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Airbrush Tanning and swimming??


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Hi Y'all. Newbie here but wanted to jump into this discussion.


I was born and raised on the Gulf Coast. I spent years baking, broiling and blistering every chance I got - trying so hard to get that perfect tan. So was it worth it? Not on your life.


I've had skin cancer five times - so far. I was 28 when my first skin cancer appeared. I've spent many hours at MD Anderson Cancer Center having surgeries to remove the cancer from my face. Not to mention reconstructive surgery. My doctors and surgeon tell me that I am very high risk for more skin cancer. It's not IF I get more skin cancer, it's when. All of this because of the horrible sun damage I did to my skin - just to have a tan.


After my first skin cancer I was told to NEVER get in the sun again. I was so ashamed of my white legs. So ashamed that I wore jeans in the summer - just to hide my white skin from view. Not a lot of fun in Southeast Texas summers. I eventually realized just how stupid it was to risk my health, my life! For a tan!! I began wearing shorts again - white legs and all!


I am now a major Skin Cancer advocate. If I can help one person from going through what I've been through then my post will be worth it. Skin cancer is very sneaky. Not one of my skin cancers looked anything like you will find on the web. Each one looked and behaved completely different from the other.


So there will be no natural tanning for me. If the sprays and lotions can give you a (safe) tan and it's important to you to have that tanned look, then I say GO FOR IT! As for me ... I've had my years of tanned skin. I don't care what anyone thinks of my Lillywhite legs. I am tall, blonde, fair - like my Nordic ancestors before me. This is who I am. And I'm proud of it.

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Hi Y'all. Newbie here but wanted to jump into this discussion.


I was born and raised on the Gulf Coast. I spent years baking, broiling and blistering every chance I got - trying so hard to get that perfect tan. So was it worth it? Not on your life.


I've had skin cancer five times - so far. I was 28 when my first skin cancer appeared. I've spent many hours at MD Anderson Cancer Center having surgeries to remove the cancer from my face. Not to mention reconstructive surgery. My doctors and surgeon tell me that I am very high risk for more skin cancer. It's not IF I get more skin cancer, it's when. All of this because of the horrible sun damage I did to my skin - just to have a tan.


After my first skin cancer I was told to NEVER get in the sun again. I was so ashamed of my white legs. So ashamed that I wore jeans in the summer - just to hide my white skin from view. Not a lot of fun in Southeast Texas summers. I eventually realized just how stupid it was to risk my health, my life! For a tan!! I began wearing shorts again - white legs and all!


I am now a major Skin Cancer advocate. If I can help one person from going through what I've been through then my post will be worth it. Skin cancer is very sneaky. Not one of my skin cancers looked anything like you will find on the web. Each one looked and behaved completely different from the other.


So there will be no natural tanning for me. If the sprays and lotions can give you a (safe) tan and it's important to you to have that tanned look, then I say GO FOR IT! As for me ... I've had my years of tanned skin. I don't care what anyone thinks of my Lillywhite legs. I am tall, blonde, fair - like my Nordic ancestors before me. This is who I am. And I'm proud of it.



Thank you for your post. My dad also had skin cancer.


Funny thing (though not to me at the time), as a child my dad used to order me to suntan. He said I looked unhealthy with my white skin. Dad tanned easily; so did my mom and brother. So, I got it even from my family.


Eventually, when Dad got skin cancer, he told me to wear sunscreen and a hat. He never went outside without sunscreen on again.


Good for you for having the courage to face what you have. I'm proud of you too.;)


TahoeBob, it was more the way you said it, with the caps, large letters, and colour. From my own personal experience, I would definitely say most people I know prefer the look of tanned skin. Your experience may be different. From the posts of the posters, a lot of them agree with me. It is the perception of tanned = healthy that I have struggled with all my life. Your mileage may vary.


Mamaza and critterchick, thank you. I think you get what I was trying to say.:)

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Hi Y'all. Newbie here but wanted to jump into this discussion.


I was born and raised on the Gulf Coast. I spent years baking, broiling and blistering every chance I got - trying so hard to get that perfect tan. So was it worth it? Not on your life.


I've had skin cancer five times - so far. I was 28 when my first skin cancer appeared. I've spent many hours at MD Anderson Cancer Center having surgeries to remove the cancer from my face. Not to mention reconstructive surgery. My doctors and surgeon tell me that I am very high risk for more skin cancer. It's not IF I get more skin cancer, it's when. All of this because of the horrible sun damage I did to my skin - just to have a tan.


After my first skin cancer I was told to NEVER get in the sun again. I was so ashamed of my white legs. So ashamed that I wore jeans in the summer - just to hide my white skin from view. Not a lot of fun in Southeast Texas summers. I eventually realized just how stupid it was to risk my health, my life! For a tan!! I began wearing shorts again - white legs and all!


I am now a major Skin Cancer advocate. If I can help one person from going through what I've been through then my post will be worth it. Skin cancer is very sneaky. Not one of my skin cancers looked anything like you will find on the web. Each one looked and behaved completely different from the other.


So there will be no natural tanning for me. If the sprays and lotions can give you a (safe) tan and it's important to you to have that tanned look, then I say GO FOR IT! As for me ... I've had my years of tanned skin. I don't care what anyone thinks of my Lillywhite legs. I am tall, blonde, fair - like my Nordic ancestors before me. This is who I am. And I'm proud of it.


Great post Carvia, thanks for sharing your experience as a cancer survivor. It is really scary when you read that the skin cancer we might get today may actually be from that sunburn we got when we were kids.


We are more sun conscious now that we're older. I still feel I need a medium tan because I'm outside alot and can't be covering myself in sunscreen. When we go to the beach we stay under an umbrella.


I'm surprised how some people especially women will lie in the sun until they're almost black and their skin looks like shoe leather.

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A new lotion to try--Dove is making a gradual self-tanner now and it smells MUCH better than the Jergens. Even though my skin would be called "medium", I always get the "light" lotion--the color seems to work better for me.


I'm two weeks away and have just begun using it--I do like to have a little color on my skin when wearing sleeveless shirts and shorts.


The "healthy tan" thing is pretty funny--a century ago, the only women who got tan were the poor ones who worked the farms. Wealthy women rarely left their porches and drawing rooms, so stayed a whiter shade of pale.


Turn it around...now the women with year-round tans are the pampered ones (with time and money enough to either bake it or fake it)...and the pale ones like me are the ones who spend most of their time in an office.


Life's funny, isnt it?

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I just tried some Avon Skin So Soft Satin Glow for legs. I will see how my legs react to that. It is a white lotion, so no streaks in water or stained clothes. I picked it up last year, but was using L'Oreal and liking the results. I've tried Avon before, and didn't react, but didn't find that the colour developed as well or as quickly.


I'll report back!

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I really like St. Ives Healthy Brilliance Body Moisturizer. I have VERY fair skin and this product gives just a little bit of color to take the glare off :) It's very gradual, doesn't have a strong odor and doesn't stain your clothes.


Speaking of sunscreen, can anyone recommend a good waterproof sunscreen? I love to snorkel, but short of wearing a turtleneck shirt in the water, I can't be in the water more than 20 minutes without getting some degree of sunburn, despite slathering on supposedly waterproof sunscreen.

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I really like St. Ives Healthy Brilliance Body Moisturizer. I have VERY fair skin and this product gives just a little bit of color to take the glare off :) It's very gradual, doesn't have a strong odor and doesn't stain your clothes.


Speaking of sunscreen, can anyone recommend a good waterproof sunscreen? I love to snorkel, but short of wearing a turtleneck shirt in the water, I can't be in the water more than 20 minutes without getting some degree of sunburn, despite slathering on supposedly waterproof sunscreen.



While I can't help you with the sunscreen question, when we were in Hawaii we purchased UV swim shirts. You can get them in long or short sleeved. They have quite a high SPF factor. Perhaps you could find them in a swimsuit store? We used them for snorkeling, and were fine.;)

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Yep; orange is apparently the new black. Me, I can't think of many things sexier than looking like a walking buffalo wing.


While it sounded to me as if this post was very sarcastic...I DO worry about looking yellow or orange from the spray ons. I have seen many people that have orange knees or ankles or elbows. I have used tanning beds in the off season but know that it's not good for me. On the other hand, I am a little overweight and know that tanned fat looks better than white fat:( (and please, I don't need any comments on losing weight!!). Does anyone know of any really good fakes that don't look orange and don't streak?:confused:

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While it sounded to me as if this post was very sarcastic...I DO worry about looking yellow or orange from the spray ons. I have seen many people that have orange knees or ankles or elbows. I have used tanning beds in the off season but know that it's not good for me. On the other hand, I am a little overweight and know that tanned fat looks better than white fat:( (and please, I don't need any comments on losing weight!!). Does anyone know of any really good fakes that don't look orange and don't streak?:confused:


L'Oreal's Ultimate Bronzer (I think that's what it's called, too lazy to go look at the label) with spf 15 isn't orange at all, at least not in my experience. The Dove isn't orange-y either, but I found out today that getting dirt on my legs in the garden exfoliates it right off. So back to the L'Oreal for me!

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L'Oreal's Ultimate Bronzer (I think that's what it's called, too lazy to go look at the label) with spf 15 isn't orange at all, at least not in my experience. The Dove isn't orange-y either, but I found out today that getting dirt on my legs in the garden exfoliates it right off. So back to the L'Oreal for me!



Oh darn! I was going to look for the Dove. At least the Avon stuff doesn't reek.

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  • 1 month later...

I own an airbrush tanning studio in CA, and I always tell out-of-towners to research the product their airbrush technician uses prior to getting it done. A good product will permanently stain your skin brown (not orange!), and not come off in the ocean, on towels, sheets, or your husband's arm when he's sleeping next to you! ;-) If you can't locate a technician prior to your cruise, and must use a lotion for self application, I've always liked Sea & Ski. It's old school, but doesn't have too strong of a scent and leaves a nice shine to your skin. Just be sure to bring plenty for the cruise because accidents can happen, and the tan CAN come off should you have an encounter with gasoline, battery acid, or if you plan to shed your skin!


Happy Cruising! :)

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I can recomend what I use for long- lasting sunscreen in the water: a rashguard. A t- shirt won't do much, sunscreen eventually wears out/off, but the rashguard will really keep the sun off, and they are like a mock turtleneck. They are very light-weight and dry in no time, I don't swim without one!


I live in the Caribbean and am ultra- careful about sunscreen. I teach horseback riding lessons in the sun and have no desire to look like an old piece of tack. I am very fair (blue eyed- blonde) and really haven't much of a tan at all. I do get teased about it too, but I smile and know that I am doing my best to stay healthy... a tan comes and goes but skin cancer can last forever.


Be safe so you can enjoy cruising longer!

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A practical question. Can one go to the caribbean and enjoy the beach and water sports w/o having a protective tan. Can you really enjoy the sun for 16 hours and cover your body enough with the sunscreen to prevent sunburn?.


I ask this because the dw and I always pretan before going to the caribbean for fear of getting burned. Okay part of it may be because we don't want to be the whitest people onboard.


Can't explain it but we too seemed programmed to believe that tanned = healthy and attractive while pale = sickly and unattractive. Has the advertising industry been that successful in brainwashing us. Must be the case since at one time peaches and cream was the rage. As well as voluptuous for ladies.


Yes...as long as you use sunscreen, and reapply often, you should be able to avoid burns. If you get lots of sun, you will still tan, but gradually, and without burning. Use a lower SPF for more tanning....but reapply often. Remember, that you will not feel sunburned until several hours after it's already happened. Don't go by how you feel, or whether you notice any redness....by then, it will be too late.

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I own an airbrush tanning studio in CA, and I always tell out-of-towners to research the product their airbrush technician uses prior to getting it done. A good product will permanently stain your skin brown (not orange!), and not come off in the ocean, on towels, sheets, or your husband's arm when he's sleeping next to you! ;-) If you can't locate a technician prior to your cruise, and must use a lotion for self application, I've always liked Sea & Ski. It's old school, but doesn't have too strong of a scent and leaves a nice shine to your skin. Just be sure to bring plenty for the cruise because accidents can happen, and the tan CAN come off should you have an encounter with gasoline, battery acid, or if you plan to shed your skin!


Happy Cruising! :)


My DH always has an airbrush tan put on before traveling. I think he is albino- or at least lacks any melatonin in his skin... It is an eye hazard to others on the pool deck when he does not do this.

He cannot tan naturally.

Anyway, it only costs about 25-30$ for his whole body- I think less for just legs. The spray color includes some sort of bronzer. He leaves it on for awhile and then washes off the initial product.



It lasts a whole week, and the technician always supplies a list of products to avoid that might cause streaking. He snorkels, swims, uses a hotttub and even bathes :rolleyes:

He is religious about applying sunscreen- and uses Bullfrog gel with the spray tan with no problem.


Good luck!

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Great thread.


I'm fair and in my youth was a year-round competitive swimmer and later a lifeguard. I was almost always tan.


I'm older and wiser and have used a daily facial moisturizer with an spf protectorant in it for many many years and will apply at the very least the Lubriderm with spf 15 in it to my arms if I expect incidental sun (driving, having lunch outside). For yard work days, it's the waterproof 30 spf.


We're going to Mexico in October and we'll be taking spf 50. Especially on a beach, I'm relatively vigilant about reapplying. Staying under an umbrella will not protect you from the rays reflected off the water and sand. I think it's boring to sit around a pool on a cruise ship (or anywhere else for that matter) so don't do that, but could stare at the ocean for hours. It's not about getting a tan for me, it's about enjoying nature and being In It.


I think there is no healthy tan, and have also taken jibes from the tanning bed set about my white legs. Women can be very critical of each other, sometimes making you feel ashamed and saying "You have to...(go to a tanning bed / get outside / go get sprayed / cover those up)" (BS! I don't hafta nothing!).


A man can have very white legs but it's not as obvious because of the hair. Men maybe aren't as likely to kid each other about such a thing, anyway?? Women are often held to different standards (weight, makeup, hair styles, fashion...). I do feel that I look better with a tan, but won't do anything about it. I will never use a tanning bed. Call it an irrational fear, but that's my choice. Spray tan isn't something I'd do, either. These lotions, tho, I had considered. Thank you for so much info about the different brands.


Thank you for sharing your skin cancer information. I fear I am at higher risk due to my unprotected youth. A tan is absolutely not worth dying for. I'm sorry for your past, current and future battles with skin cancer.

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Please let me know where you get your information from that most people think that people look better with a tan. what survey did you read to get this information. And just who made fun of you because you are pale.




Hey dirtgirl! Figures this comment comes from a guy. I know of your circumstances. I too, am a very fair Northern girl. I have tried out many products and I do love them. It did take a little experimenting with different products, but I went onto Consumer Reports and other opinion sites and found a few that I like. One thing..remember you get what you pay for.


I do like Neutrogena, and a new one I've found is by St. Tropez.


My suggestions and what I've found works for me is to either start with one spraying at a booth, or use a lotion, this gets an over all base color. The problem with the lotion is getting your back, I have someone help me with this.


Then what I've done is use the lotion and alternate with a micromist spray.


And I'm guility of loving to finally have a actual tan color (not orange!) after years and years of being teased of my pale skin....hey I even had my ob/gyn giggle at one appt asking me "do you ever get any color"...and he was a DR.!


And I've also found that having some color makes that darn celulite look better (LOL!!!)


Go for it...and good luck!

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this post is good , reading thru can some one tell me the best self tanning lotion my dh can use ....he is tanning at salon , but his legs wont turn tan, he has had pre cancer removed i told him to just stop,i would find out some lotion he can use that will stay on so what should we use?

thank you for your help..

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as i read i see these are my choices? when should he start , how soon does it take effect, how long does it last?should he re apply on cruise can he still use sun screen?




Jergens moisturizer/tanner

Mystic Tan

L'Oreal's Ultimate Bronzer

Sea & Ski.

thank you all

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I'm starting 12 days before our cruise. I reapply every 2-3 days. This helps my skin stain..and the tan doesn't wash off right away. A little does wash off every day in the shower, so adjust to your needs. And no..I've never had my tan streak from the salt water. It does come off quicker in a clorine (sp?)pool depending on how much time your in it.


I'm liking this new stuff...St. Tropez. Smells a little better than most and not looking orange. Found it at Ulta.

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Can't speak to the air brush tanning....BUT


The Neutrogenia does work- HOWEVER you run the risk of streaking. And while I agree that spraying in the shower is the way to go, make sure to rinse the shower out well afterward. I have a textured shower floor and it did get discolored....


If you have the time I much prefer the moisturizers. It is a more gradual process. The recommend using 1 hour before bed, and wait 10 minutes before getting dressed- enough time for me to complete the rest of my 'beauty' routine, such as it is. While you won't get the deep, dark tropic tan, you will at least take the glaring glow off those white legs- and you're less likely to streak! I'm going to an event this weekend and started using nightly earlier this week just to take the edge off the glare!!!!

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A practical question. Can one go to the caribbean and enjoy the beach and water sports w/o having a protective tan. Can you really enjoy the sun for 16 hours and cover your body enough with the sunscreen to prevent sunburn?.


Even if you have a tan, you should always reapply sunscreen every few hours. The sun is more intense in the Caribbean.


You can even burn with a "pretan". I will never forget my SIL, we all applied sunscreen at the beach except for her. She said she was already well tanned and would not burn. Guess who was the only person with a burn? So now matter how tanned I think I am, I always use sunscreen.


If you don't like applying the cream sunscreen, get the spray on. I love that kind as it is so easy to put on and no mess. Especiallly DH, he hates getting his hands greasy and won't help me put it on my back, this way, all he does is spray and I don't get burned.

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On sunscreen- saw something very interesting on TV a bit back.... Did you know that to really get an SPF of 15 from your 15 sunscreen a bottle should last only 2-3 applications? You would need an amount roughly the size of a shot glass for your face alone :eek: When they say 'apply liberally and reapply frequently' they are not joking. SO if you normally use a 15 you might be getting a 2-4 SPF.


The dermatologist went on to recommend using the higher SPF's. Because if you're using a 40 or 50 you might actually get a 15-20 SPF from it..... SO if you regularly use a 15 or lower, you're not as protected as you might think!

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Hey dirtgirl! Figures this comment comes from a guy. I know of your circumstances. I too, am a very fair Northern girl. I have tried out many products and I do love them. It did take a little experimenting with different products, but I went onto Consumer Reports and other opinion sites and found a few that I like. One thing..remember you get what you pay for.


I do like Neutrogena, and a new one I've found is by St. Tropez.


My suggestions and what I've found works for me is to either start with one spraying at a booth, or use a lotion, this gets an over all base color. The problem with the lotion is getting your back, I have someone help me with this.


Then what I've done is use the lotion and alternate with a micromist spray.


And I'm guility of loving to finally have a actual tan color (not orange!) after years and years of being teased of my pale skin....hey I even had my ob/gyn giggle at one appt asking me "do you ever get any color"...and he was a DR.!


And I've also found that having some color makes that darn celulite look better (LOL!!!)


Go for it...and good luck!


Don't you love it when you are made fun of because your skin is healthy?:rolleyes: My dad had all these patches on his head where cancer had to be lasered off - they never seemed to heal, either. Yet still, the desire to be tanned is strong.


L'Oreal gives very fast colour, but my skin reacts to it. My skin reacted to another brand as well. Maybe it is the ingredient (something acetone) that causes the staining that my skin is reacting to.:( Guess I will look like those fair maidens from yesteryear this summer.

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