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Advice on seasickness pills please


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Hi all, yes this is the only thing worrying me about my cruise, seasickness. I have all the stuff to to take and in my head I am repeating I will not get sick, I will not get sick other than that I feel pretty good, not stressed or worried just looking forward to my cruise. Gee I haven't even got my port out to pack yet, I'm just cruisin so to speak (sorry)! I know being on this site has made me feel relaxed with all the information I have and was lucky my uncle told me about it before I cruised (he has been a great help himself). Hope when I come back I contribute instead of just asking questions. Thanks to everyone.



This is the longest reply I have ever posted phew !!




Yeah i tried to talk myself into believing i wouldnt get seasick last time but lo and behold the 2nd day i was green as a cucumber! I went to the nurse who gave me Avomine worked a treat felt great for the rest of the cruise. Also I took ginger beer in cordial form its in a plastic bottle from Coles. Sipping that made my tummy less quesy.

I have bought my Avomine from the chemist for my next cruise and will be taking it from the day before we leave. Not taking any chances to waste time being sick.:o

Good Luck Liz:D



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Thanks Liz, I was hoping the old mind of matter thing would work. The thing is, if you take tablets prior to your cruise and you don't get sick, how do you know if it was the tablets or you just don't get seasick ! I suppose your not sick that's the main thing. At least you've got experience and know what to expect and you are all prepared. I have been reading your threads on here and I cannot wait to read your review when you get back. Hope you and the girls have a great cruise.

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Thanks Liz, I was hoping the old mind of matter thing would work. The thing is, if you take tablets prior to your cruise and you don't get sick, how do you know if it was the tablets or you just don't get seasick ! I suppose your not sick that's the main thing. At least you've got experience and know what to expect and you are all prepared. I have been reading your threads on here and I cannot wait to read your review when you get back. Hope you and the girls have a great cruise.



Thanks Cheryl we are just so excited about leaving soon and hopefully i'll have a great review and nothing goes wrong :(. Could get kicked off for wearing my g-banger! lol:D

After questioning my friends previously it was found that if you suffer from car sickness and/or ear problems that you were more prone to seasickness. If your like that its best to be preventative than be sick. But if your going to do future cruises than could be best if you wait and see if your sick than you dont have to worry for next time. God did that make sense?:confused: Oh you know what I mean! lol :D


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Does anyone know if there is a seasickness medication that comes in liquid form?


I don't know if they are still available, but Dramamine used to come in a liquid form and so did Avil.

You may need to ask for them at the chemist but as I said, I do not know if they are available anymore.



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[Thanks Liz that all made sense, I don't get car sick because I am normally the one driving, though on the day of the cruise someone else is driving me down so that might be a bit of early sign, I will keep that in mind. Oh yes I have booked another cruise, I was NOT supposed to book one until after I'd been on this one, oh well I'm a naughty girl. Please be good on your cruise Liz we want a full G rated review!!

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After questioning my friends previously it was found that if you suffer from car sickness and/or ear problems that you were more prone to seasickness. If your like that its best to be preventative than be sick. But if your going to do future cruises than could be best if you wait and see if your sick than you dont have to worry for next time. God did that make sense?:confused: Oh you know what I mean! lol :D


What Liz says makes sense. I am prone to seasickness. I also get carsick on a winding mountain road and wouldn't dare sit in the backseat on winding roads. I also have ear problems.


If you don't have any of these problems then you could be perfectly OK and maybe Liz's suggestion of waiting to see how you cope makes sense. If you feel a bit 'off' rush for the ginger ale and pop a pill as well.



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On previous cruises I have also used alka seltzer when feeling a bit queasy. I tend to take a box with me (buy them from your supermarket for $5 rather than $15 on board!!) and come home with only having used 1 or 2 packets!


I also take phenergan after being advised to do this by both my doctor and pharmacist. I take one just before we sail and when we are in rough weather and then am fine.

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Hi Cheryl .... look at your countdown now... you must be getting so excited.... ...seasickness bain of my existance....:D:D although since switching meds i have had no problems ...yay.... i take Avomine each night before i go to sleep we also carry Stemetil just in case.......As its your first cruise i would suggest you take some type of meds with you...cheaper than buying onboard..... ...doesn't matter if you don't use them this time they can come on the December cruise.......you can always use them for the first two days and then do a wait see.......you might find you don't need them......

For me one of the early signs of seasickness is a dull headache i don't wait around for the nausea i am straight onto it with the meds....i also keep in our cabin.....dry biscuits and a green apple.....trick is to not have an empty stomach...food wise.....also don't drink fluids only......just compounds the problem......last but not least.....Have a fabulous time and don't worry about it. it might never happen.................cheers Shiona

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Thanks Shiona, yep pretty excited keep thinking this time next Saturday. Have really enjoyed the countdown and being a newbie and all that. It's sad and exciting at the same time if you know what I mean. Watching the Pac Sun leave now. Great weather hope it stays that way.

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Hi Everyone,


Just to mention another alterantive and that is to use "Scop Patches", (scopalomine). You place one of these behind your ear and it lasts for 3 days. You then put a new patch behind the other ear for the next three days. My DW suffers from sea sickness and they work great. The only side effect she has experienced is the occasional dry mouth.

They are not available in Australia any longer but are very easy to buy via the net from NZ or the UK, (no problems with customs).


Take care and enjoy,


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The other thing is how susceptible you are to the placebo effect :p I've heard a lot of people say ginger but on my first cruise I may aswell have been swallowing sugar pills for all the difference it made to me.. same with the kwells.. then again the green apple thing worked on the last day of my 2nd cruise.. we hit rough weather and i became re-sick and had no more tablets so was willing to try anything.. just nibble the skin fr a while..

another 'natural' remedy (if you can call schweppes natural :p) was lemonade.. my mother (doing as all mothers do) sacrificed her remaining tablets for my sister and I and became quite ill herself, so i bought her a lemondade and she was fine within a couple of hours :eek:

the tablets we had been using were travacalm, and being aware of the 'take BEFORE you get sick' we took 2 tablets as soon as the engine started, then again before getting up the next morning, but were still sick the entire first day so I will be testing avomine next time as I heard it works wonders :)

My last piece of advice, although a lot of people may not want to hear this so sensitive types avert your eyes.. I have had a lot of experience being nauseous over the past few months (long story) and have found the best way to make it go away is to bring it up.. so if you are the type who does not mind a bit of 'expulsion' to help in the long term and have a way you know of bringing things up then trust me once its up you feel a whole lot better and all the drama is over.. I find putting up with that for a minute or so is better than lying nauseous for hours trying to avoid something that, lets face it, works and may be inevitable:p

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Hi Sundance, really interested with the lemonade theory because I hate apples and ginger ale so I will try lemonade if I need to. I also suffer migraines and once I"ve been sick I feel a lot better ( it just takes about 12 hours with the migraine before I can do that)

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My last piece of advice, although a lot of people may not want to hear this so sensitive types avert your eyes.. I have had a lot of experience being nauseous over the past few months (long story) and have found the best way to make it go away is to bring it up.. so if you are the type who does not mind a bit of 'expulsion' to help in the long term and have a way you know of bringing things up then trust me once its up you feel a whole lot better and all the drama is over.. I find putting up with that for a minute or so is better than lying nauseous for hours trying to avoid something that, lets face it, works and may be inevitable:p

That's why the stemitil didn't work for me. It stopped me throwing up, but I still felt absolutely wretched. I just wanted to throw up to get rid of it (as you say). So, for me, no more stemitil. :):)


I think different things work best for different people.



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Does anyone know if there is a seasickness medication that comes in liquid form?


Hi Sopheej ... You can get Phernerghan in a liquid form over the counter from your chemist (I used to give it to my kids before they could swallow tablets). Just check out the dosage so that you take enough with you (we went through it pretty quick giving it to two children, so you may go through more than one bottle with an adult dosage).

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DH & I took Natural Travel Calm and in panic of not having enough boxes I bought a box of Blackmores Ginger Tablets....... Out of the both of us I was the one too feel sick it took me a good day and half to get over it.....


Poor DH decided to give me an eternity ring on our first night on the cruise we were at dinner and when it was served I went white as a sheet and broke out in a terrible sweat......... DH then gave me the ring and I had to go back to the cabin to DHs disgust.......:eek: didnt eat a thing....


I was feeling really well on the first morning so I went for breakfast I said to DH I cant eat this I dont feel well :eek: So back to the back of the Baja Deck with a few other ppl not well :o I was starting to think OMG what have I done booking a cruise .....Later I found out that it was the ginger in the Travel Calm and Blackmores ginger pills that made me worse.... I was offered a box of Kwells onboard from a lovely person we met I took one tablet my eyes went blurry then had to lay down for approx 2 hours... after that I was fine for the rest of the trip thank heavens..... But I knew which areas to stay clear of aswell at certain times.... But I got through it and I am glad I wasnt bad enough to see the DR onboard like quite a few did on our Jan 09 cruise did.


Good luck hope you find what suits you.


Btw the "Scop Patches" I have been told you can purchase in Noumea....

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Does anyone know if there is a seasickness medication that comes in liquid form?


My 9 yr old DD suffers motion sickness (car/boat) do think some of it is in her head. Last year we drove from Bne to Rocky and bought Phenergen in liquid form from chemist. Gave her some night before we left (as suggested by pharmacist) and then at the intervals as labelled. Worked a treat. Also great for them at night as can make them drowsy so sleep better. :D


Also gave it to my 6 yr old DD, although she seems to be like her father and has sea legs no problem. Rough boat rides to Tangalooma and Great Keppel, everyone else around her going green and she was fine, wanting to eat and drink. LOL.



Originally Posted by Sundance12 viewpost.gif

My last piece of advice, although a lot of people may not want to hear this so sensitive types avert your eyes.. I have had a lot of experience being nauseous over the past few months (long story) and have found the best way to make it go away is to bring it up.. so if you are the type who does not mind a bit of 'expulsion' to help in the long term and have a way you know of bringing things up then trust me once its up you feel a whole lot better and all the drama is over.. I find putting up with that for a minute or so is better than lying nauseous for hours trying to avoid something that, lets face it, works and may be inevitable:p


Whenever my eldest goes in the boat fishing with DH she is always ill (even just up the river), he talks it up until she throws up and then gives her some RED cordial diluted of course (raspberry or apple/raspberry) and says she is fine from then on. (more like hyper on sugar) This is his idea for the cruise, take red coridal. LOL. Think I'll stick to the phenergen. Not sure this will work for adults though.




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Think I'll stick to the phenergen. Not sure this will work for adults though.






I'm 55 years old and swear by Phenergan. I take the tablets though....


I usually take 2-3 per day of the cruise!!!:eek:


I usually sleep well at night too....

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  • 3 months later...



I found these 'sea bands' in bulk on ebay and thought some fellow cruisers might be interested.








NB> I am not connected in any way to the seller and am mentioning it as the price is a substantial discount on retail.

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I found these 'sea bands' in bulk on ebay and thought some fellow cruisers might be interested.








NB> I am not connected in any way to the seller and am mentioning it as the price is a substantial discount on retail.

that could be a new job opening there, some one could bye all those bands, and set up stall at wharf 8 and sale them to all the people about to board the ship, that have forgotten about being sea sick . lol :)
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HI fellow cruiser, my husband and I get really bad sea sickness and have tried various things, Dramanine works well, my husband wears the bands but we have come across some sea sickness tables fromNew Zealand called Paihia Bombs, dose is effective for 24 hours, last cruise we encountered some rough weather took these and both my husband and I were fine, their email is paihiapharmacy@xtra.co.nz We are trying them again on our next cruise in January. The only side effect they say is a slightly dry mouth which neither of us encountered.

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If you live in Sydney The Reject Shop has these Travel Sickness bands (look like the same ones as on e bay) for $3 per set. I bought 2 sets for my daughters when they came on a cruise with us for around $15 a set so these are really cheap.

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I like the conveniece and effectiveness of the 24 hr dose from Avomine (over the counter and about $7 a box of 10). I take one every night for the entire cruise, regarless of sea conditions and never had a worry yet. I also have stemetil on stand by but find you need to take a quite a few of them to get some relief, once you get a bout of the whoosies.

I'm all for prevention. Once you find your fix, you'll use it for all your cruises. All the best.


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hi i have bought avomine and tried it out for car sickness i had a hangover at the time and only took 1/2 one and slept for hours after taking it...glad i was not driving...:mad:


Unfortunately that is a common side effect of most seasick remedies.

Anyone planning on taking them may be wise to "try" them out at home and remember to take them before sailing, do not wait until you are sick.

Also a few do say do not take them with alcohol...on a cruise... :eek:you have to be joking!!:D


I use Stugeron which is not for sale here but is sold over the counter in the Uk.

It doesn't make you have a dry mouth or sleepy. We have used it every cruise and never felt sick although on our mariner cruise and the two dayer to brisbane I forgot to take them and still wasn't sick. I will not take a chance though and will take them for a couple of days next time.

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