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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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I am working on inventory and have officially moved New Year's Eve to January 12th with my first Martini on the Century. Of course, I will probably be so tired by then it will probably be my last martini and put me to sleep!


Ok, I am going to behave before we leave since all bets are off while cruising! When we get back then it will be serious dieting. Slacking off and going nowhere for too long so need to get focused again!


Have a great evening!

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Hate to say it but Costco carries Nutella, it's also a mainstay at our local Shaws too. On the ship it's in the diningroom and buffet for breakfast. Grabbed a bunch on them and boxes of Granola to have in cabin for snacks off ship. Unf. Alex didn't really enjoy the Nutella in it's "original state" but realized it gets yummy and fudgy if you put it in the fridge or freezer section. The little cups make the "perfect snack" since it "might" be possible to portion control it.

OK ladies... I did one day low carb. forced myself to sleep and when I woke up went right back instead of "nibbling" so I saw the scale drop a bit. Still have a ways to go. Hopefully will get back to gym on Tuesday.

Belle, I'd LOVE to go with Mike on one of his trips but unf. one of the kids would probably be in school at the time and their A) too young to stay alone (Alex is 13, Libby 9 1/2 <almost>) B) Libby is a "walker" for school and we live on a private road, too far for her to walk alone... block past our house is on bus route. Mike drives her to school at 8AM I pick her up at 2:30. and Alex goes to school 20 miles away from us -- someone on faculty gives him a ride most days but one of us (Mike or myself) need to be home "just in case" it doesn't work out. This happened last time Mike was out-of-town and I had to drive Alex to school leaving our house at 7AM and getting Libby to school later at 8:15. It was a bit hairy. Don't have any friend/relative to leave/watch them for a few days.

Have a wonderful New Years... we don't have anything planned and Alex wants to stay up to ring in the New Year but I'm discouraging him since we has to start getting up at 6AM on Tuesday after sleeping late for 2 weeks... what joy.


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Carolyn, I wish you luck getting them back on schedule. We are out for dinner in a few minutes. I have spent most of today goofing off yet again so the work will be really bad over the next couple. Early dinner then back at it yet again. Joe says we are going to the new Famous Dave's but I will bring the Texas Roadhouse card with just in case!


Have a great evening and Happy New Year!

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Did you two have a Good New Year's both Eve and Day?


We made it to the city Sat. night but not Sun.. to

much rain. Some streets were flooded getting to the city.

We've been having a lot of it. Different places are

flooded, not us, thank goodness!


Donna did you go to Texas Roadhouse? We don't have one

but when we visit our friends in Arizona we go to one there,

I really like it. Ribs are so tender. Oh that bread! LOL

Just think in ten days ..eating on the ship!


Carolyn sorry you don't have family around to watch the

kids so you could go with Mike. Your time will come but at

least for now you get your cruises.

School starting ..now your busy again. Hope you can relax

when their at school after you take and before you pickup.



Have a good day you two.

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Happy Tuesday all,


Belle, wondered whether all the rain was going to mess up your plans. Glad you are safe where you are at!


We went to brand new a Famous Dave's New Year's Eve. Came home and watched an old movie and just relaxed together. Didn't even turn on any of the 4 computers in the house. Stayed up till two and then up early on Sunday. Didn't overdo but did eat the wrong foods. Decided I do just as well at home using their bbq sauce! Went to Texas Roadhouse on New Year's day before the rush hit. Had a few too many peanuts but held it to one roll and the grilled chicken salad which is excellent.


Carolyn, Quiet in the house now? Are you going to make it to the gym today?


Ok, better get moving!


Have a great Tuesday!

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Hey ladies...

"Quiet day" ... are you kidding... was a "snow day" and Mike stayed in until about Noon when the plow guy showed up.. while it was still snowing.

Belle, how far are you from Petaluma? My Mom's sister just moved out there a couple of years ago from NY and gave me a call yesterday. Might come out to pay her a visit with the kidlets during the summer "if" Mike may have some "business" to attend to w/associate at Stanford. Then Libby and I would get to do what Alex and Mike got to do last April.

Donna, how far are you from O'Hare area. DS (loose term lol as you two realize now) lives in Buffalo Grove IL as is trying to convince me to come out to visit her with kids during the summer... so much to do... (I'm not so sure of that), but it might be "someplace to go" if I can't really figure out what to do with kids.

As for cruises for us now, I really think we're cruised out. Mike and I are sitting on a "ton" of FF air miles and are contemplating using them for either Hawaii during the summer or island getaway during Xmas break (earlier than Xmas though) if we get Alex's calendar sooner than when the seat sell out.

I've been (fingers crossed that it continues) good on eating last few days and the scale is starting to migrate south. Haven't been to the gym yet. Haven't been motivated to go. "Splurged" on our of the Nutella cuplets yesterday (nice portion control).I'm trying to get house in order... it's too depressing in the gray gloomy winter to have so much clutter around. Started to clean out Libby's closet since it had stuff that was packed when we moved in right before Libby was born (over 9 years ago) and was always pushed in. Now we can see the floor in closet. Think we're trying to conquer the bedrooms first and then work to the main floor. I know this doesn't make sense but there's still so much papers etc. in family room and dinning room that I "can't touch" and if I try to organize it I will realize that there's stuff I "might be missing" for the Medicaid application and I get really depressed. Receipts etc. have mysteriously disappeared when I realize it I start to panic. Don't think I can handle it now. I'm miffed about the how the Medicaid application was filled and what the "waiting game" will entail. I'm trying to find out (without offending anyone) who actually filed the application on my Mom's behalf.. the lawyer (I hope) or the social worker agency the the "anal" senior lady who's a part-timer who probably Did walk the application in. I'm trying to find out if I can close out the Estate bank account and get things settled.

Hope to post later.


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Donna..So you did go to Texas on your second day

of holiday. Good for you. You ate only one "roll"..

what willpower you have. Never had chicken there only ribs.


Yes we're safe..no flooding here but can you believe

more rain here today. Suppose to be dry here Wed. and Thurs.

Getting in the high 60's. Believe it when I see it or don't

see the rain! LOL


Carolyn..A snow day! My goodness!


Your Aunt lives in Petaluma? What made her move here?

Where does she live, east or west side?

As you can tell I do live in Petaluma, but you can't

come see me..then you'll find out I'm older and heavier

then you might think! LOL

No really..tell me if you do make it down during the

summer, we will have to meet. Think you will like

Petaluma and will love San Francisco.


With Mike having so many FF miles, it's nice you can

choose to go to different places and not have to worry about air.


Good luck with cleaning..I need to do it, can't get in the mood.

Haven't even started taking down the Christmas stuff down yet!

Bad me! Would be exercise since haven't been to the gym for a while.


Gee need to get my act together!


Have a good day you two.

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Seeing Belle's message over on the Summit board prompted me to drop in and wish you all a happy, healthy and svelte new year!


Read your last couple of posts....sounds like status quo!


Belle, too bad that you are on the April sailing. We leave Jan.29...well, actually the 28 for L.A. Then, we will spend 3 days in L.A. after the cruise as well. Hope all the rain is a thing of the past, by then.


Here it is COLD!! Lots of snow and ice. It will be so good to get away from it all. I should really post, because this year my weight is back to "square one"...remember that "awful pound"??? I am now once again fighting with it. I have to lose at least 3 pounds in the next 3 weeks. Will I do it? I hope so. Take care, all of you.....and let's Think Thin!!!

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Seeing Belle's message over on the Summit board prompted me to drop in and wish you all a happy, healthy and svelte new year!


Read your last couple of posts....sounds like status quo!


Belle, too bad that you are on the April sailing. We leave Jan.29...well, actually the 28 for L.A. Then, we will spend 3 days in L.A. after the cruise as well. Hope all the rain is a thing of the past, by then.


Here it is COLD!! Lots of snow and ice. It will be so good to get away from it all. I should really post, because this year my weight is back to "square one"...remember that "awful pound"??? I am now once again fighting with it. I have to lose at least 3 pounds in the next 3 weeks. Will I do it? I hope so. Take care, all of you.....and let's Think Thin!!!


Glad you stopped by! From what I see, you have been enjoying cruising and that is good!


Belle, I refuse to deal with decorations until we return. I don't have that many up but it will still mean tearing apart the storage closet and too much needs to be done first!



Carolyn, if you come out and are here over a weekend, we will definitely have to get together. Ask your sister how far she is from Gurnee Mills. They have an ice skating rink open year round. It is where we went with Llindac's girls when we got together. I am probably an hour from Buffalo Grove so we will make it work. Might have to grab Miriam to since we keep trying to get together.


Ok, now have to deal with the paperwork I brought home. This vacation can't come soon enough!

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Baby..So good to "see" you.

Yes to bad we're on the same ship

but not the same date.


Your doing good only have to lose 3 lbs. Good Job!

Wish you would join us..miss talking to you.

See you will be happy to get away from your weather!



Only have tons of rain here..no snow..glad for that..

I hate WINTER! LA does have less rain then we do..

usually, so you should be fine.


Come back and visit us soon. Be sure to give me a review of

the cruise too. PLEASE!


Donna..At least I'm not the only one whos decoration are still up,

Thank You but you have and excuse..I don't! This weekend for

sure I'll get them down and put away..then that means I have to clean the house after. Do you think that's why I've been putting it off? LOL


Your cruise is a week away..and how many minutes?


Carolyn..Hope everything's going well with the family.


Everyone have a Great Thursday!

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Good morning all! I have been wavering between the 2 pounds. Now...if I can continue to drop some more from here, instead of returning upwards again, I'll be one happy camper!


Of course, I will "tell all". I was reading the latest reports. I have heard those Christmas/kids complaints many times. One whole family in each cabin....too many people....therefore...problems.


As for the CD...I never get to talk to them very much, so they don't affect my vacation!


As for the soaking wet luggage....I would scream! That is intollerable.


Donna...bon voyage! Have a wonderful time!


Carolyn...hope you enjoyed the holidays. You have lots of travel options and I am sure whatever you choose, you will have a good time.


Good luck with your Mom.

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Good to "see" you again..Two Days in a Row!


Congrats on losing! Good Start for the New Year!


I know each cruise is different. We've never had

a bad cruise just some better then others.


As you say NO REASON for the luggage! They

knew it was raining. THey would be hearing

from me..loud and clear!


Will be waiting for your review. Bon Voyage!


Hope to see you in here often. Take care.

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Morning all,


Baby, Looks like your up next after we get back! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time! Anything booked after that?


Belle, The cleaning part made my decision to wait till we got back! Can't do one without the other. This weekends jobs are the pits (besides work (work) which is much deeper than the pits at the moment! Not surprisingly, the Galaxy lbs. are still in place so what was tight when we got off her is still tight. Fortunately, I have everything I need somewhere in this house and now need to dig it out. I only kept two sizes and now it appears I will be wearing the top one so big time back on track when we return! Not a lot of lbs. but all around the middle which is not a good thing and has got to go! Unfortunately, work (work) schedule is just as bad when we get back and these take out dinners carry a major toll!


Carolyn, weekend plans? How is the gym going?


Ok, work beckons yet again! Sometimes I wonder why I even bother to leave!


Have a great day!

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I can't believe that the 1 and 1/2 pound that came off yesterday is right back on!...and I don't think I was BAD. Today I am going to journal...but can I do it all day? I shall try. I really want to lose 3 pounds and now all I have is 3 weeks to do it.


Donna, we have another cruise booked. Don't laugh...it's in Feb/2007!!! The Galaxy, 11 nights out of Puerto Rico. We hope to spend some time in Puerto Rico,precruise.


In May, we are planning to go to Greece for 3 weeks. This is the longest trip ever (for us). It is to celebrate DH's 65th birthday (which will be in April). We will divide our time between Athens, Mykonos, Naxos and Santorini. We didn't choose a cruise because we want to spend more time in each place.


Have a great day!

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to "pop in" and say hi!


Donna ~ Bon Voyage and have a great time!!!


Baby ~ HI!!! It sure is good to see you!


Carolyn ~ How are you doing?


Belle ~ You're forever the cheerleader! :D


I'm hanging in there. I've really missed all of you and have noticed that you only post on this thread (except for Belle) so I thought I'd join you. Is that ok?

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to "pop in" and say hi!


Donna ~ Bon Voyage and have a great time!!!


Baby ~ HI!!! It sure is good to see you!


Carolyn ~ How are you doing?


Belle ~ You're forever the cheerleader! :D


I'm hanging in there. I've really missed all of you and have noticed that you only post on this thread (except for Belle) so I thought I'd join you. Is that ok?


I keep meaning to get out to other threads but don't seem to find time. Work is seriously interfering with more important stuff! Glad youand Baby are joining us!

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So glad Shelia and Baby are joining us! WELCOME!


Donna..Sorry it's so "crummy" at work but that will make your

cruise so much better..not working! It's almost time to


I know cleaning the house is the pits! This way do it when you

get home..will be exercise for you to lose your cruise weight! LOL


Shelia..You know your always welcome. Love ya!

Your a great cheerleader too. You always respond to peoples posts.

Your so nice.


Baby..How come you always do the things I want to?

Your going to Greece..I want to go there so bad! Know

you will have a great time.

Sorry about the gain..sure it's just water. Women's weight

fluctuates so much for no reason.

If you want..I started a post where we're posting what we're

eating each day to keep us accountable..to help us see what we're

eating..hoping it will help us lose. Join us.


Carolyn..How are things going? To much driving kids back and forth

to school and other actitives? Think Mike is on a trip. More for

you to do? Come in soon, we miss you.


Everyone have a good day!

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Thanks for letting me join you. I really need all of the help I can get right now! LOL


Belle ~ You're such a sweety!


Donna ~ I totally understand about not having time to post in other threads. Fortunately, my job allows me to have free time from time-to-time during the day. I'm sorry you've been so stressed at work lately. I hope your cruise will bring you some peace.


Baby ~ My "legal" name is spelled Sheila, but my parents always spelled it Shelia. Spelling it "Shelia" confuses a lot of people so that is why I put "Sheila." Make sense? LOL BTW, there was a cruise featured on "Samantha Brown's European Travel" on the Travel Channel not long ago. It was RCL's Brilliance of the Seas and it went to France, Italy, Croatia, and Greece. I sure would like to do that itinerary one day. I used to work with a girl from Greece and she was so warm and funny. You'll have so much fun!

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Barring that, two cruises b2b with the nutty group we collected should do quite well! Then I can come back and kill him! Sounds like a plan! Actually, I will stop by work on the way back (yes, on Saturday) so I can get a jump on the next week. It will be absolutely insane until after tax time and I am likely to kill someone so will continue to look for a new home away from home!


Sheila, I normally get a chance to check the internet during the day but usually get interupted as soon as I start to type a response. I can't count the number of times I've had to abort and never made it back again!


Belle, I will need the ap's when we get back. I really need them now since I seem to be locked to my desk for too many hours of the day. I really am not used to sitting all day long and this is the pits!


Baby, Where is your water? Greece sounds wonderful! We are looking at a cruise there in May '07 with friends from Horizon. It will be their 35th anniversary and we met them on our 35th anniversary so hoping it works out.


OK, made it all the way through without anyone bugging me. Boss told them all to leave me alone unless it was absolutely dire circumstances so that does help a little. On the other hand, it would get me away from this chair!


Everyone have a great afternoon!

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First, I am going to get some water! O.K...got it...and was I thirsty!!!Thanks for the reminder!


This afternoon, I went to Walmart. I pushed the wagon up and down every isle and bought nothing...but I figure...exercise!!! Then I went to a store like TJMax...and did the same thing...more exercise!!! Meanwhile I got very hungry!! Ate a bran muffin with a few choc chips sprinkled on the top. I was told it was low fat and only 100 calories....impossible! But, maybe, 150...not so terrible. It filled me up and now I can comfortably wait for dinner.


Sheila, the Med cruise has lovely ports...but the time in each port is so short. That is why I prefer land....but maybe one day...


Donna...did I read correctly...Jan.12/06 you will be on the Century and on the 14th another ship? Anyway, you will be travelling so soon...you must be excited.


It sounds like you work for an accountant. Have they started with tax season already?


Have to prepare dinner. Bon appetit, everyone!

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Baby, Do not read until you have water in hand! I work for a small manufacturing firm and am the liason with the accountants. Unofficial controller along with everything else. AP person left abruptly right before Christmas (5 days notice). She also did all my preliminary calculations and entries so I now have all of that back plus AP which was way behind! The financial accountants wanted to come in on 2/1 and 2/2 but I have pushed them off to 2/13 and 2/14. I can manage that with a lot of extra hours (I also do all inventory valuation) as long as I don't have any systems go down (add MIS hat). I have been looking for the perfect job since my boss is making me nuts but now I'm thinking that it is time to look for a workable job!


And you are right! 2 cruises! Actual fault of the airlines and hotels. The flight cost and room night were so high to fly down on Friday for the Saturday cruise that Joe found a 2 night Century cruise that will save us money. Of course, that was using the on board booking credit along with the stockholders credit but we get an extra night with all meals included. Just couldn't pass it up since it was a great deal and we become select with it. Of course, will do the onboard booking again while we are on her and then relax in our floating hotel!


Sheila, Been a really long time. Aren't you down pretty close to wear Katrina hit? Hope you were safe! Everything ok there now?


Belle, skip the decs and go shopping! Work is down and I am waiting for someone to shop up to start it so I am staging for the trip until then.


Carolyn, big weekend plans? Mike home or out of town? How is the gym going? Looks like he is (yet again) taking his tux! I have changed my tops 4 times now and I am back to where I started. I will kill him if he changes again.


Ok, better finish checking email and then get the guest room ready for the ensuing disaster as I stage and pack!


Have a great Saturday!

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Hope you all have a great Sunday.


Have fun..eat right..drink your water..maybe exercise!


The FIVE of US are going to get healthy this year...

(Translation) Lose Weight! Right?

No matter if just a few lbs or a lot..we're going to feel

better about ourselves. Right?

We have cruises to go on..new ones to plan!


Take care..

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Hope you all have a great Sunday.


Have fun..eat right..drink your water..maybe exercise!


The FIVE of US are going to get healthy this year...

(Translation) Lose Weight! Right?

No matter if just a few lbs or a lot..we're going to feel

better about ourselves. Right?

We have cruises to go on..new ones to plan!


Take care..


Belle, I'll bet on that! I have decided that I will not book anything else until I lose 15 lbs. That should add some motivation since I hate not having anything to look forward to. We are seriously looking at the Greek isles for May of '07 with friends that we made on Horizon. Already have Century, 3/5/07 booked which they will be going on (actually used the booking but will book on board again so it doesn't count). Have plenty of time to decide. Cindy and I keep going back and forth between X and Princess since we both have open booking that we can use!


Carolyn, Where are you and what is going on?


Sheila, How is the weekend going? Are you looking at or starting to plan your next vacation yet?


Baby, Where is that water? Have you got the packing figured out for your upcoming cruise?


Remote was down then up then down again so hair, nails and my packing prep is done. Joe is already bringing too much when he tried on shorts and kept saying take these so we'll see if our luggage is any lighter than it was with a 19 day vacation! Dawned on me yesterday that on January 15th, we will have cruised 25 out of 365 days. Don't think I will break that record any time soon but it was really fun setting it!


Everyone have a great Sunday!

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Woe is me....this morning I am UP the horrible pound. don't know what is wrong with me...and why I can't seem to get a handle on the situation. Our cruise is 3 weeks from today...and I am going UP instead of DOWN!


Thanks, Donna,..I do have a glass of water in front of me!


As for packing...haven't done a thing. Want to organize a little today.


Hope I have a better report tomorrow.


I'll think thin and think healthy!!

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