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Also Renaissance, the whole line.

Some of those ships were bought up by Princess & Azamara.


Rennaissance went bankrupt for many reasons and smoking was one of the least of them.


They turned all TA's against them, no children permitted, AWFUL customer service, no smoking permitted.....


It's too bad because many people loved those ships and that cruise line. They made some very bad mistakes and paid the ultimate price for them.


9-11 was the final straw.

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We have been on 2 cruise lines that do not allow smoking execpt in limited areas: Clipper, outside deck only and Azamara, two places, one in and one outside popular(:D ).

River boats do not allow smoking in cabins in Europe, probably a safety requirement.:)

NCL years ago had a non-smoking portside smoking starboard policy which was MUCH nicer than having the next room full of smokers.:D

I quit smoking (the 10045th attempt) due to the no smoking policy on airlines, I can't imagine a week at w/o smoking at that time:eek: but may have been able to get along with a heavy restriction.:confused:

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We have been on 2 cruise lines that do not allow smoking execpt in limited areas: Clipper, outside deck only and Azamara, two places, one in and one outside popular(:D ).

River boats do not allow smoking in cabins in Europe, probably a safety requirement.:)

NCL years ago had a non-smoking portside smoking starboard policy which was MUCH nicer than having the next room full of smokers.:D

I quit smoking (the 10045th attempt) due to the no smoking policy on airlines, I can't imagine a week at w/o smoking at that time:eek: but may have been able to get along with a heavy restriction.:confused:


Having smoking sides and non-smoking public rooms just makes sense to me. That is my idea of a solution. Most smokers would probably be fine with that. If there is an open area and they can smoke if there is a need it makes sense to continue booking. I think NCL had it in November but they also divided up a public pool space area and to me that seemed like a silly way to implement it with non-smokers a step away from the smoking section. I think the reason it didn't work is that this was around the pool. I mean...please. lol


I do like the side decks assigned smoking and smoke free though. Seems to me the lines can work this out with a minimum of actions that would make a big difference. No window cabin smoking doesn't make sense at all imo for air circulation and the danger of fire in the rooms.

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totally smoke free ships....I could see how they might not work, but dividing the ship up works fine! Some of these ships are so big there is plenty of space for everyone!!! However, the butts are a problems too! NOT ALL but many smokers toss them overboard (a fire risk since you dont know if the wind will blow it back into another cabin:eek: ) and it hurts the environment and I hate going to a beach and seeing butts every where!!! As I've said I have no problem with someone choosing to smoke but don't create an ugly mess on top of it for everyone!


On RCCL there is no smoking in cabins, only on the balcony but someone was smoking heavy in an inside cabin because it was surrounded their door at all times of the day. If all smokers were like the many considerate ones who smoke in smoking areas only and put the butts in the trash non smokers wouldn't mind so much.

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HAL does not have a relaxed smoking policy.


It is a faie policy with many restrictions placed on the smokers. There are only about 8 % of the seats in the bars where smoking is allowed allocated to smokers. Most of the smokers that we have sailed with respect the policy an conform to it.


Just because the policy does not suit you does not meant that it is a relaxed policy.


Ruth & Jim

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Not sure who that remark was directed but, if people are allowed to smoke in the cabins, its a relax policy. Other cruise lines have adopted a more restricted policy by not allowing smoking in the cabins and in limiting it to certain whole areas on the ship (port side, certain bars...) Anything less is a "less restrictive policy".


It is crazy to divide up an area and designate part to smoking and part to non - if there is smoking in a room the entire room is smoking.


Perhaps HAL's policy isn't too open as to really pose a huge problem for non smokers, but given certain cruise guests, a less restrictive policy lends itself to problems for non smokers. Of course that could happen on a more restrictive cruise line like RCCL when smokers decide that they will not follow the rules.....

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I was on the Oosterdam and never once did I see anyone throw cigarette butts over the side of the ship. Is this something you actually observed?


And I never smelled smoke in the hallways so I don't see how people smoking in their cabins, away from you, is effecting you.


Sounds like you just don't want anyone to be able to smoke, and in that case you'd probably be better off with Celebrity.

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when the non smokers want every area smoke free and even a suggestion of limiting smokers to the back of the ship causes them outrage as they want every part of the ship for themselves.


I agree...and from reading posts and talking with the non smoking zealots, I can see how they don't get as far as they want. With the name calling etc, it totally negates their stance on the subject. I would much rather read an intelligent post from a poster than some off the wall statements that are posted here. They are only hurting the non-smokers who can discuss the subject in a civilized manner and can get their points across...these are the people that the cruiselines will listen to...not the name calling fanatics.

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Why do some people men and women dose themselves with perfume. You can smell some of them when they are 20 feet away if you are down wind from them.

There are a lot of people who are allergic to perfume. So if you see a person coughing his head off, it is not a cold but a reaction to some idiot overdose of perfume.:cool:

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Let me preface my comments by stating I am a former smoker. I have thankfully been been a non smoker for many years .I find I am now riduculously sensitive to smoking ( perhaps other former smokers have also found this to be the case.)I find I can detect a single cigarette a mile away.

Last year sailing our first cruise ,the passenger next door was a smoker I swear on a few occasions I could smell cigarettes through the wall.One (only)occasion I had to leave our balcony because of his smoking.The air in Alaska was wonderfully fresh so needless to say I was a tad resentful.

Sept 2009 we are doing a westbound transatlantic with Celebrity.I am a litttle nervous about cruising with another cruise line other than Hal because our experience with the Hal in all other aspects was fabulous.However I am looking forward to my space on Celebrity ( cabin and balcony)being smoke free.

Given that Celebrity and Holland America provide similar cruising experience,do you think that with Celebritys' new smoking policy over time you willl have non smokers gravitating to Celebrity the smokers to Holland America?? I am sure we non smokers will then find that second hand smoke on beloved Holland America will become even more of an issue.

I can apperciate smokers would wish to be in a "smoke" friendly enviorment.I certainly know nonsmokers cherish a smoke free enviorment.We may in time find ourselves simply sailing on different ships.

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Why do some people men and women dose themselves with perfume. You can smell some of them when they are 20 feet away if you are down wind from them.

There are a lot of people who are allergic to perfume. So if you see a person coughing his head off, it is not a cold but a reaction to some idiot overdose of perfume.:cool:

Gee, I'm surprised it took this far into this thread to bring up this arguement:rolleyes: . While I agree this is annoying don't think second hand perfume smelling will cause anyone major health issues.

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causes them outrage as they want every part of the ship for themselves.
That's not true. Smokers can enjoy every part of the ship. They simply have to abstain from smoking for a little while to do it. In FL every work place (icluding every restaurant) is smoke free. There were howls of protest when the law was passed. Now all smokers have adjusted just fine.


I swear on a few occasions I could smell cigarettes through the wall.
Not exactly ... but it can come through the HVAC system.
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Gee, I'm surprised it took this far into this thread to bring up this arguement:rolleyes: . While I agree this is annoying don't think second hand perfume smelling will cause anyone major health issues.

Perhaps not major health issues but my daughter has asthma and cannot be around perfume. I can't even wear perfume. It will cause her to have an asthma attack. She's 8. She also cannot be around smoke and I have to wash her clothes in perfume/dye free detergent. When she was in dance she had welts after trying on a dance costume that had a material that her skin is sensitive to. She also has scars from when she tried to have her ears pierced and she was sensitive to the metal/gold of the earrings. She also couldn't wear certain name brands of diapers when she was a baby probably due to the chemicals used or in the manufacturing of the paper diapers. So I don't think you can make a blanket statement concerning anything these days. There are some people with serious chemical sensitivity issues.


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Perhaps not major health issues but my daughter has asthma and cannot be around perfume. I can't even wear perfume. It will cause her to have an asthma attack. She's 8. She also cannot be around smoke and I have to wash her clothes in perfume/dye free detergent. When she was in dance she had welts after trying on a dance costume that had a material that her skin is sensitive to. She also has scars from when she tried to have her ears pierced and she was sensitive to the metal/gold of the earrings. She also couldn't wear certain name brands of diapers when she was a baby probably due to the chemicals used or in the manufacturing of the paper diapers. So I don't think you can make a blanket statement concerning anything these days. There are some people with serious chemical sensitivity issues.


That was not what I was getting at with major health issues. I wonder why there are so many kids that have severe allergies then there used to be. I find this interesting and I wonder if anyone can venture an opinion as to why this is the case. Thank you for your opinion.

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That was not what I was getting at with major health issues. I wonder why there are so many kids that have severe allergies then there used to be. I find this interesting and I wonder if anyone can venture an opinion as to why this is the case. Thank you for your opinion.


Second hand exhaust, perhaps............?

Less people are smoking than before....................

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I, too, am allergic to perfume and will choke up if someone sits near me after dousing themselves in it. I can't even walk by a store that sells heavily scented products without doing an about turn away from it.


Don't know how many times we have gone early to get a good seat in the theater on board only to have someone doused in perfume come in and sit by us forcing us to move.

Most of our medical offices now have signs about people not wearing perfume or cologne in consideration for those who are allergic to them.


Thanks to all for a great discussion on this topic with very few resorting to name calling if you disagree with them.

It seems to be a prevailing attitude today - attack the person rather than the issue.

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Let me preface my comments by stating I am a former smoker. I have thankfully been been a non smoker for many years .I find I am now riduculously sensitive to smoking ( perhaps other former smokers have also found this to be the case.)I find I can detect a single cigarette a mile away.

Last year sailing our first cruise ,the passenger next door was a smoker I swear on a few occasions I could smell cigarettes through the wall.One (only)occasion I had to leave our balcony because of his smoking.The air in Alaska was wonderfully fresh so needless to say I was a tad resentful.

Sept 2009 we are doing a westbound transatlantic with Celebrity.I am a litttle nervous about cruising with another cruise line other than Hal because our experience with the Hal in all other aspects was fabulous.However I am looking forward to my space on Celebrity ( cabin and balcony)being smoke free.

Given that Celebrity and Holland America provide similar cruising experience,do you think that with Celebritys' new smoking policy over time you willl have non smokers gravitating to Celebrity the smokers to Holland America?? I am sure we non smokers will then find that second hand smoke on beloved Holland America will become even more of an issue.

I can apperciate smokers would wish to be in a "smoke" friendly enviorment.I certainly know nonsmokers cherish a smoke free enviorment.We may in time find ourselves simply sailing on different ships.

COLLEYBERRY, in the back of my mind, I'm kind of also wondering if maybe Celebrity's stricter smoking policy is going to result in more smoking on HAL, but I dearly hope we're both wrong. I'm really hopefull that HAL will be following suit, and adopt a smoking policy more in line with Celebrity's.

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That was not what I was getting at with major health issues. I wonder why there are so many kids that have severe allergies then there used to be. I find this interesting and I wonder if anyone can venture an opinion as to why this is the case. Thank you for your opinion.


Another mystery to me: why are so many American kids allergic to nuts? In South Africa I never heard of that, and we ate a lot of peanut butter as kids.

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I wonder the same thing. Why are so many people so allergic these days? When we were kids, I never heard of someone who couldn't be in the same room with peanut butter. We all brought peanut butter sandwiches to school. Now, schools ban it and probably rightly so, I guess....seeing as so many children are so very allergic. How did that happen in our society in only one generation?

Without turning this into a medical BB. :D

I am very much on the side of the less smoking the better but also wonder about all the 'smoke allergies'. Who ever heard of that 20 years ago? How did so many millions become allergic to smoke? Sure there were always people who found it unpleasant to be around smoke but not everyone told of being allergic.

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I have heard a number of theroies on this subject One is that our enviorments have become so "clean" that our immune systems haven't "toughened up" so to speak to handle the onslot of allegens that are present in everyday life.

Certainly we can't deny that from food additives ,preservatives sythetics etc. not to mention pollution .We are dealing with things our forefathers never could have imagined.

We are also have medical science that often can provide answers for our complaints ,so we can now give a label to our ailments.Where perhaps before people simply had a delicate stomach,or always had a cold.We are now more in tune with our bodies and paying attention how it reacts.


I don't know about the US but here in Canada peanut products are totaly banned in schools were a child has a severe peanut allergy. Peanut butter was certainly a childhood favorite for myslf growing up providing an inexpensive, good source of protien.

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One of the reasons so many kids today are "allergic" to so many things is they spend all their time inside and not outside being exposed to all the bugs in the environment during their early years where they can build up immunites to them.


The is a big difference between reacts to and allergic to something. When a doctor says someone is sensitive to something they automatically think they are allergic to it. I see this a lot of times as people take a medicine and then they don't feel good while on it so they say they are allergic to it next time....


Many people say they are allergic to smoke when in fact they are really sensitive to to it. If you are truly allergic to something you will go into anaphlactic shock when exposed to it. Have not seen this in smoking sections of any of the bars.


I am sensitive to heavy perfume usage as I don't like the smell, that does not make me allergic to it....


Just one persons opinion...


Jim (without Ruth)

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