.

They hawked the flowers in the dining room again tonight. Formal night. Twice tacky!

No lotion, q-tips or cotton swabs in bathroom. They do have the all purpose shampoo, body cleaner, spot remover in the dispenser on the wall of the shower. And this is a suite. I did get bars of soap but no face soap. Wonder what they get in an inside cabin? Dawn?

No note pads, pens or paper that I can find in cabin.

No billing access on TV but that might be just this ship.

Pool towels are in cabins with an ‘exchange’ rack for clean ones by pool.

It’s late and I’m tired so that’s it for tonight.

Bye For Now!

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Day 3 - November 27, 2007

We arrived right on time this morning, despite our late departure from Baltimore. I believe the ship was cleared and people were getting off by 10:30.

Earl, Sally, Cil, Roger and I had breakfast in the dining room. Pretty much same selections as X although I’m not sure I saw Eggs Benedict on the menu. Will have to check that out tomorrow morning. I did miss those wonderful orange slices X has but made do with a grapefruit half that was very, very red. Followed that with oatmeal and half a banana. Not very exciting. Everyone else had omelets. poached eggs on bagels or

Fried eggs and hash browns. I was odd man out this morning.

Earl, Sally and Ryan did the bus pass thing and toured the island. Roger, Cil and I stayed onboard. We are docked so that I had sun almost all day on my balcony and I sat in the sun reading most of the day. Roger and Cil joined me for a while but mostly it was just me, the sun, sea air and my book. It was a GREAT day!

Went to lunch at 1 only to discover the dining room was closed so we went up to the buffet. I sampled a little of everything: Spicy Asian Chicken, Broiled Fish, Beef Stew (ugh), Chicken Cacciatore, Coconut Pumpkin Custard, Cream of Vidalia Onion Soup.

All good although some dishes could have been at a hotter temperature.

Then it was back to the sun. I’m sure they had things going on, activities of some sort, but I was quite content on my lounge chair.

Went down to the buffet about 4:45 for a snack before it closed at 5 and ran into Earl and Sally eating a very late lunch. They had just returned from the bus adventure and were quite tired. Ryan was already taking a nap. I sat with them for a while with some hot tea, cheese spread, egg salad and crackers. Then (of course) I had to hit the dip-it-yourself ice cream! Two scoops of Coffee today. This stuff is going to be my downfall on this trip!

There has been some discussion about a welcome back party for Diamond and Platinum members tonight. Some people received invitations saying it is tonight while others (like Earl and I) have not gotten invitations. When I called Guest Relations at lunch time (Crown and Anchor person was only open for two hours this morning) I was told there was no party. He said the only party was on day 13 but he would have the Loyalty Ambassador call me. No call. When Earl came back this afternoon, he said let’s go in person to GR and ask. This time we got the answer that there would be two parties but on day 7 and 12. Same story, Loyalty Ambassador would call us. No call. Looks like RCI has a much better coupon book but they don’t have their stuff together where repeaters are concerned either! I’m wondering how many people showed up at 7:45 expecting a party. And if there really was one.

On that same note, most past passengers have received chocolate covered strawberries from RCI by now, but not me. I’ve gotten zilch, nada, nothing. I’m not only not feeling special; I’m feeling down right invisible!

I do plan to get off the ship tomorrow after breakfast and go over to the shopping area near where we are docked in King’s Wharf. They have a shuttle bus to take you from the ship, down the long pier and to some of the shops. I know there is internet access at a shop in the mall area so I’m going to get this posted. Then I may just come right back here and enjoy my balcony. And the sun!

We sail at 3.

Bye For Now!

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:) Hi Tuggers


I'm really enjoying 'travelling with you' and thank you for taking the time to let us all know how things are going. It's a great idea to compare and is very useful to those of us who don't want to try a different line after experiencing X. We tried many before X and haven't dared to be disappointed with another line since.


We returned from X Millennium just over a week ago and I'm missing my ice cream fix, so you have struck a chord with me. I adore all their lovely flavours and had two helpings a day - lunchtime and dinner (coffee, cinnamon, coconut). I've told myself that I can't have more ice cream until Christmas. The next time after that will be on Constellation in May 2008 - so keep telling me all the different flavours you have! At least I can imagine and imagination does have the benefit of not adding to my hips.


Have a wonderful time and thanks


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Hi Gail !


As always, thanks for your wonderful updates. Have a fantastic Cruise on Grandeur. We havent been on her in quite some time, but she is a great ship !

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Am really enjoying this travel diary. :D We are Celebrity fans, but sailed on Grandeur last year with a family group.

We think Baltimore is the easiest embarkation / debarkation we have experienced.

You are really making me green with envy - we have too many days till we are back at sea.:mad:

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Thanks so much for your reports - as you can see below, we go back and forth between X and RCCL so I understand the whole comparison. Interesting note for us - we too have had a JS on RCCL and CC on X. We have found the 2 rooms very similar with the only noticeable difference being a bathtub instead of a simple shower. The phones have always been on the bedside table - this must be a Grandeur thing. Odd, I agree. We also have had notepads and plenty of soap for tub and sink so ask your attendant for extra if you want it.


Have a great time - I am enjoying "virtually" cruising with you.

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I’m going to digress just a little and tell you that I had an uneventful trip driving to Tampa on my way to Baltimore. Made a detour through The Villages for a specialty store to order some Christmas presents. I have long contended that The Villages was a cult because, having met many people who live there, when asked about the area, they all get the same glazed look in their eyes and start muttering words like ‘paradise’ and ‘utopia’. Now, having actually driven into the Town Square area, I have to say ‘WOW’! It is indeed a little like Disneyland for the over 55 set. Absolutely beautiful! To The Villages residents: I now understand!


Hi, Gail --


Glad you enjoyed your brief visit to our "little slice of paradise"!!


Off to Barcelona tomorrow, hope we see Mike the Sommelier on this cruise ;).


Enjoy the rest of your voyage.



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Hi Gail,

your report from the decks is great to read as always. As the Grandeur was my first "BIG SHIP" it is even more interessting. I sailed her over 10 years ago, when she deputed. Many many Wouw and OOOHs, when we first boarded. Do they have still those " green chairs" in the Dinning Room?? I know Grandeur was refurbished a while ago.

I am still not sure which ship to choose for my baltic cruise next year. Constellation or Jewel of the Seas.

Greetings and happy Sailing


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Day 4 - November 28, 2007

It’s another beautiful day in Bermuda!

We (Earl, Roger, Cil and I) started off with breakfast in the dining room about 8:30. Lox and Bagels for me, poached eggs on bagels for the others. Service was great and as the other days we’ve eaten in the dining room, they practically insisted that we linger over coffee. They certainly never rush us at breakfast.

After we left the dining room Roger and I headed out to the Kings Wharf Dockside mall area. For those who are interested it is 1/3 of a mile from the ship to the bus stop/ferry area. Another ¼ of a mile to the mall. Used the internet at Swiss Connection. It cost me more to use my computer than to ise theirs. Isn’t that a little weird? Anyway, it was $6 for a half hour.

Looked around a little but didn’t buy anything.

Back to the ship and I was looking forward to lying out on the balcony in the sun. Wouldn’t you know as soon as I got out there it started to rain. That was it for the day. More rain. It lasted until we had sailed at 3. Was a good afternoon for reading and movies.

Roger, Cil and I decided we needed to get to the buffet a little early (12:30) because the rain was driving everyone back to the ship. The dining room was closed so we wanted to beat the rush. Lunch was okay, but most of the things I put on my plate turned out to be luke warm at best, I tried some nice roasted chicken – cold, There were some baby shrimp which I put on a Caesar Salad that were very good. But the things I tried small amounts of (Sweet & Sour Chicken, Corned Beef, Thai Shrimp and Chicken, etc) would have been much better hot,

Went to the South Pacific Lounge to watch Wild Hogs. I saw it at the theater but it is such a fun movie I was willing to see it good, I lasted through about three quarters of it but the room was absolutely frigid and I finally had to go back to my cabin to warm up.

Went back to the same lounge to play Bingo but I just think $35 is a tad high for the smallest package so I didn’t play. I have a coupon for a free package but I think I’ll keep it for later in the cruise.

That led me to nap time. With the rain and the movement of the ship, I was out like a light in about 5 minutes.

Show tonight was at 7 PM and featured El Gaucho doing comedy, rope tricks, music, etc.

Fairly good show. Not exactly my cup of tea but a pleasant enough way to pass an hour.

Dinner was a cold Banana Soup, Fried Mushrooms (served with tarter sauce – that was strange to me), Pork Medallions, Sautéed Spinach and Butter Almond Ice Cream. Everything was very good. It does seem that they don’t change the ice cream flavors very often. The choices for the last several nights have been Vanilla, Chocolate, Butter Almond. Lemon Sherbet. I really like the Butter Almond, but a little more variety would be welcome.

Came back to my cabin after dinner and guess what has appeared? Lotion, Hair Conditioner (no shampoo) and Shower Gel. It is the end of day 4. Was it supposed to be here all along? I don’t think it was just my cabin missing it because others have mentioned to me they didn’t have any either.

Went back out for a little while. Stopped by the Schooner Bar for a drink and to listen to Brian Blatz play the piano. It was okay but every song seemed to be played much faster than I’ve ever heard it. Could it be he is paid by the song and he wants to play as many as he can? Just kidding!

Left there and went to the South Pacific Lounge. While waiting for Karaoke we listened to Studio 4. Same thing with them. Every song was played faster than I’ve ever heard it.

Got to be pretty annoying. Karaoke started at 11 PM and we made it through till 11:45. As usual, some were good, some were great and some hurt your ears!

On the way back to my cabin I got the wonderful experience of walking where someone had gotten sick in the hall. Very, very strange. I did call housekeeping so hopefully they got it cleaned up.

Things I like, don’t like, thin is strange or that X does better:

The temperatures of the food on the buffet worry me. If this was a land based restaurant, they would never pass the health inspection.

I find the antibacterial wipes handed out at restaurant doors are very sporadic. Sometimes they are giving them out, sometimes someone is just standing there to welcome you. No wipes in sight. I would think they would be consistent. Don’t know of any sickness on the ship so maybe it’s not all that strange.

TV’s are 13”. I know there is not very much to watch on them but, hey, 13”? I have larger ones in my bathroom at home!

Tomorrow is a sea day!

Bye For Now!

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Day 5 - November 29, 2007

What a difference a day makes! All night I had terrible heartburn. Felt like everything I had eaten was lying on my chest. Earl got me some Rolaids from the shops when they opened at 9:30. After taking some I felt better and tried to sleep. An hour later I was in the bathroom, throwing up everything I had eaten the day before. After that I felt a lot better, just tired from the sleepless night and weak.

I stayed in my cabin most of the day and by evening felt okay to go to the show at 7. It was a great singer/dancer named Tony Tillman. Did a little bit of everything from country to Motown to soul. I have to say, it the shows I’ve seen on this cruise are normal

For RCI, they do beat X for entertainment. The shows so far have been terrific!

I still could not bear the dining room (still thinking about last night) so I went up to the evening buffet. Nicer than the buffet during the day, waiters were dressed better, but no tablecloths or other niceties. Some of the foods were a little strange. Like ‘Fried Hotdogs’ which seemed to be battered hot dog pieces. Anyway, I settled for some cottage cheese and went back to my cabin.

Watched TV, went to bed early. Woke up at 2 AM, hungry, so ordered cookies and milk from room service. Only took 10 minutes and was very good. I think I am okay now.

Everything feels right again.

There has been a little GI on here but that’s not what I had. I really think I had food poisoning from something at dinner. Funny, because I had just mentioned that I thought they had a problem keeping food hot enough!

Just glad to be feeling good again!

Bye For Now!

Day 6 - November 30, 2007

Good Morning! I am 100% and glad of it! We were due into St Maarten at 9 AM. It is 8:25 and we are docked! Maybe we’ll get an extra half hour to explore!

I know I am fine today because I am starved!

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Are you going to tell someone about the luke warm food....that could cause some major GI problems...if it sits there too long and isn't at the correct temp...."bugs" could grow on it or bacteria.... counting on you. Do they say when Grandeur is scheduled for updates.


Sure hope you continue to feel better...so sorry that you had a whole day on being sick.


Enjooying your posts and learning..............



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Gail - I'm sorry you had a sick day, but glad you seem to be feeling better. I love reading your reviews, they make me feel like I'm sailing with you! I sure wish I was!






My dad and his girlfriend are on their first cruise on your ship. I hate to ask you this, but could you make a call to their cabin and make sure they are ok? Their cabin is 2018, i think, lol. Just tell them Barb wanted to make sure they were having a good time.


I'll owe you one, I promise. I'm a little worried about them and don't have any way to contact them. They are not internet users.

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Hey, Gail,. you are supposed to be sending messages to Terri and me, wishing we were there with you. Yeah, Terri, I wish I was too.


Hope you get stuff straightened out before our cruise in April, I am soooo ready for beaches. I may be on crutches by then, or even a scooter, but beaches! I'll be there.


Tell that old man Roger Hi for me, and Cil too. Did you give Earl the hug I sent him????


Incidentally, if you get word there are intruders, even thieves, on yhour front porch, it is only the Bocajava folks. I will explain later.




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Hi Gail!


During your TA on the Connie, I discovered your posts. So looked forward to your trip on the Grandeur. In 2005, my husband and I were new to cruising and had our second cruise of the year on the Grandeur to Bermuda. We can easily drive to Baltimore and found it a great port. Our first cruise was on a RC ship that was newly stretched and refurbished. We had a room in the new section and it was great. Fell in love with cruising and the beauty of the ship and the whole experience. On the Grandeur I could never get over the filthy looking condition of the carpeting on the stairs and the general worn look of the ship. Since that trip we've been a little more careful about choosing ships. We'd like to go back to Bermuda and leave from Baltimore and the Grandeur is the ship making the Bermuda trips. I think the carpeting must have been replaced by now and in general is the ship fresh looking?


Thanks so much for your great reports on your trips.



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