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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Marlene, you are great, like a little personal cheerleader. I will not give up, I want to loose this belly!! I just find it so hard to deny myself my treats...Candy!!!.....Cake!!! Cookies I don't eat nor do I like breads all that much. It's meat and sweets!! I think I need an appetite suppressant. I tried those slim shots, but they didn't seem to work. It's not like I'm even hungry, I just want candy. The family leaves Tuesday, I weigh in Wed., then the "real" work begins anew!!! Thank you dear for being my cheerleader...Your're an inspiration!!:D:D:D


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Judi - I can talk a good game, but doing it is something different. I had all 3 grandchildren overnight - pizza, s'mores using our portable fire pit and a BOTTLE of wine. My scales jumped 4 lbs overnight!!! You would think that would give me enough incentive today to drink lots of water today and no food and get the 4 lbs back off and it did for about 10 minutes. Then I found the cold left over pizza. YIKES! And I'm going camping next Thursday - Sunday, more bad news for the diet. So starting right now, 8:05 AM on Sunday, I'm officially back on the diet. Nothing more to eat for me today - I think there's enough stored up from the past 24 hours of eating. I'm going to get the appetite suppressants out and get serious until noon on Thursday. I sure hope I can get back down to last week's weight by Wednesday.......


And I did buy my bike yesterday so now I just have to figure out what I'm doing (been a long time since I road a bike......) and get back in shape. I got an old fashion bike - no hand brakes and no gears - so surely I can figure that out, just remember to back peddle to stop (don't put my feet down to stop)...... I had Walmart put me a removable basket on the front, thinking it would be good when camping if I need to go to the camp store, etc. My two son in laws, husband, one daughter and my 2 oldest grandkids are making fun of my basket. My youngest daughter actually like it..... My youngest grandson is only 3 and didn't have too much to say about it. He couldn't care less. They say I can put my dog in the basket and look like the witch on Wizard of Oz. My grandson rode it around the neighborhood last night but made me take the basket off. They just aren't practical! LOL



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Hi everybody. My scales are STUCK too! I actually have been trying to do this thing without the weight loss injections and without taking the diet pills but I think I am going to have to go back on it. At least I know I should be able to maintain but I got to get loosing more before I start doing that.


Marlene, I'm really trying hard to visualize the basket.

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I have major fluid retention right now - hopefully by tomorrow it will be off again - two days now...... OK, sis, you are going to be another person making fun of my basket??? It's a black wire basket if that helps. It snaps off and one so if I don't need it, I can take if off.


Pam - John said he got Weldon's email.


Yes, I'm happy that I am doing pretty good maintaining ( up a couple, down a couple) but need to get a few more lbs off as well. At least I haven't gained 20 lbs back! That's my normal by 1 month past vacation. DH went to a funeral Saturday afternoon - actually "receiving" for a guy's mom that he use to play softball with. He saw a lot of people he went to school with and use to play ball with. He was shocked at the weight some of them have gained over the years. He said I should really be proud of my weight loss. I told him it ought to make him appreciate me a little more and he said "it definitely does!".

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Hi All! Everyone is getting really quiet. I hope this doesn't mean you are "slipping" into old habits. Doesn't look like this week will find me any lighter. I hope I can at least be at last week's weight.


I got my first senior citizen's discount today......at the GW Boutique. I realized I had no shorts that fit. All were baggy, which is a good thing - right? So I went at lunch to look for shorts. Actually it was great in that everything I took to the dressing room in size 10 fit! Two pair of denim shorts probably a tad snug but then again, I'm not use to wearing denim that's non stretchy. They look good on! So I found 4 pr shorts and a long denim skirt that looked new and probably came from Belk or another higher end store. When I checked out, the girl said, "you aren't old enough to get a discount are you?" I asked her how old I had to be and it's only 55 there. So as of my last BD, I qualify. So on Tuesdays you get 25% off! That's pretty good when prices are already so low. So my shorts and skirt cost me a whopping $14. Don't you just love discounts??


OK - tomorrow is weigh in - hope everyone checks in. I need you guys to keep me on track!!



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Hello my TITS! Boy have I missed you guys. I have got to get better at posting again!

The trip to Virginia last week was ok.. I took Myleigh with me (she's 16 months now) and the other 2 girls stayed here. Kaitlyn had no choice but to stay since she's in school and Aly stayed that way I didn't have to buy her a seat on the plane home so it was just me and Myles, mom, and my nephew who has been living with my mom for the past 8 years or so.

We got to go up to Hugo, OK on the way and I FINALLY got to see Lane Frost's grave in person. If you guys have seen the movie "8 Seconds" you'll know who he was.. If not, he was a world champion bull rider. He died in 1989 when a bull he was riding hooked him, breaking his rib which pierced his heart. It was very overwhelming to actually stand there and see it but it was very cool at the same time and yes.. I did cry lol



I'm not originally from Virginia. I was born/raised in Kansas. Rob and I met down here in Texas in 2005 & were married in July 2006. It was just one of those things where our circumstances brought us together I guess and I'm glad :)

We WILL be moving this summer, we're shooting for June. We've both started putting in job apps online and just explaining our situation in the cover letters. I didn't get to do a lot of job hunting while I was out there, we had a ton of stuff to do so that mom and Joe could get housing and things lined out for when his ship came home that friday. That was very cool too. That was my 2nd Homecoming to attend-it's one of my favorite things to do. I love it when our military comes home :)

Right now I've just been busy trying to get things sorted out to put in the yard sale or throw away before we move. We'll be staying with my mom for awhile until we get our own place. I'm just looking forward to getting out of here and away from MIL!

As for weight issues, I'm extremely proud of myself. I'm at 120. I can't afford to lose any more weight and the toning is coming along nicely. I can't wait to hang out on the beach! I haven't been able to do that in forever so it's pretty exciting.

How are all of you coming along??? Catch me up to speed!!!!


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Hi Ladies!


I went for my official weigh-in (at the weight loss clinic) last night, so I'm going to share those numbers with you today (although my home scales said 155.6 this morning -- down about a pound from last Wednesday IF my memory serves me correctly -- which is doubtful!).


Weight Loss Clinic Numbers

SW: 222.2

LW: 160.8

CW: 156.2

Total Loss: 66 pounds / 29.7% of my original body weight


One could look at it as 4.6 pounds in eight weeks as not being very much. However, the way I look at it is that I didn't gain in those eight weeks!!! I had every intention of going in there last night and announcing that I'm not coming back, but when I realized that I'm only nine (9) pounds away from my original 75-pound goal, I decided to hang in there a little while longer, and maybe even try a little harder than I have been.


Then, I went home and ate country style steak, rice, green peas, gravy, and bread for dinner!!! (I hadn't eaten much during the day, though.) And, today, I had a "spinacholli" (spinach & brocolli) pizza at Uno's for lunch. Determined to only eat half of it....I ate it all!


One thing I did do is ask for my next appointment to be in 8 weeks again so that I can spread the expense out a little bit. I got 60 pills so that I won't run out during the 8 weeks.


Sorry I haven't been very active on this board; just haven't had much to add.


Happy Easter, everyone. Have fun camping, Marlene.



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Well, all I can say is the scales have not been nice to me the last few weeks. I know that I have to do better. I would like to forget to post this week but I have to be accountable to everyone.


This morning the scales showed 169.6.....I don't have a good excuse so will just say, I will try and do better.


Everyone have a great Easter and enjoy your weekend. Marlene, enjoy your camping trip and don't let them tease you to much about your basket. There will come a time when they will want you to carry something for them.



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Well, today was weigh in and I can do the Happy Dance cuz I lost one pound. That is totally unbelievable to me!! I was so afraid I was going to stay the same or at the most gain, but I did loose. I guess all that pigging out in the beginning of the week didn't do too much harm! Everybody have a great Easter, stay away from the candy and I'll be checking back. I decided on Tuesday to really take this stuff seriously and work at loosing this weight. What are these pills and injections you are talking about Robin? Nana&Poppy what are your pills? Good luck with your bike on your camping trip Marlene..firm those size ten thighs!! Talk to you guys later!!

SW 169.5

LW 154.5

CW 153.5

GW 140.0


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Bonnie - it's great that you are continuing to lose weight. Judi - we've decided on this board little by little will add up to a lot. So one lb a week? That's 52 lbs in a year. Pam - don't get discouraged. Hang in there.


To All - Happy Easter. Let's all get through this next holiday weekend and come back next week determined to have the scales go in the right direction.



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I do not expect to have good news as far as weigh in tomorrow, but I'll still report my gain like a good little girl.


Nana #1, I found an article in today's Wall Street Journal that I think everyone here would appreciate, and intended to send it to everyone on our list of e-mail addresses....but I can't find your e-mail giving me said e-mail addresses!!!


I know you're NanaofBKM@_________? Let me know. I'll forward it to you and you can forward it to everyone else. I don't think it'll download into this format -- it's a .pdf file.


"Talk" to you again tomorrow.



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Nana #2 - yes that's the correct email. It's at yahoo dot com. Send it to me and I will attach and send out to everyone. That way you will have everyone's email addresses again.


I was really terrible this weekend but it sure was fun. LOL As I mentioned last week, I'm going to move my weigh in to the end of the week as all my goals are "before a weekend trip", "before a special "weekend event", etc. So was thinking Friday is better for me (gives me two extra days to get weekend gains off and also two more days - closer to my goal dates). I'll check into tomorrow though.



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Nana #2 - Congratulations on new grandson.


Marlene - Does that mean that we all get to wait until Friday.....? That would only be fair. right.


Glad that you had a great weekend. I was wondering about you with all the bad weather. We will be talking soon.



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This morning, the scales said I weighed 156.8 -- a 1.2 pound gain since last Wednesday which, to be completely honest, isn't as bad as I thought it might be!!! I have GOT to start exercising again.


Judi, sorry I completely ignored your question last night. Robin (aka AngelKisses) and I are both taking the same prescription appetite suppressant, which is called "Phedermine". And we both take shots that are a hormone normally found in obese pregnant women (who usually lose weight when they're pregnant, according to something I read), but I can't remember what it's called right now. Both are given to us by weight loss clinics (she and I go to different places).


I hope you have a great week. Good luck with the Friday weigh-in, Marlene and Pam!



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Well, I might report on Friday, but couldn't believe the scales this morning. I was 169.6 on April 8th and this morning 167.4. That is a loss of 2.2 lbs.


Must have been the water.


Have a great evening everyone.



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Hi everyone! Just wondering if I might join in. I'm cruising the Carnival Spirit NYE 2009 and really need to lose before then. I've been trying on my own and with other friends at work, but thought this might give me more incentive. I've lost ~ 5 pounds so far and would like to lose another 15 before July. When's the weigh in????? Carmen

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Hey Carmen, Welcome!!! I don't know where everyone is right now, but this is a pretty active board with lots of support and help. I joined in Feb or March when I started Weight Watchers. I've been going for nine weeks and have lost 17 pounds!!! These woman are very supportive and try their best to keep me positive and focused. I'm having a heck of a time doing this, as I love to eat and cook. I also have a strong craving for CANDY!!!! Stick around and get to know them and you'll see what I mean. My weigh in day is Wed and I think everyone uses Thurs or Friday.


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Thanks for the welcome. I've been weighing in on Fridays on my own and keeping track on my calendar. This is the 3rd time in 7 years I've done this. You would think with all of the hard work that it takes, I would learn to not fall back into my old bad eating habits. I have a terrible sweet tooth too, that's what is the most difficult for me. If I don't have it in the house I can't eat it, but boy, watch out if it is here!

Congrats on your weight loss. That is great! Carmen

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Thought I would poke my head in to say hello. How's everyone doing? All is fine here - have pretty much maintained on weight. Been much more relaxed about what I eat and seem to be treading water weight wise so to speak. Thanks for the email - article from Wall Street Journal - funny cause it said almost exactly what I was discussing with a work friend at lunch today. She was complaining about being hungry all the time. Appreciate the backup - I'm forwarding it on to her.


More importantly it was more than time that I say hello and muster some motivation. I see there's some new additions to the TITs - hello & welcome! Apologies for my long absence (spelling? - it just does not look right!) anyway hi to all and what have I missed?


Congratulations on the beautiful new grandbaby Bonnie!!:D



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I weighed in yesterday and only lost 1/2 pound.....I'm gonna try high protein, low carbs and lots of veggies this next week and see how that goes!!! There seems to be no end to this tunnel I'm in...I wish just once I could go in with a weight loss of four pounds!!

SW 169.5

LW 151.5

CW 151.0

GW 135.0


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Posting has really been slow.....what has happened. I agree, I miss everyone giving each other encouragement.


My diet has gotten worse. Can't seem to get the scales to go in the right direction.



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Sorry that I haven't posted lately. Just don't have much to "talk" about. Nana #1, you're the one who keeps us on our toes! Where are you??? Come back, and bring that sister of yours with you!!!


Weight was the same (156.8) this morning as last Wednesday morning, which, I must be honest, is wonderful news! I have been doing some exercise this week, though, so maybe that has helped make up for all the food I've been eating. :eek:


Welcome, Wolverine! I promise, we are usually a much more active group, but I think everyone else's problem is probably the same as mine....lucky for you, your cruise is still ahead of you. For the rest of us, our incentive (our cruise) is already behind us, which makes it much harder to behave than if we still had the cruise to look forward to. I just need to plan another cruise!!!


And, MANGO! Lo and behold you ARE still with us! Don't be jealous, but it's supposed to (finally) be a beautiful weekend here in Charlotte, NC. We've had some really weird (cold, rainy) weather lately, but we're all looking forward to temperatures in the 80's this weekend.


Grandbaby #7 is much prettier than my original pictures. I just couldn't get the right angle on him the day he was born. I'll attach some better pictures today.


Have a great weekend, everyone!




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