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Crazy Ross Shopping Spree.

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OK I had a partially good and partially bad shopping spree at Ross today.


First I found some great things for my upcoming cruise, but I also had a horrible and then a pleasant customer service experience.


This is what happened.


First I went to look for golf shirts for my husband. They had a lot of quality brands in XXL and I found quite a few shirts that I liked.


Then I headed over to the evening gown and cocktail dresses and found about 10 that I wanted to try on. When I got to the dressing room area I pulled out the maximum of 8 from my stack and then wanted to hand the rest on the rack near the dressing room. The attendant asked me to hang the extra items on the the end of a housewares display rack rather than her "return to sales floor" rack. I complied and found two items from my stack that I liked.


I then returned to the sales floor and back to the dressing room area with about 10 more dresses. This is where the attendant really blew it. She informed me that her boss said not to let customers put items on the end of the display rack. Then she said I couldn't put my extra items on her "return to floor rack" because she was sorting. When I politely suggested that she call another associate to bring another rack, she told me "You need to go get a cart". I said "How about a little customer service" to which she replied "This is a self service store".


I would have walked out except that I had already found several things I wanted.


Please tell me that I was not wrong for being taken aback. I have shopped at Ross for over 20 years and I have never been told that I couldn't hang my overflow items on the rack outside the dressing rooms area.


So at this point I went up to the front of the store and requested to speak to the manager. Very quickly I was met by a very nice man and when I told him my problem, he not only made sure that I could put my over flow items on a rack outside the dressing area, but he also said that he would give me an extra 20% off anything I purchase today.


So that was the great news!!! Ross's prices are already unbeatable, but the extra 20% was incredible.


I got a cream colored evening gown which is kind of plain, and I might add some hand beading to it. However it is very understated with classic lines. I also got a black and white print evening dress. Hard to describe but very cute. And a Black evening dress with a burgandy satin sash. Very cute. (I need some evening clothes as I have put on about 10 lbs. and I just find a few things a bit too tight.) If I loose some weight I can take in some of the new things.


Finally I got a cute day outfit for the next cruise. Liz Claiborn Black and white print capris for $20. Really more black with a subtle white print. To go with them I found a cute Jones New York T-shirt, fitted with a little buckle at the neckline for $15.



I also got all those golf shirts for DH for all those golf shirts in nice brands that included Van Huesen, Nike, and Dockers, all at 20% off.

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Ross is the best for evening wear, I've gotten some super baragins.


Guess all the stores are different. Some complain about how messy they are but ours has a good manager that is ALWAYS on the floor straightening up. That's great that the manager made up for that person.


Sorry you had a snotty dressing room attendant. The one at our store knows me from another store and she's the best.

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I was really in shock at how rude the dressing room attendant was. I couldn't believe her attitude. She seemed more focused on returning stuff to inventory than to helping a customer.


I am a good customer too. I hung all my items properly on back on then hanger and everything.


The dressing room "girl" was probably atleast 25 years my senior, so I didn't want to be rude or condescending, I just wanted a little customer service.


It all worked out ok in the end, but I was in such disbelief for a few minutes there.


(I really love the Liz Claiborn/ Jones New York stuff)

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I ran into a "different" dressing room person at TJMaxx. I had 3 items and I held them out for her to see. She had to physically take them out of my hands and count them!!! I had even spred them out on my hand so she could see how many.

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has a simply dee-lightful "older lady" named Miss Bernice..about 70-ish, Even if I dont have a try-on, and I see her, I pause and say Hello...what an aset to the store, and she is so complimentary and helpful to all us "shuggas"..a meagher job, that she takes very seriously..Let's hear it for the very senior gals in the workforce, who know what customer service IS, all about!

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I ran into a "different" dressing room person at TJMaxx. I had 3 items and I held them out for her to see. She had to physically take them out of my hands and count them!!! I had even spred them out on my hand so she could see how many.


Almost the exact same thing happened to me. My DH was trying on a shirt (1) shirt! and the attendant said he had to hang it on this rack first, then he was immediately able to take it off the rack and try it on. I asked why because she could certainly see that he had only one item, and she said it's store policy. Maybe I could see doing that if someone had several items, but one item...I'll never understand that.:confused:

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Despite Ross's non-existent or poor customer service, I continue to shop there because it is possible to find some really good bargains on really nice high-end items. I only go there when I have plenty of time to sort through the (usually) disorganized racks to cull the treasures from the trash.

I've found the general appearance and organization of the sales floor and attitudes of the employees varies widely store to store.

The store nearest to me opened only a couple of years ago, but has already taken on the shabby, unkempt look. Interestlingly, the TJ Maxx that opened next door atthe same time still looks the same as when it opened. Still, Ross has the best deals.

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My recent rotten store experience involved great customer service but a messy store, and I mean really messy.


It was my local Kohl's which is only a few years old. I usually love their clothes for myself and I also frequently shop the men's dept for hubby and tomboy DD likes the men's t shirts also for sports practices. So I shopped around in mens' a bit, fine, the racks were neat and everything was easy to see and find, the only bad thing in men's was that rather than being by brand and/or size, the denim shorts were shoved on a wall in a jumbled mess and many were too high up on the wall for anyone to reach, nevermind 5'2" me.


THEN I ambled over to women's and thought sheesh, this wil be tough. I was looking for a few specific things and the areas where those things should be were a jumbled mess. There were dressy sweaters with nike shorts with jeans with bathing suits on way overpacked racks. It looked like every rack was the rack you discard your stuff on outside the fitting room. The active wear section was not separate from the career section etc, it was all one big mish mash of racks. I tried to look and look and after a while of that I got sick of it and walked out. Last time I was there was in late Jan when I went on a mega shopping spree before my cruise. I bought way more than I needed for a cruise but looked at it as my spring and summer wardrobe also, no sweat. But that time I shopped those racks with no problem and left very happy. This time was totally different so I wonder what happened in a few months to make that store such a mess. I did send an email to customer service letting them know about my experience. I got a prompt email back explaining that they had recently had a high staff turnover in the women's department and between that and a slow winter retail season they were still trying to get the women's department in order. The email said that they hoped to get things back in order within a few weeks and if I would give them a second chance I would find my next trip more satisfying and that there would be a 20% off coupon waiting for me at the customer service desk.


So I waited a few weeks and went back. The woman at cust service was a bi-atch with attitude when I told her that I'd gotten an email and should have a coupon there. She gave me that up and down look and made me explain like 4 times what I was talking about, finally made a couple of phone calls and found my coupon in a drawer in an envelope. But then wasn't she sweet as pie when she gave it to me. HA!


Well guess what. The racks were just as bad if not worse. I looked around for about 5 mins and was disgusted and left.


What do you think I should do now, if anything? I think I just won't bother with that store anymore. Too bad, b'c I really like their stuff (when I can find it.)

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I am shocked sometimes at rudeness in places that serve the public.


I too like Kohls, but hate it when the racks are in disarray. Is there another Kohls in your area? Perhaps there is one with less turn-over.


I'm working on building a nice mix and match wardrobe for my upcoming trans atlantic cruise. I am going to try to pack light with-out skimping on my evening clothese. It will be interesting to see if I can pull it off.

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Well guess what. The racks were just as bad if not worse. I looked around for about 5 mins and was disgusted and left.


What do you think I should do now, if anything? I think I just won't bother with that store anymore. Too bad, b'c I really like their stuff (when I can find it.)



I avoid Kohls unless I absolutely need something from there. I don't mind picking through disorgranized, crowded spaces when I'm browsing on bargain racks but the whole store is set up like that.

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I avoid Kohls unless I absolutely need something from there. I don't mind picking through disorgranized, crowded spaces when I'm browsing on bargain racks but the whole store is set up like that.


Exactly. I guess I was just spoiled b'c it was a newer store and I didn't expect it to go to pot like that. Coupon or no coupon, when the racks are that much of a mess you just can't shop a place like that. My local WalMart's racks are better organized for gosh sakes. Too bad all they sell are glorified sweatpants, sweatshirts and tshirts. :eek:


Arizona, the only other Kohl's is about 30 miles away and there are so many other stores for me to choose from closer that I probably just won't bother. I wish my coupon was good online, but it's not. Bummer.

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I actually worked at a Ross a very long time ago and they are really strict on how much staff you can have working at one time. We were always understaffed and there was nothing we could do about it because corporate would only allow you to spend so much money a month on your employee salary. That is one reason some of their stores are also so messy. There were certain departments that didn't have anyone in them until the evening shift can in. It also has something to do with the cliental Ross attracts. Don't get me wrong, I love Ross and actually just picked up a bunch of stuff there a few days ago for my cruise next month. But, since the prices are so low, some people that go there have no problem leaving shoes on the floor once they have tried them on or leaving clothes they don't want in the bins by the register.


As for customer service, it was our store policy that you remove the items from the customers hand and count them at the dressing room. Even if they are spread out and showing them to you. Some people follow the rule some don't so don't take that personally even for one item. The rude workers are another story. We have a cashier at the Ross store where I shop that doesn't say two words to you the whole time she is checking you out. No Hello or Thank You, nothing at all. Some people just aren't cut out for customer service and really need to find another line of work but you see that everywhere.


Love the Ross in Johnson City, TN. We vacation up there and I make it a requirement to visit that store everytime we go. It is always clean, organized and the staff is so nice. The south Florida stores are not so great but that won't stop me from shopping there. I bought my formal night dress for $15.00 and love it!

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Glad to know I'm not the only one. I got yelled at by the dressing room attendant at Marshall's 2 weeks ago bc I didn't hang the things on her counting rack and I "should know better." Funny thing about it, I had ONE tshirt on a hanger and I held it up by itself. I got an earful leaving about their new policy about how people can't go into the dressing rooms until they hang everything on her special rack and don't touch it til she says it's ok to again. It wasn't the point of her counting peoples items, it was her being very nasty about doing so.

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I have to admit, I don't even go in the Ross store in our town anymore. It's ashame, because years ago I could get some really cute things at some really good prices. It's just that every time you go in there it is like being in a war zone!:eek: Kids running around screaming, unattended, and tearing into all the packages! The last time I was in there a couple years ago, I was almost whacked in the face by some kid with a hockey stick while his mother was on the phone in front of me! I asked her to get her kid under control, and she acted like she could't understand English...:confused:. I would love to shop there but I'm actually afraid to go in there.

We don't have a Kohl's, but when I have been able to shop at the one in my hometown, I have always found some nice things. The best stores that we have here are Beall's. They tend to be pricey and have a nice selection, except they do not carry formal clothing.

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Ros, Walmart, they are all like that. All I can say is go to Belk and Macys and pay more. Inthose stores the clerks make a comission on what you buy so they are "nicer". At Ross, the clothing costs less, so you get the clerk's "commision" in savings, which also means you get no help.



The clerk is correct, that is a self service store and they do say you can take no more then 8 items to the dressingroom. So you were breaking the rules-you should have left the excess in a cart.


No she should not have "lost it" but you were pushing the envelope. In her place I would have called my supervisor to explain it to you.


After all she was in a "no win" situatation. She allowed you to put dresses in an unauthorized area, and because she did, her supervisor blasted her for it, I am guessing. That is why she "lost it".


Believe me, I know what I am talking about. My daughter worked retail in our mall for 2 years while going to college and for awhile after she graduated. She had these type of situations to deal with daily and she had to put up with stuff like this for $6.35 an hour. Her store was also considered "self help" so she made no comission.


These type jobs are not the best and with this terrible economy people are stuck. I have empathy for the poor clerk.

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I have to disagree that just b'c a store is self help doesn't mean she should have had to go get a cart to put her extra things in. She should have been extended the common courtesy of help with a place to place the extra things while she was trying on the number of things allowed.


Maybe I'm old school, but I don't care what kind of store it is, if the customer needs something within reason-such as help with a place to put extra things while trying on-then the store employees should help her. Rules schmules-if they want my business they'll lose silly rules like having to get a cart or not providing a place to put things that I need to try on.


And this comes from a person who spent about 5 years working in retail.


JMO :)

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Ros, Walmart, they are all like that. All I can say is go to Belk and Macys and pay more. Inthose stores the clerks make a comission on what you buy so they are "nicer".


This is no guarantee of good service either.

This week my mom, sis, and I were shopping in one of the above-mentioned department stores. We shopped for over an hour in the ladies department, tried on a lot and selected several things - not once did a sales person even approach us to see if we needed any help or even greet us. It was not until we were taking things to the register that one of the salespeople said, "If you need anything, let me know" We ignored her and just paid for what we wanted. It seemed the salespeople didn't wish to bother with us until they know we were buying something.

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Ros, Walmart, they are all like that. All I can say is go to Belk and Macys and pay more. Inthose stores the clerks make a comission on what you buy so they are "nicer". At Ross, the clothing costs less, so you get the clerk's "commision" in savings, which also means you get no help.



The clerk is correct, that is a self service store and they do say you can take no more then 8 items to the dressingroom. So you were breaking the rules-you should have left the excess in a cart.


No she should not have "lost it" but you were pushing the envelope. In her place I would have called my supervisor to explain it to you.


After all she was in a "no win" situatation. She allowed you to put dresses in an unauthorized area, and because she did, her supervisor blasted her for it, I am guessing. That is why she "lost it".


Believe me, I know what I am talking about. My daughter worked retail in our mall for 2 years while going to college and for awhile after she graduated. She had these type of situations to deal with daily and she had to put up with stuff like this for $6.35 an hour. Her store was also considered "self help" so she made no comission.


These type jobs are not the best and with this terrible economy people are stuck. I have empathy for the poor clerk.


"In this terrible economy" is all the more reason to give quality customer service to keep customers coming back! It is no excuse for lousy service. There is no reason the clerk couldn't get another rack for Arizona (and other shoppers) to hang her excess clothing on. Obviously the boss agreed since she got an additional 20% off her purchases for the day. It's not "putting up with stuff" it's your JOB!

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To the OP: Nice haul! Sounds like you got some awesome stuff!


At Ross, or Nordstrom Rack, etc., I always expect a holding rack where I can hang my "excess" pieces while I try on my alloted 6 or 8 or 10 pieces or whatever, and then switch out. That's the way they work! I think most customers understand it all just fine.


I had a bad experience at Macy's back in February when I was shopping for a bathing suit for my cruise. First off, it was just the very start of the season, so they didn't have much to choose from ... and they didn't give ANY floor space to the swimsuits, but instead moved them upstairs next to the mattresses. Okaaaay. So, I went and grabbed several I wanted to try on and looked for a dressing room nearby ... there was a door in the wall that looked a little like a dressing room, but was really an employee hallway with a little cubby hole off to the side. The cubby hole had no door of its own, but it did have a makeshift mirror tipped against the wall. I walked back out, and looked for an employee. The ONLY worker I could find was a young guy in the mattress section ... so I asked him if there was a dressing room. He pointed me to the cubby hole, and I told him that was not acceptable. Said I would just take them downstairs to the women's clothing dept and try them on there .. he told me that no swimsuits were to leave the floor. I handed him the suits and started to leave, but then went back and asked him to call a manager for me. Told HER the situation (she assured me I COULD take them downstairs to a proper dressing room) and told her it left such a bad taste in my mouth I wasn't going to buy ANYTHING there that day -- I just wanted her to know how angry it made me and it would likely do the same to the rest of her potential customers. Wanted her to KNOW why her sales were low. Grrrrr. So ... it's not just the cheaper stores ... it's hit Macy's too.

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I've worked retail all my working life. (not long mind you, but it's been a few years) I left to try working the the restaurant industry instead. Different place same story.


The whole idea is that you work in a customer service industry. Whether it's a "self-service" (which I'll have more words about) or a full customer experience that you offer, you are still offering a service to a customer. It's unacceptable to have rude words with a customer. Even if you don't make commission off her, your job depends on her. I've worked in both situations, commission and not. I never changed my attitude. If I drive away a customer then I have less work. PERIOD. less work = less money.


As far as "self service" there is no such thing. If that were the case then the dumb girl wouldn't have a job. You would get your clothes, try them on, put the ones you didn't like away, and check them out yourself! She wouldn't exist in that situation. MOST CERTAINLY she is there to FIRST serve the customer and THEN do her sidework. Hopefully the OP gave the manager the name of the girl and she got reminded of her job duties.


I've worked in commission work and I knew that my attitude decided if I made money that day! If I was dumb enough to let a customer know I wasn't having a good day (by my attitude, I didn't generally talk about my life) then I didn't deserve the commission. It's not their problem that I broke my car, had a fight with my BF, hate the manager, am hungry, am sick, am tired. They just want a smile and a pair of shoes. I've also worked non commission and my approach was the same, because although my paycheck wasn't directly related to their purchase, it certainly mattered. If my sales number were higher I got more hours which in turn made me more money!!! It's the way it works.

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The clerk is correct, that is a self service store and they do say you can take no more then 8 items to the dressingroom. So you were breaking the rules-you should have left the excess in a cart.


No she should not have "lost it" but you were pushing the envelope. In her place I would have called my supervisor to explain it to you.



I was afraid that my original post might have been misconstrued. I only wanted to bring 8 items into the dressing room and have the attendant hang the excess items on the rack outside the dressing room area. That way once I tried on the original 8 items I could then exchange them for the other items. The way the Ross dressing rooms are set up is that they have an attendent at the out side of the ladies dressing rooms, and then you go in with your 8 items and find your own individual dressing room. It was the rack at her station where she should have held my excess items. The rude sales lady didn't want to assist me in hanging them Outside the entire dressing room area. That was my big issue. I have no problem with the 8 item limit.


Usually the policy is that I hand her 8 items, she hangs the rest on the rack that is outside the dressing room area, and then I take in only 8 at a time.

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I had a very similar experience in Kohl's. The ladies department was very disorganized and it was hard to find any sizes consistently. I thought it was because I was looking for plus size clothing. The men's department was neat and organized and we found several Polo type shirts for DH. I left the ladies department in disgust and have not returned. I don't understand why people like Kohl's as I have had very poor experience with them.

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I had a very similar experience in Kohl's. The ladies department was very disorganized and it was hard to find any sizes consistently. I thought it was because I was looking for plus size clothing. The men's department was neat and organized and we found several Polo type shirts for DH. I left the ladies department in disgust and have not returned. I don't understand why people like Kohl's as I have had very poor experience with them.


Well I _would_ suggest that you complain to the manager via the website and they'll give you a coupon but a lot of good that has done me-no good having a coupon if you can't find a thing in the store.


I had one person suggest that I return the coupon to the manager with a letter sort of saying thanks but no thanks and that will hit home, but that wouldn't benefit me in anyway, it's not like it would make them clean up the store. I would like to go in and exchange the coupon for online savings but doubt I'll bother.

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