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All this negativity is making me nuts!!


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I think some of you on this thread start a lot of the whining problems. Sometimes people post something that turns into what I see as a discussion but then a few select people start making comments like...... cancel your cruise if you don't like it.......go to KOA campgrounds......It is only $5 quit bitchen....and so on. And all this does is getting everyone stirred up and then turns the whole thing into a very big negative.


And as some one said above aren't you whining about the whiners?

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It's all cyclical.


I've been on these boards for years now and people really rage at the changes for a while.


A few years back, it was auto-gratuity, people were outraged that the cruise lines wanted to put them on the seapass account. Now, most people welcome the ease.


Although it's still up in the air as far as date, passports can be an issue for strong debate. Probably the silliest argument is "I'm an American, why should "I" have to have a passport to get back into the US?", well....that should be obvious to anyone, it's the whole point. Now the majority of people who cruise on a regular basis have passports, there used to be a great disparity in the lines for passports vs birth certificates, now they lump us all together.


Specialty restaurants. I've been on cruises where we were discussing our meal from the prior night and have actually been interrupted by rude people claiming they would never pay extra for food. Well, OK, but unless you try it you really can't know how superior the food is. And....food was never, ever gourmet in the dining room, food has been the same for years, kind of like banquet food. But many have accepted it now as another choice you make for yourself.


The list could go on, just know that these issues like all others will die down and become the norm after a while. People hate change and many people have no idea what travel can mean, the delays, the hassle and the imperfection.

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I am the KOA campground commentator. My comments are in reaction to the totally negative attitudes that seem to have taken over these boards. You are right, I am only adding fuel to the fire. Honestly, yes, I have done it by design. But, again, you are right...it is time to return to a more upbeat attitude.


We are fortuante enough that our kids have left us with just enough money to cruise two or three times a year..all depending on when we can grab vacation time...we DO NOT let things ruin our cruise.


Miss a port, have a less than steller meal, run into some rain....It matters not, we will find something to enjoy....even if it is a quiet adult beverage in some corner of the ship.


The serenity that a cruise brings cannot be destroyed by a fuel surcharge or a tiny lobster or even some poor guy who thinks he can sing taking over the kareoke mike in the lounge!


79 days and counting......

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So many good comments here and I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that doesn't care about the nit-picky stuff.


I'm lucky to be able to vacation as I do and I hope to never take it for granted or get to the point where lack of free ice cream or chocolate milk ruins it for me.


I also get irritated at the demands for compensation.


And like many of you have said, I simply LAUGH at some of the stuff posted. In the end, many internet message boards are simply entertainment for me, along with the some nuggets of wisdom.


And now, back to counting my blessings...

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So many good comments here and I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that doesn't care about the nit-picky stuff.


I'm lucky to be able to vacation as I do and I hope to never take it for granted or get to the point where lack of free ice cream or chocolate milk ruins it for me.


I also get irritated at the demands for compensation.


And like many of you have said, I simply LAUGH at some of the stuff posted. In the end, many internet message boards are simply entertainment for me, along with the some nuggets of wisdom.


And now, back to counting my blessings...

My thoughts exactly.............

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I also get irritated at the demands for compensation.


I agree with this. Have to say on one cruise we were on we had a small problem. When DH spoke to them about it all they keep doing was offering compensation.............but that isn't what we wanted. DH told them he appreciated the offer but he actually was just letting them know of the situation so perhaps a remedy could be found.


I think sometimes people complain just to get some kind of freebie and not because there is really something to complain about.............

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Like maybe the Pre-Complainer?:D

Exactly!! How you can complain about a cruise of the future beats me?????


I have stopped reading posts by certain people and it makes these boards much more enjoyable. Hopefully things will turn around soon or else there is gonna be a lot of coal in stockings this Christmas:eek: :cool:

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THANK YOU! I've only been on 2 cruises with a 3rd coming up in January and I know that things can go wrong. The sun will be come up if I don't get lobster one night or can't listen to the music of a live band. And why should I cancel my cruise and pay $50.00 per person plus a cancellation fee which might be in excess of $100.00 (per pax) because I don't want to pay $5.00 a day (per pax) for a fuel charge.


Seems like the only person I would be punishing is myself which I DO NOT plan on doing.


I feel sorry for people who always complaint and can't find the good in something. They must be very unhappy individuals.

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I'll never forget our first cruise. I surprised my husband with a 3 day cruise on the Sovereign as a Christmas gift. Packed up a whole box of tropical things including Jimmy Buffett music and put the tickets in the bottom of the box. We had two kids in college at the time and I had saved all year for this, but I really wanted to try cruising and chose the 3 day just to see if we would like it. We had a jaw-dropping experience from the moment we stepped on the ship. Nothing tops the first time! :D We try to keep that feeling in mind every time we cruise now, and I refuse to let any of the changes that come with time and circumstance ruin it for me.

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I couldn't agree more with the OP!!


It's funny.....we just got back from an NCL cruise, so I spent alot of time of those boards, and couldn't believe all the negativity. Of course we had an awesome time.


Now I've just booked on RCCL so I'm these boards, and it's the same negativity!


I truly believe that you have to make your experience your own, whether it's cruising or anything else in life. You usually get back what you put out there!

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I am so sick of all of this positive feedback OP is getting. I am very tired of all you folks with good things to say about cruising. I clicked on this link hoping to find one complainer, and I couldn't. Heck, that just gets my goat! :D :D (now that I have that off my chest) :p :p


Seriously, I love what you had to say, Pam. I would rather look at the glass half full. We have so much to be thankful for, it's very tiring to find petty things to complain about. I am very glad to see there are still a lot of folks out there that continue to enjoy cruising, and will keep on "getting out there". Things do changes, but it's a vacation, make the most of it. I sit at my desk counting the days before my next cruise.


Go LSU, beat Ohio State!!!!!!!!!!!

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I've been on these boards for several years and cruised prior to discovering the boards. Overall, it's been a great experience.


I've met some wonderful people through CC and retained friendships with some from the very beginning whether it was on a cruise or chatting on the boards, or way back.. when a group of NJ cruisers formed and bonded and are still friends that get together!!.


Lately, the negativity is overwhelming.


Fuel surcharges, no lobster, horrible embarkation, no live bands, poor food, poor service, formal wear, etc..The list goes on..


A truly seasoned cruiser/traveler knows that anything can happen. Itineraries are diverted due to storms. Rough seas happen. People jump overboard and "screw up" your trip!, flights are cancelled, some don't dress for formal night, oh well.. etc...SHI* Happens!!


Had to vent...leaving in 9 days on EOS from Bayonne. C'mon people, focus on the positive. It's getting really depressing reading about everyone's negatives!!


Fuel surcharge: $5.00 pp...heck, it's less than the Drink of the Day which people would gladly pay double for!!!


Smooth sailing....




You're definitely in the right state of mind. I think I'll go on a cruise with you. See you at the Meet & Mingle! :cool:

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It's all cyclical.


I've been on these boards for years now and people really rage at the changes for a while.


A few years back, it was auto-gratuity, people were outraged that the cruise lines wanted to put them on the seapass account. Now, most people welcome the ease.


Although it's still up in the air as far as date, passports can be an issue for strong debate. Probably the silliest argument is "I'm an American, why should "I" have to have a passport to get back into the US?", well....that should be obvious to anyone, it's the whole point. Now the majority of people who cruise on a regular basis have passports, there used to be a great disparity in the lines for passports vs birth certificates, now they lump us all together.


Specialty restaurants. I've been on cruises where we were discussing our meal from the prior night and have actually been interrupted by rude people claiming they would never pay extra for food. Well, OK, but unless you try it you really can't know how superior the food is. And....food was never, ever gourmet in the dining room, food has been the same for years, kind of like banquet food. But many have accepted it now as another choice you make for yourself.


The list could go on, just know that these issues like all others will die down and become the norm after a while. People hate change and many people have no idea what travel can mean, the delays, the hassle and the imperfection.



This is right on IMO.


It's all about change, and with change comes fear. Alot of the threads about changes have valid concerns, however some of those concerns may or may not apply to others and what they think is important. And some aren't even true at all. It's all about how we react.


Of course, almost everything on this board is point of view. My best recent advice is to myself is just stay out of those discussions (however, some threads can twist into a different topic which makes it difficult).


There is an acronym that has been used in several seminars I've attended on the subject of change and how it relates to fear.


F.E.A.R. or False Evidence Apprearing Real.


I'm not speaking of the run for your life type of fear, just negativity (fear of having a bad time on a cruise that one hasn't gone on yet).


Not everyone fears the same things and changes don't always affect everyone. Some reactions (or fears) aren't even based on an actual experience or change that has been proven true. Once one links change and fear in ones own thoughts or ideas, it's very difficult to seperate them.


Remember, this is all my opinion based on my point of view from what I've personally experienced, not judging. (I hope that's enough of a disclaimer)


I probrably have no idea what I'm talking about but I did start my own self help program.;) I Started my cure by stepping back and organizing my thoughts into what *I* think is important (and to finish my cure-we booked a cruise two days ago for the 17th of this month ;) ). We feel better already.:D


Reminds me of a quote by Henry Ford, "If you think you can or if think you can't, you're right!";)


Happy cruising!:)

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Better watch it everyone, before you know it someone is going to come along saying quit whining about the whiners.:)


My favorites:( are the ones who want compensation for any and everything. The worst I've encountered were right after 9/11. We were supposed to sail out of N.Y. but went out of Baltimore instead. Consequently, we were late getting to Bermuda and we left early so we lost about a day and a half. There were 6,000 people dead and pax wanted compensation for LOST TIME???



Just under 3000 dead actually... but got your point nonetheless.

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While I am not a "seasoned cruiser" (I will be leaving on my 2nd ever cruise in a little more than a week...) I have to agree with this thread!!!


My husband and I go on vacations to get away from everyday life (which includes complaining). Where I live we got more than 2 1/2 feet of snow! Now that is something to complain about. There should be nothing negative about going on a beautiful ship to beautiful islands and getting pampered.


Cheers to being positive!

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Yes it sure has changed over the years, and not for the better. It reminds me of the early years in AOL chatrooms. Not only the negativity but the same questions over and over. I really think that in order for you to post you should first have to pass a test on using the search function.

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Like maybe the Pre-Complainer?:D

Um, yeah, that's one of them! :o


I did try to be nice, tho. I always try to be nice, no matter how ridiculous the post seems to me. I try to not attack the person but disagree kindly with their thoughts. Most people here behave very nicely towards each other, even in heated disagreement. That's not the case with some message boards I visit.


But, hey, honestly, I'm human and sometimes am 'in a mood' (usually due to ridiculous workplace stuff - no worker is immune!). I may have on occasion come down way too hard on someone that didn't deserve it because their concern seemed so darn silly and I was cranky!


I actually feel sorry for people that get so worked up about the tiniest details of their vacation. What's to worry about? Even if the ship starts sinking, there are lifeboats! We'll even be trained to use the lifevests! Ok, sure, at that point it ceases to be a vacation and becomes an adventure. catered meals, entertainment, dinner times, pretty much the luxuries are gone, along with the toilet that didn't work.


But then, there'd be someone in the lifeboat whining about the brand or temperature of bottled water we were able to get out with ...

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I do believe we are on the same cruise then. I need to update my future cruise listings...hope to book another cruise tomorrow for Feb, quickie to the Bahamas after DW finishes a week of meetings in MIA.


Cool, make sure you join us on the roll call for September 21. We seem to have the same ideas though: southern caribbean in September and your cruise on March 15 is the same we take with my son on March 1 - for spring break. :D

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I am so glad you posted this. I have been feeling this for a while. For me it is, more specifically, the people who attack at the drop of a hat....for instance, there was a well written review (which has good and bad) and he was using a for instance.....(something he would not normally have complained about but was trying to make his point) and we had to read many a post about that one minor infraction which had nothing to do with anything. You are supposed to critique on this board....good and bad without getting attacked. This is cruise critic, not cruise cheerleader. We are supposed to support each other and look forward to cruising together. Share each others excitement and let each other know what we liked, didn't like or what in our opinion needs some improvement. There are obviously going to be differences of opinions but what draws us together on these boards is our love of cruising. It has gotten so bad, it is not fun to read anymore (this is where someone will jump in and say, "Well then why don't you go away).....

Let's get the spirit of these boards back...and think about what we post and whether we would say it to a friend's face....

I love cruise critic and want it to last for a long time!

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Great thread!

I also appear in the whining/complainers thread just to make sure they have an opposing force. Being labeled as a cheerleader doesn't bother me. Cruising is beyond any vacation experience. Being 'bottled up' with 2000 to 3000 people of different races, cultures, heritages and age groups varying from infant to almost dead at 90 and all social lifestyles you have to give up most what is so dear to you (even if it is brown sugar or almonds :D). Serving so many people is not an easy task.


In my opinion, the cruising population is becoming watered down. A lot of the complainers joined the cruising community not to long ago (some have not cruised at all, those are called pre-complainers :D). Those who have started early, like the 80s and 90s appreciate cruising much more and the understanding that things can go wrong and you take a cruise in stride is part of territory. With bigger ships, the resort style vacationing has arrived on the seas. And with that you have dumping prices and cruisers who don't understand that there is a difference between a resort on the ocean and a resort on land. A lot of the complaints are total non issues, like lobster (:eek:). Lobster used to be something special, when lobster prices were extremely high and you had to go into specialty restaurants. Nowadays, you can eat lobster everywhere yet it has become a big issue for new cruisers. The understanding a few years back was, when storage room was limited and the ability to deep freeze wasn't there, that a lot of the food was fresh or almost fresh. Nowadays they are factory manufactured and instantly deep frozen. How else can you serve dinner to 3000 and more passengers every night.


And of course with the lobster you have issues like brown sugar, almonds, the coffee is not right (its FREEEEEEE COFFEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!) just to mention a few things.


When do you have a right to complain? When you are paying for a cruise, your ship goes somewhere else where you can go every day at a cheaper rate because the ship is broken and the cruise line knows about it and doesn't do anything to fix it. That's when you can complain. Every other complain is ridiculous. Just because you pay a cruise fare you have no right to brown sugar, almonds and/or lobster. The right you have is: having a stateroom, the stateroom maintained, three meals a day (eat what's on the table/menu), sometimes 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 meals :D, use of the amenities/activities unless otherwise specified and keep as close to your itinerary as possible (barring bad weather) and the most importand right you buy with your cruise fare: have a great time.


My first cruise was in the 90s on NCL (Leeward). We booked a 4 Day cruise to Mexico to the tune of $900/person for an outside cabin (that was a chunk of money in the 90s). When we got to the port in Miami they gave us immigration forms for the Bahamas. Initially I rejected them since we were going to Mexico not to the Bahamas but when standing in line I found out that the Leeward was limping on half its engines and can only go to the Bahamas - and it was like that for 2 weeks (wished that the internet was more popular back then). So they put us for 4 Days (!!!) to the Bahamas. Living down here, the Bahamas are easily accessible to me. All we got was $50 OBC (for 2 people) and that was gone by the time we left port. This turned me off from cruising for a few years. I swore back then never to sail on NCL again and I hold true to that promise up to this day. But it made me a stronger cruiser. I gave other cruise lines a chance. I tried Carnival (was OK not great) and then RCI (and I was hooked).


Most complaints are quite selfish in nature. The complaints are minor and are just things people are either used to at home, heard of or just a result of the influx of lawsuits these days. The goal is to get as much money back to either make the cruise even cheaper or free. Some new cruiser can not cope with adversity either. Missed ports become a big deal. If a hurricane is out there they bitch and complain about missing a port disregarding the safety of those in the path of a hurricane or their fellow cruisers. Gimme money back! Unless you have a Leeward experience - live with it.


Technical difficulties can happen anytime. Today's ships are a high electronic and mechanical pieces of equipment which can not be easily fixed with duct tape. The turn around of the ships is tremendously high. Ships perform on a high level. So what if the ship shakes a little because the stabilizer don't work as they are supposed to, so what if the satellite reception is crappy at times, so what if the AC goes out for a few days. Make the best out of it.


BUT what I see and read here is luckily the exception not the norm. Most cruisers on ships enjoy the cruising experience. The selfishness, yet rising, is still limited to a minority. The reason why the complainer and pre-complainer posts seem overwhelming here is because most positive cruisers do not engage in those threads and the complainers have no where else to go: nobody else wants to listen to their pitiful complaints, so they use the anonymity of a forum to voice their complaints.


But there are great people on these boards. My last roll call was fantastic (was also my first). Great people and hopefully great friends I have met.


Now, lets keep this cheerleading thread alive.


This thread is absolutely exceptional though, simply grandiose.



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