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I think we may have to cancel


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Wow- It was hard typing that title. We are booked on the Valor for 1/6/08. My wifes daughter is scheduled to give birth around the end of January. I booked this cruise some time ago, or I would have planned our departure for a different time.

Well, she is starting to have some very early issues with the pregnancy. It looks like it may be early. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But, she is having early contractions, my wife is worried and I am worried as well. First and foremost, I want everybody to be well and a healthy baby to be born.

But, the cruise piece is starting to be more of a burden than anything...unfortunately.

I do have cruise insurance through Travelux, but they will not cover something like this. I really wish we could reschedule or something.

I guess I am probably out of luck, but I thought that I would open this up to any ideas on what I could do. I am resigned to cancelling and just losing my ass. I want my wife to be able to relax and enjoy the trip. Her take on this is to wait and see what happens....I think I would like to make a decision to minimize losses. I am not interested in taking anybody else...What would you guys do?

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My daughter was due to give birth last year before our previously booked cruise. She ended up giving birth two weeks before we left on our trip. It worked out great, I got to help her out the first week she was home and then left her in the capable hands of her lovely mother in law.



Things will work out on their own.

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My daughter gave birth to my beautiful granddaughter while I was on a cruise. Man, did the champagne bottles pop that night :D


Anyway, our cruise was booked prior to learning about her pregnancy also. We decided to continue with the cruise anyway. Who knows when the little darlings are going to present themselves anyway.


The other thought was; What am I going to do by being there. I'm sure the doctors are much more qualified than I am to handle any emergencies.


Pulled into port in Matzatlan, made the phone call to her cell, and found that Peyton Elizibeth had graced us with her presence.


Let the party begin

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I looked at it this way, the kids knew we had a cruise booked and got pregnant without our schedule in mind. Now, if she had been a teenager, I probably would have canceled my cruise, but she was 31 years old and a mature woman. She is a great mom without my interference.


I remember when I had her, I just wanted time alone with my baby and my husband and figured she would also.

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My sister was present at the birth of her first two grandchildren. With the third, we were in the middle of the Pacific. We booked the cruise ten months out, so she wasn't pregnant then. Now, we booked our QE2 cruise in August, and niece #3 got pregnant (her first, will be 33) in Nov., due the week before we leave. Maybe she can go early...EM

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I cancelled my cruise 1/26/09 and have to say it broke my heart. I was afraid of my Dad dying, he is in a Rehab home and crying and wants to come home and we have had two near death situations since late September. My mom is afraid if we bring him home it would hasten his death because he wouldnt get theraphy 5 days a week and we couldnt take care of him with a cateter and a feeding tube and all the issues going on. No one but me drives either, so Im the only one that can take my mom and sister up to the Rehab place daily.


Its a hard decision. I cant make it any easier except to say if you went on the cruise, you might be so worried you would not enjoy it. My Dad fell and broke his hip during our last cruise and I really think it affected that part of my cruise because I knew I needed to be here to drive and be with my Dad when he went thru hip replacement.


At least you know probably once the baby is born you can reschedule. Im living in limbo and have no idea how long this will last or even if I can plan something in 2009? You can live a long time on a feeding tube. Take my word for it....things could be worse. You have a set time the baby should be born and hopefully it will be born healthy and you can get on with your life.

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Sorry Firefly. : (


Is your wife's daughter insistent on her being there? For my first child, my mom was three states away. She wasn't there for the birth but got there a few days later. I say talk it over with your daughter in law and see how she feels. Hopefully she will be okay with you guys going on your cruise.

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I have some experience with birthin' babies, lol. First of all, congratulations on your impending grandchild! :)


When you say "early contractions", are they actual contractions which are changing her cervix, or are they Braxton Hicks contractions (warm up contractions which are very common). What does the OB say about what's happening? Is this her first baby? Have they given her anything to try and stop labor, or are they just monitoring her at this point? Have they checked her for a UTI, or dehydration? Tell her to drink lots and lots of water. :)


If she isn't due until the end of January, but the birth may be imminent "soon", the baby will be 5-6 weeks early, which will mean she'll need to give birth at a hospital with a NICU, and the baby will probably need to stay in the hospital for awhile. Your daughter in law would need support through this time, especially if she has other children at home that she may need help with.


Some women contract for weeks and weeks before their due date, and actually walk around 3-4 centimeters dialated, but STILL deliver near or after their due date. Contractions don't really hurt anything, unless they are dialating her. Sorry if these questions are too personal!!!


I think you should play it by ear, and decide "if this happens, then we won't go, but if this happens, we will go". It will give your wife peace of mind to know that you have a well thought out plan, even if the birth itself can't be planned.

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This is the first baby for her daughter. We would like to be here when it comes...


This one would be a tough one if it were me! Good luck with whatever decision you make. Even if she is having early contractions, it could still be awhile. I would wait it out, maybe... I feel for you!

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IMO, the baby is coming regardless of where you and your wife are. To cancel your trip because the baby MIGHT come early is crazy. With my first baby, I had braxton hicks for two months. The morning I actually went into labor (4:30 am) I called my parents to tell them we where headed to the hospital to have the baby and my mom told my dad "the first one all ways takes a while and slept till 6, They lived an hour away, when they got there at 8:15 am, I had my son in my arms already. My second baby, JUST THE OPPOSITE, labor lasted two days, my husband, mom, dad, son, brothers and sisters all waiting. Both times all went well, with or without Mom.

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I say keep your plans. Babies come when they are good and ready and not always when you expect. My second DS came 4 wks early on the one day that we didn't have a baby sitter for you then 18mt old. My inlaws had to make a day trip and they were my scheduled sitter. I went into labor about 3 hours after they left and had him before they got back. Either way the birth experience will be the same for your wife's daughter, unless one of you was set to be the coach.


Also, with both of my boys I was dialated 4cm before 36 wks. With number one I walked around for more than 2 weeks that way.


If you do decide to go, take a cell phone. They work on the ships and if the baby comes early you may be able to be on the phone to hear the baby's first cry. My mom had the phone on in my room with #1, she was able to stay on with my cousin (who is like my sister) through the pushing phase. Also you could get daily updates too. You could also use the ships' PCs or bring your own laptop and you can see pictures or even video if they have a digital video camera and are able to download it.


I know it is hard leaving your loved ones, but you never can tell when a baby will make it's presence. I would hate to see you miss your vacation and the baby be born after the due date. Best of luck with either decision you make.



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Oh that is so hard. You know that if you cancel the little darling won't arrive until Feb. LOL.


I think it is even harder since it your wife's daughter. Sometimes you have to be a bit more sensitive.


I'm only the grandmother of my sons' children. I do have one daughter and can't imagine not being there when she gives birth. Knowing my daughter she rather I'd be on a cruise.


Have you called to see if they will let you reschedule? Wow, what a quandry. Keep us posted on the cruise and the baby.

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Wow- It was hard typing that title. We are booked on the Valor for 1/6/08. My wifes daughter is scheduled to give birth around the end of January. I booked this cruise some time ago, or I would have planned our departure for a different time.

Well, she is starting to have some very early issues with the pregnancy. It looks like it may be early. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But, she is having early contractions, my wife is worried and I am worried as well. First and foremost, I want everybody to be well and a healthy baby to be born.

But, the cruise piece is starting to be more of a burden than anything...unfortunately.

I do have cruise insurance through Travelux, but they will not cover something like this. I really wish we could reschedule or something.

I guess I am probably out of luck, but I thought that I would open this up to any ideas on what I could do. I am resigned to cancelling and just losing my ass. I want my wife to be able to relax and enjoy the trip. Her take on this is to wait and see what happens....I think I would like to make a decision to minimize losses. I am not interested in taking anybody else...What would you guys do?





You know, typing that title would have been hard for me as well. Don't look at as cancelling but as rescheduling. When I had my first child, my mother had moved to Alabama about 2 months prior and I was really missing her. She came back after the birth but I was really happy to see her. I don't care how old a child is, there is always going to be a time when they need their parents. What I would do, if you and your wife really want to be there for her then I say call and find out what you have to do to reschedule. Call before time really begins to approach. Then when she has the baby, you two can go on your cruise and show off pictures of your new grandchild.

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Oh that is so hard. You know that if you cancel the little darling won't arrive until Feb. LOL.


I think it is even harder since it your wife's daughter. Sometimes you have to be a bit more sensitive.


I'm only the grandmother of my sons' children. I do have one daughter and can't imagine not being there when she gives birth. Knowing my daughter she rather I'd be on a cruise.


Have you called to see if they will let you reschedule? Wow, what a quandry. Keep us posted on the cruise and the baby.


I called Carnival. There is no rescheduling per se. I would forfeit 50% either way. They did say that I could put a letter together and they could 'possibly" apply my lost money towards a future cruise, whic h would be great. Now, I am in the 50% loss bracket until 12/29, so I do not have to do anything until then. Once that hits, you lose everything. Not to mention the airfare, hotel for the day before, insurance, etc. I am probably jumping the gun...we will see.

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Wow- It was hard typing that title. We are booked on the Valor for 1/6/08. My wifes daughter is scheduled to give birth around the end of January. I booked this cruise some time ago, or I would have planned our departure for a different time.

Well, she is starting to have some very early issues with the pregnancy. It looks like it may be early. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But, she is having early contractions, my wife is worried and I am worried as well. First and foremost, I want everybody to be well and a healthy baby to be born.

But, the cruise piece is starting to be more of a burden than anything...unfortunately.

I do have cruise insurance through Travelux, but they will not cover something like this. I really wish we could reschedule or something.

I guess I am probably out of luck, but I thought that I would open this up to any ideas on what I could do. I am resigned to cancelling and just losing my ass. I want my wife to be able to relax and enjoy the trip. Her take on this is to wait and see what happens....I think I would like to make a decision to minimize losses. I am not interested in taking anybody else...What would you guys do?


I had "early contractions" with both pregnancies and had both of my girls two weeks late. Boy was I an unhappy camper...:mad:


It sounds like you'd be more comfortable rescheduling vs. taking a chance. Good luck to you, I imagine Carnival will give you some kind of relief if you write a very good letter.

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We ran into this when both my daughters were born. My first daughter--10 years ago--ended up being due the end of January and my in-laws were scheduled to leave on a cruise on Feb 6. I know they were worried--she was their 1st grandchild--and did not want to miss it. She ended up being overdue, but luckily came 2 days before they left. They brought a polaroid picture of her and hung it in their stateroom. They had a great cruise and ended up having an exciting reason to actually get off the ship at the end. My daughter loves to hear that story now.


My 2nd daughter ended up being due 2 weeks after my in-laws and my mother, and my step-dad had scheduled a cruise together. She was due the end of Feb--they were to leave the 2nd week. I started having problems the 3rd week of January and was put on bed rest. My mother and mother-in-law were worried about going, but thankfully went anyways. As it was my daughter was not born until March 2.


I would have felt horrible if any of our parents had cancelled/changed their cruise plans. I know they booked them both well before I got pregnant and I'm really glad they went. We had lots of people offer to help out if my 2nd daughter had come while they were gone. My mom called me from pretty much every port that she could. And it all worked out just fine.


Good luck and I hope everything works out happy (and healthy).

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I called Carnival. There is no rescheduling per se. I would forfeit 50% either way. They did say that I could put a letter together and they could 'possibly" apply my lost money towards a future cruise, whic h would be great. Now, I am in the 50% loss bracket until 12/29, so I do not have to do anything until then. Once that hits, you lose everything. Not to mention the airfare, hotel for the day before, insurance, etc. I am probably jumping the gun...we will see.


At least you wouldnt have to make the decision until 12/29 then. By then you should have a much better idea if the baby is expected early or if there are any complications.


Good luck.

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Wow- It was hard typing that title. We are booked on the Valor for 1/6/08. My wifes daughter is scheduled to give birth around the end of January. I booked this cruise some time ago, or I would have planned our departure for a different time.

Well, she is starting to have some very early issues with the pregnancy. It looks like it may be early. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But, she is having early contractions, my wife is worried and I am worried as well. First and foremost, I want everybody to be well and a healthy baby to be born.

But, the cruise piece is starting to be more of a burden than anything...unfortunately.

I do have cruise insurance through Travelux, but they will not cover something like this. I really wish we could reschedule or something.

I guess I am probably out of luck, but I thought that I would open this up to any ideas on what I could do. I am resigned to cancelling and just losing my ass. I want my wife to be able to relax and enjoy the trip. Her take on this is to wait and see what happens....I think I would like to make a decision to minimize losses. I am not interested in taking anybody else...What would you guys do?


I am having a hard time understanding why your travel insurance would not cover a family member (early baby in NICU) in the hospital?

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