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When are the least busy times in the gym?

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As someone who has made a huge lifestyle change this year and going on a 15 day cruise on Radiance this October, I fully intend to keep up my weight resistance training and hopefully the cardio.


For those of you who do actually work out while on a cruise, when have you found the gym on board to be the least busy? How do you find the quality of equipment to be on Radiance? The beauty of the trip is my body for the first portion will be on East Coast time, so getting up at the crack of early (which I do now) will be easy.


I figure sea days to be the most busy, but maybe not at sunrise. Does anyone have a link to the hours of the gym on a Hawaiian RT cruise?



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I worked out last year on our cruise in the morning. I would try to get to the gym when it opened because any time after 8 and the gym would be packed.


Just a warning from someone who also had a huge lifestyle change. Even though I worked out every day of the cruise, I still managed to add 7lbs during the week. Have a great time on your cruise.

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Flagger, proud to hear it! We're usually up early anyway, so we get up top for a walk before the WJ opens for breakfast. On a rainy morning or two, we've gone inside to walk the treadmills. Equipment is great, and crowd is extremely sparse. I'm talking 6:15 or 6:30 am specifically. I get the rest of my workout in later. I've noticed that a lot of the weight machines they have are the same ones at my gym. I'm thrilled with the quality. I'd say noticeably better than what we usually find in hotel attempts at a gym. Let me join in and say that I do still put on 3-4 lbs. on a 7-night cruise. But, hey... it'd be a lot worse without the workouts.

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I dropped 44 LBS between January 7th and March 27th. I then went to Vegas where I had plenty of cardio and I also woke up at 6AM and hit the gym at Paris-LV. I was up about 4 when I got back, but quickly dropped it off because it was mostly water because of salty foods. I found that though I did not eat as good as at home, I ate far less than I had on previous Vegas trips. Also the salads were few and far between which I have found an abundance of at the buffet.

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The Radiance has 6 ellipticals (my favourite), and I know the worst time to go is around 7:30-8:00. The first sea day is the worst. People who have never set foot in a gym in their life decide that that is the day that they will go to the gym. It makes it very crowded. As the week wears on, the late nights and over-indulgence take their toll, and the gym gets quieter!:rolleyes:


I would say 6-6:30 am would be a good time, or in the late afternoon when early dining people are getting ready for dinner (unless you are early dining).

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I found late afternoon/early evening to have some folks in there but you never waited for a cardio machine and could easily work in/around people on the weights. The best day is the day you board - there a few other die-hards there and you start seeing them over and over each day.


My routine:

Wake-up, enter recovery mode (i.e. COFFEE, sun bathing), feel great by lunch. Either do daytime excursion or daytime ship activities. About 5-ish head to gym (we always do late dinner). Work out, then shower there or in the room and get ready for dinner, drinking and FUN!




And I was up 6 pounds upon one return from a crusie, but went right back to my eating/exercise program and it was ALL off the next week. A lot of water, sodium, extra-eating gain, which if you jump right back on plan, disappears as quickly as you put it on!


Just don't have 27 frozen drinks (I stuck to light beer and/or juice/vodka drinks for the most part), every dessert on the menu (I think the weakest portion of RCCL's menu is the desserts, sans Portofino's so this makes it easier) and take the stairs ALL THE TIME

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Don't you find that once you've struggled to lose weight, and do, that food loses alot of its appeal---I mean, sure--I'd love that donut, but I'd rather do without than have to struggle to lose again! It becomes pretty easy to say "no" to the fatty stuff!

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I dropped 44 LBS between January 7th and March 27th. I then went to Vegas where I had plenty of cardio and I also woke up at 6AM and hit the gym at Paris-LV. I was up about 4 when I got back, but quickly dropped it off because it was mostly water because of salty foods. I found that though I did not eat as good as at home, I ate far less than I had on previous Vegas trips. Also the salads were few and far between which I have found an abundance of at the buffet.



44 LBS...way to go!:) :)


If the the gym is not open, then walk, jog, or run on the track for at least 30 minutes...that will take care of the cardio. If the track is windy, your heart will be working overtime as you go into the wind. At times, I feel like I am jogging in place!


Have a great time in Hawaii, and keep the ship in good shape...DW and I will be boarding, as you are departing!



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I dropped 44 LBS between January 7th and March 27th. I then went to Vegas where I had plenty of cardio and I also woke up at 6AM and hit the gym at Paris-LV. I was up about 4 when I got back, but quickly dropped it off because it was mostly water because of salty foods. I found that though I did not eat as good as at home, I ate far less than I had on previous Vegas trips. Also the salads were few and far between which I have found an abundance of at the buffet.



Now tell me what was your secret? Why diet? What is your exercise routine? Losing 44 lbs in three months is amazing.


I always keep a gym routine while cruising - my other rule is no elevator - always take the stairs.

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I think early morning is the worst time to go - so many people have that as part of their daily routine that they continue it onboard, and IME it's always been a challenge to find an empty cardio machine at that hour. We usually go to the gym after breakfast has settled, around 10:00 or so. On the Radiance class and on Mariner we've never had to wait for a cardio machine. On Vision the gym is pathetically small and, as Dirtgirl said, PACKED on the first sea day of the Mexican Riviera itinerary.


If we're in port and going on an excursion or into town, we'll go after we get back. It's a good way to unwind before the cocktail hour (another reason we like having late seating).


Also, I've found that the older the crowd onboard, the less crowded the gym. On our 14-night Ultimate Alaska, I seldom saw more than 5-6 people working out. One day it was just me and the guy servicing the spinning bikes.

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Way to go!! :D I really like your reference to the "lifestyle change" because isn't that what it really is!


We have found that mid morning is not quite as crowded as early morning.


We also like to work out when we're inport as most folks are off the ship. We've been to most of the ports so getting off the ship is not that important unless we're going diving or to eat at a favorite spot.



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I agree with critterchick that if you're on an "older" cruise, the gym will be more accessible.


I have never seen problems accessing the resistance machines at pretty much any hour. Hand weights are always available.


Cardio machines seem very busy until lunchtime and I don't even try to go until I see people lining up for lunch ;)


The spin classes are also good ($10). And be sure to tip your gym attendants :p

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Now tell me what was your secret? Why diet? What is your exercise routine? Losing 44 lbs in three months is amazing.

I am morbidly obese meaning I am more than 100 LBS over my ideal weight. I look at the folks in Walmart, Sam's and Costco that are my age or maybe 10 years older who are missing limbs because of diabetes, or they move around in a wheelchair or scooter and realise that that will be me if I did not and do not change my lifestyle.


I am not ON a diet because in my mind being ON something means that you can get OFF of it too. I try to mostly put in my body what it needs to survive, not what makes me feel good because of some emotional memory of the enjoyment. I try very hard to avoid foods that have been heavily processed or that have sugar in the first 3-5 ingredients. By sugar I mean not only sugar, but just about anything ending in "ose" or "tol". I write down every last thing I put into my mouth from a handful of nuts, to a handful of peanut M&M's.


I also have a cheat day/night built into my lifestyle where I don't think about the calories etc. If I eat something I shouldn't, I don't spend my time guilting myself over what I consumed. Nothing I can do now can possibly change what I did five minutes ago. I also know that my past failures on a diet, or fad or exercise has ZERO effect on what I can do now and tomorrow.


I work with a trainer who also holds a masters in nutrition. I do weight resistance 3 days a week and cardio the other 3 days a week. Believe me, my heart rate gets up there during weight resistance because I do cardio in between rep sets.


I have days where I am down about my new lifestyle and then I look in the mirror and am thankful I can fit into certain clothes or that my shorts fall off or that I am on my last notch of a belt. I also know that I did not get to this size overnight and I do not expect to get down to my milestones overnight either.


Two books that have inspired me are The Total Money Makeoverby Dave Ramsey and You on a Diet by Dr. Oz. You on a Diet explains in layman's terms how the systems of the body all work in sync. TMMO talks about Dave being at 350 and using the same intensity for getting his weight down that he used to get of debt.

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I'm not sure what the least busy times were, but it was never busy when I went, and that was always after dinner, around 8:30 or 9. I prefer to run in the morning, so I was up early on deck running while we docked at each port. A great way to start the day!



Flagger, you have the right attidude. ;) You are looking at this as a permanent lifestyle change, and that is the only way that anyone will have success at getting fit and staying there. Keep up the good work!!

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Flagger, you are going about it the right way, and with a good attitude.:) It disheartens me to see people popping diet pills, or asking about Ionithermie in the spa - nothing gets your body looking better than a good diet and EXERCISE. I am a fitness fanatic, and have been for over 20 years. As a teen, I was horribly out of shape, and hated exercise. I wasn't fat, as I was blessed with my dad's metabolism, but I was sure out of shape.


You will find, if you haven't already, that you feel absolutely horrid if you miss a day or 2 at the gym. I am miserable if I miss one day. That keeps me going!;) It makes me feel good.


Good luck!

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Thanks everyone for their responses. I was thinking right when it opened would be good and I can always sleep later. My favourite time for the gym at the moment is 4AM here. I have the entire space to myself, do not have to wait for a machine and don't have to fight over what to watch on the tube.

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As someone who has made a huge lifestyle change this year and going on a 15 day cruise on Radiance this October, I fully intend to keep up my weight resistance training and hopefully the cardio.


For those of you who do actually work out while on a cruise, when have you found the gym on board to be the least busy? How do you find the quality of equipment to be on Radiance? The beauty of the trip is my body for the first portion will be on East Coast time, so getting up at the crack of early (which I do now) will be easy.


I figure sea days to be the most busy, but maybe not at sunrise. Does anyone have a link to the hours of the gym on a Hawaiian RT cruise?




I found that working out when the gym first opened was fine. It was not busy at all until I was about to leave...around 8 am. I had no problem getting up to workout until the end of the week. It does get harder.


I have to say that I have never gained weight on a cruise...except the water weight that comes off immediately after. I walked in the morning, worked out in the gym daily, took the steps 99% of the time and never ate dessert ( I am not a big dessert person anyway). I did drink plenty of foo foo drinks though, which are probably worse than the desserts.


Congratulations on your lifestyle change. Good for you for wanting to continue while on vacation. I think that is awesome and it shows your commitment to your health.


You will enjoy the equipment. I found on both the Freedom and the Enchantment, the equipment was plentiful and top notch.

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I am most looking forward to taking formal photos on this cruise and comparing them to our cruise last December. Ms. Flagger is also doing this lifestyle change with me (though she was sidelined by surgery) and it has helped to have a partner in crime.

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I found anytime before 8 AM to be less crowded. I couldn't count on being disciplined enough to go later in the day. I definitely retain water on cruises, heck almost all travel does that to me, so I don't sweat the weight gain. I just get back on my eating program when I return from my cruises and shed the weight in a week or two.


Congrats on your progress thus far!

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When we did the Radiance back in Sept 06 I was surprised that the gym was not more busy than it was. On occasion you would have to wait for a treadmill or cardio machine but there were plenty of other machines to use while waiting. I pride myself that on this 15 day cruise I did not gain an ounce and that was a first for me. We hit the gym almost every day except when we went to Pearl Harbor and did the luau. Good luck and keep up the good work.

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My weight training days are T-Th-S. Cardio are MWF and Sunday is a rest day with casual exercise.


Weight training is 5-10 cardio warm up, 3 sets of 15 reps on 3 different machines or free weights), 5 mins of cardio, 3 sets of 15 reps, 5 mins of cardio, 3 sets of 15 reps then 3 different crunch sets of 45 reps.


Sometimes it will vary with abs mixed in with the cardio, or more leg work. I know I am always hungrier on weight training days.

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I tend to work out in the afternoon or early evening and have never seen the gym crowded when I have gone to work out. If you have late seating, if you work out during early seating that may be a great option if you are looking to have minimal crowds.

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As someone who has made a huge lifestyle change this year and going on a 15 day cruise on Radiance this October, I fully intend to keep up my weight resistance training and hopefully the cardio.


For those of you who do actually work out while on a cruise, when have you found the gym on board to be the least busy? How do you find the quality of equipment to be on Radiance? The beauty of the trip is my body for the first portion will be on East Coast time, so getting up at the crack of early (which I do now) will be easy.


I figure sea days to be the most busy, but maybe not at sunrise. Does anyone have a link to the hours of the gym on a Hawaiian RT cruise?




Flagger, congratulations on the lifestyle change--it is so cool you recognize it as a lifestyle change and not simply a diet! I workout daily, even on vacation, and found that the gyms on ships tend to be less crowded later in the afternoon--people are preparing for dinner. On sea days people seem to get up early and get to the gym so I go between 10:30-11:30. I find going before meal time works well, plus after a good workout you get the benefit of your body burning higher when you go to lunch/dinner.


BTW, I find it harder to do serious strength work on ships when sailing b/c of the movement--doing press ups on on stability ball was particularly difficult and also funny--so I wait until we are docked to do it.


Good luck and, again, congrats!

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I tend to work out in the afternoon or early evening and have never seen the gym crowded when I have gone to work out. If you have late seating, if you work out during early seating that may be a great option if you are looking to have minimal crowds.


I completely agree! My favorite time (at home too!) is about 2 or 3 o'clock. If we have late seating (which I prefer) I'll sometimes go as late as 4. The later in the afternoon, the quieter it is! I've never had to wait for a cardio machine, and there are usually yoga or spinning classes in the afternoon, too!


As the week wears on, the crowds usually get smaller too. The last day it's practically a ghost town!

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