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Why are online TAs so dishonest and incompetent


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I guess I'm just one of the strange ones, but good customer service is worth $ to me. I will not nickle and dime my TA. Knowing that IF I need help I can call and get immediate assistance is a bit like paying for trip insurance. You may never need it, but when you do its worth every penny and I wouldn't book a trip without it. When you're in an airport and your flight gets cancelled along with hundreds of other people those lines are pretty long and slow waiting to get to the desk to find another flight and being able to call your travel agent on your cell phone and tell them what's happened and that you need to find another flight as quickly as possible can make all the difference between flying out the same day and flying out two days from now when they work their magic in their office on their computer and on their phones while I stand in that horrible line at the airport waiting for my turn.


Because I have stayed with the same TA through many years with prices sometimes higher and sometimes lower that means that even if I do book travel directly myself they are still willing to help me if I find myself with a major problem while attempting to enjoy my vacation because they know there will be some future travel that I will choose to book through them again.


Discounted prices and perks are great when everything goes right but when things go wrong I'll take the customer service that stays with me and gets things fixed quickly any day over that bottle of wine !:)

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I have cruised 3 or 4 times a year for the past 15 years. For the most part I have used online TAs because they get best price.

My experience has been deep and bad. I continue to use the compete method to get best pricing, but now I am forewarned and thus forearmed for the shenanigans, delays, and bad service..


Owl 61


I find your posting to be confusing. If you have cruised so often, why don't you have a travel agent that you use for all your cruising? Be it on line or face to face? You mentioned 3 times a yr for 15 years? And NO constant agent? If you find an agent , which I'm sure you have, that is up to your standards of service, stick with them. Loyalty plays a big part in any service minded business. Any reliable agent can match another's price on line.

My advice...stop complaining, find an agent you can be happy with and stick with them. Criticizing every on line agent and calling them all BAD isn't very constructive. I think the majority of posters here could give you names of agents that they deal with regularly with trust. I know I could!

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I have cruised 3 or 4 times a year for the past 15 years. For the most part I have used online TAs because they get best price. Lately I have used a service that allows many TAs to submit competing bids so that I can really get a competitve price.

What I have found is that these online TAs are uniformly incompetent and often downright dishonest. They will sometimes fail to disclose upfront a cancellation fee quite separate from the cruiseline cancellation fees. It may be described as an administrative fee, but it is never mentioned as part of the original price offer. They will sometimes submit an invoice with the cancellation fee prominantly mentioned and then have a waiver of it in small print - which I perceive as an attempt to mislead customers into not cancelling for fear of suffering an agency cancellation fee.

Quite apart from this hidden cancellation/admin fee ruse it is practically impossible to get a reasonably prompt reply to questions that arise during the life of the booking. I suspect profit margins are so thin that these TAs hire young, inexperienced phone order takers who never stick around long enough to get business experience or who are just unequipped to provide a reasonable standard of service. Whatever the cause, getting decent service is invariably unattainable.

And the TAs out there who are offended by this can go pound sand as far as I am concerned. My experience has been deep and bad. I continue to use the compete method to get best pricing, but now I am forewarned and thus forearmed for the shenanigans, delays, and bad service. Maybe the TAs who take offense can tell me what recourse wronged customers have - other than a complaint board on an industry association? The latter is akin to having the fox guard the hen house. The TA industry is woefully unregulated aside from some consumer protection statutes found on a state by state basis. Most people don't know what, if anything, they can do to right wrongs.

The internet is a wonderful business tool, but it gives rise to a whole new set of issues in the travel industry.



First, let me say I am not a TA, never was nor is any friend or familiy member.


I have used this "service" a number of times with excellent results. The quotes I received were from reputable TA's that also have their own web sites.


When asking for a quote, I ask if there are any fees, processing, handling administration, cancellation etc. I ask for the cruise price to be broken out to list the cruise price and the fees and taxes. Being an experienced cruiser I would think you would ASK for this information before booking.


I am aware of an agency that 'waivers' the TA cancellation fee when the person is using the "service" you mentioned. The "regular" invoice lists the fee but you do receive the waiver. I fail to understand what is wrong with a TA that waivers the fee ?


Many, many TA's have a TA cancellation fee or some other type of fee. Now days it is more than likely the majority do. What is wrong with that ? The TA does a lot of work booking a cruise.


There are both good and bad TA's both On Line and Brick and Morter.

Don't knock them because they are on line TA's. To be honest I had more problems with a brick and morter TA that was less than a mile from where I live. I have had both good, and not so good on line TA's.

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we never use them. I don't believe them. We do much better doing our own bookings. Heard too many horror stories.


why do they do what they do? because their industry is in a meltdown- the advent of the Internet pretty much killed the travel agent biz. We don't need them anymore.


Their profit margins are slim and for those that are left, the competition is fierce


I don't think that internet is the overall downfall in the biz. It's a combination of things.


I think it started with airlines screwing up commission schedules as part of their cost reduction. That put so much pressure on agencies that it no longer became profitable to deal with selling airline tickets that a lot of the old school agents got out of the biz.


My take is also the overall business of anyone becoming a agent through amway type marketing. It is to the point that you cannot swing a cat without hitting at least a few travel agents. This also brought a new level of incompetency, no training, no requirements just the promise of making money and free travel (which we all know better).


As with any business, the internet marketing has become an important part of the overall marketing plan. It certainly behooves a brick and mortar agency to have an internet department to pick up additional revenues.


It's really no different than the ma and pa hardware stores and the like. A lot of the service business have gone away and, to a certain extent, it's unfortunate that we can't have yesterday.

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I live in Rio de Janeiro ....and bookings here are totally different than in the US available only with US agents.
And therein lies the rub....almost all US based agents, internet or not, are supposed to be bound by cruise line agreements that they can only book for North American residents. Some will agree to book for residents of other locations if you have a US based address where documents and other communication can be sent. But you have to establish on ongoing relationship with an agent that can and will do that for you. And you need to be clear upfront with any agent you work with that you live in South America although you may have a US mailing address and/or bank account.
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Shop around and do some research, there are some really good discount TAs. I wouldn't call them internet TA's but they are a good 10-20% cheaper then the posted rates at the cruise sites. You can easily compare those against the many interenty. If you don't get at least 10% cheaper then you haven't found the cheapest yet!


And yes they offer refund, pick your room and minimum down till 90 days before too!


Anyone know of a list or database of "really good discount TAs"? I don't need hand holding or guidance on lines or destinations -- not boasting but I find I frequently know more about sailings than many TAs do.


I just experienced a "surprise" cancellation fee from a TA that did not have a cancellation fee last time I had to cancel with them. So another request for information about a list or database of agencies that should be avoided and why?


Thanks for any helpful advice.



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Anyone know of a list or database of "really good discount TAs"? I don't need hand holding or guidance on lines or destinations -- not boasting but I find I frequently know more about sailings than many TAs do.


I just experienced a "surprise" cancellation fee from a TA that did not have a cancellation fee last time I had to cancel with them. So another request for information about a list or database of agencies that should be avoided and why?


Thanks for any helpful advice.




There's really no way to have a database as everyone's experiences differ as expectations differ.


I guess I'm surprised at the number of times people actually cancel. When I book a cruise, we go short of a emergency (knock on wood). But I guess one needs to look at the cancellation policy EACH time one does business as they do change.

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Anyone know of a list or database of "really good discount TAs"? I don't need hand holding or guidance on lines or destinations -- not boasting but I find I frequently know more about sailings than many TAs do.


I just experienced a "surprise" cancellation fee from a TA that did not have a cancellation fee last time I had to cancel with them. So another request for information about a list or database of agencies that should be avoided and why?


Thanks for any helpful advice.




Sorry Dr. John, but you cannot recomment good or bad TA's on this site nor post a site that may list them. To be honest I have never seen a site that lists bad TA's. You can always check with the BBB in your area.

There are plenty of TA's listed under Cruise Agencies on this site, but they do pay to advertise. Many are good.


I have found TA's that did not charge cancellation fees in the past do now. It is best to always ask. I always ask for ALL fees. You never know what a TA might call it.


Sometimes it is the actual agent you get that might not be so good. I booked with one agency and had great service. I called them about another cruise, the guy ( a different person) put a hold on the cabin and sent me an email saying the hold was good for X days. I called him multiple times and left many messages to call me in a 48 hour time frame. No return calls. Needless to say I did not book with them. As soon as the hold went off the cabin I wanted, the other TA grabbed it.

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If you book it yourself who do you call when you have a problem? You may think you will never have a problem. Maybe or maybe not. It only takes one time and that little savings thru the years evaporates. Again you get what you pay for.

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If you book it yourself who do you call when you have a problem? You may think you will never have a problem. Maybe or maybe not. It only takes one time and that little savings thru the years evaporates. Again you get what you pay for.


The only problem during the years I travelled extensively was due to a local TA's error. I had to handle it myself as it was after hours (by a few minutes due to time zones). If you know how to fix things yourself, it's not that big of a deal. She had come well recommended, needless to say - one off my list.


However, I have had good luck when you are travelling every week using a TA as they are worth their weight in gold as they kept me organized, going where I needed to be and know my habits, wants and tendencies.


But now since my travel is leisure travel, it's not that hard and I have been able to get ahold of internet TA's to take care of minimal stuff. In reality, everything can get fixed and with a cruise, there isn't much to screw up.

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I book all my cruises with the same online agency. It's not a "bid" situation, but rather, a dedicated online agency. I've had the best of luck with them. While their prices are about the same as booking direct, they throw in some real goodies...like free onboard gratuities or free travel insurance, OBC....like that.


Frankly, I shop the right side of the menu. I want the best price and do quite a bit of shopping around. It has been my experience that they are all pretty much alike pricewise... It's the perks that set them apart.

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  • 1 month later...

I was not going to post about this topic until someone mentioned getting bad service from a local TA. I placed two phone calls to two different travel agents while looking to book our next cruise and never received a return phone call. Same thing as last year. There are not many travel agencies left here in the town I live in, the one we used on our 1st cruise closed and the only other one I know about also closed. When someone does not return a phone call that is bad service any way you look at it and you would think they would be desperate for bookings. I used a TA that I found through the CC quote process last year and just booked 2 more with the same agency. I gave up booking directly with Carnival after speaking with 3 PVPs, 2 of them could have cared less if I booked the cruise and the other one sounded completely rehearsed and did not answer my questions like I needed. Happy cruising! :)

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Almost all characterizations of any group as all being anything are wrong. Some online TAs are worse than others, some are better. Some full commission brick and mortar TAs are worse, and some are better.

I've booked about a dozen cruises with 3 different online TAs. All have been helpful; all have returned calls reasonably promptly. I've received better service from them than from brick and mortar TAs.

I will say that any so-called "professional" who says anyone who disagrees with him can 'pound sand' and accuses those who use discount TAs of reaching into his pocket, strikes me as anything but professional. It's attitudes like that that killed full commission stock brokerages.


A customer who chooses to use a discount TA is no more reaching into the TAs pocket than a shopper who chooses to shop at Wal-Mart is stealing from Macys. In fact, it is that customer, rather than the one who books directly with the cruise line, who is enabling the TAs to stay in business.

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Has anyone had any experiences with *******? Doing a little research project.






I would be interested in this too. We received a quote that I would like to follow through with from them. But would like more info about them first.


Also looking at *******. Any info on them anyone???



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What I have found is that these online TAs are uniformly incompetent and often downright dishonest.


I think the best approach is to assume they are incompetent going in. When they email you the details of the reservation, check it all very carefully and read all the fine print. Respond back to them quickly with any errors made and they will correct them. This will ensure the lowest price and a correct reservation.

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I would be interested in this too. We received a quote that I would like to follow through with from them. But would like more info about them first.


Also looking at . Any info on them anyone???



You're not supposed to do this and I will say that I have quoted them both and not been pleased. Both companies will have exactly the same prices as the cruiselines. I ALWAYS check the BBB, does anyone else do this? If the company has anything less than an excellent rating or is not even a member, I DO NOT USE THEM! Then we wonder why people get angry! No, you do not always get what you pay for, sometimes you get less and a lot of incompetence and I could add a story here, but I won't. Experienced cruisers know what to look for and how charges are broken down. The best we can offer: compare, compare, compare and learn. I start with the line first and go through the motions of booking online, then I do my homework. At this point, I know port charges, surcharges and taxes, now I can compare with some online TA's who creatively manipulate prices........:D

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I have booked all of our cruises through the same local TA. They have always, at the very least, matched anything I could find on line or direct. In return I get personal service, an individual who is responsible for taking care of any problems which might occur, a person who can use their contacts to my advantage, and most importantly the satisfaction of knowing that the commission amount(this is included in EVERY fare quoted including booking direct) goes to someone I know rather than simply being kept by the cruise line. I am amazed by the number of people who believe a direct quote might be less because it would not include a TA commission. This couldn't be further from the truth. It is included and the cruise lines keep it.

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I have cruised 3 or 4 times a year for the past 15 years. For the most part I have used online TAs because they get best price. Lately I have used a service that allows many TAs to submit competing bids so that I can really get a competitve price.

What I have found is that these online TAs are uniformly incompetent and often downright dishonest. They will sometimes fail to disclose upfront a cancellation fee quite separate from the cruiseline cancellation fees. It may be described as an administrative fee, but it is never mentioned as part of the original price offer. They will sometimes submit an invoice with the cancellation fee prominantly mentioned and then have a waiver of it in small print - which I perceive as an attempt to mislead customers into not cancelling for fear of suffering an agency cancellation fee.

Quite apart from this hidden cancellation/admin fee ruse it is practically impossible to get a reasonably prompt reply to questions that arise during the life of the booking. I suspect profit margins are so thin that these TAs hire young, inexperienced phone order takers who never stick around long enough to get business experience or who are just unequipped to provide a reasonable standard of service. Whatever the cause, getting decent service is invariably unattainable.

And the TAs out there who are offended by this can go pound sand as far as I am concerned. My experience has been deep and bad. I continue to use the compete method to get best pricing, but now I am forewarned and thus forearmed for the shenanigans, delays, and bad service. Maybe the TAs who take offense can tell me what recourse wronged customers have - other than a complaint board on an industry association? The latter is akin to having the fox guard the hen house. The TA industry is woefully unregulated aside from some consumer protection statutes found on a state by state basis. Most people don't know what, if anything, they can do to right wrongs.

The internet is a wonderful business tool, but it gives rise to a whole new set of issues in the travel industry.


I also use the compete site I think you are talking about. I booked my Med cruise, then when I received the invoice, at the bottom was the cancellation fee that that online TA charges. I immediately sent an email to the agency and included the main site that I was very upset that this had not been disclosed before giving them the deposit. I received an email from the President of the TA (also copying the main site) stating that "they have an agreement with xxxxx that there is no cancellation fee when booked through xxxxx." So for me to rest assured, if I had to cancel, there would be absolutely NO FEE.


Have you tried emailing the higher ups at the TAs you are talking about? I like to email, then you have it in writing (if that does any good these days).


For a long time I booked directly with the cruise line thinking you would do better without the middle man, that also might eliminate some of your frustration.


Good luck on making your future reservations.

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I find that I have to be extremely repetitive and clear and ask a lot of questions to feel comfortable with my online TAs. It makes me nervous because the back and forth correspondence is so casual that it looks unprofessional. By this I mean that sometimes they are in complete sentences, bad grammar, casual grammar.. like I'm corresponding with my cousin or something! So far, they've done their job, but like I said, I'm always very cautious.

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We have 2 brick & mortar TA's in our area who charge cancellation fees and who are not as knowledegable about the cruises I want as the online TA's have been. I have booked with quite a few online TA's, including some very well known large agencies. I found 2 in particular that I like. I use one for private bookings and the other is an online TA here that I have found to be very good for the group bookings. Until the cruise lines changed their policies and started charging the same rates, I used one online TA that was strictly e-mail, no phone at all, and was very pleased with their service and quick response time.

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You get what you pay for.[/quote

That is not necessarily correct. The OP is paying for a cruise and he/she should get that course. I firmly believe in using a local TA. I like the idea that I have a physical address that I can walk into and sit down with any questions or problems I might have. But not everyone lives in an area that allows them to do this. Unfortunately it is the few dishonest on-line sellers that give the honest on-line business people a bad name.

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Except for the first of our 10 booked cruises, we have always used Internet TAs. We had one near-death experience: One agent failed to inform us about the final payment (the error may have been ours since we were in the midst of changing email addresses). When I brought this to their attention two weeks later in a very nonconfrontational way, NCL honored my original reservation and everything was hunky-doory. But we never used again that particular agency.

I have found that an Internet TA offers just as much for a traveler who does not need hand-holding than a traditional agent. Some offer even more. It all depends on your comfort level.

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