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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Belle ~ What you're gong through is extremely hard. Do you go see your parents every day? Maybe you could cut back to 2-3 times a week. It must be so tiring to deal with it every single day. You are such a good daughter. Your parents are very blessed to have you. I wish there was something I could do to make it better. {{{HUGS}}} BTW, venting here is free. ;)


I'm not one to sit around very long...only when I feel bad. So, I'm always doing something around the house. I love to decorate so I try to do little things here and there or else I'll get very bored. When we were in our old house, I used to paint every room at least every other year. LOL My DMIL told me that if a hurricane comes, my house will stay standing because of all of the paint on the walls. With our new house, the ceilings are high so I can't paint like I want. We've been in this house almost 8 years so it is time to paint every room. I've done the kitchen, son's room, and son's bathroom. One room at a time. :D


Donna ~ You like to decorate also, don't you?


Baby ~ I know you weighed today....so, are you still way down from the dreaded pound? ;)


Take care, girls!

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Baby, appears to be heading your way! Stay warm and dry! Great job on the loss. Doing anything special?


Sheila, your almost there! WTG! Unfortunately, it is a combination of enjoying decorating and benign neglect. We built this house in '74 so we are on our third go round. Next projects are major but it is time to get started.


Carolyn, Any better news on the aunt front. How is Libby doing? Mike home?


Belle, I know how hard it is to be the only child but I only have to deal with 1 parent and can't imagine what its like with two of them. I remember the time when my step dad would call and tell me to talk to my mother because she was giving him a hard time. Funny placating him because I knew he deserved it but I was trying to keep them from going to war. You do need to make sure that you have time for you. Won't work otherwise.


Sounds like we have mom about 50% convinced that she is moving to Mount Pleasant, MI this summer. Fingers crossed that we can get the other 50% then we'll all head down there and clear out 40 years worth of junk. Talk about a pack rat and she is the original. She is literally afraid to get rid of anything but a one bedroom apartment isn't going to handle a houseful of furniture. Not sure if the business next door is still interested in buying the house or whether we'll end up renting it out but she really shouldn't need the money for housing costs with the option that we found so will just play it by ear. Meantime, getting her from Missouri to Michigan is going to need some really detailed planning. I'm thinking that we will end up flying her here and then drive the rest of the way but will have to wait and see. I wish there were better choices here but I also know that having her great grand daughters near by will definitely improve her mood.


Today is a house project day once he gets moving so I need to get my stuff done first. He finally moved back in bed last night so it appears that his cold is considerably better and we are now debating the merits of just letting the snow melt off vs. getting soggy and fighting it with the snow blower. I'm thinking melt but we'll see what he feels up to.


Tomorrow will be quiet for us since we decided not to set up a family dinner. His sister is furiously packing for her move on Thursday (Sold the house after almost 18 months) and Diane is still sorting and tossing the stuff that is too smoke damaged to salvage. I'm thinking we'll go out to brunch and then spend a quiet afternoon and just relax.


Have a great weekend!

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Hope you have a great day, how ever

you celebrate.

We're having lunch with parents. I'm

taking some food to help out. Us and

the "kids" going.


Sorry haven't written much. Just been

busy or taking the day off from everything.

I take turns doing both.


Sheila..CONGRATS on making GOAL! Great job!

Good luck on doing all the things you want to do

in your house. Everything I want to do is in my

mind, don't know when I'll get to it!

Thank you for the kind words.


Donna..YES get your mother moved NOW! Tried

with my parents, would of made it easier. We were

there three months. Plus made seven trips down

for a week each time after to get their house cleaned out.

Really didn't get everything done but people took

house as is. Which really helped us.

Hope not to much of your daughters things are ruined.


Let the snow melt, don't want to you both to get

sick again. Hate to tell you but I will..70's here today and sunday!


Baby how are you doing after being in PS. Did you like

it there? There in the 80's now! What places did you eat at?

What did you do? Wish I was there now!

Congrats on your weight loss. Hope your feeling better.


Carolyn let us know how your doing. Know its tough.


Enjoy the week everyone.

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Hope you all had a good Easter and/or Sunday.


We had a nice lunch with my parents,

Father was clear. Mother was in good mood too,

which was nice...they loved the food.

Dad was happy we were all together. Gets emotional.

Doesn't know how long he will be here.

It was a good day for them and us. If every day

could be like this, it would be nice. Know it can't be

so we will enjoy the good days as we get them.


Eveyone have a good week!

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Good morning, girls!


Our Easter was very low-key and I loved it! I did a lot of shopping and house-cleaning this weekend so I burned some calories. It's a good thing to because we went to Bruster's on Sat. night for ice cream. It was good though!


Donna ~ I hope your DM's move goes well. Will she be living near you? Good luck on getting her to throw away or give away some of her things. Some people do get very attached. I agree with Belle, let the snow melt. You and Joe don't need to get sick again. Hang in there!


Belle ~ It sounds as if you had a lovely Easter. I'm so happy to hear that your parents were in good spirits and clear. I know it made the day more enjoyable.


Baby ~ You're being quiet again. Hope you're doing well.


Take care ladies! TTYL!

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Hope it was happy! Sheila, you are doing well! I managed to gain 1/2 pound each of the last 3 days...and that was being rather good. Ate out a lot and maybe it's the salt???? We shall see!


Belle,so glad that you had a good day on Easter. Sometimes we are lucky!

Some of the restaurants were John Henry (I think we were the youngest there!), Sherman's, Cheesecake factory (have to visit whenever we see one!), PJChang (was disappointed). Pacifica (good), An Italian restaurant that began with a "C" (excellent), Roy's (awful), lunch at Beaux Arts cafe (loved it). Of course the restaurants at the Westin (OK). Can't recall others. What are your faves?


Donna...just trying not to eat too much and making good choices. But this weekend, nothing worked. The big problem is that it is awful outdoors and I sit too much. In San Francisco, we walked so much, it was wonderful.

Still under 32F here. Starting tomorrow, the projected highs are 32 or slightly above. The snow mountains (they dump on our lawns) are now dirty and disgusting.


Carolyn, we miss you.


Take care, all!

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Baby ~ Hey! I guess it was a rude awakening going from nice weather in Palm Springs to cold snow at home. :eek: Yes, it is the restaurant food making you gain....all of that sodium!


Hugs to the rest of you! I wish Carolyn would check in.

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No weight gain today...so maybe now I can lose a little!


Cold again today. Tomorrow, they predict above freezing...so it will be windy..that will make it feel colder (we mustn't be shocked by warm weather!)


Gonna have a half a grapefruit. Then, hopefully, a few exercises!


Take care!

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Good news! I was REALLY careful yesterday...and I am down 1/2. Now if I can repeat that success today..........??????


Jello thighs? I have those,too! Do you think anything can actually help them? When I wear a bathing suit, I just don't look too closely! If I did, I would never be able to swim! Oops! I just backtracked and noticed you said cottage cheese thighs...jello, cottage cheese, both good descriptions.


Have a great day, all!

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And a case of the creep crud that is keeping me home yet again! I should check my work email before I say that but I'm thinking anything short of setting the place on fire couldn't get me dressed and out of here. Any exertion and I go straight into a long and painful coughing fit.


Sheila, Seems I haven't taken the shorts off for the last few cruises so it is back to the elliptical as soon as this cold is gone.


Baby, Where is your water? Keep at it! You've been doing quite well with just minor set backs so we know your on the right track! When are you heading to Florida for the cruise. Keep thinking your going out of SJU but it is in FL for the dry dock. No more dirty snow here (see following).


Belle, glad to hear they had a good day and you do need more of those. Are you taking care of yourself?


OK, better check my work email and see if there are any fires that I have to put out then I'm thinking back to bed is my best option. Before I forget, following is what I woke up to again this morning. Just call it spring in the Midwest and you'll get the idea:


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When is the BBQ? lol

Get well soon! Think your

town/state forgot it's spring!


Baby and Sheila hope your both well

today. No more snow for you either!

It's spring you know.


Carolyn you too. meaning..hope

your well and no snow!


Everyone have a good weekend.

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Hi everyone! Well, it looks like we now have Donna's snow. Thanks, Donna! Tomorrow is April 1st, and it's still snowing. Is this an April Fool's joke that mother nature wants to play on us?


Hope you are feeling better, Donna. We still have a while until the cruise. It looks like your entire group bailed out. But when I go to the roll calls, it seems that there is another group who is replacing you! We are not "group people", so, to us, it makes no difference.


Water is at hand! Weight is still down. No complaints....yet!


Belle, good to see your posts, as always. Hope you had a good weekend.


Sheila, What are "board shorts". (I learn SO MUCH on these boards!!!). How was the weekend?


Take care, all!

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Good morning, girls!


We had a wonderful weekend in Savannah...actually didn't want to come home. The temps were in the low 80's on Fri & most of Sat. Sat PM, it got cool again. We did two tours...one was the Bonaventure Cemetery (featured in the movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil with John Cusak). It was so beautiful! The flowers were blooming and the headstones were so different. I like old cemeteries. ;)


Donna ~ I hope your cold is better! Boy, you sure do have a lot of snow. Wow!


Belle ~ Keep checking in if only to say "Hey." We worry about you. I hope you and your parents are doing well.


Baby ~ Board shorts are what surfers wear, mostly. However, they've become more popular with those that don't surf. Here's a link to where I got mine: http://www.boardshortsworld.com. I have horrible thighs so I definitely need something to cover up with. :D How have you been?


Carolyn ~ Yoo-Hoo! Are you still lurking? How are you?


Talk to you later. :)

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Nice looking couple in the photo! She doesn't look like she needs to cover up! So, is it the print that makes it different from regular shorts? Or is it because you can wear them in the water? I rarely wear shorts. Only in the Caribbean because it is so hot.


Had my favourite sandwich for lunch yesterday. Always makes me gain...up 1/2. Not too bad.


Savannah sounds wonderful. Maybe one day. We have never visited the southern Atlantic states. We always seem to return to the same states!


The good news here is that the roads and sidewalks are bare. What a nice surprise! Spring must be on its way !


Take care, all!

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Still here..if I want to be or not.

Just depressed a little.

Didn't tell you but we had a

cruise for this month, a b2b..

europe and a ta. We had booked it

before my father got worse and we went

down there to live last March. We

kept the cruise in case we could make it.

The nurse said, do it, he's stable for now.

Then around time to pay for it they thought

my father had pneumonia, in is condition it

could be fatal. So we canceled the cruise.

We couldn't afford to lose the money if

we couldn't go. Did transfer the deposit

to the Nov. one. Hope we can do that one.

Father still holding is own which is good..

but that means maybe we should of gone.

Were worried about him plus my mother if

we were gone and something happen.

Still seeing them often, doing paper work.

Problems with things which was going alright

and now not.

Dealing with "idiots" over the phone. How

do some people get their jobs? Took my mother

to lunch, she was pretty good. Bought dad

back some food. Give them something different

to eat.


We've been doing this over a year. I have a

husband to worry about too.

Excuse my ranting just in a mood. Plus just

saw a thing on TV for caring for your parents.



Glad you all seem to be getiing better weather

at home and away.

Sheila glad you had a good time on your trip.

Remember that movie and the gardens.


Baby what is the sandwhich? Your cruise in

May? 3 or 30?


Donna how are you feeling? Better I hope.


Sorry for feeling sorry for my self and

you have to listen but right now I should be

cruising on the sea!

Plus my e-mail has not worked for a week.

Ok though ranting.

I'll be better tomorrow.

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Yesterday was cold (high of about 32F) and very windy, so I wore only a blazer, no boots, and went to an indoor mall (with indoor parking) and had a diet ice cream (or whatever it really is...only 40 calories).But today...warm and sunny. High of about 44F. (I know you will laugh, but that is the warmest temperature so far this year!)


Belle, sorry about the cruise. I know how difficult it is to care for elderly parents. But, you will never regret it. The up side is that they lived a good life for so many years. I am happy to read that your mom was able to go out for lunch.


Guess what? I have shingles. Oy vay! Last week I found a red spot on my back. Had no idea what it was. This weekend, it turned into a boil. Then three more. Luckily, I happened to have my annual dermatology appointment on Tuesday. One look, and she pronounced "shingles". It is less painful now than over the weekend. Thank goodness.


My fave sandwich is called a Poire Lilly. It is on a baguette, slices of brie, pear and some walnuts. They toast it. Yummy. Usually, I like to share it because it is rather big. But on Tues, after my diagnosis, I was alone and decided to go for the whole thing! So, now I am still up the same 1/2 pound and will try to lose it. Passover is coming and that is DANGEROUS for the waistline!


Gotta go and have a cold compress!


Have a great day!

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Good morning! :D


Belle ~ Honey, I'm so sad to read that you are so down. It is understandable with everything that you've been going thru for a year and then having to cancel your cruise. I wish I could do something to make it better for you. It is good that your Mom was able to go to lunch with you. I know she enjoyed it. Just look forward to your Nov. cruise and try to stay positive...I know, easier said than done. Take care, sweetie!


Baby ~ Oh, I'm sorry you have the shingles! My DH has had them twice and I know how painful they are. Take care!


Your sandwich sounds yummy! I had one in Savannah that was very good. It was whole wheat bread, turkey, Swiss cheese, and Granny Smith apple...grilled. Talk about good!


I had a great workout last night. I did 60 minutes on the treadmill and then 15 minutes on the bike. I was tired!

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Definitely happy since it appears that Spring just may have found WI. High of 61 today and 63 tomorrow. I feel lots better than last Saturday after a trip to the doctor on Monday, breathing treatment, 3 different inhalers and antibiotics. Still not near 100% but figure I'll live to harass him further. Finally got him to call the doctor yesterday and he started on the Z Pac last night. He has had this since the 10th of March and wasn't about to get better on his own. Needless to say, we have quite a few date nights to catch up on when we both finally get over it.


Belle, That one is definitely hard but you did what was best at the time. Hang in there and do something special for yourself as often as you can. I know it is really hard for us to book anything. I'm hoping that it will be better if we finally get Mom moved close to Cheryl but know that the worry won't go away. At least she will only be six hours away instead of 12 and we'll get to see the dgd's at the same time. I am seriously thinking that our March '09 cruise (not booked yet) for our 40th anniversary is going to get put aside in favor of completely redoing the living room. Just seems to make more sense since it is really hard to enjoy the preliminaries when your wondering if it's going to actually happen.


Sheila, That is on the top of our list to visit. One of these days, we'll head back to land and actually get to some of them. Sorry about the allergies, it will hit here next, just hoping this crud is gone first. I'm actually looking forward to getting back on the treadmill and elliptical.


Baby, Where is your water? Sounds like you caught the shingles fast which is really important. Each day should get better with them now. Yep, the girls bailed early. I wasn't surprised once X messed us up and we ended up switching cruises. They were looking at their ambitious land portion and realizing just what it would cost (several cruises). They all booked the Equinox TA for September of '09 and I'm thinking they will probably stick with that one. We looked at it but the ports weren't all that exciting and I still have reservations about a ship that large. The other reservation is the "class" system on it. Just don't know if I want to deal with that whole issue.


Carolyn, How are you and where are you? We worry about you!


OK, sun is shining and it's already in the 50's so I definitely have spring fever. However, my brain says I can accomplish way more than my body is going to hold up to. I'm thinking that I just might have to run some errands before I get started around here and see how I feel afterwards.

After almost two weeks off of work without accomplishing anything on the house, lots to get done even before the spring cleaning bug kicks in. Better make a list and get moving!


Have a great weekend!

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Just want to say "hi" and say that I hope everyone is well.


Although I managed to gain back 2 pounds, I also managed to get rid of 1 of them, so not too bad.


Sun. night, I had the most fabulous onion soup, really better than usual. I guess it had a lot of salt! It turned out to be a 1 pound culprit!


Sheila, what's new? You have so much energy! I am jealous! That's the one thing I have always envied in others. Even when I was young, I had limited energy. (It's really strange, though, when on vacation, it's unlimited!!!)


Donna, will get my water soon! Just finished my morning coffee! It's definitely spring here as well. How wonderful! I feel reborn. All the snowbirds are returning and they all ask how was my winter. Meanies!


Hope all is better for you and Joe. Unfortunately, I didn't catch the shingles early enough because I didn't know I had them. The doctor said to take the pills anyway. Nothing to lose. Today is the last one. I am taking so many pills these days. It's crazy.


If you do take the Equinox, I would like to hear your opinion. One thing...to cross the Atlantic, it should be smoother than Azamara. I don't think the "class" issue would really be an issue. It wouldn't bother me unless I couldn't do something that I really wanted to do.


Belle..how are you all? Good, I hope.


Carolyn...please say "hi".


Take care, all!

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