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31 Day Sapphire clothes and beauty questions


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I've been spending time looking at the cruise clothes closet, trying to decide what to take, but I figure I'll probably change my mind so may as well just wait until I'm ready to pack?? I prefer the tankini swimwear for the same reason as Steph;) though I may put in a one piece for a change. I'll also have pareaus and a zip-up cover up. I don't imagine we'll need fall clothes, rather I plan to layer with tees, long sleeve shirts, light cotton jacket, and windbreaker... oh, and maybe a waterproof poncho in case it rains while we're in the fjords. Footwear is always a pain... need some waterproof sneakers, then the lightweight sneakers for walking on deck in the tropics, then the usual slides, flip flops, heeled sandals and of course the dressy shoes for formals... yikes, that's 10 pairs already:eek:


I will have to live with my hair roots as I don't want to risk bringing any products with me; and nail growth -- I have silk fills and I don't suppose that will be available at the spa... so I may just have to trim my nails down, file them and repolish myself! Oh well, after 4 weeks we will all know each other's secrets, eh?

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I meant that partially packed comment for Steph, she leaves in two weeks for a circumnavigation of Australia before taking the 31 day Sapphire cruise..can you blame me for being surprised. I could look back but someone posted earlier that they will have a nail tech on a cruise this long..I sure hope so or mine will be looking pretty scary.

Steph I will be in touch with you about the beauty salon. You know I've never tried on a tankini, but it sounds very appealing to not have to pull a one piece on and off in cramped restrooms especially when they are wet. I will have to give one a try.



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Can I still post? I haven't even started thinking about packing ... Is there anyone else who isn't thinking about packing yet? I am out here in the cold (literally) by myself?





Charlene, I am so relieved to hear that I am not the only one who still has empty suitcases! :p I had planned pack when I lost enough weight to be able to wear some of my "when I weighed 15 lbs less clothes."

But I am beginning to rethink that strategy because every time I have managed to lose a pound in the last six months, I have regained that one --PLUS! I seem to gain weight just thinking about food! :mad:I am now giving myself until the 1st of March and then I'll start packing whatever fits and buying what doesn't!


Bathing suits? Undecided :confused: Cover ups? YES! :D



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I am glad I get to stay!!! But your comments did put into action - I will take a bathing suit. Yep, definitely will take one.


Seriously, I never gave the tankini thing a thought about the restroom issue until it was brought up - what a brillant idea - I hate that when I have a shirt, shorts and suit underneath and have to remove all that stuff. I see a shopping trip in my immediate future.


I didn't realize Step was leaving so soon. I really need to get my butt in gear we leave March 24 which isn't that far off. We are spending a week in California with my sons and their families and leave April 1st for Australia.


I have never taken a trip this long before so packing will be a "challenge" for me.



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Thanks, Aussielil, for the info about Target and K-Mart!


Add me to the list of those not starting to pack yet. I have been thinking about what to take, but as far as starting to get it all together--not yet.


Colleen, I hear you when you talk about "losing one pound then gaining back more". So far, that has been what is happening to me. I had all of these plans to lose a lot of weight before this cruise and be able to wear some of my "skinny" clothes, but I guess I need to face the fact that "that ain't gonna happen."


Swimsuits--that's a scary subject! I plan to take two and a zip up coverup. We don't usually spend much time at the pool, but we love the beach stuff and love to snorkel!! We both look like a couple of beached whales, but I try not to worry too much about what I look like. I'm just glad that we are still able to do it!!


It seems like I remember someone saying way back at the beginning of this thread that they enjoyed taking the ballroom dance lessons on the ship. Jody and I have gone to them on the last two cruises and have really enjoyed them. Well, I actually had to drag him to them at first, but then he liked them too--although he probably wouldn't admit that to anyone. I hope there are some other couples that will join us this time!!


One of the things that we like the most about a cruise is going to one of the lounges after the show, listening to the band, and dancing, We are not very good dancers, but we love to try! Does anyone else like to do this?



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Count us in on the ballroom dance classes. We also like to go to whichever lounge has dance music, either before or after dinner and the show (if we last that long!). We have been taking beginner ballroom dance classes since we started cruising (about 10 years ago)...not sure we will ever graduate, but it is fun to be able to do a few basic steps to whatever music is being played. We are still at the stage where we mostly need the bandleader to announce if the music is a fox trot, rumba, salsa!! It will be fun to have fellow KOALA's at the class and in the lounges. I always want someone else up on the dance floor before we get up there!



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Count us in on the Ballroom classes too! We have taken a beginners course, but definitely need a refresher course! I love to dance...husband is just so-so, but is a good sport about it!

Bathing suits just are...I'm bringing two along for the pool and the islands, but mostly to get some sun!

Haven't made headway on losing weight...too many dinners out, but oh, well....I'm 65 and what can you do???


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I haven't actually started to pack yet, but the bed in the guest room is beginning to fill up with cruise goodies and I have my rolling rack in there with a few new things in bags hanging on it. I am going to have to start soon because the room is filling up fast. Maybe I will get all my shoes and evening bags out today.

The last time we did this trip it was in reverse, the ship left from San Pedro so we drove to CA and stayed at our daughters house that is in Palos Verdes which is very close to San Pedro. I can tell you that I was on pins and needles all week waiting to board the ship. After that long,long drive there all I could think of and wanted to do was get on the ship...that was without a doubt the longest week. We actually drove down to the dock two or three times during the week just to look at the different Princess ships that were there. Sissy

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If you are flying Qantas to Australia I am sure you were just as surprised as I was at the meager 15 pound carryon luggage restriction. This information is on our roll call but some of you may not read all the posts. Yesterday I found the neatest little lightweight carryon on www.ebags.com

it is only 5.4 pounds, cute as can be too...made by Heys it is a pod-like shiny hardshell rolling suitcase and comes in pink, turquoise and black, I ordered two of them for us. Robert weighed our Costco carryons and they were just slightly under 10 pounds each unpacked so that would have only allowed us to pack 5 pounds of stuff ..I have way more stuff than that...I think my makeup weighs that! (yes, I get to pack my makeup in my carryon, I use Bare Escentuals and it is all powder minerals, no liquids) We now will have almost 10 pounds of stuff we can put in each of our carryons, I can live with that.

I read the reviews and the biggest problem seemed to be that the shiny exterior scratches easily. I don't plan to use this often so should not be a problem. I would be so afraid to take a carryon that was overweight..last time I flew Qantas I actually had to throw away toiletries on my way home to get thur Qantas luggage check in...I would not want to throw anything away on my way to Sydney. Sissy



I've been lurking this thread as we are going to Australia/New Zealand next January. We're considering this carry on Luggage, and are wondering if it is sturdy. Based upon the fact that you guys own it, what do you think? I read everything about the scratching, but wondering what makes it so light?


Thanks and have a great time on your cruise!

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I believe it is lightweight because the outside is a plastic hard shell, but it hasn't arrived yet so I really can't describe it very well.. Should be here on Tuesday, would have made it by Monday but that is a holiday. Will post more on it when it arrives. Sissy

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We leave 3 weeks from today....so I am packed....except carry-ons. It was get things out, try on to see what fits, put in suitcase, weigh them, oops....overweight....take stuff out, re weigh, etc. etc. etc. what a pain!!!! I am done now! Wish those darn Chicos travelers wern't so heavy.

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We leave 3 weeks from today....so I am packed....except carry-ons. It was get things out, try on to see what fits, put in suitcase, weigh them, oops....overweight....take stuff out, re weigh, etc. etc. etc. what a pain!!!! I am done now! Wish those darn Chicos travelers wern't so heavy.


Hi Kendra,

Boy is there ever envy out here in Maryland. Just think you do not have to think about what to take any more. I'm really just starting to get serious about it. Jeff still says he is not taking a tux just a dark suit, so the coat will double as a sport coat. I just wish the ladies packing was as easy as the mens.


Talk to you before you leave.



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Hi Everyone,


I've just booked this trip!:D Although I've cruised quite a lot, this will be my first time sailing with Princess.


Just a couple of questions that I'm hoping you'll be able to help me with:


1) Is there a fee for using the laundrettes? If so, will I need to bring coins with me? Is detergent/softner available?


2) How formal is formal? Is it more long gowns or cocktail dresses?


3) What kind of products do Princess have in the cabins (ie; soaps, shampoo etc)?


I look forward to meeting you all onboard,


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We'd really appreciate hearing about your assessment once you get the luggage. It seems this is the perfect solution to the 15lb maximum for carryon with Qantas.


We have had 26" and 18" carry on for several trips and they have held up well. The 26" has always been checked and has survived as well as more expensive bags. The carry on is going to be handled by you, so you know how it will be treated. They are made of polycarbonate plastic which is very strong. We got ours at the flea market, $40 & $25, so wasn't a big investment. Nothing inside has been damaged and no holes either. They come in bright colors too!


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Bronbeth...welcome to our group. As for ship, yes there is a charge for laundry. In 2006 it was $1 per wash and the same for dry. But dry took more than one cycle. So if you checked things about 5 minutes before the end you could take things out and group damp things together and just put in another 25 or 50 cents (as long as timer does not run out). Does that make sense. It took me a bit to figure it out. We brought laundry soap in Sydney and took it onboard but had to buy more half way through the cruise. I did laundry about once a week.


As for formal nights. Not sure about others but I wore just cocktail dresses and was just find. This time I am trying to find an evening skirt with fancy tops...but so far not doing well on that front



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Has anyone tried the spanx type of thing from Chico's??? I see that is much cheaper.


My husband's big problem about traveling with a weight restriction is that he has a size 15 foot! So, he will be wearing one pair of sneakers and only bringing one other pair of sneakers and a pair of shoes. That's his limit!


Charlene - we came from the snowbelt outside of Buffalo. I know what you're talking about - so gloomy & cold!!! That's why we now live in Florida!!! Got sick of shoveling snow!!!


Oh - does anyone know why everytime I travel one of my special suitcase locks is gone??? They're the ones that have the slot for the key so they can be opened by airport security. I thought that they had to put a note on the bag AND relock the bag if they took the lock off. At almost $7 each, this is getting expensive - plus I bring extra ones with me for the return trip.



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Karen, we bought the TSA locks and the first time we used them, the skycap told us to take them off as if security wanted to check our bags the locks would be destroyed. When we questioned this, that we understood the TSA had keys to open these, he said "don't believe it, if they want in they'll just break the locks". SO, since then we have used plastic ties... the type that you need a nail clipper to open. Only once have we had a suitcase opened, and we believe that was because DH had a flashlight with battery near the top of the case. They did put a note in the case that it had been opened by security.

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For those of you who have done this trip before or live in Australia - is Pepsi readily available. When in Europe we had a hard time finding it and my DH loves it so we try to take some onboard with us since they only serve coke. Just wondering if it will be easy to find in Australia.



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For those of you who have done this trip before or live in Australia - is Pepsi readily available. When in Europe we had a hard time finding it and my DH loves it so we try to take some onboard with us since they only serve coke. Just wondering if it will be easy to find in Australia.




Absolutely, Pepsi is available everywhere in Australia and New Zealand.

David and I are Pepsi Max drinkers (you cannot get pepsi max in the US, so we found out)




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Good Moring!


I only use the mineral Bare Minerals makeup and have had a hard time traveling with it. Here is what I do. I cut a small piece (to fit the container) of plastic from a baggie , then put a cut to fit piece of foam ( like a puff) on top, then the lid. This works pretty well in keeping the minerals in the bottom.


How do you other mineral wearers travel with yours??




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Anni, I have used Bare Escentuals for almost 5 years and love it, but agree that it is more difficult to travel with than other makeup. I really don't do anything except just before I pack it I clean all the tops, and ridges on the threads of the little jars with alcohol so there is no powder that can get out. I pack them in a makeup carrier that holds them securely and always take them with me in my carryon. I am not sure I completely understand what you mean about how you pack yours.

Will you email me? jerobatintellexdotcom


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Hi Anni, I wanted to rent a tux from Princess for Bernie, so he would have more room in his suitcase for my "over flow"....he said he is doing what Jeff is doing and bringing a suit, several ties and shirts only.NO TUX! Guys have it so EASY!!!!!!!

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Hi Anni, I wanted to rent a tux from Princess for Bernie, so he would have more room in his suitcase for my "over flow"....he said he is doing what Jeff is doing and bringing a suit, several ties and shirts only.NO TUX! Guys have it so EASY!!!!!!!


Hi Kendra,

Yup, Jeff is still just taking a suit. I read someplace on the boards that the popular sizes of the Tuxes were all ready rented. So the "boys" have an excuse:D




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