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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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"Wish" I could join your "walking" pledge, but at this point in time, according to the doctor yesterday I've got about 8 more weeks before I can "really" walk... got cast off an now just in boot and it's horribly painful. But at least I can truly get a somewhat accurate weigh in (oh yeah, today's Thursday lol). Been on low carb for 3 days and yesterday had a bit of chocolate (it's always the 4th day that does me in) Doctor took xrays and looks like my eating extra calcium rich things have paid off (also popping the Tums up until yesterday, they're too high in carbs).

Baby, Glad you're cough is "only" due to drip (though that doesn't really make you feel any better, at least you know the cause and it probably can't get any worse). Drink lots of water, that can only help.

Hi Donna. Hope you're doing well. Know work for you is getting to be a bear. How's the car situation coming along?

Sheila, Are you feeling any "relief" from the supplements you now taking from your specialist.

Well we've got a bit of snow coming in. Alex's school was cancelled (again -- that's what happens alot w/private schools since they don't have X required dates for funding) and Libby's got early dismissal (she'll be home in about 45 mins... they get $$ from state for early dismissal the same as if it's a full day and they don't have to tag an extra day in summer). At least the snow started as forcasted (around 10AM). Hope Mike doesn't have to stay late at work. He's got an important presentation (should be going on now) that's he's key in .... with head of whole corporation... could contribute big $$ to company's bottom line "if" they go for it... wonder if any $$ would trickle down to Mike (yeah, I'm dreaming lol). Also yesterday afternoon he mentioned there might be a "need" for him to go to Zurich at end of March (Alex would be back in school) would be 3 days away. Think we could manage it.

Think it's time for some coffee.

Later all.


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Hi everyone! It's still freezing cold here...and the wind makes it worse. Where, oh where, is spring?


Weight is still the same...not too bad!


Not feeling great yet...but slept better last night than the night before...good sign? I hope so!


At least I feel like doing more than just sitting at the computer...that's a bad sign!


Belle...glad you wrote in..glad you are having a great time...glad that you are enjoying wonderful weather! And...I never knew you were such a good poet!!!

As soon as the weather improves, I intend to walk a lot. I am a walker!



Sheila, the name of the spray is:nasacort. I never heard of it.


Donna..I am drinking my water! It's glass #2. You know I have been very thirsty lately...so while I was grocery shopping, I picked up a small bottle of water and drank it as I continued to shop. Why have I never thought of doing that before? What a great idea...even if I am not so thirsty...it's one more bottle of water for that day. Mmmm must remember next time.


Happy, happy anniversary! How many years? We just celebrated our 31st on the ship. We went to the specialty restaurant.


Carolyn, hope you are improving! Take it easy.


Bye for now!

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Baby ~ I've never had Nasacort, but heard of it. Probably about the same as Flonase. Glad you are a little better and sleep. That always helps.


Donna ~ Good luck getting the taxes done. I couldn't imagine having to do that for a company. I can barely do our own taxes. I hope you can book a cruise soon. Your DH sounds like a lot of fun!


Carolyn ~ I'm so sorry your foot is hurting so much. I guess the boot is making it throb.


I'm not feeling any different from the hormones yet. The doctor said it could take up to 6 weeks for me to stabilize. I do seem to have more energy, which is very good. I actually feel like exericising now. :D


Have a great weekend! I'll try check in on Sunday.

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Hey Everyone!!!

Finally got the op. to log on.

Did a real "number" on my foot on Thursday.

Ventured downstairs to try to get some papers ready for our trip to acct. to do taxes (our and estate). I had to get to diningroom to look at estate papers (2 large accordian files filled to brim and 2 huge boxes). Walked around table to get a closer look at some things (well, actually hobbled) wearing that "darn" boot (HATE IT -- it has a bit of "play" in it unf.) and did look where I set my foot down, Libby left a basketball on floor in room (why, I'll never know since the last time I looked the basketball was in basement). Well I twisted my foot and OUCH... was in excruciating pain. Mike read me the riot act. I was almost ready to have him drive me to hospital (that was a few hours later since it was still painful and terribly swollen). Iced it all night (and that leaked in bed on pillow). Next day (yesterday) Mike wrapped foot in ace bandage and I didn't take it off until this AM. Well swelling is finally down on one side (side from surgery is still looking clubbed). Don't know how I'm going to do for next 2 weeks. I HATE that boot. OH, forgot to mention that on Thursday I was in "pitty" mode and was eating bread (poison carbs) so that didn't help my mood when I twisted foot... so I got swollen from the carbs too, increasing pain.... when will I learn!!!

Sheila, Didn't realize that you had a bad back too. Do you find that you're "ok" using the nordic track? What else do you do? (I Know w/me that I have to be very careful w/stationary bike -- actually can't use it, and classes are usually off limits -- don't want to take risk).

Donna, Belle, Baby too -- hope everyone is enjoying weekend.

Baby, hope it starts to warm up soon. Hope your meds are working and that you're doing well. Drink that water.

Gotta let Alex do his homework now, and elevate my foot.

Later all.


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Carolyn ~ You just can't get a break (no pun intended), can you? I'm so sorry you hurt your foot/ankle. Stay off of it if you can. The NordicTrack doesn't bother my back too much. I also use a stability ball and hand weights for toning. The physical therapist during my rehab taught me how to use them and they make all of the difference. It really gives you a good workout without being hard on your back and joints. I highly recommend it. :)

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I'm staying off foot as much as possible. Funny thing (well not ha ha funny), I had to call up to find out Alex's transportation arrangements for this week and spoke w/mother... who's PT... well she asked "how I was doing" told her "I HATED THE BOOT" (her response... where have I heard that before) seems like most dispise the boot and also some reinjure themselves. I'm not too thrilled with the doctor's attitude (no concern about the outcome on back and also I think just thinking about where surgery was and not total injuries). So I'm trying to make an appointment to see my "old" physiatrist... (physical medicine MD) who will monitor rehab... might as well since I've maxed out insurance and after April 19th I'll have copays to see foot doctor. I'm probably going to try to see if there's an "alternative" medicine MD too to try to explore "what's going on with me"... if I can find one that participates in plan. Might as well try to figure out what's going on and not have to worry about $$ that would probably rack up with tests if I didn't "max out".

Baby, meds working out and drinking your water. Spring isn't that far away.

Donna, Love your comments about "burgers" from "other site". I wonder if they would have been "so bad" if they didn't have to "sit around" and were able to be served fresh? I DO remember one day (might have been first full sea day) that they had baby lamb chops served at the grill at lunch time.... was quite good.

Belle, Hope you're enjoying your visits w/friends and family. HOpe your folks are well. And you're keeping an eye on your "next trip"... Hawaii... cool.

Gotta take care of Libby and get ready to "slide" downstairs to get in car to go pick up Alex... my activity for the day.


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Hi girls! DH and I decided to go on a mini-cruise in August just to cruise. LOL We've never done that before, but said, "What the hey!" It is only 3 days, but what a great 3 days, huh? ;) With that being said, I need to get swimsuit ready....or should I say, ready for me. LOL Probably not "ready" for those who have to look at me. LOL Can you tell I'm excited?! Best of all, our friends from Scotland are coming over and going with us and staying with us a week (we hope) before the cruise.


Carolyn ~ I resisted seeing an "alternative" medicine doctor for a long time. However, I got tired of the regular physicians blowing me off when I *knew* someting wasn't right. Listen to your body. You know it best. Good luck and I hope your foot feels better soon.


Donna, Baby, & Belle ~ How are y'all doing? You've been very quiet.

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Hi all,


Crazy around here. Boss is in CA and I am really trying to get caught up. Figure if he was there six months (back this Thursday) I just might pull it off. I am now playing with December, January and February. Have no idea what day it is let alone what month!


Carolyn, Take care of that foot! Since you have your deductible locked you might as well do everything at this point!


Baby, Where is your water? Are you feeling any better?


Belle, are you back yet? What date are you leaving on the cruise?


Ok, been major disaster with diet the last few days so need to get focused. That said, tonight will not be it. Joe will be out so I'm sure I will find something unhealthy to eat rather than cook. Tomorrow!


Have a great afternoon!

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I'm having a hard time resisting the carbs... yesterday was a doozy...

and last night I was really "paying" for it... back really painful as foot and leg (you'd think I'd know by now)

So far today, been good, but it's only 3:30PM and I'm trying to get paperwork together for accountant for personal filing (Mike thinks he's got everything together, but I highly doubt it... think there's some "stuff" missing) and for the estate... not sure what's exactly needed and I'm being very nervous (what else is new) about it.... since the estate lawyer was horrible with informing me what I needed/not and also since I didn't use their firm for the sale of the house (I could just imagine what "would have happened" if I did "trust" them since there were a few monkey wrenches along the way w/sale of house) they left me "in the dark" with what I needed to file for taxes. So, ladies, please keep your fingers crossed that I'm "worrying for nothing" (which Mike keeps assuring me... I really hope so 'cause if we don't "owe" for the sale of the house we'll have 1/2 year of tuition "available" for Alex... ).

Keep having positive thoughts around 6:30PM EST... thanks (I'm such a nervous nelly).


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Last weekend I managed to gain 2 of the pounds I had lost. And this morning I still own them...so I wasn't in a hurry to write. Also, thank goodness I am feeling SOMEWHAT better, so I haven't been spending so much time at the computer.


Yesterday, I had my Gynocologist appointment. Thank G-d everything is O.K. in that department. Anyway, I showed him my toe (I don't know if I mentioned that I've had a HUGE blister on the top of my big toe for almost a week). AND I complained to him about my post-nasal drip and cough. He is such a nice guy. He gave me 2 referrals and sent me to a dermatologist and ent, both in his building. Lucky me, they saw me. So I spent the afternoon doctor-hopping! Now the blister is lanced and I have to "nurse it" and for the post-nasal...nothing to do but continue the morning spray. And, guess what? He said I am very dry and I should drink lots of water!!!!!


Donna....water #1 is in hand!


Today I have a FULL day out. I am sure I will be exhausted! ut all good things.(bridge, a book review, a couple messages).


Hope we hear from Belle soon.


Donna....I think you should ask for an assistant....at least a temp to help catch up.


Shelia....a mini cruise with friends from Scotland sounds wonderful. Did you meet them on a cruise?


Carolyn...things HAVE to improve. One day at a time. Take care of yourself.


Have a great day everyone. It will be above freezing later today. The only problem is that it will bring rain! Can't have it all!

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Hi ladies! I stayed the same this week. Yes, I do deserve it! :o


Carolyn ~ How's the foot feeling today? The book getting any better? Are you staying away from your dreaded carbs?


Baby ~ I thought I was going to be up at least 2 lbs and was surprised that I wasn't. Those pesky pounds will come off soon. Just keep working at it! We met our friends from Scotland on our cruise on the Mariner in 2004. We went on another cruise with them this past May. We're also staying with them when we go to Scotland in May. They've become wonderful friends and we talk to them on the phone at least every other week. We were put with them at a table for 6 on our cruise on the Mariner. We hit if off right from the start. I love meeting people on cruises!


Glad the GYN appt went well. You sound like me with the doctor hopping. LOL! I'm glad you got your toe taken care of and know there's nothing serious with your sinuses. Take care of that toe! :)


Belle ~ Are you back yet?


Donna ~ You must really be busy!


Have a great day!

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Glad the doctor's appt. went well and you were able to "squeeze" in 2 more... it's nice to be efficient w/time and not have to wait to get appts. (Doesn't seem to work that way here... I just booked an appointment for end of April just "to have" since this doctor usually books up over a month in advance... I know I could have gotten an earlier date (he instructed his "girl" to do that last time.... if I need an appoint in future he'd "get me in sooner") but I'm going to be doing PT through foot doctor and want to have a "back up" ready... just in case (and also being the worrier that I am, by booking it now I'll hopefully won't need it).

Sheila, yeah, I know I should be steering clear of the "demon" carbs.. but just can't manage it ... and usually I'm "great" (usually) resisting until it gets to be around 10PM.. should just go to bed.. didn't work out last night and today I'm in a "just don't care" mode. Have to snap out of it today. At least Alex will be home w/me for 2 weeks and hopefully he'll keep me "accountable" (that's not nice of me to have DS 13 be my police... is it?-- though he knows how carbs effect me).

Donna, hope you're getting caught up w/work and you'll have time to relax and enjoy the weekend.

Belle, Hope all is well, and enjoying yourself w/friends and family.


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Left warm weather and came back to

COLD weather and rain! Yuk!


Had a good visit with my parents, fun time

with friends in Arizona and loved "my" Palm Springs..

of course.


Leave FOUR weeks today to drive and spend

night before our HAWAII CRUISE.


Am busy right now..will write more later.

Hope you all are fine.

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welcome back Belle!!

Will the rain ever end for you ???

For us, it's been a few days of a taste of spring... but they're forcasting snow again for sometime mid-week...

Just 4 more weeks... WOW... it'll go by SO fast...

you'll really like X.


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Baby, where is your water? Glad you are starting to feel better and that they didn't find anything to worry about!


Sheila, I'm sure you'll have a great time on your quickie cruise. We are still debating going out and spending some time at Hollyb's. Have been to Southern Ireland but have never made it to Northern or Scotland so just may have to work that into our schedule. Stay the samers are a good thing when you know you shouldn't have.


Belle, Welcome back! Wow, less than 4 weeks! Seems like everyone is going on Summit. A huge group will be going on the cruise just before yours including NILinda. I will sulk and pout for the next 2 embarkation days. I would love to do it but Joe is just not ready yet. Already spent several weeks in the islands so he counts it as done that!


Carolyn, Are you now behaving? Are you not going to do PT or are you just changing who you are doing it with? Taxes come out ok?


Wow, been awhile since I made it this far! Tuesday night was supposed to be Joe's out night but didn't quite work out that way. He went off to his meeting then called me at work to say that the Pathfinder wouldn't start at the gas station. Went and picked him up then made a stop on the way to his meeting (I was going to shop at the mall) when his car wouldn't start. Ended up calling Enterprise and having them pick us up. Had car towed and repaired (two days). Pathfinder started when we came back for it and they can't do anything unless it is dead so I get to wait for the next time it happens (this is the third time so far). Problem is that they have to get to it right away or the problem corrects itself. In the middle of all this, Bill gets back and drives me nuts and we have eaten at home one out of the last seven nights. Need to get back op big time. Way to many simple carbs had WI with up 2.


Ok, everything is cut and primed for the new bedroom media cabinet (couldn't find anything that would work) so I need to hussle and get my stuff done before Joe is ready to work on that. Somehow, I always end up involved with his projects and the day will disappear quickly.


Everyone have a great Sunday!

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How are you all?


Carolyn..How's the foot?

No.. don't think our rain will ever end,

we're having such cold weather too!


Shelia..Another cruise? Lucky you!

You have a land Europe trip this summer too?


Donna..Sorry about your car. Always seems to

be something..doesn't it? Your making your Media cabinet?


Baby..Hope your feeling better. Don't you go to

Greece in May?


We are "traveling women" here.

Sure we would do more if we had lots of money! LOL


Well now have only two days less than a month

to lose weight before

we drive to San Pedro!

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Belle, Now that is a big one! Less than a month! Yes, we are building our own media cabinet. I have spent years looking and haven't found anything that will work in the corner of our bedroom. Even worse now with the 27" LCD tv that we gave each other for our anniversary! It is moving along though I picked a tough paint finish that will require 2 coats. It is called Industrial Chic Granite and matches the darker part of our border. Off to order windows at Menards tonight then will work on the cabinet the rest of the week. Won't totally finish it since we both went in to brainlock and forgot the top had to be cut biggger to fit over the whole unit (another trip to Home Depot) but I will put a pic on webshots when we finally get done.


Sheila, Good weekend?


Carolyn, Staying off the foot and letting it heal? I'm sure Alex will take good care of you.


Baby, where is your water? Big plans this week? BTW, How are the boys doing?


Ate bad but appear to have worked it off! New vice - coffee vanilla martinis (on the X martini cd). 4 parts vanilla vodka to 1 part Kahlua. Yummy! Actually, not that bad a vice since I sip without the ice so one lasts two hours. Joe finished his half way through Soprano's but had to work on taxes so was cut off!


Better get moving. Power went out at work this weekend so will have some clean up to do.


Let's see if I can post a pic of my babies. Re-arranged the living room when I shampooed the carpet and it is back to the way they like it.


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Today! Sooner than what TA said.

Doing the DANCE!


Baby are you around? Have some questions for you.


Donna your cabinet sounds nice.

Love the "kitties"


Hope you all are having a good Monday/ week.

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Hi girls! Had a VERY busy weekend and Monday so I didn't get to post. Took DS to the university for a visit. He graduates in 2007 so we're preparing.


Donna ~ Doesn't HollyB live near Galloway? We'll actually be staying in the Dumfries area so it isn't too far from her. How's she doing? I think about her often. I really miss her vibrant personality on here. Let her know that I'm thinking about her, please. I'm sure you'd have a great time visiting her. She's such a lovely person. I've never been to Ireland, but want to go. Hopefully, one day! Your cabinet sounds great. Can't wait to see the pictures. I guess you've been busy as usual?


Belle ~ Glad you're home and had a nice time. Sorry about the rain! Hope it clears up soon. However, you've got Hawaii coming up soon! Talk about traveling! LOL Yes, we're going to Great Britain in May. Can't wait!!


Carolyn ~ How are you doing? Does Alex go to boarding school? I know you'll be glad when he's home for a visit.


Baby ~ Are you feeling better? What did the doctor say?


Bye for now!

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Thanks Shelia,,

Can't wait for Hawaii to get out of the rain.

(except Hawaii been getting rains and floods) LOL

It WILL be thru by the time we get there.

Gods of Hawaii..You Hear Me!

How did your Doc appt. go?


Donna do you think your still on Celebrity?

Drinking Martini's! Good luck with cabinet.


Baby are you hiding? No hiding here..remember?

We're friends here. Come out..got questions.


Carolyn how are you doing. Keeping off your feet.

Have your son home this week, hope he's helping you.


Hey you "gals" we need to talk more. Tell each other how

it is going.

I went to WW today..drum roll..only gained ONE pound

from vacation. Was going to use the free no weigh pass..

but decided to face the music. Was happy it was that low.

Now to get it off and more.


Have a good day!

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Hi everyone! Sure I've been hiding...my weight has been appalling. But today is better, so here I am! Still on my morning coffee, but will switch to water soon!


Belle...welcome back! Glad that you enjoyed the warm sun in Arizona. Last night I was talking to someone who is leaving for 2 weeks in Scottdale. She loves it there. Glad also to hear that your parents are doing well.


I am here for you...so fire away at those questions!


Donna... I just finished my coffee and went downstairs to fetch a glass of water!!! I don't dare post to you without it! I am like Pavlov's dog...I think your name...and get my water!!! Thanks for the push!!!


I seemed to miss the part about you going to Scotland. Please fill me in! I remember Holly B. How is she? She used to post fun things.


When I started to read "vanilla coffee", I was expecting to read "ice cream" or "frozen yogurt" next....but martini's....that sounds delicious! I love Kahlua!


Carolyn...I truly hope that you are feeling better and that all is well with your brood.


Sheila...fill me in, too. Are you cruising are land-tripping? Details, please!

We also made good friends on a cruise and we spent time with them in London. That was such fun. It's always special when natives show you their city!


I am sure I didn't respond to some things I would have liked to, but at least I did catch up a bit.


I just went down to get water #2!!!


Hope we all get better weather. I can't wait for spring. It warmed up for a few days...mostly rain (what else is new?). We even saw the grass peeking out...now back to cold and a bit more snow. Yuch!


Over on Celebrity Cruises, I posted my first poll. I feel like it's my baby, and I keep checking it out! If you want to, go over and vote!! It's anonymous and you don't have to comment if you don't want to. I hope people are voting honestly!


Have a great day, everyone! Eat carefully because....tomorrow is Thursday!!

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Hi everyone!


Belle ~ I hope the Hawaiian gods here you! LOL


Baby ~ We're taking a land-based trip in May to Great Britain (5 nights in Scotland and 5 nights in London). We're arriving at Manchester, England airport and our friends will pick us up and take us to their house. They live in a little village close to Gretna Green. They are taking us around Scotland (Edinburgh, Sterling, etc. and to Carlisle, England). We're then taking a train to London. We're staying in Mayfair. We plan on visiting all of the sights we can in London in 5 days plus go to Hampton Court and Windsor Castle. Needless to say, we'll need our little cruise! LOL Thanks or asking. I could talk about this trip for hours and hours. It is my dream trip! :D

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Sheila, your trip sounds wonderful! We did the British Isles/fjords cruise last summer. We saw a little of Ireland and even less of Scotland. But it was lovely. At the end, we spent a few days in London. Love that city. We saw 2 plays and we "walked til we dropped"!

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