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Is this going to be a problem?-HELP!


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This is long, but I need help! I booked a cruise for a group of 24. At the time that I booked last July (for an April 2009 cruise), I told my TA that I needed one of the rooms to accommodate a child, for a total of 3 people in the particular cabin. I did not add the child on to the reservation at the time of the initial booking. I had my TA check with RCCL twice to be SURE that this cabin can accommodate a third person, and both times was told it could. Last week I went to add the child onto the reservation, and now RCCL is telling my TA that he can't be added, as that room only allows 2 passengers. My TA suggested that I add the child onto another person's cabin who is in our group, even though he will be staying in a different cabin with his parents. Are there going to be any problems with this, regarding boarding or in any other aspect? Is there going to be a problem with check-in if there child is in a different room than them? The people whose cabin we would be adding the child on to do not even know the parents, so if it is going to inconvenience them in any way, I'd like to know. I know the are plannign on having the child in Adventure Ocean and getting a babysitter. Is this going to be a problem regarding SeaPass if the reservations say the child is in one room when he is really staying in another room?

Also, the parents cannot simply switch rooms because there are already 3 people in the cabin where my TA wants to add the child (since that cabin can accommodate 4)

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It might be worth it for you to call RCCL and explain your situation to a CS rep and beg, beg, beg for them to let you book at the original prices for category L.


They are going to tell you that your TA needs to call to discuss it with them, because that is what they do with TA reservations BUT it definitely will not hurt to ask them, or a CS supervisor, to hear you out and advise you on what you could do in this situation. It never hurts to (sound) like you are shedding a tear or two either. That's how I got the contact info of the hair salon people, because I was genuinely stressed out about RR/TWE and the CS rep could hear my tears and took pity on me.


It cant hurt to call and plead your case. After all, you can already show that you have a booking and want to maintain that booking and add one more.


Good luck, keep is posted!

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I would be amazed if RCCL even discussed this with you, since your booking was through a travel agent. Usually, you are just told your TA will need to call.


I am not clear as to why you just did not add the child on the original booking. As the sailing fills up, sometimes cabins that can hold three are only allowed to be booked with two people, because the ship can only hold a certain number of people. Perhaps that is what happened in this situation.


Your TA is your best resource and should certainly be earning their commission by straightening this out for you. I am not sure your TA's suggestion is a good idea, especially as the other family does not even know this child and isn't related. I can see all sorts of problems checking in, as this child will be checking in with this other family, with a different last name, etc.

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I am not clear as to why you just did not add the child on the original booking. As the sailing fills up, sometimes cabins that can hold three are only allowed to be booked with two people, because the ship can only hold a certain number of people. Perhaps that is what happened in this situation.


esbie did not add the child because they are paying for all 24 guests (it's a wedding cruise) so they had to pay $250 pp deposit. The TA told Esbie that the child could be added at a later date. (We ALL know that's wrong because the cruise could sell out before the child was added)


So I would chalk this up to a HUGE TA mistake.


And I have seen on recent posts that RCCL will talk to you directly if the TA has left the booking open. I guess the TAs have the option to do that.


And the category that the TA booked this couple with a child into, only hold TWO people, not 3. So once again, the TA should have known better.


(BTW, I am not psychic, I know all of this info because this poster explained it on the RCCL main board...lol :D )

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BTW, I am not psychic


Too bad. If you had psychic ability, we could all find out how this story ends.


To the OP - I hope this works out for you. Your TA sounds as if they really made a mess of this.

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I check back faithfully to see how this all worked out


(read: you better post what happened/what your TA said/how everything worked out!)


I am happily deeming this my drama du jour...something to keep the interest in an otherwise boring work day.

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My TA still has no called me back. I had her co-worker leave her a note saying it is very important that she calls me ASAP and I have not heard from her! BUT, I did speak with someone from RCCL's group dept. Yes, they were willing to help me even though I booked through a TA. Anyway, they told me that there is no reason why a third person could not be added onto that cabin, that the ship has not reached its passenger capacity, etc. Unfortunately, they would not allow me to add the third person on while I was on the phone with them, for that, they referred me to my TA as expected. So, I still don't know why there is a problem, and I won't know until my TA calls me back!!!

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My TA still has no called me back. I had her co-worker leave her a note saying it is very important that she calls me ASAP and I have not heard from her! BUT, I did speak with someone from RCCL's group dept. Yes, they were willing to help me even though I booked through a TA. Anyway, they told me that there is no reason why a third person could not be added onto that cabin, that the ship has not reached its passenger capacity, etc. Unfortunately, they would not allow me to add the third person on while I was on the phone with them, for that, they referred me to my TA as expected. So, I still don't know why there is a problem, and I won't know until my TA calls me back!!!


Well, at least you know that it is not so imperative that your TA make the change immediately since you now know that you can add a third.


Keep us updated!

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So I finally spoke with my TA. I told her how I spoke with someone from RCCL twice, and both times I was told that the cabin WILL allow a third person. My TA said that she, too, was confused as to why her "group coordinator" told her that the child could not be added. And when my TA questioned this person, the group coordinator said that she was under the impression that the baby was under 2 and therefore he could stay in a cabin for 2 people. I re-iterated that his age is irrelevent since the cabin can accommodate up to 4 people!! She said she will again talk with her coordinator about this, but if they will not allow him to stay in the cabin with his parents, I will have to book an L category room, costing me an additional $700. At that point I politely said "well let's see what happens after you speak with your group person." There is no way in hell I am going to pay for an L cabin when the child can stay with them in their current cabin! I am being very nice today, but if this isn't resolved by tomorrow I am going to go Bridezilla on her butt!!

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So I finally spoke with my TA. I told her how I spoke with someone from RCCL twice, and both times I was told that the cabin WILL allow a third person. My TA said that she, too, was confused as to why her "group coordinator" told her that the child could not be added. And when my TA questioned this person, the group coordinator said that she was under the impression that the baby was under 2 and therefore he could stay in a cabin for 2 people. I re-iterated that his age is irrelevent since the cabin can accommodate up to 4 people!! She said she will again talk with her coordinator about this, but if they will not allow him to stay in the cabin with his parents, I will have to book an L category room, costing me an additional $700. At that point I politely said "well let's see what happens after you speak with your group person." There is no way in hell I am going to pay for an L cabin when the child can stay with them in their current cabin! I am being very nice today, but if this isn't resolved by tomorrow I am going to go Bridezilla on her butt!!


From now on you make sure your TA conference calls you in on every call she makes to the RCCL group coordinator. If the group coordinator for RCCL still thinks the room occupancy limit is 2 people, then you need to get that persons name ans ask to speak with the supervisor. You have already witnessed that people at RCCL do know that the room accomodates 4 people.


I have a feeling your TA is going to contact you letting you know that "she was able to pull strings and book the baby into the room" For some reason travel agents always want you to think they pulled off an act of god when, in fact, they didnt do a thing extraoridnary...


Keep us posted!

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Dont leave us hanging, keep us updated!


Ugh. I would LOVE to update you all if I had something to update about! Still no word from my TA, although they just opened half an hour ago. I know this SHOULDN'T be a problem, but until I get confirmation from her that everything is ok, I am still a little on edge. I hate how everything is a hassle. Every question I ask my TA, I get a response of "welll I need to call so-and-so to find out." I wish I could cut out the middle-man and talk to whoever this supreme being is who makes all cruise-related decisions. Although she can redeem herself by making reservations at Portofino's for our group on the evening of the wedding:D

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I would be patient today. With the WOW sale, I suspect RCCL is more than a tad busy. If your TA does need to talk to someone at RCCL today to get the correct answer, it will most likely take longer than normal.

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Ugh. I would LOVE to update you all if I had something to update about! Still no word from my TA, although they just opened half an hour ago. I know this SHOULDN'T be a problem, but until I get confirmation from her that everything is ok, I am still a little on edge. I hate how everything is a hassle. Every question I ask my TA, I get a response of "welll I need to call so-and-so to find out." I wish I could cut out the middle-man and talk to whoever this supreme being is who makes all cruise-related decisions. Although she can redeem herself by making reservations at Portofino's for our group on the evening of the wedding:D


This is why I don't use a TA and, if I do use a TA, I always transfer right before final payment. It seems silly to me to have to call someone, so they can call someone and get an answer.....


wrp96 is right about the wow sale and the possibility that RCCL is busy. Don't forget to have your TA conference you in on her call to RCCL about the room capacity.


IIRC, you have to rent out the entire restaurant of Portofino's, for the night, if you want to do a group situation AND they have a set menu for you, but I have seen it and it didnt look bad. Do you know that RCCL is now allowing everyone to go online and make their own portofino's reservations? I dont know how you would coordinate that between all your reservations, but knowledge is power!


Your TA is giving your group perks, right?


Now, go get yourself on the waitlist for 1688 and 1388 and let be sure to us know what eventually happens.

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This is why I don't use a TA and, if I do use a TA, I always transfer right before final payment. It seems silly to me to have to call someone, so they can call someone and get an answer.....


wrp96 is right about the wow sale and the possibility that RCCL is busy. Don't forget to have your TA conference you in on her call to RCCL about the room capacity.


IIRC, you have to rent out the entire restaurant of Portofino's, for the night, if you want to do a group situation AND they have a set menu for you, but I have seen it and it didnt look bad. Do you know that RCCL is now allowing everyone to go online and make their own portofino's reservations? I dont know how you would coordinate that between all your reservations, but knowledge is power!


Your TA is giving your group perks, right?


Now, go get yourself on the waitlist for 1688 and 1388 and let be sure to us know what eventually happens.


I will never use a TA again. I am super organized and I love planning things, so I could have done just fine on my own. I really only used one so that I would have someone to double-check myself and hopefully help me out with some things I wasn't sure I could do myself (such as the Portofino's reservations). As it turns out, I have been the one giving her info. She said I didn't have enough people for a free berth. After getting some info from CC folks, I went back to inform her that I am, in fact, eligible for the free berth. I told her about upcoming MyTime dining, online reservations for specialty restaurants, and reminded her that if the child is in a room on a different deck than his parents, they will have a different muster station which is unacceptable. I now know that I am my best TA!

I am aware that specialty restaurants can be booked online, however I don't think I can do this for the whole group. I also don't think that, if I wait until I board the ship, there will be availability for our group, so I REALLY want to get this taken care of ahead of time. My TA told me that she will "try" to do this. I told her that I KNOW of other people who have been able to make group reservations at Portofino's ahead of time (even prior to online booking), so it is just a matter of talking to the right person who will get this done. So she is aware that I KNOW this is possible, so hopefully she will find a way to make it happen.

What other perks should I be getting? I will say that I am irritated that they will not charge our final payment directly onto my RCCL Visa so that I can get double points. That is costing me about $150 worth of on-board credit! What a pain in the behind!!

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I will never use a TA again. I am super organized and I love planning things, so I could have done just fine on my own. I really only used one so that I would have someone to double-check myself and hopefully help me out with some things I wasn't sure I could do myself (such as the Portofino's reservations). As it turns out, I have been the one giving her info. She said I didn't have enough people for a free berth. After getting some info from CC folks, I went back to inform her that I am, in fact, eligible for the free berth. I told her about upcoming MyTime dining, online reservations for specialty restaurants, and reminded her that if the child is in a room on a different deck than his parents, they will have a different muster station which is unacceptable. I now know that I am my best TA!

I am aware that specialty restaurants can be booked online, however I don't think I can do this for the whole group. I also don't think that, if I wait until I board the ship, there will be availability for our group, so I REALLY want to get this taken care of ahead of time. My TA told me that she will "try" to do this. I told her that I KNOW of other people who have been able to make group reservations at Portofino's ahead of time (even prior to online booking), so it is just a matter of talking to the right person who will get this done. So she is aware that I KNOW this is possible, so hopefully she will find a way to make it happen.

What other perks should I be getting? I will say that I am irritated that they will not charge our final payment directly onto my RCCL Visa so that I can get double points. That is costing me about $150 worth of on-board credit! What a pain in the behind!!


I'm confused as to why they wont charge your final payment onto your visa.. That must be a policy of theirs. I just sailed with a group and the TA charged our payment to my RCCL visa...


Sounds to me like you may as well transfer your group to an RCCL group coordinator since the TA you selected is causing you nothing but headaches and isnt giving you any perks in return for the headaches....:confused:


At least with an RCCL group coordinator you know the answers will be correct the first time around...!

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Sorry for your problems that you are having what a time huh:confused:

Well we have 3 boys all under the age 10 and I like for us all to be in the same cabin (I'm a over bearing kind of mom) anyway we always put on paper that one of my sons is my parents room and we have no problems. We all have to check in together which isn't a problem if you all will be anyway just make sure they all stand close together in the line not usually a prob and when you get on board you can go to the relations desk to fix everything when we have do it, it only took a few moments of time which wasn't a big deal. It is not fair that you should have to worry about it but if you do after all have to do it, it is not that big of a deal to fix;) I do hope it all works out for you and congrats!!!


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Be aware that you cannot book a group directly with RCCL - you had to use a TA for this.


I really think you just got stuck with a bad TA. She should be able to charge your card directly to RCCL - the fact that she won't is not a good sign.

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Be aware that you cannot book a group directly with RCCL - you had to use a TA for this.


I really think you just got stuck with a bad TA. She should be able to charge your card directly to RCCL - the fact that she won't is not a good sign.


Yeah I can use my RCCL card to pay for it, but they won't use it directly with RCCL, so I won't get double points for it since it won't "count" as a RCCL purchase. Once again, when I asked about this it was "I'll need to talk with my group coordinator about this." Then I was told that they cannot make the charge directly to RCCL, therefore, I don't get double points. I could have gotten about 34,000 points, just from making the final payment!!

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Yeah I can use my RCCL card to pay for it, but they won't use it directly with RCCL, so I won't get double points for it since it won't "count" as a RCCL purchase. Once again, when I asked about this it was "I'll need to talk with my group coordinator about this." Then I was told that they cannot make the charge directly to RCCL, therefore, I don't get double points. I could have gotten about 34,000 points, just from making the final payment!!


That is really weird... I wonder why that is. I bet that the travel agency has their own RCCL visa and they are going to pay for your cruise using their visa and have you reimburse them.


wrp96 - since when can you not book groups with RCCL. Last time I checked you could. The perks Totaly sucked if you did it this way, but you were still able to....?

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wrp96 - since when can you not book groups with RCCL. Last time I checked you could. The perks Totaly sucked if you did it this way, but you were still able to....?


Sometime in the last few months people have reported that you can no longer book a group directly with RCCL. You have to go through a TA if you want to book as a group.

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Sometime in the last few months people have reported that you can no longer book a group directly with RCCL. You have to go through a TA if you want to book as a group.



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I got an email from my TA stating that the child could be added to the parents' cabin. You were right sas, supposidly it was a safety issue regarding having a toddler on a pullman bed. When my TA initially spoke to this other group agent, the group agent simply (and falsely)said that a third person cannot be added to the room, but did not specify that the reason was because of safety and having a toddler in a pullman bed. Apparently when my TA called back to let her know that the room can accommodate 3 people, the agent then explained the safety issue. SO, he has been added with the condition that he not stay in the pullman bed, which is completely fine with the parents anyway. **sigh**

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I got an email from my TA stating that the child could be added to the parents' cabin. You were right sas, supposidly it was a safety issue regarding having a toddler on a pullman bed. When my TA initially spoke to this other group agent, the group agent simply (and falsely)said that a third person cannot be added to the room, but did not specify that the reason was because of safety and having a toddler in a pullman bed. Apparently when my TA called back to let her know that the room can accommodate 3 people, the agent then explained the safety issue. SO, he has been added with the condition that he not stay in the pullman bed, which is completely fine with the parents anyway. **sigh**



Ok, first of all....WOOHOOOOO!!!!! I am so happy the whole mess got worked out.


But the 2nd thing is WHAT?????? The agent said the child is not allowed to stay in a pullman? HUH? Where does it state that on the RCCL website?


Yes, yes, I know that personally, for safety reasons, I don't put MY kids in a pullman. But I have never been denied a cabin for that reason.

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