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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Echo what Brenda said, have a great time tonight!


Thanks to everybody on this snack thing. This is something I have to figure out. During the daytime I am fine, have dinner and then immediately have an urge for a snack. It is not hunger but certain, how can I say, sensations that I really miss... I miss the crunchy and sweets. So I usually have an Italian ice for dessert, then some crackers. I guess it would be ok if I stopped there but I cant seem to fix that "sensation" and then stop. I might need to get some of M's just say no attitude.


We have another competition coming up in 2 and a half weeks. Tonight I am having a gown altered that I have only wore once and now is too big. An alteration is a big deal because all the stones around the seams have to come off, body suits underneath re made, stones then glued back on. So I guess I have pretty much decided this is where my body will stay, a few pounds short of my goal, so be it! I am happy where I ended up.


Finally the effects of my chinese binge are gone, horray!

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Smooth, did the effects of your "chinese food fiasco" really last a week also? I doubt it'll be months before I eat chinese again!


I forgot who makes these, but there is a tortilla chip (lays?) that makes baked ones..they are huge chips, 8 per serving and I think under 200 calories. If you had that with a little salsa that would work.


If possible make your own salsa fresh or you can buy it fresh in some stores. I have a really good recipe for a watermelon salsa I can post if you like. It's got cilantro, watermelon, garlic, lime juice and it's really easy to make


Sometimes I brush my teeth instead of eat...as I don't want to ruin the clean taste of my mouth.


Brenda: Good tip from Chi..you can weigh yourself every day if you are sure you won't flip out when it fluctuates..otherwise you forfeit your right to complain!


What's everyone doing about Easter? I'm going to MIL's for a west indian spread..oxtails, pork, jerk chicken, rice/beans, salads..and "easter bun" which is somewhat of a rum cake...UHOH!!


Echo what Brenda said, have a great time tonight!


Thanks to everybody on this snack thing. This is something I have to figure out. During the daytime I am fine, have dinner and then immediately have an urge for a snack. It is not hunger but certain, how can I say, sensations that I really miss... I miss the crunchy and sweets. So I usually have an Italian ice for dessert, then some crackers. I guess it would be ok if I stopped there but I cant seem to fix that "sensation" and then stop. I might need to get some of M's just say no attitude.


We have another competition coming up in 2 and a half weeks. Tonight I am having a gown altered that I have only wore once and now is too big. An alteration is a big deal because all the stones around the seams have to come off, body suits underneath re made, stones then glued back on. So I guess I have pretty much decided this is where my body will stay, a few pounds short of my goal, so be it! I am happy where I ended up.


Finally the effects of my chinese binge are gone, horray!

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Easter....I am doing the cooking. We have a bunch of picky foods first....egg rolls, little hot dogs, sweet and sour meatballs, potstickers, eggplant spread on toast points, cheese and crackers, crab cakes, pizza bites....I think that's it. LOL. Then we are having a salad filled with Italian meats and cheeses. We are then keeping it simple and having lasagna with meatballs, sausage and garlic bread. Noone wants the meat course, like ham, etc. We'll all just get fat on all the cheese in the lasagna. My sister is making some desserts and my MIL is bringing Italian pastries. OH ....I may just not get on the scale next week. :eek:

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I had gained some extra weight after having two kids and it never really bothered me until one day I took a look at myself in pictures and thought, "Do I really look like that?" I wasn't fat but just plumper than I used to be before kids. So one day I set out to lose the extra weight and I was able to lose 18 pounds in 3 months. The first week I definitely lost 5 pounds, just like you did. After that it slowed down to 0-2 pounds a week. They key is to make sure you eat and not skip meals. Make sure to eat plenty of fruits and/or veggies with each meal. And eat some light healthy snacks in between. Also, when exercising, don't only do cardios but work on building muscle. Muscle speeds up your metabolism. And no, you don't have to get bulky and start looking like a weight lifter. Just do some light weights and crunches for your abs.

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Bren - yep...agree with the others on the scale. As an everyday weigher, I see ups and downs all the time. Just the way it works...so get used to it. ;)


Smooth - Man!! Chinese food does a number doesn't it?? Yeah...I'll be thinking about that the NEXT time someone here suggests chinese for dinner. As much as I love it...it just isn't worth it. :cool: And M is right on the salsa too...I forgot that one. I LOVE LOVE LOVE salsa and chips, but the chips can get outta hand pretty quickly, so I try to stick to the baked, lowfat ones. Last night was a late night, again, for me. And I was totally STARVING at 10pm. Out came the peanut butter jar (told you M!!:D) , NO crackers....just peanut butter and a fork - yep - I use a fork cuz it's hard to get but so much on there!!! :p ). Anyway...just a little bit - didn't go crazy, and it was enough to calm the hungries. That was all I needed. (I love the sweets too...but salt is always my preference!)


Chi - good luck tonight!!! And the snow sounds lovely!! I had wanted to go skiing this weekend...but procrastinated and never made any plans darn it!


M...Easter? Well, we are celebrating early, this weekend (I won't be here next weekend) and finally, we are NOT having a huge dinner at my mom's. YAY!!! What with mom having surgery last week, and still not able to do much but sit, we are just going to order dinner from the Outback (very close to my parents) and pick up dinner and bring it home to enjoy. My sister and her family are coming, so it will be more relaxed and much less hectic this way. I am looking forward to it. Not sure what I will eat...but it will be a fun and busy day, and I probably won't eat much except for dinner...so...maybe a small steak...and I love their broccoli...can't wait!!

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Here is one that I found on Allrecipes...M's may be different though...



3 cups chopped watermelon

1/2 cup chopped green bell


2 tablespoons lime juice

2 tablespoons chopped fresh


1 tablespoon chopped green


1 tablespoon chopped jalapeno


1/2 teaspoon garlic salt



1.In a large bowl, combine the watermelon, green bell pepper, lime juice, cilantro, green onions, jalapeno and garlic salt. Mix well and serve.

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I am not a huge fan of salsa but the watermelon one sounds great, worth a try as soon as we hit watermelon season.


Well no the Chinese did not take a whole week, I ate it on Saturday and did not feel like myself again until Wednesday, long enough to not want to go near it again anytime soon! I am going to hunt around though for some recipes I can make myself, that will not cause me to feel crummy, because I do so like Chinese food. LOL, the group I am working for orders lunch in often but they have stopped asking me if I want to order after saying "no" so many times. They ordered Chinese today.


I generally do also weight myself everyday or every other day but the fluxuations are never a big surprise to me. I can just kind of feel it in my body and almost know what the scale is going to read before I ever step on.

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LOL, the group I am working for orders lunch in often but they have stopped asking me if I want to order after saying "no" so many times. They ordered Chinese today..


Took my co-workers a long time before they stopped asking me too...I felt bad saying no all the time...so I was happy when they finally stopped asking. :o Some of my family will be here this weekend, and the boys love chinese. I'm willing to take them...but I won't be joining in!! :cool:


...the fluxuations are never a big surprise to me. I can just kind of feel it in my body and almost know what the scale is going to read before I ever step on.


You too? I am the same way...I usually know...funny...I guess we just kinda learn after a while?

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So he didn't even have the decency to call. Why did he go through the charade of rescheduling if he was no longer interested? I swear, it is not possible to have worse luck with men than the luck I've had.


Oh for crap's sake. What a jerk...and a chicken sh*t. :cool:

So sorry Chi...I know how you feel girl. Been there...several times!! :mad:


Keep your eyes open...there are good guys out there...one will come along.

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I talked to my friend last night. I met him at her birthday party, and he was a friend of her brother's friend. I guess the brother's friend told my friend's brother that the guy has a somewhat sleazy history, but thought he had outgrown that because he seemed to really like me. They didn't say anything because, well, people can change. I guess he fooled more than me.


OK, time to move on. The thing is, I so rarely meet someone I'm interested in. Call me picky. I met a guy last weekend that seemed really into me, but he was so drunk I was annoyed and just wanted to get away. Nobody can believe I haven't met anybody at work (my sister met her busband there). I work at the HQ of a Fortune 50 company, so there are a lot of people. There are very few men in my age group in my dept (or even single men), and the depts with a lot of younger men (audit, accounting, real estate, construction)are in a different building, so the options to interact are limited. As far as Chicago guys, at least the majority of the guys I meet seem to still think they're in college. I've tried a couple different dating websites, but really had no better luck there.


My mom says the problem is that I don't need a man - she feels I'm too independent. What choice do I have?

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Chi: I read somewhere once that if you meet a man and he immediately turns you on like a blowtorch, you should run in the other direction as fast as you can! Did you try my friend's website? You should go see him play, and he hangs out with a real cool group of people that are not schlepps at all. Too bad you aren't in Florida, I'd introduce you to some niced guys..hey, even my "cast offs" weren't so bad!



The watermelon salsa:


"Fire and Ice" salsa

  • 3 cups chopped watermelon
  • 1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
  • 1 tablespoon chopped green onions
  • 1 tablespoon chopped jalapeno pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt

I adjust the ingredients to taste, and also add a tabplespoon or so of chopped scallions. I love lots of fresh cilanro. I gets a little runny if it sets too long but then you can eat it like a cold soup. This is a good recipe as it has no oil.


My "moomie in law" (yes we call her moommie..a west indian word for mom) made an easter bun last night..oh my..I ate a tiny piece and already my stomach is bloated from all the wheat flour. Smooth, I was at a Chinese resturant last night..what a glutton for punishment i am....but I had a small container of vegetable soup...had a nice clear broth and chinese vegetables so I don't think that was too bad.


Brenda: your dinner sounds good but my stomach would be mad at me for days with all the carbs I'd love some nice lasagna but have to stick to the gluten free ones..not as tasty but oh well, we all have our vices.


I talked to my friend last night. I met him at her birthday party, and he was a friend of her brother's friend. I guess the brother's friend told my friend's brother that the guy has a somewhat sleazy history, but thought he had outgrown that because he seemed to really like me. They didn't say anything because, well, people can change. I guess he fooled more than me.


OK, time to move on. The thing is, I so rarely meet someone I'm interested in. Call me picky. I met a guy last weekend that seemed really into me, but he was so drunk I was annoyed and just wanted to get away. Nobody can believe I haven't met anybody at work (my sister met her busband there). I work at the HQ of a Fortune 50 company, so there are a lot of people. There are very few men in my age group in my dept (or even single men), and the depts with a lot of younger men (audit, accounting, real estate, construction)are in a different building, so the options to interact are limited. As far as Chicago guys, at least the majority of the guys I meet seem to still think they're in college. I've tried a couple different dating websites, but really had no better luck there.


My mom says the problem is that I don't need a man - she feels I'm too independent. What choice do I have?

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Leslie, OMG!!! I can't believe what a jerk that guy is. Watch he calls again!!!! :eek: I know how hard it is to find men. I think I hold the world's record for attracted losers. I'm not kidding either. I don't think anyone would believe the type of men I have dated. A quick background is that me....I am the typical girl next door. I hardly drink, I never did drugs, I'm not into partying, etc. All I really like is family life. BUT, I always managed to attract jerks. I have been put in the hospital and even held at gunpoint. Its crazy!!!! I don't know where all the good men are, but I hope you get to find one! My daughter is like you. SHe never seems to like anyone at all. She only recently found a guy who she seems totally taken with. She met him when she started a different college (she is 19). She has been dating him for a couple of months and he seems so sweet. He is shy and totally the opposite of what I would expect she would like........but opposites attract, and the shy guys are usually very nice. He is even coming to the circus with us!! Most guys run when they hear you want them to go somewhere with your parents. In any case, someone will be very lucky to get you and your new slim body with those Victoria Secret bathing suits! You worked very hard for it....make sure the guy is worthy! Forgive me, but I forgot how old you are?


Well I have alot of work to do today to get ready for Easter. Have a great day all.

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Chi, there are plenty of nice guys out there. Yes he was a jerk to not call, I think sometimes men say that when they have no intention of calling, siimply because they don't know how to end something grracefully the way women do, or they just dont know how to say no for fear of hurting your feelings but in the end they still do. You got bigger fish to fry. I set a friend of mine up with a guy, and for their first date she had him meet her at her church as she is very involved there. Well guess what, he was willing to do that and that told her he was a decent guy. Besides in all realtionships it's better to look at it as "I'm just meeting a friend for coffee" and not have any thoughts like "Hmm..maybe this guy will work out" etc. Oh well, I'm not the best person to ask, I'm a serial monogamist and have never had a big problem meeting people.


I suggest you "find" a regular hang out spot and become a regular there. I did that before I met my current darling boy (yes that's what I call him). You've ot a greater chance of meeting other "regular" people that way...and god forbid, don't meet a crew member on your cruise. Been there, done that, and stayed with hiim for 4 years..never again!


Leslie, OMG!!! I can't believe what a jerk that guy is. Watch he calls again!!!! :eek: I know how hard it is to find men. I think I hold the world's record for attracted losers. I'm not kidding either. I don't think anyone would believe the type of men I have dated. A quick background is that me....I am the typical girl next door. I hardly drink, I never did drugs, I'm not into partying, etc. All I really like is family life. BUT, I always managed to attract jerks. I have been put in the hospital and even held at gunpoint. Its crazy!!!! I don't know where all the good men are, but I hope you get to find one! My daughter is like you. SHe never seems to like anyone at all. She only recently found a guy who she seems totally taken with. She met him when she started a different college (she is 19). She has been dating him for a couple of months and he seems so sweet. He is shy and totally the opposite of what I would expect she would like........but opposites attract, and the shy guys are usually very nice. He is even coming to the circus with us!! Most guys run when they hear you want them to go somewhere with your parents. In any case, someone will be very lucky to get you and your new slim body with those Victoria Secret bathing suits! You worked very hard for it....make sure the guy is worthy! Forgive me, but I forgot how old you are?


Well I have alot of work to do today to get ready for Easter. Have a great day all.

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Brenda, I'm 31.


M, I did check out the web site. I haven't had a chance to go yet. I will have to take the time to check it out.


Dumb Guy question of the day:


Coworker comes into my office to ask a work-related question. He leaves, and then comes back.


Him: Les, are you losing weight?

Me: Yes.

Him: How much have you lost?

Me: Almost 20 pounds

Him: How are you doing it?

Me: Weight Watchers and more exercise

Him: So you're counting points?

Me: Yes, it's actually pretty easy.

Him: So, does it work?

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Chi, if you go one day I'l email him and tell him to keep a loook see out for you.


The office guy: I would have smiled and said "Thanks for noticing I lost weight. No, the program doesn't work. I don't know why I bother counting the points because I'm losing weight"


Brenda, I'm 31.


M, I did check out the web site. I haven't had a chance to go yet. I will have to take the time to check it out.


Dumb Guy question of the day:


Coworker comes into my office to ask a work-related question. He leaves, and then comes back.


Him: Les, are you losing weight?

Me: Yes.

Him: How much have you lost?

Me: Almost 20 pounds

Him: How are you doing it?

Me: Weight Watchers and more exercise

Him: So you're counting points?

Me: Yes, it's actually pretty easy.

Him: So, does it work?

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Him: So, does it work?


Sheer brilliance that one. :rolleyes:



Okay Leslie, here's my story...maybe it will help you see more promise in the future...


I split with my ex in 1998...and did not date, at all, for over 5 years (that's when I gained the 60 lbs.) Honestly I had no interest and was perfectly happy with my son. But of course the weight got to me, and after I lost it, I started noticing that I was being noticed again; and my son was older too, so I figured it was time to get back in the game. Wow what a challenge! I am a whole generation older than you, and believe me, there are much fewer eligible men of my age than of yours. In fact, I ended up dating a guy 18 years my junior :eek: but it wasn't serious, and though it made me feel good :D it did not last very long. I met some guys at the gym...a couple at a bar, some through family, and friends, and I dated, but no sparks anywhere.


Finally, on a lark, and at the urging of several people at work, I joined Match.com, with my girlfriend. I had said I NEVER EVER would do that. I would never be that "desperate". I am about the most independent woman there is...and I certainly did not need a man. I had a very full life...but...my son was growing up, and I had a wee bit more time on my hands...and...well, it just would be nice to have someone to do "grownup" things with. Well...I met every dork, jerk, and louse you can think of. It was absolutely a skin-thickening experience. Man...I thought I had seen ALL the jerks....but nooooooo....there are SO many out there, and the hilarious thing is, they think WE want them!!!!! HA!!!


Well, weeding through the losers took lots of time and perseverance, and I almost gave up a couple of times. Dated one guy that broke my heart (I lost 4 pounds in 3 days over it)...and actually I met a lot of really nice guys...some out of town. In fact to this day I maintain an email friendship with a guy in NC. Last spring, almost a year ago, I met my fella. First meeting, I could have talked all night long, and absolutely hated to leave. We were both just totally smitten...and have been ever since. End of story. SO....it can happen. And it will. Just keep your eyes open and don't rule anything out. ;)

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WOO HOO! YIPPEE!!! YAHHHHHH!!!! WHISTLES, HORNS, ETC.!!! :D I finally reached goal number 1. I got under 130! I am officially 129!!! I am so happy!!


Hey, Skinny, way to go!!!!:D :D I am so happy for your success & don't you just love it when you "break a barrier".... you're now in the 120's!!!

Keep up the great work and keep feeling better about yourself! Wow!


Finally the effects of my chinese binge are gone, horray!

I'm just curious if you guys are aware of the food additve MSG? It's a flavor enhancer in many foods, but extremely high in most Chinese food places. It's common that people have sensitivity, so it's no big deal to them if you say "No MSG, please" Just a thought, in case you just HAVE to order it again & haven't tried this.


is getting married in May, met her BF on E-Harmony, so it can work.

I also want to put in my vote for eHarmony, but only if you really want to settle down and get married. Or will at least say so during their "Profile Question" period. We have a lot of commercials now where people claim to be "REJECTED by eharmony!!:( " But most likely it's because they say they are just interested in meeting people just to date. If you read all about eharmony, they believe their purpose is to match people for long-term, most likely ending in marriage. They Do NOT want to be considered a dating site and state that they will refuse you if this is all you want. If you live in a large enough area, I would recommend it if you want to settle down, or want to meet men who are wanting to settle down. That's the difference. Match.com in my area is very "meat markety" and men do not hide the fact that they are looking for a "good time" and that's pretty much it. I know of more long-term relationships from eH than ever from Match.com. I'm happy for HappySM that she found her a great guy thru Match. I have some friends who only want to date & like to date a lot of different men and they really like Match because of this. I met a wonderful man on eH and we did become engaged. I just wanted to explain the differences (at least for my area) I'm sure this may differ regionally, too. The other thing that really helped me a while back was reading the book, "He's just NOT that into you." But that's a WHOLE OTHER STORY..... changed my whole dating life for sure.;)


Sorry if I took this off topic for the moment.


Back to topic: For the last few days I've weighed in at 113!! yea!


I wish everyone a Happy Easter Weekend! You know me, I'll be enjoying it one fistful at a time.... watching the clock sometimes, just so I can have more in an hour!! Ha!




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I also want to put in my vote for eHarmony, but only if you really want to settle down and get married. Or will at least say so during their "Profile Question" period. We have a lot of commercials now where people claim to be "REJECTED by eharmony!!:( " But most likely it's because they say they are just interested in meeting people just to date. If you read all about eharmony, they believe their purpose is to match people for long-term, most likely ending in marriage. They Do NOT want to be considered a dating site and state that they will refuse you if this is all you want. If you live in a large enough area, I would recommend it if you want to settle down, or want to meet men who are wanting to settle down. I have some friends who only want to date & like to date a lot of different men and they really like Match because of this. I met a wonderful man on eH and we did become engaged. I just wanted to explain the differences (at least for my area) I'm sure this may differ regionally, too.


Agreed. I get tired of seeing those stupid "rejected" ads. Their market is a subset of most other dating sites, so they are much more stringent. That is why I did NOT use them...I wanted a long-term relationship, but not marriage. (Don't get me wrong - it could happen, but it's just not on the menu for me right now. :o ) Besides, I would never have the patience to complete the profile!! :p


However, I know many people that met their partners by both sites, so they each do have successes.

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