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Paying your onboard account using a credit/debit card that is not USD based........

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This subject has been raised before (poster uktog here knows about it, I'm sure), but this is just a reminder. If you elect to use a credit or debit card that is not in USD and you choose not to have it converted into your local currency by Celebrity make sure you indicate this on your Express Pass and make sure the person at check-in records it correctly.


Case study - I have just returned from a cruise on Infinity and checked my credit card statement for the final GBP total which seemed higher than it should have been. I finally (I say finally because it took some effort to get the info out of Celebrity Captains Club in the UK. Very frustrating, but that's another story) have received confirmation of the bill at the end and it's been erroneously converted by Celebrity at a rate of 1.8889. The conversion by my credit card company as I requested would have been nearer 1.9650. It makes quite a difference and that is worth noting too. In addition I booked through a US travel agent and therefore the difference they offered to send me would have to come through their Miami office by USD cheque, not sterling. So I decided to abandon that "quick fix" idea and dispute my credit card fee. All extra aggravation and time.


So just to repeat, make sure they register your request correctly when you check in. Ask the question of them. I usually do, but I think I might have been just too eager to get on the ship this time.:rolleyes:



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I have also come up against this problem. My credit card company does not charge a fee for converting foreign currency but uses the "VIsa Dynamic currency rate".

Following a cruise in April 2006 the credit card was charged in Sterling at a very poor exchange rate. I didn't follow it up at the time as I thought that I had made an error and had not asked to be billed in $.

On our next =X= cruise in September 2006 I completed and highlighted with a flourescent highlighter the section where I indicated that I wished to be billed in $ - this time I kept a copy.

My cc bill arrived and the statement did not include details of the exchange rate used for the Celebrity transaction. The rate was much lower than all other pre and post cruise transactions in $. I had several phone calls with the Credit Card company and we exchanged many letters about this. The upshot is that RCCL / =X= can use what ever rate of exchange they wish to and bill the credit card company in sterling through their RCCL UK headquarters. There is not a thing that can be done about it. On that occasion the credit card company refunded me the difference as a gesture of goodwill - a one of since they were not at fault.

On all our =X= and RCCL cruises since then we have paid Guest relations in $$ cash on the last day. Even purchasing $$ in the UK is more beneficial than the exchange rate used by RCCL.

You may be interested to know the cc company told me there are other companies that also do this Ryanair and Avis being the ones that spring to mind immediately.

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For the first time this happened to us after our (fifth) last cruise in November. I used MasterCard, which although I am sure is a U.S. company, was issued to us through a Canadian bank. I have always checked the appropriate box on the Express Pass, and have highlighted it as well.


A call to Celebrity in Miami, with a transfer to Janet in Wichita, Kansas, eventually, took care of the problem. I was required to fax Janet a (redacted) copy of my MC bill, and received a refund in very short order.


But, exitedofharpenden, I will definitely follow your advice and make sure that the person who checks us in records it properly. Thanks.:) What is somewhat frustrating to me, is that when we receive the bill onboard, we are given only the total, in U.S. funds. It is not until we receive our MasterCard statement that we find out whether the credit card company or the cruise line made the conversion. Does anyone know whether it would do any good to go down to the customer relations desk to check on this?

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All of the cruise ships use U.S. currency, so your credit card should be billed in U.S. and then the credit card company converts it to whatever currency you are from. I am a Canadian and the charges are in U.S., then the Mastercard converts into Canadian. And that is another reason, why I pay in cash, then if I don't have enough, then the balance goes on a credit card.

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No cruise queen not correct

For cards issued in non US currencies there are 2 options

a conversion at a penal rate by X which is the default position

or conversion by the credit card company

Some of us have UK credit cards where we do not take a handling charge for conversion so as Phil has highlighted it is our wish that we have the onboard charge billed in dollars and then our credit card company handles the conversion.



Shocked to hear the problem is still going on. Ihave just printed off my online check in dos and have highlighted clearly the option I want to happen

I discovered on my last trip, if you ask for an interim statement on board if it shows some statement that it will be converted by X (cant remember the exact wording but it inclused some exchange rates) they are handling the conversion. I spotted this whilst I was on board and went to the purser and had it reversed to what was my instruction, bill my credit card company who will handle the conversion


I suggest all non US customers who want their bills passed back to their card companies in $ (and looking at the awful exchange rate being applied in Phils tale I think even if your cc comapny chargrs you for conversion it will nto be THAT bad) go to the Pursers Desk on the first few days of the trip and get confirmation that your wishes are being followed


Anyway Phil how was the trip otherwise


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Ann, the trip was great. I loved Alaska. Infinity wasn't my favourite X ship though. I felt there was something amiss with the food. 7 days flies by and you don't get such a chance to bond with the crew, but our waiter Junaedi was a gem and I liked the Martini Bar better without the "hole" down to the Rendezvous Lounge. There was a great jazz trio that played there.


Back to the use of cards that are not US denominated, the other thing I took note of was the exchange rate at the bottom of the Seapass account at the end and it showed "0.52" as the rate of £££ to $$$, which equates to 1.9231 $ to the £ working it the other way round, so I don't know where the other points on the exchange rate went.


cruisequeen, I wish I could post a copy of the Express Passes from this trip and those from last year. There's definitely two options. Option a) to have Celebrity do any conversion and option b) to preserve it in $$$ for conversion by your own card company.


Davlin, I'm not quite sure I understand that X can use any rate they want. If I indicate as in the above paragraph that I want it kept in USD that is surely what they should do? My CC company are going back to them along these lines. I wouldn't expect any gesture of goodwill from the credit card company, but I'll expect Celebrity office in Miami to make it right. We'll see how I get on.



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You are absolutely right about the option for us here in the UK. I have to go out of my way to make them understand that I do not want them to touch the conversion. I use Nationwide card and pay no fee for using it abroad. Post Office also.

In fact it goes on to say in the Xpress pass that if you don't ask for the bill to be paid in $ you can not amend it at a later date.

Definitely there to catch the less observant out.

I think I learned of this situation on CC and so have never been caught out. When I was in Ireland recently the receptionist was going to charge me in Sterling and not in Euro's.

I want to convert it using my CC rather than someone else doing it and getting a poor rate.



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Sue, I used the Nationwide card too (for the first time) and was impressed at the exchange rate they used for other transactions whilst I was away. Normally I wouldn't be too bothered by this mistake, but as I took the trouble to apply for the card in the first place to use it for the purpose it's come down to a principle kind of thing. The difference would have paid for a bottle of Sancerre;)



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Sue, I used the Nationwide card too (for the first time) and was impressed at the exchange rate they used for other transactions whilst I was away. Normally I wouldn't be too bothered by this mistake, but as I took the trouble to apply for the card in the first place to use it for the purpose it's come down to a principle kind of thing. The difference would have paid for a bottle of Sancerre;)




Shipboard or Sainsbury prices? :)


We are also using a Nationwide ATM card for currency abroad and have saved a very goodly amount over the last 2 years


Glad you were able to make the odd trip to the Martini Bar. We are looking forward to Century - I never quite settled to the Martini Bar on Galaxy or Mercury - personal tastes I know. 7 nights would be hard to bond with the crew but I bet you tried



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A call to Celebrity in Miami, with a transfer to Janet in Wichita, Kansas, eventually, took care of the problem. I was required to fax Janet a (redacted) copy of my MC bill, and received a refund in very short order.


Janet is a gem. She has helped us out on one of our conversion problems with little fuss.

On our last 4 cruises we have had a problem with conversions each time. We indicate and hilight the non conversion item on the express pass. We go to the Reception and the Bank during the cruise. We are always told that they understand my request and no conversion will be done by X. But t'is not true.

After the 4th cruise, I tried to straighten the mess out with someone else from Special Services. No one handled the problem as simply and efficiently as Janet.

So this December, if they screw up again, I will call Janet in Witchita.

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i have no understanding of the c/c situation in the UK but here in canada, we can obtain a $US c/c from a canadian bank. i have done so and since then have not had any problems with X and foreign exchange. i have $us investments (woe is me big fx losses) so access to us cash to pay the $us c/c is not an issue.


perhaps this option is available in the uk? the part about the c/c not the investments.


happy sailing

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Phil I also use a Nationwide cc. I corresponded at great length initially on the phone and then in writing with then over this. They told me RCCL is not bound by the Visa standard exchange "dynamic" rates. I certainly did not ask or expect them to compensate me for what I see as sharp practice by Celebrity.

Maybe next time I'll take Swigso's advice and use Amex although I will still pay cash for the bulk of my bill.

Good luck with Nationwide and keep us posted.


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Linda, thanks for that info. My initial conversation with Nationwide yesterday seemed pretty straight forward and they just said they'd send me a dispute declaration form. We'll see how it goes and I'll report back.


One thing to mention was the readiness with which Captains Club in the UK were going to settle the difference. No proof of the exchange rate I was claiming. No questions asked. Just an offer of a cheque in the post based on the calculations I'd done. That may be of interest to some too. It had me thinking that this happens a lot and they are used to "making good" or perhaps I just had a helpful person on the other end of the 'phone. As I said earlier, sadly they couldn't follow it through this way when they saw that I'd booked through a US travel agent.


dmk, I was told by Captains Club here that if the initial input is done incorrectly at the check in desk there are no facilities on board the ship to amend it. Not sure if that is true or not, but it comes back to confirming your request with the check in clerk before you board to be certain.


Ann, shipboard of course. My money goes further when I get back if I think that way;) Enjoy Century. You are sailing with my good friends Kathy and Jack (TourDeCruise). Say hi to them from me. I'm not sure what the itineraries and ships will be for Europe in 2010, but the fjords is my planned cruise as I've always wanted to go there and see Geiranger etc. 2010? Nothing like cruising to plan your life away:)



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Hi Phil

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I am very disappionted that they are still disregarding passengers instructions on their express passes to be billed in USD. I too have a Nationwide card and the past 6 cruises X and RCCL have always converted my charges into sterling at their appalling exchange rates despite me going down to guest relations and actually having my card swiiped and being asssured I will be charged in USD, I always highlight and write on the express pass that I want to be billed in $ and even paid the bulk of my account in cash on the last occaision.

I always take the matter up with Celebrity when I return home and I have a a folder full of apologetic letters and they do reimburse the difference.

I wrote Miami and received a reply back from Jaime Silva saying " we are taking steps to correct this recurring problem, management have been notified and they have made investigating and finding a solution to this frustrating issue a priority"

That was back in January. I am so disappointed to read that this obviously has not been resolved.

Phil if you want to contact this guy in Miami his number is 1 888 767 4644. also a guy called Ed Deason the the UK office 01932 834330 is very aware of this matter too. I have ranted to him a number of times!!

If everyone keeps complaining about this hopefully they will have to do something about it.

Thats my rant over for the day!

BTW We are meeting up with Kathy and Jack in Amsterdam before their cruise!


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Hi Lisa. Thanks for that information as well. Names are good and I'll make contact with them also to add my request that they sort this issue out. If it keeps happening to the small percentage of posters here on Cruise Critic the problem is not a small one and many probably haven't even noticed it.


Enjoy your time in Amsterdam with Kathy and Jack. You can say hi to them from me too:cool:



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I see they have gone to trying to roll over someone else....... :rolleyes: I have had this happen quite often on both RCCL and X but I guess my b***ing and complaining has helped since I am getting correct credit card postings now (keep your fingers crossed - OK on the last 3 cruises)

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As another UK cruiser and one new to =X= I was rather anxious about this. I clearly marked my Xpress pass for our recent cruise on Galaxy that I wanted to be billed in US$. I did receive an interim account during our voyage and it appeared to be in US$ as requested. On arriving home after a couple of days I checked my online banking and was relieved to see that my Bank (Nationwide) had used an exchange rate of 1.96. I was more than happy with that.

We are cruising on Constellation next May and will have to watch this again then.

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I'm so glad I have read this thread. We too have a Nationwide credit card - which we always use abroad due to their great exchange rate and no charges.


I shall make sure that I fill in the form correctly and check that we are being charged in $. After all every dollar counts when there are so many lovely cocktails etc., to sample!!!



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Good old Nationwide. I have got Martin Lewis the Money Saving Expert. He always has something on the go.

Yes I do think it is a bit of SHARP practice by X and once again we are having this subject discussed. Around 18-24 months ago the same situation was debated but looks like we still have to be vigilant.


I am quite adament at check in and insist that they take note of this. I have been fortunate in not having this happen to me.


Keep up the pressure those of you who have been bitten!!



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I go through this hassle every time.

When I go onboard, my express pass states that I have a cash account. This allows me to speak directly to the bank on board (which has now been absorbed by the front desk). Previously, when errors occurred I was informed that shore side personnel ticked off the wrong box.

Although we live in Canada we have a US$ credit card. I show this on board, check and double check that the account will be settled in US $ without conversion but Celebrity still converts half the time.

After this happens repeatedly (three times this year alone) I can only assume that (a) they don't want to get it right (b) there is a software glitch © people involved are incompetent.

The other experiences on board are so great that I just can't understand why they continue to get it wrong. It is so time consuming to get these issues resolved a month after retuning home from a wonderful cruise.

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Without being too cynical, I suspect it's such a good money maker for the cruise lines that they can put up with the odd bit of bad press when they are caught out. I imagine the numbers of cruisers who either are aware, or interested in following up on this bad practice is relatively small.

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