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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hey Ladies... sorry I've been AWOL

but sh*t happens here in CT... Donna knows and I'll fill the rest of you in...

BTW... Welcome back Baby and Sheila... please join us... I sure miss "seeing" you both here.

Everything went well on our cruise, things were a bit chaotic this past Thursday, getting Mike ready for leaving our house Friday night and out of JFK to London/Zurich the next day. I was spending the evening trying to figure out where he was going to spend Sat. night in London (in town spending $$ or at Heathrow..) and was feeling a bit b*tchy that he was going away again and I was left with the running around "again". SO got to sleep late. The next day Mike was doing the 7AM Hopkins "run" since the usual's rides wife was going for outpatient surgery and I told them "NO Problem we'll help out and handle it all" (gotta volunteer to carry our weight since they drive most of the time... the father's on faculty). Well I get up at 6:10AM and yell out for the guys to get up, have the clock set for 6:15AM (or so I thought). Get up again at 6:40AM and realize NOBODY's up... I start yelling, telling Mike that he's not being responsibly since this is the ONE TIME we CAN'T be ready to drive... I start hurrying down the stairs to hustle up some cereal for everyone.. I gotta get Libby fed for school too... we've got a steep staircase and the hallway was dark... missed the last 2 stairs and slipped... flew down, banging my head, knee, cutting my hand and twisted by foot... tried to stand up and couldn't ... the foot was total jello. Looked at it, it was even worse. Total chaos broke out. To cut to the chase... I broke my foot, had a horrible "dent" in my head, knee got bruised really badly (and all this on top of my usual "herniated disc" problem). In ER was only seen by PA who put me in soft temporary cast, given a tetnus shot (which gave me terrible flue-like symptoms) and sent home to be seen by an orthopedist in a couple of days. Tried calling ours immediately and the earliest appointment was Weds. at 9AM. So now Mike's trip is cancelled and I'm flat on back trying to juggle the crutches with bruised hand and bad back... it doesn't work... been doing more "scooting on backside on hardwood floor" and crawling on carpeting. Don't know how we're going to get Libby back from school in the afternoon since she gets out at 2:30PM and it's a long drive from Mike's office to school. Also she's not on the busline, tried to contact board of ed to make special arrangements but told it was too late for Monday and they needed request in writing. So now I'm waiting.

Hope to post tomorrow... going to crawl over to bathroom now and try to do a "dump shampoo" since my hair has gotten so greasy.


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Carolyn..I'm So Sorry! What a terrible thing to

happen. Hope you feel a little better today, not

hurting to much over your whole body. Surprise you

can't see the Doctor till Wed. but they must be thinking

let the swelling go down first. If it's really hurting

make a scene and make them see you NOW!

Also Carolyn there must of been and easier way

to keep Mike home. LOL

Keep us posted on how your feeling.


Baby..I know those stupid lbs keep going up and down..

don't they now we don't want them!

Saw you talking about the T-pool, even thro she like

the C-class ship better, I're read more people like the

M-class T-pool better, it's larger and plus it's free.

Some say bring and old suit because it can fade it.

(that's on all ships)

You have three weeks to wait, me thirteen weeks!


Donna..You Too? Baby then..you? Greece? I want to go!

Some day..I hope!

Well your next cruise is getting here..FOUR DAYS to go!

Sounds like you and Joe are getting ready. Make him

carry the heaviest one.


Shelia/Sheila..You and I will make it to Greece one day..won't we?

How are things going at work? You were really busy there for awhile.

Hope your feeling alright and had a good weekend.



Everyone have a great week...Lets all have a loss on


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Carolyn, Yes, I knew but didn't know how bad it was! Is Libby going to school today? Any ideas what they are going to do on Wednesday? I'm sure Mike is taking good care of you but wish they had gotten you mobile already since I know how hateful it is to have to depend on others for everything when your used to doing it yourself! Is the pain medication helping?


Belle, Actually, Joe actually acted as if it was the first time I mentioned the Greek Isles this weekend and is interested but way to early to tell. We had a great time with Cindy and Jerry on Horizon and I know we would enjoy cruising with them again. Hasn't worked since then since they always go for her B'day in March and we generally go earlier with the exception of our 35th anniversary which was when we met them. Decorations down? Are you getting excited about March?


Baby, I think we both have a problem with overestimating how much water we are actually drinking. When we get back, it will be the old trick of filling my water bottles and keeping them on the counter so I can keep track when I am home. Actually, haven't been that good at work for the last couple of weeks and have been bringing water home which is unusual. Sending skinny vibes so that lb. + is gone by this morning.


Sheila, How are you doing? Any upcoming plans to keep motivation at a high level?


Well, my preliminary work on the P&L is done and now it is off to work to do the spreadsheets. It was a disastrous month and the boss will have an absolute fit when he sees them but I am only the messenger. Won't actually get to try to find problems and fix them until we return and I refuse to worry about it while we are gone. Sent out quite a few resumes' this weekend since I think I really have to kick this job hunt into gear. No longer to my advantage to be overly picky especially since Joe is finally in agreement about my changing.


Everyone have a great Day!

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Finally got to computer last night. Mike and I did a "search" to see what ortho practices were nearby by and then to see which ones had a foot specialist who was also a surgeon. It seems like the MD I have an appointment with is one of the few around who "just" specializes on feet. I feel better about that than having someone who does hand, foot and back, esp. since it's there's a chance I "may" (g-forbid) will need surgery.

As for Mike, perhaps this is a "good thing" that he's "stuck" in CT this week. Seems like there was a "major" reorganization at his company's Carlsbad location (his division's headquarters) on Friday where 4 top people were fired... 3 Sr. VP and 1 VP. There's a new head of the division (about 2ish months in now) and luckily Mike has had 2 opportunities to meet (and impress) him out of the office (since when anyone comes to Wallingford Mike's not included in meetings unless it's totally necessary... not good for Mike politically... sometimes they really should include him and realize when the meeting's on or afterwards) so Mike has a good a chance of staying on as the best of them. Also person in Palo Alto keeps "talking up" Mike since Mike's supervisor here in CT is very low key and doesn't say (or know) too much to give any indication on way or other. So it's a wait and see situation.

I'm trying to take care of myself on own as best I can and not have Mike stay away from office any more than utterly necessary.

Everyone, please have fingers crossed that I can get transportation for Libby, that will be a HUGE help with Mike since it's the very beginning of the year and I don't want him eating away on his vacation time now.


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Hi everyone! I was pretty good this past weekend. No cheats and I exercised!


Carolyn ~ OMG! I'm sooo sorry you fell and broke your ankle, bruises, etc. Here's a BIG {{{HUG}}} for you. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you won't have to have surgery and you get transport for Libby. Oh my!!


Donna ~ Have you started thinking about packing yet? I have to tell you...you are a brave woman to taken accounting. It is one of my weaknesses. I'm awful at even balancing a checkbook. :o We have a trip planned for Scotland and England in May. We're staying with friends we met on a cruise in Scotland for 5 nights and then onto London for 5 nights. We are really excited. I'm trying to lose 18.5 more lbs before the trip. I'd like to surprise my friends. We haven't seen then since June. After the trip, I plan on seeing a plastic surgeon and try for a tummy tuck. Only if I lose 18.5 lbs. THAT is my motivation!! :D I've been carrying around this extra skin ever since I delivered an 11 lb baby. Good luck getting all of your work completed..you brave girl!


Belle ~ Yes, I plan on traveling to Greece one day...and Italy...and France...and New Zealand....and Ireland....the list goes on and on. LOL I'm still having sinus issues (for two weeks now) so I'm going to the doctor today. I'm sure I'll feel much better after I get some meds. Our weather is crazy and I'm sure it is the culprit. It is 75 degrees one day and 43 degrees the next. :eek:


Baby ~ I'm so proud of you for drinking your water! Keep drinking it and I'm sure that one nasty pound will disappear.


It sure is nice catching up with all of you! :D

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Will you be traveling with your son on your trip to the UK this summer? If it's just you and DH then I'd suggest that when you have your definite dates check out Biddingfortravel and priceline since folks have been getting very good rates in London at 4* hotels (under $100 per night). We've done this before for Mike when he's traveled there and have saved lots of $$. "IF" you don't want to take the priceline "route" for London Mike's found a hotel which is actually hotel & apartments which tend to be very reasonably priced. When he was supposed to go this Saturday he was going to stay there... this might be an option for you too since booking directly will give you the flexibility of cancellation a day in advance without losing $$.

BTW I broke a major bone in foot, think I might have been "better off" if it was the ankle. I just got a call from transportation and the request for Libby was approved "but" they'll pick her up at end of driveway... that doesn't help so I'm waiting to hear if they'll fix it.


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Carolyn ~ It is worse breaking a major bone in the foot! I'm so sorry! I broke a small bone in my foot in high school and it still bothers me 22 years later! You poor, poor dear.


DS is going with us to the UK. We've already booked our hotel at the Holiday Inn Mayfair. The rate is around $200/night. It was hard finding a room for 3 with A/C. We started to go the B&B route, but none of them had A/C and the rooms looked so small for 3 people. Our DS is big (6'2", 220 lbs) so he takes up a lot of room.


Donna ~ We live about 3 hours North of where Katrina hit. We only got tropical storm force winds from her...no big deal. We do have family that were displaced for a while. They are back home now and their houses have been repaired.

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You make my 9lb baby look like a premie lol (though I gained around 50lbs with Alex). I've always been tempted with getting a tuck once I lost all the weight, then I did lose up the the last "pesky" 10lb and still have the wrinkled, flap of loose skin (when I'm not bloated). But about while back a I had a "one sided face lift" (had tumor on side of neck and surgeon did face lift scar to remove it so incision was virtually invisible) well side of face is still numb to this date and I think that I'll past on any surgery that isn't "absolute necessity"... though it would be nice to have a flat tummy.


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I am looking out the window at the snow covered trees. It looks like a Christmas card. From the inside it is wonderful...however...driving outside isn't so great. After going to the dentist this morning, I decided to stay home and forget about the elements!!!


Carolyn....Poor you. I hope the doctor fixes you up fast!


Shelia...when did you have the 11 pound baby?


Donna and Belle...did I get your travel instincts activated?????


I love to travel. It's my passion. I hope we can continue to do so until a ripe old age!


Last night I discovered that Celebrity "upgraded" us from an inside to an outside...BUT... the outside was the third to last cabin from the front and on the bottom deck. After spending (wasting) so much time deliberating, I finally opted to get my old cabin back....now we are happy!! The Pacific hasn't been so pacific lately!


Take care all

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Hi all, Time for everyone to refill their water!


Carolyn, did they straighten the transportation out yet. Glad that Mike will have a chance to show what he is worth since he isn't gone! Just wish you didnt have to be laid flat for it to happen!


Sheila, I have all my clothes ready to put in the cases but Joe has 5 pairs of shorts and underwear (which I grabbed without his knowledge). I have to be all packed by the time I go to bed tomorrow night since I will get home from work, change and we will leave to run some errands and head to the hotel! Actually, seem to have just inherited accounting. Thought about it as a second major but couldn't wait to get out and one more semester would have made me nuts so stuck with MIS. However, once it is discovered that you know anything around here, it is yours forever! I'm glad you weren't hit and that your family has managed to return home. Funny how they get big so fast isn't it!


Belle, your house undecorated yet?


Baby, we are 34 and have seen about 60 minutes of sunshine in the last 17 days. I almost (please note: I did say almost) wish we had snow! I need FLL! Glad you got your cabin back. We did the highly unusual and booked insides guarantees on both cruises. On Sunday we will have been cruising for 25 days out of 365 so decided we needed to behave ourselves!


Ok, back to work! Report is printed so I better go figure out what is wrong with it!


Have a great afternoon!

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Carolyn..How are you feeling? Get a Dr, Appt. yet?

Getting Libby to school alright? Glad Mike is around to

help you.


Donna..I got all my decorations packed and put away.

House cleaning is next. Have till the 24th to do that.

Have company for two nights the 25th and 26th! LOL

Bon Voyage! Enjoy! Have fun for us left behind.

Say Hello to everyone for me!


Baby..I already have the travel gene just wish I had

money gene. (A rich family) LOL

60 degrees..sun here but may rain tomorrow night.


Shelia..How did the Dr.'s appt. go? Feeling better?

Think I'm joining Weight Watchers tomorrow. Tired of

maintaining all the time even when I'm very good.

I'm such a slow loser. Trying just for ten weeks and see

if that jump starts me. Starting back to gym too.

It jump started you didn't it? Seems like your losing more now.


Our Cruises..in order since October

Donna went

Carolyn went

Donna goes again

Baby goes

Belle goes


Other trips..

Belle goes to Arizona..Feb.

Shelia goes to England and Scothland..May

Baby goes to Greece..May


Am I missing any other trips?

If we could lose weight everytime we went away

and (didn't Gain) we all would be skinny! LOL

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I just lost my post! So here goes again!


Donna, you can't go on your cruise. Who will remind me to drink my water???(I just raised my glass to you!!)


Belle, don't worry about the $$gene. You do fine. Arizona is not too shabby!


Now....my news....


This morning I was down 2 1/2 pounds!!!!!! Personally, I think I have a crazy scale. However....I will accept the news and feel good about myself today...although I know that it is impossible that I will weigh the same tomorrow! Hopefully, it will be an incentive and I will be careful. However, I am going out to lunch with friends today and know that what I am going to order is decadent. So I will (hopefully) concientiously be GOOD the rest of the day. If I tend to waver, I will post here. Maybe that will help! I want to start to try on clothes, so I hope to keep it off.


Hope you are feeling better, Carolyn.


Sheila, tell me about your baby.


Have a great day, all!

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Hi girls! The doctor said I have a sinus infection so I'm on anti-biotics, Claritin, and Sudafed. I feel a little better today and hope to exercise tonight. :D


Baby ~ My "baby" is 17 years old. His name is Nicholas, but he likes to be called Nick. He's 6'2" and weighs 220 lbs! So, he's always been a BIG baby...LOL!


Carolyn ~ I understand your reluctance to have any surgery that isn't medically necessary. My abdomin has been cut on 3 times so it is already numb. I'm tired of the extra skin and my doctor told me I'd never have toned abs due to the muscles being cut on too many times. So, it is my only option. I figure if I can get through a C-section and two hysterectomies, I'm good. LOL


Donna ~ When are you leaving for your cruise? I understand what you mean about your job. I wear MANY hats here because I "know" everything..or so they think. ;)


Belle ~ I think you will like Weight Watchers. I was on South Beach for 1 1/2 years and lost and gained the same 10 lbs during that time. I plateaued more than I lost. So, my neighbor talked me into joining WW on-line. I lost 4 lbs the first week. So far, I've lost 5 lbs on it, but have cheated quite a bit with the holidays and football season. I like the fact that I can eat anything I want if I remain within my points.


Talk to you later!

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I see you were looking for a change w/SB... wonder if you were like me w/low carb (more Atkins-ish) since I'd LOVE to love the last 5 ish and when I indulge a bit then have the 10ish bounce. Doesn't matter if I exercise or not... hard to figure out... then I get bluesy and go to MD (gyn) and have blood workup, comes up a bit anemic (but not total -- which is hard to believe w/all the beef I eat lol) and then he hands me a prescrip for Wellbutrin.. I resist 'cause I don't want the "possible weight gain". If I already had abdominal scars already I'd be the first to line up for a tuck... still might consider (if I had the extra $$ for it, now that Alex's going to private school I highly doubt I'd have the disposable $$ for it)


Glad you're "undecorated". How's your father doing? Hawaii's going to be coming up sooner than you think. You'll enjoy X, which ship will you be on?

Baby, I'm not going anywhere for quite some time, though I may not be able to hobble to computer for a day or so right after surgery... will definitely remind you to drink the water and try to make "conscious" choices... (not going to say right choices 'cause sometimes there's no logic).

Donna, Bon Voyage... sounds like Joe's like Mike w/the packing... he gives me all the piles and then I sometimes have to cut back.. I get in suitcase w/2 kids and then Mike fills up one huge one for him plus suiter and then have some stuff (shoes etc.) in another pile to "go in somewhere". He's always been very good to help out so I truly wish he didn't have to cancel this trip, especially for this "HEADACHE"... things were finally falling in to place and it seems like I could relax here a bit and concentrate on trying to straighten out house.. now I can't do squat.

I don't know how I'm going to figure out where to have Alex's Bar Mitzvah since we have very little family etc. was thinking of having it a nice rest. for a luncheon right afterwards but we rarely go out anywhere and where we do go isn't "appropriate" (though Libby keeps saying "too bad there's not a Bugaboo Creek etc. to have Alex's dinner -- she doesn't realize what we're looking for, though I'd be happy w/Ribs Place.. it just wouldn't to "appreciated by Mike's family for the trip up here".

I finally got a call from the ortho's secy telling me I'm on the surgerical schedule for a week from Thursday (they have to wait for swelling to subside a bit) but they won't know until week from Wed. what time I'm scheduled for. that's horrible for Mike since he won't be able to plan for work and I'll have to find someone to watch Libby for the afternoon "just in case".

Think I better put foot up, been sitting here too long.

It's so nice to have everyone here posting again.


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Carolyn ~ I switched from SB to Weight Watchers and it agrees more with me. I lost 4 lbs the 1st week I was on it where I'd been stuck on SB with my weight for months. I like it and hopefully will be able to stick with it for life.


I hope your surgery goes well and you work out all of your Bar Mitzvah problems. I'm sure you'll figure out where to have it and everyone will have a good time. I know Alex is excited!


Belle ~ When are you going to Hawaii? You lucky girl!

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With the time differences and me being an

night owl..rather do the computer in the evening.


Carolyn..How are you doing? Glad your got a date

for your surgery. Knew the swelling would have to go

down first. Know you don't want it but you'll fell better

plus you want it to heal right.


My father is still the same..doing alright considering.

A lot of it is age plus the shots for the cancer.

The "other" stuff got cleared up. Thankgoodness.

Thank you for asking.

We're on the Summit April 9th.


Shelia..Is the medicine helping with the infection?

Feeling any better?

Yes I joined WW today..go to meetings not on online.

Need that weekly weigh-in. I've done WW before.

Once I lost, once I didn't.(didn't just go once..you know what I mean.

Had to try it again..low carb

just not working for me. Just maintaining all the time

plus I'm such a slow loser. Doing the Core program maybe

a better program for me... sign up for 10 weeks. Will see what happens.

As you see above..A two week cruise on the Summit to Hawaii!

4 days at sea..5 ports..4 days at sea. Leaves out of San Pedro.

So. Calif. We drive down, night in hotel, leave car there, shuttle back

and forth to port. After the cruise we visit my parents for a few days.


Baby..Arizona not shabby but not Greece! LOL In fact looking forward to Arizona..on the way down a few days in Palm Springs (love that place)

visit our friends in Arizona..there the ones going with us on Hawaii cruise.

then Palm Springs again, then visit my parents a few days.

Will be gone about 18 nights/19 days.

Congrats on your LOSS! I hope it stays off..bet it does. Your cruise

is getting closer! Baby have you been drinking more water?

See it helps you get a loss!


Everyone have a good Tuesday...drink your water..exercise..eat right!

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Baby, So where is your water right now? Belle, Sheila and Carolyn will keep reminding you of your water while I am away starting tomorrow morning! Fingers crossed that the scale is kind this morning even after lunch out! BTW, if we really like Opera, we will look at taking her up by you when they move her to NY.


Sheila, Hope your continuing to improve with the meds. There is nothing worse than a sinus infection. Two hysterectomies? I thought one was bad enough! WW does work and gives you more room so that you don't wind up totally bored and blowing it. I will actually go back on program when we get home since I have decided no more cruises booked until I get another 15 lbs. off.


Belle, I'm sure you'll do great this time on WW! Actually I tend to do a little of the low carb while on it since simple carbs don't work for me (as Christmas has yet again demonstrated). You'll have the house in order in no time. That does sound like a great plan with the extra days after the cruise and you should come back totally relaxed.


Carolyn, Transportation fixed? Carryons and garment bag are still open waiting for Joe to remember whatever it is he has forgotten this time. Your right, he tosses everything on the bed as eligible clothing and then I get to pare down from there.


Boy, am I glad we are leaving tonight! I have managed to pack 3 times! First time, I got distracted and forgot to pack the clothes for the 2 day in a separate case, so emptied everything out and re-arranged it. Joe still tossing at me as I am packing. Fully packed and weighed the big case. 54 lbs.! Yikes! Ended up taking the stuff out of the small case (for the two day) and moving it to the rolling duffle bag along with enough from the big case to bring it safely under the limit. Keep in mind that we only had 1 more case when we went to Rome (for a 19 day trip), although all of them were a lot more stuffed than they are now. Actually have to stop at the cleaners tonight and pick up more clothes for the garment bag so definitely not travelling light!


Ok, better get moving!


Have a great Day!

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Hi girls! I got up at 4:15 AM and exercised for 30 minutes on my NordicTrack. I'll do it again tonight. Am I crazy or what? LOL


My meds are making me feel better. I still have some sinus pressure and a little headache, but I can live with that. Thanks for asking.


Belle/Donna ~ Since I was on South Beach for so long, I still limit my "whites" and concentrate on whole grains. They sure do feel you up much faster/longer and are just better for you. I know I'm preaching to the choir! ;)


Donna ~ Glad you got things packed and are ready to go tonight. I'm so jealous! Remind me what cruise you're taking. Have a great time. I promise to remind Baby about her water intake.


Baby ~ How are you doing?


Carolyn ~ You go to the doctor today, right? I hope you're doing ok.


Belle ~ Your Hawaii trip sounds heavenly.


Talk to you all later. :)

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Sheila, We board Century for two days tomorrow then we do the terminal shuffle and board MSC Opera for seven days. Back on the straight and narrow when we return. Way too many simple carbs with the last cruise followed by the holidays!


Baby, Where is your water?


Back to work!

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Hey everyone...

I went to MD on Monday (got it earlier than today) and am somewhat "scheduled" for surgery for week from Thursday.... that's a LONG wait.

Today I was trying to check out w/ins. co to find out what's what.

Hopefully it's not "too late" Donna BonVoyage. Enjoy Century to fullest... I LOVE LOVE LOVE that ship (our fave of X fleet). I wouldn't worry too much about gaining much on MSC... but you MUST try the risottos, most were very good (though I'm not expert) but I found something interested ... after a few days the sauce on risotto started to taste the same so then we'd order a pasta and risotto course between the 3 of us and then share... worked out better all around, were able to enjoy each course and "when" there was something that was "absolutely wonderful" we ordered another portion, thus not feeling obligated or tempted to finish it if it wasn't and getting to try things.

Did this w/desserts since we found cheesecakes to be VERY good, Alex LOVED the creme brulee (and he's not a sweets fan) and sometimes the icecreams were more like gelato it was interesting.

Baby.. drink that water.

Sheila, I'm sure you're watching your "whites"

Belle, keep to your WOE, I'm sure you watching things since weigh in is tomorrow.

Think that covers everyone, and I said I wasn't going to post long.


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I"m sorry I missed Donna..even in my last post..

thought I did talk to her..guess thought in my mind (what mind?)

That I did write but didn't! LOL


Carolyn..Glad you saw the Dr. and have surgery planned.

Sure you'll feel better and get around better after thst.

Are you trying to make us HUNGRY?


Shelia..Yes you are crazy..4:15am for exercise!

I'm still going to watch my carbs on WW, get my

carbs from Veggies, good crabs..no white flour or

sugar..that's the hard one!

One thing that is funny, start WW yesterday..so go out to dinner..

today had Bunco (ate nothing..no sweets) then out to

lunch. Tommorrow is show night..dinner out.

So three meals out in a row after starting! LOL LOL LOL@ME

I'm doing alright thro..went to gym yesterday, won't be going

till Friday now, (maybe tomorrow night.)


Baby..Do you have your water in your hand? Miss you not

coming in today. Are you doing alright..not to much snow.

Remember you come in..no matter what the scale says.

We're friends here. Not that is why you didn't come in..

but you did that before..I don't want you to leave again.

I'll miss you.


Tomorrow is weigh-in day..Hope I have a loss..Hope we all have loss's

if not there's next week..right?

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Carolyn ~ Glad your surgery is scheduled and I'm sure it seems like forever for you. Hopefully the week will fly by. Are you in a lot of pain? Take care of yourself.


Belle ~ I couldn't drag myself out of the bed this morning. I was so exhausted from getting up so early yesterday. I plan on just adding to my workout tonight to make up for it. You can find stuff to eat out on with WW easy. Opt for the grilled chicken or a salad. I have Bunco next Thursday night. I always cheat that night. :o Good luck!!


Baby ~ Do you have a water in hand???? :D

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Baby-- Drink that WATER (ok, Donna would be proud of me)

Belle-- sorry to make you hungry... thought I'd be losing weight since I have to depend on Mike to leave me food etc. in AM (9 if not earlier) for day until Alex comes home. Libby won't be of any help since right now she seems to be scared of her shadow... and I'm not going to push it. I did try to "get on scale" using crutches.. (ok I'm crazy) and it's a stay the samer.... not happy with that.

Sheila-- 4:15AM... do you have insomnia and get up then and think ... might as well make the time productive? Well, what ever you do to help yourself... good for YOU!!! (and we should all pat ourselves on back when we do positive stuff FOR ourselves... can't wait till I can be "self-sufficient" again... don't like being dependant).

As for me, I don't think I'm going to be able to survive for 7 more days for surgery. The foot is somewhat painful and the painkiller is doing NOTHING. I'm told I have to get off Motrin soon since it will affect clotting. I wish I had a cast since the darn boot is clutsy and hard to balance crutches with. I can't seem to elevate the foot enough and when I do it agrevates my back. Also using the boot seems to be throwing off back so at 3AM this AM took the boot off and I'm without it right now... will put it back on when I "sign off". I'm starting to lose energy... using the crutches just from the bedroom to office is a chore. Don't know how I'm going to handle going to MD tomorrow for EKG/blood workup. Luckily I have a handicap permit from my mother than I can use in the car but it's from NY... will be applying for one as soon as I get it in mail. Wondering what the MD will tell me regarding exactly what's going to be done w/surgery... he didn't say much of anything on Monday... it seems SO long ago now. It's funny, I spoke with a "chaplain" (and nurse who's a member of our temple who calls those "in need" to see what if I need any help... the sent home some food when Alex went to hebrew school on Tuesday night.. was kind... Mike was going to eat it then... it was still frozen and I told him SAVE it till next week when we'll probably need it) and she said what probably happened to you means that you "need to get off your feet and have others do for you.." (well when I don't try to take over and make sure it's done things get messed up... now I don't have any choice but to trust... fingers crossed that I'll somewhat survive this).

Think I better get an eye out for Libby's bus and get back to bed.


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