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American restructuring flights to San Juan


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What is the dread of a connection? Is it that a few extra hours traveling is critical? Is it a fear of lost luggage? Is it a fear of a mis-connect? Is this aversion just for cruises where you can't afford to miss the boat (literally and figuratively)? Or is it for all flights?
You have to remember that the vast majority of CC members are very infrequent flyers, and who will understandably get stressed by anything going wrong, or even the uncertainty of whether something might go wrong. I think that those who fly more often know how to take these things in their stride, and just don't get stressed about problems or potential problems.


I'm just thinking about my trip home this week: Because an aircraft change on my flight meant that the cabin I was booked in disappeared, I was moved to another flight. Then the other flight also had a similar aircraft change, so I was consigned to economy come what may: business and first were overbooked on both flights. Then it had a 5-hour delay; and then the original flight ended up being delayed by 6 hours.


My viewpoint: big deal - just more champagne-drinking time. And I get to collect quite a lot of refund. But you can see how many CC members would be stressed beyond belief at this.


In fact, I can just imagine the "I'M NEVER FLYING XXX AIRLINES AGAIN!!!!" posts that would result ... :D

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I am mystified by the general aversion to flight itineraries that involve a change of plane. Between earning miles and burning miles we will fly well over 110,000 miles this year. There is not one trip that is point to point. Even for a SEA-ORD trip I chose CO deliberately in order to route through IAH -- earning more miles while enjoying a likely upgrade to first.


What is the dread of a connection? Is it that a few extra hours traveling is critical? Is it a fear of lost luggage? Is it a fear of a mis-connect? Is this aversion just for cruises where you can't afford to miss the boat (literally and figuratively)? Or is it for all flights? It would just never occur to us not to book a great cruise because getting to or from the ship would require an air connection. Help me understand.


I will tell you why I avoid changing planes. I drive 4 hrs each day rt. I can sit at the Bay bridge for hours if something happens. I sit in Backups on 95 many many times, but I accept that as part of my ordinary life. I don't get ff miles for my Vacations. I had ff miles and finally had enough, for a flight but since I had not used or done anything for 18 mos the ff miles went POOF!


I book my cruise and airline tickets far in advance. Right now I am booked on AA our of IAD because it is rt and good price. It is about a 2.5 hr drive from my house and the flight is 3.5 hrs. If I can't get a direct flight from Phila it will be a minium of 6.5. Some of the flights are overnights connections! Sitting in airports with hords of people, babies crying in backups for security getting on and off planes with more hords of people. Heck I might as well stay home! At least in my car I can listen to my music, talke to my husband and not have hordes of people invade my space. Besides my dh HATES to fly One take off and landing is usually enough for him!

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I am mystified by the general aversion to flight itineraries that involve a change of plane. Between earning miles and burning miles we will fly well over 110,000 miles this year. There is not one trip that is point to point. Even for a SEA-ORD trip I chose CO deliberately in order to route through IAH -- earning more miles while enjoying a likely upgrade to first.


What is the dread of a connection? Is it that a few extra hours traveling is critical? Is it a fear of lost luggage? Is it a fear of a mis-connect? Is this aversion just for cruises where you can't afford to miss the boat (literally and figuratively)? Or is it for all flights? It would just never occur to us not to book a great cruise because getting to or from the ship would require an air connection. Help me understand.


My last 3 trips, all this year, have involved connections. I always allow plenty of time to make the connection. Well for all 3 I missed the connection due to delays. That means spending many hours or even an overnight in an airport waiting standby to get a seat on another flight. Well, there aren't many extra seats nowadays. LAst time I had to stanby for SIX flights in Atlanta before I got a seat. It was an all day affair. And for one trip we did not get our luggage for 2 days. Flying has really turned into a huge hassle lately. That is why a nonstop is a clear preference for me.

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My last 3 trips, all this year, have involved connections. I always allow plenty of time to make the connection. Well for all 3 I missed the connection due to delays. That means spending many hours or even an overnight in an airport waiting standby to get a seat on another flight. Well, there aren't many extra seats nowadays. LAst time I had to stanby for SIX flights in Atlanta before I got a seat. It was an all day affair. And for one trip we did not get our luggage for 2 days. Flying has really turned into a huge hassle lately. That is why a nonstop is a clear preference for me.


Were all your 3 trips at Winter time? Peak periods? (Spring Break, Thanksgiving, X'mas)


If the delays were weather related (winter storm, summer thunderstorm) then it would be just tough luck as the whole system would be shut down for hours and thus the ripple effects were very big. And yes, in this regard, a direct flight is clearly preferrable.


What airline(s) you flew? The airline(s) would not offer to put you on another airline(s)?

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2 simple solutions to your 2 issues:


1) US Carriers are extremely generous about keeping your mileage account "alive" - all they ask is you have an activity, any activity and the life of your miles would be extended by another 18 months from the date of activity. You dont need to fly at all - you can eat (thru iDine program and pay for the bill using the CC registered to the program), you can rent a car and put your FF number to the reservation - 50 miles a day for most companies, except Hertz which is based on $ spent, you can shop, using airlines websites to your favorite retailers, such as Target or Macy or many other retailers - you even earn BONUS miles by doing that, i.e. earn 2 to 5 miles per dollar spent, you can donate 250 miles to either Red Cross or Make a Wish Foundation, you can send flower, you can order magazine ... you can .... There are literally doz and doz ways to keep your miles alive, almost perpectually, with very little effort on your part.


2) Buy a Daypass to an airport lounge to avoid the airport hassle. It is money well spent if you are very bothered by the non-stop activities of the airport. In case of flight delay (it can happen with nonstop flight, too), you can sit comfortably in the lounge, being kept informed by the monitor, or by actual calling of the flights.


In some international airline lounges, the host actually will lead the passengers to the gate when time comes to board. We flew Air NZ last Spring, LAX to AKL, nonstop. We were on the 2nd flight of the night, scheduled to depart at 11:45pm. The 1st flight to leave at 8:30pm was delayed, due to some US Custom clearance or whatever. It was delayed 2+ hours, causing ours also delayed by at least that much if not longer time. The lounge staff kept all passengers informed by periodically announced the status of the flights. When we were finally ready to board, the host led lounge passengers to the boarding gate where there were at least 200 people mulling around, sitting on the floor or even lying down because of the long delay. It was like a zoo, but we were totally spared by the commotion - sitting comfortably at the lounge, enjoyed TV, internet access, drinks & snacks. Oh, we also took a hot shower upon getting to the lounge as we were already out a whole day in LA and wouldn't see a hotel room until 36 hours later. AFAIK, Air NZ Kuru Club sells daypass though our access was based on ticket class.


I will tell you why I avoid changing planes. I drive 4 hrs each day rt. I can sit at the Bay bridge for hours if something happens. I sit in Backups on 95 many many times, but I accept that as part of my ordinary life. I don't get ff miles for my Vacations. I had ff miles and finally had enough, for a flight but since I had not used or done anything for 18 mos the ff miles went POOF!


I book my cruise and airline tickets far in advance. Right now I am booked on AA our of IAD because it is rt and good price. It is about a 2.5 hr drive from my house and the flight is 3.5 hrs. If I can't get a direct flight from Phila it will be a minium of 6.5. Some of the flights are overnights connections! Sitting in airports with hords of people, babies crying in backups for security getting on and off planes with more hords of people. Heck I might as well stay home! At least in my car I can listen to my music, talke to my husband and not have hordes of people invade my space. Besides my dh HATES to fly One take off and landing is usually enough for him!

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I'm just thinking about my trip home this week: Because an aircraft change on my flight meant that the cabin I was booked in disappeared, I was moved to another flight. Then the other flight also had a similar aircraft change, so I was consigned to economy come what may: business and first were overbooked on both flights. Then it had a 5-hour delay; and then the original flight ended up being delayed by 6 hours.


My viewpoint: big deal - just more champagne-drinking time. And I get to collect quite a lot of refund. But you can see how many CC members would be stressed beyond belief at this.


In fact, I can just imagine the "I'M NEVER FLYING XXX AIRLINES AGAIN!!!!" posts that would result ... :D


This is amusing. :D


My husband actually prefer connection for the reason that he can stretch between segments - he does not mind to have one connection on Transcon flight so he does not have to sit for 5 hours straight, even at the front.

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Were all your 3 trips at Winter time? Peak periods? (Spring Break, Thanksgiving, X'mas)


If the delays were weather related (winter storm, summer thunderstorm) then it would be just tough luck as the whole system would be shut down for hours and thus the ripple effects were very big. And yes, in this regard, a direct flight is clearly preferrable.


What airline(s) you flew? The airline(s) would not offer to put you on another airline(s)?


Only one of the trips was semi-peak, mid April. No weather delays/storms. Pne was a mechanical roblem, the othe 2 were just delays for which no reason was given. None of the airlines offered to move us to another line. US Airways had the nerve to reschedule us for a flight 2 days later. We got a refund and rebooked ourselves with Continental from a different airport so as not to lose 2 days of a 7 day vacaion.The other airlines were Southwest and Delta.

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I thought so many folks here praised Southwest on how good their customer services are... and how ontime their flights are...


Southwest would not rebook you to another airline in most cases.


However, US & DL, if the delays are mechanicals, and you tickets are not from cruiseline consolidator tickets, the airlines should rebook / reroute you, even it means to endorse your ticket to other airlines, if the delays been drastic.


I am curious why would US was willing to give you refund, yet wouldn't reroute you?


We dont fly Skyteam, but we fly AA & UA a lot - we have our fair shares of delays, mostly weather-related though. On one occasion, the delay of AA's flight was due to lavatory malfunction at F cabin, when the plane was still at tarmac. It was delayed for 2 hours. I told flight attendant we were connecting to AA flight JFK/NRT and looked like we would miss the connection. She called GA and had GA prebooked us on the next flight to NRT, which was a JL flight but AA Codeshare. She told me we were "protected" should we miss the original connection. All this was done when we were still on the ground, not departing yet. We got lucky, our captain made up some ground and our original AA daily flight to NRT was delayed also, so we caught our original connection when that flight was boarding. The most recent delay was last Sept, we flew UA IAD/FLL - weather-induced delay, NO arriving plane for hours. UA finally found us a plane, after 3+ hours. Then the new plane had to unload fuel, as the plane was initially to fly Transcon, with a full tank. It would be too much fuel still, when it arrived FLL and would not be able to land... Kudo to UA Captain, who came on the PA to explain all this nuiance to the general public, WHY we still could not board the plane, eventhough the plane parked right outside now. Then when we finally pushed back, Control Tower grounded all flights, again - due to Thunderstorm downstream. On UA flights, you can tune to Channel 9 and listen to the conversation at Flight Deck. You can hear all the conversation between Control Tower and all the planes nearby. We heard an Air Canada pilot pleaded the Control Tower to let him go as his crew would soon go "illegal". Control Tower wouldn't budge... Anyway, after sitting at the runway for another hour or so, we caught a 5 minute window and we took off. The airport shut down again right after we were airborn... Whew! All said, we were delayed almost 5 hours in total. I was impressed by how UA handling the whole situation.


Next time if you fly UA, tune to Channel 9 - it is very interesting to us, to listen to all the conversations, especially we love to fly, and love aviation in general.

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Our flight was scheduled to leave San Juan at 1:55pm (11/09/08). They changed it to leave at 7:50AM the same day. There was *no way* we could get off the ship and make that flight on time. So they kindly changed it again for us...to the NEXT day. Now we have to pay for another hotel room. *sigh*



*edit* Put the wrong date in there.

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:) i booked our flights from ord to sju just this past week for 03/09. when i finally found a great fare i jumped on it. $1000.00 for 3 non-stop. took the advice to fly in a day ahead of time. weather March in Chicago can be great or a blizzard. also, spring break time here and wanted a non-stop flight and was fearful if we waited to long we would have to have a connection. lost luggage once -- lucky it was on our way home from Cancun. took 4 days to get it back.


Martysmom...I think I may have written you on another thread, but wondered how you found that flight deal? I'd be tempted to drive to Chicago for a price like that. I also have to buy flights for 3 to San Juan, from Michigan during the peak season in March.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Our flight was scheduled to leave San Juan at 1:55pm (11/09/08). They changed it to leave at 7:50AM the same day. There was *no way* we could get off the ship and make that flight on time. So they kindly changed it again for us...to the NEXT day. Now we have to pay for another hotel room. *sigh*



*edit* Put the wrong date in there.


Sparrow girl, I don't know where you are flying to and from but try this: go to Kayak.com and find other AA flights from San Juan to your home airport that would work for you. Note the flight number and time. Call AA, reservations, existing and speak with a customer service representative (ever so nicely) reference the recent change in your flights and that it won't work for you. See if they can get you on another flight on Sunday 11/9. I just did this (we are also at SJU on 11/9) and our return flights changed. I got new non-stop flights and will get home earlier than originally planned. Now I don't have to go through Miami, yeah.


What cruise are you on? - Oh you are sailing with US! I just saw your cruiser clock. Come on over to the Roll Call and join in the fun.


Bon Voyage


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