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For those who have actually taken their children out of school


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Two weeks, even at a young age, is too much.


My daughters are both excellent students, but last year the youngest was VERY SICK and missed about two weeks of 4th grade in October. Catching her up was stressful for us both, and she really struggled in math for the rest of the year. We ended up getting her a math tutor over the summer.

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That little boy is now placed with other relatives and the parents are facing a date in family court. And I can also tell you that those parents are on the verge of a breakdown because of this. They have been subjected to the most invasive types of questioning, home inspections and being checked up on any time of the day or night without notice. I know it sounds harsh, but our rules are such that parents who so easily let their child miss so much school may have other issues going on in the home (it often turns out to be true).


So, for those of you who claim that parents "have the right" to "pull" their kids out of school for vacation- you're dead wrong, at least in my state.

I certainly don't advocate taking kids out of school for vacation, but if you have to do it, I say lie and say they're sick or something. You seriously don't want a visit from the state. You'll end up with them all over you for a year or longer.


What???? OMG! :eek: The child was removed from the home because the parents took him to Europe?????? I used to miss school to go to Europe with my parents (my mom is from England) and obviously we never had those issues way back then. :(


I agree it's never good for the parents to be defiant when the state is knocking on your door. But he was removed from the home? That poor child.


So when kids are homeschooled, do the parents have to fill out paperwork with the state saying as much? I think if I were his parents I would either start homeschooling or switch him to a private school. :eek:

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What???? OMG! :eek: The child was removed from the home because the parents took him to Europe?????? I used to miss school to go to Europe with my parents (my mom is from England) and obviously we never had those issues way back then. :(


I agree it's never good for the parents to be defiant when the state is knocking on your door. But he was removed from the home? That poor child.


So when kids are homeschooled, do the parents have to fill out paperwork with the state saying as much? I think if I were his parents I would either start homeschooling or switch him to a private school. :eek:


It's because the parents would not agree to get him to school every day. They think they can do what they want. It's probably a cultural thing-they're from India. But, I'm not sure about the attitude. Anyway, he is with an aunt and uncle only a couple of streets over and his Mom takes him to school each morning. They visit as much as they want and all eat together every night. They have a court date coming up soon and all they have to do is promise the judge they won't do it again. Case closed.


BTW, this boy goes to a really excellent elementary school in one of the very best districts in the state. His school is located in an extremely upscale neighborhood. I have no issues with this family and will be glad to be done with it. Oh, also, in Texas homeschooling is overseen by the state. To be honest, I've only dealt with one family doing homeschooling. Once I got in to take a closer look at things, it became obvious there was schooling going on. There wasn't even one textbook in that house.

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It's because the parents would not agree to get him to school every day. They have a court date coming up soon and all they have to do is promise the judge they won't do it again. Case closed.


That makes sense. I don't envy you at all, going into those homes. I know I would crack :(

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That makes sense. I don't envy you at all, going into those homes. I know I would crack :(


I believe if the parents had talked with the teacher or principal beforehand this would have never got out of hand. Cases like this are a waste of time and resources. BTW, I've already cracked. I cannot deal with another drug using, lying, neglectful, uneducated, living in filth, pregnant with her 6th baby welfare Mom.


Although I don't promote taking kids out for vacation-here's a tip. A student who misses a week or two at a time is much less likely to send up a red flag than a student who routinely misses one or two days every week. Those of you who have less stringent attendence policies are really lucky.

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I have taken my kids out of school to cruise. They were 6 & 8, Kindergarten and 3rd grade this year when we took them on a 9 niter. We scheduled it around Thanksgiving so they only missed 4 days and two of those days were early dismissal days!;)


Next year, we scheduled a cruise at the Easter holiday so they will be going on a 12 niter and missing only 4 days of school (unless 2 of those days are taken away as "Snow Makeup" days...then they will miss 6) Yikes!


We are allowed 5 "Family Vacation" days per year. They are supposed to make up the work, but I haven't seen much of that. Maybe next year it'll be more.


I'm sure I'll have to stop with the long cruises after next year though. I don't want them to struggle, although right now they are doing fine.

I don't "work" with them while we are on vacation. I'm too lazy...just being honest here. They (we) learn alot from the experiences and from the tour guides without me giving them boring stuff.

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We have nine days at sea so if, and I don't expect it, we get her work ahead of time; there will be plenty of time for her to do the work.


Where we live has pretty strict compulsory attendance laws though.




Not recommending it but I read of one person on one of the boards who solved the problem of a strict school board by removing the child from the school system. They got the records and everything. When they came back they re-enrolled the child into the same school system.


I had no problem pulling my children out of school but then the school system didn't enforce anything but that was several years ago.


On a lighter note, I don't believe she's in kindergarten....Time flies...

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Oh, also, in Texas homeschooling is overseen by the state. To be honest, I've only dealt with one family doing homeschooling. Once I got in to take a closer look at things, it became obvious there was schooling going on. There wasn't even one textbook in that house.

Wait, I am confused. There was or was not schooling going on. We happen to think some of the best learning experiences do not come from a book. I know we are going to do it this year and again in second grade when she will miss when we go to the Med.


I would love some of you who have written letters to share them in this thread (info removed of course). It would give me and other parents on what to write.

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Dear Ms. Principal:

Please be advised that XXXXX will be absent from school the week of October 15. Our family will be away that week on a vacation. XXXXX is scheduled to return to school on Monday, October 22.

XXXXX’s education is of utmost importance to me, and I am sorry to pull her out during class time. This trip was booked months ago, and neither my husband nor I was able to get any vacation time over the summer, making traveling during the school year unavoidable.

In researching how to minimize the impact of pulling XXXXX out of school for a week, I learned about “Independent Study.” It is my understanding that if you authorize Independent Study for XXXXX, the school will still receive the money that it would if she were present in class every day that week. Accordingly, I am requesting Independent Study for XXXXX for the week of October 15, 2007.

By copy of this letter to XXXXX’s teacher, Ms. Teacher, I am asking that you please either send home all of XXXXX’s scheduled homework for that week on the preceding Friday, October 12, or assign XXXXX an “Independent Study” project that would perhaps tie in to the educational objectives of that week, that XXXXX can turn in upon her return. I have explained to XXXXX that she has to earn the privilege of traveling during the school year, and she understands that she must complete her work and have it ready to turn in to you when she returns on October 22.

Please let me know if Independent Study will be authorized and, of course, if you require anything else please feel free to call me at work at _________ or e-mail me at ____________. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.



cc: Ms. Teacher


That's the letter I sent to my DD's principal, and DD ended up being marked truant. So if your child is in the LAUSD - DON'T send that letter.

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Prior to booking the trips, I sent an email to my DD's principal (oddly enough it was the same principal in both elementary school and in middle school -- he got "promoted" with them!)


Check out the school's test dates and make certain that your trip's dates do not impinge on any of them (not the school's tests, the district's tests, the state's NCLB tests, nor the Explorer test -- when they have time in there to actually learn I'm not too certain! :D )


I make certain that the administration and the teachers are all aware that I expect my DD to need to make up the work and that I expect to work with them and her to make this happen.

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Wait, I am confused. There was or was not schooling going on. We happen to think some of the best learning experiences do not come from a book. I know we are going to do it this year and again in second grade when she will miss when we go to the Med.


I would love some of you who have written letters to share them in this thread (info removed of course). It would give me and other parents on what to write.


Sorry. There was NO schooling going on. It was three teenage girls who just quit going to school. When they were referred (by the school) and I went to the address I found a doped up mother and no curriculum materials. No books, no anything indicating they were being home schooled.

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Sorry. There was NO schooling going on. It was three teenage girls who just quit going to school. When they were referred (by the school) and I went to the address I found a doped up mother and no curriculum materials. No books, no anything indicating they were being home schooled.


This would so NOT fly in NY State. Home schooling is very strictly overseen by the local school districts. A parent can't just dis-enroll their child without permission from the district, which a parent would never get without a lot of documentation that proves what type of education the child will be receiving at home.


Believe me, I'm not saying that there aren't doped-up mothers who don't have a clue where their kids are. Unfortunately, I work with too many of them. I'm just saying that home-schooling here in NY (and I would imagine much of the northeast) is a pretty tough thing to get approved, and certainly not something to try just to get a few days out of school.

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I have taken my boys out of school for vacations several times when they were younger. My oldest in now in High school so that is no longer an option. Check the schools policy closely, my son's school allowed it only for "once in a lifetime experiences" and a "family reunion" cruise qualified. Both my son's are honor students and I am VERY involved in the schools so there was never a problem. It's unfortunate that the rules have to be made so strict because of the few dead beat irresponsable parents. The high school doesn't even allow absences due to illness unless they have a doctor's note, wonder why things like flu and Noro run rampant? I wouldn't even question taking them out of Kindergarten. Just be respectful of the school and do not notify them to far in advance, in my experience that gives them the chance to refuse you because you have "plenty of time to cancel"

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I think it all depends on the school, their policies, the opinion of the teacher and administrator, and how well or how poorly the child is going in school.


We have taken our kids out twice for cruises--once for a whole week, and once for 2 days. We asked the administrator about it first, and he was all for it, provided the teachers gave approval. He said that kids learn so much when traveling, especially to other countries. Neither of the teachers had a problem with it, since both our kids are A/B students. One said that she would not recommend a child miss a week of school if that child were struggling, but she thought it would be a great experience for my kids. They both had to take along work to do in the plane and on the ship. Now this is a private school, mind you, so I have no idea what would have happened in our public school district.


And the only drawback to it was that my son, then in 4th grade, struggled up to the end of the year grasping the science section that they covered while he was gone. He had trouble remembering the information just from reading it. We just had to study a bit harder on those pages for the tests.

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I have taken DS out of school for vacation, but that was in Pre K and Kindergarten. The teachers just said, "Have a great time!" They just gave me a bunch of extra sheets of work for him to do...easy stuff.


This year, I just planned a spur of the moment cruise...leaving 4/27. Problem is, he will be out of school the week before for Spring Break. But this is the only time we were able to get the deal we did, and the only time DH and mom can take a week off so we can all go together. That being said, DS has NEVER been absent from school so far, so I am not worried. Plus, we LOVE his teacher...she is his same teacher from Pre-K, so I am sure she won't give us a hard time. Maybe some more work to do during the break or when we get back, which is no big deal.


GO FOR IT! As long as you don't take advantage, I think the school will be fine. Have a great trip! :o

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We took the kids (DGD - 7th grade and DGS - 2nd grade) out of school for a week in late January 2007 for a Disney cruise. As mentioned by a previous poster, independent study was an option, at least at their school, an acknowledgement that not all learning and education takes place in a classroom. All assignments were due the day the kids returned to school and they spent time in the cabin every day on their schoolwork.


What about high schoolers? Have any of you taken your high school student out for a week? There seems to be so much at stake once they begin high school that it just doesn't seem advisable.



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I have never heard of getting in trouble for taking your kids out of school for vacation. Maybe Canada is different. We went to Jamaica last year and pulled both our children (gr 3 and 4) out of school for 2 weeks. Just gave a note letting the teachers know, and asking them to send any homework or books they may need home. They didn't get anything to take with them, and there marks never changed.... But I do think once my children get older, in Junior high maybe, then it will be tough because there is a lot being taught that I don't think they could miss....

Your kids will love it. My kids still talk about it... and want to travel more..$$$

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Here is what it says in my DD's student handbook (she's in HS), which is available on the school website:


"Family vacations and college visitations should be scheduled in accordance with school vacations whenever possible. Class time and learning experiences lost for whatever reason have a direct and negative effect on the student's education. Absences and missed work resulting from family vacations and/or college visitations may be excused and made up when prior notification is given to the student's teachers and the school administration. If absence is necessary, parents should send a letter to the Principal indicating the dates the student will be absent. This however will still count towards total absences. The handbook states that a student with ten or more absences in a class will not receive credit in that class. Excused absences will not result in administrative detention. A reasonable time will be allowed for make-up work. However, the grade awarded for daily class participation cannot be made up."


My DD has perfect attendance thus far so she should be all set. She was actually hesitant at first about missing a week of school, but naturally wants to go with us! I'm confident she'll make up the work, and I plan to help her out as much as I can.

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Last year we took our ds out of school for a week so we could go on a cruise. He is in high school and I just wrote a note for his teachers to let them know where he was. It was never a problem because he is a very good student. I had the math teacher e-mail me just to let me know that he would be missing a placement test but not to worry because he was already placed in the advanced class without the test. It must be very different here in Canada than in the US. I could not imagine having social services called just for missing a few days.

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I know the debate ranges on, but I would like to hear from parents who HAVE taken their kids out of school for vacations during the school year. We are taking our daughter out of kindergarten.



We took our three children (1st, 6th, and 8th grades) out of school for a week 2 years ago for a family trip to Disney World and we are taking them out again for a week for a family cruise vacation in April. We chose not to go during their Spring Break for many reasons. We are also under the NCLB rules and have NEVER had to pay a fine, talk with a social worker, etc. That is OUTRAGEOUS!! They are YOUR children not the STATES!!


Anyway, our school district even has family vacations as excused absences; therefore, our children have seven days after the vacation to make up missed work, etc. However, we get the work ahead of time to ensure that they do not missed too much. This year we are asking that the teachers have the assignments ready during their Spring Break because they will be home and it can be accomplished during that time!


Do not feel bad for giving your child an education outside of the classroom! Go and enjoy yourselves!:)

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To lighten this up a little, is there anyone out there who will admit to taking their child out of school and say their child is a lousy student. Why is it for 13 years I have been on this board, no one has a child who is not an A or B student.

I just have learned that in DD's kindergarten to be, they no longer give grades but use some other type of lettering system if at all.


We are going to go, I just bought the air yesterday, but I was interested in hearing tales from around the country of other parents who faced this issue.

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To lighten this up a little, is there anyone out there who will admit to taking their child out of school and say their child is a lousy student. Why is it for 13 years I have been on this board, no one has a child who is not an A or B student.


Talk to me in a few years....lol. Our oldest, no problem. But her little sister coming up behind her (currently in prek-3) well that may be a different story. ;)

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