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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Not so great here....

Father not doing to good

Mother having meltdowns

And I'm going crazy!

So what else is new?


Baby wish I was going on your cruise.

Have you been on the Galaxy before?

I know Donna has. That's the ship

we went on for our Europe b2b.

Loved it and had a great time. Great service.

You have to give a review on the ports,

your doing some of the ports we're doing

if we get to go in Nov.


Sheila oh no. How are you? How did you

cut yourself. Are you off work? Take care.


Donna glad your feeling better. I know what

you mean about preparing for a cruise if

you don't know if your going to make it but

that's what's keeping me sane right now.

Something else to think about then my

parents and all the things that need to be

dealt with everyday and in the future.

I should spend the money on my house but

we need the vacation. Remember life is to short,

we never know what's going to happen.


Carolyn hope your alright. Please come in even

if not doing good on weight. I'm not doing well

but I'm still here. Need you all to keep me semi-sane!

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Hi Belle! Sorry your parents are having a difficult time (and you, too).


We have been on the Galaxy twice before. The last time was Feb/07. I found the food wasn't as good as usual....but then again, I didnt' gain weight! So, I guess the best thing is if the food isn't too great! (See, I can rhyme,too!!) We didn't even have wonderful service. For the 1st time in many cruises, we had a useless Maitre d'. But, in truth, these things are not so important to me. I couldn't care less whether or not the waiter remembers who drinks what. I don't base my judgement on that. If he makes sure I get the extras that I want, then I think he's good! I'll give a report.


Sheila, can you type us a word or two? How the finger? Hope it heals soon. I was wondering why you hadn't posted, now I know.


Weight is OK. Lost 1/2. Can't complain. Son had gum surgery the other day. Thought he would come over to eat and recuperate. Bought him food. He didn't come. Now, guess who's eating the food? Luckily, I bought an ice cream flavour that's not one of my favourites (intentionally!). Still I do manage to eat it, but not too much! Bought potatoes to mash for him, so today we will have potato salad! Made him a veggie soup, no fat, healthy, so no problem.


Began to cook for our Passover Seder. Started late this year. It's only 10 days away and I finally made one side dish! At least it's a start.


Take care, everyone!

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I'm able to use the index finger on my right hand so I can type easier. I am just fine! The pain is getting better except for at night. I cut my finger while cleaning the toaster oven. Smart, huh? :rolleyes:


Belle ~ I'm so sorry your DF isn't doing well. Take care of yourself, OK?


Baby ~ How are the shingles? Are you still hurting a lot?


Donna ~ Glad you are feeling better! Did you give your crud to Joe? That stuff is going crazy around the office. I'm the only one who hasn't gotten it. Enjoy your warmer temps!


I'll talk to all of you sweet ladies later. :D

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Hope you all had a good Friday.

Didn't work to hard.

That your all in good health or

feeling better than you did.


The weekend is here. So have

a great two days!


Sheila..Hope your finger is better.

I've always said "housework" is

dangerous. We have to give it up!


Baby.. you have less than a month to go.

Going to Palm Springs, then a cruise. Sounds

like it should be me. LOL


Donna..Hope you and husband are feeling



Carolyn..Hope you haven't left us on this

board. Would love to hear from you.

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And I'm just trying to find my ambition. Rain, cool and overall dreary so a get day to do some deep cleaning if I can finally get myself moving. Then we are off to our local furniture store this afternoon to try to decide on a new mattress followed by a trip to the gourmet market (yes, Burlington actually has a good one), Menard's to pick floor tile for my bathroom and a quick stop at Aldi's. Hopefully, that will take care of my shopping for the week. Burlington is a huge pain to get to right now with the primary route closed for road construction and the secondary route under water. The third way in is miles out of the way so we need to make the most of the trip when we get there.


Belle, Prayers that your parents level off and things get easier. I know what the stress is like from all the worry. I also know that being the only daughter tends to make us feel guilty and we are always looking for more that we can do. As to the cruise, your right and you do need to have something positive to look forward to. Ours was a little different in that a lot of group tours/activities were being set up and I just couldn't bring myself to sign up for them with all the indecision about whether we were going or not. As it was, I paid for a bus ride to NYC that we never took.


Baby, Where is your water? I thought you would be completely ready by now. How is your son doing?


Sheila, Ouch! Been there several times. Household cleaning is definitely hazardous! Actually, it taught me to take my rings off as soon as I get in the house since I've had them cut off twice now. Is it feeling any better now? When are your friends coming to visit? No, Joe gave me the crud. He got it on March 10th and finally called to doctor for antibiotics last Friday so we are both finally on the tail end of it.


Carolyn, you have us worried! How are all of you?


Hi to everyone else and hope you have a great weekend!

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Good news! Lost 1 pound yesterday! Wasn't even good during the day, but had a light and delicious dinner. We went to a Greek restaurant, and I think I have mentioned before, nobody does fish like they do. Grilled Mediterranean sea bass. It was so light and fresh and delicious. I had very little rice and veggies, wine and 2 spoonsful of dessert and voila...minus a pound. My favourite restaurants are the ones where I don't gain weight!!!


There was a family of 3 at the next table (we were also 3). They had 3 appetizers, Greek salad, meal, etc. I don't know how they ate so much. I'll bet they didn't lose 1 pound!!!!!


Donna, it's cold and rainy here,too! What can we do? We usually go from winter to summer, with not much of a spring. Glad that you and Joe are feeling better and are getting so much done.


Belle, ma belle....I read your fantastic poems. I also read your posts about dress codes. At the risk that any of those posters will come here and read this....I think they are all nuts! How can anyone get so worked up about what others wear or don't wear? And they become so vicious, telling people to sail on other cruiselines...like the only reason anyone would sail on Celebrity is in order to wear formal clothes!! You were the only one with any sense...and I think they ignored you!!!That's because your post was too normal!!!


True...I did your itineraries this year! I don't know yet what we will do this winter. We are thinking of the Costa del Sol. It sould be warm and pleasant enough to do some sightseeing. But if we don't rent a car....I don't know...and if we do rent a car....we may not returned married!!!


My son is doing fine. It was very easy for him. Lucky.


Have a great day, all!

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Baby..So TRUE! They are NUTS!

Who cares what your wearing and when!

They make such a BIG DEAL out of it.

Telling you not to sail, ect.

I give up. They don't listen to me and

I'm right! LOL

Also Thank you for saying I was normal

and had some sense! Double LOL


Congrats on the pound loss. Keep going

to that restaurant.

Did something happen to your son? Glad he's OK.


Donna..Soundslike you and Joe are feeling

better, all your running around Sat. Sorry about your rain.

Don't hate me but last two days in the 80's here.

But in a few days down to 70's and 60's if that helps!

I know it's hard doing a cruise when you don't know

if it's happening. We're going by ourselves. We just

won't join any group tours with anyone just in case.

Don't have to pay till Sept. Just have to wait and see.


What hard about my parents, I'm the only one. No

other family members on their side to visit or anything.

What few friends are down south. My kids visit but with

work and school, once a week usually.


Sheila..Are you on the mend? See your still exercising

with your bad back. Wish I had your energy. It's

your youth. Think your the youngest person here! Remember

the 40's are the new 30's!

Are you getting things done you wanted before

your friends come? Don't work to hard that your in

bed with a bad back.


I'm having a quiet weekend. Visit parents today of course.

Went out to dinner with husband. Don't think it was the

kind of place Baby went to that you lose weight. I did bring

half home thro.


Have a good Sunday everyone.

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Well, at least it's not raining. And lots of snow has melted. Our balconies, which had snow up to my eyeballs, are now clear. But..the city dumps snow on the front lawns when they clear the streets and we still have a dirty mountain in front of our house. Yuch! What a view!


Belle, your temp is going down to 60, and they predict that by next weekend ours will go UP to 60! Sixty sounds pretty fantastic to me!!!!


This is the first time you mentioned that you had children! I never realized. What do you have?


My older son had gum surgery last week. Lucky for him, it was a piece of cake.


I hope all works out and you can go on your cruise. Last year, friends of our joined us on our winter cruise. She had the same problem as you. But her daughters helped out while she was away. Still, she didn't relax until the end, when she knew she was going home. It's tough. Just be sure that you have good insurance. I don't think all the policies will cover you.


You ARE normal!!! They are so ridiculous. I don't know why I read those threads....and I always do! The same people say the same things over and over. I don't know if they are angry, or bored, or what.


My trip is so close...too close! All I can think of is Passover, 16 people next Sunday night. After that, I'll have to start to get ready. I hope nothing I will want to take needs to go to the cleaners. I am looking forward to being in Europe. It's been 2 years. We are thinking of the south of Spain for 3 weeks next Feb. Have you been? It should be 60ish, mostly sunny, some rain (hope not too much), good for sight-seeing.


Shared a salad and a pizza with DH last night...up 1/2. Not too bad.


Take care, all!

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Hey girls!


I had a good weekend, but I am soooo tired and sore. I bought a new hand-held steam cleaner and I cleaned my kitchen floor. That was a job! I did get a good cardio and upper body workout though. ;)


My finger is a lot better. I took the stitches out myself yesterday. I didn't want to wait at the clinic for two hours just to get stitches out. LOL DH was mortified that I did it. My finger is still sore, but at least I can type now. :D


Donna ~ Glad you and Joe are feeling better. It sounds as if you're doing some home improvements also. We got to replace the shutters and do some gardening and we're done for right now. I'll paint the powder room when we return from our Orlando trip in May.


Belle ~ I didn't realize you had children, either. Wow! Now, how did we not know that after all of these years? I hope your parents are doing well.


Baby ~ Great job on losing another pound. You are on a roll! Keep it up!


Carolyn ~ I hope you're doing OK. We miss you!


Have a great day! :)

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Hope you all are fine today. (thursday)


I had a terrible Wed. I don't want to be

an only child anymore. Now my mothers

hearing aids broke. She had another

meltdown with me. Lost my cool, want was

nice I could yell because she couldn't hear.

So got some of my frustrations out. I'm

the only one she takes everything out on.

Sometimes I have to say..Mom stop it!

Ok enough of me.


Baby how was your dinner? Now get ready

for your cruise. So funny saw a 1st time cruiser

on your cruise ask a question, you gave a good

answer and then someone comes and says..you

have to dress. Why can't they let someone

eat casual?

Ooops read wrong..your having 16 people on

Sunday not today the 16th. Sure your dinner will

be good.


Sheila took your own stiches out? Don't get an infection.

Sounds like you got a lot of cleaning done. Do

you hire out? My floors need a cleaning.


Donna sounds like you did a lot of shopping. I want to

tile my floors.. hall into the kitchen, the kitchen and

family room. family room.

But want someone to do it for us. Don't have time to do it

now. Need time to pick out the tile I really want.


I did mention before that I had a son and daughter.

You all said..I didn't know you had "kids"!

Did you all have "senior moments? LOL

I don't know how many "children you each have.


Sheila..Know you have a son..anymore?

Donna..Know you have a daughter..anymore?

Baby..Think I know you have two sons, one for



Last few days I've been really trying to eat better.

Maybe even might try to get back to a gym I'm paying

for and not going to!


Everyone have a good rest of the week.

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Good morning, girls!


Belle ~ Even when you're down, you're still funny! I do have senior moments and I'm 43. I hate to see how my mind 20 years from now.


I have a son who is 19. His name is Nicholas, but he likes Nick. He's a freshman in college.


I'm so sorry that you've had a hard time lately with your parents. Can your children help out some?


I don't hire out cleaning. LOL I can barely get my house clean. I used to have a maid, but I cleaned better than her so I felt that was a waste of money. I'm hosting Bunco next week so I'll be cleaning some more this weekend.


Baby, Donna & Carolyn ~ Where are y'all?


I bet Baby is getting ready for Passover.


Donna always posts on weekends so she should be here in a couple of days.


Carolyn has been missing too long. I sure hope she's doing well.


I'm still maintaining my weight. I had gained a few pounds during our trip to Savannah, but those are off now. I've been exercising hard and eating the right foods. My back is bothering me from all of the exercise so I'm going tomorrow for another epidural. Hopefully, this one will work and I can workout more. I'd rather workout hard and then be able to eat a little bit more. Y'all know how much I love food! ;)


Have a great day!

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Just to let you what it's like to live here....there is still a shrinking mountain of dirty snow on our front lawn, yet it was warm enough for short sleeves yesterday! I was actually too hot!!!


Belle, I am so happy that you are posting, even with all your difficulties. That's a good sign. Don't remember that you mentioned your son and daughter, but there have been many gaps in my reading and posting here. Do they live nearby? Married? Single?


I have 2 sons. The younger is married and lives out of town. The older, not yet, and lives in town.


About the other posters. Isn't it great that we can discuss them here...no flames!!! We are more open-minded. Why would we care what someone else wears?


Sheila, my eyes popped out of my head when I read that you removed your stitches! As long as you did a good job!! Does it still hurt? Do you think that cleaning the kitchen floor may have caused your back to hurt? Yesterday,I was at the sink for too long, preparing a zillion chicken pieces and last night I couldn't move my neck very well. Today, thankfully, it feels better.


I know that hired help does not do the job the way we would, but our health comes first. (My motto for the day!)


Getting ready for Passover is SO MUCH WORK! I spread it out and do a little each day. Four can't come, so now we are 12. I like 12 because I can manage everyone around the dining room table. But now I have so much food that I won't have to cook all week.


This week I gained 1 pound. And, tonight, we are going out for Chinese...always dangerous for the scale!


I haven't had my coffee yet. I had to wait 1/2 hour after my Actonel. Now I am ready!


Have a great day!


P.S. I am also worried about Carolyn. I hope we hear from her soon.

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Sheila, Yep, I find my way here when things quiet down! Was having a decent week with the diet until last night and our favorite Mexican restaurant. Would have done OK then except we had an hour wait for a table and started off with way too much chips and homemade salsa. Definitely downhill from there.


Belle, I remembered you had children but didn't know a boy and a girl. I have two girls. Oldest is Cheryl who lives in Central MI and has given us 3 beautiful grand daughters. Youngest is Diane. She is single and lives locally though you could never tell it. We rarely see her unless her nieces are in residence but that's because she is obsessive about her volunteer work at the local shelter so I'm not going to complain. I can completely understand the need to not be an "only child". My brother died when I was 16 so I'm in that category along with not being the favorite child. If he was around (according to Mom) everything would be just fine. I will be married 40 years next May and she still tolerates Joe! Seems to blame him for my not moving down there to take "care" of her. At her worst, can't understand why I'm not there to take her grocery shopping when she wants to go. When I'm there, I can't get her to do anything so I tend to buy everything I can in the hopes that I will leave her well supplied. I'm home less than a week and she starts telling me everything "I forgot" she wanted! Doesn't make a difference that she never said anything in the first place. Fingers crossed that we get her moved by Cheryl because her being 12 + hours from anyone isn't working.


Baby, Have a wonderful Passover and take some time to enjoy!


Carolyn, where are you and what are you up to? You have us all worried!


Well, we are in the final leg of mattress shopping finally. Figured out which one now Joe will go and negotiate. If it works right, I will be in the grocery store while he takes care of it. Way too many hours spent at way too many stores over the last few weeks so will be really glad to have this over with. Now off to get some work done.


Have a great Sunday!

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Hello girls! I tried posting Sat. AM, but it wouldn't go through. (It could've been my drugs. LOL)


I had my shot on Fri. and rested the rest of the day. I was on pain meds and muscle relaxers on Sat. and that really helped. I'm fine today! :D


I hope all of you are doing well and had a good weekend!


Baby ~ How was Passover? Did you enjoy time with your family? My finger is fine....still a little sore, but fine. ;)


Donna ~ It sounds like your DM wants attention...I guess you knew that though. I hope y'all can get her sorted out. I know that must be a headache. Did Joe get the new mattress?


Belle ~ How are you sweetie?


Talk to you girls later!

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I'm still here..barely.

Not a happy person. But what

can I do? I just keep on "truckin"!


Sheila..Glad you feeling better.

Think you need to slow down at

times! Seems like you do a lot.

Your back aways hurting you. Do

they say you can do all the exercise

or do they know how much you do?


Donna..Are you sleeping on a new bed?


I love Mexican food too. Have a favorite.

Maybe go there after seeing my parents


Will need a drink after dealing with my mother.

She's been a handful lately.

See it's all you fault if I gain. You had to

mention Mexican food! LOL


Baby..Are you still resting after your dinner

party. Bet it was nice. Are you still eating

leftover chicken? As you say won't have to cook


Can you believe in 12 days you leave on your cruise?


Carolyn ..Hope your all right. I know how everything

can get to you. Thinking of you.

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Hello ladies! :)

I didn’t exercise last night, but went grocery shopping instead. I also cooked. DH does most of our cooking. I think he was in shock. I put some beef tips in the slow cooker this morning for tonight’s meal.

Belle ~ I’m sorry you’re not a happy camper right now. I wish there was something I could do for you.

My doctor told me that I could do any exercises that I was comfortable doing except step aerobics. I know when to back off and give my back a rest. I appreciate your concern. BTW, I do do a lot! I hardly ever sit down at home because there is always so much to do. I can’t wait to retire!

I hope your day is better! Take care of yourself!

Baby ~ You didn’t check in yesterday. We want to hear about your Seder dinner with the family.

I’ll be back at the gym this afternoon doing weights and cardio. I promise to be careful. I do think my shots are finally starting to work.

Who is traveling next? Is it Baby on her cruise?We leave on May 23rd for Orlando. No cruise this year. Boo! Hoo!

Take care, my friends! :D

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I can't believe I did it! We were ONLY 12 at the end, but I cooked for an army. Leftovers, now, every day!


We went to a friend's the first night and I managed to GAIN 1 pound. I was actually quite good there. The downfall was...my out-of-town kids slept over and my son went out to the best French bakery in town and bought almond croissants which are (IMO) the best in the whole world. This was to be our last "bread" item before the onset of Passover. I had to eat it and it must have been 1000 calories! What a treat! Decadent!!!!


The good news is that the pound came off. How it did is another mystery because yesterday I was a little piggy. But...I did take my first walk of the season. So maybe that helped.


Please, Sheila, take care of your back. My neck has been bothering me. It must be all the "kitchen work". Tomorrow, I am going for physio.


Belle, hope today will be an easier day for you.


We are going TOO SOON. I am still in Passover mode. Can't really concentrate on trip.


Donna, always look forward to your weekend post. Hope you have a good week.


Take care, all!

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but kind of numb.

Managing my Aunt's medical care is really taking its toll on me.

Was in NYC all of last week w/Libby since she was off and thought that I'd have a little bit of extra time for her while checking on Aunt in rehab. Mike drove us in late Sat. afternoon. I went up w/Libby to check on Stella. Seemed like she was ok. Mike rushed us out since he was parked in a tow zone. Got downtown to her apartment and ordered some Chinese that Libby really enjoys (she really doesn't eat much -- I'm getting a bit concerned about that too). Was relaxing a bit and then at 8:30 I get a call from covering MD at rehab that Stella bumped herself head on "something" and that they'll "watch her". Then he asks me if she's on coumidin ... well "no" except she's gettting heparin... that's all he needs to hear and is then they're sending her off to Mt. Sinai for x-ray (cat scan) so I'm off on the subway to 100th St at 9:30PM (first making sure that she got there so I didn't make an unnecessary trip). Turns out she fell out of wheelchair while aid was wheeling her out of bathroom. UGH. Ending hitting head on floor. Well they never made an accurate report about accident (or as Stella calls it "incident"), So the next 2 days I went up for visit while Mike and Libby "bummed" around Manhattan (Libby slept in late, I tried to but didn't leave hospital until 12:30AM). Mike drove back north to get Alex who had a debate through school on Sunday. Well the rest of week didn't go much better though Libby and I got to see Curtains (enjoyed alot) and Gypsy (w/Patti Lupone). When I left on Friday night not much was happening w/Stella but didn't know how she was doing physically (barely walking). Asked when they thought she'd be going home since I have to get her place ready (esp. since I have to hire help/livein). A month ago they were talking about 4/29 discharge but on Friday they said it would be a few more weeks. Well this AM around 9:30AM I get a "message" on my cell phone (I was home and not on phone, why they didn't call my house still irks me) saying they're ready to send her home next Tuesday (as planned) and to get in touch. WHAT!! It's too soon. We think they're trying to rush her out since I was starting to make waves.

SO that's what's keeping me. I'm crazed. Mike will be traveling the next couple of weeks and I can't rush into city (takes over 2 hrs by train). HELP!!!

Stay well everyone


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So glad you posted, Carolyn. We all were worried about you. It's no fun with your aunt. What about her children? Aren't they in the picture? At least you got to see two plays, so had quality time with Libby.


Keep in touch, just so we know you are O.K. How was Passover?

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So glad you posted, Carolyn. We all were worried about you. It's no fun with your aunt. What about her children? Aren't they in the picture? At least you got to see two plays, so had quality time with Libby.


Keep in touch, just so we know you are O.K. How was Passover?

Carolyn, I have the same questions as Baby.


Please take care of yourself. If you don't, how can you take care of someone else. {{{HUGS}}} to you and your family.

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Carolyn..Good to hear from you, that

your semi-alright. I can relate. Always

something happening. Does she have any

family around? Lot's on you. Get them to

help. I have no choice..I have to do it.

My father is getting worse. Now have

to make calls I don't want to. Wrong time

for my mother not to hear. Needs to talk

to my father. Hope we get the hearing aids

by next Monday.

Hang in..my good thoughts to you and family.


Baby..Glad your dinner went well. Good you

have leftovers, you don't have to cook.

You better concentrate on your cruise.

It's almost here. You need to pack soon.

How many suitcases are you taking? LOL


Sheila..You never give up. Wish I had your

drive. But your still a "young chick". Wait till

your an "old hen" LOL No really.. your are

doing great, work..exercise..clean your house!

I could learn from you.


Donna..Well didn't have mexican food yesterday,

had it today! Was pretty good thro. No chips!

I hope you get your mother moved. Will be easier

on you. I don't know what we thought of our parents.

That they would live forever or go peacefully.

What are our kids going to do with us?


Hope everyone is doing alright this week or

good as you can with whatever is going on with you

at home and work! Hugs!

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Hey girls!


I'm hosting Bunco tonight so my WOE will be blown big time. I made a peanut butter & chocolate ice cream pie and a lemon pie with a shortbread crust. :eek:


Belle ~ I'm hate to hear your Dad isn't doing well. Why can't your Mom communicate with him? Is it because she can't hear him? It must be so frustrating for all of you. You have a wonderful attitude though and I know that your parents are so thankful for you.


Thanks for the compliment. :D


Hello to all of my other girlfriends. I hope y'all have a good day! :)

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And the end of another crazy week!


Belle, Lots of virtual hugs coming your way! Hope the hearing aids are back by Monday so she can communicate with him but doesn't sound like it will offer you much help. I guess I'd never thought about parents getting frail and unable to cope and I definitely don't want to put the girls through this. The daily calls are absolutely draining me. I usually make them from the car on the way home in hopes that I can shake off the resulting mood swing when I walk in the door. Latest was Mom saying that she couldn't afford 2,300/month. Only thing that I could figure out was that my cousin sent a brochure from the Phoenix facility and she thought it was from Cheryl. Fingers crossed that the monthly is much more reasonable and that we can get this done over the summer. As to food, don't know when or how but Mexican has overtaken Italian as the food of choice in this house. His favorite of late is Chipotle Grill and it's almost impossible to get him to drive past one.


I see your following Tuggers (Gail's) posts. She really pulled out all the stops to get us on this one but I was kind of glad we didn't until I woke up to 36 and windy this morning. On the other hand, we would still be coming home to it. Think we should be leaving now! We usually sail with her, Teedee (Terri) and Joramrose (Joan) so I've been in a bit of a sulk about being stuck at home but vacation will be needed for Mom's eventual move. The good thing is that our October Mercury cruise will take us to Diamond on RCI and we are the last of the group to hit that status. Then we will have to seriously look at them on the ships with the Concierge lounge.


Sheila, How was bunco? We know your smart as far as amount of exercise but will still worry. Have the allergies settled down yet? Ours are just starting and I can tell I'm going to be in for a rough early season. Still wondering why I even bother to put on makeup!


Carolyn, Where are her children? So sorry Mike is on the run again and won't be able to help out. Hoping that things settle once she is back home and life gets close to normal again.


Baby, Where is the water? Almond? Oh, yum! Haven't had really good ones since the last time we were in Toronto. Those and chocolate are definitely my downfall! Sounds like a wonderful holiday! Hope the neck is feeling better.


Well, the new mattress came yesterday and feels quite alien. I slept pretty well but it will take a few days to adjust. Now the latest is that we have to have the house bombed for wasps. They really aren't sure where the nests are but they are sure that this is way too early for the number we are seeing so they will be out next week to power wash with chemicals and then manually dust. Definitely not helping the vacation fund. Of course, not much is helping the fund lately with all the costs that are going up. My normal stash at the end of the week is rapidly disappearing with gas going at $3.65/gallon and groceries skyrocketing. Guess I've adjusted to it after seeing Joe's reaction when he goes grocery shopping with me. Which reminds me, next up better be getting my list ready for the store since we'll probably head there this afternoon followed by a salad at Applebee's.


OK, time to get to it.


Have a great weekend!

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Re: Aunt Stella... Dad's sister (Dad was youngest of 8 kids, Stella was 2 1/2 yr older than he). Never married, no kids 93 (almost 94), had been rather healthy (aside from managed high bp, diabetes, and now bad macular) until her little tia's that started around end of June last year, so up until this January hasn't been much of a burden (had 3 3day stays in hospitals from Sept, Oct. and Nov. once when I was there and once when Diane was there -- after Mom's stroke). Since she didn't want to be a burden she had housekeeper/aid (who didn't really do much for Stella) handle her checkbook and accountant (who really gave her bad advice -- sold her annuities). Aide saw that Stella was sending alot of $$ to cousin in Fla (another like Diane) and probably thought "well I deserve it too" and gave Stella the "sob story". Stella made check out for $5K in July and Suzanne said she'd "work it off" well that only lasted less than 3 months - maybe she worked off $2.5K (I'm being generous with the assumption) and then says she can't afford this arrangement -- this also comes after Stella has had 3 hospital trips. Then December there's a financial crisis w/Suzanne and Stella gives her another $5K which Suzanne doesn't write in the checkbook. I find out about it and ask Stella about it the day before her hospitalization. She says "you really should be looking at it". Fast forward it to 2 weeks later when I find out that there's another check $5K that doesn't have Stella's signature (begining looks a bit like it). I get copy of it from bank. Stella's on a ventilator just being rushed to emergency surgery, doesn't look good. I call Suzanne to question her and she says that Stella wanted her to have $$, she was having emergency (I then tell her she had one in December that Stella bailed her out) and then she said that two people loaner her money and she had to pay them back. I say I'm going to have to go to authorities and she says that she'll meet me next day to work out payment arrangement. Tell her she couldn't do it before why does she think she can do it now. Then says $100 per week. Well the $$ was probably still in her account (couldn't verify) since it was a week after she deposited it but I couldn't press charges since I'm just POA and not primary on account. Tells me stella wanted her to have $$ and there's no way I can find out from Stella. Actually 2 months later I find out that Stella probably was just paying her the salary for 2 weeks since she didn't pay her the prior week and Suzanne thought that she might as well make check out for higher amount (Stella's practically blind). Then Stella signed a few checks == signature was find on those and the last one to Suzanne was NOT her sig. I could hire a lawyer and drag things out but couldn't do anything until Stella was better "just in case" since Stella always worried about Suzanne's kids. So now I'm trying to make arrangements for her med care etc. and hiring aides to live w/her. Back to where I was 3 years ago. At least this is the last relative I have to do this for.

BTW I'm expanding, gained a few lbs. and now hip, back and spine are really acting up as well as all my joints and ankle. And to make things worse Mike will start up traveling again soon.

Hope everyone gets to enjoy the weekend.


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