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Live from the Miracle - Sept 30th sailing


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First off, let me tell you a little about us. This is our 3rd cruise, 2nd with Carnival. It’s myself, my wife and 2 children ages 5 and 18 months. Also traveling with us is my SIL and my aunt in 1 cabin and my sister and her hubby in another. All have cruised before on Carnival. My 5 year old is very excited, although he has cruised before, he remembers little as he was 3 at the time.


Our day started at 5am to get ready. We were dropped off at the train station in Providence, RI at 6:20am and the train left at 6:55am. I am currently on the train with an expected arrival time at New York Penn Station at 10:20am.


I know Radio is also doing a “live from” so I’ll try and do mine from family with small children perspective. If I can answer any questions, I’ll try my best. This will be the 2nd “Live From” blog I’ve done. I plan on buying an internet package on board and will probably do my posts at night before bed. I’ll save a copy the most recent posts and answer questions from my cabin then log on to CC and copy and paste my post. That’s how I did it last time. I don’t think I’ll be posting pictures on this blog, I’ll save those for the review when I get back.

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We recently sailed on the Miracle, Sept 14th sailing out of NYC.

We had two wonderful waiters in the dining room, Iputu and Arturo. We had the most delightful cocktail waitress, Phratta, she is from Thailand.


My question is does anyone know how to contact cruise employees by email?


My daughters meant to get her email before we left but they never did.


Phratta works in the dining room for both seatings, then she moves to Frankie and Johnnies and works there till closing.

If anyone on the Miracle now or the next sailing meets her, please tell he Gary and the girls say "Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah" she will know immediately who we are. My husband has a very deep voice and "Oh yeah" is his signature line when he likes something. She got the biggest kick out of him and everywhere we bumped into her, we would hear her cute little voice say " Oh yeah, Oh Year Mr Gary".


Please get her email address or you can give her mine.

We would love to keep in contact with her............




Thanks......The Richardsons, Foxboro MA

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Hey Mike! Can you PLEASE grab extra copies of the Camp Carnival capers while you are onboard. I will add them to the Family Board uploaded pages when you get back (that link is in my signature)


All ages needed and appreciated. :D Miracle is one ship that we have nothing from.


When you return, you can email me at bmediamom at comcast dot net and I can tell you how to get the pages to me.




Bon Voyage!!!!

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Lucky duck!!!!


We leave at the end of the month, but I am ready now!!


I have a question, I have searched and asked but my OCD is getting the best of me. I want a solid answer from a reliable source.


Could you ask the room steward what THEY recommend to hang door decorations?

On another thread, it was poster putty, blue electrical tape, duct tape, magnets, double sided tape, etc. I had planned on bringing multiple things but I would rather just bring one and not damage the door!! :)


Thank you and have a great trip!!!!!!

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Hello! I was on the Miracle on 9/14 and we decorated our door. I used tape and the putty stuff. I didn't even try for magnets but the doors did not look magnetic at all. Are you hanging heavy things? As long as you remove the tape carefully, I do not think it would damage anything.

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Hello! I was on the Miracle on 9/14 and we decorated our door. I used tape and the putty stuff. I didn't even try for magnets but the doors did not look magnetic at all. Are you hanging heavy things? As long as you remove the tape carefully, I do not think it would damage anything.



One is just a halloween vinyl door panel.

The other things I made-have decorations glued to them so they are a bit heavy.. these are what I am concerned about.



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One is just a halloween vinyl door panel.

The other things I made-have decorations glued to them so they are a bit heavy.. these are what I am concerned about.




Hmmm - I really do not think the door are magnetic (which would make it a lot easier) but I am not 100% sure! I hope you get a good answer!

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I had planned to post this last night, but tiredness and a couple of DOD’s got the best of me. I'll get you your questions in tonights installment.


Tuesday, September 30th



We arrived at the pier at 11:05am. There were long lines up to the porters. Part of the reason for the long lines was people who did not have luggage tags. They had to fill out 2, 3, 4 and 5 at a time and it took time. Maybe a separate line for people without luggage tags? Once we gave the bags to the porters, there was a quick line for the x-ray machines and then about a 5 minute wait to check in. We had zone 5 for boarding. Boarding began at 12:30pm for VIP and special assistance passengers. We were called about 1pm and went right to our cabin which was cleaned and ready.



The lines at the buffet were very long and we were all hot, tired and hungry. Went out by the pool and went to a shorter line for a cheeseburger and French fries. Sat by the pool and enjoyed a leisurely lunch. My 5 year old slept through lunch I got him a quick snack before the muster drill.


Muster Drill:

It was absolutely painless for us. We went right down when we were called and lined up. The whole thing took less than half hour. I don’t know who the people are that blow the whistles on the life vests but…YUCK! We started pulling away from the pier just as the muster drill ended.



We went up by the pool and sat at a table by the windows. We watched the Statue of Liberty go by with a Funship Special in hand. The NYPD helicopter followed us out making close passes waving to us. My kids absolutely loved it. The kids were so excited.



We had the early seating. Our headwaiter was KJ, she was really good with the kids. Both my wife and I had the NY strip steak and it was awesome. Jarrett (the 5 y.o.) had a hot dog and Jesse (the 18 month old) had chicken nuggets. Out table was by the window and it was 8 of us all sailing together. For dessert we both had the Crème Brule. It was really good. My aunt and sister had the chocolate melting cake…also very good.


After dinner we registered Jarrett for Camp Carnival and then back to the room. Everyone except me went right to bed. Myself and SIL went to check out the nightlife. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any. Everyone was so exhausted from there long day of getting to the pier, they were all in bed. We’ll try again tonight.

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Myself and SIL went to check out the nightlife. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any. Everyone was so exhausted from there long day of getting to the pier, they were all in bed. We’ll try again tonight.



If you go into Frankie and Johnnies.......our dining room cocktail waitress, Phratta, works there after the second dinner seating. she is the cutest, nicest girl. She is from Thailand. We absolutly fell in love with her. My daughters (15 yr old twins) looked for her the last day of our cruise to get her email address so they could keep in contact with her.....if you wouldn;t mind.......tell her Gary and the girls say "oh yeah oh yeah" she will know exactly who we are.......get her email for me or give her ours.




PS....the Phillipino band that plays in there is very good.........



foxboro ma

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Day 2, Sea Day


I woke up this morning about 7am. Had a pot of coffee delivered from room service.

It’s the first time I’ve ever used room service. It was nice to have coffee in the room while getting ready to head out. Jarrett loves his top bunk. Our room steward is Eddie and he says hello to Jarrett whenever he seem him and asks him if he likes his top bunk.



We went up to the buffet at about 7:45am. The omelet station line wasn’t too bad at that time, nor were any of the lines in the buffet. We all ate pretty simply. Scrambled eggs, bacon, French toast etc. Not long after 8am, the line for the omelet station was pretty long. Tomorrow we will be eating breakfast in the dining room.


Camp Carnival:

Today was Jarrett’s first day at Camp Carnival. He loved it. They give you phone to carry in case they need to get in touch with you. Tip: The phone works to call any # on the ship and to receive from any # on the ship. The other parties traveling with us use it to find us. Pretty cool. You give it back the last day.


We spent the entire day out by the pool, listening to music and just plain relaxing. There were plenty of deck chairs in both the sun and the shade. My wife and I took turns with the baby. He and I went exploring with him either on my back in his carrier or in his stroller. I don’t think I’ve found every nook and cranny but I’ve found a lot of them. Still haven’t decided on a favorite spot yet. The whole ship is beautiful.



Picked up Jarrett from Camp Carnival and we headed to the buffet for a special “guys only lunch”. My wife took the baby and went with her sister to look at the spa. This was right at 12:00pm. We had sandwiches and ice cream for dessert followed by a walk to the windiest parts of the ship. Jarrett loved trying to fight the wind up on deck. After that we met my wife and rest of our group back at the buffet. This was around 1pm. Finding a table was a little challenging, but finding clean silverware was nearly impossible. I tried 2 different stations and both attendants told me some clean silverware would be coming soon. It is a very busy time of the day in the buffet. I’m not complaining, just trying to help others with picking times to go to the buffet. To me, the staff does a great job keeping the buffet area neat and clean.


After lunch it was more sitting by the pool. The day was just beautiful. Not too hot and not to cold. There were lots of people in the pools and hot tubs. At 2pm I went to Jeeves for the CC meet & greet. Seven of us showed up. There was a trivia game going on at 2pm and I wonder if some people decided not to wait around. I almost left but I saw a couple of other people standing “in the shadows” looking like they were waiting for something. It was nice to meet them all.


Tonight was the Captains Party. I’ve never been but wish I had taken the time to go in the past as it was fun. Maybe it was the free booze. My SIL and son ended up dancing on stage. Both dressed in their formal attire. My son has ended up in the cruise video at least twice, once with the captain. Can’t wait to see that.



Tonight was the first formal night. You should have seen my 18month old and 5 year old in their suits. They received lots of attention from everyone. Once again, the food was very good and of course the service was excellent. I had prime rib and my wife had pasta cabonara. Main lobster tails were on tonight’s menu. SIL had that and she said it was very good. Chocolate melting cake all the way around tonight. YUMMY!


I will not be going to the show tonight. It’s my turn to stay in the cabin with the boys. They are both exhausted and asleep as I type this. I plan on going to the adult comedy show at midnight after my wife comes back.


There has been a lot of motion on the ship today. It is mostly side to side and to me not bad at all. I have not seen anyone get sick or heard anyone complain. You can definitely feel it though. I heard one of the staff call it gentle swells. That’s a pretty good description.


That’s it for today. I’ll be back tomorrow after our second sea day.



Answers to your questions so far:


Dondon55, I have not run into Phratta as of yet, but I have my eyes open.


Cruisinmama06: I have the Camp Carnival Capers you asked for. Will get back to you after I get home.


Palmfan: According to steward, magnets should work on the frame around the door, but he didn’t think they would work on the door itself. There are plenty of tapes on the market that are made to peel off without damaging the surface. Painters tape is one that comes to mind. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.

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Sounds like you are having a great time!!! Enjoying your live reports! Did you make it to the late night comedy? If so, what did you think? If Marvin Bell ( I think that is his last name) is still on, I thought he was pretty good and enjoyed his shows!

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Day 3: Sea Day


Another early day for us as the baby was up at 6am. Although I have no problem with an inside cabin, I have found one big drawback for me. Not having a window to the outside we have no idea what to expect. It was warm outside last night before bed so I figured it would be hot today. It was quite warm but extremely windy. Many areas of the ship were roped off due to high winds. Apparently a “warning do not enter” sign means just go under the rope. While sitting out by the pool I saw lots of people in places that weren’t supposed to be open including the outside promenade and deck 10.


We ate all 3 meals in the dining room today. Apparently my 5 year old has become a personal friend of both the Captain and Lenny, the CD. Every time they see him they come over to say hello. He is also recognized by many other people on the ship. He’s on the voyage video in at least 3 places so when people recognize him they wave or come over and say hello.


Took my first swim today. Jarrett and I went in after lunch. The water was warm and due to the motion of the ship it was almost like being in a mini wave pool. It was pretty cool. After we changed we went to Gatsby’s Garden to watch the flying fish. My son was so excited when he saw them. It’s so cool to see the kids excited about that. After that Jarrett built his own teddy bear with the Camp Carnival Program. Cost about $32.


We played trivia twice today. Nearly won the coveted ship on a stick but we lost by just a point. The night time trivia was 70’s and 80’s TV themes with Big Sexy. We did really well, just not well enough. It was a blast!


Tonight’s show was a Motown Theme and we did not attend. Our whole group is now at Karaoke in the Mad Hatters Lounge. I remained in the room with the kids because I’ll be going the 80’s party at 11pm.


All in all, it’s been a great time. For those of you thinking of cruising on the Miracle with kids, so far I highly recommend it. I’ve found lots of things for the 5 year old to due, that’s not counting Camp Carnival. As far as the 18 month old is concerned, He spends most of his time exploring with me or my wife. We’ve found quiet little areas around the ship where he can walk around or look out windows. The staff always goes out of there way to say hello to him. They also have time where you can take your kids to play in the Camp Carnival even if they are too young to attend the regular program. We did that today and he loved it.


My wife did Pilates in the gym today. It cost $10 and lasts about an hour. She enjoyed it. You pay with your sign and sail card and there was a container out for tips. She tipped the instructor but jokingly said to me I can’t believe I just tipped someone for beating the crap out of me for an hour.


Tomorrow is San Juan. Looking forward to getting off the ship. We are really excited about St. Thomas on Saturday!

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Day 4: San Juan


It was a late morning for me. Ended up staying for the entire 80’s party. The beer didn’t help either. What a great time though! None of the people who took part in the 80’s games were old enough to remember the 80’s but it was pretty funny.


Today we had breakfast and dinner in the dining room and lunch at the buffet. Another day of relaxing by the pool. Jesse and I spent most of the day exploring the ship. Lot’s of flying fish to watch today. My 5 year old LOVES Camp Carnival. The staff is great, the room is great and the activities are great. I guess what I’m saying is that Camp Carnival is great. Jarrett is upset when I pick him up for lunch. He was even more upset when he found out he would not be attending the afternoon session because we would be in San Juan. They did face painting today and Jarrett walked around all day as a pirate, complete with scar, beard and mustache and an eye patch. Once again he was center stage where ever he was. Funny because he’s pretty shy back home.


At 2:30pm my sister called us to tell us that she had a beautiful view of San Juan from her balcony. We all trekked to the other side of the ship to check it out. What an incredible view she had. I have to say, San Juan has been my least favorite Port of Call. I think a lot of it had to do with the hours we were here. None of the excursions appealed to us so we decided to just walk around and shop. That is exactly what we did. It was nice to get out and take a walk. If I was ever here again, with more time, I’d love to see more of the island. As soon as we walked off the pier we were bombarded with offers for tours. All kinds of hooks…kids go free, free booze, free unlimited booze etc… All were polite when we told them we weren’t interested. We were back on the ship for our early dinner seating. There were many people who never left the ship.


After dinner it was off to Famous Faces trivia. It was fun but I’m still without a coveted “ship on a stick”. There is a deck party tonight but we are all too tired to attend. We want to get an early start in St. Thomas tomorrow.


Dolphinmusic: we have yet to make it to a late night comedy show. The comedian’s name is Sayhr or something like that.


To all who asked: I’ll post pics when I get back. I see Radio has a much more detailed blog going on and he has some good pics. I’m surprised any of you are even reading mine. I read his and I don’t even want to read mine. :D

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Enjoying your reports!! :)


San Juan is okay. I am sure you will enjoy St. Thomas and I hope Tortola much better!! Do you have anything planned for Tortola? Cane Garden Bay is nice. We were there 2 weeks ago and we went to the information center and took a tour for $20. It is a nice way to see the island but the ride can be a little scary so hold on to the kiddies!!!


The other comedian Marvin ( I think that is his name) should have shows maybe Tortola night and after the Beatles show!


Oh! When we were on our cruise, all those that participated in the Match Game, received the ship on a stick! Not sure if it is the same for every cruise but you can check it out! Good luck! :)

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I am really enjoying your perspective, on the cruise, I am not travelling with children, and I will be cruising for the first time on the Miracle and love the way you describe the ship, I didn't even know there were flying fish, it's good to know about the line ups for the buffet in the morning, I'm kinda cranky till I get breakfast so I probably will follow your lead and eat in the dining room, what time is it open in the morning...have you been to the casino at all and is it really smoky? Thanks for doing this I know Radio has his "live" going but everyone has a different way to look at things...

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I am enjoying your thread as much as Radio's. Thanks for taking the time to do this! We will be on Miracle at Christmas - 4 families ranging in ages from 6-52. Love reading about the ship - our first Spirit class! Keep up the great blog!

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mike--2 quick questions....(besides previous about your excursions)

did you see anyone get nabbed by "acohol security " at check in?

and will DH be ok with dress shirt and tie ("formal" night) and no jacket?

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Love both your reports and Radio's. Two totally different perspectives of the ship and the ports.


Keep you fingers crossed for the Pats game tomorrow, hopefully you will see it on TV in Maguires. We missed both the Jets and the Dolphins games while we were on the Miracle, as they did not cover those games.


Any sightings of Phratta yet? I do hope you run into her, I would love to keep in touch with her....................


Thanks for your reports,



foxboro ma

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