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Wife pregnant/NCL requirements/Cancellation


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There also seems to be very little sympathy or weight given to the fact that we only booked this cruise 2 weeks ago so how much can NCL really be out.


It's not a matter of how long ago you booked or how much they are out. You could have booked 10 minutes ago and, if you book within the penalty period, you will have to pay a penalty to cancel for any reason. Even a really good reason like an unexpected medical condition.


Travel Insurance is a good idea in these circumstances. If you had bought it before you found out the news, you may have been eligible for reimbursement.


One reason the cruise lines sometimes discount heavily after the penalty period begins is they know people can't back out easily, so they offer a good rate to make them commit.

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I thought I was...hehehe. I agree that NCL's website needs some touching up. The only other cruise site that I have been to is Royal Caribbean's. Much better for someone trying to find out more information.


They are ALL better. NCL's old site had FAQs in a location easily found as well. I need to go through cruise line sites often for information, and NCL's is the hardest to figure out. So... thanks for pointing me in the right direction, but I am going to have a hard time getting over the "not computer savvy" crack. **sniff**



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"It's not a matter of how long ago you booked or how much they are out. You could have booked 10 minutes ago and, if you book within the penalty period, you will have to pay a penalty to cancel for any reason. Even a really good reason like an unexpected medical condition."


Actually, this is not true. If we were to go to court over this or if I were to get an attorney involved, I'm sure NCL would know that their damages are minimum because we are canceling so soon after we booked. Also, as others have noted the NCL website is far from perfect. I was unable to find this needed info and unless I clicked on the already booked area, I would not have found it. If you book online you probably have to check something indicating that you read all the small print etc. We called the 800 number and no such statement was read to us. I don't see why they would want to burn us as future customers when as noted earlier, we booked only 2 weeks ago. Some may say "because they can". Ok, well we also have options and can play hardball. It won't cost us anything because lucky for us we have an attorney in the family that I will probably call depending on what NCL says on Monday. I think it is fair for them to charge us a fee based on if they can't fill the cabin or do so at lower price. But $500 per person is not fair in my book for us only to get a credit.


I feel strongly that there is a difference in cancelling now and if you booked months ago vs only 2 weeks ago. Clearly their damages are not as severe. The poorly organized website could also be seen as contributing factor.

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"At the time of the cruise she will be over 10 weeks, Unless you have had issues/complications with pregnancies (as I have) and/or you are high risk for some sort, Go enjoy your cruise... Most people don't even know they are even pregnant until 8-12 weeks .. and the ship has no problems based on the policies until you are OVER 24 weeks...

Shes pregnant not ill .. she can do everything until she is in her last trimester unless she has complications"


Well, there have been problems in the past with pregnancies. Also, as noted earlier - my wife went to the doctor because she was feeling sick. The morning (all day) sickness has been very severe where she has been staying at home and in bed most of the day. Whether this will be the case on Feb 3rd I don't know. I is my understanding that morning sickness can be severe until the 12th to 16th week of pregnancy.


Would NCL even know that she was pregnant if you didn't tell them???? She certainly wouldn't look pregnant. Depending on why your doctor doesn't want her to travel until the 2nd trimester, if you and your wife feel it is safe why couldn't you go even without a note from the doctor.


As noted above. Right now my wife can barely go to the store and I don't think a cruise ship would help her situation. Based on past history and her current condition I don't think it would be a good decision to go unless things dramatically got better.


Last question, do you think you could move your cruise until after 12 weeks with less of a penalty?

This is the option we will be pushing. I think the March 21st cruise would be our first choice. I have to see what they offer me. It looks like a credit is the only option. I need to know how long we would have to use the credit. I would hate to delay the cruise, lose $800 and then have to delay or cancel it.


I'm sorry your wife is that ill. I can sympathize because I had that with my first pregnancy...I wouldn't know how to spell it but it's a Latin term...Hyperemesis Gravidarum and basically means, 'pregnant and can't stop puking.'

It's nasty and I had it for quite a while. If your wife has been vomitting for days she should be in a hospital getting IV fluids. It's not good for the baby if she dehydrates. I am quite surprised that her doctor hasn't admitted her yet. if she goes much longer like this PLEASE take her to the emegency ward.


As for the cruise...before you panic...call NCL asd see what they'll do for you. You only booked 2 weeks ago for goodness sake!!


Good luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!! And be good to your wife. This is a rough way to start out a pregnancy, but it will pass!!! :)

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(I am not a physician, nor give medical advice as everyone is different)




At the time of the cruise she will be over 10 weeks, Unless you have had issues/complications with pregnancies (as I have) and/or you are high risk for some sort, Go enjoy your cruise... Most people don't even know they are even pregnant until 8-12 weeks .. and the ship has no problems based on the policies until you are OVER 24 weeks...


Shes pregnant not ill .. she can do everything until she is in her last trimester unless she has complications ..


Congrads on your baby, this may be your last chance to enjoy time to yourself & as a couple, add baby and that makes 3 (5 in our case)


If it was me, My rear would be on the ship...



I agree with Xelcaz, if she is feeling fine, then go. This may well be your last vacation for only the two of you. Congrads and good luck.

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I agree with Xelcaz, if she is feeling fine, then go. This may well be your last vacation for only the two of you. Congrads and good luck.


Guys, I know you mean welll and I agree with your sentiments as far as once they have this baby, it will be harder to get away, but it doesn't sound (from the OP's original post) that this is your every day morning sickness...this could be more serious. If it is, there is no guarantee that she's going to feel up to being on a rocking ship any time soon.

I do agree with the doctor that in cases like this, traveling during the first trimester is not a good idea. If the OP can possibly change his cruise to her second trimester they have a better shot at pulling this off.

personally, as a woman who has been through this hell, I would cancel the cruise and do a different vacation (on land) when she's feeling better.


And again to the OP...do some research. If she's been sick like this for more than a few days, she needs to be on IV fluids. Not only will this hydrate her and the baby, she'll actually stop tossing her cookies. The IV fluids will make her feel less nauseous.

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Halos, thanks for your concern. My wife saw her doctor again this past Wednesday. She mainly feels very very nauseaus, dizzy and has a contant headache. She does throw up a little but has the contant feeling like she is going to throw up and has almost no appetite. She has been drinking a lot of water and eating very very bland foods. Based on her urine output and urine tests we have done she in not dehydrated. We are on top of her drinking enough water. But as you pointed out, this is no way to go cruising.


I have always been impressed with NCL and hope tomorrow they will come through again.

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Congratulations! If I were you, I would call and explain the situation in my nicest, calmest voice and ask for a refund. Who know? They might say yes right off the bat. If they don't, ask to apply what you've paid to a future cruise. It might take talking to a few people. I really hope they are sympathetic to your situation.


Best wishes for a happy, healthy pregnancy and a great cruise....when you get around to it.

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Halos, thanks for your concern. My wife saw her doctor again this past Wednesday. She mainly feels very very nauseaus, dizzy and has a contant headache. She does throw up a little but has the contant feeling like she is going to throw up and has almost no appetite. She has been drinking a lot of water and eating very very bland foods. Based on her urine output and urine tests we have done she in not dehydrated. We are on top of her drinking enough water. But as you pointed out, this is no way to go cruising.


I have always been impressed with NCL and hope tomorrow they will come through again.




I am so glad to hear that. :) :) :) I wouldn't want anyone to go through that (continuous puking) because it's just awful. I imagine that she does feel quite awful being dizzy and nauseous with a headache to boot. Poor thing!!


Again, good luck to you and my best wishes to your wife to feel better soon so she can enjoy her pregnancy!!!!

Please keep us updated on how she feels AND how NCL treats you!!

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One other thought. Based on their policy linked in this thread. If they don't cut me any breaks I should wait until the 26th to cancel because it is a 50% refund up until 7 days before the cruise that regardless of if I cancel earlier. This way maybe a miracle will happen and my wife will start feeling better? :confused:


Cruise Days: 8 days or more (Excluding Hawaii)90-76 (Holiday Only) Deposit $200 $50 75-46 Deposit $100 / $200 (Holiday) $0 / $50 (Holiday) 45-30 50%$200 $0 / $50 (Holiday) 29-8 50%$200 100%7 days or less 100%100%100%

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They are ALL better. NCL's old site had FAQs in a location easily found as well. I need to go through cruise line sites often for information, and NCL's is the hardest to figure out. So... thanks for pointing me in the right direction, but I am going to have a hard time getting over the "not computer savvy" crack. **sniff**




If it makes you feel better, I don't get there by clicking on "booked guest registration" etc -- if that were the only way to find it I think that'd be too weird even for NCL's whackadoo site organization! You can get there by clicking the "site map" link, which for some reason is buried in mice type WAY at the bottom of the home page. At least doing that's a bit more intuitive, and available to anyone whether they are booked or not.


From there you can access the FAQs as well as the guest ticket contract, and all the other useful information you might need.

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If they don't cut me any breaks I should wait until the 26th to cancel because it is a 50% refund up until 7 days before the cruise that regardless of if I cancel earlier.


Yes, I would delay to the last minute, if for no other reason than it may be possible your wife's Dr. changes his opinion and says the cruise is OK, and presumably you still would want to go in that case. That is, unless you need the refund money sooner.


I don't think there are any "damages" to NCL due to your cancelling. If someone booked six months ago, or two weeks ago, and then cancels at a certain number of days before the cruise, the end result is the same: NCL has x days to fill that cabin. How long ago you booked it does not change that there are only x days left when you cancel. It is the short window that is the problem - NCL may have to cut the price to get someone to buy that cabin if the voyage is not selling well. If you got a good discount two weeks ago, that is probably the case.


Now, if you can find someone to go in your place, you can ask them to change the names on the booking, and that would be a MUCH lower cost to you than the cancel penalties.


But if you cancel, I don't think there is any precedent to change the cancel policy. I would be shocked if NCL offered any sort of remedy short of the full cancellation fee.

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Long time lurker here.


My wife and I were on the Dawn December 2nd and she was 22 weeks pregnant. Once we realized there were additional requirements for her we called and they stated you needed a note stating the due date, how many weeks she would be at the end of cruise (which you would think they would figure out from the due date), and her condition. We had a note from our doctor out and ready at boarding, but no one ever asked to see it. It is obvious that my wife is pregnant (the crew jokingly called us 2 1/2), so I would presume that if your wife is not obviously pregnant they will not ask for the note.


I would agree though that if she's not feeling well, I'm not sure that the cruise would be all that much fun.



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To the OP


Congratulations and good luck on resolving your issues. I will not pretend to know what is going to happen but you can always ask. It is clear based on your posts that your wife's physician has a reason for telling her to stay home until s/he clears her. Even if you lose the money follow the physician's advice in spite of what anyone on here says. He did not tell her to stay home to be mean, there is a reason, and the decision was made based on medical reasons.


I hope you resolve the cruise issue in a satisfactory manner.

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If it makes you feel better, I don't get there by clicking on "booked guest registration" etc -- if that were the only way to find it I think that'd be too weird even for NCL's whackadoo site organization! You can get there by clicking the "site map" link, which for some reason is buried in mice type WAY at the bottom of the home page. At least doing that's a bit more intuitive, and available to anyone whether they are booked or not.


From there you can access the FAQs as well as the guest ticket contract, and all the other useful information you might need.


Michell, that makes me feel MUCH better, thank you. I had looked on the bottom for exactly that, "site map" or something similar, and didn't see it. It's there, so my bad, but I just couldn't find it.


I wish they'd make it easier, these are fairly important issues. There's a lot of small print that people might like to read before they commit.


Thanks again, Michell. My pain and humiliation is significantly lessened :o



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First of all, congrats!! That is wonderful news!


Second of all, I'm reliving my experience reading your posts ... before I continue I still think it's a good idea that you wait until Jan 25th - it's still 11 days away; if your wife recovers but is not 100% recovered there is a chance she'll be okay by the time Pearl sails. Here's MY experience ... I was so sick the whole time during weeks 8 to 10, but eased up during weeks 11-12 and stopped completely at beginning of week 13. I ended up in hosp during week 9 for a few days with IV drip to re-hydrate myself. But was still sick after I left hosp.


The first 2-3 weeks being sick (wks 8-9) were the worst imaginable and I was sooooo miserable, but I recovered and got into a routine where I went to bathroom to be sick before meals (so I could eat without feeling nauseaous). This really helped. I avoided all dairy products and sipped gingerale and ate apple quarters (peeled, of course). I still went to work. At week 11 I started to eat a little more but still went to bathroom.


By week 13 it all stopped and I started drinking milk and was able to eat properly.


Your wife will be really miserable for another week or 2 and then it's uphill. I do hope she's like me and manage to recover a lot more by the time Pearl sails. I think she will still feel a bit sick but if she is strong she will be fine and be able to enjoy the cruise. Take gingerale!


BTW, I flew transatlantic at week 12 but I was good - gingerale helped.


Enjoy this cruise if you can go :) ... once the baby is born your life changes forever!! :eek:

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"It's not a matter of how long ago you booked or how much they are out. You could have booked 10 minutes ago and, if you book within the penalty period, you will have to pay a penalty to cancel for any reason. Even a really good reason like an unexpected medical condition."


Actually, this is not true. If we were to go to court over this or if I were to get an attorney involved, I'm sure NCL would know that their damages are minimum because we are canceling so soon after we booked. Also, as others have noted the NCL website is far from perfect. I was unable to find this needed info and unless I clicked on the already booked area, I would not have found it. If you book online you probably have to check something indicating that you read all the small print etc. We called the 800 number and no such statement was read to us. I don't see why they would want to burn us as future customers when as noted earlier, we booked only 2 weeks ago. Some may say "because they can". Ok, well we also have options and can play hardball. It won't cost us anything because lucky for us we have an attorney in the family that I will probably call depending on what NCL says on Monday. I think it is fair for them to charge us a fee based on if they can't fill the cabin or do so at lower price. But $500 per person is not fair in my book for us only to get a credit.


I feel strongly that there is a difference in cancelling now and if you booked months ago vs only 2 weeks ago. Clearly their damages are not as severe. The poorly organized website could also be seen as contributing factor.


I agree that it's absurd to have the FAQs in the "Booked Guests" section on the website. Truth be told, I pretty much loathe the new website. There's not even a good search feature. However, the information is there. It is in the brochures. A phone call to NCL directly would also give you that information. However, I don't really see this as any contributing factor here because you are saying that your wife wouldn't be able to cruise regardless of whether her doctor signed the letter.


I am not unsympathetic to your situation. It's frustrating to have planned a fun cruise, but then not be able to go. And I'm sure your DW isn't enjoying being sick either. I hope she feels better soon and that all goes well with her pregnancy. However again, that is not NCL's concern. It is a medical condition that is preventing her from cruising. Now before anyone leaps on me that "pregnancy is not an illness...," that's not what I'm saying. Complications of pregnancy do constitute a medical condition and that is the issue.


I really think you would have no standing to file suit on the basis that you just booked the cruise or because NCL's policy on pregnant women is not easy to find on the website. The cruise and penalty information are straight-forward and specific and do not include any differentiation for how long ago you booked. I doubt they will take that into consideration. Just because NCL might not/will not incur any damages because you cancel doesn't mean that they should be expected to waive the penalty. The cruise line has covered themselves pretty well on that end. (Not surprising because they've no doubt got good lawyers.)


Now I'm sure that sounds very negative. I don't mean it to be harsh because it's just a statement of fact regarding legalities. What I suggest you do is call NCL. As you've cruised with them before, call the Lattitudes department. Explain the situation. They may allow you some leeway if you approach it as "I'm hoping you can help us; my wife and I just got some wonderful news, but there are complications; is there any way we can work out a compromise?" rather than "I just booked; we can't go now; I want my money back." Perhaps they will defer your cruise and apply the penalty amount to a cruise credit for a future cruise. Perhaps they will be willing to "split the difference" on the penalty. Perhaps they will make an exception; although they may fear that someone else will hear about it and expect the same consideration. (I would guess that's why the have stated policies that apply equally to everyone.) You say you don't feel the cancellation policy is "fair," but you've cruised with NCL before, you must have known the policy and must have thought it was fair when you booked.


Finally, you mentioned that you would like and hope them to have compassion and be caring. It's true that the employees no doubt feel that way often, but NCL is a business and their policies aren't governed by those feelings. Sometimes a supervisor or manager can use discrection. I hope that they will be able to help you now. Most importantly, I hope that your DW has no complications or problems. I'm sure you both must be concerned considering that she has had problems in the past. I know how scary that can be. I wish you the best and that your DW has an uneventful pregnancy from here on out.



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I have a question about this "policy" that is on the website. If the op booked 2 weeks ago by phone and not on line How was he supposed to know about the policy. What did they do before people had access to computers. I know a policy is a policy but how can they blame someone if the policy was not received until this weekend in the mail. Is it just your fault because you booked within that certain no cancellation period? Just curious not trying to start trouble.

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To OP,

Please don't take medical advice from folks on a cruise chatboard.


DW and I did cruise when she was prego with DS. The pregnancy was normal is all respects, and we sailed with the docotrs note.


If we had it to do over again, we would have passed on that cruise. There was just too much to do that she couldn't do, she felt bad about it and I felt bad that she felt bad. I would say that if you decided to go, your experience would be "discounted" by more than the money you would loose if you cancelled.


Having and raising kids costs money, and this is a very small expense in the overall scheme of expenses to come. Might as well get used to it!


A less ethical suggestion might be third party insurance. As you just booked, its not too late to purchase it. You can then collect on your policy when you "discover" the pregnancy at the "usual" time two or three weeks from now. I hesitate to suggest this, as I would not do it myself, and all it does is drive up the cost for folks who play by the rules.


I'm often critical of folks who say this, but in this case, I encourage you to look at the very bright side on this issue. With any luck, the woman you love is only going to say "we're having a baby" a few times in your marriage. If cruising is something you really enjoy, I'm sure you'll find a way to take many with and without your future children.


Do try the "soft sell" with NCL and let us know how that turns out.

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"If we had it to do over again, we would have passed on that cruise. There was just too much to do that she couldn't do, she felt bad about it and I felt bad that she felt bad. I would say that if you decided to go, your experience would be "discounted" by more than the money you would loose if you cancelled."


Great post and wonderful logic! I really appreciated all the posts in this thread and thank you all for the input. Here is what I found out today - NCL was very kind and gave me all my money back and also gave me a free cruise on the ship of my choice once the little one is born. :eek: Ok, back to reality. I called multiple numbers. The reservation department told me to call some customer care number. I called customer care and they told me to call the reservation department. This was all after spending about 20 minutes with each department. But basically they said they would give me 50% back (as many here noted). It seems like I might be getting all of certain taxes and fees back because it really comes out to be a 57% refund.


There was also some debate to as how the refund worked. At first two people told me I would have to cancel my cruise with the reservaton department and then submit in writing an appeal for a refund. I found this very odd b/c it meant I could cancel my cruise, they could resell it and in the end I could get no money back???? The last person I spoke with (I got his name and ID #) stated if I cancel I get a credit back in 7 days. No appeal or anything is needed. So basically when all is done I would be out about $1,600. I have until 8 days before the cruise to do this with no further penalties.

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A less ethical suggestion might be third party insurance. As you just booked, its not too late to purchase it. You can then collect on your policy when you "discover" the pregnancy at the "usual" time two or three weeks from now. I hesitate to suggest this, as I would not do it myself, and all it does is drive up the cost for folks who play by the rules.



Apparently you have never filed a claim before. You have to get the doctor to sign a statement when they were first aware of the illness. Secondly it ask for, "upon discovery was the person physically able to travel".


So now in order to beat the system, you will have to get the doctor to LIE. Plus the insurance company can request copies of the diagnosis/treatment. This will have the earlier date. CLAIM DENIED plus you could in trouble for filing a false claim and trying to defraud the insurance company.



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