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Worst case scenario for sneaking on alcohol.


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I am willing to... my first cruise I didn't think about bringing my own, so I got it all from the ship. Now that I know how much they overcharge, I simply decide to bring my own. I am willing to spend money onboard for my drinks, but honestly, why would I pay 2 (sometimes 3) times the price for a drink when I don't have to? It makes no sense to me.

Wow, I'm not sure what you're drinking, but the drink prices are hardly 2 or 3 times, unless you're talking about your drinks at home.

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I live in a small town less than a mile from my local pub... I pay 2.75 for a cranberry and vodka.. in a very large glass if I might add.


Carnival will charge me 5.75 for this... in a cup the size of a dixie cup ;)

But you're comparing apples to oranges. You have to compare Carnival's prices to that of a 'resort hotel', not your local pub in a small town! You don't exactly have the atmosphere and view in your local pub.

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Hey folks! Why sail with the mass market lines when you can sail with some of the best who allow you to bring libations on board - Crystal, Oceania, Seabourn & Silver Sea ( the latter two are all inclusive, but sometimes they don;t have what I want).

DW & I have sailed on all 4 lines. We now do Oceania exclusively do to their single,open seating dining policy, no charge for speciality restaurants and a country club attire environment (NO FORMAL NiGHTS!). And each of the three ships has a max. of 684 pax. Can't get any better than that!:D

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It might be the going rate in Cali - but sure is high priced for here in MD


Yes, the rules say dont do it, because then they can gouge you at a price much higher than that of even the classiest bars.



I have to disagree with this, my vodkas are the same price as bars in my little town bars at home. I guess I was drinking those overly sweet foo-foo drinks, I'd probably be paying more, but simple drinks are 'regular' prices.

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Hey folks! Why sail with the mass market lines when you can sail with some of the best who allow you to bring libations on board - Crystal, Oceania, Seabourn & Silver Sea ( the latter two are all inclusive, but sometimes they don;t have what I want).

DW & I have sailed on all 4 lines. We now do Oceania exclusively do to their single,open seating dining policy, no charge for speciality restaurants and a country club attire environment (NO FORMAL NiGHTS!). And each of the three ships has a max. of 684 pax. Can't get any better than that!:D

My friend just sailed Oceania and said he was nickel and dimed to death and was pretty perturbed about it since that's supposed to be an 'upper end' cruise line and for what he paid, I can go on about 5 cruises!

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It might be the going rate in Cali - but sure is high priced for here in MD

Maybe so, most things are higher in CA, but we're paying for our great weather, I couldn't live anywhere else! And we win the prize on the highest price gas right now too! oh boy

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I'll answer that for you. And I'm not hardly a drinker at all - my 9 day cruise I had 1 beer and 1 mixed drink.


I shopped for the best deal on a cruise, I checked online, different lines, diff ships, diff itineraries diff cabins - and picked from a selection for the best value for my money (and SO's)


One of the reasons I picked this partiular sailing is because I can save a LOT of money flying into Ft. Laud instead of Miami as originally planned - first in airfare (JetBlue vs AA) - and in the costs of hotel as we're sailing in winter and coming in night before. I picked an airline, a departure port, and hotel based on - you got it - the best value for my/our money.


I will bring a small quantity of liquor on the boat for a pre-dinner drink or a nightcap on the balcony. My options are to pay an outrageous amount of money for a ship's drink, or don't drink, or bring a small amount with me. There is no competition there, no selection, no 'legit' if you will - choice. The best value for my/our money is to bring a rum runner flask for these drinks.


And yes - you can say "well then just don't drink". Same could be said for 'just don't go on a cruise". We all make value judgements every day - is a Starbucks coffee worth the $ over the office coffee machine? How much will you pay for a pound of shrimp - or to have someone mow your lawn? You might spend 10 times what I do on housing, clothing, food, or anything else. Does that give me the moral right to tell you you are a bad person or excessively extravagent? Does it give you the right to call me cheap? Everyone according to their own means. (all 'you' in prior paragraph is generic you - not directed at poster)


And yes - I know - it's against the rules- sorry, I'm not and have never been a "kool-aid" drinker. I don't lie under oath, I don't cheat on my taxes, I don't beat or kill people. Having a 'contraband' drink for 4 nights on a cruise every other year - sorry - I just ain't having a moral dilema here. Just my opinion, if you get that torqued up about someone else doin it - and that much into other people's business - you have waaay too much time on your hands.


Just my .02 cents (which wouldn't buy anything on a cruise ship!)




what I'm trying to get around is the fact that people are willing to spend $$$ to book a cruise, $$$ to get the cabin they want, $$$ for a plane ticket to get them to the cruise port...but yet are not willing to spend the money onboard for alcohol??:confused:
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I know Cali has a way high COL - and of course the salaries are all relative too. What I make here is pretty good money for what I do - in Cali it would be poverty level. So - because you live in a high COL state, cruise drink prices are about what you are used to paying for. For the rest of us outside - say - Cali/NY/DC/NOVA - it's an outrageous amount - and in relation to our incomes - the cost is several times higher than yours.




Maybe so, most things are higher in CA, but we're paying for our great weather, I couldn't live anywhere else! And we win the prize on the highest price gas right now too! oh boy
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I know Cali has a way high COL - and of course the salaries are all relative too. What I make here is pretty good money for what I do - in Cali it would be poverty level. So - because you live in a high COL state, cruise drink prices are about what you are used to paying for. For the rest of us outside - say - Cali/NY/DC/NOVA - it's an outrageous amount - and in relation to our incomes - the cost is several times higher than yours.

Yes, you are right, and I'm not saying not to smuggle alcohol onto the ship, we have several friends who do. I just get tired of folks 'blaming' Carnival for high drink prices when they're comparing those drink prices to their local 6 stool bar around the corner. Folks need to compare the drink prices to more of a resort situation where you have the amenities of a cruise ship. Have you had a drink in Hawaii or Las Vegas lately? Cruise ship drink prices are CHEAP!

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I know Cali has a way high COL - and of course the salaries are all relative too. What I make here is pretty good money for what I do - in Cali it would be poverty level. So - because you live in a high COL state, cruise drink prices are about what you are used to paying for. For the rest of us outside - say - Cali/NY/DC/NOVA - it's an outrageous amount - and in relation to our incomes - the cost is several times higher than yours.


DH & I live in Ohio where the cost of living is nowhere near the col in California, New York or DC. The cost of a domestic beer onboard cruiselines we've traveled is only about $1 more than we pay at our local American Legion Post which is a private bar.


We don't eat out much at restaurants with a bar but did so with friends a few weeks ago. The price of a domestic beer at that restaurant was $4.75. Mixed drinks started at $5.75 for a simple mixed drink made with well water and went up from there.



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Hey CathyZ - have been on 3 Oceania sailings to date and don't feel that I was "nickeled & dimed to death". There drinks are on a par with other lines. Tipping might be a little more, but you get for what you pay. And yes one has to pay for bottled water unless you are in a suite, which is what we always get. Then again, you can bring your own on board, unlike some of the mass marketers.

Regarding California, spent 30 years in the Sunnyvale/Cupertino area. Retired from Lockheed after a 30 year career. Could not wait to get away from the high taxes, ridiculous politics, political correctness run amok and a crushing mass of humanity, especially in Cupertino. About the only thing that the Bay Area has left is weather, and after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, I more than had my fill of the place. Just keep sending your gamblers to Nevada. We appreciate the business.

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ya know....bottom line......cruise lines will charge what they can for drinks because they need to make money. Personally, I'd rather pay 5 bucks for a drink than pay a fuel surcharge. :-)

And, we all are adults and know what the rules are. But, as long as there are rules, there are people who break them. Keeping this in mind, you will suffer any consequences from breaking said rules and should be prepared for such. (i.e. your bottles of booze being dumped or being embarrassed by being brough to the "naughty" room or whatever). So, it really doesn't matter if the cruiselines are overcharging or not. they will make their money.

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Considering the cruise contract, I don't think there would be any legal problems in denying boarding ... that whole, their ship, their rules thing.
There are rules and there are laws. Bringing alcohol onboard may break a ship rule, but -- assuming you're over 21 years of age -- it doesn't break any laws. As such, the ship can't do a whole lot to punish you. They can say that you can't bring the booze onboard, but that doesn't seem to make anyone shake in his boots.
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Aside from stink and mess, were your clothes "ruined?" Perhaps I am way too literal but ruined I take to mean unrecoverable, damaged beyond any useful life. Glass will shake out, clothes can be laundered (I'm putting aside the inconvenience and cost factor).


Did you have to replace all your clothing?


Not trying to be snarky.

Nope, I never said my clothes were ruined -- I just said the bottle of tequila broke. I had no one to blame but myself for the incident, and since then I've packed very carefully! It was a good thing that our destination for that trip was a beach house with washer/dryer.
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what I'm trying to get around is the fact that people are willing to spend $$$ to book a cruise, $$$ to get the cabin they want, $$$ for a plane ticket to get them to the cruise port...but yet are not willing to spend the money onboard for alcohol??:confused:
Yep, that's me. I'll spend as little as possible to get the vacation I want. I'll book well in advance and check the website frequently to see if there's a price drop. I'll buy formalwear at the consignment shop. And, yes, I'll bring what I want to drink so I can save a dollar. I see no lack of logic in that.
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I think it's apples and oranges. If I went to Hawaii or Vegas, I could drop in the corner liquor store and pick up a bottle and mix my own drinks in my hotel room. I'm basically doing the same thing.



Yes, you are right, and I'm not saying not to smuggle alcohol onto the ship, we have several friends who do. I just get tired of folks 'blaming' Carnival for high drink prices when they're comparing those drink prices to their local 6 stool bar around the corner. Folks need to compare the drink prices to more of a resort situation where you have the amenities of a cruise ship. Have you had a drink in Hawaii or Las Vegas lately? Cruise ship drink prices are CHEAP!
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For me, I KNOW that the fuel is costing them more, because I'm paying more myself at the pump. I know their profit margin on booze is high - and it's pure profit - not rising costs.


Eh, didn't smuggle booze last trip cuz I was on with my kids and hardly drank, I will this next time. If I get called to the 'naughty room' - I doubt I'd be embarrassed - after all - everyone else is there for the same reason ;)



ya know....bottom line......cruise lines will charge what they can for drinks because they need to make money. Personally, I'd rather pay 5 bucks for a drink than pay a fuel surcharge. :-)

And, we all are adults and know what the rules are. But, as long as there are rules, there are people who break them. Keeping this in mind, you will suffer any consequences from breaking said rules and should be prepared for such. (i.e. your bottles of booze being dumped or being embarrassed by being brough to the "naughty" room or whatever). So, it really doesn't matter if the cruiselines are overcharging or not. they will make their money.

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It seems to me that the arguments for not "sneaking" booze on board (taking money away from the working stiffs) could also be argued for bringing sodas on board. Although the latter is within the rules and the former is not. So really it comes down to a question of "do the rules apply to me?"


I wouldn't feel any worse about bringing liquor on board than I would about bringing soda, which I have every intention of doing. I also plan to take advantage of HAL's policy that allows you to bring wine and champagne for in-room enjoyment. I just wish I could bring a bottle of vodka without "sneaking". Not that we are big drinkers, but it's nice to be able to enjoy some adult beverages when you don't have to think about driving anywhere any time soon, but we don't want a big fat bar bill at the end.

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From past "sailings" I can say that I do not think that me brining my own "beverages" onboard saved me any money. In fact I think it cost me money. Starting with the bottle of run that I had left in my laptop bag purely by accident. (I had the bag in my trunk and was taking the bottle from a party back home and put it in the bag in my truck, so if I was stopped I'd have less hassle) however when boarding the ship it was taken... with no hassle from me, nor embarrassment. The bottles (yes "S") that were in my luggage were left in place. how ever I feel that because I had the bottles in my room I was more apt to order the "daily special" at 9am - 5pm everyday. Had I not had my room supply I would have been more reserved in my ordering of drinks. By the cruise line enabling me to take my own liquor on my cruise I spent over $900 on a 7 day cruise. If I did not have my own liquor I would have spend less then $500. So by then letting me take my own booze in board, I spent more money because I was loose in my spending.

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This is one of those areas where we are going to do what we are going to do and any amount of discussion is unlikely to change opinions. I typically bring along a bottle for in room consumption. I don't think it's appropriate to fill a travel mug and wander around the ship with it and I spend plenty in the bars onboard.


Bringing the bottle is my stubborn reaction to HAL's nonsensical policy of allowing wine and champagne drinkers to bring their poison aboard but discriminating against the shot and beer crowd. For that reason, I'm not prepared to pay ship services $30 for a bottle that I can buy at the pkg store for $16. Just as soon as they prohibit the wine and champagne I'll leave the bottle at home. A simple matter of equity.

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I use JBOY (Just Because of You) and Basket case.com out of Fort Lauderdale. I'm not sure if they delver to Miami port, but I suspect they do. They will prepare a basket customized to your desires. Tip well, and don't forget the chocolates or flowers for that special one!:D


You're a smart guy, and your wife is a lucky girl!! :)

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Why not just sail with a line that does allow wine on board like Carnival or Princess. Alcohol will never fly but at least the two I mentioned allow for a nice glass of wine on my balcony.


Just buy a bottle of alcohol from room service. That's cheaper than buying your drinks individually.


OK, this is one of the things I want clarified. My husband said his friend takes bottles of wine onboard and it's OK but I thought I read somewhere that they allow one bottle of champagne or wine on Carnival. So do you know what the limit is?

Also, I had been under the impression that you can not take sodas, waters, and I assume that would include mixers onboard. But again, I have read several posts where people are taking that stuff in, even in their carry-ons. So is this exceptable now or??? Is there a limit as to what and how much you can bring? I thought when I cruised on Carnival in '04, that you couldn't even take pre-purchased water bottles onboard, let alone sodas, being that they want you to buy their unlimited soda card for kids, etc. If you know, please let me know so I can plan accordingly. I was going to pack a couple bottles of booze in our luggage but wanted to take mixers to go with it since I doubt if it is available to purchase in the ship's liquor stores. Thanks!:D

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