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Requesting table mates? (Adults only)


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Hi! I wound up with PC dining, even though I requested late. I understand that at PC, you have a diff't table every night. I do not want to be seated with families with children or teens. Is this a reasonable request to make of the Maitre'D?

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Yes, that's a reasonable request, but as they seat people as they arrive, so that everyone at one table can start eating at the same time - you could have to wait a few minutes for more adults if you want to share a table with others. As another poster mentioned, you can request a table for two, or if you meet up with another couple or two onboard who you want to dine with, if they are doing anytime dining, you can go and be seated with them. Unless you are going on holiday or spring break, I think you will find fewer children and teens in the dining room than you might expect. A lot of them are in the Horizon Court buffet anyway. I can't say that I've ever seen the dining rooms overrun by kids.

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bjboothman.........I was just thinking the same thing. When on Star last Sept. I do remember a child at a near table on the first night because the snippy LOL that was at our table was making tisk noises and giving the kid and the mom stink eye. I thought BFD, it is the first night, the kid probably traveled who knows how long that day...chill out.


having said that, I just remember seeing but a few kids all week in the dining room and they were a couple of teens.


answering the op question: heck yes, if you "love" the little rug rats as much as we do, by all means tell them what your seating preerence is.


3_13_14.gif..............just say no!...............;) :D

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We had a couple in front of us ask not to be seated with "old people". They were in their 20's, we're in our 40's- the maitre'd looked at us and smirked. I think he wanted to put us with them to see what their meaning of "old" was.


I heard lots of different requests for seating and they were very accomodating. We just like to take luck of the draw and had great tablemates for every meal. There were only a few children in the dining room and those parents seemed to request a table for just their family. It didn't seem to be a problem.

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While DH and I typically travel with another couple or two, upon embarkation we immediately seek the maitre d' out and tell him what size table we would like. I have never been let down, and in answer to your original question, no, I do not think it is an unreasonable request of you. I think that everyone should be comfortable on their vacations. ;)

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Well, I hope you all who dislike "rug rats" at your table aren't seated with us because my daughter and I will have her 8-year old daughter at our table every stinken night. She is going on cruise with us because her and I share the same birthday in November and unless she wants to be with kids activities she will be with us. :mad:

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Cariblue - Maybe you should have chosen an "Adults Only" cruise.


Or, like cruiseforlife said, get a table for two.


And there is always ROOM SERVICE.


There are some very well behaved children and mine happens to be one of them. She would be a joy to have at any table.



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I don't think that it is unreasonable for you not to want to be seated with children on your cruise. Personally, on my upcoming cruise in October I want to be seated with adults only also, yet on my April cruise, which will be with my children, I want to be seated either alone with my daughters or with another family.


Although I love my little, well behaved darlings, I don't think any ill-will of me wanting some well deserved grown up time for a week.


I would think that your request would be easy to fill, especially if it's not during a school vacation week.:D

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It's funny, one dining room had no problem at all honoring a table for 2. This other dining room always tried to shoe horn people into other tables. I figured this out after a couple of times. I startly firmly insisting on a table for 2.

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PLEASE, just what is wrong with an adult not wanting to sit with kids? I have an 8 year old Grandson who sat at (what was it .....?) at our table every stinkin night on the last cruise......no one on here was speaking ill of anyones kids.................why is it necessary to get nasty?

Have you ever seen a 6 year old climb on top of the table in the dining room? It happend, can't blame the kids....blame the parents.

If we choose PC or "Anytime Dining" we should be able to request seating with any type person we want.may have to wait all night but what is the problem with that.

The question was would it be ok to ask no kids?.........JENNIE, that doesn't mean you should banish these people to their cabin for room service, ?? Some of your answers make me ashamed of myself for my flip humor earlier and for some of your just plain nasty remaks.........this is supposed to be a fun place folks and I will be THE FIRST to say I am sorry for my use of the tem "rug rats" and I hope some of you have the decency to follow my lead, a few of you owe the OP an appology.

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Cariblue - Maybe you should have chosen an "Adults Only" cruise.


Or, like cruiseforlife said, get a table for two.


And there is always ROOM SERVICE.


There are some very well behaved children and mine happens to be one of them. She would be a joy to have at any table.




I agree with Jennie. Not trying to "dis" you but when you go with the cattle you sometimes get some of the calves. I think you should be able to ask for a table with no children but when you go PC sometimes that doesn't happen.

Personally, I would prefer not to sit with "old" people but I know that someday I'm going to be old and the shoe may be on my foot then.

When I got married many years ago, I didn't want children at my wedding (that didn't work) but now that I have a son, I am offended if he isn't included. He is well behaved, polite and yes, he sometimes talks too much, but when that happens, we intercede.

This isn't a private cruise, if it were, then you wouldn't have to sit with the rugrats. Good luck with whatever you choose and whomever you choose to sit with.

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PLEASE, just what is wrong with an adult not wanting to sit with kids? I have an 8 year old Grandson who sat at (what was it .....?) at our table every stinkin night on the last cruise......no one on here was speaking ill of anyones kids.................why is it necessary to get nasty?


Have you ever seen a 6 year old climb on top of the table in the dining room? It happend, can't blame the kids....blame the parents.


If we choose PC or "Anytime Dining" we should be able to request seating with any type person we want.may have to wait all night but what is the problem with that.


The question was would it be ok to ask no kids?.........JENNIE, that doesn't mean you should banish these people to their cabin for room service, ?? Some of your answers make me ashamed of myself for my flip humor earlier and for some of your just plain nasty remaks.........this is supposed to be a fun place folks and I will be THE FIRST to say I am sorry for my use of the tem "rug rats" and I hope some of you have the decency to follow my lead, a few of you owe the OP an appology.

Very well said. I also don't know why they have to banished to adults only cruises. Which there aren't that many of or they are too expensive. Sheesh. What's wrong with traveling without kids and wanting to have an adult only environment? Hubby and I are childless by choice, it doesn't mean we don't like children. Matter of fact we both love children, for us right now is not the time for us to have little "rugrats".

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I agree with Jennie. Not trying to "dis" you but when you go with the cattle you sometimes get some of the calves. I think you should be able to ask for a table with no children but when you go PC sometimes that doesn't happen.

Personally, I would prefer not to sit with "old" people but I know that someday I'm going to be old and the shoe may be on my foot then.

When I got married many years ago, I didn't want children at my wedding (that didn't work) but now that I have a son, I am offended if he isn't included. He is well behaved, polite and yes, he sometimes talks too much, but when that happens, we intercede.

This isn't a private cruise, if it were, then you wouldn't have to sit with the rugrats. Good luck with whatever you choose and whomever you choose to sit with.

On the flip side, instead of suggesting an adults only cruise for the people who wish to dine without disruption of children, why not suggest to the ones with children to seek out the Disney cruises? I mean really! I have two wonderful daughters, ages 7 and 8 and while I love them very much I also am grateful for my time with only adults and would never feel offended if they were not included.


Have you ever thought that the OP might have 8 kids at home and this is their only chance to get some "quality alone time"??? Or perhaps they are school teachers that want just a few hours of time sans children.


Some people are so quick to be so cut throat on here.:rolleyes:

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Let me first say, I absolutely adore kids...wish I had one or two of my own, but I'm single, desire to child-rear with two parents, and just don't see it happening that I'll be able to have kids unless some guy drops out of the sky tomorrow.


Anyway, I am one that would rather sit with all adults. I don't have the opportunity to meet and socialize with many people in my daily life, therefore, I want to do it on the cruise. I want to talk to people, learn about them, what they are doing, where have they traveled, what makes them tick, etc. If they don't want to talk, fine. If I get put with kids, fine. However, my preference is to sit with adults.


Exercise might be important, but please try to get it some other way than by jumping to conclusions. :)

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When we dine out we always ask to be seated away from children. We like adult conversation and I am not going to look out for someone else's child. We should have a choice who we wish to dine with. They could divide the room in half and start filling it up with adults on one side and families on the other side. When we started cruising it was not a problem since prices were higher and Princess limited children to I believe 6 years or older. When I go out to rest. I also asked to be seated away from children. They will honor my request or do without my business. I am tired of cruises where children are allowed to run around the dinning room and no one says a thing to them. I also do not want to be seated to someone that just complains about the service etc. all the time. On our last cruise another couple and us always waited for another table so we would not be seated next to the chronic complainer. We are on vacation, we will enjoy ourselves.

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From one of the above posters....

Have you ever thought that the OP might have 8 kids at home and this is their only chance to get some "quality alone time"??? Or perhaps they are school teachers that want just a few hours of time sans children.


Some people are so quick to be so cut throat on here.:rolleyes:


My intentions were not to "cut throat". If this were a) private cruise or

b) adults only, then there wouldn't be a problem but it's not, it's a cruise for young, old, black, red, white, handicapped, mentally challenged, etc...so you have to be prepared for anything.

I truly hope the OP gets to sit w/o rugrats. I wouldn't want to sit at a table with loud obnoxious or opinionated people but on a cruise such as this, you don't always get your wish.

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Cariblue - Maybe you should have chosen an "Adults Only" cruise.


Or, like cruiseforlife said, get a table for two.


And there is always ROOM SERVICE.


There are some very well behaved children and mine happens to be one of them. She would be a joy to have at any table.



The tone of your response illustrated why I prefer not to eat with families--it's not the children, it's their parents.


It was a simple question, not pointed particularly at your child. Take it easy, okay?

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my experience with Personal Choice dining is you would have no trouble finding a table that had no kids. I think on the two cruises I can count on one hand how many kids I saw at the dining room and have fingers left over.


And I see nothing wrong with asking for a childless table. If you see dinner as a time to unwind and have adult conversation, your first choice is probably not going to be with a family where the parents are going to spend all or most of their time paying attention to their kids. Not that there's anything wrong with that..if I was a parent my first priority would be the kids as well.

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"My intentions were not to "cut throat". If this were a) private cruise or

b) adults only, then there wouldn't be a problem but it's not, it's a cruise for young, old, black, red, white, handicapped, mentally challenged, etc...so you have to be prepared for anything.

I truly hope the OP gets to sit w/o rugrats. I wouldn't want to sit at a table with loud obnoxious or opinionated people but on a cruise such as this, you don't always get your wish"



Calliecat: first just want to say, we have a calico cat named Callie for whatever that is worth. I probably should let this go but I am in such a good mood, cleaning the house, brushing the cats, fall clean-up so the house/cat sitter will have a nice clean place to visit over the next 10 days.............I should let it ride but I can't. I mean no disrespect to you at all but point this out only because I truly believe your comment may be read by someone who has never cruised Princess and may feel they will not be able to "have it their way". The last statement, "...........but on a cruise such as this, you don't always get your wish" just isn't so,. I am not sure what is meant by "a cruise such as this?" however you can always get what you wish. If someone is that concerned about seating they could choose "anytime dining" and with more than one dining room they would have more options, heck Sapphire/Diamond have four rooms. When they are on the ship they could call and make a reservation for just the two of them every night of the cruise, if that was their wish. Now that isn't my idea of dinner on a cruise ship but may be theirs. What about those people who are so shy and introverted they would rather sit in the buffet every night? You see the great thing about Princess IS all these choices we have......oh and I have already profusely apologized for my original use of the word "rug-rats" what say we drop that one.

PS: and there is a big difference between asking to sit "childless" or asking to sit obnoxiousless and/or opionatedless............'cause you can not see those people coming.

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wow, I never realized the term "Rug rat" was so offensive. I call my nieces and nephews rug rats, as their mother does, and it can't be too offensive as there's a whole Nickolodeon show about them.


Not speaking for everyone, but jeez folks, just because someone prefers to eat with adults doesn't mean they think your kids are crap. It just means they want to have adult company and maybe not have to worry about if stories they want to tell are going to sully young ears. No need to get your knickers in a twist.

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OP, you can also go to dinner at 8:30, which is well past the normal time for American kids to eat, thereby greatly reducing the chance that you will even encounter any (unless. You said you had requested late seating, so that would work out, no?


Jennie, I have yet to meet a parent who says, "oh, my kids are brats." :D

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