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Aug 15th Goal Anyone??


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What is it about chicken wings this weekend? Yes I was also tempted, my room mate brought some home yesterday for lunch, I admit, I had only one. Other than that, my downfall this weekend, I think I drank too much wine :( Can't weigh myself yet, broke the scale when I dropped it while cleaning this weekend. I'm off to Target for a new one so I'll be weighing in later.

A cold front moved in here yesterday after rain, it's 67F right now and sunny! Gotta love Florida this time of year, I know I do.


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Love my new scale! Down 2 more pounds this week which feels really good since I didn't lose anything last week. I even weighed with my clothes on in the afternoon! Can't wait to see what I am in the morning sans clothes. :)

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nlax, way to go with committing yourself to exercise!

nyer, 10 pound loss? That's fabulous!

mycruz, only one chicken wing? That takes will power, good for you!

CJsgirl, if you bike 40 miles a week, aren't you entitled to snacks? lol!

I'm down 3 pounds, woohoo! Dont' feel any thinner though. I know. I know. It'll take a while. My girlfriend wanted to start running, soooooo...we went! Plan on running 5 times a week. Oh man, I hope that sticks. We told each other, "no excuses." (except if you're sick, of course).

Yesterday,we had an awesome, warm, spring day here at 82F/28C! Weather like that just makes you want to get outside and MOVE!

Keep up the good work everyone!

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Hi, everyone. I just found this post and I am jumping in. Something has to get me going. I just turned 44 and I am up to my pregnancy weight!

My cruise is in August and my goal is 25 lbs. It will be our 25th anniv and it sure would be nice to be at least close to my original size!


My first vow- NO MORE SODA! I am a sodaholic. Woo Hoo!

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Hi, everyone. I just found this post and I am jumping in. Something has to get me going. I just turned 44 and I am up to my pregnancy weight!

My cruise is in August and my goal is 25 lbs. It will be our 25th anniv and it sure would be nice to be at least close to my original size!


My first vow- NO MORE SODA! I am a sodaholic. Woo Hoo!


Welcome! I found that just sticking close to this thread has helped me out. I'm thinking about it more, I'm exercising more, there are people here with a weight loss goal for Aug. and they are a great support. So, a big pat on the back for you to give up soda. If you drink a lot of it, you'll notice a difference soon!

I have a cruise Aug. too! Valor, on the 24th out of Miami. You?

Congrats on your 25th anniversary!

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Can't believe I managed to drop anything last week. This week's shaping up to be another bad one - I've been sick since Sunday. Feels like sandpaper in my throat!!!


Welcome SuzyJack!


Get better soon nlax, stay positive!:)

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No coke today, I did it! I had to sit the kids I work with down today and tell them- stop buying me cokes ( I say kids, but it is 3 young men between 21-26, who of course eat all day!) they laughed and promised they wouldn't.


Our cruise is Aug 17, out of Galveston on the Conquest. My daughters and my second cruise, hubby and 2 boys first cruise. We are so excited.

I have got to find time to exercise. Is that hard for everyone else?


Thanks for all of the greetings, I hope I help the gang reach their goals!

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Welcome, Suzyjack. It is hard to give up that soda so kudos to you for getting through your first day. That first day always seems the hardest. I have a terrible time trying to fit exercise in to my day. I am a stay-at-home grandma and sometimes it seems impossible to carve out some time just for me.


Yesterday, I was not good. I ate a piece of ice cream cake that was leftover from my DIL's birthday. Oh well, back on track today.


nlax, feel better soon.


How are you doing, Santyclaws?


mycruz and cjs girl...congrats on the loss. Good going!


Donna...are you still with us?



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Congrat Suzy on your first soda free day! Exercising does seem harder for me right now for some reason, I think it's my work schedule. Soon I'll have all morning to get out and exercise before going in to work so it should get better. Right now, yard work is about all I'm getting in right now. There is so much to do to get it ready for the summer months when it's too dang hot to do anything out there!


I think we all have at least one thing that is hardest to give up. Mine is chips! Love salsa and chips and trying to something that I can dip in the salsa that would replace the chips!


For everyone, here's to a good week, let's keep on track.

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Ok, so I started running earlier this week. Didn't go last night, and wouldn't you know........I feel so much fatter today! Funny, I'm not any thinner after my run, but I feel good that I'm doing something about it.


I went for a walk today to get my son at his friends house, and just that 20 min. walk did wonders for my mood. If you're having an off day, or just feel yucky, I suggest a nice brisk walk.


Planning on running tonight after my son's hockey game, I don't want to feel yucky tomorrow.


Everyone on track today?


Have a happy day! :)

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Mycruz- I am with you on the chip/dip/salsa thing- sweets I can leave sitting there.

2 days, no soda!

I haven't worked out in so long, I am also having a problem working it in to a work schedule.

Now, I am going to vow to be up by 5am, work out, then do housework before I leave for work. I don't get home before 7pm, so it is hard to do at night. I commute about 45 minutes each way to work- I need to find a way to exercise while I am sitting there.


Santyclaws- running? Good for you, I think I am going to start slowly with the walking until I build back up.


How is everyone else doing?

I just thought about the fact that I don't even own a scale, which could be how I got in this shape! I need to get one before next monday.


Someone said earlier- that they weren't buying anymore larger clothes, me too. but, after I get this weight off I am going shopping- I am shooting for end of July- before my cruise. Hopefully, nothing I own will fit!


Good luck this week everyone.

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I saw a post you made on another thread about needing some info- did you find the answers?


My husband is the health guru( had a stroke at 40- had to learn) unfortunately for me- knowing what to do isn't the same as having the motivation to do it.


These are things we learned-




"Diets" don't work developing a healthy approach to food does.


Feed the machine!-(my husbands favorite motto) if you don't eat your body breaks down muscle for energy- not good and it lowers your metabolism so your body doesn't burn as many calories during daily activities.

Calories burned has to exceed calories in.- raising your metabolism helps this.

Eat several small meals a day- a yogurt or bowl of cereal (something), then eat again (something small- piece of fruit, handful of nuts) and so on. keeps your metabolism up.


Protein is important- but you can get it in lots of ways- nuts, chicken, beef jerky- doesn't have to be red meat.


Fiber- got to have it- if you don't get enough in your regular diet- try to find Flax seed flour at your local store- add it to you recipes


If you can't pronounce the ingredients- don't put it in your mouth ( another of his favorite pearls of wisdom)


Stay away from processed foods-includes juice- eat an apple or orange in stead of the juice, fruit is full of natural sugar- when you drink juice you get the sugar and none of the bulk-


Watch out for "fat free" items- sometimes they use extra sugars to give it flavor which ads calories. And your body needs some fat- just not to much.


Read the labels on every package you put in your grocery cart- takes a little longer- but it will stop you from eating the wrong items.

Sugar comes in many forms- look for words like fructose, sucrose- any -ose.

Hydrogenated fat is bad- if it is solid at room temp- don't eat it.


If you don't like veges- try hiding them in your food- when you make a strong dish- especially anything italian- puree veges and you won't taste them- esp zuchinni, yellow squash, spinach etc- great in any tomato sauce



And you said in your other post that you like corn and peas- this is actually very good- corn and peas (black eyed, crowder, etc) are "complementary foods" between the two the contain all of the essential amino acids that your body need to make proteins. Eat them together and it is good thing.


And what is it you don't like about the vege texture- mushy when cooked?

Have you tried them raw- only why I can eat spinach, cabbage or broccoli


Potatoes- bad- they are a pure starch that your body converts to sugar.

You need carbs, for energy, but not ones that your body can transfer so easily.


I know I am rambling- sorry.


And once again- knowing what to do and doing it are two different things

if they weren't- I wouldn't be here would I.

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Good morning. Another weekend is here. I am trying to get myself motivated. Sometimes I lose sight of the ultimate goal, which is to be thinner by my cruise. Sometimes, it just seems as if I am doing this for so long and progress is so slow. But, I tell myself that I am 1/3 of the way to my goal and if I stick with it I can be 1/2 way to my goal soon.


Okay....I am back (I hope). :rolleyes:


Have a good weekend everyone.



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Suzy thanks for sending along all the reminders for healthy eating.


All - it's the weekend and a really hard time for me ususally. Last weekend went well, I kept really busy worked hard around the house and the yard. My hard work paid off, the house looks much better and I lost weight. I'm going to try it again this weekend, getting ready to paint the pool deck!


Have a great weekend and here's to staying focused so that we reach our goals on time!

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Rose- I am so impressed that you have stayed focus for so long. You are an inspiration to those of us just starting. I know is seems like progress is slow, but it was probably slow gaining weight and it is slow losing, especially if it is going to be a long term weight loss.


I am five days with no soda! I did eat a piece of pizza last night.:eek:


I am going to do like mycruz and focus on my house and yard this weekend. It is beautiful today in Texas and time to get ready for outdoor cooking!


Have a great weekend everyone!


We can do it! We can do it! We can do it!

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Rose, you will get there! Look how far you've come already!

Everone, good job for staying active! As for yardwork around here, looks like I'll be shovelling! Yup, freak snowstorm happening right now! Can't play outside just yet.

I've run everyday, or biked, except one (and I did the pilates videos that day), so I'm happy I've made it this far. Don't notice a difference yet, but it's only been a week. I'm hoping for a pound by Monday, that would make -4 in total.

Suzy, it could have been worse, you could have had 3 pieces of pizza!

If it's confession time, I ate corn chips and melted cheese 2 times this week.:o and.........it was at night.:eek:

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I saw a post you made on another thread about needing some info-.


Suzyjack - thank you so much for all of the great information, that's exactly what I needed!!! Great to have you on board (no cruise pun intended) with us! :D Do you know approximately how many calories I should be eating on a daily basis? I seem not to like the taste or smell of almost all vegetables and the texture of some. I have tried to force feed myself but can't get past the gagging part. It's sometimes weird though because I absolutely love the smell of green peppers but can't stand the taste.


Confession time is right:eek: :eek: ....... ugggggg.... I had a really bad weekend. Had McDonald's yesterday for lunch and noooo I couldn't just get the small fries I had to get the big fries... it's almost like an evil side of me comes out and my healthy side gets beaten up... kind like the Donald Duck cartoons where he has the devil on one shoulder pitch forking the angel on the other shoulder. So McDonald's happend at lunch and then we went over to our friends place for their farewell party (they are moving back East) and they had pizza and wings and curly fries... needless to say the little devil guy won again. So now today I feel absolutely horrible. I don't know why I have no self control sometimes. It's now only a little over four months away from our cruise and I doubt I can even reach my goal now.:mad: Is 20 pounds in four months reasonably obtainable do you think?:confused:


I hear you about the snow! We have been getting pounding yesterday and today. I don't get it!! It was like plus 26C last Sunday and now we are burried in knee deep snow!!!


Have a great Sunday everyone!



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Thanks everyone for the encouraging words. I am back on track. I didn't do bad yesterday even though I started the day off feeling like I might. I managed to pull it together and realized that I really want to show a loss tomorrow when I weigh in. I am trying to take it one day at a time. 24 more hours to get through and then I will hopefully be down another pound or two! :D


Santyclaws...sucks about the snow. It is finally warming up here on Long Island and I love it. I can go outside and play with my grandchildren every day and get a lot of exercise just chasing them around.


Have a great Sunday.


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Libertygirl7- as far as the calorie question- the calories you burn in a day should exceed what you take in to lose weight. So if you take in 2000, you need to burn more. I can't lose weight unless I stay under about 1500/ day. It is really hard to calculate and keep track of. Your body burns a certain # of calories just to exist- breathing, blinking, heart beating. digesting, etc= your metabolism- increasing your metabolism is very important- eating small meals and exercising helps with this.

http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm this website has a calorie calculater that may help.


I think your goal is obtainable- But finding away to avoid McD's is going to be key. Can you take a different route when you are driving so you don't pass one? I stop for coke everyday at this particular gas station, I avoided it all week and got gas somewhere else, the only way I made it through the week. Maybe, put a flip flop or something in your car, where you can see it, to remind you of your cruise and goal. I keep my sign and sale card from last cruise in my pocket.


We can do it! We can do it! We can do it!

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Suzyjack your flip flop idea is a good one. I told my daughter yesterday that I was going to try my bathing suit on once a week until my cruise to keep me on track with my weight loss. Nothing brings you back to reality like trying on your bathing suit and knowing that other people will see you in it. :eek:



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Suzyjack your flip flop idea is a good one. I told my daughter yesterday that I was going to try my bathing suit on once a week until my cruise to keep me on track with my weight loss. Nothing brings you back to reality like trying on your bathing suit and knowing that other people will see you in it. :eek:




I totally agree Rose! Knowing that I'll be practically living in a bathing suit for a week is great incentive!

Also, I'm LOVING this snow, not complaining! It'll be gone in a few days, but until then, I'll have fun with my kids in the snow! I DID miss my run or biking cardio though.

confession time again? hamburger and chili fries last night for dinner. I did really good up until that point. Grrr. Oh well, I just have to keep telling myself that I won't see any progress unless I stop eating that junk. I DO like other foods! Whenever I've been getting my kids takeout, I will come home and have my own dinner, salad with some broiled chicken. I didn't have any in my fridge last night, so I just ate the crap! Lesson to self: be prepared!

Not gonna beat myself up, and neither should you Liberty. Just gotta try to keep focused, which is what we're all trying to do. You'll get there, stay positive!

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So far so good this weekend for me! I am on the Weight Watchers online program and really liking it. There is a tool online that helps you find out how many points are in a recepie. I made some chili with chicken and it cam out to 2 points per serving! I had enough points left to have 2 1-cup servings with a small amount of cheese on it for dinner! It was pretty yummy. Didn't drink enough water today so I'm not sure how weigh in is going to go tomorrow.


Good luck at weigh in tomorrow for everyone.


Libery - 20lbs is going to be possible, make sure you also increase your activity and eat healthy....read those labels!

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Well, nothing lost but nothing gained either so I consider myself still ahead in this game!


My goal this week is to really watch portion sizes and to kick up the exercise some. I really need to get back to walking....see you later!

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