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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=royalblue]Good morning Ladies,[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#4169e1] OK- -observation since losing weight my bras are not only wrinkled but I also noticed that my thighs have like [b]COTTAGE CHEESE[/b](large curd:o ) showing up on them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: Just got home from curves and took my shower and there it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: I also noticed that since I started using my gazelle on my off days and getting my heart rate up on it that my heart rate goes up faster when I work out at Curves:confused: Must be my metabolism is finally increasing some. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#4169e1]Well everyone have a great day I work 3-11 today so I will check in later. Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#4169e1][b]Todays Thought:[/b]Giving up a little at a time will keep me from giving up altogether!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Good Morning !

Welcome MC! Glad to have you join us!

Sorry that I am late in posting, we were cutting and stacking wood all day yesterday and by the time I had a chance to get in , cleaned up and dinner I was pooped!

Good news - I was 148 yesterday am! I lost 2 pounds! I broke the plateau!
I am doubly excited because I was sick all week, just the regular ol' nasty flu so I did not excercise once plus I was not be as careful eating as I know I should! Yesterday was the first time I felt good too so it was a really nice day.

My stats-
June - 155 :(
Oct.10th - 148 :D
Loss of - 7 :p
To go - 20 :o

Thank goodness my cruise isn't until February!

Sorry that I did not get a chance to post those promised recipes, I'll try to do a couple this week to catch up. I'll also try to post ones that are Atkins friendly!

Another note on the posting - I try to get on here everyday to read how everyone is doing but I do not always have the time to post.:) I wish I could post more because I have found this group of women to be most supportive and a truly friendly group, and I wish to contribute back. It has also helped me tremendously, especially Regina with all her words of encouragement and taking the time to post faithfully and always with a kind & encouraging word!!
Because I am so busy ( I homeschool my two girls, babysit 3 more, teach scrapbooking & I also mystery shop) I have put this thread on a notify thingy. When someone posts I get the first one in my email, complete with mesage. There is a few other detail to this but that is the basics. I just wanted everyone to be aware that this is a public forum and that it can also be delivered to email boxes. Sometimes when we speak (or post in haste) even if we wish to take it back and delete/edit our own post, that it is often out there in more ways than we may have imagined. I debated on writing this for several days now as I do not wish to inflame the issue or have anyone take this personnally. My sincere wish and the reason I addressed this at all is so that if these issues ever occur again in the future all are aware that even if you take it back off of the forum, your message may be still out there in someones email box.

Here is one of the promised recipes, this one my husband and kids loved ! I served it without the pasta, it was more like a soup/stew. If you add a salad & fruit it's a fairly wholesome meal and very satisfying. The recipe is for one. The nutritional stats are:

196 calories
20g carbs
19g protein

Bon Apetite!

[color=#765e3a]Savory Beef Stew*</B>[/color][url="javascript:void(0)"][color=#800080]Nutrition Information[/color][/url] | [url="javascript:void(0);"][color=#0000ff]Scale This Recipe[/color][/url] [color=#765e3a][b]Ingredients:[/b][/color]
[url="javascript:void(0)"][color=#765e3a]1 tsp. lite soy sauce[/color][/url]
[url="javascript:void(0)"][color=#765e3a]1 medium carrot[/color][/url]
[color=#765e3a]1 small onion[/color]
[color=#765e3a]1 clove garlic[/color]
[url="javascript:void(0)"][color=#765e3a]1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning[/color][/url]
[url="javascript:void(0)"][color=#765e3a]1 cup vegetable broth[/color][/url]
[url="javascript:void(0)"][color=#765e3a]2 oz. fresh mushrooms[/color][/url]
[color=#765e3a]1/4 tsp. black pepper[/color]
[url="javascript:void(0)"][color=#765e3a]2 1/2 oz. beef, loin cut[/color][/url]

[color=#765e3a]Scrub or peel carrot. Chop carrot, onion and mushrooms; mince garlic, set aside. Cut beef into bite sized cubes, set aside. Spray nonstick skillet or saucepan with cooking spray and heat over medium-high heat. Add beef and cook on all sides until slightly browned, about 4-6 minutes. Add garlic and onions; sauté a few more minutes until softened. Add broth, soy sauce, carrot and spices; stir, bring to a boil and cover. Reduce heat to low and cook 30 to 35 minutes, or until meat is tender. Add mushrooms and continue to simmer, covered, for another 5 to 7 minutes. Serve over hot cooked pasta [/color]
Have a SLIM week everyone!

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Thanks to everyone for the welcome, and encouragement. I guess I should have included my weight yesterday, but I didn't want to barge in, in case it was inappropriate.

Anyway, before the summer, I was at 162#. When I went back to WW, I was at 158#, so I hadn't totally lost ground, but I still have some work to do!

Even though I'm 5' 4", (in the morning, lying down), I think my goal weight is between 135-140#. I have always carried more weight than people expect me to, something I inheritied from my mom. But I'm more concerned about my clothes, so my real goal is to get back into the size 6 clothing waiting for me in my closet. I'd settle for 8, but I absolutely want to get rid of my size 14's and 16's - permanently!

This weekend was a little difficult because my husband is not into eating healthy, but I did survive. For instance, yesterday we went to a football game. (If any of you are Viking fans, your team played a great first half, and have a marvelous quarterback. Since I live in Houston, I was rooting for the Texans, who played a fantastic second half. The overtime period - if you are a Viking fan, it was priceless.) Instead of eating all the food there (and there were a lot of tempting things there ), I drank water. Afterwards, we went to a pizza place, where I ordered a whole wheat pizza with spinach, garlic and tomatoes, and took most of it home. I did drink a root beer, but since I had a very small breakfast, I figure I was covered.

I hope everyone has a good week, and that we can say we hang out with a bunch of losers!
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Hi Lani !

We're on the Carnival Triumph Feb 12th. This will be the first time we're taking the kids with us and wanted to make sure that there was lots going on to keep them interested. This will be my 4th cruise, my husbands 3rd , we actually met on the Carnival Ecstasy ( my 2nd cruise, his first) ! We prefer that the kids stay with us for the most part because we want to share the vacation with them and the youngest will have just turned 5 and the older daughter is 11 but she has Down Syndrome and mentally is between a 5-8 year old. Boy that was quite a ramble! Anyways I'm really excited to bring them along, last year we went on NCL Sun and missed them terribly! The Sun was a quiet boat, nicely kept and wonderful crew but way too quiet for our first week long vacation w/o the kids! Everything was closed down by 11pm! I don't know about the casino 'cause we don't gamble. The youngest, only 3 at the time was ticked because we went to fancy dinners without her! I think I may be in trouble with that one! My husband felt so bad that he promised he'd take all of us on a cruise the next year. Well she hasn't let him forget so he let me book on the Triumph this February! Gotta love those little ones! I also wanted to do the Eastern Itinary because I haven't been there yet.What cruiseline are you taking and where are you going?

Have a great day at work!
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Lani don't let that cottage cheese scare you. That to will disappear. Actually, for now it is a good sign cause you are losing weight. So keep the faith and determination going. One day not that far away, you will actually look down and have a big smile as you look at your firm body. It will evolve like the butterfly from it's caccoon :)

Jen, You touched my heart with your understanding. I was getting gun shy so I stopped trying. I am saving your recipe to try in the near future. I love easy recipes and it sounds yummy for the winter days ahead. A big congratulations on breaking your plateau! And a big hug from me for your post.

Mindy, Post as much as you need. We are all here to help each other and to share our experiences. Although your hubby isn't eating healthy foods now, I bet when he sees how nice you are doing, he'll want to join you. Let us know when it happens. Come here for your encouragement when you feel low and everyone will see you through. That's the deal we have on this thread.

Today I had a shrimp salad for lunch. I was rushed for breakfast, so I had one of those diet drinks that equal a meal, but I only do that if I'm squeezed for time. Thus far, since I started my diet I have lost 22 pounds and have 28 more to go. Almost half way there now and there is no turning back!

I promise you all, I will post my picture when I reach my goal. Oh and by the way, just want everyone to know I post alot because it helps me, but if it gets annoying, just let me know and I will try to ease up.

Later all,
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OOPS ! Lani, I should have looked at your signature to see what ship !

Regina- Please don't be gunshy! I always enjoy everyones post, the more post the better. It keeps our thread up to the top & keeps us all going! I'm craving a shrimp salad now! it sounds wonderful!

No bra wrinkles here :eek: I guess I need to keep going and be a bit more stringent in my diet ! I was just telling my husband the other night that even though I am sloooowwwwlllyyy losing the weight it hasn't been really difficult as it has really become a lifestyle change for me. I truly never thought that I could make that change on a permanent basis it would be just to hard and so I have for Years & years been a yo- yo dieter. I do need to be hard on myself so I can get down to the 128 I want but it 's nice to know that once I get there - the maintaining will be a piece of cake! No pun intended!

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Congrats to those who lost weight! Congrats to those who stayed the same and for those who gained....I wish you a successful week this week!

I am the poster child for emotional eating right now! You probably already guessed this....but I'm going through a bit of a rough time right now myself. We all have our stressors..... Right now...everything feels icky to me.....so I just ate a bag of cheetos! :o Yeah for me! I'll be sick tomorrow, and I'll have learned my lesson....

Try, try again.

[b]Jen[/b]...nice words. A posting lesson on my part :o ....(I feel like I'm being beat over the head with this.) I got it! I got it! I got it!
[b]Lani[/b]....I like the colors and fonts you use for posting! They make me happy.
[b]Regina & Ann[/b]....you have a Golden Retriever and Labs? I have a Scottie! She's my walking buddy, too.
[b]Mindy[/b]....Welcome! I'm a Broncos fan!
[b]Jodie[/b]...the trees WERE gorgeous! I think this was the last weekend of color, though! We drove to the top of a pass that had at least 1 foot of snow already! Just a reminder that Winter is on the way!
[b]Nicole[/b]....are you feeling better? I hope so!
[b]Joanne[/b]....Happy Holidays! I hope you had a wonderful feast!

I know I forgot someone....please don't take it personally. I try to touch base with all....but sometimes not so easy!

Time for bed.....the cheetos need time to settle now! :)
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My daughter fixed dinner tonight. She is a strict "South Beach Dieter." She is going to be 27 yrs. old in December and she weighs 122 pounds. She says she isn't on the diet to loose weight, but to continue staying healthy. This is the daughter who was a finicky eater in childhood and I thought for sure one day she would insist on having a macaroni & cheese wedding cake:rolleyes:

Anyway, she made a wheat pasta dish with low calorie tomatoe sauce and mushrooms and added some real good spices to jazz it up. She also made a fabulous sugar-free choc & banana cream pie (without the cream) in a no-fat crust or was that low-fat crust:confused: . Wow...that felt like a cheat. Dinner was quite a success and I did stop eating before I got to that yucky full feeling. Keep in mind, my hubby is all Italian and he loves his pasta...and even he said it tasted very good. Even though I am not on the South Beach Diet, I will say it has some great dishes to offer in the book. I bet there are some good South Beach recipies on the internet.

Jen, I used to be up and down with my weight also. I also got fed up with the yo-yo effect, and now I "think" before I eat cause I'm in training to undo some very bad eating habits. Was anyone aware that years of going up and down with weight could cause diabetes? I'm glad I don't have diabetes, but I'm sure I was headed in that direction.

Hey Mindy...Say hello to Houston for me. I was born and reared in Texas. More specificly...Orange, Texas. I have so many cousins(4 generations worth) in Texas, I have lost track of how many. My oldest brother lives in Dallas, and my cousins are spread all over the state. I'm due for a visit to Texas next year for a cousins reunion. I lost my southern accent a long time ago, so it's kind of funny when we get together and try to figure out what was said in conversation due to our different accents.

Y'all have a good night;)
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Kelly: Sorry to here you are going through a rough time. Emotional eaters and cheetos goes hand in hand. Cheetos is or I should say "was" my comfort food also. At least I thought it was my comfort food. I had to come to terms that it was my enemy. It would suck me in and then make me pay the price by adding sneaky weight to me and not really helping with the situation. It was just making another situation for me to have to deal with....my weight. Emotional eating doesn't stop over night, but with effort, we learn to over come it....like a baby learns to get up and fall down, before taking that first step. You are learning that cheetos is not your comfort escape cause you have already admitted how it has made you feel. Congratulations...keep going and you will reach the day when you are no longer an emotional eater.


:eek: Gee... I almost posted to the wrong name....phew!!!!!
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#ff00ff]Good Evening Ladies, Just got home from work and thought I would check in. We sure are growing:D People wise I mean:D [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#ff00ff][b]Regina[/b] Thanks for the encouragement I was getting worried about that cottage cheese :eek: sure was an eye opener!!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#ff00ff][b]Kelly[/b] glad the fonts make you happy, I do like to brighten everyones life a little any way.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#ff00ff][b]Jen[/b] we are going on the voyager of the sea, it is our first time. ;) [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#ff00ff]Well I know I haven't mentioned everyone but I will tomorrow;) . I am tired and going to bed. Later, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#ff00ff][/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#ff00ff][b]Thought for the day:[/b] I will take dieting one day at a time, one pound at a time![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#ff00ff][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Hi all,
Boy our group is growing and sounds like everyone is so positive. How wonderful is that! :D I came on to get my hit of encouragement and there you all were! Thanks for being there for me!
I worked hard today getting everything ready for my Bunko group. We had a wonderful time and everyone loved dinner. In fact, other than some roast, everything else is gone! Amazing how much those gals can scarf down! I sent all the candy and goodies home with them so no temptation in this house. I did save a few Herseys kisses for my DH and he hid them! LOL! He knows me so well. I pretty much stayed on track. I did have a couple candy kisses and some wonderful bread. I set out the desserts, told them self serve and left the kitchen. Unfortunately I did not make it to Curves today. But I figure all my housework and preparations was plenty of exercise. HHHMMMMMM I wonder how many calories you burn cleaning the toilets and bathrooms!? One thing I like about having company is I really clean house. So now my house is all shiny and dusted and clean. Ok, I am rambling again. LOL

Regina, you go right ahead and post as much as you want. I enjoy reading them and I knew it was helping you. Obviously it is working and you are doing so well. You asked about eating breakfast. I used to be one of those never eat breakfast, just coffee. I noticed as I got older, I have to eat breakfast. I usually have cottage cheese, or an omlete and bacon or sausage. I make it at home and then warm it up at work and eat at my desk around 9:30. Breakfast is very important, especially if you are trying to lose. I find that I am not as hungry at lunch and I do not need to snack as much during the day.

I am going to start back on Induction on Atkins. It is the only way I will get back on track. It will be fairly easy as my DH is going to Louisiana for 3 weeks to visit friends so I will be home by myself. He is retired after 30 yrs as a supervisor for thr NYC transit and is going to hang out and fish with some of the guys he worked with in NY. Anyhow, I can cook for just me while he is gone.
Kelly, Yup winter is on it's way:(. We live about 30 miles from the base of the Cascade Mountains and I am starting to see snow up there. The nites are getting colder here and my trees are all losing their leaves. More exercise raking them up. I am sorry you are having a bad spell, I know how you feel, I was there last week. Why is it Cheetos are one of our so called comfort foods? I love them. They do not come to visit me anymore. I stick my tongue out at them in the store too! Hope you feel better tomorrow. Let me know.

I have rambled enough so I am off to bed with my water. Have a wonderful day tomorrow everyone.
As Regina says, "Skinny Dreams"
Nite all!;)
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Jodie, it sounds like you did EVERYTHING right with your Bunko night - you put together a plan, and you stuck to it! Way to go!

I, on the other hand, went to a supermarket yesterday when I was hungry. I did not go overboard in what I bought, and I picked up a healthy sandwich on the way out. I had planned to eat the sandwich on the way home as a late lunch. But I made the poor decision of bringing the fresh loaf of bread I bought into the car with the sandwich. I think I ate a third of that loaf on the drive home. To be fair, it's a whole wheat seeded bread, so there is a good amount of fiber, but with a name like Seeduction bread, you have to figure that it should wear protective armor. And I just love the crust on that bread. Unfortunately, I think it adds extra "crust" to Me! :(

But today is a new day, so I will move on. It seems to me that whatever plan you use, the real trick to losing weight is being conscious ahead of time of what will keep you on track, instead of just letting things happen. Just like you wouldn't reserve a cruise without looking at the cost or the itinerary, and you have to think ahead so you won't miss the boat, you have to plan ahead to see where you will be when you are hungry, and where you will go that will have temptation ready to strike. You don't have to change WHAT you do, but you have to change HOW you approach what you do, until it becomes a habit.

OK - now [U]I[/U] have joined the ramblers club, and I've only been here 2 days. :o Back to work ....
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[quote name='mconthehighseas']
But today is a new day, so I will move on. It seems to me that whatever plan you use, the real trick to losing weight is being conscious ahead of time of what will keep you on track, instead of just letting things happen. Just like you wouldn't reserve a cruise without looking at the cost or the itinerary, and you have to think ahead so you won't miss the boat, you have to plan ahead to see where you will be when you are hungry, and where you will go that will have temptation ready to strike. You don't have to change WHAT you do, but you have to change HOW you approach what you do, until it becomes a habit.

[color=darkgreen][i][b]Mindy....I like the way you think....in fact, I think I will print this out and carry it with me:) [/b][/i][/color]
[b][i][color=#006400]I'm at work now, so I gotta go....Oh yea, I did wave to the Plainview sign from the southern state pkwy on my way to work this morning:p [/color][/i][/b]
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How's everyone doing tonight??????? Thought I would side track the diet issues for this one post and pose a question totally unrelated.

My daughter will be getting engaged next year, then married the year after so I have to start thinking now. She and her future hubby are attorneys. She mentioned tonight that she would like the "wedding favors" to reflect their professions. Yikes!!! I haven't a clue what to do in regards to that. I do know I would like to make the favors myself as my craft skills are pretty good, so if any of you have any ideas, PLEASE make suggestions. I sure would appreciate it. Anything involving business cards I think would be kind of "tacky". So, that would be my only objection. :eek: HELP!!!

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We are headed toward our 4th. weigh in come this weekend. You are noticing improvements in your weight and just as you are noticing improvements, others in your life are noticing them. Some will say positive things about how you look while others say absolutely nothing, and some may even provide tempting ways to sway you from your determination. However, what is really important is what "YOU" think and how "YOU" are doing with learning new ways to avoid the pitfalls and stop that yo-yo diet syndrome. None of us are yo-yo's any longer....we are losers!!!!! he he he! And you know I mean that in a positive sense.:)

I have a sister-in-law with a butt the size of a table for 4 (maybe a little smaller:rolleyes: ) and she never has anything nice to say. She hasn't seen me since I have lost my 22 pounds, but come the holidays, she will notice I have lost weight and I don't expect her to say a single positive word, but that's okay. I'm not expecting her compliments cause what I think about myself takes priority. All I guess I am saying is, if we diet for the right reasons, we become succesful at it. Let's continue to diet for our health, and a better feeling about ourselves. Okay, I'm off my soap box now.

Your diet buddy,
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Taking a quick break from work. Where is everyone? I miss you. Regina you are so responsible and so committed. Heck with your sister in law and anyone else who tries to sabatoge you in the name of love. I am doing just ok, not really in the mood for diet or exercise this week. I have not been to Curves since last Fri. I cannot go tonite as my car is in the shop so my DH is picking me up from work. I just cannot get back into the mindset so I decided to go back on Atkins Induction for the next 2 weeks starting Sat. DH will be off on his vacation and I will be alone. I am going back to reporting in once a week at the Atkins site. I will still be coming in here too. I need all the help I can get. Other than that, the sun is shining here today. Hope I see you all this eve.
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Hey Everyone!

Regina: My brother got married this summer to his girlfriend of 18 years(since high school) (FINALLY!) She is an obgyn and he is a real-estate agent. They did a really neat thing. They planted a pansy in a small pot for everyone to take home with them and then they attached a pink ribbon to each pot with a tag that said, "A donation has been made in your name to the Susan G. Komen Foundation." They had 300 guests and donated 5 dollars for each guest! They attached a check with a list of the people who they invited to their wedding. It was really special!

My mom is a survivor, and they thought that would be a better way to honor their guests! Instead of spending a lot of time and energy on something that would just be put in the top of a closet.....the flower was able to live and flourish all summer (reminding everyone of the wedding!), and the money goes to more breast cancer research! Everyone seemed to LOVE the idea! Maybe your daughter and her husband have a lawyer area that they would like to donate to.....environmental law, family law....etc. You could use your craft skills to make something special to attach to it.....a bookmark, etc. Just a thought. :)

I'm having a good day! :cool: Work was tough today, but I'm getting back into my book tonight! I'm reading "Skinny Dip!" IT IS SO GOOD!!! Do you know of it? To summarize the beginning.....a man pushes his wife off of a cruise ship.......blah blah blah! It is really funny and good! You all would like it! It's great! (NYtimes best seller list this year!)

Hope you are all having a great day!
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Kelly, your book sounds great! I'm going to go buy a copy before my cruise. Is it easy reading?

Jodi, you can do it!!! Maybe with your DH out of town you can get back into the Atkins grove. I started back on induction this week and also started going to Curves. My Curves is only open 8-6 Mon-Fri, a half day on Sat, and closed all day Sunday, so I'll really have to plan ahead for workouts. I'm not going to weigh myself until Saturday morning. The hardest times for me are at night. I'm used to munching on and off while I watch TV.

Good luck to everyone!!
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We've got some interesting exchange going on here. I will certainly mention the donation idea to my daughter.

I don't know much about the Atkins program, but if it works...go for it. The weigh-ins still count on this multi-diet thread, so all will report on Sunday for weigh-in....right?

As far as the book, I think I might give it a try...but not before our cruise coming up shortly...don't need to give my hubby any ideas:rolleyes: LOL.

For anyone lurking, step on in and let us know how you are doing with your diet.

My desire to cheat on my diet is non-existant and I hope it stays that way. I keep a fat picture of myself on my dresser and maybe that's what's helping.

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Hi all.
Thanks for the encouragement, Ann.:) My DH is very supportive, but it is hard to get back on "the horse" when he is cooking noodles, or pasta for his supper. He really doesn't understand :confused: how the program works, so he says things like "you have been so good this week, I brought you a slice of pie" not realizing that it is the kiss of death and I have to start all over again. He truly thinks he is treating me and gets kinda hurt when I say no. He is not trying to sabatoge or be mean as the man does not have a mean bone in his body.
But not having him around for those first two weeks will make it easier.
I went to the Atkins website and printed out the rules. I will weigh myself on Sat am. I also do better in the mornings and am also a nite "muncher". I can go all day and around 9 or 10 pm the Munchies arrive!:eek: I will do what I did last time, just go for the water, tea or if all else fails, Laughing Cow wedges!

Kelly, I am so glad you are feeling better.:) I am going to look for that book. I also finally noticed (I am a true blonde LOL!) that you are going on HAL. How do you like them. We loved our trip to Alaska on HAL and looking forward to this coming one. I have been pricing cruises to Hawaii also for fall/winter 2005. Anyhow, just glad you are better.
Ok, I need to wrap this up and head for home.:cool:
Talk to you all later,
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:) Hi Regina,
Yes, I will still be "reporting" in with all of you on Sunday. I credit this group of women with helping me get back on track! :D No way will I give you all up. I hope I can help all of you as much as you have me.:) Ok, now I am outta here. I will check in this eve.
Take care all!
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