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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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...did you call him back? Did you guys talk? Go out? What happened??? :)


Well I am back at work today - our spring break is over (kids are still out, but we only got 2 days). I only got 2 workouts in over the long weekend, but I also had yardwork to do, so I don't feel too badly. My son did knock out the rest of the cinnamon rolls, so that temptation is gone thank goodness. So it's back into the groove. Only 3 days before I fly south to see my fella...so I am lookin forward to that (I think he is too!!:D)! I want to take one of my bikinis for the pool...hope it's warm enough!!

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I called...got voicemail. Left a message. We'll see if he calls.


I was so anal on Easter. My sister and I made a breakfast casserole. She accidentally bought full-fat cheese, but it really wasn't that big of deal. I stayed exactly in points on Sunday - no chocolate even!


Even though the scale hasn't budged, I'm thinner. Pants I bought too weeks ago are quite a bit bigger than when I bought them. One of my vendors just dropped off some displays I needed, and he asked how much I was having to spend on new clothes! He said watching me is like watching an ice cream cone melt : )


When I told my mom that I'm staying at 138, she said that it sounds like that's my body's ideal weight, and that's why I'm not losing more even though I'm eating within the WW guidelines and I've stepped up my exercised in the past 3 weeks (9-10 hours a week). What do you think?

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I think there may be some truth to your moms statement. As you know I have been struggling to loose the last 5 pounds, and this is 5 pounds lighter than what is normal for me.


Finally after a couple of months of really hard work I loose 2-3 pounds. Then just by adding a little carbs or increase my calories by just 300-500 pounds I have gained it all back. Yet I never go below the 120 pounds, just anything below that I gain back very quickly. So I am just about resolved that my perfect weight is 120 and leave it at that.


For the first time however I have learned it is not all about numbers. As we get ready for our next comp(Week-end after this one) I tried on a gown that I was going to wear. I could not believe it, it was just to big, enough that I could not wear it. Now I have worn this gown at 120 and it fit just fine, now it no longer does. I have over the past months really increased my gym work-outs so even though my scake reads 12o, I do have a different body then 6 months ago at 120.


LOL, I just convinced myself after this post that your mom is right, and all is OK with me just the way I am!

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He said watching me is like watching an ice cream cone melt : )


Too funny! I know that made you feel good to have them notice. :)


When I told my mom that I'm staying at 138, she said that it sounds like that's my body's ideal weight, and that's why I'm not losing more even though I'm eating within the WW guidelines and I've stepped up my exercised in the past 3 weeks (9-10 hours a week). What do you think?


I did WW too (still follow the basic principles, just don't count points now). After the first 25 or 30 pounds, I found that I usually had to eat at the bottom of, or below, the ranges they suggested in order to lose. I can only exercise so much though...only so much time in the day. I love it, but I just can't always get in the time I need to compensate for sitting on my butt all day. :o I think that is why I need less calories - even though people think I spend plenty of time on exercise, they forget that I am sedentary most of the day. Frankly I notice a HUGE difference in what I can eat on the weekends when I am running around doing errands and such, and during the week at work. I have to be so much stricter during the week because an hour at the gym simply does not make up for 9 hours in a chair. I spend between 7 and 12 hours a week on working out and cardio, and anything more would just not be possible. So for me, it comes down to what I eat...I just have to be so careful. And I wish it wasn't that way...but it is, for me.

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For the first time however I have learned it is not all about numbers. As we get ready for our next comp(Week-end after this one) I tried on a gown that I was going to wear. I could not believe it, it was just to big, enough that I could not wear it. Now I have worn this gown at 120 and it fit just fine, now it no longer does. I have over the past months really increased my gym work-outs so even though my scake reads 12o, I do have a different body then 6 months ago at 120.


The number on the scale can absolutely mean different things, based on your body composition. What I really want to see is my BF% go down...because that really is what I am trying to accomplish. You definitely can weigh the same, yet be a smaller mass (size) that the same weight but with a higher fat %. I was just reading an article here about a local gal, my age, that started body building a year ago. She is exactly my height, weighs 5 lbs more, yet is much trimmer. She is LEAN - not a bit of fat on her...but she is all muscle! And she looks great - not the "heavy-duty" bodybuilder look from the mag covers.

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I finally checked out the sparks people website...that was very interesting..I like how you can put in your foods, etc. and the computer does the rest of the work in terms of advising you on how much you can eat, when, and it works well with subsitutions. I really need to step up my cardio and work outs more.


Brenda, your being strangely silent...you doing ok?


Chi..just let sleeping dogs lie with the guy. If he calls, great, if he doesn't, he doesn't. No sweat.


Happy...it's been low 70's here in Florida and very windy , nto sure where you are going south but it hasn't been great beach weather here.

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I agree M. If he calls again, fine. I just wish HE would have let sleeping dogs lie by not calling the other night. I guess he wanted to offer some type of excuse so I wouldn't think he's a COMPLETE butthead.


Yeah, Brenda, where are you? You have been quiet.


So the scale read 137.2 this morning. I've flirted with 137.4 and 137.6, but then I pop back up to 138. We'll see what happens this time. Honestly, I am happy with the way I look, and I know clothes are looser on me than when I was 132-135. I just want to get to 135 so my driver's license is accurate...isn't that silly? I told the same (male) vendor yesterday that I wanted to lose 3 more and he just laughed at me. He said he'll nuver understand women and their weight.


I'm going out with friends tonight. We're going to a sports bar. The menu does not have much in terms of healthy, low cal fare. I think I'm going to get a veggie burger on a whole wheat bun. This place just opened. It's right near Wrigley Field, and as one of my friends put it, we need to check it out before the Cubs fans ruin it.

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Hi all,


A couple days ago my mom had a mini stroke and we had to rush her to the emergency room. I have been in the hospital with her most of the time. She just seems very weak, dizzy and has a headache. She is going through a series of tests. Unfortunately, I won't make it to the hospital today because Christian woke up this morning at 6 a.m. puking everywhere. So after I cleaned that up and disinfected I realize I feel like I am going to collapse. Yesterday I fell asleep randomly twice while people were talking to me. Maybe its a blessing that I have to stay home and take care of my little guy today. Hopefully the puking stops......the second time he made it to the toilet....thank you God.


OK, so regarding losing weight......apparently, I had diet lasagna.....I got on the scale yesterday morning and I was at 127!!! WOO HOO. That is a total of 16 pounds. Also, at midnight the night before I was eating bad food in Applebees after not eating all day because I was in the hospital. So I was really surprised. The more I lose, the more I want to lose. Well the next goal is 125 so hopefully I get there soon.....then I want 120....then anything in the teens. I wonder if this can be done?????


Well have to run. Have a good one.

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Brenda, did she have a TIA or did they say what part of the brain was affected? I worked on a stroke unit for a year rotation, I actually liked that unit the best of all, more than the TBI unit. Your son..poor kid..that sounds horrible!


The best thing for you to do today is REST REST REST. Your body probably still hasn't totally recovered from when you were sick, either. That takes a toll.


Hi all,


A couple days ago my mom had a mini stroke and we had to rush her to the emergency room. I have been in the hospital with her most of the time. She just seems very weak, dizzy and has a headache. She is going through a series of tests. Unfortunately, I won't make it to the hospital today because Christian woke up this morning at 6 a.m. puking everywhere. So after I cleaned that up and disinfected I realize I feel like I am going to collapse. Yesterday I fell asleep randomly twice while people were talking to me. Maybe its a blessing that I have to stay home and take care of my little guy today. Hopefully the puking stops......the second time he made it to the toilet....thank you God.


OK, so regarding losing weight......apparently, I had diet lasagna.....I got on the scale yesterday morning and I was at 127!!! WOO HOO. That is a total of 16 pounds. Also, at midnight the night before I was eating bad food in Applebees after not eating all day because I was in the hospital. So I was really surprised. The more I lose, the more I want to lose. Well the next goal is 125 so hopefully I get there soon.....then I want 120....then anything in the teens. I wonder if this can be done?????


Well have to run. Have a good one.

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Her dr. is calling it a TIA. But, on the cat scan it didn't show up. Yesterday they didn't have the results of the MRI yet. And last night when I left they were doing an MRA. In any case what happened to her was that she drove home from work, felt completely fine, then went to her freezer to get out a pork chop for dinner. While there she got extremely dizzy and almost past out 3 times. She got to a phone and called a neighbor for help. At that time my sister had called the house and they told her what was going on. My mom had pain in the left side of her head and a major headache. She was dry heeving and the room was spinning. She couldn't stand. Also, her lip went numb. This is the second time this happened to her. She insisted on going to her regular dr. instead of emergency room. Of course the dr. told her to head to the emergency room. We put her in a wheel chair and got her into the car and she was taken out at the hospital by wheel chair. They saw her within 20 minutes. She was complaining for hours about her symptoms, etc. Finally after about 4 hours they brought her to a room. She was hoping it was going to only be for the night but yesterday they would not let her leave and were still busy running tests. Honestly, she isn't in any shape to leave either. She is completely weak, still a bit dizzy and has off and on headaches. Her lip still feels a little weird she says.

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If it's the left side, then the right side was where it happened, it works in a contralateral way. It may not always show up on the scan, so then depending on what side of the body works or doesn't works is how they can trace it back to the specific part of the brain. That sounds more like a full blown stroke and not so much a TIA.




Her dr. is calling it a TIA. But, on the cat scan it didn't show up. Yesterday they didn't have the results of the MRI yet. And last night when I left they were doing an MRA. In any case what happened to her was that she drove home from work, felt completely fine, then went to her freezer to get out a pork chop for dinner. While there she got extremely dizzy and almost past out 3 times. She got to a phone and called a neighbor for help. At that time my sister had called the house and they told her what was going on. My mom had pain in the left side of her head and a major headache. She was dry heeving and the room was spinning. She couldn't stand. Also, her lip went numb. This is the second time this happened to her. She insisted on going to her regular dr. instead of emergency room. Of course the dr. told her to head to the emergency room. We put her in a wheel chair and got her into the car and she was taken out at the hospital by wheel chair. They saw her within 20 minutes. She was complaining for hours about her symptoms, etc. Finally after about 4 hours they brought her to a room. She was hoping it was going to only be for the night but yesterday they would not let her leave and were still busy running tests. Honestly, she isn't in any shape to leave either. She is completely weak, still a bit dizzy and has off and on headaches. Her lip still feels a little weird she says.

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I finally checked out the sparks people website...that was very interesting..I like how you can put in your foods, etc. and the computer does the rest of the work in terms of advising you on how much you can eat, when, and it works well with subsitutions. I really need to step up my cardio and work outs more..


I use SP on and off...but I am generally pretty consistent with Fitday. It's way fewer "bells and whistles", but I don't need them, and the navigation is much faster. I get too impatient with SP, but it is a good site. Both are...as is thedailyplate.com, and my-calorie-counter.com. I use the daily plate frequently for nutrition lookups - probably the best source for me, though again, there are many of these online. Of course after tracking this stuff for so many years, I've memorized many of the calories...but I need to know the fat, the protein, and the fiber too. I guess I am a bit anal about it. :rolleyes:


nto sure where you are going south but it hasn't been great beach weather here.


I am flying into Jax...and staying about 30 miles north of there, in GA. I think it's supposed to be warmer this weekend...but we won't have time for the beach anyway. Just lazing by the pool will be enough for me!

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Her dr. is calling it a TIA. But, on the cat scan it didn't show up. Yesterday they didn't have the results of the MRI yet. And last night when I left they were doing an MRA. In any case what happened to her was that she drove home from work, felt completely fine, then went to her freezer to get out a pork chop for dinner. While there she got extremely dizzy and almost past out 3 times. She got to a phone and called a neighbor for help. At that time my sister had called the house and they told her what was going on. My mom had pain in the left side of her head and a major headache. She was dry heeving and the room was spinning. She couldn't stand. Also, her lip went numb. This is the second time this happened to her. She insisted on going to her regular dr. instead of emergency room. Of course the dr. told her to head to the emergency room. We put her in a wheel chair and got her into the car and she was taken out at the hospital by wheel chair. They saw her within 20 minutes. She was complaining for hours about her symptoms, etc. Finally after about 4 hours they brought her to a room. She was hoping it was going to only be for the night but yesterday they would not let her leave and were still busy running tests. Honestly, she isn't in any shape to leave either. She is completely weak, still a bit dizzy and has off and on headaches. Her lip still feels a little weird she says.


Oh gosh...how awful. I'm sorry Bren...I hope the prognosis is a good one. Strokes can be devastating, but she sounds a bit better.

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The dr. has now decided to do a heart test. He is going to put a tube down her throat and go to the heart and look around that way. They are looking for a hole in her heart. I'm so upset that I can't be there for her today. My sister finally found a sitter so she can go. Things are just crazy for us right now.

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The dr. has now decided to do a heart test. He is going to put a tube down her throat and go to the heart and look around that way. They are looking for a hole in her heart. I'm so upset that I can't be there for her today. My sister finally found a sitter so she can go. Things are just crazy for us right now.


Hang in there. We are all wishing the best for your mom!! Let us know when you can...I know you must be having a fit...I would be too. :(

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My daughter wound up getting a break at school so I raced to the hospital to make it there before her test. I made it! Anyhow, she was so nervous and crying. In the end it turned out well....no holes in the heart and it looks good. I think all tests are done and she may be coming home tomorrow. She is still a bit tired, etc......but hopefully she recover nicely at home.

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My daughter wound up getting a break at school so I raced to the hospital to make it there before her test. I made it! Anyhow, she was so nervous and crying. In the end it turned out well....no holes in the heart and it looks good. I think all tests are done and she may be coming home tomorrow. She is still a bit tired, etc......but hopefully she recover nicely at home.


Wonderful news!! Very happy and relieved for you girl, and for your mom. Now get some rest. ;)

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I think an elliptical is a good idea. I find that it is not as hard on my knees as a treadmill.


If you join a gym, see if they have a spinning class. This uses bikes, but probably much differently than you are riding by yourself. The first time I did one, I kept wondering when I would fall off the darn thing. I was drenched & exhausted when I got finished, but let me tell you, it burns the calories.


One tip that a lady gave me while riding a stationary bike: Go really fast for 30 seconds, then a normal pace for 60 seconds. Alternate these speeds for your 30 minute ride. According to her (and she is fit), this will burn more calories than staying at one speed the whole time.


Basically, you have to eat to keep your metabolism up, yet burn more calories than you take in. I feel your pain, though. I was asked if I was anorexic when I was young because I was unable to gain weight. Well, now I have no problem with looking anorexic. It does catch up to you, doesn't it? Don't give up & don't get down on yourself. I plan to get toned up before my cruise, but I can tell you, I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it.

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Chi, "what about 'da guy"..hey I'm a poet and don't know it..did he call back or are you going to fry some bigger fish?


Brenda, I'm sorry to hear about your mom, but it sounds like you got some good news! Hang in there. Hope you're getting some rest!
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So wouldn't you know it, I crept back up to 138. However, my body has surely changed. I wore a pair of pants 3 weeks ago. I was 138 then as well. They were a little big around the waist, but still wearable. I went to wear them today...they practically fell off. I can no longer wear them. I really like these pants too...I bought them after Christmas for $15 (originally $90), size 6, were a little snug when I bought them but I knew I'd be losing. Oh well, I got my $15 out of them.


I'm going to keep at it, but I think my body wants to be at 138. And really, what is the difference between 135 and 138? Almost all my size 6 pants in my closet are too big. I've had to change what I was planning on wearing 3 times this week because clothes were too big when I put them on.

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