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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Belle ~ Yes, I'm back at work and I don't know what I was thinking! LOL I'm hurting and exhausted from it. I could've stayed out until Monday. However, I didn't want to take advantage of my boss since he paid my salary while I was out. Sometimes I think about posting the same thing on both threads, but you'd have to read it twice and I don't know if the other girls read that thread or not. I do feel like I don't give this thread as much attention and it makes me feel guilty.


Carolyn ~ Your DS is a "piece of work", isn't she? WOW! Don't listen to her nonsense about not being a great sister. You're the best! Being a Mom is hard work!! My 18 y/o DS is giving us fits with his grades right now. He'd rather write movie scripts than do his homework. At this point, I told him he's going to the local college for the first year unless he can prove he's willing to do the work. Kids! Oh, how's your foot doing?


Donna, Baby & Linda ~ Where are you ladies??????

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And pulled the usual! Good for six days and then bad yesterday! Lunch at work on the boss then ended up running around last night and didn't eat dinner until 9:00 and then ended up with a very unhealthy choice. We were so hungry by then that we hit the first place we drove past.


Belle, WTG with the gym! It will work, just takes sticking to it! When are you leaving for your b2b's?


Carolyn, I know it is hard when Mike is out of town but I also know that Alex will help all that he can! Maybe if you planned in something, it would be easier to stay on track!


Sheila, Don't push it! I realize that you feel a bit like your taking advantage but your being healthy and productive long term is more important than a few hours right now!


Baby, where is your water? Are you doing ok? Things coming together for the holidays?


Linda, Hope things are going well down there. Really glad their predicted hurricane season turned into such a dud and I'm sure your even more glad than I am!


Definitely in overworked mode right now and don't see an end in sight! My biggest accomplishment this week has been to actually find my work surface at work. With installation of 4 computers in the last two weeks (yippee, one of them is mine) my area has turned into an absolute wreck and I couldn't take it any more so finally cleaned most of it off on Monday. Now I am down to a 6" stack of paperwork to deal with which includes lots of notes on new projects. Haven't even had time to start cruise research which I have to do really soon. Ok, better get back to it since our accountant is in today and will be providing plenty of interruptions.


Have a great day!

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Donna ~ I'm sure that one meal didn't do any damage. You deserve a cheat meal every once in a while. I know I need to take it more easy, but it is so hard. I'm a very independent person so it is hard to rely on others for assistance. I'm working on that! Yay for your new computer!!

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Just caught up on all your posts.


Belle, you are doing so well. Keep it up (and the weight down!!). Soon, soon you will be in the Med...and you will do a lot of walking I am sure. I am so jealous. Wish I were going with you!


Sheila. Don't feel guilty. Take it easy. Remember, if you overdo it and feel worse, you are not doing your boss or anyone else a favour.


As for your son...most kids around here do not go out of town to university. (This is not America!!!) Both of my sons lived at home and went to universities downtown. Believe me, they didn't suffer. Of course, our city happens to have an exciting nightlife (too exciting from a parent's point of view!)


Carolyn, you have your hands full. Alex sounds like a "mentch". Glad that he can give you a hand. As for your sister, try not to let her insensitivity get to you. I know that is easier said than done.


Donna, aren't you going on a cruise soon? (I can't keep up!). Hope everything will be better organized and more manageable at work.


Yes, I am BUSY preparing for the holidays. We will be 12 for dinner tomorrow night....not too many...but I still have to cook lots! Just took the honey cake out of the oven. Waiting for it to cool. Want to start to set the table. I am exhausted!


Carolyn...a happy and a healthy New Year to you and your family.


Everyone else, even though you don't celebrate, I wish you and yours a Happy and a Healthy!

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Except Linda, hope she is alright.


Carolyn and Baby, have a Happy Holiday.


Carolyn..You'll get back on track I know.

Sure it's hard with Mike traveling and you

do it all at those times.

Know it's tough but think you need to

just ignore your sister. She's bad news

for you. Thankgoodness she doesn't live

in the same town.


Shelia..Your to nice, you should of taken off

till Monday. Your boss was nice to pay your

salary but I bet bet you give him more than

100% when your there.

I read the other sight most days, I don't know

if the others read it at all. Don't think so.


Donna..One day off won't hurt as long as your

back to it today. Sounds like real busy at work

for you..new computer..that's nice for you.

Our b2b is Nov. 20 to Dec. 15th. (fly out the 19th)

Yours is Dec. What date? Think you leave before

I get back.


Baby..I know how you feel. Everytime one of

you are on a cruise or trip..I'm jealous..I want to go! LOL

Glad to see you in here when your busy getting

ready for your party. Know your dinner will be wonderful.

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Way to go w/gym.... keep it up.. you've got the goal of your trip coming up. (Wish I could use my trip to give me incentive... right now it's so gloomy etc. that I just get get "out of it" to motivate).


Happy New Year. Hope you made it through the dinners well and enjoyed the company of family and friends.


Don't push yourself. You can get back "up to speed" soon...


Hope you're having a Great Weekend (know you're always SO BUSY at work).

As for me, not sure if I'm really "under the weather" (yesterday was SO exhausted that I slept from early evening for several hours.) Wasn't good for the kids. Had Alex give me some soup. Well now he's "out of it" so we didn't go visit my Mom or Aunt today (had hopes to do that and finally "be with family for holiday"... just never works out). Alex really can't afford to get sick since things are starting to get kicked up a bit with multiple tests and projects. So now the scale is at an all-time high and I'm giving up... I truly wonder if the fast creep is 'cause I stopped taking Cortislim... sort of makes sense since I was told that once you stop taking it the bounce=back is fast. I was able to maintain weight for so long but I was getting tired of popping the supplement.

Gotta pull something for kidlets to eat for dinner.


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Quiet around here since I am still down with this cold. I have spent this weekend researching shoes for walking in ports and am no closer to buying them than when I started out. At this point, I am sorely tempted to just buy a new pair of LA Gear workouts and buy orthotics to give them an arch.


Unfortunately, all my great diet plans for the week need to be re-arranged since the grocery was without power for 4 hours when we got there yesterday so nothing from freezers or the cold cases. Then I stopped by work and restarted remote knowing that is would be back down again this morning when they reshifted the grid (and it is).


Belle, WTG! Your doing great with the gym and you'll be so happy with the results!


Carolyn, That is why I refuse to do any supplements. You'll have your work cut out for you but we know you can do it! Hope Alex is feeling better. The good thing is that they bounce back much faster at that age. Sorry it messed up your holiday plans!


Baby, So how did the holiday go? House back to quiet?


Linda, Everything ok in FL?


Sheila, How are you feeling now with the weekend to recuperate? Has the swelling gone down?


Better get back to watching the Green Bay/Detroit game. Cheryl and Paul are there and on the 32 yard line so might catch a glimpse of them. So far, Paul should be happy since his favorite team is winning. Hard to believe but this is his surprise 40th B'day present! I can not have a son in law that is 40 years old!


Hope everyone enjoys the balance of Sunday!

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Hello ladies! My weekend was pretty good. I did try to take it easy, but did end of grocery shopping on Saturday. It wore me out! I sat up in the bed a good bit of the day yesterday and watched TV. It felt so good! LOL


Carolyn ~ How are you and Alex feeling? I agree with Donna about the supplements. Once you stop taking them, the weight comes back in full force. Take care of yourself!


Donna ~ How's your cold today? I hope you're feeling better. Have you looked at the Sketchers line of shoes? They have some really neat shoes that are as comfortable as tennis shoes, but don't look like them. I bought two pair for our UK trip and loved them! I ordered mine off of zappos.com. Good luck! The swelling is horrible! Also, when I swell, it hurts more and my skin feels like it is sunburned. I'll be swelling for a long time to come. Not fun, but it will be worth it once it is over. Sigh.


Belle ~ Are you still going to the gym? You're being so good! I can't wait to get back to the gym. I can start back next Monday!!! Keep up the good work!!!


Baby ~ How was your Rosh Hashanah? A lot of the kids around here go to our local universities. We have three so they have a choice. DS's major is only taught at a University that is 1.5 hours away from home. He'll begin his studies locally and then transfer. We'll save a lot of money!


Linda ~ Where are you?


Well, I must confess....I ate really crappy this past weekend. We had family over for a football game on Saturday and John cooked all kinds of tasty treats and I ate them! I'm up 3 lbs!!! I'm going to concentrate on being really good the rest of the week!

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:) HI Ladies,

Goodness, I've missed so much. I haven't had a chance to go back and catch up, but I will I promise.


Shelia~so glad your surgery is behind you and you are doing so well. I know the benefits will far outweigh(no pun intend :p ) the discomfort. Once you are able to hit the gym again we will all be green with envy.


Donna~hope all is well with you. Sounds like you are busy just trying to dig out at work. After you dig out at your place want to come help me? You are right I can't tell you how glad I am that this hurricane season has not lived up to the predictions. I think Florida may become a ghost state if we have too many more years like the last one. People here are so jumpy, all the weather people have to do is mention a hurricane and gas line become over three hours long, not to mention the run on the stores. I know that people here are not nearly as jumpy as those who are in New Orleans but trust me we aren't far behind them.


Bell~I hope to go back and read all about your trip. I'm sure you had fun and I know that everyone here missed you bunches. It seems like we all miss you whenever your away.


Carolyn~hope all is well with you and Alex healthwise. Thanks for the venting about the supplements. I had considered taking them and just never got around to it. Thanks for the warning. I guess(SIGH) the old saying is true "if it sounds to good to be true, it is". I just keep hoping they'll invent a majic little pill that will take off all the weight I put on over the years, and this pill will take it off overnight. I guess that's too much to ask for.


Baby~I would really love to hear all about your holiday? My mother's side of the family is jewish and I did have some training but my Mom married outside the faith so ....


I am so sorry I haven't posted but when we returned from our two weeks at the beach it was nuts. I can identify with Donna, trying to dig out my desk from three weeks worth of papers was daunting to say the least. Everyone's comments from our vacation is how brown I am. I spent two hours a day out in the sun. Out to the pool by 9:30am and in by 1:00PM at the latest. My woe has taken a big hit. The good news is I only gained 5lbs on a three week vacation and I've gotten that off. I can't seem to get back all the way to the six week makeover and even DH is having a very hard time. I think I hear WW calling my name. Just have to get back at it.


Other news here is getting ready for a 10day trip to the Holy Lands. We will leave on Nov. 5 & return on Nov. 15/16. Never have been to the Holy Lands and am starting to get excited. If any of you have been please feel free to suggest things. We're going with a tour group and one very nice things is NO, NONE, NOT NEEDED DRESSY CLOTHES. Should make packing so much easier.


I need to close now or I'll never quit writing. Thanks for thinking of me and reminding me that I need to stay in touch. Everyone have a good night.


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First...the business at hand. I am down 1/2 from the "awful pound". Not too good, but not terrible either! I need to "get a grip"!!


The holidays were wonderful...but, oh, so much work! My son and future daughter-in-law came in from Toronto. We were only 11 Friday night, but it seems that I cook as much for 11 as for 20! The leftovers are almost gone! Sat night we went to a friend's and Sunday lunch was here, but just our immediate family. Sunday night will be Yom Kippur, but we eat early to get to shule (synagogue) by 6:20pm. Monday night we break the fast at a friend's.


Sunday afternoon, my house was much too quiet. I really felt it.


Linda, if your Mom was Jewish, I think that technically you are too. (and you don't even know it!!)


Although our traditions are different, all of our religious holidays are mostly about family, friends and food (the 3 f's!!!).


Where, in Israel, are you going? We have been there a few times, but never on an organized tour. One day we should take one because they take you to fabulous places. Jerusalem is definitely my favourite city. It is a fantastic "walking city". In Haifa, the Carmel area is lovely...especially at night. Everyone walks along the Tayalit (boardwalk) and the view is magnificent. There are so many highlights. Safed is an amazing place. Jaffo in Tel Aviv is geat for fish and fun to explore. Massada is wonderful. The Dead Sea is quite an experience.


In the old city of Jerusalem, we did a walking tour of the Christian section. There was one church which had homes on the rooftop. Ask your guide if it is not on your tour. Unbelievable.


Take care everyone and have a great day!


Carolyn...how is everyone in your family? Better, I hope. Did you enjoy Rosh Hashanah?


Belle...are you getting svelte? You will look gorgeous on the cruise(s)!


Donna...did you find comfortable shoes? I swear by SAS. Whenever we are in a city that has a store, I stock up.


Sheila...how are you feeling? It's good that your son can start locally. When they go away too young, it's party,party, party.

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Hey friends!!! Today is mine and John's 19th wedding anniversary. I'm going to cook us a nice, healthy dinner tonight while John is at the gym. :D


Linda ~ Glad you're back and had a great time at the beach! Isn't is so relaxing?!! You're going to the Holy Land?! Wow!!

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Just another crazy week with hardware problems tossed in for good measure!


Sheila, A belated Happy Anniversary! Now, I hope you are slowing down a bit and taking better care of yourself!


Belle, Are you sticking to it? I got back on the treadmill last night since the cold is quite a bit better. Decided to try a new strategy and have slowed it down but going for a full hour. Sore this morning but not too bad!


Linda, I don't even want to think about what it will look like when we get back here after Christmas. I am going straight into year end inventory and the way it falls means that I will have 48 hours of straight work while the rest of the world is out playing on New Year's weekend but I would have that even if we didn't take the trip so at least I will be well rested first. I am sure you will have a wonderful trip to the Holy Land!


Baby, Where is your water? Glad the holidays turned out well and didn't expect anything less. We leave on December 8th and we disembark in MIA on December 23rd. Latest thought is that we will spend the night of the 23rd in MIA and fly out first thing in the morning to either Detroit or Midland, MI. Fingers crossed that DD2 remembers to bring our winter coats or we will freeze to death once we get there! Joe found a really cheap flight to Midland which puts us an hour from DD1's but couldn't find a rental car. Now the flight has gone up again so he is watching. Detroit is 2 1/2 - 3 hours so still do-able, still cheap for early morning and much easier to get a one way rental car. I have put him to work on it and now I have to get my brain in gear and figure out all the Christmas presents since they will have to be shipped by the 7th!


Carolyn, Your sister will never be anything that she isn't right now so just ignore her! How are you and Alex feeling? Mike back yet?


OK, better get back to work!


Have a great day!

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Shelia~ I am so sorry I meant to wish you a Happy Anniverary as well, so make mine very belated. Hope the night was spent with DH recalling all the good things in your life and most of all those yet to come! We just celebrated our 33rd at the end of August. Can't believe its been that long, where does the time go?


Baby~thanks so much for pointing out what I already knew. As you can imagen I've had some very mixed reactions what I state that I am Jewish..not all of them have been as gracious as yours. Thanks You again:D . We will be visiting Jericho, Qumran, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Galilee, Caesarea, Jerusalem, Jerusalem & Old City and then a day with either a trip to Masada & Dead Sea or time to wander Jerusalem. Just noticed that we could do a two day extension in Jerusalem. If I can talk DH into doing that I would go to Masada & Dead Sea. I would love just a few days in Jerusalem to go back to see some of the places we were hurried through and I would love to go to the Western Wall at night. Some one told me you don't get the full impact of the wall until the hustle and bustle of the day is gone. I must admit as excited as I am to see every thing else I can't wait to see the wall. I do have a question and I am sure you can answer it Baby. When I go to the wall, what is the best way to dress? I know long pants, shoulders covered. Do I need to take a scarf with me to cover my head? I know this place will mean more to me than most of the other people on the tour and I want to give the wall & people the respect they deserve. Any thoughts would be kindly recieved. Thanks ladies for being so patient with all my questions.


This will be my last post until the weekend. DD1 is moving into a two bedroom apartment and we are off to Orlando to help her & Connor. She is having Apartment Movers move the big stuff...furniture,beds,TV's, Entertainment center, bed room furniture so that will be a big help. Unfortuneatly, she is moving from the first floor to the third floor:eek: so it will mean lots of stairs.


Donna~I don't envy you one bit. It is no fun to work while the rest of the world is playing. I will get a brief reprive from mid-October until after we return from the trip but then it will be full steam ahead until after Easter. I keep wanting to re-arrange the calendar and space things out.....lol.


I hope to get back to some kind of woe but don't seem to be having much luck. Take care of yourselves ladies. The one thing I will be doing is drinking lots of water!


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Buonna notte! (Hope that is correct!)


Just came back from dinner out. Had a Louisianne chicken salad...humungous! The dressing must be a zillion calories (I told them to go light on the dressing...it still tasted fabulous to me!) The scale will tell.


All that hard work in the kitchen...and my back went out. Instead of tennis this morning, I ended up at physio therapy. Isn't there a moral to this story????? I also went to the dentist today. He gave me a roll of paper towels to support my back. I took it home and am using it as I type. Some people are so innovative!


Donna....where, exactly is your cruise going? The flights are a real pain, aren't they? I envy those who can drive to the ship. So easy! For our Feb. vacation, in order to save money, and get "an American bargain", we are using points to fly to Newark, points to sleep at an airport hotel, then getting the American bargain airfare to San Juan. On the return, we have about 3 hours between flights in Newark, which the reservationist at Continental said would be enough. I hope she knew what she was talking about.


Xmas shopping? Around here I notice that they are putting things out already. (together with Hallowe'en stuff!!) I bought my DH a couple of boxes of Xmas cards this week...very good price at our version of TJMaxx. Couldn't resist. They were nice,too.


Linda...why would anyone react negatively when you say that you are Jewish? Fortunately, in all my years ( and there are many!), I haven't had too many bad experiences. One that comes to mind was in Morocco, of all places. At our hotel, there were "package people" from the midlands of England. I guess they came from a community that didn't have many Jewish people. Anyway, we befriended one couple who were totally non-adventurous and didn't leave the hotel grounds. Since we love to wander and explore, we offered to show them some sights and have dinner at a Moroccan restaurant with them.Up until then, they had eaten only Italian....in Morocco!!! During dinner, somehow I referred to my son's Bar Mitzvah. The husband did a double take. You may have thought that I told him that I robbed a bank!!! Then he made some stupid comment that he knew someone who was Jewish. Would you believe that in the following days he wouldn't even say hello? I felt sorry for his wife, because she was actually very nice.


The first time I visited Israel was in 1968, after the Yom Kippur war. I think, then, we went to Jericho, Belthlehem, Qumram, the Galil (Lake Kinneret). In Nov it will probably be cool. You can check out the weather average website. As for the Wailing Wall, I can't remember about head coverings. You can keep something small in your purse and just put it on if you see that you need it. You need to dress modestly in all the religious venues, but since it is Nov, you will be quite covered up! Don't forget you write a little prayer on a slip of paper and try to find a spot in the cracks between the stones. I don't remember going at night, but we did go to the Tower of David at night for the sound and light show. We toured the tower during the day and we also walked along the Ramparts, which was amazing. I hope you get to spend some time on your own because that is so special and so personal.


Sheila...how are you doing?How was the anniversary celebration?


Belle and Carolyn...are you out there?


Take care, all

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Good morning! Our anniversary was nice....very quiet. I cooked a nice Weight Watchers recipe with veggies. John went to the gym. I didn't feel like going out because I knew I'd cheat like crazy. LOL Thanks for the good wishes!!


Linda & Baby ~ I have to admit that we don't have that many Jewish people around here, but I do know a few. I would never think to treat anyone different because of their religion. I think the Jewish and Catholic faiths have beautiful traditions. Too bad some people can be so ignorant. Anyway, Linda, you should have a great time on your trip. Isn't your DH a minister?


Belle ~ Where have you been? ;)

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Just been busy.

Was gone all day, a couple of

the days.

Went to the gym a few times. Shopping..

Show..dinners ect.


Last few days cleaning house, having company this Friday

and weekend. As I said on the weigh-in post, I would be

thin if didn't have to clean house. I hate it, so I take to

many breaks and have a snack!

So I could be thin with a very dirty house? LOL


Seems like your all busy doing your "things"

in your life. Work..family..whatever!

That's what keeps us going.



The one's who aren't healthy at

this time..get well soon! Winter is coming!

Don't forget your Flu Shot!


You all take care..Have a good weekend!

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Hi everyone! My weight seems to remain constant. I have not been dieting, but I am trying to be a little careful (I'd hate to think what I would weigh if I weren't careful!)


My back is still very sore. I went for physio twice this week and will do the same next week. I hope it improves soon. I feel very limited.


Thanks for the reminder for the flu shot. Last year I missed it. This year I will do it for sure.


Take care.

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Baby, where is your water? I know what you mean, just to stay the same, I have to watch it! Problem is that I don't want to stay the same! What happened to your back? Hope it is feeling better soon!


Belle, have fun this weekend! All the work beforehand is a pain but then you can relax and have fun!


Sheila, now don't overdo at the gym when you start back! How did this week at work go? Glad you had a nice anniversary and managed to resist temptation!


Carolyn, How are things going? Final decisions on December and August yet? Mike home?


Linda, Sounds like you have a great trip coming up! Hope you talk him into the extra days!


Been working on spending the 23rd in MIA/FLL and flying straight to Cheryl's but need to take a step back and look at the numbers. It might make more sense to take the more expensive flight on the 23rd since each little piece of the extra day is adding up fast. Will wait till Tuesday and throw it all in a spreadsheet since weekend rates are notorious for being cranked up. Sticking to the treadmill but being bad enough to not have much impact. Should measure so I can at least see if it is making a difference that way. Hope to get round to that tomorrow. No getting out of this now since yesterday was final payment so better get to it or the red capri's will be on the hanger at home when we leave!


Hope everyone has great weekend plans! Now it is back to month end for me while remote desktop is playing nice!

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Hi Donna! I broke a fall a week or two ago. Maybe that's what did it. Standing and cooking in the kitchen didn't help. Neither did reaching high up to get and put away dishes I use once a year. Anyway, I am in pain. After this, I will do my first set of exercises. Have to strenghen those muscles.


If you want my opinion (and even if you don't!). Take the most CONVENIENT flight. It's holiday time, you want to be with your family. Eliminate any stress. Do yourself a favour. You deserve it. End of sermon!


My water is right here! Thanks to you, when I think computer, I think water!

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